How is a bird able to become temporarily independent of the ground?

Viktor Schauberger was a remarkable man, endowed with the ability to develop a
technology based on natural, creative principles. He invented and built various
devices for cleaning water and for electric power generation, as well as levitation
devices. He designed dam walls, outlets for electric power plants, agricultural tools,
special "twister" pipes, nozzles, distillation plants, "flow regulators" of various sorts
for rivers, turbine engines and more. He did not however, have the gift of tact or
patience when dealing with the establishment. He was continually annoyed and
frustrated by academics, hydrologists, and engineers, and frequently lost his
temper. Consequently his articles were banned from publication for some time.
They called me deranged. I hope that they are right. It is of no greater
import if another fool wanders this earth But if I am right and the science
is wrong, then may the Lord God have mercy on mankind." Viktor
Schauberger. Viktor Schauberger was born as a foresters' son in 1885 in Eastern
Austria and lived until mid September 1958. He had no academic training but had a
deep knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics. He also was a good drawer and
craftsman and developed an exceptional understanding of water and its natural
(flow) phenomena.
How is a bird able to become temporarily independent of the ground?
Schauberger had a word for this (freely translated):
"Observe, understand and then copy nature."
How does it manage to overcome its own physical weight and to master flight without undue physical
exertion? A bird lays its eggs in hard shells in which the embryos breathing apparatuses are
incorporated. As long as it can breathe naturally, the embryo grows from fertilized protein concentrates.
An adult bird is equipped with sacs located in the quills of its wing-feathers, which are similar to shell
less egg. The lung fish of Australia and South America possess similar air-bladders, called swim-bladders.
During the rainy season they live in shallow water and breathe through their gills. In summer they have
a sort of siesta, and in the intervening period they live in holes in dried-out mud, which encloses them
like a carapace. Breathing takes place through the swim-bladder, which now functions as a lung. During
this period the body temperature drops, as occurs with all hibernation, because a vacuum developers as
a result of the lowering internal temperature. It is a biological vacuum, which enables the sucking in of
high-grade respiratory {fertilizing} substances, keeping the creature alive. These indrawn substances are
emulsified by accumulated concentrates of fat, which the animal stores away as hard rations during the
feeding season in preparation for its coming fast.
Precisely the opposite takes place with birds, because they breathe through their lungs while at rest.
When they fly, they breathe through the oscillating planetary movement of their air bladders, which
now become accumulators of dynagens. These air bladders inflate during flight and assume a wellrounded shape, as they do in fish when their owners wish to levitate. However, these bladders are not
filled with air, but with a helium-like gas, which the bird produces as a supplementary levitational force
through the intermixture of diffuse ethericities and in this way the body is endowed with its soul.
A world famous anatomist declared, I have opened up the bodies of hundreds of creatures, both alive
and dead, but nowhere and never could I find the soul. Derived from the Greek word selen {selena-the
attracting goddess of the moon}, this soul is a biomagnetic energy-concentrate. It not only explains the
birds flight, but also the hitherto inexplicable phenomenon of migratory birds, which have particularly
well-developed soul-cells. With the aid of these vibrating, protoplasm’s they can reach distant
destinations almost effortlessly and without food. Migrating birds also achieve this by means of
opposing potentials, which trigger off an appropriate temperature-gradient. So in a sense they are
remotely controlled. This almost non-spacial, or quasi-immaterial, uplifting and foreward-impelling
substance can also be produced mechanically and virtually cost free, in specially constructed and
alloyed, spirally coiled devices, akin to sap or blood vessels. All contemporary systems of propulsion for
ships and aeroplanes will soon become museum exhibits, because this solves the problem of
overcoming gravity by natural means. The present form of today’s technology and its methods will
fortunately be superseded, because with its continued use people will only become all the more stupid,
the more spongy and qualigen-deficient the substance of their bodies and their food. This will result in
premature impotence and an inability to reproduce.
But to return once more to the discussion of birds. While in principle their means of flight are the same,
migratory birds can be distinguished from non migratory species by the way they flap their wings and
the arrangement of their pinions. The example which most characterizes the factors governing longrange flights is the set of the wings and the flight feathers of the albatross, which in a certain sense
swims through the ocean of the air. Its wing tips extend far forwards in order to embrace the oncoming
air masses. With a wide, cavitating sweep of the wings, it causes these air-masses to rotate and inwind
about themselves and about their longitudinal axes. A fundamentally different wing arrangement is
exhibited by that king of the air, the golden eagle. It spirals up to great heights in order to survey the
wide sweep of its hunting territory as it floats almost motionlessly in the air. The golden eagle is not
really a bird of prey, but rather the sanitary inspector of the high mountains. Its task is to cull infirm or
incapacitated wild animals for the benefit of the healthy and natural progress of evolution. It therefore
weeds out all that is inferior to ensure the genetic health of the rising generation.
But how is it possible for this bird’s heavy body to float in ever-decreasing circles in the rarefied
atmosphere, in defiance of the laws of gravity and without any noticeable flapping of the wings? It is
because wise nature endowed it with specially formed protoplasm’s which reside in the quills of the
flight feathers. These are accumulators which store additional levitative energies. However, they
function substantially differently from balloons filled with a lighter-than air gas, which was known to
burst when they reach higher more rarefied altitudes. In principle the eagle Ur-procreates formative and
levitative concentrates, whose emitted radiation creates a biological vacuum in the eagles immediate
vicinity, mostly above it. It is the same upward sucking force that allows the stationary trout to flee
upstream like lighting. This biological vacuum is a hitherto, unresearched phenomenon and is the
specific type of vacuum that also enables humans to breathe. Professor Ernst Ferdinand sauerbruch
discovered it between the pleura and the surface of the lungs. Breathing is explained by the fertilization
of bipolar ethericities arising through digestive processes, which invalidates the widely held view that
the heart activates the circulation of the blood hydraulically.
Any perforation of this vacuum results in immediate suffocation. If the eagle’s quill-protoplasm’s are
perforated, then the bird loses the ability to float motionlessly until such a time as the perforated or
otherwise injured protoplasm heal and close up again. Even the perforation of a single vibrating
protoplasm makes any flying arduous should the eagle continue to fly during the healing period. If the
protoplasm’s are punctured by a red hot needle, which burns them and also the surrounding quill, then
the bird’s ability to fly is over forever, because this wound will never close. In captivity, for example,
with domesticated ducks, geese and chickens, these protoplasm’s atrophy. Even song birds which have
been kept in cages over a long period must practice for a while in order to re-acquire their former flying
ability. If larks are held in extended captivity, they are only able to rise warbling into the air after many
lengthy attempts. Without warbling, with which the lark generates the necessary vibrations its upward
flight is impossible.
Now to an observation which resulted in the achievement of bird-flight by mechanical means that
faithfully emulate nature. This observation that will also lead to the reinstatement of the culture of our
ancient ancestors, who had mastered a different form of chemistry, meteorology, astronomy and
medicine. The fundamental element of human knowledge lost thousands of years ago is what is today
called anomal magnetism or mesmerism. This was rediscovered by Franz Anton Mesmer, who was born
at iznang on lake Konstanz in1734 {died 1818}. Nobody had any idea that he had actually rediscovered
the long-lost ancient knowledge of a naturalesque eco-technology. Amongst other things he also
invented the famous baquet, a magical device, which had a particular shape and was made of certain
alloys. From this baquet, in which he prepared magnetic, medicinal water, a number of iron rods
protruded. These rods were grasped by the sick to enable the transfer of biomagnetic ethercities into
their wasting bodies.
All life emerges from the ur-form of the egg
The golden eagle makes its nest at altitudes that are already more or less deficient in oxygen. Here it
lays its eggs with their particularly distinctive shells, in well-shaded and protected lairs. The diffusionpores in these eggshells enable only the highest quality substances to enter. In zones inhabited by the
eagle no manner of empty space or void prevails, but the specifically densified, dynagenic concentrates,
which to a certain degree are already in an etherealized state. It is ti these influence-imparting
substances that the eagle owes its build-up of biomagnetic levitational energies which begins when the
bird is still an embryo.
This egg-shaped, energy-producing vessel can be copied and in lieu of pores, the smallest diffusion-jets
can be incorporated in the design. Providing it is hermetically sealed against light, heat and external air,
and all other preconditions are satisfied, then Mesmers healing marvel can be produced from ordinary
water, if the water inside the container is moved planetarily. Many diseases can be cured by this healing
water, which are otherwise irremediable with conventional therapies. Moreover, its behavior baffles all
physicists when it no longer obeys the law of communication, but appears to rise in a glass tube with an
internal diameter of 3-4 cm. in fact if the upwardly spiraling biomagnetic ethericities in the tube interact
with the counter-flowing incident radiation from the predominantly positively-charged atmosphere then
juvenile, newly born water is actually formed.
This specifically-dense, new water is nearly weightless and subsides when its surface is touched by the
tip of an steel needle, because the predominantly biomagnetically supercharged, levitational forces are
discharged into the body holding the needle. All this goes to prove the efficacy of the healing miracle
produced by Mesmer’s baquet, which was so derided by his contemporaries.
Forces that function in the same way also evolve in the blood of the eagle in its embryonic state. If this
train of thought is carried to its naturalesque conclusion, then the adult’s bird’s mysterious ability to
float in space becomes clear, when it spirals aloft to where the natural loss of gravitational force begins.
It is a sufficiently well-known and undisputed fact that blood and sap move planetarily. So far it has
never occurred to anyone to copy this phenomenal form of motion or to generate these biomagnetic,
upsuctional forces under normal conditions of atmospheric pressure. In view of the intellectual inertia of
techno-academically trained scientists, it is no wonder that despite numerous demonstrations, they still
consider it impossible to neutralize the attractive force of gravity, which only exists in the atmospheric
Callum Coats is the translator of Viktor Schaubergers works
Author of Living Energies and the Eco-technology series books
Many thanks are due to Mr. Coats, in respect to the enormous work that he has already
done. He has been the true pioneer, and, has single handedly brought Viktor Schauberger's
theories into a new light and true public awareness.