L '1. CUSTOMER SERVICE P H O N E : 501 -784-2000 jbM j \ \ ul h"9t ARKANSAS _ _ OKLAHOMA __ GAS CORPORATION * 9 - ._ - ~ -- ~ O P E R A T I O N S 5030 SOUTH "S' STREET FORT SMITH, AR 72903 FAX: 501 452-7602 EXECUTIVE OFFICES 115 NORTH 12th STREET P. 0. BOX 17004 FORT SMITH, AR 72917 P H O N E : 501-783-3181 FAX. 501 -784-2095 January 2, 1998 Arkansas Public Service Commission Secretary to Commission P. 0. BOX C-400 Little Rock, AR 72203 RE : Original Docket No. 86-151-TF File Docket No. 86-033-A Gentlemen: We are enclosing fourteen (14) sets of the cost-of-gas computation of the rates to be added to our regular tariff rates in preparing the billings to our industrial and non-industrial customers for January, 1998. Sincerely, Mark Caldwell, CPA Director, Gas Accounting MC: lld Enclosures NATURAI, GAS - "The Environmental Protection Energy" Ai -.ANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Page 1 of 6 Cost of Gas Purchased for the Arkansas Division for the Month of November, 1997 For Application Under Costof-Gas Clause to Bills Rendered During January, 1998 Line No. Industrial Gas Adjustment Applicable to PSC Schedules: WA-2 LIS Industrial Large Industrial Service - 1 2 3 Lost-and-Unaccounted-For Gas (Page 5, Line 4) Company-Use Gas (Page 6, Line 5) Increase or (decrease) per MCF 4 Increase or (decrease) per MCF rounded to nearest 1/10 cent (S0.001) to be added or deducted from billings under schedule numbers WA-2 and LIS rendered during period $ 0.11860 g.0148Q 0.13340 S 0.13340 $ $ Non-Industrial Gas Adjustment Applicable to PSC Schedules: WA-1 WA-3 WA-4 WA-5 WA-6 WA-7 WA-8 Residential Commercial Federal Housing Authorities Fort Chaffee, Arkansas Arkansas Human Development Center Large Commercial Reserved Stand-By Service 5 6 7 8 9 Primary Unit Cost Change (Page 3 Line 16) Secondary Adjustment Factor Lost-and-Unaccounted-ForGas (Page 5, Line 12) Company-Use Gas (Page 6, Line 14) Increase or (decrease) per MCF $ 1.02772 (0.50000) 0.11860 9.01484 0.66112 10 Increase or (decrease) per MCF rounded to nearest 1/10 cent ($0,001) to be added or deducted from billings under schedule numbers WA4, WA-5, WA-6, WA-7, and WA-8 rendered during period $ 0.66112 11 Increase or (decrease) per CCF rounded to nearest 1/100 cent to be added or deducted from billings under schedule numbers WA-1 and WA-3 rendered during period $ 0.06610 - On System Transportation Applicable to PSC Schedules: LIT - Large Industrial Transportation 12 13 Company-Use Gas (Page 6, Line 5) Increase or (decrease) per MCF $ $ 0.01480 0.01480 14 Increase or (decrease) per MCF rounded to nearest l/lOO cent to be added or deducted from billings under schedule numbers LIT rendered during period $ 0.01480 The increase or (decrease) in the cost set out on lines 4, 10, 11 and 14 is applicable to the referenced PSC Schedules which were first effective August 1, 1997. ARG. ,AS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Page 2 of 6 Cost of Gas Purchased for the Arkansas Division for the Month of November, 1997 For Application Under Cost-of-Gas Clause to Bills Rendered During January, 1998 MCF Notwithstanding the fact that there may be several owners in each property, only one name is listed as the seller Hanna Oil & Gas Co. Stephens & Stephens Kaiser-Francis Stephens Production Co Mitchell Energy Corp. Sonat Exploration Co Oxley Petroleum Co MGF Oil Corp Revere Corp. Kevin R Sayre Medallion Resources Ross Explorations Spring Resources Arkansas Gas to Interstate Company Produced Gas Eastern Oklahoma Interstate Transportation Received Transportation Delivered Pool Gas Received Pool Gas Delivered Arkansas Gas to Keota Lost & Unaccounted for Gas provided by On-System Transportation Customers Exclude Gas Purchased Pursuant To APSC Approved Sales Contracts For Consumption On And After June 20,1997 Off System Transportation Credit (14.65) Volumes 26,357 $ 1,889 562 870,488 99 25,580 875 3,252 275 299 73 102 4,492 (3,090) 17,596 30,165 787,682 (748,665) 367,177 (363,398) (2,530) 2.949017 $ 3.1 17205 1.936619 3.977653 1.955960 1.922857 2.308914 1.970031 2.011164 1.994214 2.136986 2.232451 2.085274 2.756006 3.116663 2.742369 2.877907 3.0011 1 9 2.974243 3.007036 2.766802 cost of Gas Purchased 77,727.25 5,888.40 1,088.38 3,462,499.33 193.64 49,186.67 2,020.30 6,406.54 553.07 596.27 156.00 227.71 9,367.05 (8,516.06) 54,840.81 82,723.56 2,266,875.48 (2,246,832.58) 1,092,073.80 (1,092,751.03) (7,000.01) 12,837 3.047208 39,117.01 (136,122) 2.176448 (296,262.46) (37,036.10) - Total 895,995 Above total MCF converted to 14.73PSlA 891,130 Cost per MCF @ 14.73PSlA Rates Per MCF 3,463,143.03 3.886238 Natural Gas Clearinghouse Average Spot Market Price For Month of November, 1997 Price ($/MMBtu) $3.19 ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Page 3 of 6 Primary Adder Arkansas Cost-of-Gas Adjustment Line No. Month & Year __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 December, 1996 January, 1997 February March April May June July August September October November, 1997 13 Total 14 Average Cost per MCF Purchases Net of Company Use and Special Contracts MCF (14.73) Amount 1,348,8 1,334,6 668,5 372,3 497,4 293,7 202,8 189,4 227,9 221,o 415,l 882,9 $ 5,445,719 7,035,911 1,787,931 637,767 1,119,394 621,879 417,079 518,810 595,826 629,674 1,185,275 3,431,357 6,655,O $ 23,426,622 $ 3.520117 2.492400 15 Less Base Cost per MCF 16 Primary Unit Cost Change ~ $ 1.027717 ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Arkansas Purchase Gas Recovery Page 4 of 6 Cost and Sales For Month Of: 1 Non-Industrial Gas MCF Purchases 2 3 4 Cost Assigned Less Base Cost Recoverable Portion 5 __ November 1997 December 1997 January 1998 March 1998 February 1998 April 1998 ~. 882,951 0 0 0 $3,431,357 2,200,667 $1,230,690 $0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 MCF Sales 607,448 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 Primary Unit Cost Change Secondary Adjustment Factor Recovered Per MCF $0.9182 0.3945 $1.3127 $0.0000 0.0000 $0.0000 $0.0000 0.0000 $0.0000 $0.0000 0.0000 $0.0000 $0.0000 0.0000 $0.0000 9 Amt. Recovered(Refunded) $797,397 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 (Over) Under Recovered $433,293 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 Balance From Prior Mo. ($499,484: $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 Current Balance ($66,191: _-_ $0 1 $0 $0 $0 .. ~~ ~~ $0.0000 0.0000 $0.0000 $0 - ~ $0 _ _ ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Arkansas Lost-And-Unaccounted-For Gas Recovery Page 5 of 6 Line -- __ Calculation of Current Balance August September October November December January 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1 1 7,544 1 13,960 128,557 2.6135 2.8485 2.8551 Industrial 1 Sales 2 Average Cost of Gas 0 135,383 3.8862 0 0.0000 0.0000 $0 $0 I 3 Recoverable Amount for LUFG $10,740 $1 1,349 $12,832 $1 8,394 4 Rate Billed per MCF $0.1186 $0.1186 $0.1186 $0.1186 $0.0000 $0.0000 5 Amount Recovered (Line 1 x Line 4) $13,941 $13,516 $15,247 $16,056 $0 $0 6 Amount (Over)/Under Recovered ($3,201) ($2,167 ($2,41 5 $2,338 $0 $0 7 Balance From Prior Month ($3,201 ($5,367 ($7,782) $0 $0 8 Current Balance ($7,782 ($51444) $0 $0 155,208 216,288 607,448 0 0 2.61351 2.8485 2.8551 3.8862 0.0000 0.0000 $0 $0 $0.0000 $0.0000 $0 Non - Industrial 9 Sales 157,940 I 10 Average Cost of Gas i 11 Recoverable Amount for LUFG $14,431 $15,457 $21,589 $82,532 12 Rate Billed per MCF $0.1186 $0.1186 $0.1186 $0.1186 13 Amount Recovered (Line 1 x Line 4) $1 8,408 $25,652 $72,043 $0 $0 14 Amount (0ver)lUnder Recovered ($2,951 ($4,062 $10,489 $0 $0 15 Balance From Prior Month ($4,301 ($7,252 ($11,314: $0 $0 16 Current -Balance ($11,314 ($826: $0 $0 ~~- ~ - __ ~ - - ~ - ~ ($4,301) Note 1 : Schedule corrected from original filing for Line 2 - Average Cost of Gas ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Arkansas Company - Use Gas Recovery Page 6 of 6 Line No. Calculation of Current Balance August 1997 Industrial September 1997 October 1997 November December 1997 1997 -~ January 1998 - - _- (Note 1) 117,544 113,960 128,557 135,383 0 0 Average Cost of Gas 2.6135 2.8485 2.8551 3.8862 0.0000 0.0000 3 Base Cost of Gas 2.4924 2.4924 2.4924 2.4924 0.0000 0.0000 4 Recoverable Amount for Company-Use $1,824 $1,928 $2,180 $3,124 $0 $0 5 Rate Billed per MCF $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0000 $0.0000 6 Amount Recovered (Line 1 x Line 5) $1,740 $1,687 $1,903 $2,004 $0 $0 7 Amount (Over)/Under Recovered $85 $241 $277 $1,121 $0 $0 8 Balance From Prior Month $0 $85 $326 $602 $0 $0 9 Current Balance $85 $326 $602 $1,723 $0 $0 10 Sales 157,940 155,208 216,288 607,448 0 0 11 Average Cost of Gas 2.6135 2.8485 2.8551 3.8862 0.0000 0.0000 12 Base Cost of Gas 2.4924 2.4924 2.4924 2.4924 0.0000 0.0000 13 Recoverable Amount for Company-Use $2,451 $2,625 $3,667 $14,018 $0 $0 14 Rate Billed per MCF $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0148 $0.0000 $0.0000 15 Amount Recovered (Line 1 x Line 5) $2,338 $2,297 $3,201 $8,990 $0 $0 16 Amount (Over)/Under Recovered $1 14 $328 $466 $5,028 $0 $0 17 Balance From Prior Month $0 $1 14 $442 $908 $0 $0 $1 14 $442 - - ___ 1 Sales 2 ~ - ~ _ _ _ .- Non Industrial ~ _18 _ Current Balance ~~ $908 $5,935 . Note 1: Schedule corrected from original filing for Line 2 Average Cost of Gas ~~~~~ ~ $0 . $0