IT IS USEFUL TO KNOW THAT: EVERY BED HAS A BELL TO RING WHEN HELP IS NEED. UOC DIRECTOR U .O.S. DIRECTOR THE USE OF MOBILE PHONES CAN INTERFERE WITH ELECTRO-MEDICAL DEVICES THE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED ON: Veneto District Public Utility ULSS n 16 ER U.O.C. IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONEHOSPITAL S.U .E .M. 118 ACTIVITY - ALLERGIES/ INCOMPATIBILITY TO DRUGS - KNOWN PATHOLOGIES Piove di Sacco SACCO DI PIOVE - HOME THERAPIES - DIETS OR FOOD RESTRICTIONS ( CELIAC DISEASE, DIABETES, TC) - HABITS OR PARTICULAR NEEDS - IT MAY BE USEFUL TO PROVIDE A PHONE NUMBER OF THE PATIENT'S RELATIVES - PREGNANCY NURSING SERVICE COORDINATOR: D R . ZA N NINI S T E F A NI A OUR TEAM: The ER team has qualified medical and nursing personnel, healthcare workers and drivers in order to guarantee an adequate solution to problems and personal comfort. SHORT TERM INTENSIVE OBSERVATION .B.I. O.B.I. INFORMATIVE GUIDE FOR THE USER STRUCTURE PRESENTATION: CLINICAL INFORMATION: WORK TEAM The Physician informs the patient on diagnostic/therapeutic procedure. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL (PHYSICIANS, NURSES, HEALTHCARE WORKERS) ARE AT PACIENTS' DISPOSAL DURING THE OBSERVATION HOURS Information is given to relatives according to the patient’s will. Dear User, we welcome you in our facility and we think you may appreciate a few useful information about our service. The activity of Short Term Intensive Observation has its origins in America, in the Seventies and is nowadays a common approach at a national and international scale. Mission: Guarantee a good therapeutic/diagnosis placement in a short time (usually 24 hours) before deciding for a discharge or the admission to a care center. OBSERVATION AREA EQUIPMENT 4 DAY-BEDS 4 RECLINERS 2 BATHROOMS 2 OBSERVATORIES FOR MULTI PARAMETRIC MONITORING EQUIPMENTFORURGENCYANDEMERGENCYASSISTANCETO PATIENTS Assistance is given complying with user's beliefs and values in accordance to organizational restrictions. The presence of a relative is allowed in chosen cases. PRIORITY DETERMINATION RED CODE: life danger, utmost priority YELLOW CODE: potential life danger, compromising of vital functions The hospital ER service gives immediate assistance to persons with severe injuries or problems. Problems with sudden inception or rapid aggravation that can be a danger for physical integrity or life itself. On a territorial level, when the sick person or the unfortunate's situation becomes an emergency state, of grate risk for its life, it is required to call the phone number 118, in order to get, when necessary, first aid service, through the means of medical equipped ambulances. TRIAGE: PRIORITY ORDER Medical attention to citizens coming at the ER is given following a priority order, based on the gravity of the problem, irrespective of the arriving time. Citizens will be given a color code and a progressive call number. GREEN CODE: patient non in life danger, that will be assisted after more urgent cases WHITE CODE: not urgent medical assistance that can be taken care of by the General Medicine Physician or in health facilities of the territory. These patients will be visited after the red, yellow and green codes. These services usually are with fee ADMISSION OR DISCHARGE The ER activity can be concluded with the admission in a health facility or with the discharge together with the related records to be given to the family doctor. ASSISTANCE CONTINUITY In order to improve the quality of the assistance, there is an email service that allows family doctors to find out when their patient enters the ER. INFORMATION GIVEN TO PATIENTS AND RELATIVES Information on health conditions, tests and medical assistance are given complying with patients' values and beliefs, in accordance with organizational restrictions. IMPROPER USE OF THE ER AND AMBULANCES This phenomenon causes overcrowded structures, inconveniences and delays, takes away resources and the personnel's attention from those patients who really need urgent aid. The use of ambulances is also to be made with good sense Veneto Region Public Utility UOC DIRECTOR ER H EA D PHY SICIAN U.O.S. DIRECTOR IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE HOSPITAL EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS S.U.E.M. 118 ACTIVITY REPRESENTATIVE Territorial Emergency Office: 118 NURSING SERVICE COORDINATOR Medical Guard: 049 9718223 D R . SSA ZA NNI NI S T E F ANI A Re visione n. 0 ER Head Physician: OUR TEAM The ER team has qualified medical and nursing personnel, healthcare workers and drivers in order to guarantee an adequate solution to problems and personal comfort. PIOVE DI SACCO WE INVITE CITIZEN TO MAKE A GOOD USE OF MEDICAL STRUCTURES. ANY IMPROPER USE REDUCES THE AID POSSIBILITIES TO THOSE WHO ARE REALLY IN NEED. THANK YOU THANK YOU Guide to the correct use of the Emergency Services