*** IMPORTANT --- COURSE REQUIREMENTS BELOW *** LAB PARTS REQUIREMENTS There is a Lab component for this online course (17.383 - Microprocessors A) that requires the purchase, if you don't already have on hand, of the items listed in attachment 1. Quantities for a few of the items have been increased to reflect spares to have on-hand in case of a component failure during the conduct of your labs. In addition, there are a number of optional items listed in attachment 1 that you may consider purchasing as well. Additional components will most likely be required for the construction of your project, which you will also be responsible for procuring. Project details will be provided during the semester. There are numerous vendors from which the parts may be purchased, I included some vendors with their local stock numbers. You are free to procure the parts from any distributor (local, internet, mail order, etc.). SOFTWARE and HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS A computer (laptop, desktop, netbook) with a USB port is required for this course. It is highly recommended that you have a high quality USB "Web Cam" and microphone for your computer that will interface with "Blackboard". The web cam will be utilized during online troubleshooting sessions as we do not have the advantage of weekly lab sessions. A USB web cam can be used to provide me and your fellow classmates the ability to look at your circuit and aid you in your troubleshooting. Web cams built into your computers and laptops do not provide the flexibility of being moved around your table/workbench. The web cam and microphone will also be used to "record" the demonstration portion of your project. Microphones/headsets are essential for our weekly "chat/lab Q&A sessions/office hours". A link to required "free" software which will enable you to program your microprocessor (microcontroller) device will be provided during your first lab session (first week of class). Lab report templates will be provided in Word 2007 format; therefore, software to read/write those templates is a necessity. If you have any questions regarding parts, web cams, software, or other course related questions, please contact me at dohn_bowden@uml.edu. Thank you, Dohn Bowden QUANTITY CATEGORY PART VALUE/NAME PART NUMBER VENDOR COST Miscellaneous PB-1680 PG164130 S1132E-06-ND (DK) BREADBOARD, 1680 CONTACTS PICkit ™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger 6x1 0.1" pitch R/A long-tail connector BS6I-ND T978-P7P-ND CP-2519-ND microchipDIRECT Digi-Key $ $ $ 15.95 44.95 1.23 9 volt battery 9 volt battery clip Wall transformer 6V, 1 A Power connector Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key $ $ $ 0.59 8.06 0.87 LM7805CT-ND LM7805 Voltage Regulator Digi-Key $ 0.67 PIC16F684-I/P-ND PIC16F684 Digi-Key $ 1.58 P8009S-ND (DK) Pushbutton switch Digi-Key $ 0.27 LED-1 LED-2 BG-10G TDA-482 LED - Red (T 1 3/4 RED LED) Led - Green (5MM T1 3/4 LED) 10 SEGMENT BARGRAPH, GREEN Dual 7-segment LED (common anode) www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com $ $ $ $ 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.75 LCD-226 LCD Display (2x16 parallel) www.allelectronics.com $ 6.00 1 102D50 www.allelectronics.com $ 0.60 1 1 1 103D50 104D50 RMC-321 1000 picofarad (1 nanofarad or 0.001 microfarad) capacitor (102) 0.01 microfarad capacitor (103) 0.1 microfarad capacitor (104) 0.33 microfarad capacitor (334) www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com $ $ $ 0.60 1.00 0.20 470 Ω, 1/4W 5%, axial resistors (yellow violet brown) 1.0 kΩ, 1/4W 5%, axial resistors 10 kΩ, 1/4W 5%, axial resistor (brown black orange) www.allelectronics.com $ 0.65 www.allelectronics.com www.allelectronics.com $ $ 0.65 0.65 MTPS-10K 10kΩ Multi-turn Trim Potentiometer www.allelectronics.com $ 1.25 2N3906 2N3906 --- PNP TO-92 TRANSISTOR www.allelectronics.com 1* 1 1 www.allelectronics.com Power Supplies 1 2 1* 1* Voltage Regulators 1 Microcontrollers 4 Switches 2 Lights 1 1 2 2 Displays 1* Capacitors Resistors - Fixed 14 291-470 3 2 291-1K 291-10K Resistors - Pots 2 Transistors 2 NOTES Quantities with * are either optional or if needed (if you have a breadboard you do not need a new one. Wall transformer can be used instead of the 9 volt battery