COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE and SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACMOS '16) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '16) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals (CSCS '16) Venice, Italy January 29-31, 2016 Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Series | 58 ISSN: 1790-5117 ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE and SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACMOS '16) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '16) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals (CSCS '16) Venice, Italy January 29-31, 2016 Published by WSEAS Press Copyright © 2016, by WSEAS Press All the copyright of the present book belongs to the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Editor of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Press. All papers of the present volume were peer reviewed by no less that two independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both reviewers' recommendations were positive. ISSN: 1790-5117 ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE and SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACMOS '16) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '16) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals (CSCS '16) Venice, Italy January 29-31, 2016 Editor: Prof. Valeri Mladenov, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Committee Members-Reviewers: Pierre Borne D. Subbaram Naidu Tadeusz Kaczorek Wasfy B. Mikhael Yuriy S. Shmaliy Carla Pinto Hamid Reza Karimi Hung-Yuan Chung George Vachtsevanos Alexander Gegov Qing-Wen Wang Ming Mei Luigi Rodino Andrew Pickering Jiri Hrebicek Angelo Favini Yuriy Rogovchenko Maria Alessandra Ragusa Feliz Minhos Jan Awrejcewicz Julian Lopez-Gomez Stanislaw Migorski Simeon Reich Kevin Kam Fung Yuen Yansheng Liu Jinhu Lu Kailash C. Patidar Wei-Shih Du Sung Guen Kim Ahmed El-Sayed Valery Y. Glizer Ivan Ganchev Ivanov Lucas Jodar Ming-Yi Lee Carlos Lizama Juan Carlos Cortes Lopez Khalil Ezzinbi Elbrous M. Jafarov Bosukonda Murali Mohan Haziq Jeelani Lotfi Zadeh Leon Chua Michio Sugeno Dimitri Bertsekas Demetri Terzopoulos Georgios B. Giannakis Abraham Bers David Staelin Brian Barsky Aggelos Katsaggelos Josef Sifakis Hisashi Kobayashi Leonid Kazovsky Narsingh Deo Kamisetty Rao Steven Collicott Nikolaos Paragios Nikolaos G. Bourbakis Stamatios Kartalopoulos Nikos E. Mastorakis Irwin Sandberg Michael Sebek Hashem Akbari Lei Xu Paul E. Dimotakis M. Pelikan Patrick Wang Wasfy B Mikhael Sunil Das Panos Pardalos Nikolaos D. Katopodes Bimal K. Bose Janusz Kacprzyk Sidney Burrus Biswa N. Datta Mihai Putinar Wlodzislaw Duch Michael N. Katehakis Pan Agathoklis P. Demokritou P. Razelos Subhas C. Misra Martin van den Toorn Malcolm J. Crocker S. Dafermos Urszula Ledzewicz Vitale Cardone Leonardo Cascini Domenico Guida Joseph Quartieri Stefano Riemma Gianfranco Rizzo Mario Vento Bimal Kumar Bose Martin Bohner Martin Schechter Yushun Wang Patricia J. Y. Wong Jim Zhu Ferhan M. Atici Marco Sabatini Gerd Teschke Meirong Zhang Sorinel Oprisan Gen Qi Xu Maria Isabel Garcia-Planas Theodore B. Trafalis Panagiotis Agathoklis Imre J. Rudas Brett Nener Ronald Tetzlaff Peter Szolgay Xiang Bai Bharat Doshi Gang Yao Lu Peng Pavel Loskot Abdullah Eroglu Francesco Zirilli Yoon-Ho Choi Winai Jaikla Ki Young Kim Ryszard S. Choras Dimitri Kazakos Stephen Weinstein Dharma P. Agrawal Jose M. F. Moura Vijayakumar Bhagavatula Liang-Gee Chen Ahmed H. Tewfik Jenq-Neng Amir Hussain Gergely V. Zaruba Mohammed Ghanbari C.-C. Jay Kuo Amar Mukherjee Athanassios Manikas Dengsheng Zhang Xingquan Zhu Satnam Dlay W. L. Woo Vyacheslav Tuzlukov Stevan Berber Alexander Zemliak Zoran Bojkovic Etsuji Tomita Lawrence Mazlack Tomas Zelinka Andrzej Chydzinski Ivan G. Avramidi Michel Chipot Xiaodong Yan Ravi P. Agarwal Computational Science and Systems Engineering Table of Contents Implementing Associative, Supervised, Unsupervised, and Deep Learning in Analog Resistive Switches for Future Information Processing and Data Mining Heidemarie Schmidt 11 Proposal of a Nonlinear Speed Control Law Method Preventing Interactions Problems in Hydraulic Systems L. Borello, M. D. L. Dalla Vedova, P. Maggiore 22 Cooperative AF Scheme for Multi Source and Terminal in Edge of Cell Coverage Myoung-Jin Kim, Yong-Jun Kim, Jae-Hyun Ro, Hyoung-Kyu Song 29 Optimal Investment Level into Science in Terms of Proportional Economic Growth Alexander Tarasyev, Inessa Gurban 33 New Advances in the Validation of Noise Reduction Techniques for Color Images Fabrizio Russo 39 The Role of Knowledge Management in Model-Based Systems Engineering: a Learning Organization Approach Based on Information Systems Acquisition, Processing, and Storage Jose Manuel Arias Calvo 46 Theoretical Investigation on an Under-Actuated Finger Dynamics Vincenzo Niola, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino 53 Intelligent Horseback Riding Simulator Using User Identification and Posture Recognition Kyekyung Kim, Sangseung Kang, Suyoung Chi, Jaehong Kim, Jinho Kim 58 A Model for the Dynamic Study of an Under-Actuated Finger Vincenzo Niola, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino 62 The Discrepancy Between Auto-Id Projects for Sustainable Development A. Gleser, O. Ondráček 70 From Grid to Cloud Computing Service Model: New Business Model for Web Services Based Computing Serena Pastore 79 Magnetorheological Semi-Active Suspension Accurate Linearization Adaptive LQG Control Zhaolong Cao, Shuai Zheng 91 Classification Accuracy Comparison of Asthmatic Wheezing Sounds Recorded under Ideal and Real-World Conditions Mario Milicevic, Igor Mazic, Mirjana Bonkovic 101 Modeling of the State changes in the Systems with System Dynamics Simulation Approach Elpidio Romano 107 ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 7 Computational Science and Systems Engineering Controllability of Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Forbidden States Jung–Min Yang 111 Theoretical Foundations of Intermediate Problems Method for LC-Circuits A. Milnikov, A. Prangishvili, I. Rodonaia 117 Reduced Complexity of ML Detection Combined with DFE Jae-Hyun Ro, Yong-Jun Kim, Chang-Bin Ha, Hyoung-Kyu Song 122 Numerical Methods for the Electromagnetic Modelling of Actuators for Primary and Secondary 126 Flight Controls L. Pace, M. D. L. Dalla Vedova, P. Maggiore, S. Facciotto Dimension Reduction for Structured Composite Classes in Multi-Object Environments Marton Szemenyei, Ferenc Vajda 134 A Novel ANN-Based Adaptive Independent Harmonic Control Method for Active Power Filters 142 with Voltage-Source Type Nonlinear Loads Xingyao He, Zhiyong Li, Renyong Wei A Discrete Model for Jitter in High-Speed Low-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters Diego Bellan 149 Improved Performance Using Adaptive Pre-Coding in the Cellular Network Yong-Jun Kim, Jae-Hyun Ro, Myoung-Jin Kim, Hyoung-Kyu Song 155 Wireless Technology for Application into the Classroom Javier Bilbao, Eugenio Bravo, Concepción Varela, Olatz García, Miguel Rodríguez, Purificación González 159 A New Approach to Designing Multiloop LC-Circuits with Predefined Resonance Frequencies A. Milnikov, A. Prangishvili 164 Analysis of AS/RS Travel Times in Class-Based Storage Environment through a Simulation Approach Maurizio Schenone, Giulio Mangano, Sabrina Grimaldi 170 Performance Analysis of Encrypted Voice and Video Data for MF-TDMA Satellite Communication Won-Ho Jeoug, Lan-Mi Hwang, Byeng-Jin Lee, Young-Jae Kim 178 Planning Workforce Management for Bank Operation Centers with Neural Networks Sefik Ilkin Serengil, Alper Ozpinar 184 Statistical Characterization of Real-Time Monitoring of Power System Harmonics Affected by Frequency Instability Diego Bellan 189 Semi-Mechanistic Modeling of an Osmotic Dehydration Process Carlos Collazos, Hermes Castellanos, Jorge Cardona, Javier Cuervo, Adriana Maldonado 194 ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 8 Computational Science and Systems Engineering A Novel Approach for Weighted Clustering Chandra B. 201 Multi Agent System for Continuously Improving Enterprise Performance Arwa Ibrahim Ahmed 208 Frequency Identification of Nonlinear Systems Adil Brouri 227 Dynamic Simulation of Wind Turbine Based on LQG Controller Mohamed Zahran, Ali Yousef, Mahmoud Salem 233 Simulative Exploration of Power Trust and Reputation Model over Power Node Augmentation Factor in Distributed Peer to Peer Networks Vinod Kumar Verma 244 Contribution to Fuzzy Logic Control of Photovoltaic System Connected to the Electric Grid Tarik Jarou, Anass Ait Laachir, Nabil Elhaj, Abdelhamid Nainia, Abderrahmane El Kachani, El Mahjoub Chakir, Moulay Brahim Sedra 250 257 The Characteristics Study in the RPG Boxing Game Jian-Ji Huang, Li-Chan Lu, Siang-Jhih Cin, Yu-Wen Chen, Yi-Chi Chen, Xu-Ming Hao, Hao-Jun Cao, Ching-Mu Chen Sensorless Adaptive Observers for Linearly Parameterized Class of Induction Machines Ahmed Chouya, Mohammed Chanafa, Abdellah Mansouri 261 A Novel Approach for Short Term Load Forecasting Using Load Profile Index Vectors by Development of BPNN and GRNN Algorithms K. N. Bhanuprakash, Supreetha Patel T. P., Nikshepa T., Santosh C. 270 An Analysis of Off-Line and On-Line Approaches in Urdu Character Recognition Naila Habib Khan, Awais Adnan, Sadia Basar 280 Fractional Order Fault Tolerant Controller for AUV Dhananjay Talange, Sneha Joshi 287 Analysis of Correlation Between Twitter Information and Spring Air Pollutants Pyeonghwa Oh, Seoyi Hwang, Byung-Yeon Hwang 293 Effect of EDFA Based Various Optical Amplifier Configurations on IsOWC System Surinder Singh, Harpreet Kaur 299 Authors Index 305 ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 9 Computational Science and Systems Engineering Authors Index Adnan, A. Ahmed, A. I. Basar, S. Bellan, D. Bhanuprakash, K. N. Bilbao, J. Bonkovic, M. Borello, L. Bravo, E. Brouri, A. Calvo, J. M. A. Cao, H.-J. Cao, Z. Cardona, J. Castellanos, H. Chakir, El M. Chanafa, M. Chandra, B. Chen, C.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-W. Chi, S. Chouya, A. Cin, S.-J. Collazos, C. Cuervo, J. Dalla Vedova, M. D. L. El Kachani, A. Elhaj, N. Facciotto, S. García, O. Gleser, A. González, P. Grimaldi, S. ISBN: 978-1-61804-362-7 280 208 280 149, 189 270 159 101 22 159 227 46 257 91 194 194 250 261 201 257 257 257 58 261 257 194 194 22, 126 250 250 126 159 70 159 170 Gurban, I. Ha, C.-B. Hao, X.-M. He, X. Huang, J.-J. Hwang, B.-Y. Hwang, L.-M. Hwang, S. Jarou, T. Jeoug, W.-H. Joshi, S. Kang, S. Kaur, H. Khan, N. H. Kim, Ja. Kim, Ji. Kim, K. Kim, M.-J. Kim, Y.-Ja. Kim, Y.-Ju. Laachir, A. A. Lee, B.-J. Li, Z. Lu, L.-C. Maggiore, P. Maldonado, A. Mangano, G. Mansouri, A. Mazic, I. Milicevic, M. Milnikov, A. Nainia, A. Nikshepa, T. Niola, V. 33 122 257 142 257 293 178 293 250 178 287 58 299 280 58 58 58 29, 155 178 29, 122, 155 250 178 142 257 22, 126 194 170 261 101 101 117, 164 250 270 53, 62 305 Oh, P. Ondráček, O. Ozpinar, A. Pace, L. Pastore, S. Prangishvili, A. Ro, J.-H. Rodonaia, I. Rodríguez, M. Romano, E. Rossi, C. Russo, F. Salem, M. Santosh, C. Savino, S. Schenone, M. Schmidt, H. Sedra, M. B. Serengil, S. I. Singh, S. Song, H.-K. Supreetha, P. T. P. Szemenyei, M. Talange, D. Tarasyev, A. Vajda, F. Varela, C. Verma, V. K. Wei, R. Yang, J.-M. Yousef, A. Zahran, M. Zheng, S. 293 70 184 126 79 117, 164 29, 122, 155 117 159 107 53, 62 39 233 270 53, 62 170 11 250 184 299 29, 122, 155 270 134 287 33 134 159 244 142 111 233 233 91