NORTHAMPTON TOWN CENTRE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT This is the proposal to create a Business Improvement District which would mean more Promotion for your business, improvements in the Management of your town centre & good Value for Money. NORTHAMPTON BID PROPOSAL 2011 TO 2015 “ 6 Reasons to support a BID The BID is set up by business for the benefit of business All businesses will pay a small sum into a ringfenced fund to spend locally Collective investment will enable cost savings to individual businesses All projects will be additional to existing public services The BID will be governed by a local business board A real business voice will be created to influence change ” The purpose of this Proposal is to: • Outline the need for a town centre BID in Northampton • Describe the projects and services to be delivered by the BID • Show the Northampton town centre BID area • Explain the management arrangements, finances and the BID voting arrangements 2 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Welcome to the Proposal for NORTHAMPTON TOWN CENTRE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT We have consulted businesses over recent months and have incorporated your views into this Proposal that outlines a five year programme of improvements to Northampton Town Centre through a Business Improvement District (BID). A BID is a business-led initiative that gives businesses the power to manage and improve their own operating environment so it directly benefits their business, their employees, clients and customers. Together, businesses identify projects and services BUSINESS they consider areIMPROVEMENT needed to add value toDISTRICT existing services and agree, through a formal ballot process, to a level of investment to ensure the delivery of these projects. There are currently 104 BIDs around the UK, of which 64 are in town and city centres. TOWN CENTRE BIDs are designed to suit the needs of businesses in a local area and provide an opportunity to focus on: • Improving the trading conditions for businesses; • Increasing the competitiveness of the local area; and • Reducing the operating costs for businesses. From 1st to 28th October 2010 you will be asked to vote on this proposal. If the majority of businesses support the proposal then a Business Improvement District will be established in Northampton town centre and will commence on 1st January 2011. “ The Northampton BID will support and promote our town centre with positive improvements, events and marketing. The key to economic success is creating a better experience for our visitors, customers and employees. STEPHEN CHOWN, CHOWN COMMERCIAL BID STEERING GROUP CHAIR ” “ The BID is an opportunity for town centre businesses to gain a collective benefit, to see improvements within the immediate vicinity of their business and to gain buying power with issues such as waste management and business insurance. NEIL BARTHOLOMEY, PUBWATCH BID STEERING GROUP VICE CHAIR ” 3 Why do we need a BID in Northampton? Northampton has a lot of to be proud of.... But it also has opportunities that it could capitalise on ...... • The largest town and commercial/business centre in the county and the 4th largest in the East Midlands • A growing diverse population and increasing commuter footfall with varied expectations and requirements for social, recreational and commercial services • As a long established county town and commercial centre, Northampton has a rich and interesting social, architectural and commercial heritage • What is needed is a catalyst that stimulates the regeneration of Northampton’s town centre “ BIDs are proving to be of significant benefit to town and city centres across the country and their positive impact is borne out in the 100% track record of renewal ballots. BRITISH BIDS 2010 “ ” Northampton is a town with a great history and we are strongly supporting local businesses in every way we can to make sure that it has a vibrant future as a commercial centre. We have a great example of a successful BID in Brackmills and it’s encouraging to see the level of enthusiasm that has already been generated among town centre businesses. This is their chance to grab the initiative and really get involved in delivering the improvements in the town centre that we all want to see. CLLR BRIAN HOARE, LEADER OF NBC CHAIR OF THE TOWN CENTRE PARTNERSHIP 4 ” Northampton Town Centre The Town Centre Partnership has supported and/or been an active partner in delivering the following projects. • Northampton in Bloom • Pride of Northampton • Market Square Events • Market Square Lighting Project • Market Square Fountain and Gateway • Christmas Lights and Campaign • Introduction of a Community Toilet Scheme • Work to utilise empty shops for community projects As a result of the various events and improvements in the town centre, footfall figures show an increase of around 15% in the period April July 2010 in comparison with 2009 figures. In the future the BID will play a major role in the ongoing improvements of the town centre. 5 % Consultation We consulted local businesses in a number of ways over recent months to develop this BID Proposal. • BID breakfast briefing attended by many local businesses (Spring 2010) • Business consultation questionnaire hand delivered to all businesses in the BID area with 50% response rate (Spring 2010) • Consultation summary produced and distributed to all businesses within the BID area (late Spring 2010) • BID Steering Group set up and ongoing meetings (Spring/Summer 2010) • One to one consultation and BID campaign (Summer 2010) You told us you wanted to see.... Management Uniformed Officers 68% “ It is important that the Town Centre works together to bring in the public. This is a real opportunity Events Festivals toand seize the75% collective power of all business within the BID to make Directional Signageimprovements 43% dramatic from the street scene, events and the profile of80% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% the town centre enabling and promoting greater public interest and footfall. Managing Chuggers 41% Council Contract Monitoring 51% Dedicated Cleaning Team 44% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Promotion RICHARD CLINTON ROYAL ANDGreen DERNGATE THEATRE Initiatives 56% Events and Festivals 75% Business Networking 41% Directional Signage 43% 70% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Value for Money Green Initiatives 56% Business Networking 41% 0 80% 6 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% ” 60% Management Proposed spend £170,000 p.a. To improve the daily management of the town centre including cleanliness, safety and general ambience. Clean-up To make a very visible difference to the town centre by deep-cleaning including hot-washing pavements, cleaning and re-painting street furniture, and replacing old and damaged litter bins. Town Centre Hosts A highly visible uniformed presence to enhance the experience for visitors and to manage and deter unwanted on-street activity. Vacant Shop Window Displays Brightening up vacant units by measures such as designing and providing vinyl cover-ups for windows focused on cleaning up unsightly locations whilst also promoting town centre activities. Retail Crime Initiative Addressing the perception of crime and anti-social behaviour by assisting and enhancing the existing initiative by providing a 50% discount for all NRCI members paying the BID levy in year 1 of the BID. Town Centre Improvements Longer term enhancements to the public realm including lighting, cleaning and seating. “ From our experience to date, IBRF members consider that BIDs are quickly becoming a "must have" as a means of delivering added value to the business environment. INTER BANK RATING FORUM 2009 ” “ As a business, we are always looking for economies and the opportunity to make efficiency savings by having joint purchasing power with other local businesses in the BID area would be a really big plus. PATRICIA KEMPSON HEWITSONS ” 7 Promotion Proposed spend £100,000 p.a. To make the best of Northampton by raising its profile through coordinated marketing and promotion efforts. Branding and Marketing Providing a coordinated approach to branding and marketing for both daytime and evening through advertising, marketing literature and special promotions; thereby reducing the costs to individual businesses and adding a ‘wow’ factor to the town centre. PR Devising a town centre communications plan for the BID to actively work with the media to increase positive coverage and raise awareness of events and activities. Events Making the best of events in the town centre by raising the profile of existing activities and organising new events to attract visitors to the town centre. Wayfinding and Signage Providing innovative signage to the town centre including the main gateway locations to help navigate in and around the centre for pedestrians and from car parks. Value for Money Proposed spend £20,000 p.a. To act as the strong and influential voice for businesses to develop and procure services to deliver cost savings and carbon savings. Collective Procurement Initiative The aim of the Value for Money element of the BID is to create a return on the levy-payer’s investment by developing a range of collective procurement projects including insurance, utilities and waste management, stationery and printing. This will reduce the net cost to the levy-payers. “ The BID has a two pronged approach on value for money, with the opportunity to increase takings and the chance to reduce overheads; both of which businesses are constantly striving to achieve. JOHN GAMMIDGE GAMMIDGE GROUP 8 ” BID Area If successful at ballot, the BID for Northampton town centre would run for five years from 1st January 2011 and would cover the area shown in the map below. For a full list of streets included in the BID area please visit 9 Governance Following a successful vote, a not for profit company will be set up. These arrangements will be governed by the Company’s Articles of Association and will be lodged with Companies House. The BID company will have a board of directors made up of representatives from all sectors and sizes of BID levy payers. The existing steering group will remain in place as an interim board to get the BID started. During the first year the new board will be elected. Proposed Board Structure Large retail 3 Large retail 3 Small retail 3 Small retail 3 NORTHAMPTON Leisure Leisure 4 4 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Office 3 TOWN CENTRE Office 3 Landlords 2 Landlords 2 Local Authority 1 Local Authority 1 Measuring Performance The BID will be transparent and accountable to the levy payers. It will measure the performance and impact of the BID through a health check process together with business surveys, a 360 degree review and reporting to an Annual General Meeting. Management There will be a management team to run the day to day operations of the BID. The management team will report to the BID board. Legal Agreements It is important the activities of the BID represent added value over and above the public services already provided in the BID area. For this reason, Baseline Agreements exist between the BID and Northampton Borough Council which clearly define the level of services provided by the Council. There will be an Operating Agreement between the BID and Northampton Borough Council that will define the contractual arrangements including the collection and enforcement of the BID levy. A copy of these agreements can be viewed at 10 “ "For me the BID is an opportunity for the many businesses in the Northampton BID area to get together and really have some direct influence on how the town looks, how it is managed and how it is promoted." SHERIDAN NEW GROSVENOR SHOPPING CENTRE ” BID levy rules The BID process is governed by Government Legislation and Regulations. As such, once a majority vote has been achieved, the BID levy becomes mandatory and enforceable on all defined ratepayers. The rules for the BID levy are as follows: • The levy will be fixed at 1% of rateable value using the 2010 rating list as at 1st January 2011 • The term of the BID will be for a period of 5 years from 1st January 2011 • The BID levy will be applied to all ratepayers with a rateable value of £15,000 or more • All new hereditaments entering the rating list after 1st January 2011 will be levied at 1% on the prevailing list • All hereditaments with charitable status and in receipt of mandatory charitable relief will be fully exempt from the BID levy • Shopping centre tenants paying a service charge will be given a 25% discount on the levy rate • When a hereditament is empty, the eligible ratepayer will be liable for the BID levy with no void period, except in the case of listed buildings which will be exempt • The BID board will agree on an annual basis whether the levy will assume a growth rate for inflation of up to 3%, and if so this will be applied in the following financial year. • There will be no VAT charged on the BID levy * Hereditament means a rateable business unit BID Steering Group Membership Albion Properties Stephen Parrot Aspers Nigel Hartland Berrys Andrew Tompson Caliber Cleaning Services Ben Lloyd Chown Commercial Stephen Chown - Chair Churchs Stephen Church Debenhams Gail Chandler E Halford and Sons Peter Nock Gavin Willis Art Direction Gavin Willis Grosvenor Centre Sheridan New Hewitsons Patricia Kempson House of Fraser Jinny Shoosmith John Gammidge Group John Gammidge Mailcoach Sue Roberts Outcast Victoria Bradford Papa Cinos Stewart Wright Pubwatch Neil Bartholomey - Vice Chair Raymond Martin Raymond Everall Richardson Events Colin Richardson Royal & Derngate Richard Clinton Sheinman Opticians John Sheinman thebestofnorthampton Alison Pate Voni Blu Yvonne Spence Watts Furnishers Alan Harland BID Support Team Town Centre Manager Derrick Simpson BID Officers Julie Thorneycroft, Katie Nial Partnership Solutions Dr Julie Grail 11 Financials The BID will raise approximately £2m to be spent exclusively in the BID area over its five year life. A levy of 1% will be applied to the rateable value of each defined ratepayer in the BID area with a rateable value of £15,000 or more, of which there are approximately 550 raising in the region of £400,000 per year. rateable rateable rateable Rateable Value by Property Type Retail 51% Retail 51% Retail 51% Offices 18% Offices 18% Offices 18% Leisure 16% Leisure 16% Leisure 16% Other 15% Other 15% Other 15% The approximate cost to individual businesses would be: Small business (rateable value of £15,000) £150 per annum/£12.50 per month Medium business (rateable value of £50,000) £500 per annum/£41 per month Large business (rateable value of £150,000) £1,500 per annum/£125 per month To calculate your proposed BID levy, simply multiply your rateable value by 0.01. management management rateable rateable value split for the pie chart amend Following a successful BID ballot, all eligible ratepayers will be required to pay the levy. rateable value split for the pie chart amend management to – retail 51%; offices 18%; leisure 16%; –rateable retail 51%; offices 18%; the leisure The BIDrateable levy will be due on 1st January 2011 for the first part year and then other onto1st April value split pie16%; chart am 15%. Expenditure piefor chart split as other 15%. Expenditure pie chart split as follows – Management £170,000; Promoto – retail 51%; offices 18%; leisure 16% Management £170,000 thereafter each year and will be collected by Northampton Borough Counciltion on behalf follows – Management £170,000; PromoManagement £170,000 £100,000; ValueExpenditure for Money £20,000; other 15%. pie chart split tion £100,000; Value for Money £20,000; Retail 51% of the BID Company. The levy income will be collected into a ring-fenced BID BIDRevenue Running Costs £90,000; Promotion £100,000 – Costs Management BIDfollows Running £90,000; £170,000; Prom Promotion £100,000 Management £170,000 Contingency£20,000 tion £100,000; Value for Money £20,000 Account and these funds will beValue regularly to the BID Company. Contingency£20,000 Retail 51% Offices 18%transferred for Money £20,000 Value for Money £20,000 Promotion £100,000 18% BIDOffices Running Costs £90,000 Leisure 16% BID for Running Costs £90,000 Value Money £20,000 Leisure 16% Contingency £20,000 Other 15% Contingency support the BID £20,000 by providing BID Running Costs £90,000 Other 15% Voluntary contributors BID Running Costs £90,000; Contingency£20,000 Partner organisations will financial contributions and grants. Services including event delivery, technical guidance/advice and administrative Contingency £20,000 back up will be provided to the value of at least £60,000 per annum in cash and/or inkind. Expenditure management management The expenditure of the BID levy will be divided in the following ways: Management£170,000 £170,000 Management Promotion£100,000 £100,000 Promotion Valuefor forMoney Money £20,000 Value £20,000 rateable value split for the pie chart rateable value split for the pie chart amend to – retail 51%; offices 18%; leisure 1 to – retail 51%; offices 18%; leisure 16%; other 15%. Expenditure pie chart sp other 15%. Expenditure pie chart split as follows – Management £170,000; follows – Management £170,000; Promo- Pr tion £100,000; Value for Money tion £100,000; Value for Money £20,000; £20, BID Running Costs £90,000; BID Running Costs £90,000; Contingency£20,000 Contingency£20,000 BID £90,000 BIDRunning RunningCosts Costs £90,000 Contingency Contingency£20,000 £20,000 The BID board will have the responsibility for agreeing and managing the budget. The board could decide to vary the budget by up to 10% for each area of expenditure. If a variation greater than 10% was required, the board would need to present this to an EGM/AGM for approval. 12 BID Budget BID Budget for the five year term 2011 to 2015 INCOME 2011 BID Levy Income 340,000 Voluntary Contributions 60,000 TOTAL INCOME 400,000 2012 346,800 60,000 406,800 2013 353,600 60,000 413,600 2014 360,400 60,000 420,400 2015 367,200 60,000 427,200 EXPENDITURE BID Projects Management Promotion Value for Money BID Running Costs Contingency c.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURE 173,400 102,000 20,400 91,800 19,200 406,800 176,800 104,000 20,800 93,600 18,400 413,600 180,200 106,000 21,200 95,400 17,600 420,400 183,600 108,000 21,600 97,200 16,800 427,200 170,000 100,000 20,000 90,000 20,000 400,000 Assumed 2% annual inflation uplift Northampton BID Budget Year 1 2011 INCOME BID Levy Income Voluntary Contributions TOTAL INCOME £ 340,000 60,000 400,000 EXPENDITURE BID Projects Management Clean-up Town Centre Hosts Vacant Shop Window Displays Retail Crime Initiative 40,000 80,000 20,000 30,000 Promotion Branding and Marketing PR Events Wayfinding and signage 30,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 Value for Money Collective Procurement Initiative TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 20,000 290,000 BID Running Costs Management and overheads Levy collection TOTAL RUNNING COSTS Contingency c. 5% TOTAL EXPENDITURE 84,000 6,000 90,000 20,000 400,000 13 What’s in it for me? If you moved your business to a new building on a modern office or retail estate you would, quite rightly, expect an Estate Manager to maintain and promote the environment you have invested in. Being in the town centre should be no different. Someone should be looking after your patch, offering an inviting and dynamic environment for your customers. The BID will accomplish this and build on the investment in the town over the last 18 months. In the years ahead the BID will ensure Council baseline agreements are met and that opportunities for improvements are taken. The BID board will identify advantageous opportunities that levy-payers can benefit from as members of a BID buying group. To date, opportunities for cheaper recycling, waste management, insurance, electricity, gas and stationery have been investigated. In summary, the BID is an opportunity for businesses to have more say in a better run town centre, increased promotion and improved value for money. “ Further enhancements from the BID will raise the profile and perception of the town centre leading to increased footfall and more customers to enjoy the diverse leisure and retail offer. JINNY SHOOSMITH HOUSE OF FRASER ” “ The BID will attract shoppers by supporting independent retailers providing variety and choice. Alongside improved signage the BID will provide a human presence on the street to enhance the visitor experience, and encourage repeat visits. ALAN HARLAND WATTS FURNISHERS 14 ” The BID Ballot From 1st to 28th October 2010, businesses will be asked to cast their vote in a formal ballot. To ensure neutrality, the ballot will be administered by Northampton Borough Council and will be a secret ballot in accordance with the statutory BID legislation. Eligible voters All defined ratepayers will be entitled to one vote per hereditament. Those businesses who occupy more than one hereditament within the area will receive a ballot paper for each premises. Ratepayers that are exempt from paying the BID levy will not be eligible to vote. It will be possible to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Proxy applications will need to be made to the ballot holder by 5pm on 18th October 2010. a yes vote To establish a BID, the ballot will need to satisfy two tests as follows: 1. A majority in number of those voting 2. A majority in Rateable Value of those voting “ We believe that BIDs can be an important tool in co-ordinating collective investment to improve the trading environment. BRITISH RETAIL CONSORTIUM ” “ Part of the Northampton BID will be to support, promote and better communicate our town centre trade with some positive marketing throughout the year. This can have a big impact on attracting people to the Town Centre and creating a better experience for customers, visitors and our employees. GAVIN WILLIS GAVIN WILLIS ART DIRECTION ” 15 your vote counts Steps in the ballot process Your notice of ballot will be sent on 16th September 2010. Your ballot paper will arrive on 1st October 2010. You will need to cast your vote by 5pm on 28th October 2010. The ballot result will be announced on 29th October 2010. For further information about the Northampton BID, please contact: • Email your comments to • Discuss your comments by phoning 01604 838428 • Visit Stephen Chown BID Chair Neil Bartholomey BID Vice Chair Derrick Simpson Town Centre Manager Remember you need to cast your vote to make a difference to Northampton Town Centre BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NORTHAMPTON TOWN CENTRE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT