COURSE READINESS ASSESSMENT FOR PHYSIOLOGY THE METRIC SYSTEM The International System (SI system) of units or metric system A system of measurements and units commonly used in science In comparison to the English system, it is easy to describe units smaller or larger than the basic unit by using prefixes Converting from one metric prefix to another is relatively simple because the prefixes differ by powers of ten Common metric measurements and units Meter (m) Gram (g) Liter (l or L) Degree Celsius (oC) Second (s) MEASUREMENT Length Mass Volume Temperature Time BASE UNITS Larger Commonly used metric prefixes Prefix symbol Prefix name Prefix value Fraction or Multiple Power k kilo one thousand 1,000 103 M mega one million 1,000,000 106 G giga one billion 1,000,000,000 109 1 10 Smaller BASIC UNIT: m,g,l d deci 1/10 0.1 10-1 c centi 1/100 0.01 10-2 m milli 1/1,000 0.001 10-3 µ micro 1/1,000,000 0.000 001 10-6 n nano 1/1,000,000,000 0.000 000 001 10-9 Length: Meters The basic unit of distance in the metric system is the meter (m), which is slightly more than a yard (approximately 39.37 inches). Distances larger than a meter are measured in units that are: Abbreviation Unit Prefix value Multiple of a Meter Power km kilometer one thousand 1,000 103 Mm megameter one million 1,000,000 106 Gm gigameter one billion 1,000,000,000 109 Examples: • a kilometer (km) is 1,000 meters, or 103 meters • a megameter (Mm) is 1,000,000 meters, or 106 meters Length: Meters Distances smaller than a meter are subdivided into smaller units: Abbreviation Unit Prefix value Fraction of a Meter Power dm decimeter 1/10 0.1 10-1 cm centimeter 1/100 0.01 10-2 mm millimeter 1/1,000 0.001 10-3 µm micrometer 1/1,000,000 0.000 001 10-6 nm nanometer 1/1,000,000,000 0.000 000 001 10-9 Examples: • a decimeter (dm) is a tenth of a meter, or 10-1 meter • a millimeter (mm) is a thousandth of a meter, or 10-3 meter Mass: Grams The basic unit of mass (weight) in the metric system is the gram (g). A gram is the approximate mass (or weight) of a paper clip. When measuring masses (weights) that are larger or smaller than a gram, larger or smaller units are likewise created: Abbreviation Unit Prefix value kg kilogram 1,000 Mg Megagram 1,000,000 cg centigram 1/100 mg milligram 1/1,000 Examples: • a kilogram measures 1,000 grams • a Megagram (Mg) measures 1,000,000 grams • a decigram (dg) measures tenths of a gram • a centigram (cm) measures hundredths of a gram • a milligram (mg) measures thousandths of a gram • a microgram (µg) measures millionths of a gram Volume: Liters The basic unit of volume is a liter (l or L), which is slightly more than a quart. To measure volumes that are more or less than a liter, larger or smaller units are created in exactly the same way as for the meter: Abbreviation Unit Prefix value kl kiloliter 1,000 ML Megaliter 1,000,000 cl centiliter 1/100 mL milliliter 1/1,000 Examples: • a kiloliter measures 1,000 liters • a Megaliter (ML) measures 1,000,000 liters • a deciliter (dl) measures tenths of a liter • a centiliter (cl) measures hundredths of a liter • a milliliter (ml) measures thousandths of a liter • a microliter (µl) measures millionths of a liter Temperature: Degrees Celsius Definitions Also called the centigrade scale 0° Celsius = 32° Fahrenheit = water freezes 100° Celsius = 212° Fahrenheit = water boils Therefore, 1°C = 1.8°F Conversions ° Celsius = 5/9 x (° Fahrenheit - 32°) ° Fahrenheit = (9/5 x ° Celsius) + 32° Celsius -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° Body Temperature Frigid Cold - Water Freezes Cool Comfortably Warm Hot Very Hot Fahrenheit 14° 32° 50° 68° 86° 104° Time: Seconds Metric or decimalized time is based on the solar day (i.e., one revolution of the Earth). This day is then divided into units of tenths, hundredths, thousands, etc. that are used to keep and tell time. The base unit is a second (s). There are 100 metric seconds in a metric minute. Converting within the metric system Converting from one metric prefix to another is a simple matter of multiplying or dividing by the power of 10 difference between them Basically, you are determining the direction to move the decimal and the number of places to move it One way to determine this is to draw a horizontal "metric line" like the one shown below. Each vertical line represents a decimal place. Common metric prefixes are written below the line. Note: unless Mega (M) and micro (μ) are needed, the basic unit and three prefixes to the left and right of the basic unit will be enough. |-------|-------|-------|--------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|-------|-------|-------| M k h da basic unit d c m μ m, l, g To convert from one prefix to another: Locate the starting prefix, then move the decimal in the direction and number of places needed to reach the desired prefix. Converting within the metric system A microgram is smaller than a milligram by a factor of 1,000, so a given number of milligrams should be equal to many more micrograms, or 1000 times as many. ie.) 3 milligrams = 3000 micrograms or 3 mg = 3000 µg A liter is larger than a milliliter by a factor of 1,000, so a given number of milliliters should be equal to fewer liters, or 1/1,000 as many. ie.) 3 milliliters = 0.003 liters |-------|-------|-------|--------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|-------|-------|-------| M k h da basic unit d c m μ m, l, g Summary: The metric (SI) system The SI or metric system is system of units commonly used in science There are basic metric units for measurements such as length, mass, volume, temperature, and time Metric prefixes describe powers of ten larger or smaller than the basic metric unit Some common prefixes, their symbols, and their relationships: Prefix Mega Kilo Basic Unit Deci Centi Milli Micro Nano Symbol or abbreviation M k m, l, g d c m mc or μ n Value 1,000,000 1,000 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 1/1,000,000 1/1,000,000,000