Certification of copy documents

Certification of copy documents
(For use with foreign identification/customers living overseas)
Phoenix Group is required to verify the identity of the owners of its pension, investment
and life assurance products. To ensure we are dealing with the rightful policy owner we
ask you to provide certified photocopies of certain documents to prove your identity.
A separate Identity Verification Form must be completed for each policyholder.
Forms must be completed in English, in BLOCK capitals and in blue or black ink. Do not
use correction fluid/tape or pencil. Please initial all corrections.
You now need to do the following:
1) Complete the details required in ‘1. Personal details’ section of this form.
2) Obtain clear black and white photocopies of the acceptable documents from lists
1 and 2, that are attached to this form.
3) Arrange certification of your photocopied documents using an appropriate
certifier; an individual from section ‘2. Individual who may provide certification’
section of this form. Please arrange to take the photocopies along with the
original documents to the person you have asked to certify your identity.
The certifier must follow the appropriate certification guidance provided in ‘3.
Guidance for certifiers’ section of this form then complete ‘4. Identity document
details’ and ‘5. Certifier details and declaration’ sections of this form. All
documents must be certified in English.
4) Return to us the fully completed form, the certified copy documents and any
other documentation required to complete your claim as detailed in the
accompanying correspondence. Failure to return these documents may result in
a delay in processing your payment.
1. Personal details
Policyholder full name: …………………………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of birth: …………………………..
Policy number(s): …………………………………………………………………………..
Phoenix Life Limited No.1016269, Phoenix Life Assurance Limited No.1419 and National Provident Life Limited No. 3641947 are
authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
All companies are registered in England and have their registered office at: 1 Wythall Green Way, Wythall, Birmingham, B47 6WG.
2. Individuals who may provide certification
Certification of your identity may only be obtained from one of the following:
Official of an embassy, consulate or high commission of the country issuing the
individual’s passport
Member of the judiciary
Serving police, customs officer or Officer of the UK Armed Forces
Lawyer or notary public
Director, officer or manager of a regulated financial services business
3. Guidance for certifiers
Requirements for List 1 and List 2 identity documentation certification:
a) For List 1 identity documents annotate the copy ‘I certify I have seen the
original document, the photograph it contains is a true likeness of the
individual concerned and this copy is a complete and accurate copy of that
original.’ This must be signed, dated and include the official stamp of the certifier
clearly impressed on the photocopy.
b) For List 2 identity documents write on the copy ‘I certify I have seen the
original document and this copy is a complete and accurate copy of that
original.’ This must be signed, dated and include the official stamp of the certifier
clearly impressed on the photocopy.
All documents must be certified in English.
4. Identity document details
Please confirm the details of the List 1 and List 2 identity documentation you have
certified in English, in BLOCK capitals and in blue or black ink. Do not use correction
fluid/tape or pencil. Please initial all corrections:
List 1 identity document description and identifying reference number (e.g. ‘passport’
and the corresponding passport number)
List 2 identity document description and identifying reference number (e.g. ‘bank
statement’ and any corresponding document reference (e.g. account number)
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5. Certifier details and declaration
The following declaration must be completed by the individual who has certified the
documents detailed in section ‘4. Identity document details’ in their own hand, in English,
in BLOCK capitals and in blue or black ink. Correction fluid / tape or pencil must not be
used and all corrections must be initialled:
I, (insert full name)
of, (address)
confirm that I have examined the original documents detailed in section ‘4 Identity
document details’ and confirm that the person named in ‘1. Personal details’ section of
this form and the person identified by the documents detailed in section ‘4. Identity
document details’ are the same. I acknowledge that to make a false, inaccurate or
misleading declaration when undertaking this certification I may face criminal and/or civil
action for recovery of losses incurred by Phoenix Group.
By: (full name and signature)
Date: …………………………..
Position title:
Employer’s name and address
Qualification of the person confirming the identity of the policyholder (e.g. Lawyer)
Daytime phone number (not a mobile number): …………………………………………
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Why we need this
We have to check the identity of customers to comply with Anti Money Laundering regulations.
These regulations help to prevent criminals using financial products and services to launder
money. They also protect you from criminals who might try to use your identity, by giving us
proof of identification your helping us to stop them. Also we may also ask to re-verify your
identity if:
you haven’t corresponded with us for some time
you have changed your name and / or address
the records we currently hold require updating.
We would ask that you supply a copy of two items of identification: one item from List 1 (which
shows your signature) and one additional item from List 2. Please note the identification should
show your current address.
If you are unable to provide an item from List 1 then please contact us and we will discuss this
with you further.
Unexpired passport
Unexpired UK old style driving licence (not provisional)
Unexpired UK photocard driving licence ³
EEA or Switzerland national identity card
Firearms certificate or shotgun licence
Northern Ireland voters card
Unexpired disabled blue badge º
Unexpired UK old style driving licence (not provisional)
Unexpired UK photocard driving licence ³
EEA or Switzerland national identity card
Firearms certificate or shotgun licence
Northern Ireland voters card
Unexpired disabled blue badge º
Council tax bill / demand letter ¹
Notification of entitlement to state / local authority benefit ¹
Notification of entitlement to tax credit ¹
Notification of entitlement to pension from the DWP ¹
Notification of entitlement to educational loan / grant ¹
Notification of entitlement to other government / local authority grant ¹
Instrument of a court appointment, e.g. Probate or Court registered Power of
HMRC (Inland Revenue) coding / assessment / statement / tax credit ¹
Bank statement (not internet printed) ²
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Credit card statement (not printed from the internet) ²
UCAS letter (student’s only) ¹
Local council rent card or tenancy agreement ¹
HMRC (Inland Revenue) correspondence including name, address and
permanent NI number ¹
Pension / benefit correspondence from DWP ¹
Utility bill (not mobile phone, satellite/cable TV or internet printed bills) ²
Confirmation from work/school/college/university/care institution confirming
name, address and details of employment/student/residence status (students
only) ¹
Disclosure certificate issued by appropriate UK Agency, in the last 12 months UK Citizens only.
A copy of both sides of the badge should be provided showing the signature and the expiry date.
Must be the most recently issued document and less than 12 months old.
Must be the most recently issued document and less than 3 months old (except water bills – less than 12
months old.)
Copies of both parts of the driving license should be provided, photocard and counterpart.
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