Electronic Devices 2014 R1 T1. 1p Zener diode: circuit symbol, current-voltage characteristic, regulating region, parametric voltage regulator with the relation for resistance sizing. T2. 1p Simple non-inverting op-amp comparator with no feedback, different from zero threshold: circuit, VTC, deduction of the threshold voltage, waveforms to illustrate the operation. P1. 2.75p Assume the ideal model for D1, D2. a)0.5p Deduce the expression vO(vA, vB) and specify the electric function of the circuit. b)0.75p Find the values: vO; vD1; vD2 if vA= -8V and vA vB = 6V. c)0.5p Find a suitable value for R so that for any vA, vB in [-5V; 5V], the maximum forward current through either of the diodes does not exceed 40mA. d)1p For vA(t) = 7sinωt[V] and vB(t) = - 4sinωt[V], plot vO(t) assuming: (1) D1, D2 – ideal; (2) D1, D2 – constant voltage drop model. vD1 D1 vD2 D2 vO vB R vR R2 P2. 2.75p +VAl=16V Consider OA – ideal, R1= 3kΩ, R2=15kΩ. R1 a)0.75p Find the expression vO(vI) – for OpAmp in AO vI active region. Find the vI range for that the OpAmp work in active region. -VAl=-16V b)0.5p Plot the VTC vO(vI) for vI [-10V; 10V]. What -8 is the application of the circuit? c)0.25p What is the expression and value of the input resistance Ri=? c)0.5p Plot vO(t) for vI(t) = 3.5 sinωt[V]. d)0.75p Size the resistances R1 and R2 to obtain |vO/vI| =3. Plot the VTC vO(vI) of the new circuit. P3. 2.5p For T VTh 3V and 2mA/V2 . a)0.5p What is the operating region of T for vI= 2.8V? Justify the answer. b)0.75p What is the operating region of T for vI=4V? Justify the answer. Find the values of ID current and VDS voltage. c)0.75p Find a value for vI, for that T work in extreme conduction vI region (cex). Prove that T work in desired region. d)0.5p What is the logic function and the electric table of the circuit, considering 0V - 0 logic, VDD 1 logic and vy – the output voltage? RD 3K T vDS VDD 10V vy vGS iD Electronic Devices 2014 R2 T1. 1p Inverting op-amp amplifier: circuit, deduction of the differential voltage, deduction of the gain, input and output resistances, VTC, range of the input voltage for the active region, waveforms to illustrate the operation including the saturation of the amplifier. T2. 1p Logic inverter: circuit containing R and a controlled switch, truth table that include the state of the switch, critical analysis, solutions to eliminate the disadvantages including truth tables with the states of the switches, CMOS implementation with the operating table. D P1. 2.5p Consider D – ideal, vC(0) = 0V, vI(t) = 8sint [V]. vD a)1p Plot: vO(t); vD(t). Specify the state of the diode (on, off) on the vI vo C vO(t) plot. What is the application of the circuit ? b)0.5p Redraw vO(t) and vD(t) assuming the constant voltage drop model for D (VD,on=0.7V). c)1p Connect a load resistance RL at the output of the circuit and consider C=100F, =100. Find the value of RL so that the output voltage ripple vO is smaller than 0.5V. P2. 3p R2 Assume OA – ideal, VRef= 5.5V R1= 3KΩ si R2= 9KΩ. a) 0.5p What is the sign of circuit feedback and what is the application of the circuit? b) 1p Find the expressions and values of the following vI parameters of the VTC: VThL, VThH, VOL and VOH. Draw VTC vO(vI) of the circuit. c) 0.75p Draw the waveforms of vO(t) for: i) vI(t)=1.4sinωt[V], ii) vI(t)=14sinωt[V]. d) 0.75p Switch the places for vI and VRef. What is the new application of the circuit and how the new VTC vO(vI) will look like? P3. 2.25p Pentru T, β = 100 şi vBE,o n = 0.6V a)0.5p What is the operating region of T for vI= 0.5V? Justify the answer. b)0.75p What is the operating region of T for vI=4V? Justify the answer. Find the values of the IC current and VCE voltage. c)0.75p Find a value for vI, for that T work in extreme conduction region (cex). Prove that T work in desired region. d) 0.25p For vI=8V, find the maximum value of RC, so that T is in the extreme conduction region. +VPs=15V R1 OA -VPS=-15V vO VRef T RC 1.5K vCE vI vBE,on RE 2K iC VAl=10V