City of Clemson Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Fact Sheet #1 General

City of Clemson
Zoning Ordinance Rewrite
Fact Sheet #1
General Information
Proposed Zoning Ordinance Change Summary by Article
These updates are intended to implement goals, objectives, and strategies identified in the 2014
Comprehensive Plan.
Article I – Adoption and Interpretation
Updated definitions
Added photos to better define definitions
Article II – Zoning Districts and Official Zoning Map
Added CM- Commercial Mixed-use, Added RM 3.5, Changed OC- Office Commercial to OP- Office
Professional, Added OR- Outdoor Recreation District
Updated Zoning Map to correspond to proposed changes for CM district along Upper College Ave, Old
Greenville Hwy, and Keowee Trail; Changed OC to OP; Changed 1 RLC (along Reid St) to OP; Adjusted the
boundaries of the Architectural Review Districts to correspond to the defined standards of AR1.
Article III – Residential Districts
Reorganized article for better readability
Updated the table of uses to allow for Child Care and Adult Care Uses as CU depending on size and
location. Added Nursing facilities as conditional use, updated CU/SE standards for religious uses,
updated bed and breakfast CU standards, added guest cottage as option in addition to of current option
of accessory apartment contained within principal structure.
Updated density, bulk, and dimensional requirements.
R-20 & R-12: Addition of maximum lot area coverage, increased size for accessory structure (garagewas 600sq ft and is now 700 sq ft meeting the accessory use setbacks or up to 900 sq ft meeting the
regular district setbacks) and the addition of guest house as permitted accessory use. Otherwise no
other substantive changes have occurred in these districts. See Fact Sheet #2
RM-1, RM-2, RM-3, RM-4: Allowed for smaller lots sizes for single family, patio homes, zero-lot lines,
duplex, and town homes. Multi-family densities remain unchanged. Changed dimensional standards to
reflect changes to lot size. Developed specific standards for developments for zero-lot line, patio homes,
town homes, and conservation subdivisions. In RM1 and RM-2, zero-lot line and patio home
developments can increase density from 2 to 3 if onsite management is provided. See Fact Sheets: #3,
#4, #5 & #6
RM-3.5: Is a floating zone. It will not be provided except if the zone is requested in a rezoning. Created
to provide a mid-range density between the current 18 beds in RM-3 and 56 beds allowed in RM-4. RM3.5 allows anywhere from 24 beds per acre up to 45 beds per acre dependent upon site
improvements/higher level of design.
Article IV – Non-residential Districts
Reorganized for better readability. Replaced previous obsolete SIC Codes to 2007 NAICS Codes to utilize
a nationally recognized basis of use categorization.
Updated Use Chart. Mostly in the M- Manufacturing district to make all uses Special Exceptions. Notethere are currently no properties zoned M in the city of Clemson, and this is a floating zone. RIL- created
standards for research facilities. Created OR district which will be a floating zone until requested and
applied through the prescribed amendatory process. OR allows campground, outdoor venues, and other
outdoor activity uses. Overall uses have not changed significantly. Addition of mini-golf and other
amusement activities. See Fact Sheet #15
Created CM district to replace RLC as a transitional district on two primary corridors. It provides a
commercial to commercial transition between C and CP-2 while setting standards to provide enhanced
protection to adjacent residential areas. Height remains 40ft, unless rear buffer is increased 10 ft, then
height can be increased to 50 ft. With the exception of property completely surrounded by Right of way,
Army Corp, or City of Clemson property, which is allowed to be 65ft in height. (Astro Theater & Clemson
Place –Blue Heron/Friends Cafe). See Fact Sheets: #8 and #10
With the exception of CM, heights, setbacks, bulk, and massing, unless otherwise prescribed by an AR
District, have not changed in any non-residential district. See AR District Regulations
Article V – Planned Developments:
Unchanged from major rewrite approved by City Council in 2012 other than modest tweaks to make it
more useable.
Article VI-General and Supplemental, including Non-Conforming Uses
Minor changed to wording and provide links to related sections to increase readability. Broke out
individual chapters (Bufferyards, sign, parking).
Article VII-Sign Regulations
Adopted Fall 2013. Minor language changes proposed.
Article VIII – Parking Regulations
Adopted Fall 2013. Minor language changes proposed to include parking decks, and language that limits
height of decks to the height of the building.
Article IX Bufferyards, Screening, and Landscape Specifications
Added references to professional sources for tree preservations, plantings, and material specifications.
Changed standards to encourage viability/sustainability of plant materials. Added mixed-use category to
buffering standards. Significantly lowered number of planting requirements in bufferyards as advised by
experts, for plants to thrive. **Will be making further updates once the plan is adopted as per
conversations with certified arborists**
Article X – Lighting Standards
Increased readability. Lighting chapter is brand new. Meant to discourage light pollution/glare.
Encourages the use of night sky lighting and created illumination standards. Newly required lighting plan
including fixture design.
Article XI - Architectural Review Districts
Created more detailed requirements for AR-1. Refreshed requirements for all other district and made
sure they were context appropriate. Made article more readable. Updated maps for readability and
clarity. Included Clemson Home Center PD Map and reference to standards. Updated illustrations.
Article XII – Administration
No substantive changes. Language tweaks to provide enhanced readability and to provide references to
related materials.
Article XIII – Appeals
No substantive changes. Language tweaks to provide enhanced readability and to provide references to
related materials.
Article XIV – Amendment
No substantive changes. Language tweaks to provide enhanced readability and to provide
references to related materials.