PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA Reentry as a cause of ventricular tachycardia in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease: electrophysiologic and anatomic correlation JACQUES M. T. DE BAKKER, PH.D., FRANs J. L. VAN CAPELLE, PH.D., MICHIEL J. JANSE, M.D., ARTHUR A. M. WILDE, M.D., RUBEN CORONEL, M.D., ANTON E. BECKER, M.D., KOERT P. DINGEMANS, M.D., NORBERT M. vAN HEMEL, M.D., AND RICHARD N. W. HAUER, M.D. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 ABSTRACT In this report we describe electrophysiologic and histologic findings in hearts and endocardially resected preparations from patients with sustained ventricular tachycardias in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction. We recorded simultaneously from 64 endocardial sites during tachycardia in 72 patients that were operated on for medically intractable ventricular tachycardias. Two other patients underwent heart transplantation, and mapping was performed on the explanted isolated heart connected to a Langendorff perfusion set-up. During operation 139 tachycardias with different morphologies could be induced. Although the majority of evidence supports the concept of a reentrant mechanism for these tachycardias, we found that 105 tachycardias appeared to arise at a focal area of less than 1.4 cm2. In only three cases macroreentry around the infarction scar could be detected. Of 21 tachycardias in which the "origin" appeared to be focal, earliest subendocardial activation was preceded by discrete electrograms of low amplitude (presystolic activity). In three tachycardias presystolic activity was detected at several sites, permitting reconstruction of its route. Histology of the endocardial resected preparation in one of these cases revealed separate zones of viable myocardial fibers in areas in which presystolic activity was recorded. These zones were located intramurally and subendocardially, supporting the concept that reentry occurred via isolated bundles of surviving myocytes at the border of the infarct and the larger subendocardial muscle mass. Conduction velocity through the isolated tracts was on the order of 25 cm/sec. Similar reentrant pathways were found in the two isolated hearts. Extracellular and intracellular recordings were made from 20 endocardial preparations that were excised from areas in which tachycardia originated. Preparations were superfused in a tissue bath. These experiments showed that action potentials were usually close to normal, but occasionally action potentials with reduced amplitude and slow upstrokes were found. In addition, there were cells that exhibited both fast and slow upstrokes, depending on the direction of the wavefront. Histology of seven resected preparations and the isolated hearts showed subendocardially as well as intramurally located zones of viable myocardium. Fractionation of extracellular electrograms and slow conduction were found in areas where surviving muscle fibers and strands of fibrous tissue were interwoven, and in zones where muscle fibers were oriented in parallel but isolated by strands of connective tissue. In conclusion, the apparent focal origin of reentrant tachycardias that occur in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction is, at least in some cases, caused by exit from a circuitous pathway that consists of two separated zones of surviving myocardium. One of these zones is a tract of surviving myocardial fibers at the border of the infarction; the other zone is the remaining subendocardial muscle mass. Spread of activation within the tracts can be normal or impaired; action potentials of cells in the tracts are usually close to normal. Circulation 77, No. 3, 589-606, 1988. From the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of The Netherlands, the Departments of Experimental Cardiology and Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Departments of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, and the Heart and Lung Institute, University Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Supported by the Dutch Heart Foundation (grant No. 84076). Address for correspondence: Jacques M. T. de Bakker, Ph.D., DepartMeiberg- ment of Experimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, dreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Received June 11, 1987; revision accepted Oct. 29, 1987. Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 ABOUT 3% of the patients who survive the acute phase of myocardial infarction develop sustained ventricular tachycardias between 48 hr and 6 weeks after the onset . . A of infarction. An uncertain percentage develop infarct-related ventricular tachycardias at a still later stage. The mechanism of these tachycardias has been investigated both experimentally and clinically. In man 589 DE BAKKER et al. programmed stimulation, endocardial catheter mapping, and intraoperative mapping have been used to unravel the underlying mechanism.2-11 The bulk of evidence supports the concept that the arrhythmia is Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 caused by reentry.2' 3 12-18 Direct evidence for reentry obtained from activation sequence mapping in man indicates that macroreentry around scar tissue as well as reentry in the subendocardial border zone between healthy and damaged tissue may occur. 4, 6, 11, 19 23 However, the majority of tachycardias originate from circumscribed areas of a few square centimeters.4 8, 19, 22 To reconcile the apparent focal origin of the tachycardia with the mechanism of reentry, it is usually supposed that reentry occurs in a very small circuit, extending over a few millimeters. However, evidence for such microreentry has only sporadically been presented.22 In an effort to elucidate the mechanism of ventricular tachycardia in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction, we present electrophysiologic, and where possible, histologic data obtained by simultaneous intraoperative mapping from 64 endocardial recording sites in 72 patients, by microelectrode recording in 20 resected endocardial preparations, and by extensive mapping in two isolated, Langendorifperfused hearts from patients that underwent cardiac transplantation. Methods Characteristics of the patients. Intraoperative mapping of endocardial electrical activity was performed in 72 patients with drug-refractory ventricular tachycardias related to chronic ischemic heart disease. All patients developed myocardial infarction more than 16 days before operation. The patients ranged in age from 38 to 71 years (mean age 59 years) and included 65 men and seven women. In these patients 139 tachycardias (> 3 beats) could be evoked during operation. Ninety-five tachycardias were observed preoperatively, either spontaneously or after induction by programmed stimulation in the catheter laboratory. Morphology of the remaining 44 tachycardias had not been documented preoperatively. Ninety tachycardias were sustained (lasting longer than 1 min). Endocardial mapping of infarctrelated ventricular tachycardias was performed in the hearts of two patients after the hearts were removed for replacement by transplantation; these hearts were connected to a Langendorff perfusion set-up. One of these patients was a 43-year-old man that had developed sustained ventricular tachycardias 5 months after an anteroseptal infarction. The other patient was a 40year-old woman in whom transplantation was carried out because of pump failure that developed after an inferoposterior infarction. Intraoperative mapping. Details of the intraoperative mapping system and procedures have been described previously.24 In essence, the method consists of simultaneous recording of electrical activity from 64 sites on the endocardial surface by means of a balloon electrode covered with 64 electrode terminals distributed over six circles perpendicular to the long axis of the balloon. Distances between the electrode terminals were about 1.2 cm. A ridge on the balloon surface, running parallel to its long axis, served as a spatial landmark, and was positioned 590 between the papillary muscles by the surgeon. In this way the orientation of the balloon in the cavity was fixed. Because the site of earliest endocardial activation was marked during surgery, the orientation of the balloon with respect to the resected preparation was known, and the balloon could be repositioned over the tissue after the resection. By placing the earliest activated terminal on the marker, the position of other important electrode terminals could be traced. Recordings were in unipolar mode with reference to a needle electrode in the patient's left shoulder. After cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass, the infarcted area was incised and the multielectrode was inserted in the left ventricular cavity. Recordings were made under normothermic perfusion after induction of the tachycardias by programmed stimulation. Langendorif perfusion of the isolated human hearts. After removal the hearts were immersed in a modified Tyrode's solution containing: Na+ 156.5 mmol!liter, K' 4.7 mmol/liter, Ca+ + 1.5 mmol/liter, H2P04- - 0.5 mmol/liter, Cl- 137.0 mmol/liter, HCO3 28.0 mmol/liter, glucose 20.0 mmol/liter. The solution, cooled to about 00 C, was also used to flush the coronary arteries. Subsequently the hearts were transported to the experimental laboratory in the cold Tyrode's solution gassed with 95%o 2 and 5% CO2. There, the left anterior descending, the circumflex, and the right coronary arteries were cannulated and attached to a Langendorif perfusion system. Details of the perfusion set-up can be found elsewhere.25 The perfusion fluid consisted of a mixture of 50% human blood and 50% Tyrode's (total volume 2 liters) and was recirculated in the perfusion apparatus. After the hearts had been connected, coronary flow was stabilized to about 200 ml/min. Bipolar hook electrodes, serving as references, were attached to the left and right ventricles. The ventricles were stimulated via a bipolar hook electrode fixed on the epicardium of the left ventricle. Endocardial and epicardial mapping was carried out with the use of the equipment for intraoperative mapping. In contrast to the mapping procedure during operation, the balloon electrode was inserted into the left ventricular cavity via the mitral valve. The position of the ridge on the balloon was marked on the epicardial wall during the Langendorff study. The hearts were fixed in formalin at the end of the perfusion (9 and 7 hr, respectively, after explantation), and cut into six slices at levels corresponding to the six rows of electrode terminals on the balloon electrode. To achieve this as accurately as possible the balloon was repositioned in the cavity before the cutting procedure, and a vertical incision was made in the ventricular wall along the ridge from base to apex. Incisions were then made along the rows of electrode terminals on the balloon. Because electrode terminals next to the ridge were visible through the vertical incision, this could be achieved with high precision. As a consequence, the upper side of the slices corresponded with the level of the rows of electrode terminals on the balloon, and individual terminals could easily be pinpointed on the slices. Electrophysiologic studies in the tissue bath. Endocardial tissue that was resected during operation from 20 patients was investigated electrophysiologically in a tissue bath. After endocardial resection the tissue was immersed in the modified Tyrode's solution of about 00 C, gassed with 95Cc 02 and 5% C02, and transported to the experimental laboratory. Time needed to carry resected preparations from the operating room to the laboratory ranged from 15 min (two cases) to about 1 hr (18 cases). There, the tissue was pinned to the base of a superfusion bath and superfused with oxygenated Tyrode's solution of 37° C. The preparations were allowed to recover in the tissue bath for an hour before measurements were made. There was only one preparation (transportation time 1 hr) in which no extraor intracellular potentials could be recorded. The preparations were stimulated through a bipolar stainless steel electrode with CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 an interelectrode distance of 1 mm. Extracellular electrograms were recorded by means of a modified bipolar electrode. The extracellular electrode consisted of two silver wires with a diameter of 100 ,um that were insulated except at the tips. Both tips were electrolytically covered with an AgCl layer. One of the leads was positioned on the tissue, while the other was clipped so that its position was 2 to 3 mm above the surface of the tissue. The two signals were recorded differentially with an alternatingcurrent amplifier having a gain setting between 8 and 1024. The upper and lower cutoff frequencies of the amplifiers were 0.1 Hz and 5 kHz. By measurement of extracellular signals in this way, distant activation and 50 Hz interference was eliminated but unipolar characteristics were preserved. Intracellular recordings were obtained with conventional glassmicroelectrodeswith tip resistancesbetween 10 and 20 MQ. The microelectrodes were connected to a high-input impedance direct-current amplifier. Membrane potentials and extracellular electrograms were both displayed on a Tektronix 512 oscilloscope and printed on an Elema inkwriter. Histologic methods. In seven resected preparations and the isolated hearts histologic examinations were performed. Only tissue preparations that showed fractionated electrograms with intervals between earliest and latest deflection of at least 100 msec, or in which presystolic activity was found at more than one site during mapping in the operating room, were selected for study. After the measurements in vitro, preparations were fixed in full in formalin or gluteraldehyde. On the basis of electrophysiologic results obtained during mapping in the operating theater or in the tissue bath, selected areas were marked. From these selected areas slices were then processed for histologic examination by routine methods. Sections were cut with 5 ,um thickness perpendicular to the endocardial surface. In these sections areas of ventricular muscle that survived infarction and areas of connective tissue were identified, thus providing a profile of the anatomy in the selected area. Results Endocardial activation during ventricular tachycardia. In 72 patients we mapped 139 ventricular tachycardias ( > 3 beats) during antiarrhythmic surgery with the use of the endocardial balloon electrode. In virtually all cases (136 tachycardias) we found a centrifugal spread of endocardial activity from a small zone, which we will call the "site of origin." In three cases no endocardial site of origin was present, and the activation maps showed a large reentrant circuit around the scar tissue. In an additional case a macroreentrant circuit was present during the initial phase only, the sustained phase of the tachycardia originating from a well-defined site of origin. The spatial resolution of the balloon electrode (the interelectrode distance was about 1.2 cm) does not warrant a detailed analysis of the activation near the site of origin. Yet, in the majority of cases (105 of 136) the origin was certainly confined within the area encircled by four adjacent electrodes, i.e., 1.4 cm2. It never exceeded the area covered by a square of three interelectrode distances (13 cm2). From the site of origin the endocardial activation sequence spread in a centrifugal way, but occasionally (12 times) Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 a second circumscript zone of early activity was observed. The apparent conduction velocity was always faster along the heart axis than when it was perpendicular to the axis: in 57 cases it even exceeded 1 m/sec. In 32 of 136 cases an area of conduction block interfered with the centrifugal activation pattern. The occurrences of such a block zone can hamper the interpretation of endocardial activation maps, as shown in the following example. The activation map shown in figure 1, a, depicts the spread of endocardial activity during a ventricular tachycardia. Time t = 0 corresponds to the onset of endocardial activation. Signals in the infarcted anterior part of the septum and in the apex were of poor quality, and it was not possible to detect an activation front in this area. In the healthy part of the heart activity spread from a site of origin in the anterior wall to the posterior wall and the septum. The latest septal activity was at 240 msec and the next beat originated only 32 msec later at the site of origin in the anterior wall. This pattern is compatible with a large reentrant circuit, the apparent site of origin being reactivated through a deeper-lying and therefore undetected layer underneath the scar tissue. However, a second tachycardia with a cycle length of 376 msec occurred in the same patient (figure 1, b). Surface lead morphology was roughly the same and the activation pattern proved to be very similar to that of the first tachycardia, the main difference being a slightly faster spread of activation across the posterior wall. Yet the "silent gap" of the tachycardia cycle, which was 32 msec in the case of the first tachycardia, had now extended to 196 msec, or about half of the cycle length. This pattern is not compatible with a large reentrant loop consisting of healthy myocardium. Indeed, both tachycardias may well fit the common pattern of centrifugal spread from a site of origin, with an area of conduction block at the septal side of the origin and, in the case of the first tachycardia, a cycle length that happens to result in continuous activity of the subendocardial myocardium throughout the cycle. In 12 cases a second site of origin complicated the usual centrifugal activation pattern. In figure 2, a short run of 4 ectopic beats is shown. The first beat (panel a) originates at site S, on the posterior wall (t =0 isochrone). Interestingly, Purkinje activity was recorded at that site during sinus rhythm. After 20 msec a second endocardial site of origin appeared in S3. During the next beat (panel b), the activation pattern remained essentially the same, although the earliest site of origin had moved to an adjacent terminal (S2). The third beat (panel c) originated exclusively from S3 and the original site of origin S, was activated only after 80 591 DE BAKKER et al. posterior posterior / lat a) b) damaged tissue VT cycle length: 376 ms VT cycle length 272 ms Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 c 1 1 11 .j l A' IA\lX Ill t =0 MS t=Om FIGURE 1. Endocardial activation maps of sustained ventricular tachycardias recorded in a patient operated on for medically refractory tachycardia. The isochronic maps were constructed from endocardial electrograms that were recorded with a 64-point balloon electrode. The endocardial surface is depicted as though a cut were made along the left anterior descending artery, from base to apex, and the walls then folded outward. Isochrones are in milliseconds and are timed with respect to the onset of endocardial activation. Arrows indicate main spread of endocardial activation. Tracings are the surface leads I, II, and III. Areas that were visually abnormal to the surgeon are indicated as damaged tissue. Local activation in these areas was absent or obscured by remote activity in healthy tissue. The tachycardia in a arises from a small area in the anterior wall. Spread of activation toward the septum is blocked. Activation toward the posterior wall arrives at the septum after 240 msec, which results in a gap of 30 msec between latest activation of one cycle and earliest activation of the following one. The tachycardia in b, which has a morphology very similar to the one from a, originates from the same area. The gap between earliest activity of 1 beat and latest activation of the preceding one was 196 msec in this case. msec by conduction through the subendocardial muscle. The double origin reappeared in the fourth beat (panel d), but this time the role of the "foci" was reversed, with S3 firing 20 msec earlier than the original site of origin. Presystolic activity. The fact that macroreentry around scar was rarely observed does not mean that the characteristic centrifugal activation pattern must be interpreted as indicating a "focal" or automatic mechanism responsible for the tachycardia. It is quite possible that the activity was carried back to the apparent site of origin by a pathway that remained undetected, possibly because of the coarse spatial resolution of the balloon electrode. In 24 of 136 maps 592 of "centrifugal" tachycardias we recorded small deflections preceding the main activation in one or more leads of the balloon electrode close to the origin. Their amplitude was small, usually less than 500 pV, and sometimes Purkinje spikes were recorded at the same site during sinus rhythm, suggesting that the Purkinje system may have been involved in maintaining the tachycardia in these cases. We will use the term presystolic activity for such discrete electrograms of low amplitude that precede earliest subendocardial activation. Occasionally (three tachycardias) presystolic activity was detected at several sites, permitting a tentative reconstruction of its route. CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA septu m posterior Wi, damaged tissue Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 I 11 "\\ \-/ stimulus Ill 111 200 ms a c dN e) FIGURE 2. Endocardial activation maps of four consecutive ectopic beats from a patient sulffering from medically intractable ventricular tachycardias. Isochrones are in milliseconds and are timed with respect to the onset of endocardial activation in each complex. Recordings in e are the surface leads I, II, and III. The site of earliest endocardial activity of the first complex (a) is S,. A second area of endocardial breakthrough appears 20 msec later at site S3. The second beat (b) originates at S2, under an electrode terminal that is adjacent to S,. In this beat too, a second area of endocardial breakthrough occurs at S3. In the third complex (c), the endocardial site of origin is located exclusively at S3. In the fourth beat (d), the earliest activated site remains at S3, but this time a second area of endocardial breakthrough appears at the sites where the origin of the first 2 beats was located. In figures 3 and 4 the initiation and the sustained phase of such a tachycardia are shown. The tachycardia was initiated by two premature stimuli. Figure 3 depicts the activation sequence after the premature stimuli and the first two spontaneous beats. Panel a shows that endocardial breakthrough occurred at a left midseptal site after the first premature stimulus. Spread of activation toward the posterior wall was slow and the activation front directed toward the anterior wall was blocked after 100 msec. At three sites in the septum Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 small deflections were recorded within 100 msec after the main depolarization (black dots in panel a). Their sequence of activation was in the reverse direction (dashed arrow). The activation pattern after the second extrastimulus was roughly the same, including late activity in the reverse direction at the black dots, but this time the main wave of activity, coming from the anterolateral wall, managed to cross the block zone. It then completed the circuit one more time (isochrones 540 to 760 in panel c) before coming to a standstill. The 593 DE BAKKER et al. m a aneurysm 2e extra stimulus le extra stimulus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d) Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 ; f 0 leextra systole ~~980 96 1000 2eextra systole FIGURE 3. Activation patterns of 4 beats in the induction phase of a ventricular tachycardia induced in a patient with medically intractable arrythmias. a1 and b, Activation maps of the last two stimulated complexes. c and d, Activation sequences of the first 2 spontaneously occurring beats. Isochrones are in milliseconds and are timed with respect to the first extrastimulus. Arrows with solid lines indicate spread of endocardial activation. Arrows with dashed lines indicate spread of secondary activation fronts, the signals of which are recorded at the black dots; numbers next to the dots indicate activation times in milliseconds. The first spontaneously occurring extrasystole (c) arises from macroreentry through the subendocardial muscle. The second and following ectopic beats are also due to macroreentry. but this time return of activation toward the site of earliest endocardial activation occurs via isolated pathways of surviving muscle fibers. See text for further discussion. next spontaneous beat (panel d) originated in a septal site of origin. However, at some terminals (black dots in panel c), small deflections bridged the gap between the latest activity in the anterior wall and the origin of the second spontaneous beat in the septum. Figure 4, top, shows the activation pattern of two consecutive beats of the sustained phase of tachycardia from figure 3. From the site of origin (asterisks), there was centrifugal spread of activation, with the wavefront toward the anterior wall being blocked after 60 msec. This zone of block was reached after 120 msec by the other wavefront, arriving via the posterior wall. This sequence of activation recurred in the following beats. Presystolic activity was recorded at five sites (black dots b, c, d, e, and the one below b), all located to the left of the site of origin, and they occurred earlier 594 if the recording site was further away from the site of origin. The presystolic activity bridged 176 msec of the cycle length of 312 msec, while spread of activation through subendocardial muscle accounted for the remaining 136 msec. A continuous sequence of activation, recircling through subendocardial muscle of the posterior and lateral walls, and through an isolated pathway of surviving muscle in the border zone, seems to have occurred. Presystolic activity in vitro. From this heart, an endocardial area of 15 cm2, varying in thickness from 2 to 8 mm. was resected (figure 5) around the site of origin of the tachycardia. This site was marked by a suture between lines A and B. Black dots indicate the approximate sites at which presystolic activity was recorded during mapping (the sites b and c and the one below CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA aneurysm block cycle length VT: 312 ms a Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 b V< d // A e gl t=Oms 200 ms FIGURE 4. Top, Isochronic endocardial maps of 2 consecutive ectopic beats in the sustained phase of the tachycardia shown in figure 3. Isochrones are in milliseconds and are timed with respect to earliest endocardial activation of the complex in the left map. At five sites (b,c,d,e, and the site marked with the black dot below b) at the left of the site of earliest endocardial activation, presystolic activity was recorded for which activation times are indicated by numbers next to the black dots (right). Endocardial activation starts to spread out from a midseptal site (*). Activation toward the anterior wall is blocked after 60 msec. The area of block is reached by the activation front that arrives via the posterior wall after 120 msec. Presystolic activity recorded at sites b to d shows that activation is conducted back to the earliest activated endocardial site a, indicating that a large reentrant circuit consisting of subendocardial muscle of the posterior and lateral wall and an isolated path in the septum rules this tachycardia. Bottom, Endocardial signals recorded at the sites are indicated on the left. Drawn lines connect activation times of the subendocardial muscle component in the signals. Dashed lines connect the times of depolarization expressed by presystolic activity, and show that activation returns from the area of block (close to e) to the site of earliest endocardial activation (a). The amplitude of the presystolic potential in recording d is 3 mV. Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 595 DE BARKER et aL Iw Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 0 I 50 mV intracellular extracellular ¾.. 1200 [V 0.2 S FIGURE 5. Top, Resected endocardial tissue from the patient suffering from the tachycardia shown in figure 4. The specimen was placed in a superfused tissue bath for electrophysiologic investigations. Stimulation was performed at the site indicated by the stimulation marker. The suture in the middle of the resection marks the site that was determined to be the origin of the tachycardia during operation. Black dots indicate the approximate sites at which presystolic activity was recorded during intraoperative mapping. Bottom, Tracings are the extra- and intracellular recordings from the site marked by the asterisk, which was close to the site of origin of the tachycardia. Action potentials were close to normal; extracellular recordings showed fragmentation. Along the lines A and B sections were taken for histologic investigationrs (figure 7). b in figure 4, top). On the right side of line A, only single intrinsic deflections were recorded during surgery. At the site marked by the asterisks, the extracellular electrogram showed multiple deflections, suggesting the presence of discrete zones of viable myocardium. Microelectrode recording close to the extracellular electrode revealed almost normal transmembrane potentials: amplitude of 115 mV, and max596 imum upstroke velocity greater than 100 V/sec. The action potential upstroke coincided with the first deflection in the extracellular signal (arrow). It was not possible to obtain microelectrode recordings from multiple sites, presumably because of the abundantly present connective tissue. We could not therefore correlate the other components of the fragmented electrogram to intracellular potentials. CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA TABLE 1 Electrophysiologic characteristics of cells with fast and slow action potential upstrokes Upstroke Fast Slow Action potential amplitude (mV) No. of Resting membrane potential (mV) observations 81.1±9.1 74.6 + 10.8 93.1±+ 11.8 86.3 ± 10.8 10 12 Fast upstroke = maximum dV/dt > 100 V/sec; slow upstroke = maximum dV/dt <100 V/sec. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Similar studies were undertaken in endocardial preparations resected from 19 other patients. The results are summarized in table 1. In seven patients no satisfactory microelectrode recordings could be obtained. In the remaining 12 preparations, resting membrane potentials were generally slightly depolarized. Action potentials with fast and with slow upstrokes were recorded. When an arbitrary division was made between cells producing action potentials with fast (maximum dV/dt> 100 V/sec) and slow (maximum dV/dt < 100 V/sec) upstrokes, it was found that cells with fast action potentials had larger action potential amplitudes (93.1 ± 11.8 mV) and higher resting membrane potentials (81.1 + 9.1 mV) than cells with slow action potentials (amplitude 86.3 + 10.8 mV; resting membrane potential 74.6 ± 10.8 mV). In addition, there appeared to be differences in refractory period duration: cells with fast action potentials could be driven at a minimal cycle length of 620 ± 270 msec, and cells with slow 0 WO V\ OM~ '*%~ action potentials at a minimal cycle length of 1200 ± 900 msec. However, the same cell could sometimes produce action potentials with a fast or with a slow upstroke, depending on the direction of the activation wave. An example is shown in figure 6. Simultaneous recordings were made from a row of three microelectrodes, 1 mm apart, and from an extracellular electrode close to the middle microelectrode. During stimulation at one side of the array of microelectrodes, we recorded normal action potentials with rapid upstrokes (right part of the tracings). When the preparation was stimulated from the other side at the same rate, we recorded low-amplitude responses in the upper two traces and slow upstroke action potentials showing a Wenckebach type of conduction block in the lower one. Histology. From the preparation shown in figure 5, sections were taken along line A (where only single intrinsic deflections were seen during surgery) and along line B (the area of presystolic activity), and these are shown in figure 7, top. The top left panel (from line A) shows a coherent area of vital myocardium (dark area marked V). Long offshoots of collagen fibers invaded this region from a small area of connective tissue in the lower right region (bright area marked C). The coherent region of viable myocardium divided into discrete zones of viable cells, as shown in the top right panel, which was taken along line B (areas marked V). In figure 7, a, details of a zone of viable muscle fibers \Mmwm FIGURE 6. Simultaneous recordings from the arrhythmogenic area of resected endocardial tissue by an extracellular electrode (upper tracing) and three microelectrodes located along a line at distances of 1 mm. The extracellular electrode was positioned close to the middle microelectrode. Complexes in the left part of the tracings were recorded during stimulation at a site left of the array of microelectrodes. Action potentials showed low-amplitude responses in the second and third tracing, and a Wenckebach type of conduction block with action potentials of low upstroke velocity in the lower tracing. Complexes in the right half of the tracings were obtained when the preparation was stimulated from an opposite site. This time, action potentials were close to normal, with fast upstrokes. ---ii1 1r 1. r .l- N\ J ' I,' l\ 1 sec Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 597 DE BAKKER et al endocardium 5 mm -',T .f \bE~ waw...v i?M '(.1'Is endocardium b a '1x.g Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 1 170 N9g>-e.S i(,i 1 lm pmn c 60 pm d -m 170 pm 170 pm FIGURE 7. Sections of the endocardial tissue from figure 5 made along lines A (top left) and B (top right). The panel at top left is from the side of the origin of the tachycardia, where only single subendocardial deflections were recorded during intraoperative mapping. The main part of the section consisted of viable myocardium (marked V); only in the lower right corner was a small area of connective tissue (marked C) present. The panel at top right originates from the area where presystolic activity was found during intraoperative mapping. Two zones of viable myocardium (marked by V), one subendocardially the other intramurally, could be distinguished. The photomicrographs in a to d show details of the marked areas on the top right. a, Details of an intramural zone of surviving myocardial tissue; b, the fibrous tissue that makes up most of the tissue in the section; c, part of an area of necrotic tissue; d, details of an area of surviving subendocardial tissue. are shown. The viable myocardial fibers showed an interweaving architecture with branching of cells. There was some scattered inflammatory infiltrate on a remnant of previous infarction. Another band of vital myocardial cells bordering on reparative tissue was located subendocardially (panel d). Between the areas of viable myocytes, fibrous tissue containing sparse 598 inflammatory cells with numerous macrophages (panel b) and a necrotic patch of myocardial cells (panel c) was present. Similar findings were obtained in six other resected preparations. The endocardium was generally thickened by fibroelastosis. Zones of viable myocardium were found immediately beneath the endocardium, and CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA Ref __ Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 ..Cl4WtS K. &< J K5(N FIGURE 8. Left, A section of the endocardial wall of a resected posterior papillary muscle that was located close to the site of origin of a ventricular tachycardia. The section was taken perpendicular to the fiber direction. The papillary muscle was investigated in a superfused tissue bath. The central part of the muscle was composed of dense connective tissue (marked by C on the left). A rim of surviving muscle fibers (marked by R) surrounded the core of fibrous tissue. Myocytes were grouped together, separated by strands of fibrous tissue. The number of myocytes within a cluster varied markedly along lines perpendicular to the fiber direction. Middle, A schematic drawing of the section. Dotted areas indicate viable muscle bundles; black areas point to connective tissue. Tracings on the right are extracellular recordings (signals aren traced from oscilloscope pictures) made at 0.2 mm distances from sites A to M during stimulation at a site 3 mm from A toward the base of the papillary muscle. A reference signal (the upper tracing marked Ref) was recorded 6.5 mm from site M toward the tip. Recordings show a varying degree of fractionation, depending on the number of bundles near the recording site. Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 599 DE BAKKER et at X: v¾k to a 4p*, gi,i It ,V 9^,:,S,i 4'4.ti:t ;i , sER ::: ;.N¢ a)S eXE X za ;,>. S<m.Fe'Eit j-E-Za? is*E \s si +X is ^ nB::: 'RERES: } Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Z Bi.# iE:_ ... b c 40 pm FIGURE 9. Detail of sections made perpendicular to the fiber direction of the papillary muscle in figure 8. Panels show details of a bundle of surviving muscle fibers (marked by V) at three different positions. Cuts were made at 0, 575, and 850 pm distances from line AM toward the reference electrode. At the first position (a), there was a compact bundle comprising only viable myocytes. At the right, part of a zone of fibrous tissue that enclosed the bundle is shown. At the second position (b), fibrous tissue traversed the bundle, dividing it in several smaller bundles. At the third position (c), connective tissue within the bundle disappeared, restoring the situation of level a. E endocardial wall. also in deeper layers. These zones could be composed of irregularly shaped bundles of viable myocardial cells, interwoven with fibrous tissue, or be made up of bundles of viable myocardial cells oriented in parallel and surrounded by fibrous tissue. An example of this last structure is shown in figure 8, representing the endocardial zone of an infarcted papillary muscle that was located adjacent to the site of origin of a tachycardia, as determined intraoperatively. The central core was composed of dense fibrous tissue (marked C in the left panel). An endocardial rim (marked R in the left panel) composed of bundles of viable myocardial cells oriented in parallel surrounded this core. The middle panel is a schematic drawing of the section showing connective tissue that separates the bundles of viable myocytes. Dotted areas indicate viable muscle bundles; black areas point to connective tissue. Myocytes showed hypertrophy, and to a varying extent, vacuolization of the cytoplasm. The bundles of viable myocardial fibers ranged from a single cell to bundles up to 800 jLm in cross section. Bundles could be divided into several smaller bundles, and fuse again within a distance of less than 200 Rrm. An example is shown in figure 9. Panel a shows a cross section of a bundle as a compact area of viable myocytes. In a 600 second cross section of the same bundle, at a distance of 575 jim from the first one (panel b), the area is split up into several bundles (sometimes comprising only a few cells, or even a single cell) separated by strands of fibrous tissue. These strands are the dark zones that encircle the muscle bundles in panel b. A third cross section, 275 Km farther away (panel c), shows the bundle as again consisting of a compact mass of viable tissue. That such an architecture can have profound effects on impulse conduction, and on the configuration of extracellular electrograms, is demonstrated in figure 8, right, and is discussed in the following section. Fractionated electrograms. In 11 resected preparations, the extracellular electrogram showed multiple deflections separated by isoelectric intervals (fractionated electrograms). The interval between earliest and latest deflection varied from 60 to 350 msec. Fiber orientation in areas showing fractionated electrograms could either be irregular or parallel. The latter is the case in the preparation shown in figure 8. In the tissue bath, extracellular recordings were made along a line perpendicular to the long axis of the papillary muscle at successive distances of 200 pm (sites A to M). The preparation was stimulated at 3 mm distance from site A toward the base of the papillary muscle. Figure 8, CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 right, shows the extracellular signals recorded at the sites as indicated in the drawing. A reference signal (marked Ref.) was recorded at 6.5 mm distance from site M toward the tip of the papillary muscle. The recordings showed a varying degree of fractionation. At site M a waveform with one intrinsic deflection, preceded by a hump from remote activation, is recorded. The main deflection (arrow) is caused by the large coherent bundle of myocytes that faces site M. A polyphasic waveform, showing three conspicuous intrinsic deflections, is recorded at site F (arrows). The first deflection of signal F occurs simultaneously with the main intrinsic deflection in the signal recorded at site D (arrow), which is located opposite to bundle a. The third deflection of F corresponds with the main deflection in the signal recorded at site G, facing bundle c. Because there is another bundle (b) between a and c close to the endocardial surface, it is most likely that the complex waveform of F is generated by different wavefronts through the bundles a, b, and c. Caution is required in making correlations between deflections and specific bundles, because the section only shows the bundles at one selected level, and as illustrated in figure 9, the coherence in a bundle may markedly change over short distances. However, there is a tendency for fractionation to increase with the number of isolated bundles near the recording site. The succession of the main deflections in the signals indicates that there is spread of activation perpendicular to the fiber direction, but that the apparent conduction velocity is rather slow. Over a distance of about 2 mm the delay was 40 msec, which corresponds to an apparent conduction velocity of 0.06 m/sec. In contrast, in the direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the surviving muscle fibers, conduction velocity was 0.7 m/sec (delay between main deflection at M and the reference signal was 9 msec, distance was 6.5 mm). In summary, bundles of viable myocytes oriented in parallel in infarcted areas may fuse and bifurcate again over short distances, and this structure gives rise to depressed impulse conduction perpendicular to the fiber direction. The isolated, Langendori-perfused heart. In an isolated heart removed from a patient with an inferopostero infarction, sustained ventricular tachycardia could be induced by pacing the left ventricle at a basic cycle length of 600 msec and by introducing three premature stimuli with coupling intervals of 320, 260, and 200 msec. The endocardial activation pattern of 1 beat of the tachycardia and some selected endocardial electrograms are shown in figure 10. The activation map shows that the tachycardia appears to arise from a small area near the apex on the border of the septum and the Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 posterior wall (the area encircled by the 0 isochrone). From this area activation spreads toward the basal septum and the anterior wall. Spread of activation toward the posterior wall is prevented by the infarct. Activation reaches the lateral side of the infarcted zone via the anterior wall after 180 msec. Here, subendocardial activation dies out, which is reflected by the slow positive deflection in the electrogram recorded at site e. The main component of the signals recorded at sites d and e are followed by small deflections (arrows in figure 10, bottom). The sequence of activation is such that spread of activation seems to continue via tracts of surviving muscle fibers in the infarcted zone. In the signals recorded from sites f, g, and h, similar small deflections are recorded, suggesting that the path turns downward to site f, from where it advances to the septum via sites g and h. Thereafter, activation reactivates the large muscle mass of the septum, completing a reentrant circuit. Figure 11 shows the top view (seen from the base) of two slices cut from the heart. The top left panel represents the slice that was excised at the site of electrode terminal b in figure 10; the top right panel is the slice taken at the level of electrode terminal a. At the border of infarcted and healthy tissue a large compact bundle of viable muscle fibers is present (the arrow in the top left panel). This bundle runs downward to the posterior wall (P). In the slices above (not shown here), the bundle merges with remaining myocardial tissue of the lateral wall (L). Toward the apex the bundle bifurcates, as can be seen in the right-hand slice (arrows). This slice also shows that there are several other bundles in the posterior wall. These bundles are isolated from each other by fibrous tissue (white layers that encircle the bundles). The section shown in panel a was 5.5 mm below the surface of sectors I and IL of the right-hand slice. The branches of the bifurcated bundle, indicated by arrows, have joined again at this level. Other bundles in sector II also merge with the "main bundle," giving rise to one large bundle. Surviving bundles are composed of zones of viable myocardial fibers (V) and areas of connective tissue (C), as is illustrated in a photomicrograph (panel d) taken at the site of the black square in panel b. The left side of the bundle in panel a is separated from remaining viable myocardium in sector III by a thick endocardial layer (open arrow), which prevents activation from passing on to sector III at this level. However, the section of panel b that was made 1.5 mm above sector II of the section in panel a reveals that the area of vital myocardial bundles continues to the right of sector III (open arrow in panel c), thereby causing a link of surviving muscle between the lateral wall and the septum. 601 DE BAKKER et al. poster ior ant / lat. CL =264 ms FIGURE 10. Top, Endocardial activation pattern of cycle of a sustained ventricular tachycardia induced in a Langendorif-perfused human heart with extensive inferopostero infarction. Isochrones, constructed from endocardial electrograms recorded with the balloon electrode, are in milliseconds with respect to the time reference (t= 0) in the bottom panel. Heavy printed arrows indicate main spread of subendocardial activation; light printed arrow indicates spread of activation via an isolated tract of surviving myocardial fibers in the infarcted zone. Figures next to the black dots indicate activation times. Bottom, Endocardial electrograms recorded at sites indicated in the top panel. The heavy printed line connects times of activation of subendocardial tissue at the sites a to e. At site d, the main deflection is followed by a second response of small amplitude (arrow). At sites e to h signals mainly reflect remote activity, but in all signals small responses are present (arrows). The course of these small responses is indicated by the light printed line. one Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Figure 11 illustrates that there is a continuous zone of viable myocardial cells within the infarcted area that 4electrically" connects remaining tissue of the lateral and septal wall. In addition, figure 10 shows that presystolic activity was present along the tract of figure 11 at four sites, and that the relationship of time was such that activity seemed to run from the lateral toward the septal wall, thereby reactivating the site of earliest endocardial activation. Although we can demonstrate a tract of viable tissue in the area where results of mapping suggest the presence of a return path, it is not possible to trace the exact pathway that governs the tachycardia. The indicated tract is certainly not the only 602 one through which activation invades the infarcted area. The polyphasic deflections in signal g of figure 10 (indicated by an arrow) suggest multiple pathways. In addition, isolated deflections of low amplitude were found at two other sites in the infarct. Surviving subendocardial zones within the infarcted area were found at all levels from base to apex. However, at all levels other than the one shown in figure 11, the surviving zone was not continuous. but was clearly interrupted by an area of dense connective tissue that prevented crossing of activation. In another isolated heart removed from a patient suffering from almost incessant ventricular tachycarCIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA .I Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 II-' 'v 1 cm a b) HI As 'I ....: *A 1-111 Awl,., 1 . f. f. 9 t V I_ c) d) .25 mm FIGURE lI. Top, Slices resected from the isolated human heart in figure 10. The slice in the top left panel was taken perpendicular to the long axis of the heart at the level at which electrode terminal b in figure 10 was located. The top right panel slice was taken about 1 cm beneath the other one. On the left a large bundle of viable myocardial fibers is present (arrow) that bifurcates in the panel on the right (arrows). Several other isolated bundles are present at this level in sectors 11 and Ill. Bundles are surrounded by fibrous tissue. S =septum; P =posterior wall; L lateral wall. Bottom, Panel is a section taken 5.5 mm below the surface of the slice in the top right panel. The section shows that all bundles merge to one large coherent bundle. Arrows indicate the continuation of the bifurcated bundle. At this level, the joined bundle is isolated from remaining myocardial septal tissue by a thick endocardial layer (open arrow). b, Photomicrograph taken 1.5 mm above a in sector 11 showing that the joined bundle merges with healthy offshoots of the septum in section III (open arrow in c). d, Photomicrograph of the joined bundle (from the square in b) showing that it consists of areas with viable myocardial fibers (bright areas as marked by V) and zones comprising connective tissue (dark areas as marked C). a Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 603 DE BAKKER et al. isolated bundle exit 1 exit 2 subendocardial muscle FIGURE 12. Possible reentrant pathway, partly through bundles of surviving myocardial fibers embedded in fibrous tissue. The main bundle bifurcates and gives rise to two exits toward the larger subendocardial muscle mass. If activation only uses one branch of the bifurcation, one site of origin will appear; if activation leaves the bundle at random, sometimes via exit 1 and sometimes via exit 2, the site of origin will alternate. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 dia, sustained tachycardia could repeatedly be induced by introducing two extrastimuli. Electrophysiologic and histologic findings were essentially the same as before. The endocardial activation pattern revealed circus-movement reentry through areas of surviving muscle fibers in the infarcted zone, and the remaining larger subendocardial muscle mass. Histology of the surviving areas in the infarct showed vital muscle bundles alternated by zones of connective tissue. The surviving bundles varied markedly in size and shape, and occasionally individual cells were surrounded by fibrous tissue. Discussion The results of most clinical and experimental studies support the concept that reentry is the mechanism of ventricular tachycardia in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction.4-7 2628 The clinical evidence is based on the characteristics of ventricular tachycardia induced and terminated by programmed stimulation, and on failure of agents that abolish triggered activity to suppress the arrhythmia.29 The experimental evidence is largely based on mapping of reentrant circuits in the subepicardium of dogs with chronic infarcts.26 28 In patients with chronic infarction and a ventricular aneurysm, the most obvious pathway for circulating excitation would be the rim of surviving myocardium around the scar. Surprisingly, this was only rarely found in our study (three of 139 tachycardias) and in those of others (six of 68 tachycardias20). The great majority of tachycardias seems to originate from a small, circumscript area. There are two possible explanations reconciling a focal origin of tachycardia with reentry: (1) a macroreentrant circuit, a part of which remains undetected by the mapping procedure, and (2) a microreentrant circuit small enough to appear as a focus. Microreentry? The minimal dimensions of a reentrant 604 circuit can be approximated by the product of conduction velocity and refractory period.30 Microreentry has been documented in tissue with a reduced membrane potential in which conduction velocity is very slow primarily because the action potential upstroke is very slow. Such tissue includes that in the sinus node 3 and atrioventricular node32 and Purkinje fibers exposed to elevated extracellular K + concentrations and catecholamines.33 In the resected endocardial preparations, we did find slightly depolarized cells (average resting membrane potential 74.6 + 10.8 mV) with slow action potential upstrokes (maximum dV/dt < 100 V/sec, range 0.5 to 85 V/sec.). Slow response potentials in infarcted human myocardium were also recorded by others.34 The refractory period of cells exhibiting such action potentials was invariably long (sometimes in excess of 2 sec), making them unlikely candidates for generating rapid rhythms. Although two specimens with rather slow responses (dV/dt - 2 V/sesc) showed long recovery periods in the tissue bath (>2 hr), this correlation was not consistent. In three cases the resected area consisted of two or three pieces. In two of these cases one part showed fast responses, while another exhibited only slow responses, despite the fact that treatment after resection was equal for pieces from the same heart. Thickness of the preparations usually differed from site to site, but there were no indications that preparations showing slow responses were thicker. Although difficult to prove, we believe that these depressed action potentials are an artifact related to damage caused by the resection procedure and to exposure to cardioplegic solutions. In about half of the preparations the transmembrane potentials were close to normal. Fractionated extracellular electrograms were recorded from preparations with normal transmembrane potentials, as has also been found in subepicardial preparations from the infarcted area in dog hearts.35 In our preparation, very slow propagation was observed in the direction perpendicular to the long axis of surviving muscle fibers separated by connective tissue strands. Conduction block in fibers with normal transmembrane potentials could occur when the direction of the activation wave was changed. The histologic appearance of the resected endocardial preparations resembles that of epicardial preparations from canine infarcts28 in that surviving fibers are separated by connective tissue or packed together in bundles of varying size that frequently branch and are separated from other bundles by strands of fibrous tissue. Similar findings in resected endocardial preparations have been reported earlier.36 Such a structure CIRCULATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY-VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 has been called nonuniform anisotropy,28 and has important consequences for impulse transmission.37 Conduction parallel to the long axis of the bundle (longitudinal conduction) can be normal, and propagation in the direction perpendicular to it (transverse conduction) can be very slow.28' 38 (figure 8). It is therefore conceivable that a circulating impulse that at some part of the circuit has to traverse an area of anisotropy in the transverse direction will be delayed for a considerable time (40 to 100 msec) over a very small distance (less than 1 mm). This implies that this part of a possible reentrant circuit would remain undetected by our mapping technique. For a circulating wave to be contained within a very small area of cells with normal action potential upstrokes, it would be required that a number of such delay-creating areas be connected in series and form a closed loop, which is very unlikely. It is in this respect noteworthy that we have never been able to induce a tachycardia in a resected preparation. For these reasons, we consider true microreentry as a cause of tachycardia very unlikely. A macroreentrant circuit in which a very small area is responsible for a considerable conduction delay due to nonuniform tissue anisotropy remains a possibility. Macroreentry through isolated pathways. We were not able to pinpoint the exact pathways during reentry in the infarcted zone, but the following arguments support the concept of a macroreentrant circuit partly consisting of a small isolated bundle of surviving cells in the border of the infarct: (1) Presystolic activity several centimeters away from the site of origin was detected in six of 136 tachycardias during surgery. Occasionally, presystolic activity was recorded from a sufficient number of sites to allow an estimate of the tract followed, and of the apparent conduction velocity within the tract. Conduction velocity within the isolated tract varied from 20 to 30 cm/sec. (2) In one endocardial resected preparation, separate areas of viable muscle were found at sites showing presystolic activity during intraoperative mapping, and these separate areas merged into a coherent mass of viable muscle at a site where only a single deflection was found during tachycardia. Isolated bundles were also found in the isolated perfused hearts at sites where presystolic activity was recorded during endocardial mapping, and these tracts connected large surviving muscle masses through areas of infarcted tissue. (3) In 12 of 139 tachycardias, a second area of early activity was detected several centimeters away from the site of origin, and in different beats sites of origin could alternate. This suggests a reentrant pathway, partly through an isolated small Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1988 bundle, with several "exits" toward the larger subendocardial muscle mass, as depicted in figure 12. The reasons we did not detect such "hidden pathways" more often were multiple: (1) The distance between the recording electrodes (1.2 cm) was too large to detect activity of a small bundle consistently. Spach and Dolber39 calculated that if a recording electrode were 1 mm away from a bundle with a diameter of 250 ,um, the extracellular potential would have an amplitude of less than 200 pLV. Activity of smaller bundles is virtually undetectable for electrodes further away than 200 to 300 ,Lm. (2) An isolated bundle within the border zone may be covered by thickened endocardium, preventing detection by an electrode on the endocardial surface. In our resected preparations, the endocardium could be as thick as 0.8 mm, due to fibroelastosis. (3) Because we used an unipolar mode of recording, small intrinsic deflections caused by isolated small bundles may have been masked by large extrinsic deflections caused by remote activity. Clinical implications. The question may be asked whether optimal surgical therapy consists of selectively removing the site of origin, or whether it entails removing as much of the infarct border as possible. The findings presented in this article indicate that the site of origin may in fact be an exit of a reentrant circuit. This exit is the site where a small, isolated bundle joins the larger subendocardial muscle mass and it belongs, of course, to the reentrant pathway (figure 12). Removal of such an exit will be successful in preventing recurrence of tachycardia if it is the only exit, and if so, if only one reentrant circuit is present. In several cases, we found evidence of more than one exit, and in these instances one might expect recurrence of tachycardia if only one of these areas is removed. That more than one reentrant circuit may be present is suggested by the fact that in 72 patients, 139 different tachycardias could be elicited. In some cases, five tachycardias with different QRS morphologies were initiated in the same patient during intraoperative mapping. Therefore, it is our conclusion that endocardial resection should not be restricted to removal of a small area at the site of origin of the tachycardia. We are grateful to Dr. M. L. Simoons, Dr. E. Bos, and Dr. G. Jambroes for making available to us the hearts of their patients that underwent heart transplantation, and Dr. F. E. E. Vermeulen, Dr. J. Defauw, and Dr. J. F. Hitchcock for offering the resected preparations. We thank Wim ter Smitte, Charles Belterman, and Carel Kools for their expert technical assistance, and Ernst Heeren for excellent histologic support. References 1. Wellens HJJ, Bar FWHM, van Agt EJDM, Brugada P: Medical treatment of ventricular tachycardia: considerations in the selection 605 DE BAKKER et a. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 of patients for surgical treatment. Am J Cardiol 49: 186, 1982 2. Wellens HJJ, Lie KI, Durrer D: Further observations on ventricular tachycardia as studied by electrical stimulation of the heart. 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