Math 462: HW4 Solutions Due on August 8, 2014 Jacky Chong 1 Jacky Chong Remark: We are working in the context of Riemann Integrals. Problem 1 4.1.3 A quantum-mechanical particle on the line with an infinite potential outside the interval (0, l) (“particle in a box”) is given by Schrödinger’s equation ut = iuxx on (0, l) with Dirichlet conditions at the ends. Separate the variables and use (8) to find its representation as a series. Solution: Consider the problem ( ut = iuxx for 0<x<l u(0, t) = u(l, t) = 0 . Suppose u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) is a solution to the above problem, then we obtain the following decoupled system of ODEs ( X 00 (x) = λX(x) T 0 (t) = iλT (t) X(0) = X(l) = 0 . Case 1. Suppose λ = 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 + C2 x is the general solution to X 00 = 0. Applying the boundary condition, we get the trivial solution X ≡ 0. Case 2. Suppose λ ∈ R>0 , a positive real number, then we see that √ X(x) = C1 e λx + C2 e− √ λx is the general solution to the ode X 00 = λX. Applying the first boundary condition, we get that X(0) = C1 + C2 = 0 which means X(x) = C sinh √ i.e. C2 = −C1 λx. However, applying the second boundary condition, we get that √ X(l) = C sinh λl = 0 √ which means C = 0 since λl > 0. Again, we get the trivial solution X(x) ≡ 0. Case 3. Suppose ±(a + ib) are the two square-root of λ where b 6= 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 e(a+ib)x + C2 e−(a+ib)x is the general solution that solves X 00 = λX. By the two boundary conditions we get that C(e(a+ib)l − e−(a+ib)l ) = 0. Assume C 6= 0, otherwise we get the trivial solution again. Then, we get that eal = |e(a+ib)l | = |e−(a+ib)l | = e−al Page 2 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 1 which means a = 0. Therefore, we may assume λ = −b2 for some b > 0. Then it follows X(x) = C sin bx and X(l) = C sin bl = 0 which means b = nπ where n is any positive integer. Thus, l X(x) = C sin nπx . l Next, solving for T (t), we get that T (t) = Ke−in which means un (x, t) = An sin 2 π 2 t/l2 nπx −in2 π2 t/l2 e l is a solution to the Schrödinger’s equation with Dirichlet conditions. Suppose v(x, t) solves the Schrödinger’s equation with Dirichlet conditions, then we see that v(x, t) = ∞ X An sin n=1 nπx −iπ2 n2 t/l2 e l is a series representation of the solution. Problem 2 4.1.4 Consider waves in a resistant medium that satisfy the problem utt = c2 uxx − rut u =0 for 0<x<l at both ends u(x, 0) = φ(x) ut (x, 0) = ψ(x), where r is a constant, 0 < r < 2πc/l. Write down the series expansion of the solution. Solution: Let us begin by finding a solution to utt = c2 uxx − rut of the form u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) that has the boundary conditions u(0, t) = u(l, t) = 0. Then we obtain the following system of odes ( c2 X 00 (x) = λX(x), T 00 (t) + rT 0 (t) = λT (t), X(0) = X(l) = 0 . Case 1. Suppose λ = 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 + C2 x is the general solution to X 00 = 0. Applying the boundary condition, we get the trivial solution X ≡ 0. Case 2. Suppose λ ∈ R>0 , a positive real number, then we see that √ X(x) = C1 e λx/c + C2 e− √ λx/c Page 3 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 2 is the general solution to the ode c2 X 00 = λX. Applying the first boundary condition, we get that X(0) = C1 + C2 = 0 i.e. C2 = −C1 √ which means X(x) = C sinh λx c . However, applying the second boundary condition, we get that √ X(l) = C sinh λl =0 c √ which means C = 0 since cλl > 0. Again, we get the trivial solution X(x) ≡ 0. Case 3. Suppose ±(a + ib) are the two square-root of λ/c2 where b 6= 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 e(a+ib)x + C2 e−(a+ib)x is the general solution that solves c2 X 00 = λX. By the two boundary conditions we get that C(e(a+ib)l − e−(a+ib)l ) = 0. Assume C 6= 0, otherwise we get the trivial solution again. Then, we get that eal = |e(a+ib)l | = |e−(a+ib)l | = e−al which means a = 0. Therefore, we may assume λ = −c2 b2 for some b > 0. Then it follows X(x) = C sin bx and X(l) = C sin bl = 0 which means b = nπ where n is any positive integer. Thus, l X(x) = C sin 2 Using the fact that λ = − c n2 π 2 , l2 nπx . l we obtain the linear second ode T 00 (t) + rT 0 (t) = − c2 n2 π 2 T (t) l2 2 2 2 with corresponding characteristic polynomial P (z) = z 2 + rz + c nl2 π . Solving for the roots of P (z), we get that p −r ± r2 − 4c2 n2 π 2 /l2 z= 2 which are complex numbers since −(4c2 n2 π 2 /l2 − r2 ) =: −αn2 < 0 for all n > 0. Then it follows T (t) = C1 e−rt/2 cos αn t + C2 e−rt/2 sin αn t which mean un (x, t) = [An e−rt/2 cos αn t + Bn e−rt/2 sin αn t] sin nπx l is a solution to utt = c2 uxx − rut with the zero Dirichlet boundary conditions at the endpoints. Hence any solution will have the representation u(x, t) = ∞ X [An e−rt/2 cos αn t + Bn e−rt/2 sin αn t] sin n=1 nπx . l Page 4 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 2 Applying the initial conditions, we get that φ(x) = u(x, 0) = ∞ X An sin n=1 and ψ(x) = ut (x, 0) = ∞ X n=1 or nπx l r nπx αn Bn − An sin 2 l ∞ X r nπx ψ(x) + φ(x) = αn Bn sin 2 l n=1 Problem 3 4.2.1 Solve the diffusion problem ut = kuxx in 0 < x < l, with the mixed boundary conditions u(0, t) = ux (l, t) = 0. Solution: Let us consider solution to the boundary valued diffusion equation of the form u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) where both X(x) and T (t) are real-valued functions. Then we get the following system of odes ( X 00 (x) = λX(x), T 0 (t) = λkT (t) X(0) = X 0 (l) = 0 . Case 1. Suppose λ = 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 + C2 x is the general solution to X 00 = 0. Applying the boundary condition, we get the trivial solution X ≡ 0. Case 2. Suppose λ > 0, then we have that √ X(x) = C1 e λx + C2 e− √ λx is the general to X 00 = λX. Applying the first boundary condition, we get that √ X(x) = C sinh λx, then by the second boundary condition we get that √ √ X 0 (l) = C λ cosh λl = 0 which implies C = 0 since cosh x 6= 0 for all x ∈ R. Case 3. Suppose λ < 0, then we have that X(x) = C1 cos √ −λx + C2 sin √ −λx. By the first boundary condition, we have that X(x) = C sin √ −λx. Page 5 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 3 Applying the second boundary condition, we get that √ √ X 0 (l) = C −λ cos −λl = 0. Assuming C 6= 0, then we see that n. Thus, it follows √ −λ = n + 1 2 π/l or λ = − n + X(x) = C sin Since λ = − n + 1 2 2 n+ 1 2 πx l 1 2 2 π 2 /l2 for any nonnegative integer . π 2 /l2 , then T (t) = Ae−(n+ 2 ) 1 2 π 2 kt/l2 . Now, it follows 1 2 n+ πx 2 2 2 e−n π kt/l l is a solution to the above problem. Hence any solution u will have the following series representation ∞ X n + 21 πx −(n+ 1 )2 π2 kt/l2 2 e u(x, t) = An sin l n=0 un (x, t) = An sin for some sequence of An . Problem 4 4.2.3 Solve the Schrödinger equation ut = ikuxx for real k in the interval 0 < x < l with the boundary conditions ux (0, t) = 0, u(l, t) = 0. Solution: Let us consider solution to the boundary valued Schrödinger equation of the form u(x, t) = X(x)T (t). Then we obtain the following system of odes ( X 00 (x) = λX(x), T 0 (t) = λikT (t) X 0 (0) = X(l) = 0 . Case 1. Suppose λ = 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 + C2 x is the general solution to X 00 = 0. Applying the boundary condition, we get the trivial solution X ≡ 0. Case 2. Suppose λ ∈ R>0 , a positive real number, then we see that √ X(x) = C1 e λx + C2 e− √ λx is the general solution to the ode X 00 = λX. Applying the first boundary condition, we get that X 0 (0) = which means X(x) = C cosh √ √ λ(C1 − C2 ) = 0 i.e. C2 = C1 λx. However, applying the second boundary condition, we get that √ X(l) = C cosh λl = 0 Page 6 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 4 which means C = 0 since cosh x 6= 0 for all x ∈ R. Again, we get the trivial solution X(x) ≡ 0. Case 3. Suppose ±(a + ib) are the two square-root of λ where b 6= 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 e(a+ib)x + C2 e−(a+ib)x is the general solution that solves X 00 = λX. By the two boundary conditions we get that C(e(a+ib)l + e−(a+ib)l ) = 0. Assume C 6= 0, otherwise we get the trivial solution again. Then, we get that eal = |e(a+ib)l | = |e−(a+ib)l | = e−al which means a = 0. Therefore, we may assume λ = −b2 for some b > 0. Then it follows X(x) = C cos bx and X(l) = C cos bl = 0 which means b = n+ 1 2 π/l where n is any nonnegative integer. Thus, 1 2 n+ X(x) = C cos πx l . Next, solving for T (t), we get that T (t) = Ke−i(n+ 2 ) 1 which means un (x, t) = An cos n+ 1 2 l 2 πx π 2 kt/l2 e−i(n+ 2 ) 1 2 π 2 kt/l2 is a solution to the Schrödinger’s equation with Dirichlet conditions. Suppose v(x, t) solves the Schrödinger’s equation with Dirichlet conditions, then we see that ∞ X n + 21 πx −i(n+ 1 )2 π2 kt/l2 2 e v(x, t) = An cos l n=0 is a series representation of the solution. Problem 5 4.3.1 Find the eigenvalues graphically for the boundary conditions X(0) = 0, X 0 (l) + aX(l) = 0. Assume that a 6= 0. Solution: Considering the eigenvalue problem −X 00 = λX. Let a > 0. Case 1. Let λ = 0, then we have that X(x) = C1 + C2 x. Applying the boundary conditions, we get that X(x) = Cx and X 0 (l) + aX(l) = C + aCl = C(1 + al) = 0. Page 7 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 5 Since a, l > 0, then it follows C = 0. Therefore X ≡ 0, the trivial solution. Case 2. Let λ = β 2 > 0, then we have that X(x) = C1 cos βx + C2 sin βx. By the first boundary condition, we have that X(x) = C sin βx. Applying the second boundary condition, we get that X 0 (l) + aX(l) = Cβ cos βl + aC sin βl = 0 or β tan βl = − . a Case 3. Let λ = −β 2 < 0, then we have that X(x) = C1 eβx + C2 e−βx . Applying the first boundary condition, we get that X(x) = C sinh βx. Using the second boundary condition, we get that X 0 (l) + X(l) = C(β cosh βl + sinh βl) = 0. But β cosh βl + sinh βl > 0, then it follows C = 0. Thus, there is no nontrivial eigenfunctions corresponding to λ < 0. Apply a similar argument when a < 0. Problem 6 4.3.9 On the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 of length one, consider the eigenvalue problem −X 00 = λX X 0 (0) + X(0) = 0 and X(1) = 0 (absorption at one end and zero at the other). (a) Find a eigenfunction with eigenvalue zero. Call it X0 (x). (b) Find an equation for the positive eigenvalues λ = β 2 . (c) Show graphically from part (b) that there are an infinite number of positive eigenvalues. (d) Is there a negative eigenvalue? Solution: (a) Suppose λ = 0, then we have that X(x) = C1 + C2 x. Applying the boundary conditions, we obtain the following linear of equation C1 + C2 = 0 or C2 = −C1 . Let X0 = 1 − x then it’s clear that X0 is an eigenfunction with the eigenvalue zero. (b) Suppose λ = β 2 > 0, then we see that X(x) = C1 cos βx + C2 sin βx Page 8 of 9 Jacky Chong Problem 6 solves −X 00 = λX. Applying the boundary conditions, we get that X 0 (0) + X(0) = C1 + βC2 = 0 and X(1) = C1 cos β + C2 sin β = 0. WLOG, we may assume C1 , C2 6= 0, otherwise we will again arrive at the trivial solution. Hence it follows C1 tan β = − =β C2 (c) Sketch is left to the reader. (d) Suppose λ < 0, then we see that √ X(x) = C1 e −λx + C 2 e− √ −λx is the general solution to −X 00 = λX. Applying the boundary conditions, we get X 0 (0) + X(0) = C1 + C2 + and √ X(1) = C1 e −λ √ −λ(C1 − C2 ) = 0 √ + C 2 e− −λ = 0. Again, wlog, we may assume C1 , C2 6= 0, then we get that − √ C2 = e2 −λ C1 which in turn yields e √ 2 −λ √ 1 + −λ √ . = 1 − −λ 1+x However, the function e2x and 1−x does not have any positive point of intersection, i.e. there does not √ exists λ < 0 such that −λ is a point of intersection. Page 9 of 9