Effect of Substrate Contact Angle on Ink Transfer in Flexographic Prin=ng F. E. HIZIR and D. E. HARDT MassachuseEs Ins=tute of Technology Outline -­‐ Introduc=on -­‐ Mo=va=on and Objec=ves -­‐ Simula=ons . Methodology . Results -­‐ Conclusions and Future Work Flexography OLED Flexographic Prin;ng Prin9ng$plate$ Plate$ cylinder$ Prin9ng$substrate$ Impression$ cylinder$ [2] thin film transistor [1] RFID blade! Anilox$ roller$ photovoltaic cell Ink$supply$ (Chambered$doctor$ blade$system)$ [4] [1] H. Kang et. al., Advanced Materials, 2012 [2] Wikimedia/meharris [3] Gyou-­‐Jin Cho/Sunchon Na=onal University [4] A. Hubler et. al., Advanced Energy Materials, 2011 [3] Ink Transfer in Flexography Flexographic Prin;ng Prin9ng$plate$ Plate$ cylinder$ Prin9ng$substrate$ Impression$ cylinder$ INK TRANSFER TO THE ANILOX ROLLER BLADING OF THE ANILOX ROLLER (fill the cells + remove excess ink layer) INKING OF THE STAMP (par=al cell evacua=on by ink spli_ng) INK TRANSFER TO THE SUBSTRATE (ink spli_ng) blade! Anilox$ roller$ stamp substrate AIR Ink$supply$ (Chambered$doctor$ blade$system)$ INK anilox cell stamp Ink Transfer in Flexography Flexographic Prin;ng Prin9ng$plate$ Plate$ cylinder$ Prin9ng$substrate$ Impression$ cylinder$ INK TRANSFER TO THE ANILOX ROLLER BLADING OF THE ANILOX ROLLER (fill the cells + remove excess ink layer) INKING OF THE STAMP (par=al cell evacua=on by ink spli_ng) INK TRANSFER TO THE SUBSTRATE (ink spli_ng) blade! Anilox$ roller$ Ink$supply$ (Chambered$doctor$ blade$system)$ stamp substrate AIR INK anilox cell stamp Mo=va=on and Objec=ves Flexographic Prin;ng Prin9ng$plate$ Plate$ cylinder$ Prin9ng$substrate$ Impression$ cylinder$ Ink Transfer from Stamp to Substrate -­‐ Thickness of printed product -­‐ Device performance Objec5ves -­‐ Guidelines for substrate and stamp design -­‐ Control printed layer thickness -­‐ Inves=gate contact angle effects blade! Anilox$ roller$ Ink$supply$ (Chambered$doctor$ blade$system)$ substrate stamp Simula=on Domain Simula5on domain and its dimensions y" direc0on&of&mo0on&& SUBSTRATE& LIQUID& AIR& 8µm' symmetry' x" STAMP& 2µm' 8µm' Parameters used in the simula5on Ink$dynamic$viscosity$ 0.1$N.s/m2$ Ink$density$ 1000$kg/m3$ Air$dynamic$viscosity$ 1.81e;5$N.s/m2$ Air$density$ 1.16$kg/m3$ Gravity$accelera@on$ 0$ Separa@on$speed$ 0.1$m/s$ Volume$of$liquid$ 32µm2$ Surface$tension$coefficient$ 1$N/m$ Simula=on Setup Interface Reaches Equilibrium Shape -­‐ Moving mesh interface is coupled with laminar two-­‐phase flow, phase field interface. -­‐ Ini=al velocity and pressure values are set to zero for the t=0$sec$ t=7.5$µsec$ t=50$µsec$ t=2.5$µsec$ two fluids. -­‐ Ini=al mesh displacement is set Ink splits into Two to zero. -­‐ Pressure is set to zero at right boundary which is defined as inlet. -­‐ Sta=onary boEom surface is defined as “weEed wall” with 60o ink contact angle. -­‐ Upper surface is defined as “moving weEed wall” with 60o t=810%µsec% t=872%µsec% t=925%µsec% t=990%µsec% contact angle. Mesh Refinement (θtop= θboEom= 60o) Index& INDEX& 0$ 0$ !10000$ !20000$ Pressure&(Pa)& !10000$ !20000$ !40000$ !30000$ Pressure&(Pa)& !30000$!10000$ 0$ 2$ !20000$ !30000$ !40000$ !60000$ !50000$ !50000$!60000$ !70000$ 4$ 6$ Index& 0$ 2$ INDEX& !40000$ 4$ 4$ 6$ 8$ 6$ 0.09" 0.08" 8$ 0.06" 8$ 0.05" 0.02" 0.01" A& B& C& Test_1d$ A& B& Test_1d$ Test_1e$ C& Test_1b$ !60000$ Test_1e$ Simula'on*domain* at*t=0*s* 0.07" A* 1b" 1d" A& B& 0.04" Test_1d$ Test_1e$ C& 0.03" 1e" Test_1b$ 0.05" 0.03" 1""2""3"""4""""5"""6"""7" " 7" 6" 5" 4" 3" 2" 1" 0.08" B* 0.06" 1""2""3"""4""""5"""6"""7" C* 0.04" Test_1b$ !50000$ 0.09" 8$ 0.07" 0" 0" 6$ !50000$ !40000$ 4$ !30000$ 0$ !10000$ 0$ Pressure&(Pa)& 2$ !20000$ 2$ Velocity)magnitude)(m/s)) 0$ Velocity)magnitude)(m/s)) 0$ 1" A& B& Index) Test_1d$ Test_1e$ C& 2" 3" 4" Test_1b$ 5" !70000$ 6" 7" 8" 0.02" Simula'on*domain* at*t=0*s* 0" 0.01" 0" !70000$ 1" !60000$ 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" Index) Pressure%(Pa)%at%(1µm,%2µm)% !70000$ A* 1d" B* 1e" C* 1b" Simula'on*domain* at*t=0*sec* 400000$ A" Test_1d( B" Test_1e( C" Test_1b( 300000$ 200000$ 100000$ 0$ 0$ 0.0002$ 0.0004$ 0.0006$ 0.0008$ 0.001$ !100000$ !200000$ !300000$ Time%(s)% Maximum mesh element size for lef of domain: Aà0.25 µm, Bà 0.08 µm, Cà 0.06 µm Change in total mass < 2% " 7" 6" 5" 4" 3" 2" 1" Si at Effect of Contact Angle plate contact angle=60 a)# Upper Lower plate contact angle=60 o o Transfer ra;o=0.5 Young-­‐Dupre Equa;on Wadhesion = γ . [1+cos(θ)] à θ Wadhesion t=0$ t=810$µsec$ t=922.5$µsec$ t=1015$µsec$ b)# Upper plate contact angle=30 o Lower plate contact angle=60o Transfer ra;o=0.65 t=0$ t=810$µsec$ t=892.5$µsec$ Results -­‐ Expected trend is observed -­‐ Results do not exactly match with literature -­‐ High computa=on =mes t=1015$µsec$ Conclusions and Future Work -­‐ Spli_ng of ink between two parallel plates is simulated -­‐ Ink transfer ra=o to the upper plate is found to increase with decreasing ink contact angle on its surface -­‐ High computa=on =mes due to fine mesh requirements is the main difficulty -­‐ Future work is to cover a larger range of contact angles in the simula=ons Thank you Q&A