Service CHARTER Turismo Padova Terme Euganee PROVINCIA DI PADOVA presentation Tourism services In recent years, the demand for tourism has greatly evolved to keep up with changed consumer models and new reasons for travelling. Today, as holidays reflect more and more the personalities of people and therefore include wide-ranging experiences, tourism services must offer bespoke products. In addition, tourism services are made up of different aspects that need to be integrated. As a special department of the Province, the Turismo Padova Terme Euganee corporation provides tourist support, information, assistance and promotion services, all of which need to be coordinated in the best interest of tourists and the tourism system itself. Destination management encompasses: • the period prior the arrival of potential tourists and their actual booking; • their arrival and their accommodation in specific structures; • animation and leisure activities; • local transport and restaurant information; • cultural events and active holidays; • the tourists' departure and their potential return. Today, destination management faces new challenges as tourism operators must improve the delivery of services by including new products that satisfy the requirements of a new generation of travellers. Turismo Padova Terme Euganee aims at providing these services not only for the tourism sector of the Province of Padua, but also for the entire Veneto, by liaising with the Region and the information offices of other Provinces. Barbara Degani Flavio Manzolini President of the Province of Padua President of Turismo Padova Terme Euganee 4 Who we are 4 Our mission 4 Our values 5 Our services 6 Our customers 6 Our organisational structure 7 Map of TOURIST OFFICES 8 Direct Management Offices 10 Head office 10 Offices in Padua 11 Offices in Thermal towns 13 Affiliated TOURIST OFFICES 15 Tourist office of the Saccisica 15 Battaglia Terme 16 Cittadella 17 Este 17 Monselice 18 Montagnana 19 Our services 20 Information and reception 20 Assistance 22 Promotion, enhancement and research 26 Online services 28 Special services 29 Service assessment 30 Customer protection measures and continuous improvement 30 Forms for the improvement of service quality standards 31 Forms to promote target-meeting 31 LEGISLATION 32 3 INDEX TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE: the organisation Turismo Padova Terme Euganee: our organisation THE ORGANISATION WHO WE ARE OUR MISSION Founded on 13 January 2003 by the Provincial Administration, the special corporation Turismo Padova Terme Euganee (TPTE) provides tourist reception, assistance, information and promotion services. In agreement with the Province of Padua, the TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE: Furnishes tourist information, reception, assistance and promotion services through catalogues, brochures and adverts regarding local tourism supply and itineraries; Promotes local tourist, historical and artistic resources by spreading and enhancing the knowledge of the area; Popularises local events and initiatives through mass media advertising; Provides assistance and reception services to journalists and tourism and media operators; Manages tourist activities by selling goods and services. 4 OUR ORGANISATIONAL VALUES TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE staff are: Knowledgeable about their territory, well-disposed towards customers and effective communicators. TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE staff believe that unbiased judgement and a clear, forthcoming approach lead to better understanding and improved delivery of services. Outgoing attitude When responding to queries or delivering services, we must bear in mind that those in front of us are not yet customers, but are certainly people. Staff must be respectful, reliable and humane. Objectivity and equality are our inspiring principles. Special treatment is offered to customers with special needs, like the elderly and people with disabilities. Organisational and professional skills The occurrence of random, unexpected events may be kept to a minimum thanks to efficient organisational skills and a serene environment. In order to improve our organisation and company atmosphere, we must first improve our staff. Target orientation The staff pledge to back up customers and organisations until they reach their targets by providing integrated, verifiable services. 5 THE ORGANISATION Helpful and clear OUR SERVICES 1 Information and reception THE ORGANISATION In addition to information, customers are helped in finding the solution that best meets their requirements and budgets. These may be distance or front office services. 2 Assistance We issue tickets for special events/performances and provide customised assistance for special tourist requirements. 3 Promotion, Enhancement, Research These services favour the enhancement and promotion of the territory either through consultancy, teaching and research or by supplying brochures and tourist kits for special events. 4 Online Services They may be free or require a password, and are activated online. 5 Special Services They are specialised backup services for press and media operators. OUR CUSTOMERS Citizens requesting information about events, performances, restaurants/bars and museums in Padua and the region; Individual tourists and groups, both prior to and on their arrival, requesting information on accommodation, restaurants/bars and sights; Local institutions wishing to collaborate on the promotion and enhancement of the territory and the tourism system; Tourism and media operators and journalists requesting support on their activities and projects; Public and private organisations wishing to collaborate on the promotion and enhancement of the territory or requiring material and data on Paduan tourism and culture. 6 The activities of the Turismo Padova Terme Euganee are overseen by a Board of Directors made up of four members appointed by the President of the Province, in compliance with the guidelines of the Provincial Council. The Chairman of the Board, appointed by the President of the Province, acts on behalf of the Turismo Padova Terme Euganee in its relationship with other local institutions and authorities. The Turismo Padova Terme Euganee is organised and managed by a Director, who oversees the financial, technical and administrative management, and organises the resources required to meet the objectives of the statute. See the organisation chart. There are two types of offices: Operational offices providing front-office services (information and assistance) and back-office services (promotion, enhancement, research, administration, etc.); IAT (Tourist Information and Assistance) offices mainly provide information and assistance; There are 7 direct management offices: Two operational offices (one in Riviera dei Mugnai, Padua and one in Montegrotto Terme); Five IAT offices (IAT Railway Station, IAT Galleria Pedrocchi, IAT Santo, IAT Abano Terme and IAT Montegrotto Terme). Over the years, the TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE has developed an information and assistance network of 6 affiliated offices, which furnish services similar to those of the Padua offices in other areas of the province. There are 28 TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE staff at present: POSITION NUMBER OF STAFF Management 1 Administration 1 Publishing 1 Secretariat 2 Promotion 3 Statistics and non-hotel accommodation 2 Mail and warehouse 2 IAT employees 16 7 THE ORGANISATION OUR ORGANISATION Map of IAT (TOURIST OFFICES) in the Province of Padua Bassano del Grappa Provincia di Treviso Carmignano di Brenta Brenta Map of IAT Galliera Veneta VICENZA Piombino Dese Loreggia Campo San Martino Veggiano Cervarese Santa Croce Massanzago M us on la rgo Te Campodarsego Villanova di Camposampiero Vigodarzere PADOVA OVEST Mirano TREVISO Vigonza MESTRE VENEZIA TRIESTE Dolo Cadoneghe Mestrino Bac chig lion e Rubano Saccolongo Selvazzano Dentro Rovolon Praglia Teolo Abano Terme PADOVA EST Noventa Padovana PADOVA PADOVA Ponte SUD San Nicolò Mira Stra Provincia di PADOVA Z.I. Saonara Albignasego Sant’Angelo di MESTRE Legnaro Piove di Sacco Maserà VENEZIA Provincia di Verona Montegrotto di Padova Galzignano Terme Polverara Piove Casalserugo Terme TERME Valbona di Sacco EUGANEE Valsanzibio Due Carrare Brugine Noventa Battaglia Cinto V Vicentina Terme Lozzo Euganeo Bovolenta Mille Atestino Cartura Arzergrande Pernumia Arquà Codevigo Petrarca Pontelongo Terrassa Co Baone S. Pietro Padovana Co Correzzola Montagnana Viminario Ospedaletto Este Saletto Euganeo Monselice MONSELICE Bacch Candiana iglion Conselve Arre e Megliadino San Fidenzio Santa Margherita Civè di Tribano Bagnoli d’Adige Urbana Sant’Elena Correzzol di sopra Pozzonovo Megliadino Ponso Carceri Villa Estense Casale di San Vitale Vighizzolo Solesino ROVIGO Merlara Scodosia Agna Anguillara Granze Piacenza Veneta Stanghella d’Adige Castelbaldo Vescovana S. Urbano BOARA Barbona Masi Provincia di Rovigo Torreglia nta Bre Ca na le Ba tta gli a Vo’ Legnago Santa Giustina in Colle Ve San Giorgio cc delle Pertiche Borgoricco hio Curtarolo Limena Grisignano VICENZA Frassanelle Scorzè TREVISO Camposampiero Villafranca Campodoro Padovana MILANO A4 Trebaseleghe Villa del Conte Provincia di Vicenza B roads Railroads Onara Grantorto San Giorgio in bosco Piazzola sul Brenta Rivers Castelfranco Veneto Tombolo Gazzo Padovano Motorways A roads S. Martino di Lupari Cittadella Fontaniva San Pietro in Giù Castelfranco Veneto ROVIGO BOLOGNA A13 8 D. V aleri Stazione FFSS Via Via Poerio aM at teo lia a ofi aS .S io bbra eri ta VIII Fe Piazze rgh erin . S. Ma o Vic Via S.G. Barbarigo l Munic ipio o e Solf artin Via S.M Via de cin Via de lle Son Via dell’Arco Vigo nese dei Via Fa bbri in Via MESTRE VENEZIA Via Sq uarcio ne Via Marsiglio Via D . Ma n Via Vi drea Vi Via Eremitani Vic. S. An P.zza Garzeria Via a Via degli Zabarella Via Davila Via Breda Via dell’O rologio op Via E. Filiberto Via Belle Parti Via Verdi Eur a Via Martiri della Libertà go cig Lar Map of IAT tti Po r Vi Via us .B Riv llo ine Venezia co Via Brios IAT OFFICES IN PADUA Valle ecampi onche di odevigo Chioggia la Chioggia Via Con fi glia chi Galleria Pedrocchi Railway station Piazza del Santo IAT OFFICES IN THE PROVINCE OF PADUA Abano Terme Montegrotto Terme Bacino Turistico della Saccisica - Piove di Sacco Battaglia Terme Cittadella Este Monselice Montagnana 9 lata ame Gatt ti san nis Og Direct management offices The TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE head office is at 8 Riviera dei Mugnai, Padua. It comprises the management and administration offices, the warehouse, library and front office. For queries and information, please contact: Office: Riviera dei Mugnai 8 Tel.: 049 8767911 Fax: 049 650794 Executive secretariat: Administration: Statistics: Bed&Breakfast: Publishing: Tourism Promotion: Map: A DEI LDI GARIBA OM ATT EOT TI N T I R OM A NI GIA EI PO VIA I VIA CATALAFIMI DANTE AN EMIT R ZA E RIV. D VIA PA PIAZ O RM 10 VILLAGGIO SANT’ANTONIO RO FE O DEI DOTTO EU N VIC O L O SA NESE LA RG VIA DEL RISORGIMENTO NT’AG AI A VIA SA MUGN FERMO VI VIA DEI BORROMEO VIA SAN CORSO VIA SAN PIETRO VIA RIVIER CO M RIVIERA DEI MUGNAI GIA CO MO MA TT CORSO EO TT I GARIBA LDI VIA MONTO NA OUR ORGANISATION Head office Offices in Padua In strategic areas of Padua, they offer information to citizens and tourists. Contact information: Office: IAT Galleria Pedrocchi Tel.: 049 8767927 Fax: 049 8363316 E-mail: Type of information: regarding the municipality, province and region Opening times: Mon - Sat 9.00am - 1.30pm / 3.00 - 7.00pm Map: RI INA TE VIA GORIZ IA VIA FIUME CES MANIN EA GRITTI ANIELE VIA ANDR VIA D PIAZ ZA D 11 ELLE ERBE AR VIA EB ATT IS TI ALL ’ANDREA VIA VIA SANT VIA SAN BIA GIO SIGNO CIA LLA V IA D E G L I Z A B A R E A DEI VIA MARSILIO DI PADO PIAZZ VA VIA SANTA LU CIA NTA LU RIVIERA DEI PO NTI RO MANI V IA A Q U IL E IA VIA DANTE VIA SA VIA C ESAR E BA TTIST I OUR ORGANISATION GALLERIA PEDROCCHI Office: IAT Railway station Tel.: 049 8752077 Fax: 049 8755008 E-mail: Type of information: regarding the municipality, province and region Opening times: Mon-Sat: 9.00 am / 7.00 pm Sun: 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Map: AV LC BIXIO VIA N TOMM VIA CARLO GOLDONI A ASEO STA ZIO NE LE LU CO DA VIA ZO NG CO DA LU NG ICCOLÒ CORSO DE L POPOLO E VAN PIAZ ZALE IROLI VIA NINO DA AL A VI TO CA VIA DA NIELE DO NGHI VA CA NG A NEDET LU SA RP I OA LLA DE FR ÀP AO LO OP PIAZZA LE DEL LA STAZ IONE VIA BE CO VIA JA C D EL LA ST A ZI ONE IA BO RG OM PIA ZZ AGN AL O E V IA VIA LE VIA N ICCO LÒ T OMM ASEO PIAZZA DEL SANTO Office: IAT Piazza del Santo Tel. / Fax: 049 8753087 E-mail: Type of information: regarding the municipality and province Opening times: Mon-Sat: 9.00 am - 1.30 pm / 3.00 - 6.00 pm Sun: 10.00 am - 1.00 pm / 3.00 - 6.00 pm Seasonal IAT: April - October Map: RU A VI NA DE RU A VI V VIA DE CCO TABA VICOLO VI A 12 AN T LB US BE ONIO INE O AT LOCA T EL LI LLO LU CA L BE LU DI VIA DONATEL LO VIA M ELCH IORRE CESARO TTI PIAZZA DEL SANTO NICO O BOTA ORT VIA RA C A PP E LLI TO RI IE SAN O MEO BELLAN ARTOLO VIA B DE NA DEL R IVI ERA RUZANTE VIA SAN TA C HIA RA VIA C.SO VITT . EMA NUE LE II OUR ORGANISATION RAILWAY STATION VI C O OL SA NT ON VIA IN PIE I TR OS CA LC ER IE ABANO TERME Office: IAT Abano Terme Via P. d’Abano, 18 Tel. e Fax: 049 8669055 - 049 8669053 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: Opening times: Mon-Sat 8.30am-1.00pm / 2.30 - 7.00pm Sun (high season only) 10.00am - 1.00pm/3.00 - 6.00pm Map: EOR TON E IO VI A M ONT VIA M E CO RT ZZ A PI A VE S VIA AMERIG O O ZIA VIA MAR 13 VE SP UC C N ABA O D’ AM ER IG O E TR VIA PI VI A VERONA VIA FLAV IO BUSONERA IBERALE DA VIA VI T TORE GHISLANDI VIA L IRON ES I VIA AUGURE C ORN EL ONT I CCI PU OUR ORGANISATION Thermal town offices They have the same characteristics and aims of the Padua offices and provide detailed information on thermal services. The operational office in Montegrotto Terme offers assistance, information, administrative, statistical and tourism promotion services, and a secretariat to support B&Bs and serviced apartments (Law 33/2002). In addition, it provides a hotel booking service through the hoteliers' association AbanoMontegrottoSi. Office: IAT Montegrotto Terme V.le Stazione, 60 Tel. e Fax: 049 8928311 - 049 795276 Type of information: regarding the municipality, province and region E-MAIL • IAT office • Statistics • Tourism Promotion Secretariat / Bed&Breakfast: Opening times : Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 1.00pm / 2.30 - 7.00pm Sunday 10.00am - 1.00pm / 3.00 - 6.00pm (second Sun each month, high season only) Map: VI INIA VIA DEG LI S CHIA PL EN NO NE DE GL PIAZ ZA P RIM OM AGG IO VIA VIC OL O SA N MA UR O VIA G 14 IOSUÈ CARD DIO VI VIA ZIO HIA STA I SC LE VIA ETR AR CA VIA V IA FRANCE SCO P VIALE STAZIONE VIA VIA CL AUDIA NA OUR ORGANISATION MONTEGROTTO TERME UCCI LE STA ZIO NE Affiliated IAT - TOURIST offices BACINO TURISTICO DELLA SACCISICA - PIOVE DI SACCO Office: IAT del Bacino Turistico della Saccisica Piazza Matteotti, 4 Piove di Sacco - Palazzo Jappelli Tel e Fax: 049 9709331 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: Map: VIA LE E OM URO VIA ARC ONI VIA CO RO MAR ZETTA PIAZ VIA ZAR A O A CAT RIB MAR ORIO VITT LO SAU SAN FRA VIA I ALD ROM GA EL GIU SEP PE 15 ST VIA CA ARIO NCE TEL CAS NE VIA IO AZIO TON VIA VIA NAZ A N IC O TTE I CHE VIA VIA PUNIGA VIA B AR PEC O ALL T’AN CO DA TTE OPO RCHE BA VIA VAI CO’ P VIA SLIN ONV SAN JAC SCO GAU LO VIA CIRC VIA TTA VIA VIA BO PRO RTE PA LE D EGL I AL PIN LE CIA VIN IELM VIA VIA PIAV E LE G RAZ IE ALL DEL GL ONV NNA GU CIRC ADO VIA LE M AZIO NE VIA VIA I OUR ORGANISATION They have the same characteristics and aims of our head office and supply more detailed information about their areas. Office: IAT Battaglia Terme Via Maggiore (S.S.16 direz. Monselice) Tel e Fax: 049 9115996 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: Opening times: May - September EOT TI ME TER VIA CCI LES SAN COR TE S TAB ILIN I I A OM VIA C HIOD ARE LLI EU GA NE I VIC OL OD ELL A C HI ES A IOR MA VIA CO E ME 16 LE GG TER X IO OP OL VIC VIA LE SAN T’E FOS LEN A SE A RDE VIA VIA PA LÙ INF ERIO RE RTAZZ O VIA VIA O CO RTE TEA TRO VIA FRA ATIN E TEL NE LE R GA VIA ERV EU LI C LLI LE A CO VIA LE I VIA MA DRO GG VO MEU E ATT OM OM IOR NIO LTA NTO COM VIA ACH VIA LO A LE R ILLE G RAN E GIA VICO VIA DI VIAL A Map: VIA OUR ORGANISATION BATTAGLIA TERME CITTADELLA IAT Cittadella Via Porte Bassanesi, 2 Tel e Fax: 049 9404485 - 049 5972754 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: OUR ORGANISATION Office: Map: LLA TE CO VIA PIAVE OS MP VIA LLA MON TE C ENG RI VA D AS UB RI IO VA DE LG VIA ROM VIA P EL VIA COL MOSCHIN A ONE TICA ELL TE ASOL VIA MONTE PER NT ANO BRE NTE O BASS IO VIA RA PP O ALCIN AL C VIA V L ‘99 I DE AZZ RAG NERO ONTE VIA M A A ESTE Office: IAT Este Via G.Negri, 9 Tel e Fax: 0429 600462 - 0429 611105 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: Map: VI A VI CA A M ILL O BE BA LD I NS O GU ID O NE GR CO I NT GA RI ED PE IC AV VI EP OU A GU ID O VI A GI US R GA NA VEC CH IA A VI O OM AC GI VIA VI S RO CO C LO M EZ ZA 17 AR M MO NA N A CH SA NT ’AN TO VI E A NI O TI NO V IA AN VI DO A VI SA OLO TI OT TE AT M CO VIC A ER HI SC PE A HI CC VE VIA VIA BRE VIA BORG VIA VIA MON LU NA VI NE PR GR IN GO DI TO RR VIA I CIP A VI EU MB ER TO E CA VI A ’M SA OR N I GI RO LA M O Office: IAT Monselice Via del Santuario, 6 Tel e Fax: 0429 783026 Type of information: regarding the municipality, province and region E-mail: Map: TT I ACCI VIA DESTRO TIR I ALI VIA PETRA GNI IVALD P IA Z ZA 2 VIA M ASCA VIA V INI CC ANCINI TU VIA AV AN PU NI LS VIA VI A LIN BEL VIA TRE TORRI DE VIA HI O RR IFE ND MA VIA 18 V VIA M OR A ETTI I ONIZ VIA TEATRO C IA BRAN VIA D RCA VIA ROMA CA RO RAR 0 SETTEMBRE PET I VIA VICOLO DELLE MUR A VIA MA TT EO VIA BRUN VIA ARGINE RIVIERA BELZON OUR ORGANISATION MONSELICE AR IO MONTAGNANA IAT Montagnana Castel S.Zeno Tel e Fax: 0429 81320 Type of information: regarding the municipality and province E-mail: OUR ORGANISATION Office: Map: RR ES E RE CO SU D VI NV AL LA ZIO NE AD EI PL AC CO VI A M E UR ES VIA T VIA VI CAM AS VIA AN T’A NT ON IO CIR ST AR MU PAN A 19 NE IO A VI VA A CA VIA VIA ER I A ND CO SE ON IG A TT HE RG BE RC AL VIA SC VIA EE A IM VI TT UR AN GN TA D ON SU EO A IM PR AZ TT A TT HE RG BE LL MA CI O A OM VI AC M GI A A ER VI VIA IG A AL DE RE VIA MU SC NE IO AZ LL VA ON RD RC CI NO E UR M A VI VIA A VIA VI BOR GO VE TT ENIA OR NO VIA PIS AN I AL TIE RO Information and reception N° DESCRIPTION specific Informative brochures about tourist attractions in the province Upon request we provide the following by mail or email: • Maps of Padua and its province, Abano Terme and Montegrotto Terme, the Euganean Hills, etc; • Tourist brochures and catalogues about Padua and its province. • Padova Today •Lists of all types of accommodation • Maps and other materials regarding the main cities in the Veneto, if available. 2 IA General and detailed information on cultural attractions in the province General information (monuments, events, etc.) or detailed information (opening times, ticket fees) on all tourist attractions in Padua and its province. Information is provided also by telephone. 3 IA General and detailed information on tourist attractions in the Veneto region All offices provide general information by telephone and at front offices. Three regional IAT offices offer detailed information about regional cultural attractions. 4 IA Information on provincial and regional enogastronomy Various materials are supplied, like lists of restaurants, information on enogastronomic events, local products, etc. 5 IA General and detailed information on all types of accommodation in the province The service is also provided by telephone and via email. Updated listings are available at our offices. 6 IA General tourist information and assistance Various types of information are provided, e.g., means of transport, medical facilities, emergency numbers, useful phone numbers, etc. 7 IA Accommodation search We provide an accommodation search service. Only the offices in Abano and Montegrotto may book accommodation via the booking service of the Associazione Albergatori (Hoteliers' Association) and the Consortium Abano Montegrotto (AMSì). OUR SERVICES 1 IA 20 INFORMATION AND RECEPTION recipients office All offices Anybody requesting information All offices Anybody requesting information Offices: • IAT Railway station • IAT Montegrotto • IAT Monselice Anybody requesting information All offices Anybody requesting information All offices Anybody requesting information All offices Tourists. Front offices only All IAT offices OUR SERVICES Anybody requesting information 21 ASSISTANCE DESCRIPTION 1A We issue the PADOVACARD OUR SERVICES N° specific The PADOVACARD gives you free admission to 12 museums and monuments including the Scrovegni Chapel, the Duomo Cathedral and the Botanical Garden. Other benefits include • Reduced public transport fares and parking in Padua • Reduced entry fee to 24 museums • Conventions with tour guides • Boat cruises • Reduced rental prices for cars and bikes • Discounts at affiliated accommodation facilities • Discounts in shops • Intesa Bonus 2A We issue tickets and vouchers Tickets and vouchers may be: • Pre-bought for concerts, theatre performances and other events in Padua and the thermal towns. • Bought to visit the Scrovegni Chapel (including pre-booking) • Bought to visit civic museums • Palladiocard • Padua Sightseeing Bus ticket 3A We activate and issue PADOVACARDs purchased online The front office activates and issues PADOVACARDs upon receipt of booking. 4A We issue the CARTA GIOVANI (youth card) and sell AGIS coupons The CARTA GIOVANI entitles you to discounts on books, tickets, etc. The AGIS coupons entitle you to discounted cinema tickets. 5A We manage complaints about provincial tourism services The service helps identify and define complaints, and forwards them to the appropriate offices. 6A We manage complaints and suggestions regarding services issued by TPTE offices You can forward complaints directly (see procedure p. 33) 22 recipients office All IAT offices Anybody upon request All IAT offices Anybody upon request All IAT offices Students up to 26 years old attending schools in the province of Padua All offices Anybody upon request All offices Anybody upon request All IAT offices OUR SERVICES Anybody upon request 23 ASSISTANCE OUR SERVICES N° DESCRIPTION specific 7A Internet access Time-limited Internet access is provided for free 8A We provide support services to start B&Bs and rent serviced apartments (Law 33/2002) Staff is available • To help with procedures related to setting up the business • To provide management assistance and consultancy • As monitoring surveyors • To enter your business in the official list 9A C59 Tourist Form Staff provides information on how to fill in the C59 form to collect statistical data on tourist flow 10 A We draw up conventions with local institutions to set up tourist information and assistance offices (IAT) Upon request, we provide support throughout the procedure to set up IAT offices. 11 A We provide various tourism-related material You can buy postcards, books, DVDs, gadgets and guides 12 A Declaration of presence This service is only provided by front offices upon request 24 office Anybody upon request IAT Office in Galleria Pedrocchi Citizens in compliance with legal requirements Offices in Padua and Montegrotto Landlords All Tourist offices Public institutions Padua office Anybody requesting material Padua office Tourists Offices of Padua, Abano and Montegrotto Terme 25 OUR SERVICES recipients Tourism promotion, enhancement and research OUR SERVICES N° DESCRIPTION specific 1 PV Sector Library May be accessed upon request at the head office in Padua 2 PV Lectures, sponsorships, tourist kits, trade show materials Sponsorships for events in Padua and its province may be requested at the head office in Padua, which also provides tourist kits and materials for lectures and trade shows. Requests must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the scheduled event. Materials regarding press releases or other short-notice events are issued in 1-2 working days. 3 PV Training on local and regional tourism and how to manage related activities Training and lectures on tourism may be requested. We arrange partnerships with certified training institutions, the University and schools. 4 PV Organisation of press and educational tours The TPTE arranges and manages individual and group press and educational tours on tourism and enogastronomical topics 5 PV Design and organisation of tourism promotion projects The TPTE promotes and participates in national and international tourism-related projects 6 PV Production and printing of tourism-related materials The TPTE constantly produces and participates in the production of advertising material on Padua and its province 7 PV Translation of various materials Materials of general interest related to public institutions are translated upon request 8 PV Support in the production of tourism-related materials for other offices Our staff may produce tourism-related material upon request 9 PV Training in companies The TPTE welcomes trainees from schools, vocational and updating courses. We also provide material for degree theses concerning tourism 10 PV Certificates and awards We issue certificates/awards to distinguished guests, citizens and institutions in the tourism industry 11 PV Data collection and analysis The TPTE collects and analyses data about the tourism sector. Data and reports are published in our website. We also produce customised reports 26 recipients OUR SERVICES Students and anybody requesting this service Accommodation facilities, event and communication studies, consortiums of tourism promotion Schools, national and international operators. Journalists Trade only service Various institutions Various institutions Public institutions Various institutions Various institutions Individuals, institutions, accommodation facilities Various institutions, accommodation facilities, citizens 27 ONLINE SERVICES N° OUR SERVICES 1SOL DESCRIPTION specific Free download from Free download of: • MP3 audio-guided tours of 5 Paduan itineraries in Italian/English and of 3 thermal town itineraries in Italian/German. • Maps of GPS itineraries • All the TPTE maps and brochures •Logos of local institutions supporting tourism promotion • Press releases • Statistical data and forms regarding accommodation facilities (C59, etc.) 2SOL Free download of photographs and videos 3SOL Institutional links and tourism services for direct booking Links to hotel, museum and guided tour bookings are available on our webpage 4SOL Tours On our website, you may: The service is available with a password issued upon request • Find tours • Download tour maps 5SOL Find accommodation facilities The search engine of our website helps you find accommodation facilities 28 SPECIAL SERVICES N° DESCRIPTION specific recipients Accredited press tour service Press and educational tours are available upon request. The service includes accommodation, assistance, materials and guides. Accredited journalists 2SS Video and film service The TPTE helps you obtain authorisation to film and photograph Padua and its province. You can also request assistance for TV and cinema sets Institutions/ companies, production companies, directors, TV channels 29 OUR SERVICES 1SS Service Assessment SERVICE ASSESSMENT TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE has introduced its own quality system to eliminate disservice within its organisation and to improve service quality standards. We focus on 3 main points: Customer protection and continuous improvement The TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE quality system aims to identify organisational and technical issues by means of: specific tools; clear procedures; timely responses; clearly defined tasks; widespread information systems; The Continuous Quality Improvement Scheme allows our organisation to respond promptly in critical situations that reduce customer satisfaction and jeopardise our company environment. Feedback may come from: a)outside customers: Written complaints to be submitted on special forms available at any of our offices. The forms are forwarded to the management and a written response is delivered within 20 days. If complaints are unclear, customers are invited to our offices for clarification. b)inside customers: Written complaints are forwarded to the management for analysis and assessment. If complaints refer to critical situations within the system, the management takes action compatibly to the resouces available. Later, all staff are informed and must conform to the new procedures. 30 Improving service quality standards scheme 1 Customer satisfaction; 2 Company efficiency; 3 Resource enhancement and staff motivation. Achieved targets scheme In order to foster customer loyalty and motivate staff, the achieved objectives must be made public. There are several communication levels: Communications to all staff; Communications to the Board; Communications to customers. 31 SERVICE ASSESSMENT The TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE reviews the quality of its services continually to identify and achieve both yearly and long-term objectives in compliance with the law and professional ethics. Each year, management and staff assess the situation and agree with the Board to improve three main organisational targets: LEGISLATION Legislation This tourism service brochure was written in accordance with the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of 27 January 1994 - Principles concerning public services - and reference is made to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 19 May 1995 - General Scheme of 'Public Healthcare Services'. Further laws are: Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990 New laws regarding administration procedures and access to administration files. Decree Law no. 163 of 12 May 1995 Urgent measures to simplify administration procedures and to improve the efficiency of the public administration. Law no. 273 of 11 July 1995 Enactment, with modifications, of the law decree no. 163 of 12 May 1995 providing for urgent measures to simplify administration procedures and to improve the efficiency of the public administration. Regional law no. 33 of 4 November 2002 The Veneto region: Consolidation act of regional laws regarding tourism. Art. 17: certifies that the province provides information, reception, tourist assistance and promotion activities of its towns. Art. 20: Provincial offices for tourist information and reception management and tasks. 32 Facsimile of report/complaint form for services provided by TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE Improvement report Form Report/ complaint Cod.: 6A Rev.: 01 Complaint DESCRIPTION Date Signature PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname First Name Address City Tel. E-mail I authorise the use of my personal data in compliance with art. 7 and art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 "Personal Data Protection Code". Date Signature Submitted on Operator Facsimile of report/complaint form for services provided by TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE TURISMO PADOVA TERME EUGANEE Improvement report Form Report/ complaint Cod.: 6A Rev.: 01 Complaint DESCRIPTION Date Signature PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname First Name Address City Tel. E-mail I authorise the use of my personal data in compliance with art. 7 and art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 "Personal Data Protection Code". Date Signature Submitted on Operator PadovaCard: The more you use it, the more you save. PadovaCard is valid 48 or 72 hours from the start date stamped on it. It is valid for one adult and one child under 14 years old. 48-hour card: 15,00 € - 72-hour card: 20,00 € Exclusive benefits of PadovaCard include: • Free entry to: Scrovegni Chapel-frescoes by Giotto (except booking fee: € 1,00), Eremitani Museums, Palazzo della Ragione (the payment of a reduced ticket is required if the Palace is hosting important exhibitions at the time of your visit), Piano Nobile Caffè Pedrocchi and Museo del Risorgimento, San Michele Oratory, San Rocco Oratory, Botanic Garden, Baptistery of the Cathedral, Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, Palazzo Zuckermann, Petrarch’s House in Arquà Petrarca, International Museum of Artistic Glass in Montegrotto Terme. • Free use of APS public means of transportation both in and around Padua and from Padua to the Euganean Spas and back. • Free parking (for cars and motorcars only) at APS Parking 1 - Piazza Y. Rabin, Prato della Valle • Reduced ticket to some of the most important monuments, museums, villas, castles and historical gardens of the province of Padua. • Reductions, welcoming cocktail or freebies in hotels, B&B, agriturismo, restaurants and bars included in the Card. • Discounts on shopping. • Discounts and facilities on various tourist services, guided tours, hop-on hop-off City Sightseeing Bus, boat tours, car and bike rentals. • Discounts to the Teatro Olimpico and other monuments in Vicenza. Info: Turismo Padova Terme Euganee - tel. +39 049 8767911 - In collaboration with PADOVA Galleria Pedrocchi Galleria Cappellato Pedrocchi - 35122 Padova Tel. 049 8767927 - Fax 049 8363316 Opening times: Mon-Sat 9.00am - 1.30pm / 3.00 - 7.00pm Bacino Turistico della Saccisica Piove di Sacco Piazza Matteotti, 4 - Tel/ Fax 049 9709331 - Battaglia Terme Via Maggiore, 2 - Tel. e Fax 049 9115996 Seasonal office, open May-September. IAT Stazione Ferroviaria/Railway Station Atrio Stazione Ferroviaria - 35131 Padova Tel. 049 8752077 - Fax 049 8755008 Opening times: Mon-Sat: 9.00am - 7.00pm Sun: 9.00am - 12.30pm Cittadella Porte Bassanesi, 2 - Tel. 049 9404485 - Fax 049 5972754 Piazza del Santo Piazza del Santo - 35123 Padova Tel. 049 8753087 Seasonal, open April-October Este Via G. Negri, 9 - Tel. 0429 600462 - Fax 0429 611105 ABANO TERME Via Pietro D’Abano 18 - 35031 Abano Terme (PD) Tel. 049 8669055 - Fax 049 8669053 Opening times: Mon-Sat 8.30am - 1.00pm / 2.30 - 7.00pm Sun (high season only) 10.00am - 1.00pm/3.00 - 6.00pm Monselice Via del Santuario, 6 - Tel/Fax 0429 783026 Montagnana Castel S. Zeno - Tel/Fax 0429 81320 MONTEGROTTO TERME Viale Stazione 60 - 35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD) Tel. 049 8928311 - Fax 049 795276 Opening times Mon-Sat 8.30am - 1.00pm / 2.30 - 7.00pm Sun 10.00am - 1.00pm / 3.00 - 6.00pm (second Sun each month, high season only) Riviera dei Mugnai, 8 35137 Padova Tel. +39 049 8767911 Fax +39 049 650794 Provincia di Padova CREDITS - General coordination: Paolo Pedron - Satef, Stefan Marchioro, Mara Salmaso • Editorial coordination: Luca Crivellaro • Texts: Daniela Bolzonella, Cristina Gibellato, Gabriella Salmaso • English translation by Elena Calandruccio • Photographs: Archivio Turismo Padova Terme Euganee,Archivio ADVsolutions srl by Fotolia • Graphic project and layout: ADV solutions srl • Printed by: Arti Grafiche Padovane