www . qataracademy . edu . qa PRIMARYSCHOOLHANDBOOK 2 0

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The QA Mission Statement
It is the mission of Qatar Academy (QA) to provide internationally
accepted, comprehensive, English medium programs plus
Arabic and Islamic Studies from preschool through to secondary
graduation. QA develops independent critical thinkers, lifelong
learners, responsible citizens, and empowers students to gain
entrance to elite universities and colleges
Early Years Belief Statement
At Qatar Academy (QA) we offer every child the opportunity to
develop as a unique individual. We provide a safe, secure and
nurturing environment that promotes independence, encourages
inquiry, expands curiosity and develops self-confidence. We value
each child’s mother tongue and believe in promoting individual
identities. The partnership between home and school is valued and
encouraged, as we believe that children learn best when all parties
are involved and committed to the child’s overall development.
P.O. Box 1129, Doha, State of Qatar
Tel: (+974) 44541804 Fax: (+974) 44542029
E-mail : primaryschool@qf.org.qa
Website : www.qataracademy.edu.qa
Published July 2012
Welcome to the Primary School .................................................................. 6
Background and General Information .......................................................... 7
Qatar Academy Vision & Mission Statement .............................................. 8
Admissions Policy ........................................................................................ 9
School Timing .............................................................................................. 9
Parental Involvement .................................................................................... 9
Academic/Behavior Policy ........................................................................... 9
Attendance ................................................................................................. 9
Class Attendance ...................................................................................... 9
Attendance Policy ...................................................................................... 10
Excuses for Absences ................................................................................ 10
Cafeteria ..................................................................................................... 10
Campus Safety.......................................................................................... 11
Campus Guests and Visitors ...................................................................... 11
Code of Conduct ........................................................................................ 11
Uniform ...................................................................................................... 11
Field Trips .................................................................................................. 12
Medical Procedures ................................................................................... 12
Parents School Communication ................................................................. 13
Report Cards .............................................................................................. 14
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) ............................................................... 14
After School Activities Program .................................................................. 15
Supplies & Materials ................................................................................... 15
Vehicle Traffic ............................................................................................. 15
Traffic Map ................................................................................................. 15
PRIMARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM ........................................................... 15
The Primary Years Programme .................................................................. 16
Arabic (A) and Islamic Studies ................................................................... 18
Arabic as a Second Language Program (Arabic B) ..................................... 18
Art .............................................................................................................. 19
Information Technology .............................................................................. 19
Learning Support Program ......................................................................... 19
English as a Second Language (ESL) ......................................................... 20
Language Arts ............................................................................................ 20
Mathematics .............................................................................................. 21
Music ......................................................................................................... 21
Library ........................................................................................................ 22
Physical Education (P.E.) ........................................................................... 22
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the Qatar Academy Primary School new school year!
Qatar Academy (QA) is an exciting place. We have students and teachers from all over the
world coming together and sharing their experiences. We have developed a reputation as
being a progressive school where high expectations, being challenged, taking risks and being
responsible are parts of learning. We have high standards and expect students to have a strong
desire to learn.
This handbook is designed to help parents and students learn more about QA Primary School
and to gain a better understanding of how it operates. It is divided into three sections: general
school information, procedures and curriculum. We hope it will prove to be a useful reference
throughout the year.
Please contact us whenever you have some thoughts or concerns about the school. We believe
that working together makes for a better world and that includes our school! Website www.
Tel: +974 44541804
We look forward to working with all of you throughout the year.
The Academy was founded in 1996 under the auspices of the Qatar Foundation for Education,
Science and Community Development. Qatar Academy is a private, non-profit day school for boys
and girls of all nationalities. It occupies a magnificent 300,000 hectare site on the outskirts of Doha
and boasts superb facilities that equal or surpass those of any international school in the world.
Serving students aged 318-, the Academy offers an international curriculum that incorporates
Arabic culture and language, combined with traditional values and the most modern trends in
education. Highly experienced teachers and administrators from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia
and the Middle East work with over 1500 students representing over 20 nationalities.
The Academy has introduced the world-renowned International Baccalaureate Programmes,
which serve closely the Academy›s ideals. The Academy welcomes students of all nationalities,
aims to nourish their different cultures and identities, and encourages them to strive for academic
excellence. Qatar Academy Primary School is for girls and boys aged 3 years to 11 years
(Preschool 3 to Grade 5).
Qatar Academy exists to provide the highest possible standard of education, and to achieve academic excellence
for each student, develop independent critical thinkers, lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
It is the mission of Qatar Academy (QA) to provide internationally accepted, comprehen- sive, English medium
programs plus Arabic and Islamic studies from preschool through to secondary graduation. QA develops
independent critical thinkers, lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and empowers students to gain entrance to
elite universities and colleges
Qatar Academy will meet the educational needs and expectations of our students, and aspire to provide those
opportunities that our students need to develop their full potential through:
• Achieving academic excellence through varied teaching and learning strategies
• Providing for and maintaining the highest standards through continuous evaluation and improvement of all
• Providing a well-rounded education for the highest standards of academic, physical, social and cultural growth
and development
• Employing an appropriate admissions policy to ensure that only students of the highest ability, who will benefit
from the Academy›s programs, will be admitted
• Providing consistently challenging targets, so that each student realizes his/her full potential
• Teaching the most appropriate, internationally accredited syllabuses
• Providing a safe and supportive environment in which to learn
• Embracing and utilizing Information Technology to ensure student success in a rapidly changing world
• Providing a wide range of extra curricular opportunities for students to develop outside the academic sphere
• Encouraging the virtues of self-respect and respect for others
• Emphasizing that good communication between all parties is fundamental to the efficient running of the school
• Promoting management which is supportive and enabling, committed to the development of all people in the organization and to constant improvement
• Promoting an appreciation of various traditions and values, including Arab culture and language
• Working in partnership with parents, colleges and the local community
Entry to all age groups in Qatar Academy is by selection in the form of screening, for entry on to a waiting list.
Preschool 4 to Grade 2 are given a developmental screening and Grade 3 - Grade 5 applicants will take an online admis- sions test. This procedure is designed to assess the suitability of the applicant for the Academy, both
academically and socially. There is no other means of entering the Academy at any level. Qatar Academy is open to
selected students of all nationalities with a priority for Qatari students.
The minimum age for admission to the Preschool 3 class is three years of age, prior to 1st September of the school
year for which the child is to be enrolled. This age rule applies to all the early years classes. E.g. five years of age
prior to 1st September for Kindergarten. Entry to Grades 25- is based on both age and the last grade attended.
The Academy has a reputation for high academic standards, so the screening and or testing is designed to select
students of above average ability and intelligence. The screenings content does of course vary between year
groups. A high standard of English is essential given the fact that this is the established teaching medium in the
Preschool 3 and 4 - 7:00 am to 12:00 pm
KG to Grade 5 - 7:00 am to 1:40 pm except for Wednesdays when schools will finish at 1:10 pm
Parent involvement is encouraged at Qatar Academy. We strongly believe that the success of any student is
reliant on a good home and school connection. It is an expec- tation that parents will attend all school events or
Students in the Primary School are expected to perform on or above grade level in the core subjects of Literacy,
Math and Arabic. They are expected to adhere to the Primary School behavior guidelines for acceptable behavior.
Parents of students who fall below grade level in one of the core subjects or fail to meet behavior standards
will receive communication to that effect. Teachers will hold conferences with the parent, in which the student›s
academic or behavioral concerns will be discussed along with possible interventions to improve the situation.
At the end of the school year if the student remains below grade level or continues to show inappropriate behavior
that disrupts the educational process, the student will be placed on Supported Student Status for the coming
school year.
Grade 4 and 5 students can be placed on academic report at the end of any school term and can be exited at
the end of the school year. In order to be removed from the Supported Student Status, the student must show
significant improvement in behavior and / or demonstrate on grade-level performance.
Class Attendance
School begins at 7:00 a.m. The attendance policy of Qatar Academy is based on the concept that good attendance
is a prerequisite to high academic achievement. Please refrain from returning from holidays after school begins or
from taking your child out of school early for vacations, holidays etc. When parents anticipate that their child will be
out of school for an extended time due to illness, they should inform the office. When both parents are away from
Qatar, they must contact the School Secretary to inform the school as to who will be the guardian of their child and
how the parents may be contacted in the case of an emergency.
Attendance Policy
Minimum attendance is set at 90% of the enrolled school days. This does not include extenuating health concerns
or a family emergency. It is possible that a student who is absent for 18 days or more will not receive grades on his/
her report card or be asked to repeat their current grade. The Child Study Team will review individual cases. Should
your child’s absences reach 10% of the school days, you may be sent a letter reminding you of the attendance
Excuses for Absence
After an absence, the student must submit a note to the classroom teacher outlining the absence. Sick leave of
more than 2 days requires a doctor’s certificate.
Students are responsible for completing assignments missed due to absence.
• Parents must phone the school before 8:10 a.m. if their child is absent. A note in advance for a planned
absence is preferred
• Students arriving after 7:10 am are recorded as tardy—3 tardies equals 1 absent day
Qatar Academy provides all students a food service. The goal is to provide the best quality food at a reasonable
price with the highest nutritional value. Students are invoiced for meals in addition to tuition fees.
All students receive a snack each day delivered to their classroom. The cafeteria varies the snack daily so
that children receive a variety of fruit, milk and savories. Grade 2 through 5 students eat lunch in the cafeteria.
KG - Grade 1 lunches are eaten in the atrium area. They are encouraged to try many types of food. Each lunch
is a balanced meal checked by the nutritionist on staff. For Grades 3 - 5 etiquette includes use of knife, fork
and spoon and quiet conversation. Each student is responsible for clearing his/her space before leaving the
cafeteria. Water fountains are located near all the classrooms and water is provided in the classrooms. It is
important for students to drink a liter or more of water per day. Any dietary restrictions or food allergies the
student may have should be brought to the attention of the school nurse with a letter confirming such allergies
from your doctor. At this time the nurse will notify the caterer. Students can only be excused from eating the food
provided if they have a letter from the doctor indicating a health reason.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are carried out regularly. Each teacher is aware of the fire drill protocol. The school building is arranged
into conveniently arranged ‘pods’ containing up to 4 rooms in each pod. In the event of fire, or a fire drill, the
evacuation procedures allow each pod to be cleared with minimum contact with other pods, so as to reduce the
risk of overcrowding or panic.
Personal Items
Students should not bring toys or games unless requested by the classroom teacher; since balls, skipping ropes
and other play items are supplied by the school for students to use at break and lunch times.
Personal stereos, computer games and mobile telephones are not permitted in school and will be confiscated
unless requested by the classroom teacher.
Jewelry should be kept to a minimum and studs are the only acceptable earrings. Necklaces and other
adornments such as bracelets and ankle chains are not accept- able. Similarly, lipstick, nail varnish and any
other beauty products are not deemed appropriate for school use.
While every effort is made to ensure the provision of a safe school environment for students, the school
advises parents not to allow students to bring excessive money or valuables to school. As we cannot assume
responsibility for lost or stolen items, students should not bring any items that are of significant monetary or
sentimental value.
All guests and visitors are welcome to visit the school, however, they are requested to first report to the school
As a courtesy to the teacher, parent visits for extended periods of time should be arranged with the teacher.
Parents are encouraged to visit classrooms and become volunteers.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner with respect to the entire school body at
all times. Students are guided to develop their own strong sense of responsibility, self-discipline, integrity and
respect for themselves as well as those around them. These basic expectations help to provide a safe, secure,
orderly and effective learning experience for all children. In doing so, we hope to enhance students’ academic
success, intellectual development and emotional growth towards becoming responsible citizens of the future.
Those students that show themselves incapable of our trust and who are unable to behave in a responsible
manner will face appropriate consequences as per the Qatar Academy Behavior Guidance and Procedures.
The Qatar Academy Behavior Guidance and Procedures can be obtained from the School Secretary or the
school website www.qataracademy.edu.qa
At Qatar Academy, we expect that all students will take pride in their appearance. It is mandatory that all
students wear the correct school uniform. School shoes should be black or maroon, not training shoes, with no
other colouring. White socks or tights should be worn.
For P.E., students are required to wear the QA kit; swimming costumes and the P.E uniform are sold in
the uniform shop. Students from Grades 3 - 5 will change for P.E. at school. The Qatar Academy school hat
should be worn during all break times. Please ensure all uniform items have your child’s name on them.
All items of clothing are available in the school uniform shop. Please check with the uniform shop at 44542021- if
you have any queries.
Field trips that take place throughout the year will be
of educational value and will be linked to your child’s
education and class work. Any student participating in
school trips must return a permission slip signed by a
parent or guardian. Parents are welcome to assist with
field trips.
‘School Without Walls’ overnight trips often take place during the school year as part of our curriculum for the
upper grades. Attendance is compulsory.
Homework is an integral part of the learning process. Homework is purposeful and provides reinforcement of
concepts learned in class. It promotes individual responsibility, independent practice, good work habits and
parent involvement.
Homework expectations will be shared with parents at the beginning of the school year. Homework is sent home
weekly and copies can be found on the classroom wikis.
Homework Planner
Students at Qatar Academy Primary School in Grades 2 - 5 use a homework planner supplied by the classroom
teacher. This planner will act as a daily record of assignments complete with messages to/from parents and
teachers. It should be signed each night.
Medical services
We have two full time nurses in school who work with teachers and students. The nurses provide us with a
service to evaluate students, administer emergency care, first aid and identify health problems.
Medical Records
Medical records of each student are kept in the medical room and handled confidentially, they are available to
staff on request. A list of students with a medical history is given to the child’s teacher to help them provide the
best possible care while at school. Please feel free to discuss any medical issues with the nurse.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a medical appointment during school hours, please inform the class teacher with a note or a
telephone call to the school office at 4454 - 1804.
Parental consent is required for any medication given at school. Students should not be in possession of or
self-administer any medication. Medication must be administered by the school nurse and accompanied by a
prescription indicating the correct dose. Exception - some students may have permission to carry their asthma
inhalers with prior arrangement from the school nurse.
Special Dietary Needs
A number of our students are allergic to nuts, and we never know who
else could be. This allergy can be fatal. It is important that we ensure
that no food is brought into school containing nut products. The
cafeteria is aware of this concern as well. If your child has this allergy
or other special dietary needs, please inform the nurse and supply a
doctors certificate outlining the intolerance allergy.
Healthy Food / Birthdays / Class Parties
Qatar Academy encourages healthy food practices. Birthday cakes
and party bags are not to be brought into school. Teachers will
recognize and celebrate birthdays appropriately within the classroom.
Class parties of any type are arranged by the classroom teacher only.
Channels of Communication
Qatar Academy believes that maintaining good communication
between the school and parents is critical to student success. Phone
calls, notes, and e-mails are welcomed and encouraged. In addition
to these valuable informal arrangements, you can expect several other
formal approaches to communication.
The Akhbar
It is a weekly published newsletter that contains announcements, reminders, and articles of interest to
the parent community. It is posted on the website www.qataracademy.edu.qa and sent via the wiki http://
Class Grade Level News
Class and Grade level newsletters are published on a regular basis. These letters inform parents of class and
grade level activities.
PYP Coordinator
Meetings for parents can be arranged to help communicate the practices of the Primary Years Programme (PYP).
Please see the secretaries to arrange any meetings.
Progress Reports
Each student will receive at least one progress report during each academic year.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
These are opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss individual student growth and needs. Every effort
is made to coordinate conference times to accommodate work commitments and other conferences for
siblings. Parents can schedule a conference with the teacher any time during the year with appropriate notice.
Conference weeks are listed in the school calendar and reminders are placed in the Akhbar.
Student-led Conferences
An important component of the PYP philosophy is the development of students who are actively engaged in
building on their previous knowledge and experiences and applying new understandings to become reflective,
self-directed learners. In addition, as an IB World School, Qatar Academy students are encouraged to be risktakers who set and achieve worthwhile goals for themselves and effectively communicate their ideas to others.
One way in which we hope to help students accomplish this is through student-led conferencing. Student-led
Conferences, held at Qatar Academy each year, are ones in which the student leads a conference with their
parents to show what they have learned and the growth they have made throughout the school year. The
students share their Portfolios, a compilation of work from their year across all areas of the curriculum, and show
their parents around their learning environment.
Contacting Teachers
Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher first to discuss a student’s academics or other
concerns. An appointment to see the teacher may be made by calling the secretary or by sending a note to the
teacher. Please remember that it is very difficult for teachers to come to the telephone between 7:00 a.m. – 2:00
p.m. All teachers at Qatar Academy can be reached by e-mail, using the first initial of first name and the surname
prefix to the @qf.org.qa address, eg: JBrown@qf.org.qa
Student Assessment
A wide range of assessment strategies are used, in line with the Primary Years Programme perspective
on assessment. These include observations, performance assessments, process-focused assessments,
selected responses and open-ended tasks. Assessment takes place to find out students’ prior knowledge and
understanding. Summative assessment tasks allow students to show understanding of what they have learned
and formative assessment tasks inform teaching and learning for each student.
The school year is divided into three terms (trimesters). Each trimester is approximately 12 weeks. Parents
can access report cards online via PowerSchool. Questions relating to report cards should be directed to the
classroom teacher.
The PTA is a service organization of Qatar Academy that offers support to numerous school programs and
activities. It sponsors activities such as non-uniform days, parent workshops and assists in maintaining lines of
communication with the school community. They can be contacted on qapta@yahoo.com
Mission: The Qatar Academy Parent Teacher Association is an organization made up of all parents and
teachers of Qatar Academy. Parents automatically become members of the PTA by enrolling their children
at Qatar Academy. The main objective of the PTA is to enhance the educational environment and learning
experience of our children at Qatar Academy.
Executive Committee: The management and control of the PTA is by an elected committee chosen
during an Annual General Meeting that is held in May each year. This committee consists of no more than twelve
members and is drawn from volunteer parents and members of staff. Regular meetings are held to plan and
coordinate various activities between the school and other active members of the PTA. The executive committee
abides by an approved constitution.
All PTA members are encouraged to participate in one or more subcommittees and Work together with the
executive committee to develop each term’s events.
The PTA relies on the support from the parents and members of
the Qatar Academy staff. The aim is that by working together it is
hoped to create a very satisfying and rewarding experience for our
children. If you are interested in becoming a PTA member, please
contact the Primary School Secretary or e-mail qapta@yahoo.com
Activities are offered to students from KG to Grade 5. The activity
program runs for approximately six to eight weeks. Examples of
the activities offered are: swimming, netball, art club, football,
computers, cooking, choir, and sewing.
All students can enroll for activities via the school wiki. Students
must be collected promptly after activities otherwise they can no
longer attend.
More information is available at http://asa.qataracademy.
All textbooks are supplied by Qatar Academy. If a textbook or library book is lost, students are expected to
pay for the replacement text or library book. Qatar Academy provides necessary basic supplies at the start of
the school year. If necessary at the beginning of the school year, class teachers may send home a list of other
supplies required in class (for the Arabic department, students are required to bring their own folders).
Safety of students and staff is a high priority of the school. While parents are responsible for student
transportation to and from campus, patience and due care are needed when picking up or dropping off students.
Cautious, courteous and attentive driving practices by everyone are expected.
The delivering and collecting of students is a hectic time, but one that can be free of danger if diligence,
adherence to and support for established safety procedures are followed. Remember that the safety of your child
is our main concern; any minor inconvenience this may cause is regrettable; but secondary.
Instruction from the security guards present must be followed. All QA students are expected to wear a seat belt.
Qatar Academy Broader Curriculum Goals
Qatar Academy is authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme. The curriculum reflects the
understanding that our students have highly individualized learning styles. In their classrooms, students and
teachers collaborate to develop meaningful, individualized goals within an environment that stresses curriculum
philosophies such as cooperative and inquiry-based learning.
The curriculum:
is developmentally appropriate
emphasizes a skills and process approach
nurtures global awareness
stresses «how to learn» rather than «what to learn»
reflects a variety of teaching and learning styles
develops the use of language across the entire curriculum and
incorporates a range of authentic assessment strategies.
Qatar Academy is authorized to use the International Baccalaureate Organization curriculum from ages 311-.
Through both the curriculum and our teaching we aim to develop the intellectual, emotional and physical
potential of each child in a secure and stimulating environment.
PYP has five essential elements:
• Knowledge
• Actions
• Concepts
The key features of the Primary Years Programme are:
• International perspective: in order to make the most of the diversity of background and experience of our
students, the curriculum combines the best practice from education systems around the world and gives
the Qatar Academy students a global view of the world.
• Inquiry-based: our teaching methods build on student’s individual knowledge and interests, and emphasize
learning how to learn and how to find out.
• Integrated: the subject areas of Mathematics, Literacy, Science, Social Studies, P.E., Music, Art and Arabic
are taught through interdisciplinary themes in order to help the students make connections between the
subjects, thereby facilitating more effective learning.
Our aim is to nurture globally-minded
citizens who are :
At the centre of our curriculum are
key concepts :
What is it like ? (form)
How does it work ? (function)
Why is it like it is (causation)
How is it changing ? (change)
How is it connected to other things ?
• What are the points of view ?
• what is our responsibility ?
• How do we know ? (reflection)
Our aim is to promote the following
attitudes :
The development of the following
skills is fostered :
For more information : www.ibo.org
self - management
Students are encouraged to put what they
have learned into practice through
service to the school community,
the local community and the global
The Qatar Academy Arabic language
program enables students to:
• Develop an increasing level of competence in
all aspects of Arabic language reading, writing,
speaking, and listening
• Develop an understanding of and respect for
Arabic culture, customs, language and people with
particular reference to Qatar
The Arabic language program at Qatar
Academy includes:
• Arabic language classes from Preschool 3 – Grade 5
• A specifically designed curriculum to suit the needs of QA students
• Qualified specialist Arabic language teachers
• The integration of speaking, listening, reading and writing through a topic approach at a developmentally appropriate manner at each year level
• Opportunities for students to apply their Arabic language studies in purposeful, relevant ways and in a range
of different situations
• Field trips to significant cultural sites and exhibitions
Qatar Academy Islamic Studies Program enables students to develop an increasing
level of understanding of Islam such as:
• The Holy Quran
• The Pillars of Islam
• Principles, beliefs and rituals
• Islamic Morals
The Islamic Studies Program at Qatar Academy includes:
• Islamic Studies classes from KG-Grade 5
• A specifically designed researched curriculum to suit the needs of QA students
• Qualified specialist Islamic Studies teachers
• A developmentally appropriate approach at each grade level
• Field trips to significant religious sites and exhibitions
• Opportunities to apply Islamic morals through ongoing problem solving.
Arabic as a Second Language Program (Arabic B)
The Arabic as a second language program for non-Arabic speakers enables students to:
• Establish a primary level of communication, including speaking, reading, writing and listening
• Become involved with the Arabic culture through a discovery of the environment, customs and people
The ASL program is a selected curriculum which suits the needs of QA students. Fully qualified Arabic
teachers teach the program. Field trips related to the curriculum are part of the program.
Through the process of exploration and discovery each child from Grades 25- is given the opportunity to
manipulate a range of materials and to work in a variety of media.
The Art Program at Qatar Academy enables students to:
• Develop creativity, communication, critical thinking skills and cross cultural understanding
• Respond to visual stimulus in unique and personal ways
• Build on concepts and skills at each year level
• Use a variety of materials, tools and techniques
The Art Program at Qatar Academy includes:
• Art production, art history, art criticism and art appreciation
• The areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, three dimensional design, textiles, mixed media and
• Integration into other subject areas
• Visits to museums, exhibitions and other locations
Qatar Academy’s vision is one where technology is a natural and essential part of everyday school life for
teachers, students as well as community members. A place where technology empowers students to pursue
dreams and where purposeful uses of integrated technology inspires students to develop critical thinking
skills and supports continuous inquiry. We are in the 21st century, where rapidly changing digital technologies
have redefined the skills that our students need in order to be prepared to meet the challenges of living in an
increasing digital world. In 21st century learning there has been a change in mindset, a shift in thinking away
from technology being an add-on to it being an integral and ubiquitous part of learning for all. Technology is not
an end in itself but a tool that can make enormous advances in the quality of teaching and learning.
In support of this vision of 21st century learning the Primary School has three Technology Integration Facilitators
(TIFs) that work together with both teachers and students to integrate the use of technology tools to support
classroom learning. Our technology program is a fully integrated program where we bring the world to Qatar
Academy and the school to the world by extending the walls of our classroom through rich e-learning experience
using information technology in creative ways.
Qatar Academy encourages parents to support their child’s
development and 21st century E-learning by providing an
internet connected computer at home. Students are expected to
practice strong digital citizenship and adhere to Qatar Academy‘s
Responsible Use Guidelines. It is the school’s expectation
that students in grades two through five will continue their
keyboarding skill development at home on an ongoing basis.
The Learning Support Program at Qatar Academy Primary School
is designed to help students with gaps in their learning and who
require language support to be successful in the classroom.
A school wide screening process ensures that all students
are tested for possible learning support needs. There is also a
referral process for teachers who may have concerns regarding
individual students.
Students identified as needing assistance will be helped through short-term pullout program, inclusion program,
a consultation program, or a combination of services.
The Learning Support Program will continually re-teach, modify, adapt, reinforce and utilize various interventions
and strategies that are applicable to the student’s specific needs. Students will also have assistance with study
and organizational skills. The Learning Support Program will help students set and attain goals that will lead to
success in their classes.
The Child Study Team (CST) will monitor students’ progress continually. The Child Study Team is a group that
includes the Learning Support teacher, ESL teacher, Assistant Principals and the Counselor. This team meets
regularly to monitor student progress and make recommendations for placement and support services.
Program Philosophy
In accordance with the QA mission statement, and in recognition of the differentiated needs of highly capable
students, the TAP Program will provide opportunities designed to broaden and extend the learning experience.
As a means to provide a support network for these students, classroom curricula and activities are enhanced
through materials, tasks, and experiences differentiated in depth, content, process, outcomes or performances.
A TAP student is one who shows, or has the potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or
more areas of expression. Students who are highly capable display characteristics such as focused curiosity, the
ability to ask insightful questions, a ling attention span, quickness at grasping new ideas or concepts, advanced
language skills, a sense of humor, independence, sensitivity to others, passion for reading, musical talent or
other performance or visual artistic talent, accelerated academic achievement in one or more subjects, a deep
level of knowledge beyond their peers in an area of interest, and self motivation to pursue tasks or learning.
The Qatar Academy Language Arts program enables students to:
• Learn language arts through active engagement in meaningful language experiences
• Learn the modes of language arts in individualized and developmentally-appropriate stages
• Learn to effectively communicate through language arts
• Value language as a process as well as a skill
• Develop an understanding that language arts learning is an on-going process that occurs in and outside of classrooms and continues throughout life
The Language Arts Program at Qatar Academy includes:
• The integration of reading, writing, listening and speaking across the entire curriculum
• An emphasis on processes
• Exposure to a wide variety of texts
• Different models of language learning
• Individual and whole class access to the QA Primary Libraries
• A range of reading materials are used to support the program
The Qatar Academy Mathematics Program enables students to:
• Value the use of Math in a variety of contexts
• Become confident in their ability to process mathematical concepts
• Learn to communicate mathematical thinking
• Learn to reason mathematically by developing strong basic skills
• Become problem-solvers of mathematics
The Mathematics Program at Qatar Academy includes:
• An emphasis on mathematical processes
• A hands-on approach to mathematics
• The use of manipulatives
• The connecting of Math to real-life experiences
• Five standards - Numbers and Operations, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Data Analysis
The Addison - Wesley mathematics text series is used from
Preschool to Grade 5. From Grade 2 - 5 students will be
issued text books. If these text books are not returned at
the end of the year a fee of 150QR is charged.
The Qatar Academy Music Program enables
students to:
• Enjoy and experience music in a practical way
• Acquire skills of listening to and appraising music
• Develop an understanding of rudimentary composing
• Develop vocal skills according to their ability
• Express emotions through the medium of music
The Qatar Academy Primary School has two separate libraries; one for Preschool through Grade 1 (ECE
Library) and another for Grades 25- (Primary Library). Each library is serviced by a professionally qualified and
trained librarian, with adequate staff to support the program of the school. Both libraries house materials
for the students as well as professional materials for faculty/staff use. The library has a computerized
automated library search system (ALICE), which is searchable by any computer in Qatar Academy, either in
the library, in the classroom, or by the faculty/staff from their desks. All materials are cataloged and arranged
according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Parents are encouraged to visit the libraries, make use
of the facilities and may make special arrangements for borrowing materials by speak- ing with the Librarian in
either of the libraries.
Qatar Academy libraries do not charge overdue fees. There is, however, a policy regarding the loss and damage
of materials. When a book has not been returned for a period of two weeks, an overdue letter is sent home to the
parent of the child. If the book is not returned to the library after the parent has been notified, a replacement fee
of QR150 is charged. Until the fee is paid, the child may not check out any more books. This fee covers the cost
of the book, staff time for the purchasing, processing, catalog- ing processes as well as the shipping/handling
charges associated with replacing the lost or severely damaged book.
Reference materials are not circulated to students.
The Qatar Academy Physical Education Program enables students to:
• Develop gross-motor skills, body and spatial awareness
• Develop the concept of fair play, good sportsmanship and team skills
• Build on concepts and skills at each grade level to use a variety of techniques, equipment and facilities
The Physical Education Program at the Qatar Academy includes:
• A specialist Physical Education teacher
• Movement-centered and knowledge- based activities focusing on the social, intellectual and physical needs
of the students
• Games skills, gymnastics, dance, athletics, swimming, outdoor and adventurous activities