All brand names mentioned and included in this presentation are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their inclusion inclusion in this presentation is only for the purpose of criticism, analysis and illustration for academic learning only. The brands brands named are by no means connected to The Red Shoe Biz Woman and the work of my own company. Branding isn’t about... Logos Colours Straplines Adverts Corporate identity Web sites www.123 ho Packaging to_13500 445 Marketing materials Branding is how you make your customers feel before, during and after purchasing. It’s the: The personality of your business A way of building trust The formation of a relationship based on a connection, a feeling or an emotion Definition Branding: Verb (action or doing word) To label or mark with as if with a brand In Marketin g, the sum total o fa company’ sv including p alue roducts, services, p eople, advertising , positioning and culture ©Paul Townsend@flickr “The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner”. Philip Kotler, Kellogg The Many Faces of Disney Closed Back in Ten Minutes Emotions in Decision Making Information Slow analysis decision making Rapid analysis decision making Evaluative process of data based on reasoning, memories and experience Sensory data intuition or gut decisions from feelings and emotions Decisions Repelling Emotions Your brand doesn’t get me I don’t feel your brand will help me with x.y.z Your brand has irritated me or made me feel stupid for stupidly for trusting it w w w r 23 .1 f.c om /p 9 40 12 o_ t ho 8 93 Driving Emotions I want to be connected oto _ 21 5 79 27 8 to your brand help with x.y.z Your brand connects with my emotions ww w. 12 3r f .co m/ ph I feel your brand will Consistent Messages COMMUNICATION PEOPLE BR …Embodies all you do Remember Keep your brand: Simple Relevant Honest Consistent Love your brand Have fun Don’t try to copy Contact @redshoebizwoman Available on