2014 LOCAL TRANSMISSION PLAN: TRANSMISSION COORDINATION AND PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNUAL TRANSMISSION ASSESSMENT FOR THE COMMON USE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM PREPARED BY BLACK HILLS CORPORATION TRANSMISSION PLANNING January 30, 2015 Executive Summary In December of 2007, the Common Use System (“CUS”) participants filed with FERC Attachment K to the Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff (“JOATT”) to meet the requirements outlined in FERC Order 890. Through their Attachment K filing, the CUS participants created the Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee (“TCPC”) as the forum to conduct long-range planning studies while promoting stakeholder input and involvement. This report, intended to serve as the 2014 Local Transmission Plan (“LTP”), outlines the 2014 study cycle and presents the findings of the planning study. The report also serves as evidence of compliance with the NERC TPL Standards. The 2014 TCPC study consisted of a series of analysis methods to determine the long-term adequacy of the transmission system. These methods included steady-state power flow and transient stability performed on short term and long term scenarios to provide a comprehensive understanding of expected future transmission system performance. The 2014 study confirmed the need for several projects that were previously identified and planned for completion within the 10-year planning horizon, and a new potential reliability concern at the tail-end of the planning horizon was identified for future consideration. A brief summary of study results is included below: • • • • • • • • • A second 230/69 kV transformer at Yellow Creek Substation should continue as planned to address transformation capacity concerns in the northern Black Hills area. The expected inservice date is 2018. (BHP) Local transmission providers should finalize an agreement for an exemption from the frequency limits specified in the WECC Disturbance-Performance Table (Table W-1) of Allowable Effects on Other Systems. (BHP/BEPC) More transformation capacity in the Osage 69 kV area is needed in winter scenarios due to expected load growth. (BHP/PREC) The need for more transformation capability in the Wyodak 69 kV area was confirmed due to expected load growth and the retirement of the NSS1 power plant. (BHP) The TCPC should continue to monitor the 230/69 kV transformation capability at Lange and South Rapid as Rapid City load growth requires. (BHP) The South Rapid-West Hill 230kV line rebuild should continue as planned with an inservice date of 2019 to mitigate overloading. (BHP) Out-of-step relaying is recommended on Wyodak-area generators and should be discussed with affected parties. (BHP) The contingency that overloads South Rapid-West Hill 230 kV line should be added to the new RAS that was studied by BEPC on 12/30/2013. The Teckla-Osage and Osage-Lange 230 kV lines should proceed as planned with an expected in-service date of 2016. (BHP) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 2 This report serves as the 2014 Local Transmission Plan and meets the requirements of Attachment K to the BHBE JOATT, as well as the requirements of the NERC TPL Standards and WECC System Performance Criteria. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 3 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.1. Common Use Transmission System Background .............................................................. 6 1.2. Stakeholder Participation .................................................................................................... 6 Study Methodology ................................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Study Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 9 2.3. Study Case Development .................................................................................................. 10 2.4. Transmission Planning Assumptions ................................................................................ 11 Evaluation of the Common Use Transmission System ........................................................ 11 3.1. Steady-State Analysis ....................................................................................................... 12 3.2. Category D Extreme Outage Analysis .............................................................................. 13 3.3. Transient Stability Analysis .............................................................................................. 15 3.4. Results Summary .............................................................................................................. 18 Transmission System Expansion ........................................................................................... 19 4.1. Previously Identified/Existing Projects ............................................................................ 19 4.2. Recommended Projects..................................................................................................... 19 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 20 Appendix A ..................................................................................................................................... A-1 Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................... B-1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 4 List of Tables Table 1: CUS Interconnection Points ............................................................................................... 10 Table 2: Study Case Naming Convention......................................................................................... 12 Table 3: 2019HW Category D Outage Summary ............................................................................. 14 Table 4: 2019LW Category D Outage Summary ............................................................................. 15 Table 5: Transient Stability Analysis Fault Summary ...................................................................... 17 List of Figures Figure 1: Existing Common Use Transmission System ..................................................................... 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 5 1. Introduction In December of 2007, the Common Use System (“CUS”) participants filed with FERC Attachment K to the Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff (“JOATT”) to meet the requirements outlined in FERC Order 890. Through their Attachment K filing, the CUS participants created the Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee (“TCPC”) as the forum to conduct long-range planning studies while promoting stakeholder input and involvement. This report, intended to serve as the 2014 Local Transmission Plan (“LTP”), will outline the 2014 study cycle and present the findings of the planning study. 1.1. Common Use Transmission System Background Black Hills Power, Inc., Basin Electric Power Cooperative and Powder River Energy Corporation (referred to hereinafter as the Transmission Provider) each own certain transmission facilities with transmission service pursuant to a FERC-approved Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff (“JOATT”). The Transmission Provider commonly refers to these facilities as the Common Use System (“CUS”). A diagram of the CUS is shown in Figure 1. 1.2. Stakeholder Participation All interested parties were encouraged to participate in the 2014 TCPC study process. An open stakeholder kick-off meeting was held via webinar on March 13, 2014 to inform stakeholders of the proposed study plan and to provide an opportunity for suggestions and feedback on the study process. Requests for data pertaining to the modeling and evaluation of the transmission system were made by the Transmission Provider. Additional stakeholder meetings were held on June 13, 2014, September 25, 2014, and December 17, 2014. All meeting notices were distributed via email and posted along with presentation materials in the ‘Transmission Planning’ folder on the Common Use System/BHBE OASIS page at http://www.oatioasis.com/BHBE. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 6 Figure 1: Existing Common Use Transmission System _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 7 2. Study Methodology The Common Use transmission system was evaluated with planned system additions for 2019 under both peak winter and off-peak winter load levels to identify any deficiencies in system performance. Steady state voltage and thermal analyses, as well as transient and voltage stability analysis was performed. Additional upgrades were identified and modeled as necessary to mitigate any reliability criteria violations. The steady-state portion of the analysis was repeated for the 2025 peak summer load scenario to validate any upgrades identified in the near-term study as well as assess the long-term integrity of the transmission system. A list of prior and forced outages used in the 2014 LTP study process was included in Appendix A. 2.1. Study Criteria The criteria used in this analysis are consistent with the NERC TPL Reliability Standards, the WECC System Performance Regional Criterion (TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2.1) and Colorado Coordinated Planning Group’s Voltage Coordination Guide. Pre-existing voltage and thermal loading violations outside the localized study area were ignored during the evaluation. Worst-case Category D outages were evaluated in the 2019HW and LW scenarios for risk and consequence. 2.1.1. Steady State Voltage Criteria Under system intact conditions (NERC/WECC Category A), steady state bus voltages must remain between 0.95 and 1.05 per unit. Following a NERC/WECC Category B or C contingency, bus voltages must remain between 0.90 and 1.10 per unit. 2.1.2. Steady State Thermal Criteria All line and transformer loading must be less than 100% of their established continuous rating for system normal conditions (NERC/WECC Category A). All line and transformer loadings must be less than 100% of their established continuous or emergency rating under outage conditions (NERC/WECC Category B and C). 2.1.3. Transient Voltage and Frequency Criteria NERC Standards require that the system remain stable and within applicable thermal ratings and voltage limits for Category A, B, and C disturbances. The WECC Disturbance – Performance Table of Allowable Effects on Other Systems states the following requirements: • Category B: Any transient voltage dip must not exceed 25% at load buses or 30% at nonload buses. The dip also must not exceed 20% for more than 20 cycles at load buses. Frequency must not drop below 59.6 Hz for 6 or more cycles at a load bus, including generation station service load. • Category C: Any transient voltage dip must not exceed 30% at load buses or 30% at nonload buses. The dip also must not exceed 20% for more than 40 cycles at load buses. Frequency must not drop below 59.0 Hz for 6 or more cycles at a load bus, including station service load. Based in part on the NERC/WECC requirements, the following criteria were used to determine acceptable transient system performance: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 8 • • • • All machines in the system shall remain in synchronism as demonstrated by their relative rotor angles. System stability is evaluated based on the damping of the relative rotor angles and the damping of the voltage magnitude swings. For central, northern and eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota, the following dynamic stability guidelines have been established: Following a single contingency disturbance with normal fault clearing, the transient bus voltage swing on all buses should not be lower than 0.70 per unit, and the system should exhibit positive damping. The frequency criteria specified in Table W-1 of the WECC Disturbance-Performance Table of Allowable Effects on Other Systems was utilized for the analysis. However, CUS transmission providers and neighboring transmission providers may adopt a less stringent requirement than the NERC/WECC Planning Standard. See Section 4.1.3 for details regarding this proposed change. 2.1.4. Cascading NERC Standards require that the system remain stable and no Cascading occurs for Category A, B, and C disturbances. Cascading is defined in the NERC Glossary as “The uncontrolled successive loss of system elements triggered by an incident at any location. Cascading…… cannot be restrained from sequentially spreading beyond an area predetermined by studies.” A potential triggering event for Cascading will be investigated upon one of the following results: • • • 2.2. A generator pulls out of synchronism in transient stability simulations. Loss of synchronism occurs when a rotor angle swing is greater than 180 degrees. Rotor angle swings greater than 180 degrees may also be the result of a generator becoming disconnected from the BES; or A transmission element experiences thermal overload and the minimum transmission relay load-ability threshold is exceeded. Thermal overloads of greater than 130% will be further investigated to determine the risk of Cascading by manually removing those facilities in sequence until the outage is contained or Cascading is confirmed. Negative margin occurs in voltage stability simulations. Study Area _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 9 The 2014 LTP study area will include all CUS transmission equipment as well as neighboring transmission system elements bound by TOT4B to the northwest, TOT4A to the southwest, Dave Johnston and Stegall to the south, and Rapid City to the east. Points of interconnection between the CUS and neighboring utilities are shown in Table 1. Table 1: CUS Interconnection Points Interconnecting Utility 1 City of Sheridan, PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC WAPA-RMR, PAC, MBPP WAPA-RMR, MBPP WAPA-UGPR Interconnection Name Sheridan Carr Draw Wyodak Antelope Windstar Dave Johnston Stegall Rapid City DC Tie 2.3. Study Case Development The baseline cases for the 2014 LTP Study were chosen to ensure that a range of forecasted CUS demand levels and critical conditions were analyzed. They were also chosen based upon availability of updated regional study cases, planned transmission system and resource upgrades, and previously completed planning studies. A complete list of individual case changes for each scenario is available upon request. 2.3.1. 2019 Heavy Winter and Light Winter Study Cases The 2019 heavy winter scenario was chosen for the near-term analysis. The winter demand levels have historically been the most critical of the seasonal load patterns in some of the study areas as compared to summer demand levels which studied in the 2013 study cycle. The case originated as the 2019HW CCPG case. The 2019 light winter scenario was chosen to allow for an assessment of the light end of demand levels within the CUS at the latter end of the near-term study time frame. The starting case was the 2019LW CCPG case. Updates to the case loads, resources, and topology were solicited from TCPC members as well as neighboring systems and applied to the models. Significant changes to the existing 2014 Common Use transmission system to create the 2019 models included: 1 PAC means PacifiCorp; WAPA means Western Area Power Administration; MBPP means Missouri Basin Power Project _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 10 • • • • • • • addition of the planned Teckla-Osage-Lange 230 kV line retirement of the Osage power plant retirement of the Ben French power plant retirement of the NSS1 power plant addition of the Cheyenne Prairie Generation Station addition of a second 230/69kV transformer at Yellow Creek addition of the Bill Durfee substation 2.3.2. 2025 Heavy Summer Study Case The 2025 heavy summer time scenario was chosen to allow for an assessment of the peak demand level within the CUS in the far-term study time frame. The starting case was the DEEP (Douglas, Elbert, El Paso, and Pueblo Counties) 25HS base case. As with the 2019 cases, current load and resource forecasts were modeled, as well as expected system topology for that time frame. There was no major transmission system projects modeled in addition to those included in the 2019 scenarios. 2.4. Transmission Planning Assumptions The 2014 LTP study was performed for both the 5 and 10-year time frames with the following assumptions: • • • • • • • All existing and planned facilities and the effects of control devices and protection systems were accurately represented in the system model. All normal CUS Operational Procedures were included in the system model. Projected firm transfers were represented per load and resource updates from each stakeholder. Existing and planned reactive power resources were modeled to ensure adequate system performance. There were no specific planned outages identified for the 2019 and 2025 study periods. A series of prior and forced outages on facilities deemed to be most critical by the transmission planner was simulated to identify potential risks associated with such outages in the study time frame. A list of the evaluated prior and forced outages is included in Appendix A. For system intact solutions, transformer taps and switched shunts were allowed to adjust. Following a contingency, adjustment of these devices was disabled unless designed to allow such operation. For all solutions, area interchange control and phase shifter adjustments were disabled, while DC tap adjustment was enabled. A fixed slope decoupled Newton solution method was utilized through the analysis. System load and generation dispatch assumptions are included in Appendix B. 3. Evaluation of the Common Use Transmission System _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 11 3.1. Steady-State Analysis The steady-state analysis was performed with several case options for each load scenario. The first option allowed for various prior outages to be applied to the study case. The second option altered the flow across the Rapid City DC Tie to reflect maximum bi-directional transfers as well as the zero-transfer condition. The third option changed the status of the normal-open points on the Black Hills 69 kV system from open to closed. This was done to represent the existing operating practice of closing the normal-open points for certain prior outages. Study case designations were formatted according to the selected options as shown in Table 2. Table 2: Study Case Naming Convention Prior Outage_RCDC Tie_69kV Configuration Prior Outages: See Appendix A RCDC Tie Transfers: 0E-W 200E-W 200W-E RCDC Tie blocked 200 MW east-to-west 200 MW west-to-east RADIAL 69TIED Black Hills N.O. Points Open Black Hills N.O. Points Closed 69 kV Configuration: This LTP study was not performed to define RCDC RAS Runback procedures, and any violations mitigated through operation of the existing RAS were not included in the results summary. Simulations of the N-0 (Category A) and N-1 (Category B) contingencies did not identify any criteria violations in the scenarios studied. 3.1.1. Wyodak 230/69kV Transformer Overload The Wyodak 230/69 kV transformer loaded to 146% of the 100 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the other 100 MVA Wyodak 230/69 kV transformer and the NSS2 plant in the 19HW timeframe. It also overloaded to 107% in the 19LW and 125% in the 25HS timeframes following the same contingency as the 19HW. This overload was seen in previous studies due to the retirement of the NSS1 power plant. A separate study to evaluate solutions to this overload was initiated in 2014. 3.1.2. Osage 230/69kV Transformer Overload The Osage 230/69 kV transformer loaded to 122% of the 70 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the Hughes 230/69 kV transformer and the Wyodak-Hughes 69 kV line in the 19HW timeframe. The overload was not observed in the 19LW or 25HS timeframe and is dependent on system configuration. A separate study in 2015 will be conducted to address this overload. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 12 3.1.3. West Hill-South Rapid 230kV Line Overload The West Hill-South Rapid 230kV line loaded to 117% of its 318 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the Osage-Lange 230kV line and the Lookout-Lange 230kV lines in the 19HW timeframe. It also overloaded in the 25HS timeframe to 126%. The overload only occurs when the RCDC tie is flowing 200 MW west-to-east. The overload can be mitigated through RCDC Tie RAS runbacks and/or dispatching must-run generation in Rapid City. 3.1.4. Lange-Lookout 230kV Line Overload The Lange-Lookout 230kV line loaded to 124% of its 318 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the West Hill-South Rapid 230kV line and the Osage-Lange 230kV lines in the 25HS timeframe. The overload only occurs when the RCDC tie is flowing 200 MW west-to-east. The overload can be mitigated through RCDC Tie RAS runbacks and/or dispatching must-run generation in Rapid City. 3.1.5. Rapid City 230/69 kV Transformation Overloads The South Rapid and Lange 230/69 kV transformers both experienced overloads in the scenarios studied. The South Rapid transformer (150 MVA) overloaded to 102% in the 19HW and 107% in the 25HS timeframes which was the result of the N-1-1 contingency of both 230/69 kV Lange transformers. The Lange transformer #1 (100MVA) overloaded to 120% in the 19LW, 152% in the 19HW, and 165% in the 25HS timeframes following the N-1-1 contingency of the 230/69 kV Lange transformer #2 and the Lange-South Rapid 230 kV line. Similarly, the Lange transformer #2 (150MVA) overloaded to 102% in the 19HW and 107% in the 25HS timeframes following the N-1-1 contingency of the 230/69 kV Lange transformer #1 and the Lange-South Rapid 230 kV line. 3.1.6. Yellow Creek 230/69 kV Transformation Overloads There was no significant need identified for the second Yellow Creek transformer in the 19HW and LW timeframe. This is attributed to light winter loading in the northern hills area, which is typically a summer peaking load area. However, there was a need for the second Yellow Creek transformer in the 25HS timeframe due to the N-1-1 contingency of both Lookout 230/69 kV transformers. 3.2. Category D Extreme Outage Analysis Several significant steady-state Category D outages were selected to identify the impacts of each outage on the transmission system. The outages were selected from all valid Category D events based on past study results and working understanding of the criticality of the associated system elements. Bus outages were simulated by disconnecting the bus and all associated network elements at the each of the non-radial CUS 230 kV substations. A summary of consequential load and generation loss for each outage in the 2019HW scenario is shown in Table 3 and a summary for the 2019LW scenario is shown in Table 4. The scenario with the 69 kV system normal-open points closed was summarized below since it minimized the amount of consequential load loss over a radial system configuration. The steady-state analysis did not have evidence of instability or cascading following the Category D contingencies. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 13 Table 3: 2019HW Category D Outage Summary Bus Outage 1_Lange 230 Bus 2_Lookout 230 Bus 3_S Rapid City 230 Bus 4_Westhill 230 Bus 5_Minnekhata 230 Bus 6_Yellowcreek 230 Bus 7_Osage 230 Bus 8_Hughes 230 Bus 9_Wyodak 230 Bus 10_Dry Fork 230 Bus 11_Donkey Creek 230 Bus 12_Carr Draw 230 Bus 13_Barber Creek 230 Bus 14_Pumpkin Buttes 230 Bus 15_Teckla 230 Bus 16_Reno 230 Bus 17_Leiter Tap 230 Bus 18_Tongue River 230 Bus 19_Sundance 230 Bus Consequential Load Loss 42 MW (Station Service) 35 MW (Station Service) 26 MW (Station Service) 10.3 MW 50 MW 27 MW 66 MW 80 MW 2.1 MW 19 MW - Consequential Gen Loss RCDC Tie Transfer 375 MW 420 MW 303 MW - _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 14 Table 4: 2019LW Category D Outage Summary Bus Outage 1_Lange 230 Bus 2_Lookout 230 Bus 3_S Rapid City 230 Bus 4_Westhill 230 Bus 5_Minnekhata 230 Bus 6_Yellowcreek 230 Bus 7_Osage 230 Bus 8_Hughes 230 Bus 9_Wyodak 230 Bus 10_Dry Fork 230 Bus 11_Donkey Creek 230 Bus 12_Carr Draw 230 Bus 13_Barber Creek 230 Bus 14_Pumpkin Buttes 230 Bus 15_Teckla 230 Bus 16_Reno 230 Bus 17_Leiter Tap 230 Bus 18_Tongue River 230 Bus 19_Sundance 230 Bus Consequential Load Loss 42 MW (Station Service) 35 MW (Station Service) 26 MW (Station Service) 6 MW 30 MW 16 MW 39 MW 48 MW 1.3 MW 12 MW - Consequential Gen Loss RCDC Tie Transfer 375 MW 300 MW 303 MW - The dynamic analysis was performed only for the 2019HW and LW scenarios and had the RCDC Tie transfers of 0MW and 200 MW in both direction and the 69 kV normal-open points both closed and open. The Category D events listed in Table 3 and Table 4 were previously evaluated by modeling a 3-phase 5-cycle fault at the appropriate bus before clearing the bus in past studies. However, considering the impacts of a Category D stuck-breaker contingency, it was decided to simulate a 15-cycle stuck-breaker contingency on the buses in Table 3 and 4 since this was more severe. The results were more severe by observing instability on the Wyodak area generators following a 3-phase stuck-breaker on 230 kV substations adjacent to the Wyodak and Donkey Creek substations. Since the 3-phase stuck breaker resulted in instability, single phase stuckbreaker events were also simulated on the same buses. All of the single-phase stuck-breaker contingencies were simulated without instability or cascading. Other than the afore mentioned instability issues there was no evidence of cascading in the 2019HW and LW scenarios during the Category D transient stability outage analysis. 3.3. Transient Stability Analysis Transient analysis was performed to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of the transmission system in proximity to the CUS footprint following various disturbances. With the exception of Powder River Energy Corp. loads, system loads were modeled using the WECC generic motor load at a penetration of 20 percent, with the under voltage load shedding function disabled to provide a worst-case representation of system performance. The non-coal bed methane (“CBM”) PRECorp loads were modeled as 30 percent motor load and the CBM loads were modeled as 80 percent motor load. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 15 The 2019HW and LW scenarios that were evaluated included RCDC Tie transfers of 0 MW and 200 MW in both directions and the 69 kV normal-open points were both closed and open. The critical outage combinations evaluated in the transient analysis were selected based on significance with respect to proximity to local generation, clearing of a CUS tie line, or performance during steady state analysis. The 3-phase faults listed in Table 5 were simulated for the 2019HW and LW system intact scenarios. For each ten second simulation, plots including bus voltages and generator rotor angles at various points on the transmission system were created, as well as simulation summary reports. Due to the large quantity of files created, they are not included in this report but are available upon request. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 16 Table 5: Transient Stability Analysis Fault Summary Fault Type Faulted Bus (230 kV) Cleared Element 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ None Carr Draw Osage Minnekahta West Hill Donkey Creek Donkey Creek Donkey Creek Dryfork Dryfork Dryfork Dryfork South Rapid City Reno Windstar Wyodak Wyodak Wyodak Wyodak Wyodak Osage Wyodak Teckla Lookout Lookout Lange Lange None Carr Draw-Buffalo 230 Minnekahta-Osage 230 Minnekahta-West Hill 230 West Hill-Stegall 230 Donkey Creek-Pumpkin Buttes 230 Donkey Creek-Reno 230 Donkey Creek-Wyodak 230 Dry Fork-Carr Draw 230 Dry Fork Plant Dry Fork-Hughes 230 Dry Fork-Tongue River 230 South Rapid City-Westhill 230 Reno-Donkey Creek 230 Windstar-P. Buttes 230 & Windstar-Teckla 230 Wyodak-Carr Draw 230 Wyodak-Donkey Creek 230 Wyodak-Hughes 230 Wyodak-Osage 230 Wyodak Plant Osage-Lange 230 Wyodak-Osage 230 Teckla-Osage 230 Sundance-Hughes 230 Lookout-Sundance 230 Lange-South Rapid City 230 Lange-Lookout 230 Fault Duration (cycles) N/A 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 3.5 4.25 4.25 4.25 3.5 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 5.0 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 5.0 5.0 4.25 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.3.1. 2019HW Transient Stability Results Post-contingent frequency criteria violations occurred at the Wygen1-3, NSS CT 1-2 and NSS2 13.8 kV terminal buses following 3-phase N-1 faults at the Wyodak, Donkey Creek, and Hughes 230 kV buses. The worst-case frequency dip for the 2018HW scenario occurred at the NSS2 13.8 kV bus following a 3-phase fault at the Wyodak 230 kV bus and the loss of the Wyodak-Osage 230 kV line. The frequency reached a minimum of 59.1 HZ and remained below the 59.6 HZ threshold for 13.2 cycles. With the exception of the single issue mentioned above, all dynamic simulations resulted in acceptable results for each evaluated study scenario. There were no additional post-contingent voltage or frequency criteria violations, and all system oscillations were adequately damped. 3.3.2. 2019LW Transient Stability Results _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 17 The 2019LW results were consistent with the 2019HW results, with the exception of the worst-case frequency dip reaching 59.3 HZ and remaining below the 59.6 HZ threshold for 13.8 cycles instead of the 19HW 13.2 cycles. With the exception of the single issue mentioned above, all dynamic simulations resulted in acceptable results for each evaluated study scenario. There were no additional post-contingent voltage or frequency criteria violations, and all system oscillations were adequately damped. 3.4. Results Summary All evaluated scenarios confirmed a known issue of N-1 frequency dips below the 59.6 HZ threshold for a period longer than 6 cycles at generator terminal buses in the Wyodak area. This issue has been discussed with the affected parties, and they understand there is no risk of underfrequency load shedding action related to the phenomenon. It is expected that an exemption to the System Performance TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2.1 Regional Criterion will be finalized and adopted in the near future. The exemption will be crafted to accommodate the system performance through the 10-year planning horizon without impacting existing protection settings in the affected area. The addition of a second transformer at the Yellow Creek 230/69 kV substation proved to be effective in mitigating the N-1-1 overloads on the Lookout 230/69 kV transformers in summer loading, and should continue as planned. Overloads on the South Rapid-West Hill and Lookout-Lange 230kV lines were identified along with the Lange and South Rapid 230/69 kV transformers was as an issue. All of the overloads can be was mitigated by dispatching Rapid City gas-fired generation. The 230kV line overloads can also be mitigated by a runback of the RCDC tie. It is recommended that Rapid City load growth continue to be monitored closely to avoid future transformer overloads. The planned rebuild of the South Rapid-West Hill 230 kV line in 2019 should continue as planned and the CT limitation on the Lookout-Lange 230 kV line should be removed. It should also be considered to add the contingencies that cause these 230 kV overloads to the new RCDC tie RAS since the overloads occur when the tie is flowing 200 MW W-E. The Osage 230/69 kV transformer overloaded the 70 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the Hughes 230/69 kV transformer and the Wyodak-Hughes 69 kV line in the 19HW timeframe. The overload was not observed in the 19LW or 25HS timeframe and is dependent on system configuration. A separate study in 2015 will be conducted to address this overload. The Wyodak 230/69 kV transformer exceeded the 100 MVA continuous rating following the N-1-1 loss of the other Wyodak 100 MVA transformer and the NSS2 plant in multiple scenarios. This overload was seen in previous studies. A separate study to evaluate solutions to this overload was initiated in 2014. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 18 Instability was identified following certain Category D, stuck-breaker contingencies on Wyodak area generators. It is recommended that out-of-step relaying be implemented at the affected plants, and will be discussed further with affected parties. 4. Transmission System Expansion 4.1. Previously Identified/Existing Projects The following projects have been previously identified and are currently planned projects for the CUS 230 kV transmission or 69 kV sub-transmission system. 4.1.1. Yellow Creek 230/69 kV 150 MVA Transformer (BHP) The addition of a Yellow Creek 150 MVA transformer is currently in the Strategic Plan for 2018. The estimated cost of the Yellow Creek transformer is $3,538,817 and will take approximately 1824 months to complete. 4.1.2. Exemption from NERC/WECC Regional Criterion (BHP/BEPC) CUS members and neighboring utilities are developing an agreement for an exemption from the WECC Disturbance-Performance Table (Table W-1) of Allowable Effects on Other Systems as it pertains to minimum frequency dips following a Category B event. The stated exemption will make current system performance acceptable and will nullify performance criteria violations. It is expected that the agreement will be enacted and submitted to WECC in 2015. 4.2. Recommended Projects The following transmission projects are recommended for possible future inclusion in the BHBE LTP. Further analysis of the expected load growth and completion of other system upgrades is necessary to confirm the need and expected in-service date of these projects. 4.2.1. Additional Wyodak-Area Transformation Capacity (BHP) Several scenarios identified insufficient transformation capacity to serve the Wyodak-area 69 kV load following a single N-1-1 outage. The retirement of NSS1 has compounded this issue and should be addressed in the near term. Options for additional transformation capacity in the area are being considered among affected parties. 4.2.2. Additional Osage-Area Transformation Capacity (BHP) The 19HW scenario identified insufficient transformation capacity to serve the Osage-area 69 kV load following a single N-1-1 outage. Options for additional transformation capacity in the area are being considered, and a dedicated study effort will commence in 2015. 4.2.3. South Rapid – West Hill 230 kV Line Rebuild (BHP) Several scenarios identified overloads on the South Rapid-West Hill 230 kV line following a single N-1-1 outage. The overload only occurs when the RCDC Tie is flowing 200 MW west-east and can be mitigated by a runback to 0 MW or Rapid City generation. The line is tentatively scheduled to be rebuilt in 2019 due to age of the line, and should continue as planned. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 19 4.2.4. RCDC Tie Runback (BHP) As identified in 4.2.3 the South Rapid-West Hill 230 kV line overloads following a single N-1-1 outage with the RCDC Tie flowing 200 MW west-east. The identified runback contingency should be added to the new RAS that was studied by BEPC on 12/30/2013. 4.2.5. Wyodak-Area Generator Out-of-Step Protection (BHP) Instability was identified following certain Category D, stuck-breaker contingencies on Wyodakarea generators. It is recommended that out-of-step relaying be implemented at Neil Simpson II, WyGens I-III, and the Neil Simpson CTs, and will be discussed further with affected parties. 5. Conclusions An open and transparent process was utilized in conducting the 2014 Local Transmission Plan study. Stakeholders were provided several opportunities for involvement and input into the study process and scope. Through this process, the TCPC participants believe they have fulfilled the requirements of Attachment K to the Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff (JOATT). A review of expected load growth and planned resource development should continue to be incorporated in the development of the next ten-year LTP. Solutions for the Wyodak and Osage area transformer overloads will continue to be addressed through continued coordination with affected stakeholders in 2015. Also, the critical nature of the loss of a 230/69 kV transformer on the CUS system, in conjunction with the considerable lead time necessary to replace one, should instigate a discussion on the philosophy of maintaining a spare transformer. Assessment of the identified system enhancements will continue through additional transmission planning studies and the next TCPC study cycle. Active stakeholder involvement will be a key component as the process continues. This will ensure the CUS will effectively meet the long-term requirements for all transmission customers. All identified violations of NERC and WECC TPL criteria were accompanied by a suggested mitigation plan, including estimated cost and implementation schedule when available. It was determined that this analysis satisfied the requirement of the TPL-001 through 004 Standards for CUS transmission providers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 20 Appendix A Prior and Forced Outage Lists _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 A-1 Steady-State Prior Outages LABEL SYSINT 230-1 230-2 230-3 230-4 230-5 230-6 230-7 230-8 230-9 230-10 230-11 230-12 230-13 230-14 230-15 230-16 230-17 230-18 230-19 230-20 230-21 230-22 230-23 230-24 230-25 230-26 230-27 230-28 230-29 230-30 230-31 230-32 230-33 230-34 230-35 230-37 230-38 230-39 230-40 PO 230 SERIES DESCRIPTION System Intact Goose Crk-Sheridan Buffalo-Sheridan Buffalo-Kaycee Casper-Claimjpr Casper-DJ Sheridan-T. River T. River-Arvada Arvada-Dryfork Dryfork-Carr Draw Dryfork-Hughes Buffalo-Carr Draw Wyodak-Carr Draw Carr Draw-Barber Creek Barber Creek-PButtes Windstar-PButtes PButtes-Teckla Teckla-Antelope Yellowcake-Windstar Windstar-Dave Johnston Windstar-Aeolus Teckla-Osage Osage-Lange Reno-Teckla Donkey Creek-Reno Donkey Creek-Pumpkin Wyodak-Donkey Creek #1 Wyodak-Osage Wyodak-Hughes Hughes-Sundance Yellow Creek-Osage Lookout-Yellow Creek Osage-Minnekhata Westhill-Minnekhata Lange-Lookout Lange-South Rapid City South Rapid City-Westhill RCDCW-South Rapid Westhill-Stegall Sundance-Lookout PO GEN SERIES LABEL DESCRIPTION GEN-1 Wyodak Unit GEN-2 Dryfork Unit GEN-3 Wygen3 Unit GEN-4 LRS Unit GEN-5 DJ Unit #4 LABEL XFMR-1 XFMR-2 XFMR-3 XFMR-4 XFMR-5 XFMR-6 XFMR-7 XFMR-8 XFMR-9 XFMR-10 XFMR-11 XFMR-12 XFMR-13 PO X SERIES DESCRIPTION Wyodak XFMR 1 Wyodak XFMR 2 Westhill XFMR Osage XFMR Hughes XFMR Lange XFMR 1 Lange XFMR 2 Lookout XFMR 1 Lookout XFMR 2 Yellow Creek XFMR 1 South Rapid XFMR Yellow Creek XFMR 2 Minnekhata XFMR _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 A-2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 A-3 Appendix B Load and Resource Assumptions _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 B-1 Table B1: Load and Resource Assumptions BUS # GENERATOR NAME GROSS GENERATOR OUTPUT (MW) 2019HW 2019LW 2025HS 66730 WYODAK 375 375 377 73289 RCCT1 17 0 12 73291 RCCT2 9 0 12 73292 RCCT3 0 0 12 73293 RCCT4 0 0 11 73341 NSS2 93 93 90 73520 BFDIESEL 0 0 0 74014 NSS_CT1 0 0 40 74015 NSS_CT2 0 0 40 74016 WYGEN 93 93 90 74017 WYGEN2 100 100 100 74018 WYGEN3 110 110 110 74029 LNG_CT1 40 0 40 74060 CPGSTN 180 30 180 76301 ARVADA1 0 0 0 76302 ARVADA2 0 0 0 76303 ARVADA3 0 0 0 76305 BARBERC1 0 0 0 76306 BARBERC2 0 0 0 76307 BARBERC3 0 0 0 76309 HARTZOG1 0 0 0 76310 HARTZOG2 0 0 0 76311 HARTZOG3 0 0 0 76404 DRYFORK 420 300 420 76502 SPFSHPRK 0 0 0 1437 981 1101 625 1534 1092 TOTAL CUS GENERATION: TOTAL CUS LOAD + LOSSES: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Common Use System: Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Local Transmission Plan January 30, 2015 B-2