Jaen J. Approx. 5(1) (2013), 1–18 ISSN: 1889-3066 c 2013 Universidad de Jaén Jaen Journal on Approximation Web site: jja.ujaen.es Moments of shifted radial functions with respect to orthogonal system of polynomials on the ball Vitaly E. Maiorov Abstract The moments hg, PI i of shifted radial functions g with respect to some orthogonal polynomial system {PI } of functions on the unit ball are calculated. Also with the help of these moments we prove the following result: given a natural number n we denote by Pnd the space of polynomials on Rd of total degree n and by Qd2n some d . Let Hn be the space of harmonic space of polynomials such that Pnd ⊂ Qd2n ⊂ P2n polynomials of degree n and Nn be the dimension of Hn . Then every polynomial p in the space Qd2n may be represented by a linear combination of Nn shifted radial 1 , ak ∈ Rd , k = 1, ..., Nn , if and only if functions of the form gk (kx + ak k), gk ∈ P2n the set {a1 , ..., aNn } is a uniqueness set for the space Hn . Keywords: radial functions, moments, approximation, harmonic analysis. MSC: 41A05, 41A30, 65D05, 42B05. §1. Introduction and main results Pd Let Rd be the real Euclidean space with norm kxk = ( i=1 x2i )1/2 . Let s = (s1 , ..., sd ) be any vector with nonnegative integer coordinates. We denote xs = xs11 · · · xsdd and |s| = s1 + · · · + sd . Consider the space P d = span{xs : s ∈ Zd+ } of all polynomials on 1 Communicated by M. Buhmann Received December 12, 2011 Accepted February 11, 2013