Surface installation kit 1101:
Delivery includes following items:
1. back cover panel + 2 standoff screws + 2 M4 nuts
+ rubber grommet for fuel line and power cable, preassembled………………………………………. 1 pce
2. flexible exhaust pipe + ceramic isolation sleeve,
2 hose clamps and steel pipe, assembled ……… 1 pce
3. hose clamp DIN 3017-1 20/32mm, ………………. 1 pce
4. screw DIN 7985 M4x12 A2, ………………………. 4 pcs
5. screw DIN 7985 M4x16 A2, ………………………. 2 pcs
6. Cable tie …………………………………………….. 1 pce
Wallas-Marin Oy, Kärrykatu 4, FIN-20780 Kaarina Finland
Tel. +358-(0)2-412 0500 Fax +358-(0)2-412 0510
Business ID: 1999776 - 0. Registered place of business Helsinki
Take the stove 85 away from frame:
Disconnect the exhaust and 12V power cable.
Open frame fixing screws from both sides. Move the unit forward and then up to release it from the rails.
Turn the unit upside down, so you’ll not drop metal sleeves when you release the frame
Open two screws from both sides (total four screws) to release the unit
(4mm Allen key).
Lift the stove carefully to the workbench, ceramic plate facing down.
Use newspaper or similar as padding on the bench.
Be careful with the control panel cable, don’t pull it.
Don’t drop metal sleeves
Remove unnecessary parts..
Open four screws [1] with Ph2 screw driver
.. and remove the back profile [2].
Save items, those are not used with blower lid 270.
Step 2: Installation of 270 blower unit:
Unpack the blower unit.
Break the packaging box as in picture below.
Place the stove down onto the blower unit as shown in picture below.
Install and tighten M4x8 screws with Pz2 screw driver
(4 pcs, supplied with blower unit).
Connect the cable between the stove and 270:
Remove shortcut piece and connect the blower cable [5] to the terminal
Please assure that the cable will not contact the tangential blower.
Make a loop to the fuel line and put it through the hole.
Shortcut piece
Loop goes between the pump and bracket
Put the fuel line through this hole
The installation kit may be used without the back side exit, if there exists a option to install exhaust pipe i.e. vertically through the table surface. In that case, you may jump to the section Modify the existing surface installation
Connect the flexible exhaust pipe:
Put the pipe steel sleeve trough the back panel
Tighten the hose clamp [7]
Assemble the hose according the picture. Make sure that the exhaust hose will not reach the table surface
(bend tightly [8]).
Install this end first
Power cable through this hole
Push the third clamp [9] tightly against the blower unit back panel and tighten the screw. Assure that the steel sleeve [10] is stationary.
Put the power cable through the back panel hole
Connect the power cable to the terminal
Bind the fuel line and power cable with a cable tie.
Do not let the fuel line touch to the exhaust pipe!
Cable tie
Use this opening for fuel line and +12V power cables
Modify the existing surface installation frame:
Open four screws [11] from both ends.
Remove the back profiles [12].
Save items, these are not used with blower lid 270.
NOTE: save serial number for future use.
Put the stove & blower unit to its place:
Put the frame close to the stove and connect the cable [13] between the control panel and stove. Put the frame to its place and assemble four crews. Do not forget to put the sleeves [14] between the stove and frame.
Add the back panel:
Lead the power cable and the fuel line through the grommet
Put the back cover on its place and tighten four M4x12 screws [16]
Put two M4x16 screws through the side panel [15]. Do not tighten too much.
16 grommet
Modify mounting rails:
If using rails manufactured before 9/2009, please cut away the inner back corner (about 30 to 45° sector) from both mou nting rails according following picture:
cut cut
Final installation:
Reconnect the power cable and fuel hose
Put the stove in its place and tighten two fixing screws
Tighten M4x16 screws [15]
Connect the exhaust pipe.
Frame fixing screw