GENERAL IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMATION EQUATION V The reflection coefficient is a function of position along the TL. Since we V 1 have Z Z 0 . 1 Z is also a function of position along the line. 1 1 Le2 z ' e z ' Le z ' Z Z0 Z0 Z0 z ' 1 1 Le2 z e L e z L Z L Z0 Z L Z0 Z L Z 0 z e Z L e z ' e z ' Z 0 e z ' e z ' Z L Z0 Z Z0 Z0 Z L Z 0 z z' Z L e z ' e z ' Z 0 e z ' e z ' e e Z L Z0 e z ' Z Z0 Z L Z 0 tanh( z ') Z 0 Z L tanh( z ') Y Y0 YL Y0 tanh( z ') Y0 YL tanh( z ') The input impedance (admitance) of a line (terminated in obtained by putting Zin Z 0 Yin Y0 z' . Z L Z 0 tanh( ) Z 0 Z L tanh( ) YL Y0 tanh( ) Y0 YL tanh( ) Z L ) of length is For a Lossless Line: 0, z ' j z ' tanh( z ') tanh( j z ') j tan( z ') and Z Z0 Y Y0 Z L jZ 0 tan( z ') Z 0 jZ L tan( z ') YL jY0 tan( z ') Y0 jYL tan( z ') Some Special Impedance Transformations on a lossless TL: For a lossless TL: Z Z0 Z L jZ 0 tan( z ') Z 0 jZ L tan( z ') 1) Half-Wavelength Line If n 2 , n positive integer. 2 .n 2 n tan tan n 0 , Zin Z L . This result can be generalized to any two points that are separated by a multiple of a half- wavelength. Since tan( z ' n ) tan z ' ( tan function is periodic with ) Z repears every half-wavelength along a lossless TL. 2) The Quarter Wavelength Line If (2n 1) 4 , n=positive integer, then tan . 2 (2n 1). 4 (2n 1) Z 02 1 So, Zin or Zin ZL ZL Quarter wavelength lossless TL it is often refered as quarter wave transformer. 2 and i) ii) iii) iv) v) A large value of load impedance a small value of input impedance. A small value of load impedance a large value of input impedance. Inductive load capacitive input Capacitive load inductive input Series resonant circuit Z L circuit Z L parallel resonat circuit Z in For Z L real, a quarter-wavelength long TL has all the properties of an ideal transformer. The quarter-wave transformer is useful in matching a resistive load to a generator (necessary to deliver all the available generator power to the load). If Z G is real, then we must have Zin ZG , or Z 02 ZG Z 0 ZG RL RL Since the line can only be quarter-wavelength long at one freguency, the transformer is frequency sensitive. 3) The Short-Circuited Line Z L 0, Zin jX in jZ0 tan or Zin j tan jX in ( ), Zin is inductive. For 2 4 4) The open Circuited Line Z L , Zin jZ0 cot Yin j tan ( ), Zin is capactive. For 2 4 IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMATIONS ON A LOSSLESS LINE For 0, Z Z0 Z L Z 0 tanh z ' Z 0 Z L tanh z ' Now consider, i) The Short Circuited Line Z L 0 Z Z0 tanh z ' Z0 tanh z ' j z ' The input impedance of a line of length Zin tanh j Z0 : tanh j tan 1 j tanh tan [If 0, n n , Zin 0 , short circuit repeats itself at every 2 / 2 .] 1) If n , Zin Z0 tanh Z0 0.5 Np 2 2) If (2n 1) , tan Zin 4 Z0 Z 0 tanh Z in is finite and real. ii) The Open Circuited Line Z L , YL 0 . With z ' , Yin Y0 YL Y0 tanh( ) Y0 YL tanh( ) Yin Y0 tanh( j ) 1) If n , Yin Y0 tanh Y0 2) If (2n 1) , Yin 2 Z0 Y0 Y 1 0 tanh Z0