Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) TIA Logistics Weekly Advertising Rate Card and Insertion Order TIA Logistics Weekly is published 50 times per year and is distributed weekly via e-mail to all TIA members and associations. Distribution is to more than 2,000 third party logistics professionals. Specifications: Closing date to reserve ad space and to submit artwork is the Friday BEFORE the publication is sent. TIA Logistics Weekly is e-mailed every Tuesday afternoon. *The format for submitting artwork is via e-mail. *All ads must be 3.79 x 5 at 72 dpi. *Ads should be in a .jpeg or .gif format. *Color ads should use rgb color values. *Supplying the advertisement artwork is the responsibility of the advertiser—NOT the publisher. For more information, contact Jessica Mizell at (615) 599-9263 or via e-mail at Pricing: Ads are $85.00 per ad, per issue of TIA Logistics Weekly. Ads run for multiple weeks will receive the following discount pricing: One month (four weeks): $300.00. –That is only $75.00 per ad, per week! Four months (16 weeks): $1,120.00—That is only $70.00 per ad, per week! Six months (25 weeks): $1,625.00—That is only $65.00 per ad, per week! One year (50 weeks): $3,000.00—Our best offer, which is a nearly $1,300 DISCOUNT off the standard per ad weekly pricing! Please see page 2 to complete billing information. TIA Logistics Weekly Ad Insertion Order Form Please run my ad for the following period of time (check the appropriate box below): _____________One week starting:_________________________________ _____________One month starting:________________________________ _____________Four months starting:_______________________________ _____________Six months starting:________________________________ _____________One year starting:__________________________________ Company Information: Contact________________________________________________________ Company_______________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ City________________________State_____ Postal code________________ Telephone __________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________________________ Bill to (if different from above): Contact________________________________________________________ Company_______________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ City________________________State_____ Postal code________________ Telephone __________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________ Preferred method of billing (please check below): Check: __________ Credit card: ________ Credit card number________________________________________________ Expiration date___________________________________________________ Type of card_____________________________________________________ If an invoice number is required for billing, please provide that number_________________________________________________________ E-mail this form to along with a copy of the ad you wish to run. The form can also be faxed to Walter Weart at (703) 836-0123.