B BANN ER ST TUDEN NT Viewiing Studentt Inforrmatio on artment: Stud dent Informa ation Management Depa Email:ss_requests@nmsu.ed du ne:646-7383 Phon Last Update: Octtober 27, 200 08 Bann ner Student C Confidentia l Business Information n This docume T entation is prroprietary infformation off New Mexico State Univversity (NMS SU) and is n to be cop not pied, reprodu uced, lent orr disposed of, o nor used for f any purpose other th han that for w which it is sp pecifically pro ovided witho out the writte en permissio on of NMSU.. P Prepared Fo or: Release 7.x P Prepared By y: N New Mexico State Unive ersity P P.O. Box 300 001 L Cruces, New Mexico Las o 88003 U United States of America a Issued: Julyy 2008 ng this publiccation, NMS SU is not ren ndering legall, accounting g, or other In preparing and providin s similar professsional serv vices. NMSU U makes no claims c that an a institution n’s use of thiss publication n o the softwa or are for which h it is provide ed will insure e compliance e with appliccable federa al or state la aws, rules, or o regulation ns. Each organization sh hould seek le egal, accoun nting and oth her similar p professional services fro om competen nt providers of the organ nization’s ow wn choosing.. © 2006, Reg gents of New w Mexico Sta ate Universitty. © SunGard 2006. 2 All righ hts reserved d. The unautthorized possession, use e, reproduction, d distribution, d display or disclosure of this t materiall or the inforrmation contained herein n is p prohibited. SunGard, the S e SunGard logo, and Ba anner, Camp pus Pipeline, Luminis, Matrix, M and Plus are trademarks or o registered d trademarkss of SunGard d Data Syste ems Inc. or its i subsidiarries in the U U.S. and oth her countries s. All other trrade names are tradema arks or registered tradem marks of theiir r respective ho olders. U of this material Use m is so olely for the support s of SunGard S HE Banner prod ducts and NMSU. F more info For ormation about this docu ument, conta act training@ @nmsu.edu.. © SunGard 2006. 2 All righ hts reserved d. The unautthorized possession, use e, reproduction, d distribution, d display or disclosure of this t materiall or the inforrmation contained herein n is p prohibited. 10/27/2008 2 off 132 View wing Student Infformation Table e of Co ontents Introducing Sun nGard Highe er Educatio on Banner ....................................................................... 7 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................... 9 Ge etting Access s to Banner ............................................................................................................ 9 Terminology ............................................................................................................................... 11 S Semesters to o Terms .............................................................................................................. 11 B Banner Struc cture .................................................................................................................... 12 N Naming Con nventions ............................................................................................................. 13 Log gging onto Banner B ................................................................................................................. 13 Intrroducing the e Banner Inte erface ............................................................................................... 15 M Menu Bar ............................................................................................................................... 15 T Tool Bar ................................................................................................................................. 15 T Title Bar ................................................................................................................................. 16 A Auto Hint ................................................................................................................................ 16 S Status Line ............................................................................................................................. 16 M Links ................................................................................................................................. 16 My Acce essing Form ms in Banne er....................................................................................................... 17 Na avigating Using the Main Menu ............................................................................................... 18 Na avigating Using the Form m Name ............................................................................................. 19 U Using Directt Access from m the Main Menu M ............................................................................. 19 U Using Directt Access from m a Form .......................................................................................... 20 Searching for a Form ................................................................................................................. 20 Selecting a Re ecently Accessed Form ........................................................................................ 21 Using g the Menu Bar ..................................................................................................................... 23 File e Menu ................................................................................................................................... 23 Edit Menu .................................................................................................................................. 24 Op ptions Menu ............................................................................................................................ 24 Blo ock Menu ................................................................................................................................ 25 Item m Menu.................................................................................................................................. 25 Re ecord Menu ............................................................................................................................. 26 Qu uery Menu ............................................................................................................................... 26 Too ols Menu ................................................................................................................................ 27 He elp Menu ................................................................................................................................. 28 Using g Shortcuts s to Navigatte ...................................................................................................... 29 Using the Toolbar ...................................................................................................................... 29 Keyboard Equiivalents................................................................................................................ 29 K Keyboard Eq quivalents Chart C .................................................................................................. 31 Identtifying Bloc cks ........................................................................................................................ 33 Key Block................................................................................................................................... 34 Oth her Blocks .............................................................................................................................. 34 Querrying Inform mation................................................................................................................... 35 De efining Query y Functions .......................................................................................................... 35 Using Wildcard ds in a Searcch ..................................................................................................... 36 Co ommon Searrch Forms ............................................................................................................ 36 Co ommon Searrch Fields ............................................................................................................. 37 3 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student Searching for a Person.............................................................................................................. 38 3 Viewing Gen V neral Perso on Informatiion ........................................................................................ 39 3 Searching for a Person.............................................................................................................. 40 4 Current Ide entification ................................................................................................................. 42 4 Alternate Identification n ............................................................................................................... 43 4 Address ...................................................................................................................................... 44 4 Telephone e ................................................................................................................................. 45 4 Biographiccal............................................................................................................................... 46 4 E-mail ......................................................................................................................................... 46 4 Emergenccy Contact ................................................................................................................... 47 4 V Viewing Stu udent Admis ssions App plication Info ormation .......................................................... 49 4 V Viewing the e Admission ns Checklist............................................................................................ 53 5 Viewing Gen V neral Stude ent Informattion ....................................................................................... 55 5 Viewing a General Stu udent Record d ........................................................................................... 56 5 Viewing In nformation in n General Student Learn ner Tab .............................................................. 57 5 Viewing Curricula ...................................................................................................................... 58 5 Viewing Accademic Sanctions .................................................................................................... 59 5 V Viewing Tes st Score Infformation ................................................................................................. 61 6 V Viewing Stu udent Hold Information I n ............................................................................................ 63 6 V Viewing Stu udent Regis stration ..................................................................................................... 65 6 V Viewing Stu udent Regis stration Histtory....................................................................................... 67 6 Viewing Cou V urse Inform mation ....................................................................................................... 69 6 Viewing Class Time an nd Days ................................................................................................... 72 7 Viewing th he Instructor ................................................................................................................ 72 7 Viewing Linked Courses ............................................................................................................ 72 7 Viewing Aca V ademic Histtory .......................................................................................................... 75 7 Viewing NMSU Acade emic History ............................................................................................. 75 7 Viewing Trransfer Instittutions and Credit C Hourss ........................................................................ 76 7 Viewing In nstitutional and Transfer Credit Hourrs ....................................................................... 78 7 Students in R Registering n Banner ................................................................................................. 81 8 Changing Students C S Cu urriculum .................................................................................................. 85 8 Changing the Primary Major...................................................................................................... 87 8 Adding Ad dditional Prog grams ...................................................................................................... 88 8 Adding a Minor, M Conce entration or Teaching Fiield .................................................................... 88 8 V Viewing a Class C Roster ............................................................................................................... 91 9 Printing a Class P C Roster ............................................................................................................... 93 9 Using e-Prrint.............................................................................................................................. 93 9 Using INB .................................................................................................................................. 97 9 Printing an Unofficial Transcript P T .............................................................................................. 10 01 Using e-Prrint............................................................................................................................ 10 01 Using INB ................................................................................................................................ 10 04 A Adding Form ms to My Banner ..................................................................................................... 10 09 10/27/2008 4 off 132 View wing Student Infformation Adding Forms from the Ob bject List .......................................................................................... 111 Adding Forms by the Seve en Characterr Identifier .................................................................... 111 Adding Forms by Query........................................................................................................... 112 D Deleting sele ected objectts from a perrsonal menu u ................................................................ 112 D Deleting all objects o from m a personal menu: ......................................................................... 113 Co ommonly Use ed Student Forms F ............................................................................................. 113 NMSU ID Numbe er Lookup .................... . .................................................................................... 115 s Schedule Lookup............................................................................................................. 117 Class Common Banne er Forms ............................................................................................................ 119 endix A: Glo ossary................................................................................................................ 123 Appe Appe endix B: Co ompatible Browsers ......................................................................................... 127 Appe endix C: Banner Namin ng Conventtions............................................................................ 129 Appe endix D: Function Conv versions ........................................................................................ 131 5 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 6 off 132 View wing Student Infformation Intrroducin ng SunGard Higher H E Educati ion Ban nner SunG Gard Higher Education Banner B is the e new Enterp prise Resource Planning g (ERP) suitte that integrates all dep partments an nd functions across NMS SU onto a single computer system that can serve e each individual departm ment’s need d. Intern net Native Banner (INB) is the Web version of th he Banner suite NMSU employees e w use will to access vital un niversity adm ministrative in nformation. INB can be accessed th hrough a We eb browsser. The suite s acts as s an interface e between users u and an n Oracle data abase conta aining NMSU U administrative da ata. N Bann ner suite is composed off six systemss: Student, Financial, F Ge eneral, The NMSU Adva ancement, Fiinancial Aid, and Human n Resourcess. The integrrated suite uses rules an nd valida ation tables to ensure th he data are entered e and accessed co orrectly. Since the Bann ner syste ems are high hly integrated d and share a common Oracle O datab base, all use ers of the syystem see common c database inform mation in rea al time. 7 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 8 off 132 View wing Student Infformation Gettting Sttarted In thiss section you are given some backg ground inform mation that you y will need d before you u can start using Banne er, including understand ding how to access a the system s and a basic understanding off the system design. Gettting Acc cess to Banner Access to Banne er is requeste ed on the Web W from the Division of Student S Succcess. The fo ollowing instru uctions guide e you throug gh the process of gaining g access to Banner. Oncce you have e comp pleted the following steps to requestt access to Banner, B you will receive an e-mail ve erifying that access a has been b granted d and notifyiing you of yo our passworrd. Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. onestop.nmssu.edu. Type the URL: http://o sion of Stud dent Succes ss Web site displays. The Divis 3. Click on Student S Sys stem/Data Access A Request located d on the side e bar. The New Mexico Sta ate Universiity Student System/Data Access Request R Form will display in Adobe Rea ader. 9 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 4. Click on the form m. The Cannot C Sav ve Form Info ormation window displa ays. 5. Click the Close button. b 6. ut the New Mexico M Statte Universitty Student System/Data S a Access Request R Fill ou Form m. 7. Print the form. 8. w the directiions as state ed at the top p of the form. Follow You ca an call the Division of o Student Success S He elp Desk att 505 - 646 6 - PETE (7383) witth any ques ( stions abou ut the Stud dent System m/Data Ac ccess Requ uest Form. U Understand ding Produ uct Conventions 10/27/2008 10 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Terminolog gy Unde erstanding th he terms pro ovided in thiss manual hellp you to und derstand the e explanation ns and instru uctions prese ented in thiss manual and d to present clear, specific questionss that you may m have about the informa ation provide ed. t defines s the basic components c ner suite. This table of the Bann Suite e The e SunGard Higher H Educa ation Bannerr suite is an administrative software application deve eloped speccifically for higher educattion institutio ons by SunG Gard. The e software accts as an inte erface betwe een users an nd an Oracle e database conttaining New Mexico State Universityy administrative data. Syste em The e NMSU Ban nner suite is composed of o six system ms: General, Student, Adv vancement, Financial, F Hu uman Resou urces, and Financial F Aid d. Modu ules Eac ch system is composed of o specific modules m that “break out” componentss of the systtem. Form ms Form ms are scree ens that con ntain fields. Field ds Fields are areass in a form th hat are used d either to dissplay speciffic data (such h as a last name, addrress, or NMS SU ID numbe er), or to inssert data. at are pre-de efined for a specific s Valid dation Validation tables contain Lissts of Valuess (LOVs) tha field d. Table es Blocks Bloc cks are grou ups of related d fields withiin a form. For more m terms, see Append dix A: Gloss sary Sem mesters to o Terms In Ba anner, semes sters have been b convertted to terms. Terms in Banner B are first defined by b the year. Semesters s are defined d by 10 Spring 2 20 Summe er I 3 30 Summe er II 4 40 Fall For example, e Sprring 2007 the term would be 200710 0 11 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student B Banner S Structure B Banner is org ganized as a hierarchy. The Bannerr hierarchy in ncludes: • Suite • Syste ems • Modu ules • Forms • Fieldss. This image shows T s the sttructure of Banner Suite componentss including ssample syste ems, m modules, forrms, and field ds. 10/27/2008 12 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Nam ming Conventions s All Ba anner forms, reports, job bs, and table es have seve en characterr names that follow the structure s rules outlined bellow. Using g the Stude ent Person Identificatio I on or SOAID DEN form as s an examp ple: Name: S O A I D E N Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ntifies the pro oduct ownin ng the form, report, proce ess or table.. In the case e of the Posittion 1—iden SOAIIDEN form, the t first lette er S refers to o Student. Posittion 2—iden ntifies the ap pplication mo odule owning g the form, report, r proce ess or table. In the case of the SOAIIDEN form, the t second letter l O refers to Operattions. ntifies the typ pe of form, report, r job, or o table. In th he case of th he SOAIDEN N form, Posittion 3—iden the th hird letter A refers to an Application n form. Posittions 4, 5, 6, 6 and 7—arre unique id dentifiers forr the form, re eport, job, orr table. In the case of the e SOAIDEN form, the lasst four letterrs IDEN refers to Identiffication. Log gging on nto Bann ner Bann ner supports authenticate ed user acce ess, meaning that the syystem verifie es your credentials and you y are given access to the system based on yo our assigned d security. To o use Banne er as an authe enticated use er, you mustt successfully log on by providing yo our credentia als: NMSU Usern name, and Banner B Passsword. Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. du Type the URL: http://iinb.nmsu.ed mply type INB in the add dress bar. The Logon screen If you are on campus you can sim displays. You can create c a bo ookmark in your brow wser for qu uick access to Bannerr. 13 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 3. Type your NMSU U Username e and Banne er Password d. 4. Selecct OK. Your Banner session begins with the following Main Menu. 10/27/2008 14 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Intrroducing g the Ba anner Intterface Intern net Native Banner (INB) is the Web version of th he new ERP P system NM MSU employe ees will use to o access vital universityy administrattive information. You mu ust access IN NB through a Web browsser. Once e you have lo ogged onto Banner B you will be prese ented with th he Main Menu. This me enu is the starting point for navigating throughout Banner. B Menu Barr Tool Barr Title Barr Auto Hint Status Line e Men nu Bar Using g the menu bar b at the top of every fo orm, you can n access an option using g a drop-dow wn menu at any time, exce ept when you u are working with a diallog box, alerrt box, or Lisst of Values (LOVs). ( m item is dimmed, the e item is una available. If a menu Too ol Bar Toolb bars are sets s of buttons that perform m common fu unctions. When you u move you ur cursor to o a button and pause e for a seco ond or two o, a yello ow rectang gle appears s with text that descrribes the fu unction of the button n. To usse a button function, f clicck the approp priate button n. You can click c a button n any time, except e when n you are wo orking within a dialog boxx, alert box, or List of Va alues (LOV).. A dimmed button is disab bled and can nnot be clicke ed. 15 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student T Title Bar The title bar shows the descriptive T d fo orm name, th he seven-ch haracter form m name (FOA AIDEN), the e r release number of the fo orm software e, and the na ame of the database you u’re logged into. A Auto Hintt The auto hin T nt at the botto om of the form can contain the follow wing informa ation for the field where the cursor is located: • Brief field descripttion • Error and process sing message es • Keyboard equivale ents, if you can c access otther blocks, windows, w or forms f from th he field. S Status Lin ne The status lin T ne directly under u the autto hint line can c contain one o or more of the follow wing m messages: R Record: n/n n Show ws the numb ber of the currrent record followed by the total number of recorrds in the current block. If there are more record ds than fit in the windo ow, the totall appears ass a question mark (for exxample, 3/?) until you scroll s to the last l record in n the block. Once the last record is displa ayed, the tottal appears as a a number (for examp ple, 3/15). L of Value List es Indica ates the field d has a List of Values. E Enter Query y Indica ates the form m is in queryy mode. M Links My The My Linkss section of the Main Me T enu allows you y to custom mize the me enu to meet your y needs. T This section also allows you to chan nge your passsword. See Appendix E: E Changing g your P Password. You can also Y o access outtside Web pa ages. One of o the standa ard links is to o the NMSU home page e. T There are sixx Personal Links L that allow you to ch hoose certaiin Web page es to accesss. 10/27/2008 16 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Acc cessing g Form ms in Ba anner In the e Banner Su uite, the term m “forms” can n be thoughtt of as “scree ens.” The fivve-form types below are th he most com mmon: Main Menu Used to navigate n thro ough Bannerr. Application forms Used to enter, e update e, and queryy information n. Valid dation forms Used to define d valuess. When you u look up a code c or selecct the list function, these t valuess appear. Querry forms Used to lo ook up existing information. You mu ust access th hese forms from anotther form. Inquiiry forms Used to lo ook up existing information. They ca an be accesssed from the e Main Men nu, from ano other form with Direct Acccess, or with Object Search. Altho ough there arre several ways w to navig gate in Bann ner, you musst navigate to o a form to be b able to loo ok up or proc cess informa ation. In thiss section, yo ou will be inttroduced ways of naviga ating in Bann ner: • Using the Main Menu • By Form Name • Searching g for a Form • Selecting a Recently Accessed A Forrm 17 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student N Navigati ing Usin ng the Main M Men nu The Main Me T enu allows you y to selectt forms in Ba anner. Each system in Banner B is rep presented byy a folder, whicch can be ex xpanded to view v nested folders or fo orms in thatt system. You can eassily navigate through the system by expanding Y e th he nested fo olders. Once e you see the e ittem you wan nt listed, ope en it by doub ble-clicking. 10/27/2008 18 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Nav vigating Using the t Form m Name You can c navigate e to a form by b using the seven-letterr form name in the Direcct Access Go o To field. Direct Acce ess can be used from eitther the Main n Menu or a form. Once you are he form name es, Direct Acccess is veryy convenien nt. accusstomed to Banner’s interface and th Usin ng Directt Access from the Main Me enu The Main M Menu has the option of Direct Access from m the Go To o field. 1. pe the seven n-character name n of the form. In the Go To field, typ 2. NTER. Press EN The form displays. 19 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student U Using Dirrect Acce ess from a Form Y can also You o use Directt Access wh hile a form iss open. 1. From m the File me enu, click Direct Access s. The Direct D Acce ess form (GU UAPARM) displays. 2. Type the seven-c character na ame of the fo orm in the En nter a Valid Name field. 3. utton or presss ENTER. Click the Start bu When n you use Direct D Acce ess from a form, f the current c forrm remains s open. When you exit W e the requested fo orm, job, orr Quick Flo ow, you are e returned to the o original callling form. S Searchin ng for a Form You can sea Y arch for a forrm using Objject Search if you know part of the name, n description, or type. If you do d not know the exact fo orm name, th his is a very useful searcch tool. T There are three ways to access Object Search:: 1. • he Main Men nu, double-click the Go To o field On th • On th he Main Men nu, select the e Search buttton • On th he File menu, click Objec ct Search The Object O Searc ch form displlays. nextt to the Go To T field. Type your search h criteria in the t Name, Description D or Type field ds. 10/27/2008 20 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 2. Click the Execute Qu uery button . A list of th he forms ma atching your criteria displays. 3. Scroll thro ough the list and double-click the forrm name. The form displays. Selecting a Recenttly Acce essed Fo orm To re eopen a form m that you ha ad used in yo our current Banner B sesssion, the File e menu lists the last 10 re ecently used forms at the e bottom of the t drop-dow wn menu. Yo ou can reope en any of the ese formss by simply selecting s the e form name e you wish to o access. The forms s that do not n appear in this listt are the Qu uickFlow (G GUAQFLW) ), Direc ct Access (GUAPARM ( M), and Objject Search h (GUIOBJS S) forms. 21 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 22 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Using the Menu Bar The menu m bar co omprises sevveral option menus. The ese menus give g you the commands you y will need to use while e working in Banner. The following menus m are available a in the Banner menu m bar: • File menu • Reco ord menu • Edit menu u • Querry menu • Options menu m • Toolss menu • Block men nu • Help menu • Item menu u File e Menu The File F menu co ontains stand dard SunGa ard SCT Ban nner and Ora acle function ns. Some of the menu u items call other o forms. When you exit e the calle ed form, you return to the e form you were w previo ously using. Direc ct Access t Direct Access form (GUAPARM ( M), which is used u to acce ess a Displays the form by its seven cha aracter name e. Object Search Displays the t Object Search S form (GUIOBJS), which is ussed to search for a menu, form, f job, or QuickFlow with w part of the t name, description, or o type. QuickFlow Displays the t QuickFlo ow form (GU UAQFLW), which w is used d to access a QuickFlow w. Selec ct Returns you y to the ca alling form an nd enters the selected value v into the e field that called d the form. Rollb back On Application and Inquiry form ms: n (except keyy information n) and return ns the cursor to Clears all information the first fie eld in the ke ey block. On Valida ation and Query Q forms s: Returns the cursor to o the first field d on the form m. Save e Saves all changes en ntered since the last time e you saved. Refre esh Clears the e Auto Hint line. l Printt Prints the e current win ndow with the e date and time in the tittle bar. 23 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student E Exit On fo orms and windows: w Exits you from th he form, wind dow, or Bann ner if you are located at the Main Menu u. On Main M Menu: Exits you from Ba anner. In Qu uery mode: Canc cels the querry and takess the form ou ut of query mode. m E QuickFlow Exit Exits you from a QuickFlow. P Preferences s Displays the Pers sonal Prefe erences Maiintenance fo orm (GUAUPRF), which h is used to customize your y view of Banner. Accessed A f forms List the recently accessed a fo orms in the current c logge ed on session and allow ws you to quickly re-acce ess forms tha at were prevviously viewe ed in your curre ent session (up to ten). E Men Edit nu T This pull-dow wn menu con ntains the fu unctions used to edit textt items. C Cut Cuts selected texxt and places it on the cllipboard. C Copy Copie es selected text to the clipboard. P Paste Paste es text from the clipboarrd to the spo ot where the cursor is loccated. E Edit Displays the Edittor window, used u to ente er or update text. You ca an displa ay this windo ow from mosst fields. It iss particularlyy useful in long data fields s. O Options Menu This pull-dow T wn menu con ntains navigation options. Navigation options va ary from form m to form and d depend on where w the cursor is curre ently located. Some optio ons take you u to other blo ocks within the current fo orm. Other options o take you outside e the current form to rela ated forms. 10/27/2008 24 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Blo ock Menu u This pull-down menu m contain ns the functio ons used to navigate am mong the blocks of inform mation on a form. Previous Moves the e cursor to the t previous block that has h at least one o enterable field. If the e previous block b is in an nother windo ow, that wind dow is opene ed. Next Moves the e cursor to the t next blocck that has at a least one field f where data can be entered or o edited. If that t area is in another window, w that window iss opened. Clearr Clears all information n from the cu urrent block on o your disp play (information is not rem moved from any recordss or tables). Item m Menu This pull-down menu m contain ns the functio ons used to navigate am mong the field ds or items on o a form. Previous Moves the e cursor to the t previous enterable field in the cu urrent block. Next Moves the e cursor to the t next ente erable field in the curren nt block. Occasion nally, Next fie eld moves th he cursor to the first ente erable field in the next block. b Clearr Clears all information n from the cu urrent field on your displa ay informatio on is not rem moved from any a records or tables). Duplicate In a blankk row of a repeating reco ord, copies the t contents of the same e field in the e previous re ecord into th he new recorrd. This is diifferent from using “copy and paste e.” 25 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student R Record Menu T This pull-dow wn menu con ntains the fu unctions used to work with records on o a form. P Previous Mov ves the curso or to the firstt enterable field in the prrevious reco ord. N Next Mov ves the curso or to the firstt enterable field in the ne ext record off the currentt bloc ck. If the curssor is in the last record, a new recorrd is created. S Scroll Up Scro olls up the lisst of repeatin ng records, putting p the fiirst displayed record nearr the bottom of the list. S Scroll Down n Scro olls down the e list of repeating record ds, putting th he last displa ayed record nearr the top of the t list. C Clear Clea ars all inform mation from the t current re ecord on your display (in nformation is no ot removed from f any reccords or tables). R Remove Rem moves all info ormation from the curren nt record. When W you clicck Save, the remo oved informa ation is dele eted. There iss NO undo for f Remove, so any Rem move action is permanen nt. Insert Inse erts a new blank record into the list of o existing re ecords. D Duplicate Duplicates the contents c of all a fields in th he record and copies the em into a new w record. L Lock Tem mporarily lockks the contents of the re ecord so no other o Banne er user can upda ate or alter itt. Save, Rolllback, and Exit E release the t lock. Q Query M Menu This pull-dow T wn menu con ntains the fu unctions used to query in nformation in n the databa ase based on n s specified critteria. E Enter o query mod de so you ca an enter search criteria to t see Puts the form into n the databa ase. what information is already in E Execute Searc ches the dattabase and displays d the first set of records r that match the search criteria. L Last Criteria a Enterrs the criteria a from the la ast search (e enabled onlyy when one is i in Querry mode). C Cancel Canc cels the querry and takess the form ou ut of Query mode. m C Count Hits Coun nts the numb ber of record ds that match h the search h criteria and d displa ays that num mber in the Auto A Hint line e. This is a special s functtion that depe ends on the query q to worrk. F Fetch Next Set S If mo ore records meet m the sea arch criteria than t fit in the e window, re eplaces the current set off displayed records r with the next sett. 10/27/2008 26 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Too ols Menu u This pull-down menu m contain ns SCT Bann ner Xtender Solutions an nd SCT Worrkflow. If you u are able to t access th hese tools, yo ou will be tra ained by a re epresentativve from within your depa artment. SCT Workflow An SCT solution s that automates, simplifies, directs, d and manages m the e flow of infformation thrrough an entire organiza ation. SCT Workflow W can n pass elecctronic docum ments, inform mation, and tasks from one o role playyer to the nexxt for action, according to t NMSU business ruless. SCT Banner Xtend der Soluttions An integra ated docume ent imaging and electronic documen nt managem ment system fo or SCT Bann ner applicatio ons. It is dessigned to me eet the imaging and document manag gement requ uirements off higher educcation. 27 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student H Help Me enu T This pull-dow wn menu con ntains a num mber of forms of help. O Online Help p Disp plays new on nline informa ation for the current field d. Disablle if online e help is no ot available e for the fo orm. Dynamic He D elp Q Query Disp plays the Dyynamic Help form (GUAH HELP) in que ery mode, which w is used d to display help for a fie eld, block, or form. Dynamic He D elp E Edit Disp plays the Dyynamic Help form (GUAH HELP) in edit mode, whiich is used d to edit trad ditional help for a field, block, b or form m. H Help Disp plays the Oracle Item Prroperties win ndow for the current field d. S Show Keys Disp plays the Ke eys list, which lists the fu unctions and their equiva alent keys strokes available for the e current form m, window, and a field. L List Disp plays the Lisst of Values (valid entriess for the currrent field) if one is available. The fiield name will w be high hlighted in n blue, and d “List of Va alues” is in ndicated iin the Statu us Line. D Display Erro or If an n Oracle erro or occurs, displays the code c that is in error. D Display ID Im mage With h the cursor in an ID field d, the image e associated d with the ID will be disp played, if ava ailable. C Calendar Disp plays the callendar. C Calculator Disp plays the callculator. Extract Data E a w with Key This s allows you to Extract Data D with Key information to a .csv fiile. Extract Data E a No K Key Allows you to Exxtract Data without w Key Information to a .csv file e. Technical T S Support Allows you to do o the following: About SCT A B Banner 10/27/2008 • Turn SQ QL Trace On • Turn SQ QL Trace Off • Reconne ect to Databa ase. Disp plays the Ab bout Banner form (GUAA ABOT), whicch identifies the t currrent form, release numbe er, date, and d time. 28 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Using Sho ortcuts to Nav vigate Bann ner offers you u many wayys to accomp plish most ta asks. When using u a form m there are th hree wayss to execute commands: through the e menu bar, the toolbar standard s butttons, and ke eyboard equivvalents. Using the Toolbar T The toolbar t is comprised of Standard S Bu uttons used to t execute commands. Many M of thesse buttons have a co ommand tha at can be fou und in the menu bar. n you need to t use one of o the standa ard buttons, simply click on the butto on. When For a complete listing and de escription of the buttons,, refer to Appendix D: Function F Conv versions. Key yboard Equivale E ents In ma any cases, you y can use combination ns of keyboa ard keys to access a a form m, window, block, b or field. To ac ccess a form m with keyb board equiv valents: 1. Read the Auto Hint message m to determine d wh hether a pre edefined funcction lets you u t another fo orm, (Count Query Hits, Duplicate Field, F Duplica ate Record, Exit with navigate to Value, an nd List are th he most com mmonly prede efined functions). 29 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 2. If a predefined fu unction is ava ailable, use Show Keys (from the toolbar or the help pulldown n menu) to find the keybo oard equivalent for the predefined p fu unction. 3. Use the t keyboard d equivalentt to access th he form. T access a tab or bloc To ck with keyboard equiv valents: Use the keyb U board equiva alents for Ne ext Block (CT TRL + PAGE DOWN) and a Previouss Block ( (CTRL + PA AGE UP) to move m among g blocks or ta abs. If the Next N and Previous Blockss are in a another tab, these keys take you to the t other win ndow. Some etimes there are actuallyy two blocks that visually appear to be e one, makin ng it seem as a though yo ou are movin ng within the same blockk. T access a field with keyboard To k equivalents: Use the TAB U B key (Next Field) F and SHIFT S + TAB B keys (Prevvious Field) to t move amo ong fields. Iff a field has th he auto-skip feature, the cursor auto omatically mo oves to the next n field as soon as you u e enter the req quired number of characcters. P Program Fu unctions and d Keyboard d Equivalent Command ds Click on the Show Keys C s toolbar icon n, select Hellp, and then choose Sho ow Keys from m the menu b (or presss CTRL+F1) to acquire a list of program function bar ns and their keyboard eq quivalents. Availa able keys change c from m screen to t screen. In I addition n, not all ke eyboard commands c s are availa able from every e form.. 10/27/2008 30 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Key yboard Eq quivalentts Chart Func ction Key(s) Functiion Key(s) Canccel ESC Insert Record F6 Clearr Block SHIFT+F F5 Left LEFT Clearr Field CTRL+U U List, Liist Of Valuess F9 Comm mit, Save F10 New Record R F6 Coun nt Query Hits s SHIFT+F F2 Next Block B CTRL+PAGE DOWN N Clearr Form, Rollb back SHIFT+F F7 Next Field F TAB Clearr Record SHIFT+F F4 Next Record R ↓ Debu ug Mode CTRL+? Previous Block CTRL+PAGE UP Delette Forward DELETE E Previous Field SHIFT+T TAB Delette Backward d Backspa ace Previous Menu Delette Record SHIFT+F F6 Previous Record ↑ Dupliicate Field Entry E F3 Query - Execute F8 Dupliicate Record d F4 Query - Start New F7 Edit CTRL+E E Return n ENTER Enterr Application n Parameterss CTRL+F6 Right RIGHT Enterr Menu Para ameters CTRL+F5 Show Keys CTRL+F1 Help,, Item Prope erties F1 31 of 132 CTRL+ENTER 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 32 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Ide entifying g Block ks A blo ock is a section of a form m or window that contains related infformation. Th here are two o types of blo ocks: • k – contains id dentifying infformation succh as an ID, or o record ide entifier. Key Block • Other Bloc cks – contain n information pertaining to o the key blocck informatio on. A form m contains at a least two blocks, one key block, and a one othe er block. Eacch other blocck can be ide entified by th he bordered edge. Most blocks have e a title. The ere are three exceptions:: • A key bloc ck does not have h a title. • If a form or o window has only one bllock, the blocck does not have h a title. • If a form has h a key block and only one o other blo ock, the seco ond block hass no title. Key Block O Other Block Other Block O Other Block 33 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student K Bloc Key ck The first blocck (key block T k) on most fo orms contain ns key inform mation like an a ID numbe er or record id dentifier. The key block determines what is ente ered or displayed on the rest of the form. f All information on o the form references r the key blockk. The key blocck has at lea T ast one field and sometim mes more. For F example,, a form thatt maintains p population se election info ormation mayy have key block b fields for f both an application a and a s selection ID (population selection). The key blocck stays on the T t form as subsequent s blocks appe ear. Occasio onally, another window m appear on top of the may e key block if the window w is unusuallly large or iff the key block is not p pertinent to the t window. When the cu W ursor is in the e key block, enterable fie elds in the key k block are e enabled. When W you le eave the keyy block, ente erable fields in the key block b are disabled. O Other Bllocks Other blockss contain add O ditional details pertaining g to the key block inform mation. Each h block c contains info ormation rela ated to the ke ey block and d is usually enclosed e in an outlined box. The n number of otther blocks will w vary from m form to forrm and often n contain opttional fields. 10/27/2008 34 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Querying Inform mation Querrying is the process p of se earching for information already ente ered in the database. d Yo ou can use in nquiry forms s, query form ms, and most application n forms to pe erform querie es. Some e forms auto omatically op pen in queryy mode, usua ally because e a large num mber of reco ords relate ed to the form m have to be e retrieved. When W a form m opens in query q mode, the status line displa ays Enter Query. Q You can c immedia ately specify search crite eria to narrow w the search h. If a form does not op pen in query mode, you must m put the e form into query mode before b you can c enter searcch criteria. In thiss section we e will cover: • Defining Query Q Functio ons • P Searrching for a Person • Using Wild dcards in a Search S • Searrching for an Entity • Common Search Form ms • Searrching Phone etically • ds Common Search Field • Searrching with More M Detail. Deffining Query Functions The following f fun nctions are query q functio ons that can be used in Banner. B All of o these funcctions are lo ocated in the e Query men nu on the Menu Bar. Th hese function ns are active e only when the form or field you are in n is available e for a queryy. Enter Puts the form f into que ery mode so o you can en nter search criteria c to see what inforrmation is allready in the e database. “Enter “ Queryy” appears in the statuss line. Exec cute Searchess the databasse and displlays the firstt set of recorrds that matcch your searrch criteria. This T function n is enabled only if you are a in query mode. Last Criteria Enters the e criteria from your last search. You u can change e any of the criteria. This T function is enabled only o if you are in query mode. m Canc cel Cancels the t query an nd takes the form out of query mode e. Coun nt Hits Counts th he number of o records tha at match the e search crite eria and displays that t number in the auto hint. Fetch h Next Set Replacess the current set of displa ayed recordss with the ne ext set of records iff more record ds match the e search critteria than fit in the windo ow. This function is enablled only if yo ou are in que ery mode. 35 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student U Using W Wildcards s in a Se earch You may nott always kno Y ow the exactt wording or spelling for which w you are searching g. You can u wildcard use ds to help witth your searcch. A wildca ard is a symb bol that repre esents one or o many c characters in n a word. Y can use You e the followin ng wildcards in the searcch criteria: • Perce ent sign (%) • Unde erscore (_) The characte T er (%) repres sents any nu umber of unspecified ch haracters. Th he characterr (_) r represents o occurren one nce of an unsspecified character. T following The g examples illustrate the e use of wildcards: T get these To e results: eria: Enterr these crite A entries that contain “m All ma” %ma% % A entries that begin with All h “ma” ma% A entries that have “ma All a” as the lastt two characters %ma A entries that have “m” as the seco All ond characte er _m% C Commo n Search Forms s Performing an P a extensive e ID/Name se earch for a person/entity p y’s record in Banner is crucial. c For a thorough sea arch, the following comm mon search forms f should d be used: • SOAIIDEN: Perso on Search • SOAC COMP: Non--Person Sea arch • GUIA ALTI: Alternate ID Search h • FTIID DEN: Entity Name N /ID Sea arch. 10/27/2008 36 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Com mmon Search S F Fields There e are commo on Search Fields F in Ban nner that allo ow you to search for a pe erson/entity by either a partial orr full ID/Nam me: • ID • Last Name • First Name. To se earch by a partial name//ID, rememb ber to use the e wildcards. Exam mples of Partial Name Searches: S smith h, M% This search will returrn all ID’s with the last name “smith””, first namess starting with w “M”. %, Ba arbara This search will returrn all ID’s with first name e “Barbara”. %onzz%, Mary This search will returrn all ID’s with the last name contain ning ”onz” an nd the first name Mary. Jone_ _, Cindy This searrch will return n all ID’s with the last na ame that starts with Jone e and have any one letter at the en nd, and the fiirst name Cindy. Exam mples of Partial ID Searches: 21% This searrch will return n all ID’s sta arting with 21 1. 12345678_ This searrch will return n all ID’s beg ginning in 12 2345678. 123% %89 This searrch will return n all ID’s tha at begin with 123 and en nd in 89. 37 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student S Searchin ng for a Person The Person Search form T m (SOAIDEN N) searches for any persson in the da atabase. It may m be a accessed fro om all forms that require an ID numb ber in the key blocks. Th his form mayy be used to d determine th he correct ID number for a person ussing the query capabilitie es of the sysstem. The n name, ID number, birth date, d change e indicator (a an indicator to record na ame and ID changes— c b blank for the current reco ord), and na ame type are e displayed. 10/27/2008 38 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing General G Person Inform mation The Identificatio I on form (SPA AIDEN) is th he first form used to ente er biographicc/demograph hic data about a person in nto Banner. You must en nter information about a person into o Banner beffore you can complete c any y transaction ns for that in ndividual. e used for tw wo purposes: SPAIIDEN can be • To create a record for a person who has never been identified to the sysstem. • To add or update biographic/demo ographic inforrmation abou ut a person who w was previously y defined in Banner. B The ID number and a name are e the minimu um pieces of o information n the system m requires to o process inform mation for tra ansactions for f a person.. These item ms are entere ed on the ma ain window of o the SPAIIDEN form. 39 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student S Searchin ng for a Person The Person Search form T m (SOAIDEN N) searches for any persson in the da atabase. It may m be a accessed fro om all forms that require an ID numb ber in the key blocks. Th his form mayy be used to d determine th he correct ID number for a person ussing the query capabilitie es of the sysstem. The n name, ID number, birth date, d change e indicator (a an indicator to record na ame and ID changes— c b blank for the current reco ord), and na ame type are e displayed. Instructions 1. e Go To field d, type SPAIDEN. In the The General G Perrson Identiffication form m displays 2. To se earch for a students s ID number, n clickk the Search h button The Option O List menu is displayed. 3. On th he Option List menu, click Person Search. The Person P Search (SOAID DEN) form is displayed. 10/27/2008 40 of o 132 . View wing Student Infformation 4. Type the ID, First Na ame, or Lastt Name. 5. t query. Execute the 6. Select the e person’s re ecord by, do ouble-clicking g on the ID. The ID is returned to SPAIDEN. 7. . Click the Next Block button eral Person Information displays. To move be etween tabs,, Next Block k. The Gene 41 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student C Current Identific cation The first tab on the SPAIDEN form iss Current Id T dentification n. This tab iss used to en nter the p person’s nam me information. The ID or o Name Typ pe entered in the key blo ock will appe ear in the a appropriate f fields in this tab. 10/27/2008 42 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Alte ernate Id dentifica ation Use this t window to enter or change c inforrmation for an a alternate ID and name e. This window is accesssed through h the Altern nate Identific cation tab. An A example of an alternate identifica ation is a perso on changing their legal name. n 43 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student A Address s Use this wind U dow to enterr address infformation for the person n. This windo ow is accesssed through the Address s tab. Addresses are A a displayed d in the follow wing order: all a active or current addrresses in typ pe order, f followed by all a inactive addresses a orrdered by typ pe, from datte, to date, and a status. Address Type is defined A d in the Gen neral Person n Data Stan ndards docu ument create ed by the N NMSU Gene eral Person Committee. C This document is locate ed at: h http://unodoc cs.nmsu.edu u/General_P Person/Gene eralPersonDa ataStandard ds.pdf. When a valid W d ZIP or postal code is selected s from m the ZIP/Po ostal Code Validation V fo orm ( (GTVZIPC) a entered in the ZIP or and o Postal Cod de field, the combination n of city, statte/province, a nation in and nformation which w exists in GTVZIPC C will default into the app propriate field ds. 10/27/2008 44 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Tele ephone This window w disp plays informa ation from th he main blocck of SPATE ELE. You can n view and update u telephone record ds in this window. This window w is acccessed throu ugh the Tele ephone tab. phone Type e is defined in the Generral Person Data D Standa ards document created by the Telep NMSU General Person P Committee. This document iss located at:: http:///unodocs.nm msu.edu/General_Perso on/GeneralPersonDataS Standards.pd df. 45 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student B Biograp hical This window T w displays infformation fro om the main block of SP PAPERS. Yo ou can view and a update p person recorrds in this wiindow. This window is accessed thro ough the Bio ographical tab. E E-mail This window T w displays infformation fro om the main block of GO OAEMAL. Yo ou can view and update e e-mail record ds in this win ndow. This window w is acccessed thro ough the E-m mail tab. 10/27/2008 46 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Emergency y Contac ct This window w disp plays informa ation from th he main blocck of SPAEM MRG. You ca an view and update emerrgency conta act records in this window. This wind dow is accesssed through h the Emerg gency Conttact tab. 47 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 48 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Student S t Admis ssions Applica A ation In nformattion In ord der to view the status of a student’s admissions application,, you may vie ew the Adm missions Application Sum mmary form (SAASUMI). This form m may also be accessed directly from m the Admissions App plication forrm (SAAADMS). SAASUMI is a que ery only form m, fields cannot be chang ged. This fo orm is a com mplete list of all applicatio ons entered into Bannerr for this stud dent, includ ding the stattus, decision n, major and departmentt. Use this fo orm to view the t status off an appliccation. In ord der for inform mation to be viewable on n SAASUMI, an applicattion for admissions musst exist for th he ID. The Ad dmissions Office O createss an applica ation on the SAAADMS. S 1. On the Main Menu, in n the Go To o field, type SAASUMI S and press EN NTER. The Adm missions Application Su ummary form (SAASUM MI) form disp plays. 2. In the ID field f type the e student ID. 3. Click the Next Block button . 49 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student Use the Adm U missions Ap pplication Summary S blo ock to view admissions a applicationss and to q query specifiic informatio on for the applications. An A ID may ha ave multiple application records. A Applications are sorted by b term in de escending order and the en by applica ation numbe er in d descending o order within each term. T Status field The f shows the t current status s of the application.. • C - Complete Rea ady for Revie ew • S - File Shredde ed • D - Decision Made e • W – Withdrawn • I - Inccomplete item ms Outstanding • • T Decisio The on field displa ays the deciision code fo or the applica ation. • A - Ad dmitted • I - Inactivated I • AT - Admitted A (Ad dmitted prior) • O - Out to depa artment (Grad d) • C - Complete - to be evaluated d • R% %- Refusal Co ode • D DD - Denied by Department • T - Tentative • DG - Denied by Graduate G Sch hool 10/27/2008 50 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation The Admissions A s Type field displays the e admissionss type define ed as the folllowing: • NC - First Year Schola ars • RG - Re egular Admisssion • AU - Auditt Only • SD - Re egular UG 2n nd Degree • BG - Bran nch Grade • SN - Se enior Citizen Non-degree • BP - Branch Provisional • SR - Se enior Citizen Regular • BR - Bran nch Regular • SU - Sp pecial Unclasssified • BU - Bran nch Units • TC - Te eacher Certification • CA - Cond ditional • UN - Un nclassified Graduate • EX - Natio onal Student Exchange • VO - Vo ocational Adm mission • GD - Grad duate Non-De egree • PD - Pro ovisional Den nied • ID - Intern national Docto orate • RC - Ch hange of Stattus ND to RG G • IM - Intern national Mastters • GP - Grraduate Provvisional • MR - Main n Campus Re efusal • ST - Sta andard • NA - Unkn nown • ED - Ea arly Decision • ND - Non--degree • EA - Ea arly Admissio on • NS - Non--degree Speccial • SP - Se enior Petitione er • PR - Prov visional Unde ergraduate • DC - Du ual Credit The Student S Typ pe field displays the stud dent type de efined as the e following: • C - Contin nuing • S - Cha ange of Status Readmission • E - UG-Frreshman Tran nsfer • U - Unkknown • F - UG-Ne ew Undergraduate Student • W - UG-Transfer fro om In-State • G - New Graduate G from m Out-of-Sta ate • A - HS-Early Admit • I - GR-New w Graduate from f In-State e • V - HS-V Vocational Student S • M - Guestt Matriculate • D - HS-Dual Credit Student S • O - UG-Trransfer from Out-of-State • T - Change of Statuss in School • R - Readm mit • N - GR--New Gradua ate from NMS SU 51 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 52 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing th he Adm missions Chec cklist The Admissions A Application/ A Checklist Su ummary form m (SAAACKL L) is used to o display info ormation about all existing admissionss applications. An ID mu ust be entere ed; howeverr, entry of the e term is optional. If a term m is entered, all applicatiions for that term will be displayed, in i descendin ng order by ap pplication nu umber. If a te erm is not en ntered, all ad dmissions ap pplications will w be displa ayed in desce ending order by entry te erm and appllication number. 1. n the Go To field, type SAAACKL S an nd press ENT TER. On the Main Menu, in AAACKL) form displays.. The Admiissions Application/Checcklist Summary form (SA 2. In the ID field f type the e student ID. 3. Click the Next Block button . 53 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student Review the Outstanding R O g Items field d. If the stud dent’s appliccation file is not n complete e the field will indicate a Y for yes, indic cating there are outstanding items missing. m If the Outsta anding Items field is a Y you can sccroll through the checklisst to find the missing ittems. Itemss are missing g if the Rece eived Date field f is blankk. 10/27/2008 54 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing General G Student Inforrmation n This section s cove ers information for viewin ng and using g forms in General G Student that will allow staff to t view curre ent and histo orical inform mation about a student. The T Banner system s requ uires a Gene eral Student Record to exist e before a student ca an register orr be registerred for a cou urse and have tuition and fees f assessed. The form ms that feed into Genera al Student (S SGASTDN) are a used by Ba anner to ens sure that the student is registered intto the correcct courses and is assesssed the right fees and tuition. s desc cribes how to o: This section • Search for a General Student S Reco ord (SGASTD DN) • udent Record d (SGASTDN N) Viewing a General Stu • Viewing In nformation in General Stu udent (SGAS STDN): Gene eral Learner Tab T • Viewing Curricula C • Viewing Student S Coho ort and Attribu ute Informatio on There are e tabs in Ge eneral Stud dent (SGAS STDN) thatt are not cu urrently be eing used d by NMSU:: Activities s, Comments, and Mis scellaneous s. 55 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student V Viewing a General Stud dent Rec cord In order to viiew informattion in the Ge eneral Stud dent (SGAST TDN) form, a person mu ust be in the s system as a General Person and go one through the t Admissio ons’ processs to be admitted as a G General Stud dent. If the General G Persson has com mpleted the Admissions’ A d is now a process and G General Stud dent, you ca an search forr and view a General Stu udent (SGAS STDN) record. T View for a General Student To S Rec cord, perform these steps: Instructions 1. he Main Men nu, in the Go o To field, tyype SGASTD DN and presss ENTER. On th The General G Stu udent (SGAS STDN) form displays. 2. In the e ID field, typ pe the stude ent ID, 3. In the e Term field, leave the Term T field blank. 4. Click the Next Bllock button . The Term T field does d not ne eed to be filled f in if you y want to o pull up th he most CURRENT term C t and all past term ms. If therre is an enttry in the Term T field, you will o only see th he term you u entered and a not the e most currrent nor th he history of past t terms. 10/27/2008 56 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation View wing Infformatio on in Ge eneral Sttudent Learner L T Tab Chan nges made in n the Generral Student (SGASTDN): General Learner L tab is the respo onsibility of the e Registrar’s s Office. Herre is a table of o terms for your undersstanding: Student Status A student’s status is changed to inactive if th he student ha as not been enrolled for f one calendar year. Student Type This field d identifies th he student’s type for the effective terrm, such as new or continuing. Resid dency This field d identifies th he student’s residency fo or the effectiive term, hellping to determ mine tuition. Fee Asse essment Rate This field d identifies a student’s sp pecific assesssment rate for the effecctive term. Class s This field d states a stu udent’s curre ent class (fre eshman, sop phomore). It is not a static field but chan nges based on complete ed credits, and other designate ed attributess for graduatte students. Full- or Parttime Not curre ently used. 57 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student V Viewing Curricu ula You may view a student’’s curriculum Y m in SGASTD DN. Be sure e you are loo oking at the current, a active record d to find the student’s cu urriculum for the term. You can havve multiple cu Y urricula reco ords attached to any one e General Student (SGA ASTDN) r record; howe ever, when a change is made m to the Curricula form, f such as changing of o majors, then a new General G Stu udent (SGAS STDN) recorrd is generatted. Within a single term m, however, c curricula cha anges can be e continuoussly made and there will be b no new General G Student ( (SGASTDN) ) record crea ated. There will w be records of every curricula c cha ange. T Terminolog gy C Catalog Terrm The catalog regu ulations yourr cohort wass admitted un nder and mu ust graduate with. P Program Prog gram is new to NMSU. Itt combines campus, c college, and stu udent levell (MA – HSC C – BS is sho ort for “Main Campus - Human H and Com mmunity Servvice – Bache elor’s of Scie ence”). In ord der to make changes to major, college e, or degree, you must change the overall o progra am. 10/27/2008 58 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation View wing Ac cademic c Sanctio ons When n students do d not mainta ain adequate e academic standing, they begin a progress p of Academic Warnin ng to Academic Probatio on I and II, and a finally to Academic Suspension. S Each e imposes more m structurre and limitattions on the student in order o to help the studentt return stage to normal academ mic standing g. The intent is not to punish, but to help h the stud dent return to t norm mal academic c standing an nd success. Since some e of these lim mitations involve limitatio ons on the number of cre edit hours, students s on Probation P orr Suspension n may be su ubject to losss of financial aid. It is the responssibility of the e student to determine d th he impact of their change ed acade emic standin ng on their fiinancial aid. Notification to students of academicc warning prrobation or suspension ap ppears on the student’s grade g reportt at the end of each grad ding period. Cod de Descriptiion 00 Regular Good G Standing - Semestter and Cum mulative GPA A are above a 2.00 01 Good Aca ademic Stan nding after a previous accademic stan nding of 01, WA, P1, P2 2, AP, AR and the cumu ulative GPA is above a 2.000 2 WA Warning - Allowed on nly the first tiime in which h the cumula ative GPA drrops below 2.000 and d the previou us academicc standing was w either 00 0 or WA. This can not be e awarded to a transferr student wh hom was adm mitted on AP P. P1 Academicc Probation 1 - When the e semester GPA G is abovve a 2.000 and a the cumulativve GPA drop ps below a 2.00 and the previous accademic is on ne of 01, P1 or AP; er and cumu ulative GPA drops below w a 2.00 and d the previou us Or when the semeste W AP academicc standing iss one of 01, WA, 59 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student P2 Acad demic Probation 2 - Whe en the semesster GPA is above a 2.0 000 and the cumu ulative GPA drops below w a 2.00 and d the previou us academic is one of P2 2 or AR; Or when the sem mester and cumulative c G GPA drops below b a 2.00 0 and the pre evious academic standin ng is one of P1, AP OR AR. AP Admiitted on Prob bation - Used as a begin nning academic standing g only. Used d when the student is admitted on prrobation. AR Allow wed to Regisster - Used as a a beginnin ng academicc standing When W the student has received permisssion from De ean's office to register fo or class afterr suspension n. Memo is req quired from the t deans offfice. Previo ous academiic standing of o SP. SP Acad demic Suspe ension - Whe en the semester GPA an nd cumulativve GPA are below b a 2.00 and the prevvious acade emic standing g code is on ne of P2 or AR. A Student will be requiired to sit ou ut one semesster and then n must petitiion the Dean n of their colelge to be re emoved from m suspension n. If granted d, the studen nt will be placed on P2. 10/27/2008 60 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Test T Sco ore Info ormatio on To vie ew student’s s Test Score es in SOATEST, perform m the follow wing actions: Instru uctions 1. ATEST in the Go To fielld and presss ENTER. Type SOA The SOA ATEST form displays. d 2. Type the students ID.. 3. Click the Next Block button . ent’s test sco ore records display. The stude 61 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 62 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Student S t Hold Informa ation To vie ew student’s s Holds in SOAHOLD, S p perform the following acctions: Instru uctions 1. AHOLD in th he Go To fie eld and presss ENTER. Type SOA The SOA AHOLD form displays. 2. Type the students ID.. 3. Click the Next Block button . The stude ent’s hold record displayy. 63 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 64 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Student S t Registtration Stude ent course re egistration can c be viewe ed using one e of the follow wing forms: • Registrattion Query (S SFAREGQ) • Student Course/Fee C A Assessmen nt Query Forrm (SFAREG GF) R n Query form m (SFAREG GQ) providess you with an n online view w of a studen nt's The Registration sched dule. The form is query--only and willl display all registered courses c and related inforrmation for th he term or da ate range an nd student sp pecified in th he key Inform mation of the e form. Use the t date range e to search on o open learrning course es. A perrson must be e a student and a have registered for courses usin ng the Student Course Regis stration form m (SFAREG GS) or web registration fo or this form to be useful. Instru uctions 1. Type the Term. 2. D or search for f the ID. Type the student’s ID The Regis stration Fro om Date an nd Registra ation To Da ate do not have to be e filled in, th hey should d only be us sed if you are looking g for registration bettween certtain date es. 3. Click the Next Block button . The stude ent’s registra ation informa ation displayys. 65 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student The Studentt Course/Fe T ee Assessm ment Query form f provide es you with the t ability to query a s student's dettail data and d registration n fee assessment online, without havving to upda ate the s student's dettail file. This allows you to enter the registration fee assessm ment rules and then testt the result on specific students. Instructions 1. Type the Term. 2. e the student’s ID or sea arch for the ID. Type 3. Click the Next Bllock button . The student’s s reg gistration info ormation dissplays. 10/27/2008 66 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Student S t Registtration History y To vie ew student’s s registration n history in SFASTCA, S p perform the following f actions: Instru uctions 1. ASTCA in the Go To fielld and presss ENTER. Type SFA The SFAS STCA form displays. d 2. Type the Term Code e. 3. Type the students ID.. The Regis stration Fro om Date an nd Registra ation To Da ate do not have to be e filled in, th hey should d only be us sed if you are looking g for registration acttivity betw ween certa ain dates. 4. Click the Next Block button The stude ent’s record display. . 67 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 68 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Course C Information You can c look up course inforrmation such h as enrollme ent, section,, instructor, and a time and d day of classses from the Course Sec ction Inform mation (SSA ASECT) form m. Instru uctions 1. ASECT in the Go To fielld and presss ENTER. Type SSA The Courrse Section Information form disp plays. 2. Type the Term. 3. RN field, perfform one of the t following g actions: In the CR 4. a. Enter the CRN, OR O b. he field. Doublle click on th The Schedule S Se ection Querry (SSASEC CQ) form is displayed. d In the Sch hedule Secttion Query form, perforrm one of the ese actions: 69 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student a. E Enter the Sub bject, Cours se, and Cam mpus fields, OR b. Double click the D t Subject field. T Subject Validation (STVSUBJ) form is disp The played. i. wn the list an nd select the e Subject co ode. Scroll dow ii. Click OK. The curso or moves to the Course field. 5. e Number. Enterr the Course 6. Click Execute Qu uery. The Schedule S Section Query form auto omatically fillls with all ap pplicable secction inform mation. 10/27/2008 70 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 7. In the Sch hedule Secttion Query form, double e click the CRN C for the ccourse which h you would like e to view info ormation. The CRN field automatically fills in i SSASECT T. 8. . Click the Next Block button se informatio on displays. The cours 71 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student V Viewing Class Time T and d Days T view the Class To C Time and Days pe erform one of o the followiing actions: • Click the Next Blo ock button • s menu, clickk Scheduled Meeting Tim mes. From the Options V Viewing the Insttructor T view the Instructor off the Course perform one To e of the follo owing actionss: • ock button Click the Next Blo • s menu, clickk Assigned Instructor. From the Options V Viewing Linked Course es The Link Ide T entifier field is used to designate d the e code used d to link courrses that must be taken c concurrently cture and Lab course tha at share the same subje ect and coursse number. , as in a Lec T This action will w link sectio ons together and will cre eate an error message at a registratio on should a s student try to o register forr one linked course witho out the other. Linked d labs ofte en are not gradable g as the cours se is grade ed via the lecture l portion of the p t course e. 10/27/2008 72 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation u find a course with the Link L Identifie er populated, you much search for th he courses that t are If you linked d. Searching for the cou urses that arre linked is done d in the same s manne er as looking g for the origin nal course. However, yo ou will need to also add the link iden ntifier as a se earch criteria a on the Sche edule Sectio on Query (S SSASECQ) form. f 73 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 74 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing Academ A mic History There e are a few forms f that allow you to view v a stude ent’s academ mic history: • SHACRSE- Displays the t courses taken t at NMS SU • S- Displays the t Students Transfer Insstitutions and Credits SHATRNS • SHATERM M- Displays the t Institution nal and Transsfer Credits View wing NM MSU Aca ademic History Instru uctions 1. ACRSE in th he Go To fie eld and presss ENTER. Type SHA The SHACRSE form displays. 2. Enter the students ID D. 3. Click the Next Block button. ent’s academ mic history displays. d The stude 75 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student V Viewing Transfe er Institu utions and Cred dit Hours s Instructions 1. p ENTER. Type SHATRNS in the Go To field and press S form f displayss. The SHATRNS 2. Enterr the studentts ID. 3. Click the Search button for Transfer T Ins stitution Number. All off the studentts transfer institutions are listed. 10/27/2008 76 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 4. Click on the Institution n you would like to revie ew. The Instittution Number is return ned to SHAT TRNS. 5. Click the Search buttton for Atten ndance Periiod Numberr. All of the student’s atttendance pe eriods displa ay. 6. Click on the Attendan nce Period Number tha at you would d like to revie ew. The Atten ndance Perriod Number is returned d to SHATRN NS. 7. Click the Next Block button. The stude ent’s academ mic history displays. d 77 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 8. Contiinue to Nextt Block until you reach the t Transferr Course De etail Block. 9. Using g the scroll bar b on the rig ght side, you u may review w the course es for that Atttendance Perio od. The Equivalent E Course C Dettail block wiill change ass you scroll through t the courses. c V Viewing Instituttional an nd Trans sfer Cred dit Hourrs Instructions 1. T field and press p ENTE ER. Type SHATERM in the Go To S form f displays. The SHATERM 10/27/2008 78 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 2. Enter the students ID D. 3. evel. Enter the Student Le 4. Click the Next Block button. ent’s academ mic history displays. d The stude 79 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 5. Click the Next Bllock button. T GPA and a Course Detail Inforrmation display. The Term 6. g the scroll bar b on the rig ght side, you u may review w the terms. Using The Transfer T Co ourses/Institutional Courses blockk will change e as you scro oll through the te erms. 10/27/2008 80 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Reg gisterin ng Stud dents in n Banne er You must m comple ete several steps s to succcessfully reg gister course es into a stud dent’s sched dule. This section s prov vides the pro ocedure for completing c the registration process: • Entering CRN C codes fo or all coursess • Completin ng the course e saving proccess for all co ourses entere ed in the SFA AREGS form m • Reviewing g and correctting any courrse registratio on errors thatt may appear during the course saving processs Instru uctions 1. s the SFARE EGS form, use u Direct Access A from the Go To field f on the Main M To access Menu. 2. Enter SFA AREGS in th he Direct Ac ccess field. 3. Press EN NTER. The SOA ADEST form will appear as a soon as the t SFAREG GS form load ds. The SOAD DEST form only o appea ars once pe er logged in i session. 4. You will select s valuess for two Dis stribution Pa arameter fie elds in the SOADEST fo orm. Select ide entical printe ers in the Schedule and Invoices fie elds by clickking on the dropd down arro ow to the right of ea ach field, and d selecting th he appropria ate printer. 81 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 5. Click the Exit buttton . The SFAREGS S form f appearss. 6. erm in the Term T field. Enterr the correct academic te 7. Tab to t the ID field d. 8. Enterr the studentt ID number. 9. . The cursor Click the Next Bllock button c should d move into the next block, unless there e are any hollds placed on the studen nt’s account.. If a sttudent has any holds s placed on n their acco ount, you will w not be able to move to the next bloc m ck and you u cannot re egister the student. The T cursor will move t the Hold to d field. Folllow the ins structions in i the “Rev viewing an nd Overridin ng Holds o a Studen on nt’s Accou unt” section n of this manual befo ore continu uing the reg gistration p process. If there are holds, h you may m review the t holds an nd direct the student to the appropria ate party to h have the hold resolved. If there are no n holds pla aced on the student’s acccount, conttinue the reg gistration pro ocess 10. Move e to the Course Informa ation block in the SFAR REGS from by b clicking the Next Block button . The curssor should move m into the e Course Re egistration Number N (CRN N) field locate ed in the Co ourse Inform mation blockk. 11. Enterr the first CR RN. 10/27/2008 82 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 12. Select En nter to log th he entry. 13. Continue entering and d logging CR RN until you have entere ed all of the student’s co ourse selections s. 14. Registratiion staff mayy need to ma ake grade mode m change es for course es that the sttudent wants to audit, a or take e as Pass/Fail. Change grade mode es by enterin ng them in th he Grade Mo ode field. Click on the Search S butto on all grade mode option ns. above e the Grade Mode field to view 15. o enter the number n of crredit hours selected by the student for f You may also need to c course es such as th hesis, selectted readingss, etc. The Message M field d will list variable credit the range e of hours avvailable for th he course. 16. The Mess sage field may m open and d list the ran nge of hours available fo or the course e. If the Message e field does not n open, use the Tab ke ey to move across a the fields located d in the Course In nformation block that are a related to o the CRN in n question. When W the cursor reaches the OVR field d, the Message field sho ould appearr and provide e the availab ble credit hour rang ge. 17. If a student is registerring for a variable credit course, enter the numb ber of credit hours h the student selected in i both the Credit C Hours s and the Biillable Hourrs fields. 18. Once all the button. t message es are clear, you must save. Click the Save The curso or should automatically move m to the Fees field. A “Y” should d appear in the t field to indicate e that fees have h been im mmediately assessed. a 83 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 19. Click the Save button ag gain. A me essage statin ng “Fee Asse essment Pro ocessed” sho ould appearr. 2 20. Selecct OK. The Print P Bill field in the SFA AREGS form m should auttomatically be b checked. For th he complete e Registration handbook, visit http://o onestop.nmssu.edu. 10/27/2008 84 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Changing g Students Currriculum m You can c change or add majo ors, minors, concentratio c on, or teachin ng fields from m the Stude ent Courrse Registra ation (SFAR REGS) form. You shou uld only ch hange the e curricula a of stude ents within n your colllege. Instru uctions 1. n the Go To field, type SFAREGS S a press EN and NTER. The Student S On the Main Menu, in R n (SFAREGS S) form displays. Course Registration 2. In the Terrm field type e the Term Code. C 3. In the ID field f type the e student ID. 4. Click in th he View Active Curricula checkboxx. If checked d, only curre ent and activve curricula and a fields off study are displayed in the t Curricula a tab. 5. Click the Next Block button 6. Click on the Curricula tab. . m the Curricu ula tab, you can c From • Change th he Primary Major M • Add or Ch hange Additio onal Majors • Add a Min nor, Concentrration Or Tea aching Field 85 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student T There are three buttons that you will use to makke these mod difications: • ace is used when w you are e changing th he entire prog gram. When a student is changing Repla from the t program "MA-ENGL-BA" to the prrogram "MA-AGRO-BS," use this buttton. This butto on wipes outt all the currriculum information, as well as major, minor, ettc. • Upda ate is used when w you add d a minor or concentration c n to the progrram. For exa ample, if a stude ent has a prog gram of MA-FLNG-BA, use the Updatte button if th he student is changing their concentration c n from Spaniish to French h. All the currriculum inform mation is cop pied, so you ju ust have to change Field of Study. You can c also use this button to o update the student's catalog year. • Dupliicate is used d when you're e adding a se econd major to the studen nt. Be sure to change the prriority on eith her the origina al curriculum m or the new curriculum. c ( (You can't ha ave two current, active pro ograms with the t same prio ority.) Also, select s the Ch hange Curriculum link from the t drop dow wn menu on Program. P Yo ou can not ad dd a second major withou ut adding a seccond program m. This section outlines exa T actly what ne eeds to be done d in Bann ner to update e a student’ss curriculum. T SFAREG The GS form con ntains vital in nformation re egarding a student’s s Admissions Infformation. B Banner will allow a you to change this information if you have access to update this fo orm. ONLY the ADMISSION H HOWEVER, A NS STAFF iss AUTHORIZ ZED to make e admissions changes. Changes to this inform C mation are a violation of o your secu urity privileg ges and ma ay result in loss of yourr Banner Se ecurity. If yo ou have a qu uestion regarding your changes, plea ase contact the Admissio ons office im mmediately at 646-3121. 10/27/2008 86 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Cha anging the t Prim mary Majjor To Change the Primary P Majjor, perform the followin ng actions: uctions Instru 1. b Click the REPLACE button . 2. In the Priority field, tyype a 1. 3. ogram field, click the Se earch button n In the Pro The Optio on List appe ears. 4. Click on Base B Curric culum Rules s by Progra am. The Base e Curriculum m Rules by Program fo orm appearss. 5. Scroll dow wn the list an nd double click on the sp pecified Pro ogram. The Prog gram field an nd all other necessary n fie elds on the SFAREGS S f form are automatic cally filled. You Y will NOT T need to ch hange ANY other fields s. 6. Click the Save button n . . 87 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student A Adding A Addition nal Prog grams If you are ad dding an add ditional major, you must add a new program. p To o Add or Ch hange A Additional P Programs, perform p the following f acttions: Instructions 1. Click the Duplica ate button 2. e Priority fie eld, indicate the priority of o the major.. In the Each h program must be assig gned a prioritty and you can't c have tw wo current, active a progrrams with the same priority. If the major m you are e adding is the t second major indica ate priority 2 and so on. 3. In the e Program field, f click the Search bu utton The Option O List appears. 4. Click on Change e. The Change C Currriculum forrm appears. Scroll down n the list and d double clickk on the speciified Program. The Program P field and all other necessa ary fields on the SFAREGS form are e autom matically fille ed. You will NOT need to t change ANY A other fields. f 5. Click the Save bu utton . . . A Adding a Minor,, Concen ntration or Teac ching Fie eld A Adding a min nor, concenttration, or tea aching field can be done e in the Field d of Study tab. t T Add a Miinor, perform To m the following actions: Instructions 1. Click the Update e button 2. From m the Field of o Study tab, click the firrst empty Cu urrent field available. a Bann ner automatic cally fills the e Activity, Status, Term m, and Catalog fields. 3. In the e Priority fie eld, type a 1.. Each field of o study musst be assigned a priorityy and you can't have two cu urrent, active e programs with w the sam me priority. Example: E If the t minor you are a adding is s the second d minor indiicate priority 2 and so on. o 4. In the e Type field,, select the type of field of o study you u are entering: • Minor • Conccentration • Supp plemental Ma ajor • Teacching Field 10/27/2008 . 88 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 5. In the Fie eld of Study y field, eitherr: a. Type the Code, OR O b. Click the . t Search button The Options O Listt appears. 6. i. Cllick on the lisst option for a list of the codes to dissplay. ii. Sc croll down th he list and do ouble click on o the Code needed. Th he Field of Study S field on o the SFAR REGS form is automatica ally filled. In the De epartment field, either: a. Type the correspo onding Depa artment Cod de, or b. Click the t Search button The Option O List ap ppears. . i. Cllick on All Department Codes. ii. Sc croll through h the list and double clickk on the Dep partment tha at correspon nds to the Field of Study. S 7. n Click the Save button 8. Click the Exit button . . 89 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 90 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Vie ewing a Class Rosterr To viiew a class roster, perfform the follo owing action ns: Instru uctions 1. n the Go To o field, type SFASLST S an nd press EN NTER. On the Main Menu, in The Class Roster forrm displays. 2. Type the Term. 3. Type the CRN. 4. Click the Next Block button The Class Roster dissplays. . The Seque ence numb ber does no ot indicate e the numb ber enrolled d in the cla ass. It is the order tha at the stud dents regis stered for the t class. If I other stu udents hav ve pped the cla ass it will not n recalcu ulate the Sequence S n number, it will w continue to drop add to the lastt registered d. 91 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 92 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Printing a Class Rosterr There e are two wa ays to print a class roste er: e-Print an nd INB Bann ner. Using e-Priint Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. eprint.nmsu.edu. Type the URL: http://e nt login page e displays. The ePrin 3. Type your username and passwo ord. 4. pository file ed, select PB BAN Studen nt. In the Rep 93 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 5. Selecct the drill ic con 6. fying glass icon Click the magnify 10/27/2008 to view the rep port list. to search the report. 94 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 7. Select your Page Key y. You can search s by Co ourse (CRSE), CRN, or Instructor. 8. In the Sea arch field, tyype the criteria. 9. Click the GO button. 10. f to vie ew the reporrt. Click the format 95 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 96 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Using INB To prrint a class roster, perfform the follo owing action ns: Instru uctions 11. n the Go To o field, type SFRSLST S an nd press EN NTER. On the Main Menu, in cess Submis ssion Contrrols (GJAPC CTL) form displays. The Proc 12. The Parameter Set will w be blank. 13. Click the Next Block button . The Printter Control block is activve. 14. In the Printer field, tyype DATABA ASE. 15. Click the Next Block button . The Parameter Set block b is activve. 97 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 16. Type the followin ng values in the t Values field f of the Parameter P V Values blockk. mber Num Parrameters Valu ues 01 Rep port Term Ovverride 02 Term m ENT TER THE TE ERM 03 Partt-of-Term (% % = ALL) % 04 Starrt Range Fro om Date 05 Starrt Range To Date 06 CRN N (% = ALL)) ENT TER THE CR RN 07 No Grade Repo ort Option N 08 Sortt option C 09 Cam mpus (% = ALL) A ENT TER THE CA AMPUS 10 Sch hedule Type (% = ALL) 11 Insttructional Me ethod (% = ALL) A % 12 Reg gistration Co odes (% = AL LL) % 13 Deg gree Status (% ( = ALL) ENT TER DEGRE EE STATUS 14 Com mbine cross listed sectio ons N 15 Prin nt Student Ad ddresses N 16 Add dress Selectiion Date Toda ay's Date 17 Add dress Priorityy And Type(ss) 1MA A 18 Prim mary instructtors only N 19 Prin nt Long Secttion Title N 17. Click the Next Bllock button . The Submission S n block is active. 18. Click on the Save e Parameters Set As fie eld in the Su ubmission block. b A che eck mark willl appear in the t check bo ox. 19. In the e Name and Description fields, type e an approp priate name and a descripttion for your Parameter Set. 10/27/2008 98 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 20. Click the Save button n . Look for the t Log (.log g) and List (.llis) file numb bers at the bottom b of the e Banner scrreen. If you sav ve your parrameters as a describe ed above, the t next tim me you priint a trans script you can choose e your para rameter sett from the drop-down n menu. Alll the value es used wiith this transcript priint order will w be save ed. You will ll only have e to chan nge the stu udent ID nu umber each h time you u use the Parameter P S Set. IF you u choo ose not to save s the Pa arameter Set, S then ju ust click th he Save button . 21. In the Options menu, click on Re eview Outpu ut (GJIREVO O). The Save ed Output Review R GJIR REVO form displays. d 22. Double click in the File Name fielld. The Available Files box b displayss. 23. Double click on the .liis file. 24. w Documentt (Save and Print File). A message e In the Options menu, click Show e yo ou have sele ected to show the file in the browserr. displays explaining 25. Click Yes s. The Class List displa ays in a new w window. 26. Print the document. d Pop-ups must m be en nabled in your y browse er. If you get an erro or messag ge at this p point, you may need d to open yo our browse er window w to enable pop-ups. 99 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 100 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Printing an a Unoffficial Transcri T ipt There e are two wa ays to print an a unofficial transcript: e-Print e and IN NB Banner. Using e-Priint Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. eprint.nmsu.edu. Type the URL: http://e nt login page e displays. The ePrin 3. Type your username and passwo ord. 4. pository file ed, select PB BAN Studen nt. In the Rep 101 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 5. Selecct the drill ic con 6. Click the magnify fying glass icon 10/27/2008 to view the rep port list. to search the report. 102 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 7. Select your Page Key y. You can search s by ID D, Name, or Major. 8. In the Sea arch field, tyype the criteria. 9. Click the GO button. 10. Click the format f to vie ew the reporrt. 103 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student U Using IN NB Printing a tra P anscript is a two-step pro ocess in Ban nner. The firrst step tells the computter whose d document to print (orderring the transscript) and th he second step orders th he printout. Order one transcript at a time; if you u order more e, they won’t page-break in between n. T Order a Transcript, To T perform the fo ollowing actiions: Instructions 1. he Main Men nu, in the Go o To field, tyype SHARQ QTC and presss ENTER. On th The Transcript T Request R (SH HARQTC) fo orm displayss. 2. In the e ID field, typ pe the stude ent ID 3. Click the Next Bllock button . If any y informatiion from a previous request r exiists, perforrm the follo owing action: in the a t Record menu, clic ck Insert. The T form will w be cleared. 4. In the e Level field, enter the appropriate a c code: • UG – Undergradu uate • GR- Graduate G • AL- All A 10/27/2008 104 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 5. In the Tra anscript Typ pe field, either: a. Type the Transcrript Type Co ode, OR b. t Search button Click the . The Transcript T T Type Code Validation V form appears.. 6. Use the scrollbar s on the t right side e of the Type field to vie ew the types of transcripts available. 7. Double click on the trranscript type e for your co ollege or are ea. The Transcript Type e field on the e SHARQTC C form is auto omatically filled. The Officiial field is only o for us se by the Registrar. R D not click Do k in this fie eld. 8. Click the Issue Inform mation tab. 9. ation block, type t your na ame. In the Issued field of the Transcrript Destina 10. Click the Save button n 11. utton . Click the Rollback bu ent ID should d be highligh hted in blue. The stude 12. Press the e Ctrl and C buttons at th he same tim me to copy th he student ID D. 13. Click the Exit button . . 105 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student T Order the To e Printout of o a Transcrript, perform m the followin ng actions: Instructions 1. he Main Men nu, in the Go o To field, tyype SHRTRT TC and presss ENTER. On th The Process P Submission Controls C (GJ JAPCTL) form displays. The Parameter P Set S will be blank. 2. Click the Next Bllock button . The Printer P Control block iss active. 3. In the e Printer fielld, type DAT TABASE. 4. Click the Next Bllock button . The Parameter P Set S block is active. 10/27/2008 106 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation 5. Type the following va alues in the Values V field of the Param meter Value es block. # arameters Pa V Values 01 Tra anscript Pop pulation File N 02 ID and Seq ass XXXXXXXX X000 E Enter the ID you are req questing 03 Tra anscript Typ pe Enter the tra E anscript typ pe you used d in O Ordering a Transcript. T 04 Tra anscript Prin nter % 05 Ad ddress Selecction Date (sshould show w current datte) 06 Ad ddress Prioriity and Type e 1MA 07 Offficial Transccript Requesst N 08 Ca ampus Selecction Indicato or N 09 Ca ampus Seleccted 10 Co ontrol Reporrt N 11 Pa age Alignment N 12 Ru un in sleep/w wake mode (Y/N) ( N 13 Sle eep interval 6 60 14 Su ubstitute In Progress P Title 15 So ort Order A number 1 - 6 Any 16 Prrocess rqsts awaiting gra ades? N 17 Prrocess rqsts awaiting degrees? N 18 We eb Self Servvice Options 19 We eb Paymentt Options 20 Prrint Expande ed Hours Forrmats N 6. Click the Next Block button . The Subm mission blocck is active. 7. Click on the Save Parameters Set As field in n the Submiission blockk. A check mark m should appear in th he check boxx. 107 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 8. In the e Name and Description fields, type e an approp priate name and a descripttion for your Parameter Set. 9. Click the Save bu utton . Look for the Log (.log) and List (.lis) file numbers n at the t bottom of o the Banne er screen. If you u save your r paramete ers as desc cribed abov ve, the nex xt time you u print a ttranscript you y can ch hoose your parameterr set from the drop-d down menu u. All the v values used d with this s transcriptt print orde er will be saved. s You u will only have h to c change the e student ID I number each time you use th he Parameter Set. IF F you c choose nott to save th he Parametter Set, the en just clic ck the Save e button . T Print the transcript, perform the To e following actions: Instructions 1. e Options menu, m click on o Review Output O (GJIR REVO). The Saved Output Review w In the GJIR REVO form displays. d 2. Doub ble click in th he File Name e field. The Available A Files box displays. 3. Doub ble click on th he .lis file. 4. In the e Options menu, m click Show S Docum ment (Save and Print File). F A me essage expla aining you ha ave selected d to show the e file in the browser b disp plays. 5. Click Yes. t willl appear in a new windo ow. The transcript Pop-u ups must be enabled in your bro owser. If you y get an n error mes ssage at t this point, you may need n to ope en your bro owser wind dow to ena able pop-up ps. 6. Print the docume ent. Trans scripts prin nted to DATABASE do o not have page brea aks in the expected e places. Tra p anscripts pr rinted to designated d printers sh hould be better formatted. 10/27/2008 108 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Adding Fo orms to o My Ba anner In Ba anner, you ca an establish a personal menu that allows a you to o organize fo orms that are e most important in yourr workday. The personal menu is loccated under the My Banner folder on the Main Menu. M Banner Maintenanc ce form (GUAPMNU) is used to crea ate and chan nge your personal The My menu u your perso onal menu. 109 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student T There are three ways to add items to o your perso onal menu: • e object list to o find and sele ect objects. Scroll through the • Enterr the name off the object. • Queryy the object list to narrow your search. 10/27/2008 110 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Add ding Forrms from m the Ob bject Lis st You can c add item ms from the object o list byy scrolling to o find the item m you need. 1. Access th he Personal Menu Main ntenance form (GUAPM MNU). 2. In the left pane, selecct each objecct you want to add to the e menu. When you u select an object, o the name is highllighted in blu ue. 3. (Optional)) Repeat ste eps 2 and 3 for f each obje ect type you u want to add d to the men nu. You can select s objec cts from multiple m objject types and a insert them toge ether. 4. Click in th he right pane e where you want to placce the new menu m items. 5. Click the Insert Selec ction button n in the middle m of the e form. The selec cted objects are added to the right pane p below the place you u clicked. 6. (Optional)) Customize e the object descriptions. d . 7. Click the Save button n . If you try y to enter or o drag an object o whiich you are e not permiitted to acc cess, the system s willl display an alert box x. In orderr to proceed d, you mus st delete th he name of the ob bject from the list by pressing the t DELETE E key. Add ding Forrms by the t Seve en Chara acter Ide entifier If you u have become familiar with w the form ms and their seven-chara acter identifiier, you can simply type the t identifierr to add the item to yourr menu. 1. Access th he My Banner Maintena ance form (G GUAPMNU)). 2. Place the cursor in a blank Descrription field in the right pane. 3. er name. Enter the object’s sevven-characte 4. NTER. The object’s type, description, and name appear in th he right pane e. Press EN 5. (Optional)) Customize e the object description. d 6. Click the Save button n . 111 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student A Adding Forms by b Query y If you are no ot sure of the e full identifie er for an item m, you can query all the items in Ban nner. 1. Access the My Banner B Main ntenance forrm (GUAPM MNU). 2. t pull-dow wn list above the left pane e to select th he object typ pe you want to query. Use the 3. Place e the cursor in the left pa ane. 4. Click the Enter Query Q button n The object o list dis sappears. 5. Enterr the search criteria. 6. You can c use the wildcards (% %) and (_). The search s is cas se-sensitive. Data is ma atched again nst the searcch criteria exxactly as you u enterr them. 7. Click the Execute Query buttton . The left pane lists s the matchiing objects. 8. dd all matches to the me enu (if there are 20 matcches or less)), click in the e right pane To ad where e you want to t place the new menu items. 9. Click the Insert All A button . in the mid ddle of the fo orm. 10. dd selected matches to the t menu, select the objjects in the left pane. To ad Click in the right pane where you want to o place the new n menu ite ems. 11. Click the Insert Selection S bu utton in the middle of the form. D Deleting s selected objects from f a pe ersonal menu m 1. Access the My Banner B Main ntenance forrm (GUAPM MNU). 2. In the e right pane,, select each h object you want to dele ete. When n you select an object, the name is highlighted. h 3. Click the Delete button in the middle e of the form m. s obje ects are dele eted. The selected 4. Click the Save bu utton 10/27/2008 . 112 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Dele eting all objects o frrom a perrsonal menu: 1. Access th he My Banner Maintena ance form (G GUAPMNU)). 2. Click the Delete All button b 3. Click the Save button n in n the middle e of the form. . Com mmonly y Used Student S Forms SPAIDEN Ge eneral Perso on Identificattion SGAS STDN Ge eneral Stude ent SFAR REGF Student Coursse/Fee Asse essment Que ery SFAR REGQ Re egistration Query Q SFAS SLST Class Roster SAAS SUMI Ad dmissions Ap pplication Su ummary SAAA ADMS Ad dmissions Ap pplication SAAA ACKL Ad dmission Application/Che ecklist Summ mary SFAS SRPO Student Regisstration Perm mit-Override SFRS SLST Class Roster-P PRINT SHAR RQTC Transcript Req quest SHRT TRTC Ac cademic Transcript SFAS STCA Student Coursse Registratiion Audit SSAS SECT Sc chedule SCAC CRSE Ba asic Course Information SCAP PREQ Ca atalog Prerequisite and Test T Score Restrictions R SHAT TERM Te erm Sequencce Course History H SOAH HOLD Ho old Information SOAT TEST Te est Score Infformation SGAA ADVR Mu ultiple Advisors 113 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 114 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation NM MSU ID Numbe er Look kup Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. unotools.nm msu.edu/baniidlookup/ Type the URL: http://u on screen displays. The Logo 3. Type your NMSU Use ername and d NMSU Pas ssword. 4. bmit. Click Sub The Look k-up form is displayed. d 5. Type the students Na ame or Social Security Number. 6. bmit. Click Sub The stude ents’ NMSU ID will be diisplayed. 115 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 116 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Cla ass Sch hedule Lookup p Instru uctions 1. Open a browser sesssion. 2. www.nmsu.e edu/course/ Type the URL: http://w The Courrse Schedules page dissplays. 3. Click Loo ok Up Classes. The NMS SU Course Lookup L page displays. 4. e Term. Select the 5. Select the e Subject/M Major. 117 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 6. Click Get Course es. The search s results display. 10/27/2008 118 of o 132 Viewing Student Information Common n Banner Forms Banner Form Menu W What it does How to use it SCACRSE Course Catalog S Shows basic course e information Enter subject and d number, next blocck. Remember the e "G" (4th position) or otherr indicator (5th posiition) Hint: use pull--down arrow on course numbe er to see course hisstory. SCABASE un nder Options shows when course was first and la ast taught. SCADETL Course Catalog Shows course equiv S valents - cross listed courses, and n number changes forr repeats Enter subject, nu umber and term, ne ext block. Hint: use pull-down arrow on course number to see cou urse history. Course e description is under Options.. SCAPREQ Course Catalog S Shows course prere equisites Enter subject, nu umber and term, ne ext block. There are e regular and CAPP prerequisites. SCARRES Course Catalog Shows registration restrictions S r at the catalog level m mostly major Enter subject, nu umber and term, ne ext block. SCASRES Course Catalog Shows scheduling restrictions - where the course can S b offered, eg. Bran be nch campuses only Enter subject, nu umber and term, ne ext block. SSASECT Class Schedule Shows basic course S e section informatio on; options links to o related forms. In Part P of Term field, shows s to-from d dates for mini-cours ses. Enter term and CRN, C or click on arrrow to search (takes s you to SSASECQ) SSASECQ Class Schedule Q Query form to find sections s of a class Enter term, subje ect, number, campu us. Can enter Part of Term if desired. Hint: To o find mini-courses,, enter M% in Part of o Term. To search for Web-C CT courses, enter W WB in Schedule Ty ype. SSADETL Class Schedule S Shows links to labs and special fees Enter Term and CRN, C or search by clicking on arrow next n to CRN block. SSAPREQ Class Schedule Shows schedule-lev S vel prerequisites; on nly used if a c course is added to the t schedule after the t fact. Enter term and CRN, C or search by cclicking on arrow ne ext to CRN block. SSATEXT Class Schedule Shows course subtittle and notes. Sub S btitle is always on th he first line. Enter Term and CRN, C or search by clicking on arrow next n to CRN block. Catalog Schedule 119 of 132 10/27/2008 Banner Studen nt Banner Form Menu W What it does How to use it SFAREGS Registration R Register student forr classes Enter term and ID D (or search). Nexxt block twice to sch hedule area; enter CRN. Click k Student Term tab b to see classificatio on, student type, academic standing. s Click Currricula tab for major (program), campus and colle ege. SOAHOLD General Person S Shows registration holds, h and who plac ced them Enter ID or searc ch. To set a hold, enter hold type and save. To remove a hold, highlight the hold an nd Record-Remove e, save, or enter "T" for toda ay in the "To" box. SFAREGQ Registration View student schedule with details - da V ays, times, place, in nstructor, grade mo ode, start & end dattes Enter term and ID D. Scroll to see all courses. SFASLST Registration C Class list in order off enrollment Enter term and CRN, C or search by cclicking on arrow ne ext to CRN block. SFASTCA Registration R Registration audit trail Enter term and ID D. Scroll to see all courses. SFASRPO Registration Enter overrides for closed E c sections, consent of in nstructor Enter ID and term m. Next block to en nter the override; us se pull-down menus to get corrrect values. SFARSTS Registration> Registration Control S Shows registration dates d and deadlines Enter term and part p of term (1 for fu ull term; use pull-do own menu for mini-terms) Registration Related Forms s SAAADMS Admissions A Admissions information. Enter ID SOATEST General Student > Educational Background Shows ACT, SAT sc S cores; Compass an nd GSP to be a added Enter ID SOAHSCH General Student > Educational Background S Shows high school information i Enter ID SOAPCOL General Student > Educational Background Shows prior college experience-previous colleges, S d degrees including NMSU N Enter ID 10/27/2008 120 of 132 Viewing Student Information Banner Form Menu W What it does How to use it Academic His story & General Student SHACRSE Academic History S Shows NMSU cours ses taken and grades Enter ID or searc ch. For a specific te erm, enter the term m. To see all courses, leave th he term blank. SHATRNS Academic History S Shows transfer courrses taken and equ uivalents Enter ID or searc ch. Enter Transfer Inst. Number (use pull-down menu if student attended a more than n one school) and Attendance A Period Number (use pull-down men nu to find each term m the student attended that institution). Next blocck twice to get to Trransfer Course Detail. Fo or each term, roll ba ack and select ano other Attendance Perio od Number. SHATERM Transcript & Advisor S Shows NMSU and transfer t courses chronologically. Enter ID or searc ch. Enter level. Nexxt block twice to ge et to Term GPA; use up/dow wn arrows or scroll bar to see progress sion of courses. SHASUBJ Transcript & Advisor S Shows NMSU and transfer t courses alp pha by subject. Enter ID or searc ch. Enter level. Nexxt block twice to ge et to subject area. Use up/down arrow to scroll tthrough subjects. Next N block to scroll through Ins stitutional courses; next block to scrolll through transfer courses. SHAINST Academic History Shows term informa S ation-academic stan nding, semester G GPA; course and grrades/grade change es Enter ID or searc ch; enter term. Nextt block to see detaiils. SHATCKN Academic History; Option under SHAINST Course details by te C erm, grade change information. S Subtitles will show in n comments field. Enter ID or searc ch; enter term. Nextt block to see detaiils. SHADEGR Graduation S Shows degrees app plied for or awarded d Enter ID or searc ch. Enter 1 in Degre ee Sequence block k. Next block. Person authorize ed to certify degree will change Outcom me Status to Awarded. SGASTDN General Student Shows student statu S us, type, residency,, curriculum, v veteran, graduation and other info. Inc cludes free-text c comments block. Enter ID or searc ch; enter term. Clickk on Student Summ mary downarrow for list of te erms the student ha as attended. 121 of 132 10/27/2008 Banner Studen nt Banner Form Menu W What it does How to use it SGAADVR General Student A Assign advisor(s) to o student. Enter student ID or search; enter term. Next block to Advisor A er advisor ID, MAJR for type, and che eck primary Information. Ente box on one advis sor, and save. Use pull-down arrow to search for advisor ID (case--sensitive). If advissor does not appear in search, go to SIAINST. Use U Person Search h to find ID, enter te erm. Make status AC (active e); Click Maintenancce button to update e term if necessary. Chec ck in Advisor block a and save. SIAINST Faculty Load Check box to allow person to be assign C ned as an a advisor or instructorr. Use person searc ch to find ID. Checck appropriate box on form. From term must match current term m. SGASPRT General Student V View student athlete e status Enter student ID or search; enter term. SGASADD General Student V View student cohortts and attributes Enter ID or searc ch. SFAREGS Registration V View/change studen nt's major Enter ID, go to cu urriculum tab. Clickk on Maintenance button b to change program.. SPAIDEN General Person V View/update addres ss and other contac ct information. Enter ID or searc ch. Make necessarry changes and sav ve. DO NOT click on "generate ID" button at top of Current Identific cation page. SHARQTC Transcript and Advisor O Order an advising trranscript Enter ID or searc ch. Next block, Inssert record. AL in Le evel; your name in Issued (next tab); save. P Print advising docum ment Next block to Prin nter Control. Enterr printer ID or DATA ABASE. Enter Parameters s 15 (sort order) an nd 20 (N), next bloc ck to Submission area a, save, make note of number at bottom m of screen. Options menu to view transcript tha at was printed to DA ATABASE. SHRTRTC 10/27/2008 1 122 of 132 View wing Student Infformation Appendix x A: Glo ossary The following f is a glossary off standard te erms used by b SunGard Higher H Educcation Banne er. Alertt Box A type off pop-up diallog box that appears to notify n you off particular condition ns that may affect a either the kind of information they t can entter or how the information i i entered. An is A alert box requires tha at you acknowle edge the me essage to continue. Application m Form A form ussed to enter, update, or query existing information. (An applicatio on form will have h the lettter “A” in the e third positio on of the form name). Block A block visually v displlays a group p of related fiields within a form, and is generallyy separated by a solid lin ne. Callin ng Form A form fro om which an nother form is (or has be een) accesse ed. Canc cel Allows yo ou to exit fro om an Option n List, List off Values, Ed ditor window,, or Dynamic Help. Clearr Form Allows yo ou to clear all a information from a form m and return ns them to th he first enterable field in n the key info ormation are ea. Commit Allows yo ou to save all changes made m to a form since the eir last saved d changes.. Coun nt Hits A function that allowss you to count the numb ber of records, in “query mode,” th hat meet spe ecific search h criteria. The number off records is displayed d in the Auto o Help Line. Coun nt Query Hits A function that allowss you, after specific s searrch criteria are a met in “q query mode,” to o retrieve reccords. After a record is retrieved, r a user can the en select the e Execute Query Q Functio on. Dialo og Box A type off box that ap ppears on a display d screen to presen nt informatio on or request input. A dialo og box requires that you u to respond to it to contiinue. Down n A key use ed to move the t cursor to o the first en nterable field in the next record. “D Down” move es you lowerr in a pull-do own list and on o a List of Values. Drop p-down List Displays three or mo ore values fo or a field. A fiield with a down arrow iccon n list. contains a drop-down Edit Displays a window th hat allows yo ou to add, ch hange, or de elete text. “Edit” is e and updating Dyynamic Help p. especially useful in entering Enter Query Allows yo ou, in a form m, to query se earch criteria a to see wha at informatio on is already in n the databa ase. When used, u “ENTE ER QUERY” is displayed d in the Statu us Line. Exec cute Query Allows yo ou to executte a query to o search the database. After A a queryy is executed d, data that matches m the search crite eria is displayed. 123 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student E Exit Allow ws you to exxit from a spe ecific form or window byy closing the form or wind dow. From qu uery mode, Exit allows you y to cance el a query an nd takes the form f out of query q mode. From the menu, m Exit allows you to close the Bann ner system program. p E with Va Exit alue Allow ws you to exxit from a spe ecific calling form to a ca alled form with highllighted value es, values which w are the en entered in nto the called d form’s field.. F Field An area a in a form m where exissting informa ation is displlayed, or wh here you can enter e a querry or change e information n. Banner de escribes field ds as: enab bled, disable ed, enterable e, or display only. F Form An online o docum ment that allo ows you to enter e and/or display the information store ed in the dattabase. H Help A fun nction that allows a you to o display the Oracle help p window forr a current field.. Inquiry Form m A forrm that allow ws you to loo ok up existing information in the data abase. (An inquiry i form will have the e letter “I” in the third po osition of the e form name.) List of Value L es ( (LOV) A win ndow that lissts the value es you can select s for a field on a form m. These are values v that have h been defined as accceptable an nd valid for th he field. M Menu Bar A me enu, located at the top of o every Banner form, alllows you to access a pull-d down menuss, including File, Edit, Options, Block, Field, Reccord, and Querry. M More... An in ndicator thatt appears in the lower rig ght corner off each windo ow of a serie es of related forms (inclu uding the lasst form). “Mo ore…” inform ms you that there e are additio onal forms th hat can be acccessed to complete c a process. p N Next Block Allow ws you to mo ove the curssor to the nexxt informatio on area (blocck), with at lea ast one ente erable field. N Next Field Allow ws you to mo ove to the ne ext enterable e field in the e current info ormation area. N Next Item Allow ws you to mo ove to the ne ext enterable e field in the e current info ormation area. N Next Record d Allow ws you to mo ove the curssor to the firsst enterable field f in the next n record. If the currsor is moved to the last record, a ne ew record iss created. O Object An object o is a form, a job, a menu or a QuickFlow Q ussed in Banner. O Option List A dia alog box that displays tw wo or more ittems to choo ose. P Pop-Up Win ndow A dia alog box, ale ert box, or lisst of values that t appearss in a separa ate wind dow. P Previous Block A pre evious area of informatio on with at least one ente erable field. If the previous area is another win ndow, that window is ope ened. P Previous Fie eld Allow ws you to mo ove the curssor to the pre evious enterable field. 10/27/2008 124 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Previous Item Allows yo ou to move the t cursor to o the previou us enterable field. Previous Reco ord Allows yo ou to move the t cursor to o the first entterable field of the previo ous record. Querry Form A form ussed to look up u existing in nformation in n the databa ase. (A queryy form has the letter “Q Q” in the third d position off the form na ame). Quick Flow A set of forms f that arre linked tog gether in order to help yo ou complete a process within w Banne er. When yo ou use Quickk Flow, it ope ens the first form in the sett and the nexxt form is au utomatically opened until the process is complete e. Reco ord A set of related r inform mation that is i linked to one o person in Banner. Rollb back A function, from an application a or inquiry form m, that clearrs all informa ation and returrns you to th he key block area. Rollback is a standard button n and appears on all forms. In validatio on forms, rolllback returnss you to the first enterable e field on the e calling form m. Save e A comma and that allows you to ta ake entered data on a fo orm and store e it in the datab base. Scroll Down A processs that allowss you to movve down rep peating recorrds or lists of informatio on that cann not be displa ayed in one window. w Selec ct Allows yo ou to choose e an item by highlighting g it or clicking g it with the mouse. Show w Keys Allows yo ou to displayy the list of keyboard k opttions. Up A key use ed to move the t cursor to o the first en nterable field in the previous record. “U Up” moves you y toward the top of a pull-down p lisst and on a List L of Values. Valid dation Form m A form ussed to define e the valuess that can be e entered in specific s field ds on applicatio on forms. (A A validation fo orm will have the letter “V” “ in the third position of o the form name. n Wind dow An area where w inform mation is displayed. 125 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 126 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Appendix x B: Com mpatiblle Brow wsers The following f is a list of Web b browsers supported byy Banner7.x: Applicatio on Banner INB B er INB Operrating Systtem Banne via Luminiis Portal Ban nner SelfSerrvice Banner SelfService minis via Lum Portal Wind dows XP IE 6.x * IE 6.0; IE 6.x; 6 IE 6.0; (SP 1 & 2) Netsca ape 7.0x *^ 7 Netscape 7.2^ Netsscape 7.01, 7.2; pe 7.2 Netscap Mozzilla 1.7x; Fire efox 1.0 2000 IE 6.x* IE 6.0; IE 6.x 6 IE 6.0; ape 7.0x Netsca *^ 7 Netscape 7.2^ Netsscape 7.01, 7.2 pe 7.2 Netscap Mozzilla 1.7x Fire efox 1.0 Mac OS9 N/A N/A IE 5.1.7 5 IE 5.1.7 Netsscape 6.2.x pe 7.0.2 Netscap Netsscape 7.0.2 OSX Safari 1.2 ^ Safari 1.2^ 3) (minimum of 10.3 IE 5.2.3 5 Netscap pe 7.1 Netsscape 7.1 Safari 1..2 Safa ari 1.2 *requ uires Oracle JInitiator 1.3 3.1.18 ^requ uires Sun plu ug-in 1.4.2 127 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student 10/27/2008 128 of o 132 View wing Student Infformation Appendix x C: Ban nner Na aming Conven C ntions Pos sition 1 identifies the prim mary system m owning the e form, report, job, or tab ble. A B C D F G I K Alumni/Deve elopment Property Tax x Courts Cash Drawe er Finance General Information Access A Work Manag gement L N O P Q R S T Occupational Tax/License O P Position Contrrol C Customer Con ntact H HR/Payroll/Pe ersonnel E Electronic Wo ork Queue F Financial Aid S Student A Accounts Recceivable U V X W Y Z Utilities Vo oice Responsse Records Indexxing Reserved for client c ap pplications tha at co o-exist with Banner2000 Pos sition 2 identifies the mo odule owning g the form, report, job, or o table. General (G) Event Management E Job Submiss sion J Letter Generation L Overall O Purge P Security S Validation fo orm/table T Utility U Cross produ uct X Acco ounts Receiv vable (T) Finance Acc counts Receivable F General Acc counts Receivable G Overall O Student Acc counts Receivvable S Validation fo orm/table T Utility U Stude ent (S) A A Admissions C C Catalog S Support Servicces E R Registration/F Fee Assessme ent F G Stude ent G General G emic History H Grades/Acade F Faculty Load I R for SCT S Intl.-UK K Reserved L Location Mana agement L C M CAPP O O Overall P Person P R R Recruiting S Schedule S V Validation form m/table T U U Utility HR/Pa ayroll/Person nnel (P) Positiion Control (N) ( A A Application B B Budget C C COBRA B ctions D Benefit/Deduc E Employee E T Reportin ng/History H Time O O Overall G General Perso on P E App provals R Electronic S Security S V Validation/rule e table T U U Utility T Administrration Tax X Financ ce (F) Acccounts Paya able A Budget Develo opment B Cost Accountin ng C Electronic Data a Interchange e E Fiixed Assets F General Ledge er G In nvestment Ma anagement I O Operations O Purchasing/Pro ocurement P Research Acco ounting R S Sttores Inventory Va alidation form m/table T Utility U Archive/Purge X Alumn ni/Developme ent (A) M Membership A Designation Fina ancial Aid (R)) D Evvent Management Budgeting B E Campaign Record Crea ation C F Pledge and Gifft/ Electronic Data D Exchange e E G Funds Mana agement Pledge Payme ent F History and Transcripts agement H M Prospect Mana Student Emp ployment O Organization J O Constituent/Pe Logging erson L P So Need Analys sis olicitor Organ nization N S Va Common Fu unctions alidation form m/table O T Utility Packaging & Disburseme ents P U Exxpected Matcching Gift Requiremen nts Tracking R X Student Sys stem Shared Data D S Inform mation Access s (I) Sttudent Validation fo orm/table T S Fiinancial Aid Utility U R All Products P or client formss or modules used u within a Banner2000 application (ccharacter in position p 1 W Reserved fo does not equ ual W, Y, or Z) Z Y Z 129 of 132 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student Position 3 identifies the e type of form, report, jo ob, or table. General (G) App plication form A Base table B Batcch COBOL prrocess Inqu uiry form I Onliine COBOL process p O Que ery form Q Rule e table R Rep peating table V Rep port/process Gen neral maintenance Tem mporary table Validation form/ta able View w A I App plication form Inqu uiry form T Financial Aiid (R) App plication form A Base table B Inqu uiry form I Proccess/report P Rule e table R Rep peating rules table t Rep port T V Tem mporary table Validation form/ta able View w Sttudent (S) Appliccation form A Base table B Inquirry form I Proce ess P Queryy form Q Rule table t R Repea ating table Reporrt/process Valida ation form/tab ble View V P Q Accounts Receivable (T) Proce ess Queryy form HR R/Payroll/Personnel (P) Po osition Contrrol (N) Appliccation form A Base table B Batch COBOL proccess Inquirry form I Proce ess P Rule table t R Repea ating table Reporrt/process V Fina ance (F) Application form A Base ta able B Inquiry form I Mainten nance form M Query form f Q Rule tab ble R Repeating table Report//process Validation form/table e View V R V Report Validation form/table e Alum mni/Develop pment (A) Application form A Base ta able B Called/list form C Inquiry form I Processs/report P Repeating rules table e R Temporrary table T Validation form/table e View V Valida ation form/tab ble Information Access Rep port R Positions 4, 4 5, 6, and 7 uniquely id dentify the fo orm, report, job, j or table e. Examples: SPAIDEN Stud dent S Persson P App plication A ntification IDEN Iden 10/27/2008 AD DPFEED Alumn ni/Developme ent A Designation D Proce ess P FE EED Feed to Finance 130 of o 132 PTV VESKL Personn nel P Validation form/Table e T Validation form/Table e V ESK KL Employyee Skill View wing Student Infformation Appendix x D: Fun nction Conver C rsions Buttton Functtion Save ack Rollba Selec ct Insertt Recorrd Remo ove Recorrd Enter Query Execu ute Query y Cance el Query y Previo ous Recorrd Next Recorrd ous Previo Block k Next Block B View// Send Mail Print De escription Sa aves all chan nges entered d since the la ast tim me you saved d. Re eturns you to o the first enterable field. Key ys 0 F10 SHIFT + F7 eturns you to o the calling form and en nters Re the e selected va alue into the e field that ca alled SHIFT + F3 the e form. d into the listt of Insserts a new blank record F6 existing record ds. emoves all th he informatio on for the cu urrent Re SHIFT + F6 reccord. Pu uts the form into query mode m so you can F7 enter search criteria. c Se earches the database d an nd displays the t F8 firsst set of reco ords that ma atches your criteria. ancels the qu uery and takkes the form out of Ca CTR RL + Q query mode. oves the currsor to the firrst enterable e field Mo UP ARROW in the previouss record. oves the currsor to the firrst enterable e field DOWN Mo in the next reccord. ARROW oves the currsor to the prrevious block that CTR RL + Mo has at least on ne enterable e field. PAG GE UP oves the currsor to the ne ext block tha at has CTR RL + PG Mo at least one en nterable field d. DOWN Allows you to view v and send message es to oth her NMSU Banner B userss. Allows you to print p the current form. Shifft + F8 131 of 132 Menu File; Save File; Rollback File; Select Record; Insert Record; Remove Query; Enter Query; Execute Record; Previous Record; Next Block; Previous Block; Next Query; Cancel File; Print 10/27/2008 Bann ner Student Button Function F B Broadcast M Message F FineG Grained A Access C Control S Security B Banner X Xtender S Solutions B BXS-Add D Document Descriptio on Workflow W S Submit W Workflow R Release Activated during workkflow processs. O Online Help Keys Menu Allows use ers to initiate e document retrieval via AX or WX from witthin Banner Enables th he creation of o a new doccument from data displayed in n Banner. Activated during workkflow processs. Allows you u to access the online in nformation for Banner. Help; Online Help Provides the t following g available options: o E Exit 10/27/2008 • Fo orms and Win ndows - exitss you fro om a form or window. w • Ma ain Menu - exxits you from the bro owser. • Qu uery Mode - cancels c the query q and takes the form fo out of qu uery mo ode. 132 of o 132 Ctrl + Q File; Exxit