sEcTtol50r t - r 20- f00 lssue3, MaY'195{ PRACTICES BELL SYSTEM PlantSeries AT&TCoStandard AND BEttS BUZZERS A ND L I ' NI T A T I O NS C ON N E CT I O NS I. GEIIERAL l.0l This sectlon covers the connectlons for buzzers and bells and provides a standard method of connecting pushbutton and buzzer systems. 1.02 It is reissued to modify Fig. 2. 2, 2.02 Relay equipment may be used to operate a number of audible signals in multiple. Do not exceed maxlmum load of relay contacts. 2.03 Buzzers or bells should be of thesametype throughout a pushbutton and buzzer system. 20124or KS-16184 Transformer LIM|TATtol{s 2.01 The number of audible signals operated in multiple by a common pushbuttonor 6021type key shall not exceed: 2.04 Etther a 2OI2A or KS-16[84 transformer may be used for small pushbuttonand buzzer systems requlring not more than 1/4 amp. 2.05 Wtth 115 volts 60 cycles applied to the primary, the secondary winding delivers 6.7 volts 60 cycles at 0.250 amp. . Nine 74-49 bells. a Ten 74-49 buzzers. . Six 7E-49 bells. o Eight 7E-49 buzzers. 2.06 Where a common battery feeder is usedfor intercommunicating and signaling, connect a 234 KTU across rhe slgnal circuit (Fig. 1). Filler Fig. | - lloaseSuPPressaon @ American Tclephone and Telcgraph Company, 196{ Printed in U. S. A. PageI sEGTt0t50r-r20-f00 ST AT ION WOR K S H E E T D IA GR A M D Z - BU Z Z ER O R BELL S _PU SH SU T T O N KEY GR D- GR O U N O BAT,- BATTERY s s s z PLACE STRAPS TO OBTAIN SlctrlALla{G ARRANGETIEiIT R E OU IRE O I T_ I -tI Note 1: Ground leads shapped common. Note 2: Battery leads strapped common. Note 3: All leads are paired. fi -t I T I 1T ll GR D s GR D s GR O s GRO I rc j SU Z Z ER OR BELL and BuzzerSystem Fig. 2 - Lalge Pushb||llon Page2 tss3, sEcTt0t{ 50t- t20- 100 2.01 Table A glves the maximum wire length berweenpushbuttonkey and buzzer orbells. Signals are operated ln muldple. TABLE A MAXIMUM WIRELEIIGTH llumberot lB-49Buzzers or 7G-49 Bells 3.03 Pairlng of all leads wtll reduce the posslbility of interference in adJacenttalklng clrcults. Lengfhof Bun for OnePair of JKT Wire feet 0- 1 1 0 Ilt- 6 0 0 601-1 100 2 I 3.02 Subsequentchanges and additlons may be made with a minlmum of wiring changes. 3.04 Where 7-type bells are connectedto 60cycle alternating current, bell operatlon may be more satisfactory lf the dc termlnals are used. 3.05 Connect 7-type buzzets or bells as shown in Fig. 4. 3. G oililE oTtolts 3.01 A simpltfled method of connectlngbuzzers, bells, and pushbutton keys is to be used on all systems. This method ensures the pairing of all key and buzzer leads throughout the system (Fig. 2 and 3). l-corutnrI 3.06 Where radlo frequency induction is caused by a sparkingbuzzer or bell contact, operatlng power should be ac and connectlons should be to the ac terminals. A l52A capaciror should be used across buzzer contactswhenpower supply is dc (Ftg. 4). 7 - T Y P E B U Z Z E RO R B E L L a L o cK I AC C ON N EC T IO N Fig. 3 : SmallPushDrnon andBuzzerSystem Fig.0 - ACandDCConnections Page3 3 Pages