International GMT-International Corp. PO Box 117 56 Conners Rd Villa Rica, GA USA Phone 770 459 5757 Phone 800 241 1144 Fax 770 459 0957 Email sales@ WEB GMT Irland GMT Schweiz GMT IRELAND LTD Clifden Co. Galway Tel. 095/21382 Fax 095/21704 GUMETA AG Kautschuk-Werk Buchrainstrasse 2 6030 Ebikon Tel. 041/4401717 Fax 041/4405060 GMT USA GMT Bühl GMT INTERNATIONAL CORP: Villa Industrial Park P.O. Box 117 Villa Rica Georgia 30180 Tel. 770/459-5757 Fax 770/459-0957 Gummi-Metall-Technik GmbH Liechtersmatten 5 D-77815 Bühl Tel.07223/804-0 Fax 07223/21075 GMT Malaysia RMT-GMT Rubber-Metall-Technic (M) SDN. BHD. Industrial Estate P.O. Box 82 33000 Kuala Kangsar/Perak Tel. 05-7761742/744/746 Fax 05-7765700 Verkaufsniederlassung: Sales offices: FRANCE BELGIUM ENGLAND AUSTRIA GMT Filiale France Rue Lavosier 57190 Florange Tel: 03/82593218 Fax: 03/82593229 GMT Belgium S.A./N.V. Chausèe de Louvain 165 5310 Eghezèe Tel: 081/811440 Fax:081/812440 GMT Rubber–Metal-Technic LTD. The Sidings Station Road Guiseley, Leeds LS20 8BX West Yorkshire Tel: 01943/870670 Fax:01943/870631 GMT Gumm-Metall-Technik Ges.m.b.H. Gewerbestraße 6 5082 Grödig Tel: 06246/74006-0 Fax:06246/74006-22 Isolation of mechanical vibrations and solid-borne noise: To select the correct anti-vibration spring elements it is essential to determine first what events occur in the particular case: ● ● ● forced vibrations caused by changing cyclic forces and impulses impact-like disturbances (shocks) caused by pulses or earth movements solid-borne noise caused by any sound-waves propagated in solid bodies. Mechanical vibrations: The principle of vibration isolation is the separation of the interfering object (active suppression of vibration) or the object that is to be protected (passive protection of vibration) from the surroundings and, by fitting intermediate springs, making it into an independent system which is capable of vibrating. The mechanism of the suppression consists in coordinating the frequency in such a manner that the cyclic movements of the system are no longer synchronous but in anti-phase to the disturbance. In case an exciter force directed downwards reaches its maximum, the vibrating object will be in its uppermost position which means that it moves against the exciting force. Effective vibration isolation will thus be achieved by high frequency ratio λ . Flexible mounting design must in principle use natural frequencies, which are outside the resonance field. Unpleasant rocking must be expected to occur wherever the exciter frequency nerr and the natural frequency ne coincide. λ < 1 No vibration isolation Structure-borne noise suppression possible λ = 1 Rocking × maximum figures depending on damping D within the resonance area λ > √ 2 Vibration isolation; efficiency η dependent on λ structure-borne noise suppression possible Therefore, effective vibration isolation is achieved by deep frequency tuning, that is, by a high frequency ratio λ . A high damping effect D is obstructive here because it reduces the isolating effect. However, some degree of damping is desirable to reduce rocking in the resonance area or to cause rapid amplitudes in case of shocks. Now, if the object which is to be isolated is artificially separated from the base, the natural frequency of the flexible mounting must be adjusted to the values which are lower than the exciter frequency by the factor √2. This frequency ratio λ causes the inertia force of the flexibly mounted system to counteract the exciting force out of phase. The isolating effect thus introduced is referred to as the isolating efficiency η. Important Relationships The magnitudes x, x and x are time-dependent and designate the coordinate, the speed and the mass acceleration m. Each point stands for one time derivation, known from linguistic usage in mathematics. Other important definitions in vibration technique: If the exciter revolution nerr [min-1] is known, divide by ne to obtain the frequency ratio λ . Spring stiffness of linear springs can be represented by means of the static compression Xst and the weight force G. The following applies if the spring rate is independent of the frequency: c = G/xst = mg/xst. Therefore, it follows from ω2e = c/m, for the natural circuit frequency: ω2e = g/Xst By inserting g = 981 cm/s2 for earth acceleration, we have: Damping: With the x-co-efficient for the movement equation, damping D can be specified non-dimensionally: However, it can also be obtained from measurements or roughly calculated from the flexibility of materials in accordance with DIN 53512: D = (100 – flexibility [%])/950 Solving the movement equation: The statement X = Xp = A sin (ωt – ϕ ) represents a specific solution of the vibration equation. It becomes an overall solution when the „transient response" is completed and the system merely vibrates at the exciter frequency ω. The vibration amplitude is then V is non-dimensional and is designated as the magnifying function. Its magnitude mainly depends on the frequency ratio λ. The relevant phase shift ϕ (lag angle of vibrations in relation to the excitation) can be calculated from the following relationship: Vibration isolation: The ratio of the vibration amplitude to the quotient from P and c is a measure of the „transmittance" of the excitation and, according to the above formula, equal to the magnification function V. Therefore, the figure of the vibration amplitude A is equal to the static compression under the constant exciter force amplitude multiplied by the magnification ratio V. It will now be logical to introduce to it the isolation degree η as a differential amount to 100%. η = [1 – V] • 100% For negligible damping, Structure-borne sound-waves: These include all sound-waves which are propagated through solids. Shakings/Vibrations: These are low-frequency structure-borne vibrations (<50 Hz), such as those created by vehicles, during building work or by earthquakes. Footstep noise: This type of structure-borne noise is generated for example When walking on stairs, platforms, or floors. While the isolation of the disturbing forces can be calculated by means of the vibration theory, the damping of structureborne noise comes under the laws of wave mechanics and depends on a variety of parameters. Noise damping is quoted in decibels (dB) because the effect depends on the sound-reflecting quality (reflection) of the colliding materials. Sound-hardness: Sound-hardness of: Sound-hardness is the product of the sonic speed and density Steel = 3.95 × 107 kg/sqm.sec Cork = 1.18 × 105 kg/sqm.sec Rubber = 6.62 × 104 kg/sqm.sec Air = 4.45 × 102 kg/sqm.sec file:///D|/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/GMT%20International/Tech.%20Info.htm (5 of 14) [12/9/02 1:56:07 PM] Technical Info The softest material as far as sound-reflection is concerned, is air, followed by soft, flexible rubbers. Rubber-to-metal bonded elements are therefore excellent combinations of acoustically hard and soft materials. Carefully selected materials of suitable quality (density, Young’s modulus) and thickness create a highly efficient damping effect over the whole frequency range, by means of the sound reflection losses. Example of calculations for flexible mounting: A compressor is to be supported on vibration-isolation mountings. Technical data: Total weight 1200 kp Revolutions of the engine 1400rpm-1 Revolutions of the compressor 900 rpm-1 Free inertia forces none Number of mounting points 6 Overall center of gravity symmetrical to the mounting points Isolating efficiency η 85% Solution: Load per mounting 1200 kp/6 = 200 kp Necessary frequency ratio λ for η = 85% 2,75 Necessary natural frequency 900/2,75 = 317 min-1 The required compression of 8,4 mm will be found in the above nomogram. Mounting elements are required to give an 8,4 mm compression at 200 kp. The effect of damping: Vibration isolation has nothing to do with vibration damping, as it is erroneously assumed. Effective isolation is achieved by appropriate frequency tuning alone. Provisions for damping are required wherever resonance may occur or vibrations from impacts must rapidly decay. Rocking Ratio It is evident from the results of experiments that the rubber damping is essentially different from the viscose damping. Within the frequency area of 10 to 200 Hz the shape force/stroke characteristics (damping ellipses) is constant and independent of the excitation frequency. The amplitude of the damping force is proportional to the amplitude of the return force of rubber springs, the proportionality factor representing a material constant independent of the frequency. The damping factor itself is freuency-dependent in the case of rubber and tends towards zero at a rising frequency. This means that in the case of small movements the damping forces of rubber are negligibly small and hardly affect the isolation effect. On the other hand, the damping effect increases in the case of viscose damping and increasing frequency which is leading to a deterioration of the isolation effect. Bonded rubber elements: Rubber springs are unique anti-vibration elements regarding their vibration and sound damping action. GMT’s vulcanized materials have proved their efficiency in conditions where elements of other type fail after a short time. Carefully vulcanized the adherence strength between the metal plate and the rubber may be 130 kp/ GMT is now able to bond various fittings to rubber, such as: ● ● ● ● Steel, crude or treated Steel, stainless Brass, aluminium Plastics Static stresses on rubber elements: Compression The shape factor must be taken into account when designing rubber elements for compression loads. The shape factor is understood to be the ratio of the action compression area to the open deflection face of the rubber. This is due to the restricted transverse expansion and thus the variable modulus of elasticity Ec of the incompressible rubber material. Shearing loads The shearing modulus G represents the only material constant of rubber and is specified for each compound in relation to Shore hardness. Therefore, the spring characteristic is linear with parallel shearing stresses. This effect must be accounted for specifically if there are shearing deformations at higher precompression. Compression shearing loads: Anti-vibration elements are often mounted at angles. A bridging connection between them adds stabiblity to such a flexible mounting together with a corresponding softness in the vertical direction. Tension In case the rubber-to-metal elements are subjected to tensions only, peak stresses occur at the edges of the bond. If parts are oxidized, their serviceability may be destroyed due to the notch sensetivity of rubber. Therefore, tensile stresses should be avoided. Dynamic stresses on rubber elements: The law of non-linear compression of rubber operates only conditionally in the case of dynamic stresses and vibrations but quite extensively in situations where a large amount of energy must be absorbed. Our specialists will be pleased to help you in solving complex problems relating to dynamic loads. Any specific figures which are required can also be measured or checked in our own laboratories. The values for the modulus G and the corrected modulus of elasticity Ec for simpler static conditions will be found in the diagrams below. Hardness: The hardness of rubber is normally measured in accordance with DIN 53 505 and is expressed in Shore A (C and D). It is determined by measuring the resistance to penetration of a cone penetrator. Our stock qualities: soft 43º Shore A medium 57º Shore A hard 68º Shore A Hardness correction factor Deviation in Correction degrees of Shore A factor Shearing modulus G Correction factor 1 1,038 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,087 1,118 1,161 1,205 1,251 1,298 1,348 1,399 1,458 Modulus of elasticity Ec Information required to select Engine / Transmission mounts CUSTOMER NAME: PROJECT: ENGINE (attach manufacturers drawing if available) 1. Manufacturer and model: 2. Total “wet” weight (including accessories) 3. C.G. (center of gravity) location above CSCL (crankshaft centerline) 4. C.G. location forward of RFOB (rear face of block) 5. Operating speeds 6. 7. 8. LOCATION: DATE: Ew= Eh= Ed= idle= max= Number of cylinders and arrangement (I-4, I-6, V-8, etc.) Two or four cycle Maximum torque TRANSMISSION (attach manufacturers drawing if available) 9. Manufacturer and model: 10. Weight (“wet”) 11. C.G. location above or below CSCL 12. C.G. location behind RFOB 13. Highest gear ratio (usually reverse – gear) Tw= Th= Td= FRONT MOUNTING 14. Location above or below CSCL 15. Location forward of RFOB 16. Mounting Spread (“0” for single mount) Fh= Fd= Fs= REAR MOUNTING 17. Location above or below CSCL 18. Location forward of RFOB 19. Mounting spread Rh= Rd= Rs= TAIL SUPPORT MOUNTING 20. Location above or below CSCL 21. Location forward of RFOB Sh= Sd= GMT International Corporation P.O. Box 117 • 56 Conners Rd. • Villa Rica, Georgia 30180 Phone: (800) 241 1144 • (770) 459 5757 • Fax: (770) 459 0957 ABC Buffers GMT Buffers are simple individual metal parts held together by a firmly adhering layer of elastomer. They are suitable for storage of light and moderately heavy equipment without any distinctive dynamic load. Their robustness and wide range of dimensions make a universal application possible. Bushings Busings are used for all types of mechanical linkage and as anti-vibration mountings. Permits oscillating movement through the deflection of rubber in shear. Need no lubrication. Wide range of sizes. Cone Mounts Cone Mounts are for vehicle engines, cabs and the suspension of mobile bulk containers. High load capacity with large static deflections and progressive stiffening. Large range. Maximum loadings to 1800kg. H-Mounts H Mounts provide flexible suspension systems for mobile, transport-mounted or portable equipment. H Mounts offer high rebound capacity. Specific Applications of H Mounts include: electric motors, tractor seats, vehicle seats and cabs, internal combustion engines, and radiators. EM Mounts EM Mounts are used in the same applications as the H Mounts. The bonded in steel wear surface can be used in more extreme environments. These steel wear surfaces eliminate the need for machining a radius in the support structure. MF Mount MF Mounts are low cost isolators that provide high load capacity, compact size, and stability. These all attitude mounts are perfect for isolating truck, bus, and marine engines. Shearmount Shearmounts are for vibrator rollers, sifting and grading machinery and diesel engines. Also used as anti-shock mountings and to permit relative movement in structural steelwork and civil engineering applications. RD Mounts RD Mounts are low profile mountings for reciprocating and rotating machinery, diesel engines and fan sets. Used where space is restricted. Four designs for loads to 250kg. T Mount T Mounts are designed to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty vehicular application, off-road equipment, large trucks, construction equipment, etc. Specific Applications of T Mounts include: electric motors, tractor seats, vehicle seats and cabs, internal combustion engines, and radiators. Triflex Triflex Mounts are for marine engines, generator sets and all types of static and mobile equipment. Ideal general purpose mountings. Compact and easy to install. Three sizes for loads to 12.5kg. Not recommended for loading in tension. ABC Buffers ABC-Mounts Size Thread Size Thread Type ∅D X H G G Type (Inches) (Metric) Part Part ∅D X H G G (Inches) (Metric) 8x6 0.31 X 0.24 4-40, 6-32 M3 AB 40 X 35 1.57 X 1.37 5/16, 3/8 M8 ABC 8X8 0.31 X 0.31 M3 AB 40 X 40 1.57 X 1.57 5/16, 3/8 M8, M10 ABC 10 X 6 0.39 X 0.24 M4 A 50 X 20 2.00 X 0.78 3/8 M10 AB 10 X 8 0.39 X 0.31 M4 A 50 X 25 2.00 X 1.00 3/8 M10 AB M4 ABC 50 X 30 2.00 X 1.18 3/8 M10 ABC 10 X 10 0.39 X 0.39 4-40 8-32 10 X 13 0.39 X 0.51 8-32 11 X 13 0.43 X 0.51 8-32 8-32 15 X 8 0.59 X 0.31 15 X 10 0.59 X 0.39 15 X 13 0.59 X 0.51 10-32, 8-32 C 50 X 35 2.00 X 1.37 3/8 M10 ABC M4 AC 50 X 38 2.00 X 1.50 1/2 M10 C M4 A 50 X 40 2.00 X 1.57 3/8, 1/2 M10 ABC M4, M5 AB 50 X 45 2.00 X 1.77 3/8, 1/2 M10, M12 ABC M4 AB 50 X 50 2.00 X 2.00 3/8, 1/2 M10, M12 ABC M10, M12 ABC 15 X 15 0.59 X 0.59 1/4-20, 832 M4, M5 ABC 50 X 55 2.00 X 2.16 5/16, 3/8, 1/2 15 X 30 0.59 X 1.18 8-32 M4 AB 50 X 60 2.00 X 2.36 3/8 A 20 X 10 0.78 X 0.39 1/4 M6 A 50 X 65 2.00 X 2.56 1/2 C 20 X 15 0.78 X 0.59 1/4 M6 ABC 50 X 75 2.00 X 3.00 3/8, 1/2 M10 ABC 20 X 20 0.78 X 0.78 1/4 M6 ABC 75 X 25 3.00 X 1.00 1/2 M12 AB 20 X 25 0.78 X 1.00 1/4 M6 ABC 75 X 30 3.00 X 1.18 M12 A 25 X 10 1.00 X 0.39 1/4, 5/16 M6 A 75 X 35 3.00 X 1.37 1/2 M12 BC 25 X 15 1.00 X 0.59 1/4, 5/16 M6 AB 75 X 40 3.00 X 1.57 1/2 M12 ABC 25 X 20 1.00 X 0.78 1/4, 5/16 M6 ABC 75 X 45 3.00 X 1.77 1/2 M12, M16 ABC 25 X 25 1.00 X 1.00 1/4, 5/16 M5, M6, M8 ABC 75 X 50 3.00 X 2.00 1/2 M12, M16 ABC 30 X 15 1.18 X0.59 5/16 M8 AB 75 X 55 3.00 X 2.16 1/2 M12 ABC 30 X 20 1.18 X 0.78 5/16 M8 ABC 75 X 60 3.00 X 2.36 1/2 M12 ABC 30 X 25 1.18 X 1.00 5/16 M8 ABC 75 X 75 3.00 X 3.00 1/2 30 X 30 1.18 X 1.18 5/16, 3/8 M8 ABC 80 X 57 3.15 X 2.25 12 30 X 40 M8 B 80 X 75 3.15 X 3.00 1/2 1.18 X1.57 5/16 32 X 22 1.26 X 0.87 5/16 32 X 25 1.26 X 1.00 5/16 32 X 32 1.26 X 1.26 5/16 M8 ABC M12 AC A A 100 X 25 4.00 X 1.00 5/8 A 100 X 30 4.00 X 1.18 5/8 A A 100 X 35 4.00 X 1.37 5/8 A M16 A A 100 X 40 4.00 X 1.57 5/8 M16 ABC 35 X 25 1.37 X 1.00 5/16, 3/8 AB 100 X 45 4.00 X 1.77 5/8 M16 ABC 35 X 38 1.37 X 1.50 5/16, 3/8 ABC 100 X 50 4.00 X 2.00 1/2, 5/8 M16 AC AB 100 X 55 4.00 X 2.16 1/2, 5/8 M16 AB M16 ABC 35 X 15 1.37 X 0.59 38 X 25 1.50 X 1.00 M8 5/16 40 X 20 1.57 X 0.78 5/16, 3/8 M8 AB 100 X 60 4.00 X 2.36 1/2, 5/8 40 X 25 1.57 X 1.00 5/16, 3/9 M8 AB 100 X 65 4.00 X 2.55 5/8 40 X 30 1.57 X 1.18 5/16, 3/8 M8, M10 ABC 100 X 75 4.00 X 3.00 5/8 C M16 ABC DEK Mounts Size Thread ∅D X H G G (Inches) (Metric) Part 10 X 4.5 0.39 X 0.18 8-32 10 X 10 0.39 X 0.39 8-32 12 X 25 Size Type Part Thread G G ∅D X H (Inches) (Metric) D 50 X 40 2.00 X 1.57 M4 DE 50 X 42 2.00 X 1.65 0.27 X 1.00 M4 KPD 50 X 45 2.00 X 1.77 1/2 15 X 13 0.59 X 0.51 M4 E 50 X 50 2.00 X 2.00 3/8 20 X 12 0.78 X 0.27 M6 E 50 X 54 2.00 X 2.13 3/8 20 X 15 0.78 X 0.59 M6 D 20 X 19 0.78 X 0.75 M6 20 X 20 0.78 X 0.78 22 X 16 0.87 X 0.63 25 X 8 1.00 X 0.31 1/4 1/4 3/8, 1/2 Type M10, M12 DE M10 D M10 E E M10 KPD 50 X 58 2.00 X 2.28 M10 KPE D 50 X 68 2.00 X 2.68 M8 KPD M6 DE 51 X 25 2.01 X 1.00 1/2-13 E M6 KD 51 X 45 2.01 X 1.77 1/2-13 E M6 D 63 X 53 2.48 X 2.07 M10 D 25 X 10 1.00 X 0.39 1/4, 5/16 D 75 X 15 3.00 X 0.59 1/2 D 25 X 13 1.00 X 0.51 1/4 D 75 X 20 3.00 X 0.78 3/8, 1/2 D 25 X 15 1.00 X 0.59 1/4 D 75 X 25 3.00 X 1.00 1/2 M12 DE 25 X 17 1.00 X 0.67 1/4 M6 KD KE 75 X 35 3.00 X 1.38 1/2 M12 DE 25 X 20 1.00 X 0.78 1/4, 5/16 M6 DE 75 X 38 3.00 X 1.50 M12 D 30 X 15 1.18 X 0.59 M8 KD 75 X 40 3.00 X 1.57 1/2, 3/4 M12 DE 30 X 17 1.18 X 0.67 M8 DE 75 X 45 3.00 X 1.77 1/2, 3/4 M12 D 30 X 20 1.18 X 0.78 M8 D 75 X 48 3.00 X 1.89 1/2 30 X 24 1.18 X 0.94 M8 D 75 X 50 3.00 X 2.00 1/2 30 X 28 1.18 X 1.10 5/16 M8 DE 75 X 70 3.00 X 2.95 1/2 D 30 X 30 1.18 X 1.18 5/16 D 75 X 75 3.00 X 3.00 1/2 D 32 X 20 1.26 X 0.78 1/4 D 75 X 82 3.00 X 3.23 M12 KD KE 32 X 22 1.26 X 0.87 5/16 D 75 X 90 3.00 X 3.54 M12 KPD 36 X 30 1.42 X 1.18 1/2-13 E 80 X 32 3.15 X 1.26 38 X 13 1.50 X 0.51 5/16 KD 80 X 66 3.15 X 2.60 M12 D 38 X 25 1.50 X 1.00 5/16 D 85 X 70 3.35 X 2.95 M12 D 38 X 30 1.50 X 1.18 5/16 KD 86 X 72 3.38 X 2.83 M12 D 40 X 15 1.57 X 0.59 5/16, 3/8 M8 DE 100 X 25 4.00 X 1.00 5/8 40 X 28 1.57 X 1.10 5/16, 3/8 M8 DE 100 X 40 4.00 X 1.57 5/8, 1 40 X 30 1.57 X 1.18 5/16 M8, M10 KPD KPE 100 X 55 4.00 X 2.16 1/2, 5/8 D 40 X 36 1.57 X 1.42 5/16 D 100 X 57 4.00 X 2.24 1/2, 5/8 D 40 X 38 1.57 X 1.50 5/16, 3/8 D 100 X 65 4.00 X 2.55 5/8 D 5/16 M6 M8 D M12 D D 1/2 D M20 DE D KD 100 X 68 4.00 X 2.68 M10 KD KE 100 X 75 4.00 X 3.00 3/8 M10 DE 100 X 100 4.00 X 4.00 3/8, 1/2 M10 DE 115 X 147 4.53 X 5.79 2.00 X 1.06 M10 D 125 X 45 4.92 X 1.77 5/8 50 X 30 2.00 X 1.18 M10 D 125 X 47 4.92 X 1.85 5/8 50 X 32 2.00 X 1.26 1/2 KD 125 X 77 50 X 37 2.00 X 1.46 1/2 E 125 X 90 45 X 42 1.77 X 1.65 3/8 50 X 18 2.00 X 0.71 5/16, 3/8 50 X 21 2.00 X 0.83 50 X 25 2.00 X 1.00 50 X 27 D 1/2, 5/8 M12 D E 1 M16 KPD KD M16 KD KE 4.92 X 3.03 M16 KPD 4.92 X 3.54 M16 KPD Bushings Bushings TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 recommanded housing Part 0 A b 0 C d Diameter Length B 1927 0.750 1.060 0.440 0.630 0.660 1.000 1 B 2545 1.000 1.750 0.331 1.000 0.930 1.600 1 B 2825 1.120 1.000 0.517 0.500 1.060 0.880 1 B 3541 1.370 1.630 0.641 0.800 1.290 1.440 1 B 3739 1.450 1.530 0.630 0.940 B 4469 1.750 2.630 0.508 1.320 B 4643 1.830 1.690 1.000 B 4675 1.860 3.000 1.000 2.500 B 6446 2.500 1.820 1.570 1.400 B 10064 4.030 2.510 1.500 1.380 3.730 B 10095 3.930 3.730 1.750 2.940 3.810 B 106152 CB 3227 CB 6476 SB 5076 SB 6660 SB 7583 SB 145100 SB 64076095 SQB 6080 SQB 86100 4.190 1.250 2.470 2.000 2.600 6.000 1.060 3.000 3.000 2.370 2.000 0.450 1.010 1.000 1.500 4.000 0.200 1.980 2.750 2.210 4.000 1.000 2.100 5.700 3.000 2.390 3.420 5.000 3.750 3.250 4.000 2.000 1.030 1.380 2.010 3.960 2.500 2.150 2.500 TYPE h e 1 1.590 2.120 1 1.720 1.560 1 1.750 2.750 1 1 1 1 4.000 0.690 2.500 1 1.090 2.290 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1.440 2.120 0.190 0.250 Cone Mounts Cone Mounts Part CM 7481 CM 10570 CM 10570.82 CM 172150100 Part CM 7481 CM 10570 CM 10570 L CM 172150100 A 3.31 3.31 3.31 5.59 B 2.95 2.95 2.95 4.88 A 84 84 84 142 B 75 75 75 124 inch C 0.64 0.64 0.80 0.98 Millimeter C 16.2 16.2 20.3 25 D 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.97 E 1.02 1.30 1.18 1.81 F 0.91 1.06 1.06 1.34 G 2.80 2.52 2.52 3.94 I 2.73 2.73 2.73 3.94 K 3.62 3.62 3.62 5.91 L 3.27 3.27 3.27 5.67 M 4.13 4.13 4.13 6.77 N 0.41 0.41 0.50 0.43 D 38 38 38 50 E 26 33 30 46 F 23 27 27 34 G 71 64 64 100 I 69.4 69.4 69.4 100 K 92 92 92 150 L 83 83 83 144 M 105 105 105 172 N 10.3 10.3 12.1 11 CM 7481series 1200 800 65 55 45 600 400 200 0 0 0.3 CM 172150100 series 2500 load (lbs) 0.1 0.2 deflection (in) 65 55 45 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 deflection (in) 0.4 0.5 Load (lbs) load (lbs) 1000 CM 10570/10570L series 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 65 55 45 0 0.1 0.2 deflection (in) 0.3 EM Mounts EM Mounts inches Supportplate Thickness Diameter Part EM 6120 EM 6460 EM 6464 EM 6620 EM 6820 A B C D E F G H I 3.25 2.50 2.50 2.62 2.22 3.22 1.75 1.75 2.62 2.00 1.80 1.00 1.06 0.81 0.82 1.84 1.62 1.62 1.38 1.37 0.77 0.75 0.63 0.51 0.51 0.29 0.25 0.13 0.31 0.31 0.76 0.40 0.40 0.53 0.51 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.75 0.75 1.81 2.25 2.25 1.81 1.81 0.62 1.87 0.44 0.63 0.63 1.64 1.40 1.40 Millimeter Supportplate Thickness Diameter Part A B C D E F G H I EM 6120 EM 6460 EM 6464 EM 6620 EM 6820 83 64 64 67 56 82 44 44 67 51 46 25 27 21 21 47 41 41 35 35 20 19 16 13 13 7 6 3 8 8 19 10 10 13 13 25 19 16 19 19 46 57 57 46 46 EM 6120 series 70 60 50 40 800 600 Radial load (lbs) Axial load (lbs) 1000 400 200 0 0 0.02 0.04 deflection (in) 50 0 0 600 400 200 0 0 0.01 0.02 deflection (in) 0.03 Radial load (lbs) Axial load (lbs) 800 70 60 50 40 100 0.06 70 60 50 40 47 0 42 36 36 EM 6120 series 150 EM 6464/6460 series 1000 16 0 11 16 16 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 0.1 EM 6464/6460 series 150 70 60 50 40 100 50 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 0.1 400 200 0 0 EM 6820 series 500 Axial load (lbs) 0.02 0.04 deflection (in) 400 300 60 55 50 45 100 0 0.02 0.04 deflection (in) 0.06 EM 6620 series 500 70 60 50 40 400 300 200 100 0 0.06 200 0 Radial load (lbs) Axial load (lbs) 600 70 60 50 40 0 Radial load (lbs) EM 6620 series 800 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 EM 6820 series 500 60 55 50 45 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 H-Mounts H Mounts Part H3332 H4850 H6463 H7753 H9075 H9075 SP H12585 ∅A ∅B C ∅D 1.310 1.870 2.520 3.050 3.500 3.500 4.900 0.790 1.280 1.580 1.560 2.280 1.630 2.530 1.250 1.960 2.450 2.070 2.880 2.880 3.380 0.395 0.520 0.650 0.635 0.940 0.940 1.060 E F 0.480 0.780 0.900 0.900 1.000 1.000 1.250 DIA 0.480 0.780 0.900 1.040 1.000 1.000 1.250 ∅A H3332 H4850 H6463 H7753 H9075 H9075 SP H12585 ∅B ∅D C E 0.750 1.250 1.500 1.580 2.250 1.610 2.500 F DIA 0.375 0.560 0.875 0.220 1.000 1.120 1.250 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 20 33 40 40 58 32 50 62 53 73 10 13 17 16 24 12 20 23 23 25 12 20 23 26 25 19 32 38 40 57 10 13 19 28 25 2 2 2 2 2 89 124 41 64 73 86 24 27 25 32 25 32 41 64 28 32 2 2 300 200 100 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 S R 0.750 1.250 1.500 0.375 0.500 0.750 0.006 0.006 0.006 2.500 1.000 0.006 19 32 38 10 13 19 64 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H 3332 series 80 60 40 20 0 80 70 60 50 40 Radial load (lbs) 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 0 R 33 47 64 77 89 H 3332 series 400 S RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE (THICK) STRUCTURE (THIN) DIA S R DIA S R Millimeters Part Axial load (lbs) RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE (THICK) STRUCTURE (THIN) Inches 0 0.005 0.01 deflection (in) 0.015 deflection (in) 600 80 70 60 50 40 400 200 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 H 7753 series 2000 1000 500 0.05 H7753 series 80 70 60 50 40 400 200 0 0 0.1 0.01 H 9075/9075SP series Axial load (lbs) 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 600 400 200 0 0.15 0 H 12585 series 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 deflection (in) 0.04 0.05 H 12585 series 2000 80 70 60 50 40 0.04 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 Radial load (lbs) 80 70 60 50 40 0.02 0.03 deflection (in) H 9075/9075SP series 800 Radial load (lbs) Axial load (lbs) deflection (in) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.03 600 0 0 0.01 0.02 deflection (in) 800 80 70 60 50 40 1500 80 70 60 50 40 0 Radial load (lbs) Axial load (lbs) 0 H 4850 series 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Radial load (lbs) H 4850 series 800 Axial load (lbs) deflection (in) 80 70 60 50 40 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 0 0.02 0.04 deflection (in) 0.06 MF Mounts MF Mounts Hole ∅ Inches Part MF 403 MF 602 MF 603 MF 604 MF 605 MF 605C MF 606 MF 607 MFS 604 MFS 605 ∅A ∅B 1.50 1.75 1.88 2.00 2.75 2.75 3.50 4.50 2.20 2.90 ∅C 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.50 3.25 2.00 2.25 0.39 0.39 0.46 0.53 0.81 0.69 0.81 1.06 0.53 0.69 D E F H I L 0.26 0.34 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.53 0.66 0.41 0.41 2.12 2.25 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.25 5.00 6.00 3.75 4.25 1.75 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.25 3.25 3.75 4.75 2.75 3.25 1.00 1.38 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.25 3.00 4.00 1.25 1.53 0.62 0.81 0.98 1.06 1.18 1.18 1.38 1.50 0.87 0.96 2.75 4.00 4.50 4.75 5.25 5.25 6.25 7.50 4.75 5.25 Recomme nded T l 0.06 1.30 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.25 0.15 0.15 Hole ∅ Millimeters Recomme nded clearance Part ∅A MF 403 MF 602 MF 603 MF 604 MF 605 MF 605C MF 606 MF 607 MFS 604 MFS 605 ∅C 32 44 51 51 57 57 64 83 51 57 10 10 12 13 21 18 21 27 13 18 D E 7 9 10 10 10 10 13 17 10 10 54 57 89 95 108 108 127 152 95 108 F 150 100 50 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 0.2 load (lbs) 70 60 50 40 200 H 44 57 64 70 83 83 95 121 70 83 Mf 403 series 250 load (lbs) ∅B 38 44 48 51 70 70 89 114 56 74 0.19 2.28 2.38 2.62 2.62 2.87 3.75 2.38 2.62 25 35 44 51 57 57 76 102 32 39 I L 16 21 25 27 30 30 35 38 22 24 70 102 114 121 133 133 159 191 121 133 T 2 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 4 4 33 5 58 60 67 67 73 95 60 67 MF 602 series 250 200 150 100 50 0 70 60 50 40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 70 65 60 55 50 45 600 400 200 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 0 1500 7 0 6 5 6 0 5 5 0.2 5 1000 500 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) load (lbs) MF 605/605C series load (lbs) MF 604 series 800 load (lbs) Load (lbs) MF 603 series 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) MF 606 series 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 70 65 60 55 50 45 0 0.05 0.1 load (lbs) deflection (in) MF 607 series 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 70 65 60 55 50 45 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.2 RD Mounts RD Mount rd Part RD 6430 RD 6035 RD 7042 A 1.700 2.020 2.000 B 1.750 1.900 2.200 Part RD 6430 RD 6035 RD 7042 A 43 51 51 B 44 48 56 Inches C D 0.400 0.340 0.530 0.390 0.530 0.410 Millimeter C D 10 9 13 10 13 10 E 3.470 3.470 3.750 F 2.500 2.500 2.750 G 1.250 1.220 1.650 H 1.090 1.080 1.250 I 4.600 4.600 4.750 K 0.130 0.130 0.150 E 88 88 95 F 64 64 70 G 32 31 42 H 28 27 32 I 117 117 121 K 3 3 4 RD 6430 series 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80 70 60 50 40 load (lbs) 400 70 60 50 40 300 200 100 0 load (lbs) MF 6035 series 500 0.1 0.2 deflection (in) 0 0.3 0 RD 7042 series 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 70 60 55 50 45 0 0.1 0.2 deflection (in) 0.3 Load (lbs) load (lbs) RD RD9535 9528series series 0.1 0.2 deflection (in) 0.3 RD 9528 series 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 70 60 50 40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 0.25 Shearmounts Shear Mounts Inches Part SM-18018075 SM-18018076 SM-180180100 SM-10032045 SM-240243140 A B C D E F G H I 7.12 7.12 7.12 3.94 9.56 7.12 7.12 7.12 12.60 9.44 5.75 5.75 5.75 11.02 7.50 5.75 5.75 5.75 11.02 7.50 2.95 3.00 4.00 1.77 5.50 5.00 5.30 5.50 9.44 7.40 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.31 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.31 0.51 0.51 0.87 0.79 0.77 A B C D E F G H I 181 181 181 100 243 181 181 181 320 240 146 146 146 280 191 146 146 146 280 191 75 76 102 45 140 127 135 140 240 188 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 5 8 13 13 22 20 20 elastomer contour curve straight straight straight curve Millimeter Part SM-18018075 SM-18018076 SM-180180100 SM-10032045 SM-240243140 elastomer contour curve straight straight straight curve T Mounts T Mounts Part T-2514 T-2726 T-2726 .31 T-302437 T-4129 T-4532 .47 T-4532 T-5030 T-5032 .66 T-5032 T-503551 T-5040 T-5040 .66 T-603854 T-6520 T-6530 T-6550 T-6581 T-704160 T-7525 T-7525 .81 T-7532 T-7532 .81 T-7545 T-7555 T-854164 T-9540 T-9564 T-9564 T-9565 T-9565 T-9865 T-115100 T-12580 T-127036 T-16035 TF-9038 TF-11545 *Axial Static Spring Rate LBS/IN 3750 5000 5000 2000 8750 8750 8250 8250 8250 8400 8333 8333 10650 10700 10714 13125 6627 6627 2915 2915 Inches ∅A 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.250 1.620 1.750 1.750 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.360 2.520 2.500 2.470 2.500 2.700 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.970 3.330 3.750 3.750 3.750 3.740 3.740 3.860 4.500 5.000 5.000 6.270 3.520 4.500 ∅B 0.760 0.800 0.800 0.920 1.240 1.240 1.240 1.250 1.350 1.350 1.370 1.340 1.340 1.500 1.620 1.500 1.620 1.600 1.610 1.980 1.980 1.800 1.800 1.980 1.970 1.620 2.220 2.230 1.230 2.230 2.230 2.300 2.980 3.180 3.160 3.200 2.240 2.500 C 0.450 0.630 0.630 1.070 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.940 1.000 1.000 1.450 1.310 1.310 1.500 0.560 0.940 1.580 2.120 1.640 0.850 0.850 1.120 1.120 1.560 2.000 2.510 1.120 2.000 2.000 2.130 2.130 2.120 3.500 2.750 1.050 1.410 1.450 1.690 ∅D 0.410 0.410 0.310 0.400 0.400 0.470 0.530 0.520 0.660 0.530 0.530 0.520 0.660 0.640 0.645 0.640 0.640 0.650 0.800 0.685 0.810 0.780 0.810 0.640 0.640 0.810 0.760 0.803 0.776 0.760 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.01 1.010 1.020 0.938 1.060 RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE DIA S R E H 0.200 0.250 0.250 0.550 0.410 0.370 0.370 0.520 0.530 0.530 0.750 0.540 0.540 0.690 0.620 0.620 0.620 1.000 0.680 0.820 0.820 0.810 0.640 0.710 0.810 0.890 1.120 1.000 1.000 1.130 1.130 1.160 1.250 1.000 0.940 0.680 1.040 1.320 0.550 0.750 .120-.150 1.030 .750-.780 0.310 1.030 .750-.781 0.310 1.440 0.900 0.380 1.150 1.120 0.380 1.250 1.120 0.380 1.250 1.120 0.380 1.250 1.250 1.250 0.250 1.250 1.250 0.250 2.000 1.250 0.500 1.640 1.250 0.620 1.640 1.250 0.620 2.120 1.380 0.620 0.800 1.190 2.000 1.500 0.750 3.190 1.500 0.750 2.360 1.500 0.750 1.000 2.000 .375(Two) 1.000 2.000 .375(Two) 1.260 1.810 .930(Two) 1.260 1.810 .930(Two) 1.810 2.260 1.810 0.930 2.510 1.500 0.880 1.500 2.500 2.000 0.750 2.500 2.000 0.750 2.480 2.000 0.750 2.480 2.000 0.750 2.500 2.250 0.750 4.000 2.750 1.750 3.120 1.420 1.430 1.480 1.760 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 60 55 50 40 load (lbs) 250 200 150 100 load (lbs) T2514 series 300 50 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 200 150 100 70 60 50 40 150 100 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 T 4532/4532.47 series 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 70 60 50 40 0.02 0.04 deflection (in) 0.06 T 5030/5032/5032.66 series 1200 70 60 50 40 1000 load (lbs) 0 800 600 400 200 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 T 503551 series 1200 1000 800 0 0.1 70 60 50 40 600 400 600 400 0 0 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0 0.08 T 603854 series 1200 60 55 50 45 1000 800 45 50 55 60 800 200 0.02 600 400 200 0.15 T 5040/5040.66 series 1000 200 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 1200 load (lbs) 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 T 6520/6530/6550 series 1400 60 55 50 45 1200 load (lbs) load (lbs) 0.04 50 0 load (lbs) 70 60 50 40 T 4129 series 200 50 load (lbs) 0.01 0.02 0.03 deflection (in) 250 load (lbs) 70 60 50 40 250 load (lbs) 0 0.08 T302437 series 300 T 2726/ 2726.31 series 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 deflection (in) T 6581 series 70 60 50 40 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 1000 500 0 70 60 50 40 1500 1000 500 0.1 0.15 T 7535/7535.81 series (curve for two parts) 2500 70 60 50 40 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 T 7555 series 2500 70 60 50 40 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 T 7545 series 2500 2000 load (lbs) 0 load (lbs) 0.05 deflection (in) 2000 load (lbs) 1500 0.2 T 7525/7525.81 series (curve for two parts) 2500 1500 0.1 70 60 50 40 1000 500 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 0 T 854164 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 T 9540/9565/TF 9038 series 70 60 50 40 3000 load (lbs) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 70 60 50 40 2000 1000 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0 0.15 70 60 50 45 0 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 T 115100 series T 9564 series 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 4000 load (lbs) load (lbs) 60 55 50 40 0 0 load (lbs) T 704160 series 2000 load (lbs) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 load (lbs) load (lbs) deflection (in) 60 50 40 3000 2000 1000 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 TF 11545 series(two parts shown) 3500 70 60 50 2500 2000 1500 1000 65 55 45 2500 load (lbs) load (lbs) 3000 2000 1500 1000 500 500 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0 0.15 T 16035 series 7000 4000 3000 2000 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 1500 load (lbs) 5000 0.02 0.08 0.1 T 9865 series 2000 65 55 45 6000 load (lbs) T 12580 series 3000 70 60 50 1000 500 1000 0 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 deflection (in) 0.08 0 0.05 0.1 deflection (in) 0.15 Triflex Triflex Inch A 4.72 7.20 9.06 Millimeter A 120 183 230 part 100 020 100 021 100 022 part 100 020 100 021 100 022 B 2.36 2.95 4.41 C 1.57 1.97 2.76 I 2.36 2.95 3.15 D 3.94 5.51 7.17 B 60 75 112 C 40 50 70 I 60 75 80 D 100 140 182 LxM ExF 0.43x0.55 0.43x0.55 0.79x0.51 0.51x1.18 1.02x0.71 0.71x1.34 LxM 11 x 14 20 x 13 26 x 18 Triflex 100020 series 65 55 45 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 Triflex 100022 series 2000 load (lbs) 0.05 65 55 45 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (in) 0.2 0.25 load (lbs) load (lbs) 250 ExF 11 x 14 13 x 30 18 x 34 H M12 M16 M20 Weight (kg) 0.35 0.88 2.4 H M12 M16 M20 Weight (kg) 0.35 0.88 2.4 Triflex 100021 series 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 65 55 45 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 deflection (lbs) 0.2 0.25 Hollow springs Plateform mounts IS elements SBJ bushings U mounts Small engine mounts Machine mounts Axle mounts