ESL-IE-82-04-151 INTERRUPTIBLE ELECTRIC RATES: WHERE WE ARE TODAY Robert J. Frees AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. Allentown, Pennsylvania service can produce an initial reduction of:at least 50 percent of one year's normal growt~ in I generation and transmission capacity. INTRODUCTION Interruptible electric rates are as far from being a widespread method of load manage­ ment today as they were almost nine years ago at the height of the Arab Oil Embargo. Utilities and industrial consumers have been "cooperating" to reduce overall cost since the early sixties and even earlier in Europe. Interruptible service is very similar to stand-by tickets for an airline which are p!iCed below the regular service fare but allow th air­ line to "bump" the passenger should the fli ht be overbooked. Just as there has to be an eco~omic advantage for an airline passenger to purchase such a ticket, industrial customers are not interested in interruptible power per se. They want reliable power to operate their manufacturing proces$es. If they can tolerate some interruptions in service, they may be willing to do so, if they can s~ve money. With the right interruptible discou~t and the proper type of manufacturing process, e~ergy intensive industries such as Air Products c!n remain competitive in national and world ma kets and thus continue to maintain prosperity an high emp 1oyment. I Now is the time to reevaluate where we are in our effort to find the optimum utility­ industry cooperative arrangement involving interruptible power rates and then promote it as a method of energy management. Within the past few years, time-of-use rates, for both indus­ trial and residential users, have been touted as the answer to shaving peaks and filling valleys in a utility's load curve. Their effectiveness in doing so, however, is still open to question. By contrast, load management - where for eco­ nomic reasons a customer permits the utility to control the power switch - is guaranteed to accomplish this. Energy Intensiveness I Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. is a ~ulti­ national corporation with annual sales in e~cess of $1.6 billion dollars. We are a major suppller of industrial gases worldwide, manufacturing sych common gases as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hy~rogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, helium, et¢. in both gaseous and cryogenic liquid form. Inladdi­ tion to our industrial gas business area, AIr Products manufactures industrial chemicals ~hich now account for more than one-third of our world­ wide sales. Nationwide, the production of industrial gases, for both on-site and mere ant sales, represented by 146 plants with 30 ma or locations in the U.S., is expected to consume over 3.4 billion KWH of electricity in 1982. Interruptible Rates As part of the National Energy Act of 1978, PURPA called for utilities to offer interrup­ tible rates in Section III(d)(5) as follows: "Each electric util ity shall offer each industrial and commercial consumer an interruptible rate which reflects the cost of providing service to the class of which the consumer is a member." i One thing PURPA did not do is convince the various parties - such as utilities, state commissions, and the industrial consumer - on the potential benefits to everyone, including residential customers, of having a fair and cost-based interruptible service rate. In Texas, we operate over 17 different, locations including three major manufacturi~g facilities at LaPorte, Pasadena, and Lone Star. One of these facilities alone has an electric demand in excess of 60,000 KW. A new liquid oxygen/nitrogen facility will become commertial this June at Midlothien, Texas with a demand of ove r 10,000 kw. I All of these industrial gas facilities!are classified as energy-intensive with over 50% of the total cost of production attributable to the elec­ tric power which drives the plants' large Obviously, the curtailment of electric power is not for everyone. Most industrial plants require a reliable source of power, and interruptible power, as a by-product of firm service, is marketable only from a reliable, well designed power system. Good salesmanship on the part of utility companies and a major public education effort to sell interruptible 836 Proceedings from the Fourth Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 4-7, 1982 ESL-IE-82-04-151 compressors. Electric power now accounts for over ll¢ of each sales dollar of the Company even after dilution by non-energy intensive businesses such as the engineering construction and contract mainte­ nance business of our subsidiary Catalytic, Inc. Air Products has found, since our first interruptible service contract with West Penn Power in 1960, that load management through cooperation with the energy supplier and computer control of plant operations, is the foremost method of reducing one of the largest components of a plant's operating expenses. The process employed in manufacturing industrial gases characterizes the operation of a typical interruptible-type customer: o highly energy intensive o capital intensive small labor force o ability to store product We have discussed the benefit to the consumer-saving money - but what about the utility? What does the utility gain by having a portion of its total system load capable of being interrupted at any time or at least within a few hours? Other Benefits - Other benefits which a utility may realize due to interruptible rates are so difficult to measure and define, they cannot necessarily be classified as a planning benefit or operations benefit. These benefits fall into two major cate­ gories: planning and operating. There are many subcategories under each with some overlap as well, but by dividing these benefits into two areas, advantage to the utility becomes appa­ rent. Peaking units, when frequently brought on­ stream and off, increase necessary maintenance and reduce the unit's life. By making the need for such units less frequent, interruptible rates prolong their life and reduce overall maintenance expense. Planning Benefits - Electric load that is supplied on an interruptible basis does not require the installation of generating capacity, thereby saving capacity "investments". The reliability of the system is improved by adding additional reserve capacity and allows more efficient utilization of the existing electric plant. The system load factor is improved since the utility can limit its peak demand by the magnitude of its interruptible load. By improving system load factor, several additional benefits accrue: o cost effective use of more efficient equipment o sale of spinning/operating reserves allow for maintenance on a timely schedule Interruptible loads also reduce a utility's overall operating cost by reducing average fuel cost, not only due to the reduction in use of higher priced on-peak energy but by 10werin~ the system losses at maximum load. Since the I R losses of a transmission and distribution system can be quite high (8-15% of total generating kwh), reducing the system peak and improving load factor can effect a substantial savings on fuel. Benefits of Interruptible Rates idle generation capacity is reduced o Operating Benefits - Since interruptions would normally occur during peak load hours, and since such hours are typically those when the higher energy cost equipment, or high cost purchased power, is used, reduced demand for energy during such hours can reduce the average and total operating cost of the utility. Another operating benefit results from the ability of the utility to be selling their spinning reserve which may normally be sitting idle consuming fuel but producing no output. So if an industrial process can fit all or some of these criteria, an opportunity exists to save money through load management. o ability to plan future capacity on a base-unit basis Large base load generating units are often hindered in their ability to respond quickly to changes in system load. If a utility determines that its peaks occur within a short period of time, it may, for planning purposes, install more peaking units rather than economical base units. By having the flexibility of interrupting the equivalent amount of load on short notice, the uneconomical peaker can be avoided. (This bene­ fit accrues to operations as well.) interruptible process o o Since the late sixties, forecasting future system demand has become an almost "crystal ball" exercise with the impact of inflation, conserva­ tion, a see-saw economy, and price elasticity causing utility demands to become stagnant in some parts of the country and grow at rates of 7-10% in other areas like here in the Sun Belt. In a Drazen-Brubaker study for the interrup­ tible customers of an East Coast utility, the use of interruptible load to correct for errors in long-term forecasting as well as abnormal weather conditions was described. The utility is presently forecasting a 13-16% reserve margin in the 1988-1989 period. If their annual load growth is only one percentage point higher than 837 Proceedings from the Fourth Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 4-7, 1982 i, ; ,( ESL-IE-82-04-151 Wood Electric Co-operative in Ohio), Northe n Indiana Public Service Company and Ohio Pow~r. The control room operators in the industrial plants have continuous data similar to that available to the power company's dispatcher. In order that their electricity be supplied from only the reserve capacity of the utility - ~he capacity which must be kept spinning in any event to ensure system reliability - the customer of Ohio Power change the operation of their e1 ctric furnaces in equal one-third steps, as many as 90 times per year. In the other three cases, the utility supplies data on its total system load and the customers assume the responsibility for managing their operation to keep their load as low as possible at the time of the utility's system peak. anticipated, the reserve margin during the same period drops to 6-14%, well below what is con­ sidered standard utility practice. A delayed generating unit or prolonged surrmer heat storm could have the same effect. According to the study, a combination of a 10% increase in the weather-sensitive load and a few months' slippage in the start-up of a planned generating unit could drop the utility's reserve margin in 1990 to 2%. In these times of uncer­ tainty in plant construction schedules, NRC licensing, ra~epayer revolts towards "over building", and high capital costs, the chances of a unit being delayed are becoming greater. A util ity with an adequate interruptible load or a rate schedule that would attract new interrup­ tible load stands a far better chance of meeting customer needs when the forecasting crystal ball becomes cloudy. In most other locations, plant operators are informed a short time in advance by the utility of an impending interruption. A few repres nta­ tive advance notifications and criteria for interruptions are shown below: Interruptible Rate Design For a utility to attract customers to take less than firm service, a rate must be developed that saves the customer money without unduly disrupting his operation. Interruptions can be more tolerable if they are kept to a maximum length of time or a maximum number of occur­ rences. In the case of an air separation facility such as those operated by Air Products, the number of occurrences is more important than the length, since each shutdown requires four hours of non-productive start-up time and wasted energy. Once the plant is "down", on-site product storage could supply customer needs for up to four days in some cases. The total hours of interruptions per year though is important, since it does reduce the loading factor of the plant and may cause a shortfall of product in a particular market area. Alabama Power Co. The main provisions of interruptible rates which we have encountered in the U.S. are: o o o o o o o o o o Advance Notification Util ity 15 min 24 hours Reason Reduce peaks Baltimore G&E 2 hours As required Delmarva P&L 30 minutes Avoid ne peak Jersey Central P&L 30 min ­ 2 hours R,d", Public Service E&G 2 hours l" Reduce p aks Southern Ca 1if. Edison 10-30 mi nutes West Penn Power 10 minutes Avoid peaker Operatiorn : Frequency of Interruption Duration of Interruption Pattern of Interruption Notification of Interruption Criteria for Interruption Duration of Interruptible Commitment Priority of Interruptible Customers Minimum or Maximum Load Requirements Penalty for Failure to Interrupt Level of Discount Spinning, reserve: shortag~ The maximum hours of interruption req~ired by a util ity is dependent on the util ity' s Isystem and is usually expressed in terms of hours Iper interruption, per day, per month, or per y~ar. It is usually tied to the number of hours ~he utility is above a certain predetermined percent of peak demand. For example, in the Drazen­ Brubaker study mentioned earlier, data was: acquired which showed the utility in questlon had the following number of hours at or above a given percentage of its peak demand. In compiling data on existing and proposed interruptible rates in the United States, we have found a wide variation in each of the provisions listed above. Our own plants, which have interruptible rate schedules with ten U.S. utilities, also show a wide variation. Number of Hours at a Given Percent of Peak Demand Year In some locations, real time data is used to inform the interruptible customer when a utility is approaching system peak. Good examples of this exist with New Orleans Public Service, Inc., Buckeye Power (through Hancock- 1980 1979 1978 100% 98% 95% 90% 85% :80% 10 39 47 38 126 157 157 247 419 317 j481 1675 650 10 11 1 i 838 Proceedings from the Fourth Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 4-7, 1982 ESL-IE-82-04-151 o From a table such as this, utility system planning departments can determine how many hours the utility needs to reduce their system peak and develop the rate schedule accordingly. The studies suggested two major ways of calculating an interruptible rate - evaluating it with respect to firm service or as a separate class of service. By determining the actual cost-of-service of firm power, then deducting the actual cost savings resulting from interrupti­ bility, a conservative estimate of the cost differential can be determined. It is conser­ vative since many of the intangible benefits would not be included. If the interruptible class is looked on as a separate group, diffi­ culties can occur since using conventional costing methods could result in flawed results depending on whether the class is actually interrupted or not in a given year. Level of Interruptible Discount The amount of discount a utility can offer an interruptible customer depends on the approach taken to calculate the savings the utility accrues. Unfortunately, no one method has been universally accepted to calculate such savings and in many cases the analysis is com­ plicated by a number of factors. First, there are many different types of interruptible rates available as shown above with some based on individual contracts with each interruptible customer. Secondly, many of the savings accruing to a utility because they have a reliable interruptible block of load are difficult to measure, such as protection against errors in future load forecasting. Finally, there is quite a difference in the actual savings a utility may realize and what they could have realized. The key to interruptible service is that it is available to be inter­ rupted, not that it is actually interrupted. So how then can a monetary value be put on such a service? Ernst and Whinney used a number of different costing methodologies and compared the results to determine if the eXisting discount was accep­ table. The three methods used were: o o t· .~ . Each of the methods has its pitfalls depending on the utility in question. Different generating fuel mixes can result in inequities between various utilities due to the use of peakers or high capital versus high energy generating units. Ernst and Whinney proceeded to use the three methods on the data provided by Delmarva Power & Light for the test year ending 30 September 1982. The results shown below indicate the flaws in one of the methods. The conclusions reached in both studies were quite similar indicating that perhaps a general method of determining an interruptible discount may be possible. In general, the findings of both studies indicated that: o the pure peak off-set method the system lambda method the selective allocation method. The peak off-set method calculates the annual cost of a peaking unit and subtracts it from the existing firm demand charges. The system lambda method has no demand charge but rather sets the interruptible customers' energy charge equal to the system lambda on a time-of-day basis. The last method - selective allocation - basically performs a typical cost-of-service analysis but excludes items not attributable to the interrup­ tible class. In order to determine the bounds of reasonableness of an interruptible rate, two studies were recently conducted in Delaware ­ one undertaken by the utility and the other by the interruptible customers of the utility. Ernst and Whinney, an independent consulting firm, was hired by the utility; while the industrials, including Air Products, used the firm of Drazen-Brubacker and Associates, Inc. The purpose of the dual study was to determine whether or not Delmarva Power and Light's interruptible discount of $6.98/kw/mo or 64% of the firm demand charge was indeed reasonable or whether it should be raised or lowered. The study was ordered by the Delaware Public Service Commission as part of a rate order issued in December, 1981. o Using various costing methods do give a range of reasonableness that can be used as a guide for setting the rate. Method Present Interruptible Rate Interruptible electric rates are a valuable tool to a utility in both planning and operating. Discount From Fi rm 28% 0% Firm Rate Many of the benefits to a utility cannot be precisely measured. Peak off-set 28% Selective Allocation 31% System Lambda (All Year) There is no one single way of deter-' mining what the absolute discount should be. System Lambda (Only On-Peak) 1% 18% 839 Proceedings from the Fourth Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 4-7, 1982 r K· ESL-IE-82-04-151 I reasons. Unfortunately, many utilities in ~any states have yet to implement any form of in~er­ ruptib1e rate. A recent survey of the uti1 ffties here in Texas shows that four of the ten ma·or utilities in the state still have no filed r interruptible service rates. Since Delmarva Power & Light (DP&L) is heavily dependent on oil-fired generation, the system lambda method, even with no demand charge, results in very little discount from the existing firm rate. In the future, as DP&L's fuel mix changes, this method will more closely approximate the peaker method. Ernst and Whinney concluded that the existing discount was indeed reasonable. I In New England the situation was even i'orse, with only three out of twenty-three uti1iti s contacted offering a filed and approved int rrup­ tib1e electric rate. One utility, Central aine Power, had a rate in effect for years but wfth­ drew it two years ago citing lack of custom r interest. Drazen-Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (DBA) took a different approach in evaluating the discount. DBA analyzed the cost-of- service study submitted by DP&L in the last rate case as well as another cost-of-service study submitted by an outside consultant on behalf of the Dela­ ware Commission's staff. The utility's study used zero for the coincident peak allocation factor resulting in an extremely high rate of return (71.92%) using the approved interruptible rates. This excess return (1.09¢/kwh) repre­ sents the interruptible class' contribution to facilities built for the firm classes. No additional operating savings were included. , Whether the failure to generate interelt in an interruptible rate is due to a poorly de igned rate, lack of utility promotion, or custome 's failure to analyze their operation to deter ine its interruptibi1ity, is anyone's guess. Mst likely it is a combination of all three. T e potential benefits of such a rate in lowerirg operating cost should be enough to motivatelany industrial consumer to work with his power supplier to develop a rate that provides th~ advantages to the utility cited above and i~ attractive enough to interest the industrials. As power costs continue to climb, industrial operating expenses will be more closely scr~ti­ nized for any areas of possible savings. Mst plants have implemented the first stages of energy conservation and are entering into t e costlier phases of reducing power costs. T e economic advantage of taking less than firm electric service from a power supplier may ow be at hand. The Commission staff's study used an average and excess methodology which shifted rate base toward high load factor customers, particularly the interruptible class. This methodology resulted in an underco11ection of $3.3 MM in revenue from the class. This method, however, does not recognize any of the benefits described earlier in the planning and operating characteristics of a utility. The study did concede, however, that an interruptible block of load would shift demand from on-peak to off-peak periods and thereby reduce fuel cost to the utility. The fuel savings by reducing the need for high priced peaking generation was cal­ culated at an average of 2.5¢/kwh times the total number of hours of interruption. Using an historical average of 109 hours per year, the resultant savings was $226,000 or $2.70 per kw of interruptible load. Bibliography Drazen-Brubaker & Associates, "Analysis of ! Controllable Rate Q Pursuant to Opinion a~d Order of the Delaware Public Service Cornm ssion in Docket 923, Phase II, February 1982. DBA stresses that both studies fail to recognize the operating and planning savings which accrue to the utility due to its inter­ ruptible block of load. Factoring these in results in the discount presently in effect. In addition, DBA pointed out that improving the discount could increase the amount of inter­ ruptible load above the present 83.9 MW or 6% of its firm load. Since DP&L experiences numerous one-hour jumps in demand of 160 MW or more, an increase in the discount to attract more inter­ ruptible load is justifiable. Ernst & Whinney, "Interruptible Power Study' , Submitted to the Delaware Public Service Commission pursuant to the Opinion afld Or er in Docket 923, Phase II, February 1982. E. A. Perreault, "Strategies for Curtailing Electric Power," Chemical Engineering, 84 No. 11, May 23, 1977. Edward V. Sherry, "The Impact of Load Manag , ent on the Industrial and Commercial Sectors,"' The Cha11en e of Load Mana ement - A Conver e ce-Df Diverse Interests, Federal Energy Adminis ra­ tlon, June 1975. Conclusion Interruptible electric service has been shown to be beneficial to all classes of cus­ tomers and the utility for a large number of E. V. Sherry, "Energy Conservation ~, 2, No.5, Summer 1977. 840 Proceedings from the Fourth Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 4-7, 1982