ACW Action Plan 2016

2016 Action Plan
Township Council
July 2016
The ACW 2016 Action Plan expands on items from the ACW 2016-2018 Strategic Plan that
Council has chosen to initiate in 2016. Some items can be completed in 2016, and some are multiyear undertakings.
Action items
Create an economic-development plan
Source: item 2.2 of “Support community and economic development”
Objective: review the economic development plans created by the other eight municipalities
during the project sponsored by Huron County and OMAFRA, and make recommendation
to Council on the approach that seems most appropriate for ACW to pursue
Target: begin in Fall 2016; prepare recommendation for Council’s approval by mid 2017
Council: Jennifer Miltenburg, Roger Watt
Staff: Florence Stalenhoef (Deputy Clerk)
Community: Jenna Ujiye, several others tbd
Resources: OMAFRA liaison
Funding: ACW budget, Huron County ($2,000)
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Pursue external funding to support community improvement and
Source: item 2.1 of “Support community and economic development”
Objective: develop and submit an Ontario Trillium Foundation “Collective Impact” grant
proposal to facilitate collaboration within and between local communities
Target: present proposal for Council's approval by December 2016, submit to OTF
Council: Jennifer Miltenburg
Staff: Mark Becker (Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer)
Funding: external
Develop a policy for assessing proposals from community groups
Source: item 2.3 of “Support community and economic development”
Objective: document the conditions and procedures to be followed by community groups
seeking Council's support for volunteer-managed projects that are of broad benefit
Target: present proposal for Council approval by October 2016
Council: Roger Watt, Jennifer Miltenburg
Staff: Mark Becker (Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer)
Funding: ACW budget
Implement a lakeshore tree protection by-law
Source: item 4.2 of “Enhance the natural environment”
Objective: provide bluff-protection guidance to lakefront landowners to clarify the conditions
under which trees on their property may be removed or trimmed
Target: finalize and publish the existing draft by-law before November 2016
Council: all
Funding: ACW budget
Collaborate for higher-speed Internet in under-serviced areas
Source: item 1.4 of “Enhance infrastructure to promote development”
Objective: participate in Huron County and local-provider initiatives to define required service
levels, identify the most suitable technologies to achieve them, and develop cost estimates,
funding strategies, and deployment schedules
Target: implementation will be dependent on conditions beyond ACW’s control; report
progress and make recommendations to Council as appropriate
Council: Roger Watt
Staff: Mark Becker (Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer)
Funding: local providers, federal/provincial grants, ACW budget, other sources tbd
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