Grades Passing Grades Passing grades assigned by faculty are A+

Passing Grades
Passing grades assigned by faculty are A+ through D. Grades of A+ show on the student’s record
but are counted as an A in the gradepoint average (GPA). P (Pass) is assigned in place of a
passing grade when a student chooses the P/NC grading option or when a P is the only legal
grade that may be assigned in a course and the instructor has submitted an earned passing grade.
P earns credit but is not calculated in the GPA.
Failing Grades
A student who receives a failing grade (F, NC, R, WF, or WU) will not receive college credit for
that course. The grades F, WF, and WU are calculated in the GPA as zero. Grades of NC or R
are not calculated in the GPA. F (Failing) is assigned for work that, in the judgment of the
instructor, does not deserve college credit. This grade is calculated in the GPA as zero and gives
no credit.
Below is a summary of the letter grades and their numerical value:
F, WF, and WU
P, NC, R
Grades for Senior Citizens
The grade of AUD is assigned when a senior citizen, age sixty or above, elects to audit a course.
The student must be the age of sixty by the first day of classes as indicated in the academic
calendar. Enrolling in courses on an audit basis gives the student the right to attend and
participate in all aspects of the course without receiving credit for the course. The course will not
apply to any degree or certificate program offered by CUNY. Senior citizens who apply as nonmatriculated students will be assigned the AUD grade automatically for all courses.
PEN Grades
What is a Pending (PEN) grade?
PEN (Pending) is a temporary grade awarded when the disposition of the final grade requires further
evaluation and the incomplete grade is inappropriate. PEN is also used to facilitate the implementation of
the Procedures for Imposition of Sanctions, whereby colleges must hold a student’s grade in abeyance
pending the outcome of the academic review process. The PEN grade will not lapse to FPN; final
determination of a grade will depend on final evaluation by the instructor or the outcome of the college’s
academic review process.
Faculty members can submit a PEN grade via filling out the “PEN Grade Request Form” from the Office
of the Registrar website at Grade of PEN is removed or changed when the
applicable consultation, appeal, and/or adjudication processes are complete.
Withdrawal Grades
What is the WA (Withdrawal, Administrative) grade?
The grade of WA is assigned to students who fail to comply with the Proof of Immunization
Policy of the college. The grade of WA is not computed in the grade point average. A grade of
WA may affect student’s eligibility for financial aid. A grade of WA received during the last
semester in courses required for graduation will result in the postponement of graduation.
What is the WD (Withdrawal/Drop) grade?
WD is a non-punitive grade assigned when a class is dropped after the financial aid certification
date during the program adjustment period. The student must have attended at least one class
What is the WF (Withdrawn Failing) grade?
A WF is assigned by the Registrar when a student receives permission from the USSC for an
official late current withdrawal, and the instructor’s evaluation of a student’s coursework is
failing at the time of the withdrawal.
What is the WN (Withdrawn, Never Attended) grade?
If a student never attends a given class and does not withdraw officially, the WN grade will be
assigned. Students will not be permitted to repeat an ESL course after receiving either no credit
or a failing grade twice previously in that course.
What is the WU (Withdrawn Unofficially) grade?
A WU is assigned by the instructor to indicate that the student stopped attending the course
before the end of the semester; or as a result of excessive absences there is no basis to give a
final letter grade of A+ to F, and the conditions for a grade of INC do not apply. The grade WU
will also be assigned by the Registrar when a student, after receiving approval for an official late
course withdrawal from the USSC, fails to submit the instructor’s evaluation. The WU cannot be
replaced by an NC or R in those courses in which an NC or R would replace an F.
What is the W (Withdrawal, Passing) grade?
The grade of W indicates withdrawal without academic penalty. Students must apply for
withdrawal from a course between the fourth and the tenth week of the semester, or otherwise
indicated in the academic calendar. The grade of W is not computed in the grade point average.
However, a grade of W may affect student’s eligibility for financial aid. Grade of W received
during the last semester in courses required for graduation will result in the postponement of
graduation. Faculty members cannot assign the grade of W.
W is a grade that can only be issued by the Registrar when students:
1. Complete the course withdrawal procedure online, from the third to the end of the eighth week
of the Fall or Spring semester or the first to third week of Summer Session 2 (there is no online
course withdrawal for Summer Session 1); or
2. Request and receive permission from the USSC for a course withdrawal, and the instructor’s
evaluation of the student’s coursework is passing at the time of the withdrawal