MOSFET-Based Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaics Module 1 Rakeshkumar Mahto1, Payman Zarkesh-Ha1 and Olga Lavrova2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA 2 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 87114, USA Abstract — Commonly, single-diode, double-diode or three-diode models are used for modeling of PV cells. Since all of them have an exponential term due to the presence of a diode, the computing of output power and performance of PV module becomes power intensive and hard to implement on an embedded system. Also, due to the presence of the exponential term, there is no closed form solution for IPV vs VPV (output current of PV cell vs output voltage of a PV cell). We are presenting a PV module modeling using N-channel MOSFET transistor that doesn’t have an exponential term. Moreover, a quadratic equation based solution is obtained that can be solved for calculating the load current. Using the same technique PV module can be also be modeled for various configuration. Index Terms — diode, MOSFET, photovoltaic cells, threshold voltage. I. INTRODUCTION With increasing demand for utilizing Photovoltaic (PV) cells in various applications, reliable and accurate modeling and characterization of PV modules is very important. The modeling techniques come in very handy for designing and modeling the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms [1]-[2]. Additionally, the simulation and modeling methods can also be used for studying the effects of partial shading, mismatch, and for finding out the faults in the performance of the entire PV module[3], [4]. Additionally, PV cell modeling techniques are very useful in the field to check the performance of PV module by comparing the measured result and the computed result [5], [6]. Commonly, single-diode, double-diode or three-diode models are used for modeling of PV cells [9]–[12]. Since all of them have an exponential term due to the presence of a diode, the computing of output power and performance of PV module becomes very power intensive and hard to implement on an embedded system. Also, due to the presence of the exponential term, there is no closed form solution for I PV (output current of a PV cell) vs VPV (output voltage of a PV cell). In this paper, we are presenting a PV module modeling using N-channel MOSFET transistor that doesn’t have an exponential term. Hence, implementation of this model is simpler and also consumes less power on an embedded system for comparative analysis between measured and computed result. Similar modeling of PV module using N-channel MOS transistor was presented in [11]. However, such a modeling technique is not suitable when the load is continuously changing or configuration of PV module is changing on the 978-1-5090-2724-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE field based on the load requirement [5]. To address this issue, a bottom-up approach for building PV module from a single PV cell modeling using MOSFET is desirable. II. PV MODULE MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION For building the model of a PV module, we start from building the model from a single PV cell. For making it simpler, a single diode PV cell model is being used as shown in Fig. 11a. The diode can be replaced by the N-channel MOSFET such that gate terminal is shorted with the drain terminal as shown in Fig. 11b. In this paper, we are using a MOSFET transistor of 0.5µm ON-Semi technology node. The current across the load, IPV is given by (1) (1) V I PV RS I PV I Ph I D PV RP VPV AIPVV RS t ID IS e 1 I ph G GSTC (2) Id (3) a) b) Fig. 1. PV cell modeling a) using 1-diode PV cell model b) Nchannel MOSFET based PV cell model 3078 The symbols used in (1), (2) and (3) are summarized as follows: Iph is the photon current; ID is current across the diode and is given by (2): Vpv voltage across the load; Rs is the internal series resistance of PV cell; Rp is the internal shunt resistance of an PV cell; Is is the diode saturation current; Vt is the thermal voltage which is equal to 26mV, A is diode quality factor, G is solar irradiation; GSTC is solar irradiation at standard testing condition which is equal to 1000 W/m2, Id is the dark current. Once the diode is replaced by an N-channel MOSFET operating in the saturation region, the current across the load is given by: VPV I PV RS RP (4) Vth (1 VDS ) (5) I PV I Ph I M where, IM Kn W 2 L V DS 2 VDS VPV I PV RS Vn (6) In (4), (5) and (6), IM is the current across the N-channel MOSFET; Kn is the process transconductance parameter, W is the width of the channel in µm; L is the length of the channel in µm, Vds is voltage between drain and source terminal of N-channel MOSFET; Vth is the threshold voltage of the N-channel MOSFET, λ is channel length modulation effect, Vn is the voltage source connected to source terminal to lowering the Vth of N-channel MOSFET. For characteristics of the PV cell model shown in Fig. 1a and 1b to be equal, the (2) and (5) have to be equal. Equating and solving for the W/L term we get, VPV AIPVV RS t 2 Kn Is e 1 W 2 L V DS (7) Vth (1 VDS ) For calculating the value of Vn, the following equation can be used: Vth VthO 2 F Vn 2 F (8) where, Vtho is the threshold voltage when source and body are at same potential, γ is the body-effect coefficient parameter that is dependent on the technology, ΦF is the Fermi potential and Vn is the voltage between the source and body terminal. For obtaining IPV vs VPV curve, all the known values have to be substituted in Eqn. 4 b b 4ac 2 I pv 2a K W 2 a n Rs 2 L Where, R W b 1 K n RS (VPV Vn Vth ) S RP L c I ph Kn W Vp 2 VPV Vn Vth 2 L RP (9) (10) (11) (12) Eqn. 9 is only valid if Vds >Vth ,otherwise, output current , IPV, can be calculated by considering current IM =0 in equation (4) which is given below I R VPV I PV Ph P (13) RP RS Fig. 2. Cell decomposition to form a simple model to predict output voltage and current of a PV module of configuration Ns x Np =3 x2 978-1-5090-2724-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 3079 The scheme for building the module level characteristics from a single N-channel MOSFET based PV cell is shown in Fig. 2. A PV cell model is such that if they are connected in an array then mathematically they can be treated as a single PV cell as shown in Fig. 2 for NS(number of cells in series) x NP (number of cells in parallel). To illustrate the cell decomposition we are assuming NS x NP = 3 x 2 cells. Firstly, in row decomposition the series PV cells are converted into equaivalent PV cells. Later, using column decomposition paralle PV cells can be translated into equivalent circuit. The current IPV across the NS x NP PV cell module is given by, V I RS ( PV PV ) NS NP I PV N P I Ph I M (14) RP IM K n W VPV I PV RS Vn Vth 2 (15) 2 L NS NP The channel length modulation effect, λ is ignored in (15). In (14), (15) it is assumed that all PV cells are identical in the module and are operating at same temperature and receiving the same intensity of light. IPV can be calculated in the same way as was done in (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13). III. SIMULATION RESULT AND DISCUSSION We compared the spice simulation of the PV module containing 1-diode based PV cells, N-channel MOSFET based PV cells, with the mathematical model presented in this paper for different Ns x Np as shown in Fig. 3. In the IPV vs VPV characteristic curve, the solar irradiance, G is assumed to be of 1000 W/m2 when the temperature, T= 25 °C. Compared to other PV cell modeling techniques such as single-diode, double diode or three diode based PV cell, that are widely being used by researchers, the technique described in this paper gives a closed form solution. Fig. 3. I-V curve comparison between spice simulation with Nchannel MOSFET vs single diode PV module vs hand calculation 978-1-5090-2724-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE Unlike diode based PV-cell modeling, where an iteration technique is used for the IPV vs VPV characterization, the technique presented in this paper gives IPV= (VPV, T, G, Ns, Np). Additionally, due to quadratic nature of the mathematical model presented in this paper, it can be easily implemented on an embedded system for a fault detection and mitigation system. Furthermore, with recent advancements in PV manufacturing, where a monolithic MOSFET is embedded with a PV cell, such a modeling technique is very useful for characterization. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed an N-channel MOSFET based PV module modeling using cell decomposition technique from individual PV cells. 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