November 2012 Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project Why are you receiving this project information package? New transmission facilities are needed in the Cold Lake area. ATCO Electric has been directed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to prepare a facility proposal for the new development. As part of the facility application process, ATCO Electric is assessing site and route options for these facilities. We have prepared this summary for landowners, occupants, agencies and interested parties located near the proposed power transmission facilities. This package provides you with important project information and outlines our public consultation process. We invite any comments, questions or concerns you may have. Please refer to page six for our contact information and details. Project Overview Included in this package: • • • • • Project information brochure Reply form and postage paid envelope Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) Need Overview document Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) brochure Public Involvement in Needs or Facilities Applications Maps and drawings Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project The Bourque to Medley River transmission project is needed to meet the increased demand for electricity in the area. The new facilities will connect the Osum Oil Sands Taiga (SAGD) facility to the electrical grid. If approved, the Bourque to Medley River transmission project will involve building a new substation and adding equipment to the new Bourque substation proposed as part of an adjacent project (Cold Lake transmission reinforcement project). Around 40 kilometres (km) of new transmission line will be built to connect the new substation with the proposed Bourque substation. 1 Project Need and Details 144 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line When upgrades to Alberta’s electrical system are needed, they are identified by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). The AESO has received an application for a new substation to provide electrical service to the Osum Oil Sands Taiga (SAGD) facility. If approved, approximately 40 kilometers (km) of new 144 kilovolt (kV) single-circuit transmission line will be constructed. The new transmission line (to be called 7L111) will connect the new Medley substation to the proposed Bourque substation. The AESO is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the provincial transmission grid. For more information about why this project is needed, please refer to the AESO’s Need Overview included with this package, or visit If you have any questions or concerns about the need for this project you may contact the AESO directly or you can make your concerns known to an ATCO Electric representative who will communicate them to the AESO on your behalf. The newly constructed single-circuit transmission line will consist of three conductors plus one overhead shield wire strung on wood pole structures. The typical structure will be a single-pole “Davit-Arm” design about 17 metres (m) to 26 m tall with guy wires (please refer to the structure diagram on page 5). The maximum width of these structures will be 12 m. The typical distance between poles will range from 90 m to 150 m. Non-typical structures with taller or additional poles and/ or anchors may be required where the line ends or bends, at corners, and to maneuver around and over obstacles. In all cases, minimum clearance will meet or exceed the requirements of provincial safety regulations. Bourque Substation If approved, this project will include the addition of new equipment at the Bourque substation (to be called 970S). The Bourque substation was proposed as part of the Cold Lake transmission reinforcement project and will be located on the northeast quarter of Section 16-65-04 W4M in the Municipal District of Bonnyville. Medley Substation If approved, the new Medley substation will be located approximately 15 km north of Cold Lake. The new substation (to be called 2003S) will be located on the southwest quarter of Section 6-66-1 W4M and will include the installation of the following equipment: The following equipment will be installed: • • • • • • • • • three 144 kV manual operated disconnect switches; one 144 kV motor operated disconnect switch; one 144 kV circuit breaker; and, related electrical and communication equipment. The proposed site location is shown on the enclosed map. Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project one 30/40/50 MVA, 144-25 kilovolt (kV) LTC transformer; one 144 kV circuit breaker; one 144 kV manual operated disconnect switch; four 25 kV circuit breakers; and, related electrical and communications equipment. The preliminary site location is shown on the enclosed map. 2 Typical Right-of-Way Transmission lines are located in corridors that have been cleared of brush and other obstacles. These are called a ‘right-of-way’. A right-of-way must have a minimum width to ensure safety and allow for construction and ongoing access for maintenance purposes. Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project The width of the right-of-way, and the position of transmission structures within it, will depend on a variety of factors including the type of structure that is used. The typical right-of-ways associated with this project are shown below. Details may change as the project develops and designs are finalized. 3 Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project 4 Single-Circuit 144 kV “Davit-Arm” Structure Route and Site Selection The planned Medley substation location was chosen to ensure the following: • • • • suitable site conditions (level, well-drained); good access; sufficient space for initial development and incoming lines; and, adequate setback from adjacent development and environmentally sensitive areas. We have identified two preliminary route options and an alternative connection option for the new transmission line connecting the Bourque substation to the Medley substation. These options were selected to: • • • • • consider impacts to environmentally sensitive areas such as watercourses, wet or steep areas, wildlife habitat, and other sensitive areas such as designated historical sites; follow existing road allowances, linear disturbances, other right-of-ways or property boundaries wherever possible; consider impacts on built-up areas, highways, oil and gas operations and communication facilities; minimize fragmentation to oil sand leases; and, minimize impacts on significant vegetation such as wind breaks and valued trees. Other options for the preliminary site and route selection may be considered if identified through our consultation process. Facilities Application Process Approximate Dimensions Height….....…....17 to 26 m Max. Width…........…..12 m Distance between structures........90 to 150 m Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project Once feedback has been considered and the preferred transmission line route is identified, ATCO Electric will submit a facilities application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to obtain approval for the construction and operation of the planned transmission facilities. For more information about how you can participate in the process, please refer to the enclosed AUC brochure entitled Public Involvement in Needs or Facilities Applications. 5 ATCO Electric Proposed Timeline* October—December 2012 Consultation with land owners and agencies on preliminary routes Albertans count on us for the safe, reliable and costeffective delivery of electricity to their homes, farms and businesses. We have delivered electricity to Albertans for 85 years. Headquartered in Edmonton, ATCO Electric has 38 service offices serving nearly two-thirds of the province in northern and east-central Alberta. February 2013 Selection of route options June 2013 Submission of the Facilities Application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) December 2013 If approval is granted by the AUC, construction will commence We help keep the lights on across the province by building, operating and maintaining approximately 72,000 kilometres of transmission and distribution power lines. We also operate an additional 10,000 kilometres of distribution power lines on behalf of Rural Electrification Associations. We are committed to responsible development and environmental practices. We conduct an open and transparent consultation process, carefully considering the impacts to landowners, communities and the environment. July 2014 Facilities completed and operating *Timing may be adjusted to reflect final plans. Contact Us Your comments and concerns are important to us. Please contact us toll free: 1-855-420-5775 or direct: Rubi Uhbi, Project Planner ATCO Electric 10035-105 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 2V6 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: 780-508-4957 780-420-5030 Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project 6 MSL943535 MSL044768 M SL961779 LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC942321 M LOC942321 S L 1 1 0 0 69 MSL110072 LOC972170 LOC972170 LOC972170 PLA960085 LOC841089 LOC942651 LOC942651 LOC901378 LOC972170 PLA950155 PLA950155 PLA9 6022 9 LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC841089 3 LO C 10008 P LA 10 0939 MSL943653 LOC022439 B30 SM E0 90 11 5 B29 DRS810014 MSL961780 B28 MSL962373 841 060 LO C MSL044768 10 0939 PLA 5 15 50 A9 PL MSL964018 SME090115 768 044 M SL MSL063087 LOC910791 PLA920699 MSL910884 MSL780690 768 044 M SL MSL841391 MSL962061 MSL962061 P LA 850 LOC841089 9 3 0 8 LO C841089 LO C880041 PLA910509 5 15 50 A9 PL 11 10 LOC100083 12 10295 LO C9 PLA9 5145 6 PLA941116 0700 92 PLA 12 11 10 9 8 7 PLA100939 7 LO C8 4 1 08 9 9 3 9 0 0 A1 PL 768 044 M SL B27 SME090115 LO C841089 115 941 PLA MSL841867 MSL973219 LOC910330 LOC980162 PLA090406 MSL910399 PLA090406 LOC980162 MSL980226 LO C901372 909S N A K H I H MA H T OR N ON I T A T S B U S O) N H MA ( 67 M PL A9411 15 M SL802631 P L A 8 0 09 6 7 O L 3 8 0 0 0 C1 MSL821090 MSL821090 1 16 31 A9 PL SL8418 768 044 M SL O S S 1E 6 1 L 7 D) ALOWNE I R E MP I ( 9 3 9 0 0 A1 L P MSL100245 PLA941546 MSL063087 PLA941116 PIL940102 SMC110015 LOC 80 18 45 P L A941116 VCE120011 VCE120011 VCE120011 MSL973267 LO C060841 MSL070588 VCE120011 VCE120011 VCE120011 VCE120011 VCE120011 VCE120011 PIL940101 LOC901377 VCE120011 VCE120011 PLA941115 LOC841089 VCE120011 MSL943768 PLA941115 PLA941115 VCE120011 LOC841089 PLA941115 MSL943312 CONNEC TI ON OPTI ON LOC060841 0 004 E12 VC MSL841391 PLA1009 39 C 9 9 1 0 4 7 PL A0 3 3 79 6 MSL943527 LOC972171 LOC100514 LO C1000 83 PLA0 1380 8 LO C1 0 05 14 SME090115 04 03 C10 LOC841089 LOC942323 40 00 E12 VC MSL841391 0 04 20 E1 C V VCE120040 VCE120040 L O P L A 850930 LO 253 810 PLA B15 833 PLA071 PL A9 81 20 3 6 1 2 MSL100244 5 11 90 SME0 SME090115 A27 SME090115 PL A0 13 80 8 5 96 31 L9 S 394 81 C7 LO LO C980631 MSL973358 P L A941 54 6 PLA1009 39 M 0 04 20 E1 VC MSL841391 MSL990702 S L0 319 78 LO C1000 83 6 4111 9 A L P LOC010733 LOC010733 M 3 4 LO C901375 845 LOC801 0 A84086 PL LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC010733 MSL980873 M SL901696 LOC060841 0 A92070 PL MSL841391 4 02 3 LOC942323 LA800967 P 0 4 00 2 E1 DRS870038 MSL951871 MSL780688 SL96 72171 LO C9 5 M MSL910353 PLA931161 1 2 B16 VCE120040 PLA850930 PLA910509 3 VC VCE120040 MSL964023 LOC901372 LOC972171 LOC841089 VCE120041 9 5 VCE120041 95050 L S 6 0 0 4 0 3 MSL901701 LOC991049 B17 MSL841391 L OC1 PLA910509 LOC901377 MSL841391 M PLA840860 Y NAR MI I L E R P NE I VL 4k 4 11 1 1 L 7 ON) I T H OP T NOR ( LOC901377 PLA920700 VCE120041 B20 B19 B18 10295 LOC9 PLA800967 LOC880041 PLA941116 E QU R OU B B24 B22 MSL962070 MSL070973 MSL962314 B26 VCE120011 MSL951946 MSL070588 LO C 96 17 42 MATCH LINE VCE120011 VCE120011 MSL943251 PLA941542 A30 PLA931161 SME090115 LO C9 10 32 0 SME090115 MSL910388 PLA931161 PLA941542 LOC910320 MSL910400 PLA931161 LOC910331 SME090115 PLA941542 40 00 12 E 0 004 12 VC VCE 6 61 21 L1 S M LOC010626 SMC100012 84 4 40 8 A PL 31 MSL943584 LOC990939 4 39 1 78 35 M 2 0 0 1 2 9 L S 45 8018 32 31 4 75 20 A9 PL 34 33 LOC841089 PLA910509 LOC 10253 8 A L P 34 LOC841089 800967 PLA 35 40 00 VCE12 32 31 36 0 004 12 VCE 00 07 92 LA P 8 81 13 A0 PL SMC110055 LOC972200 C PL A9 81 20 3 LO C901375 36 O L 2 54 41 A9 PL S ME0 90 11 5 9 3 0 0 3 9 A PL VC 0 04 20 E1 9 93 00 A1 PL 0 04 20 VCE1 MSL990703 PLA931160 121 M S 9 39 7 4 0 0 4 8 IL P 0 04 120 VCE L SMC110054 SMC 10 00 11 E1 20 04 0 9 93 00 A1 PL VC 83 00 10 LOC PLA071833 LOC070806 MSL071132 MATCH LINE PLA920754 MSL910359 MSL910359 PLA941542 8 PLA941542 P LA 01381 3 48 40 A8 PL LAKE A23 MSL841391 8 P LA94154 LOC060841 LOC901375 SME110233 SME110233 P LA 10 093 9 MSL973272 LOC972200 P LA 92 075 4 A21 105 09 PLA9 PLA920700 B13 3 48 40 A8 PL 7 96 00 A8 PL 5 84 01 LOC8 4 99 30 A0 PL MSL901699 MSL083679 PLA931160 MSL083679 M 7 96 00 A8 PL LOC 45 18 80 SMC100007 SMC110014 3 LO 84048 LA P MSL841391 MSL841391 MSL841391 PLA910508 PLA820164 PLA941548 B12 LO 584 0 PLA78 4 39 81 C7 MSL910592 A17 MSL841391 MSL841391 MSL841391 MSL841391 147 PLA072 8 P LA 91050 Y NAR MI I L E R P NE I VL 4k 4 11 1 1 L 7 ON) I T ALOP R NT CE ( PLA780584 E 120040 V C P LA 810 253 781 394 MSL930824 LOC100083 C LO C910520 LO C100083 LO PLA820164 PLA100939 4 4 5 6 MLL070124 PLA941548 LO C100083 83 404 PLA8 22 21 LOC100083 20040 VCE1 MSL841391 PLA100939 40 1200 VCE MSL841391 LOC841089 PLA910508 20040 VCE1 40 1200 VCE K E E R C MSL910358 PLA820164 LO C060841 7L105 ESSO AL OW NED) M PERI I ( LO C060841 A19 DRS780087 A15 PLA111290 PIL060598 PLA780704 G N I T S I X E N A K H I H MA S 7 3 ON 8 I T A T S B U S VCE120040 483 PLA840 VCE120040 4 39 81 LOC7 VCE120001 VCE120040 LOC100083 LOC100083 148 PLA072 VC E1 2 00 40 MSL102305 LOC111678 LAKE A11 A9 PL A0 62 94 0 PLA 100 939 PL A0 72 1 46 PL A8 40 48 3 VC E1 2 00 01 VC E1 2 00 0 1 PL A7 80 70 4 MLL120053 M LL 88 00 01 LOC060841 MSL963441 VCE120036 MSL841391 VCE120036 VCE120036 08 105 A9 PL VCE120036 MSL841391 MSL841391 15 MSL841391 A7 VC 36 00 E12 A3 18 13 MSL841391 MSL841391 PLA0 7214 6 MSL841391 PLA780584 14 15 MSL841391 16 17 VCE120036 VCE120036 16 36 00 E12 18 VC E1 2 0 00 1 VC D E OS OP R P E QU R OU B ON I T A T S B U S 970S T N E C A J D A ( ) T C E OJ R P PL A1 11 29 0 E I R MA 4 3 5 6 LOC990551 0 29 11 A1 PL 22 21 20 19 4 70 80 A7 PL MSL841391 0 16 PLA931 M SL 96 28 34 20 1 00 20 E1 VC 27 28 LOC841089 94 7813 LOC 29 C1 00 08 3 LO C841089 3 1025 PLA8 28 30 30 25 MSL841391 MSL841391 MSL841391 19 S L9 40 79 2 MSL841391 25 26 27 LOC851374 LOC851374 18 P LA0138 40 1200 VCE ED POS NE LI PRO 4 kV L74) 4 14 7L57 ACES 7 ECT) REPL T PROJ ( N ACE ADJ ( 30 0 70 20 A9 PL PLA030994 MSL910613 PLA0 6294 0 PLA8 4048 3 LOC962588 REC840040 6 03 20 VCE1 9 27 60 L0 PI 36 200 E1 6 03 20 E1 VC VC 04 07 78 PLA REC840040 VC PL A0 52 81 2 PLA052812 6 03 20 E1 VC 6 03 20 E1 60841 LO C0 A5 LOC060841 VC 036 20 E1 VC E120036 PLA072146 PLA 1 0 0 9 3 9 LOC870128 62 04 85 LOC PLA910508 PL A0 7 2 1 4 6 M SL 82 08 43 MS L8 21 69 2 MSL790395 MS L8 21 69 3 PLA830097 MSL780431 MSL780431 PLA780207 MSL841391 M SL821693 MSL991445 PLA830161 M SL 81 10 93 SL8 2084 M VCE120036 VCE120036 VCE120036 VCE120036 PLA780704 12 PL A8 70 24 9 7 MSL841391 6 040 83 LA P MS L7 80 50 8 9 8 1 2 0 1 9 9 OC L 10 11 M SL811093 10 MSL841391 07 02 78 A PL MSL841391 LOC821074 9 PL A8 3 0 6 9 4 7 09 830 LA P VCE120036 VCE120036 MS L9 61 73 7 VCE120036 LEGEND 67 Preliminary 144 kV Route Option(s) Preliminary Route Start Point(s) Preliminary Route End Point(s) Transmission Substation Adjacent Transmission Project 4 29 04 L78 S VCE120036 PL A8 4 0 4 8 3 M VCE120036 C 8 4 0 405 PLA780584 2 P L A05281 PLA780704 VCE120036 L O MSL841391 PLA850337 MSL841391 VCE120036 8 SL951371 1 084 C06 MSL841391 MSL841391 7 MS L8 51 25 3 M SL 85 10 83 M LO 2 81 52 PLA071830 P R OP OS 7 E L D 5 8 31 4 4k VL ( R E I P NE L A CE ( S7 ADJ ACE 8 3 ) NT P L R OJ E CT ) PL A0 72 14 6 MSL071851 LOC071261 PLA840483 PL A8 40 48 3 H S I F CK A J PLA0 D E E N T OS L I ) OP k C V R E P 4 OJ R 4 1 P 6 4 1 L NT 7 E AC J D A ( Primary / Secondary Highway Other Roads Rural Subdivision / Recreational Area Existing Disposition 66 COLD LAKE AIR WEAPONS RANGE 9 8 7 5 6 3 4 1 Snug Cove 65 1 2 N 2 COLD LAKE PROV. PARK 897 64 Ethel Lake Iron River 63 La Corey COLD LAKE I.R. 149B Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project Cold Lake 55 Truman COLD Goodridge 62 r e v Ri B e a v e r 881 41 LAKE 28 Fort Kent 55 Ardmore 882 61 NOVEMBER 2012 Planner: Rubi Ubhi Cartography by: Todd Fylypiuk Scale 1:50 000 660 COLD LAKE I.R. 149 660 BONNYVILLE KEY MAP 897 *Only facilities in immediate proximity PRELIMINARY ROUTE MOSAIC to the linewere annotated. RS-7L111- P-02a LOC942589 PLA941353 LOC841089 2515 PLA07 LOC901371 PLA031185 LOC972139 PLA0 311 85 P L A0 7 0 9 17 LOC972139 MSL821091 MSL102342 547 941 PLA 942S E Y I B A N ON I T A T S B U S LOC901373 LOC901373 LOC901373 LOC901373 MSL821092 M SL820026 PLA 950 385 V CE 12 00 11 MSL092031 2905 LOC06 LO 3 41 70 C0 PL A9 41 54 4 2515 PLA07 LO C1 00 08 3 M SL110069 PLA 10 09 39 MSL110074 LO C5873 MSL063960 LOC071921 19 LOC071921 PLA072517 LO C8 2002 1 17 P LA 0725 24 C0 71 92 1 21 20 LOC951854 PLA951452 MSL952391 M PLA9 4154 7 MSL102375 LO 70312 PLA8 22 24 LOC013619 23 22 PLA951452 LOC951854 19 MSL102375 23 21 20 MSL820026 MSL100251 68 32 97 SL MSL100251 4 1 6 6 68 32 97 SL M LOC841089 LO C0 7041 3 LOC841089 41089 LOC8 LOC013619 MSL112871 SMC110132 PIL940126 MSL943536 MSL111737 R E V I R LOC070413 PLA941547 PLA941547 17 4 3 6 6 P LA 0725 4 54 41 A9 PL 4 2 6 6 MSL901697 LOC070413 LOC070413 PLA941544 PLA941544 LOC942547 LOC942547 LOC942555 PLA941544 LOC942555 PLA001297 LOC962853 LOC013619 LOC962853 MSL943525 1 02 64 L9 MS MSL111737 LO C 99 10 51 MSL964021 LOC 101093 LOC PL A0 01 29 7 95 10 10 MAY MSL963802 LO C1 00 08 3 PL A1 00 93 9 LOC101094 MS L9 10 35 2 LOC910294 LOC070413 LOC5873 P L A 9 4 15 4 4 SMC120018 07 19 21 LO LOC901370 0 0137 LO C9 SMC120018 58 73 MSL113047 4 10 10 C1 SM LO C M SL964025 4 10 10 C1 SM PL A 9 4 1 5 44 C11 ME DL EY LOC070413 MSL113047 4 10 0 M S MSL110072 7 63 60 A9 PL M S L1 1 0 0 6 9 DRS810014 LOC901370 P L A 8 5 0 9 3 0 MSL943535 LOC901370 LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC841089 LOC942321 M LOC942321 S L 1 10 0 6 9 MSL110072 LOC972170 LOC972170 PL A 100939 B34 MSL973360 100083 B32 LO C MSL964019 LOC 21 19 07 Y NAR MI I L E R P S 3 0 0 2 Y E DL ME R VE I R ON I AT T S UB S A E UDY AR T S 39 7 51 72 A0 PL LOC780218 LO C 9813 99 P LA1009 B37 37 06 A96 PL B29 B28 LO C901370 B30 SM E0 90 11 5 DRS810014 DRS910008 PLA780096 MSL964018 SME090115 MSL780155 MSL780154 LO C070413 B38 11 LOC780218 8 7 PLA941546 12 10295 LOC9 11 10 LOC100083 10 9 PLA941546 PL A 8 5 0 9 3 0 PLA100939 7 12 SME020067 LO C8 41 08 9 SME020067 SME020067 PLA780096 9 3 9 0 0 A1 L P B27 SME090115 MSL973219 9 LOC98139 LOC910330 LOC980162 LOC980162 PLA090406 MSL910399 PLA090406 MSL980226 SME020067 LO C901372 MSL012542 LOC011764 O L 3 8 0 0 0 1 C LOC011764 MSL821090 SME020067 MSL821090 SME020067 070413 1 16 31 A9 PL LO C 9 3 9 0 0 A1 PL PLA941546 MSL100245 SME020067 MSL991325 MSL973266 LOC990930 LOC990930 MSL943768 MSL973266 PLA0 205 99 MATCH LINE 10295 LO C9 PLA850930 LOC 08 22 28 PL A1 10 37 9 MSL112689 M SL901696 L O 9 P LA 11 0 37 9 B26 873 LO C9 91 05 1 LO C1 00 08 3 PL A1 00 93 9 S L 11 0 06 9 73 C58 M 16 LOC5 MSL964025 LOC010403 MSL121247 LOC942321 MSL943250 18 13 14 LO Y NAR MI I L E R P NE I VL 4k 4 11 1 1 L 7 ON) I T H OP T NOR ( MSL110072 P LA 07 25 17 18 13 P L A 850930 15 16 PLA941546 14 9 4108 LOC8 MS L0 23 24 5 17 C LO C820021 ML L1 20 10 7 SMC110016 PL A1 10 37 9 LAKE C 1 0 0 4 0 3 MSL023243 MSL964023 LOC901372 LOC972171 B39 MSL870298 M SL964 0 2 3 MSL112689 SME020067 MSL910353 2 20 70 C8 LO 67 0200 SM E S L 03 1 9 7 8 PL A9 41 546 047 6 1 2 5 4 32 33 MS L1 13 04 6 PL A1 1 0 37 9 MSL101326 LO C1 00 90 7 8 8021 LOC7 C 991 96 7800 PLA Y NAR MI I L E R P NE I VL 4k 4 11 1 1 L 7 ON) I T ALOP R NT CE ( 6 L O 4 LOC9 81 39 9 P LA 9 41 5 46 1 9 08 41 C8 LO LO C942323 2 41546 LO LO C991049 PLA931161 3 3 C0 70 41 3 PLA9 M 72171 LOC9 PL A 033 7 9 6 LO C901375 LOC100907 53 306 PLA9 MSL100244 MSL943527 M SL110941 LO C 99 10 47 PL A 8 5 09 3 0 LOC870202 MSL090896 9 8 M SL 110 941 DRS050037 C1 010 4 13 LO C1 00 51 4 01098 LO C1 PLA6099 A43 LOC070 LOC100514 L O LOC972171 PLA800048 PLA 0138 08 PLA800048 LOC101098 LOC101098 MSL943446 MSL991320 PLA941546 SME090115 PLA800048 PLA800048 LOC942483 P LA9 415 46 LOC990925 2 34 52 L8 MS A34 A37 LOC090793 A40 MSL090894 98 13 99 PL A850930 LO C A30 MSL852342 PLA941546 A35 SME090115 MSL910388 PLA931161 PLA941542 A42 A41 06 00 92 DRS PLA941353 LOC090793 M S L9 47 9 897 M PL A0 13 80 8 MSL943251 PLA941542 PLA931161 PLA941546 A27 SME090115 653 930 LA P SME090115 SME090115 LO C9 10 32 0 SL 11 09 41 004 03 LOC1 LO C942323 A36 5 11 90 E0 M S A45 A44 DRS050037 MSL991335 PLA941353 LOC910320 PLA6099 O L C 9 9 813 9 LOC841089 MSL910400 PIL940112 PLA931161 LOC910331 SME090115 8 8021 LOC7 PLA941542 31 LOC010626 PL A9 4 1 546 PL A941 35 3 LO C972200 LO C901375 36 33 32 LOC990939 35 36 96 7800 PLA 31 MSL943584 34 35 34 SMC100012 LOC942589 PLA941353 LOC991059 L O C 9 8 1 3 9 9 P LA9 30 65 3 M S L9 47 9 DRS910077 LOC9 81 59 4 SM E 09 01 15 20021 LOC8 MSL820027 S L 0 91 95 8 D R S 9 2 0 0 0 6 M 3 9035 LO C0 PLA931160 LOC910965 LO C090351 M 1 4 9 0 1 L1 S P LA8509 30 DRS890040 MATCH LINE P L A9 5 0 2 7 5 2 35 0 9 0 OC L LO C910965 DRS890040 LO C901375 MSL973272 8 8021 LOC7 LOC972200 LO C 9417 90 96 7800 PLA LOC110903 4 99 30 A0 PL LOC110904 21 200 C8 LO MSL901699 MSL911132 LOC061816 PLA931160 PLA030994 MSL110941 MSL110941 MSL12747 MSL112595 MSL112603 LO C112556 P LA 609 9 LOC041279 P LA8703 11 PL A 9 5 0 2 7 5 25 27 29 30 28 MSL940198 PL A0 3 0 9 9 4 LOC010868 LOC041279 4 3 1 0 0 9 OC L 0 1 6 1 5 9 OC L 30 25 LO C1 211 38 26 PLA030994 MSL110942 28 29 SM E0 80 07 1 L O C 0 6 08 3 1 E K A D L OL C L A I C N I OV R P PARK MLL870094 PLA940422 MSL112612 PLA960739 MSL110941 MSL112609 LOC110931 PLA940674 31 08 06 LOC L OC 8 7 0 6 4 4 MSL121158 33 702 PLA7 60 A9311 PL MSL061117 50 707 LOC7 SM E0 80 07 1 L O C 9 81 3 9 8 MLL870094 M SL040 2 5 5 MSL910358 LO C98140 0 0 8140 LOC9 9 09 A6 PL SME080071 P L A 9 5 02 75 PL A 94 0 42 2 PLA940422 PLA950275 MSL930020 1 93 10 LOC1 LOC110931 MSL11193 MSL11193 L OC 8 7 0 6 4 4 MLL870094 LOC981400 LAKE 4 2 5 6 981 400 750 770 LOC MSL910592 DRS910080 4 1 5 6 LO C870644 PLA950275 LOC 644 870 MSL852327 LEGEND 67 Preliminary 144 kV Route Option(s) Preliminary Route Start Point(s) Preliminary Route End Point(s) Transmission Substation Adjacent Transmission Project 9 09 A6 PL MSL852329 SME080071 233 770 PLA E I R MA LOC LOC910520 4 3 5 6 MSL930824 Primary / Secondary Highway Other Roads Rural Subdivision / Recreational Area Existing Disposition 66 COLD LAKE AIR WEAPONS RANGE 9 8 7 5 6 3 4 1 Snug Cove 65 1 2 N 2 COLD LAKE PROV. PARK 897 64 Ethel Lake Iron River 63 La Corey COLD LAKE I.R. 149B Bourque to Medley River Transmission Project Cold Lake 55 Truman COLD Goodridge 62 r e v Ri B e a v e r 881 41 LAKE 28 Fort Kent 55 Ardmore 882 61 NOVEMBER 2012 Planner: Rubi Ubhi Cartography by: Todd Fylypiuk Scale 1:50 000 660 COLD LAKE I.R. 149 660 BONNYVILLE KEY MAP 897 *Only facilities in immediate proximity PRELIMINARY ROUTE MOSAIC to the linewere annotated. RS-7L111- P-02b Need for the Medley River 2003S Substation in the Cold Lake Area Transmission Development Information for Stakeholders Why is this transmission development needed? ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO) has requested an increase in transmission capacity to meet growing electricity demand in the Cold Lake area. ATCO’s request can be addressed by developing a new 144/25 kV substation, to be called Medley River 2003S, and a new 144 kV transmission line to connect the proposed substation to the approved Bourque 970S substation. The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is processing ATCO’s request, including providing information to landowners, occupants, residents and agencies in the Cold Lake area that may be near the proposed transmission development. The AESO intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) for approval of the need in the winter of 2012/2013. The AESO’s needs identification document (NID) application will be available at at the time of its application to the AUC. Who is the AESO? Alberta’s transmission system, sometimes referred to as the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES), is planned and operated by the AESO. The transmission system comprises the high-voltage lines, towers and equipment (generally 69kV and above) that transmit electricity from generators to lower voltage systems that distribute electricity to cities, towns, rural areas and large industrial customers. The AESO’s role is to maintain safe, reliable and economic operation of the AIES. The AESO’s planning responsibility includes determining the need for transmission system development and the manner in which that need is met. The AESO is also mandated to facilitate the interconnection of qualified market participants to the AIES. The AESO is regulated by the AUC and must apply to the AUC for approval of its NID. How is ATCO involved? ATCO is the transmission facilities owner (TFO) in the Cold Lake area. While the AESO is responsible for identifying that transmission system development is needed, ATCO is responsible for detailed siting and routing, constructing, operating and maintaining the associated transmission facilities. The AESO has directed ATCO to provide information to stakeholders on this need and to file a facility proposal application with the AUC which will include a detailed description and location of the proposed transmission development. 1096 Page 1 July 2012 Further Information The AESO appreciates your views on the need for transmission system development and your comments are encouraged. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the need for the proposed transmission system development in the Cold Lake area or the AESO’s application regarding this need, please contact: Mark Sears-Gamache AESO Stakeholder Relations 1-888-866-2959 2500, 330 – 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4 The AESO is committed to protecting your personal privacy in accordance with Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act. Any personal information collected by the AESO with regard to this project may be used to provide you with further information about the project, may be disclosed to the Alberta Utilities Commission (and as a result, may become public), and may also be disclosed to ATCO as the legal owner of transmission facilities in your area. If you have any questions about how the AESO will use and disclose your personal information, please contact us at 1888-866-2959 or at 1096 Page 2 July 2012 REPLY FORM BOURQUE TO MEDLEY RIVER TRANSMISSION PROJECT 10035 – 105 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 2V6 CONTACT INFORMATION Date (DD/MM/YYYY): First Name: Please help us identify new contacts Last Name: Company/Organization Name (if applicable): Mailing Address: You were contacted about this project because ATCO Electric identified you or your company/organization as having a land interest in the vicinity of the project. Is there anyone else associated with your property, such as other owners, renters or occupants, who we should also contact? If so, please provide the name(s) and contact information below: City/Town: Province: Postal Code: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Business Phone: Fax: I would like to receive all future correspondence about this project by Email (If this is your preference, please check the box) Email: ABOUT PRIVACY: The information on this form is being collected to help identify potential concerns with proposed alterations and the location of proposed power transmission facilities, to facilitate communications about the project, and to comply with our obligations to the Alberta Utilities Commission. This information may be provided to the Alberta Utilities Commission, other electric facility owners or the Surface Rights Board. Information relating to the need for the facilities may be provided to the Alberta Electric System Operator. Enquiries or concerns about ATCO Electric's privacy policies can be directed to Tony Melnychuk, privacy officer (address above), phone 780-420-4466. Please list any residences, buildings or other areas on your property that should be avoided: I am not aware of any residences, buildings, facilities, or areas on my property that should be avoided (If this statement applies to you, please check the box) LOCATION DESCRIPTION (If you require additional space, please attach a separate sheet) Please share any comments or concerns that you have about the project: HOW TO SUBMIT: Please use the enclosed envelope to return by mail or fax to 780-420-5030. If you would like more information about the project, please contact us toll free 1-855-420-5775 or by Email: Public Involvement In Needs Or Facilities Applications The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) is committed to ensuring that Albertans whose rights may be directly and adversely affected by a needs, or a utility facilities application, is informed of the application and have the opportunity to have his/her concerns heard, understood and considered. If you believe an application may directly and adversely affect you, you can become involved in the AUC application process. This pamphlet explains how. Summary of the AUC application process Step 1 Public consultation (prior to application to the AUC) Step 2 Application made to the AUC Step 3 AUC issues notice of application (or hearing) Step 4 Interested parties make submissions or objections (If no submissions are made the AUC will continue to process the application) Step 5 Opportunity for consultation and negotiation AUC issues notice of hearing (if not already issued in Step 3) Step 6 Public hearing Step 7 AUC decision Needs: Approval of application or Return to applicant Facilities: Approval of application or Approval of application with conditions or Denial of application or Denial of application Step 8 Right to appeal (by applicant or dissatisfied persons) Step 9 Approvals, construction and operation of facility (if approved) 2 AUC’s role in needs and facilities applications The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or Commission) regulates transmission lines, electric substations, power generation facilities (i.e. power plants including wind turbines) and gas utility pipelines in Alberta. The AUC is committed to ensuring that Albertans whose rights may be directly and adversely affected by an application for these facilities is informed of the application and has the opportunity to have their concerns heard, considered and understood. Transmission needs and utility facilities applications Approvals from the AUC are required for the construction, operation, alteration and decommissioning of transmission lines and electric substations. These include: · Approval of the need for transmission upgrades.* · Approval of the route and location of transmission facilities. (* The Electric Statutes Amendment Act gives the provincial cabinet responsibility for approving the need for specified critical transmission infrastructure projects.) Sometimes an application for needs approval is considered together with an application for a utility facilities approval in a single hearing, or separate hearings may be held to consider each application. Power generation facilities and gas utility pipelines Approvals from the AUC are required for the construction, operation, alteration and decommissioning of power generation and gas utility pipeline facilities in Alberta. If you believe that you have rights that may be directly and adversely affected by the decision of the AUC on an application relating to a transmission line or electric substation, a power generation facility or a gas utility pipeline you can become involved in the AUC application process. This pamphlet explains how. A summary of our process is on the page to the left. The rest of this brochure explains each of the steps. 3 Step 1 : Public consultation prior to application Prior to making an application to the Commission on the need for transmission changes, or for a proposed facility, the applicant is required to conduct meaningful public consultation in the area of the proposed needs, or facilities project(s), so that concerns may be raised, properly addressed and if possible, resolved. The Commission has set out requirements for applicants to follow regarding public consultation about needs applications for transmission changes. The AUC also has requirements for public consultation for utility facilities applications in respect of power plants, substations, transmission lines and industrial system designations, set out in AUC Rule 007. The requirements for gas pipeline consultation and notification are set out in AUC Rule 020. AUC Rule 007 and Rule 020 can be found on the AUC website at Potentially-affected parties are strongly encouraged to participate in the initial public consultation, as early involvement in informal discussions with an applicant may lead to greater influence on project planning. 4 Step 2 : Application to the Alberta Utilities Commission After the applicant has conducted its public consultation process, it should take into consideration what it learned during consultations and make any amendments it sees as necessary and reasonable to its proposal. The applicant then makes an application to the Alberta Utilities Commission. Applicants must identify in their application any unresolved objections or concerns that they are aware of from the public consultation process. Meaningful public participation through a fair, open and transparent process is important and necessary if the AUC is to reach sound and principled decisions. 5 Parties wanting to become a participant in an AUC proceeding must make a written submission to the AUC. Step 3 : Public notification The Commission will issue a notice of application when it receives an application that, in the Commission’s opinion, may directly and adversely affect the rights of one or more people. The notice is typically published in local newspapers. The notice will provide key dates, contacts and information on how to participate for those who are interested in becoming involved in the application process. Step 4 : Public participation If you wish to participate in a proceeding, you must make a written submission to the Commission in accordance with the AUC’s notice of application. Submissions must contain: • A brief description of your concern with or interest in the application, in particular how approval of the application may directly and adversely affect you. • A brief explanation of your position, on what decision you feel the AUC should take, including why you believe that the Commission should accept your recommendation. The Commission will consider your submission and decide whether you are a person who may be directly and adversely affected by the proposed project. If you are, an AUC public hearing may be held. 6 Subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, all documents filed in respect of an application must be placed on the public record and are accessible through the AUC website. If you wish to keep any information in a document confidential, you must make a request for confidentiality to the Commission. To do this, contact the lead application officer specified in the notice of application, before filing the document in question. AUC filing systems Documents associated with applications are stored and accessed through the AUC’s electronic filing systems. The AUC would appreciate receiving submissions through its electronic filing services on our website, however submissions may also be made through mail, email or fax. More information on the electronic filing services can be found on the AUC’s website at or by calling Electronic Filing Services. Please see the back cover of this pamphlet for contact information. Financial assistance If a party may be potentially directly and adversely affected by a proposed facility, they can apply to be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred in support of their participation in a Commission proceeding. Details regarding recovery of participants’ costs are described in AUC Rule 009: Rules on Local Intervener Costs, available on the AUC’s website at 7 Step 5 : Consultation and negotiation The Commission supports ongoing efforts to reach a positive outcome for the applicant and all affected parties. The Commission encourages the applicant and those who have filed submissions to continue to attempt to resolve any outstanding issues. Sometimes in utility facilities applications, the applicant may suggest that it enter into an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process to resolve any outstanding issues. In an ADR process, the applicant and the participants agree to meet with an independent third party who will facilitate discussions between the parties in an attempt to reach an agreement. 8 ADR is neither mandatory nor binding on either party. However, it can be an effective tool to try and resolve issues in an amicable environment and manner. If all concerns can be satisfactorily resolved this may eliminate the need for a formal hearing. However, if there continue to be unresolved issues after further discussions with participants, typically those matters will be addressed at an AUC public hearing. Early involvement in discussion with the applicant may lead to greater influence on project planning. 9 Step 6 : The public hearing process The public hearing process provides an opportunity for those who were unable to resolve their concerns with the applicant to express their views directly to a Commission panel. Those persons who the Commission has determined may be directly and adversely affected by the proposed application are entitled to participate in the hearing. The Commission publishes a notice of hearing in newspapers distributed in the local area, in major Alberta daily newspapers and on the AUC website at Copies of the notice are also mailed to the applicant and participants. The notice of hearing sets out the deadlines for various steps in the process, including the process and timelines for filing written submissions and for preparing questions to be answered by the applicant or other participants. An AUC public hearing operates similarly to a court proceeding and is a quasi-judicial process. The hearing is open to the general public. Participants in a hearing can either represent themselves or be represented by legal counsel. In addition, participants may hire experts to assist in preparing and presenting evidence to support their position. Persons who hire legal counsel or technical experts must be aware that while reimbursement for the costs of legal and technical assistance may be available, recovery of costs is subject to the Commission assessing the value of the contribution provided by counsel and technical experts. People with similar interests and positions are expected to work together to ensure that any expenditures on outside legal or technical assistance are efficiently spent and not duplicated. 10 Step 7 : The decision After hearing a needs application the Commission either approves the application, denies the application, or sends the application back to the applicant with suggestions for change. After hearing a utility facilities application, the AUC has three options in reaching a decision: approve the application as applied for, approve it with conditions, or deny it. The AUC endeavors to release decisions within 90 days from the close of the record. Decisions are issued in the form of a public written decision report that summarizes the Commission’s findings and includes its final decision. All Commission decision reports are available to any member of the public on the Commission’s website ( or by calling the AUC’s Information Services. Please see the back cover of this pamphlet for contact information. 11 Step 8 : Right to appeal A participant in a hearing who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Commission may request that the Commission review and vary its decision. Such a request must follow the procedure set out in the Commission’s Rule 016: Review and Variance of Commission Decisions. A dissatisfied participant may also file a leave to appeal motion in the Court of Appeal of Alberta within 30 days from the date the decision is issued. All Commission decision reports are available to any member of the public on the Commission’s website ( or by calling Information Services. See the back cover of this pamphlet for contact information. 12 Step 9 : Construction and operation Any applicant that receives a licence or permit to build and operate a facility from the Commission must adhere to any conditions that were set out in the Commission’s decision. If you notice something during the construction or operational phases of a project that concerns you, bring this to the applicant’s attention. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, please bring your concerns to the attention of the AUC Consumer Relations. See back cover of this pamphlet for contact information. 13 Useful resources: - Rule 001: Rules of Practice - Rule 007: Rules Respecting Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, and Industrial System Designations - Rule 009: Rules on Local Intervener Costs - Rule 020: Rules Respecting Gas Utility Pipelines - About the AUC brochure - AUC electronic filing services brochure - Local intervener costs brochure - Understanding gas utility pipeline regulation in Alberta 14 Notes: 15 AUC contact information: Other contacts: Facilities Division Phone: 403-592-4403 and ask to speak to the Facilities Division Surface Rights Board (Land Compensation and Negotiation) Phone: 780-427-2444 Consumer Relations Phone: 780-427-4903, or Email: Information Services Phone: 403-592-4500, or Email: Electronic Filing (E-Filing) Services Phone: 780-643-1055, or Email: Alberta Environment (Land Conservation and Reclamation) Phone: 780-427-2700 Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) Phone: 1-888-866-2959 Calgary - Head Office Fifth Avenue Place East Fourth Floor, 425 First Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3L8 Phone: 403-592-8845* Fax: 403-592-4406 *Dial 310-0000 prior to the 10 digit numbers for toll-free access anywhere in Alberta. This brochure provides general information about public involvement in needs and utility facilities applications before the AUC. Specific participation opportunities and requirements may differ depending on the type of application. Updated March 2012 Edmonton Office HSBC Building Tenth Floor, 10055-106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Y2 Phone: 780-427-4901* Fax: 780-427-6970