Rear Admiral (LH) Nicola DE FELICE Italian Navy III Department

Rear Admiral (LH) Nicola DE FELICE
Italian Navy
III Department Plans & Policy
Italian Navy General Staff
Rear Admiral Nicola de Felice oversees matters requiring the
application of the national maritime capability development
aimed to make the Italian policy and strategy effective while
applying maritime power.
He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1981, and completed
his studies in “Maritime and Naval Science” at the University of
Pisa, getting a further Ph.D in “Political Science” at the
University of Trieste.
An experienced warfare officer and missile specialist, he has been involved in an extensive range of
warships Commands and maritime, joint/combined operations over the past 30 years. His time on
the front line included four warship Commanding periods: ITS BASENTO Auxiliary ship, ITS
SCIROCCO Frigate, ITS ORSA Frigate and ITS MIMBELLI Destroyer.
Whilst ashore, he had an equally varied range of assignments, including a three year tour in Paris as
the Italian Operational Advisor for the Italian/French and British FSAF/PAAMS missile Project
Office. He had worked at the Naval General Staff as Division Chief for the development of several
Combat & Weapon Systems, now onboard of the newest Italian, French, British and German ships.
At the Joint Financial Planning Department of the Italian Defence General Staff, he was appointed
as Chief of Office in charge of a broad range of single and three – service projects.
He also served a three year tour in Tunis as Defence Attaché.
During the last three year tour, as Director of the Italian Centre of Defence Innovation (CID) he was
also a MoD representative for the national Cyber programme at the Presidency of the Council of
Ministers, National Coordinator for the Italian affairs in all Centres of Excellence accredited to
NATO and Italian Coordinator of EU Concepts development. Under his direction, the CID
published several documents on doctrine and strategy in order to tackle - at national level emerging challenges and threats.
Still now, he is the Navy Advisor of the EU Maritime Security Strategy, including the related
Action Plan.
Rear Admiral de Felice lives in Rome with his wife, Maria Pia, and three sons (Furio, Giulio and
Flavio). When they allow him, his interests include swimming, riding and reading history books,
whilst hindering his wife in the running of their country house, in the Sabina region.