Clinical Research Network North West Coast Network Briefing

Clinical Research Network
North West Coast
Network Briefing
Information Pack
Page no
NIHR Clinical Research Network – North West Coast Our network‟s structure
What does the NIHR Local Clinical Research Network
Where is the CRN NWC based?
Introducing the network‟s core team
Clinical leadership of the CRN NWC
CRN NWC network governance
10 - 11
Network core service to stakeholders
13 - 16
1. SRG contact list CRN NWC (14)
2. Diagrams: Strategic engagement in network
delivery and local network‟s team structure (15)
3. NIHR CRN High Level Objectives (16)
4. Core Team Organogram CRN NWC (17)
We are delighted to welcome you to the official launch
event of the Clinical Research Network – North West
Coast (CRN NWC). The network has been operational
since 1st April 2014. The new network was set up
following a national transition programme when over a
102 local clinical research networks were restructured.
This exciting and ambitious transition has delivered 15
regionally based networks mapped onto the
geographical footprints of the newly created Academic
Health Science Networks (Figure 1).
Jacqueline A Pirmohamed
Chief Operating Officer
CRN North West Coast
Figure 1: Map showing geography of the CRN NWC / AHSN across the Region
The NIHR Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) is the clinical research delivery
arm of the NHS in England, tasked with supporting the rapid set-up and effective
conduct of studies, so that researchers can gather the robust evidence needed to
improve treatments for NHS patients.
The NIHR Clinical Research Network is led by a national coordinating centre, and
operates through 15 Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs). These local
networks drive clinical research delivery performance across the locality, and
champion the role of clinical research in the NHS at every level.
The CRN NWC is a „network‟ that comprises of 43 partners consisting of 23 NHS
Trusts and 20 Clinical Commissioning Groups. The Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen
University Hospitals NHS Trust hosts the network. Taken together, NIHR people,
programmes, centres of excellence, and systems, represent the most integrated
health research system in the world.
This event today will launch the newly configured network and showcase to both
regional and national stakeholders that we are now „open for business‟ and
continuing to work collectively to enable effective delivery of all NIHR clinical
research to benefit our patients across the region.
Thank you for attending our launch event.
The CRN NWC looks forward to working in partnership with all colleagues and
patients and public across the region as the network grows from strength to strength.
Jacqueline A Pirmohamed
Chief Operating Officer
CRN North West Coast
NIHR Clinical Research Network – North West Coast
Our networks structure:
Host Organisation
CRN NWC Partner
Royal Liverpool And Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
1. 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
2. Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
3. Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
4. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
5. Calderstones Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
6. Cheshire And Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
7. Countess Of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
8. Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology NHS Foundation Trust
9. Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
10. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
11. Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust
12. The Liverpool Heart And Chest NHS Foundation Trust
13. Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust
14. Mersey Care NHS Trust
15. The Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
16. Southport And Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
17. St Helens And Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
18. The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
19. University Hospitals Of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
20. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
21. Wirral Community NHS Trust
22. Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
23. NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG
24. NHS Blackpool CCG
25. NHS Chorley & South Ribble CCG
26. NHS Cumbria CCG (South only in NWC)
27. NHS East Lancashire CCG
28. NHS Greater Preston CCG
29. NHS Halton CCG
30. NHS Knowsley CCG
31. NHS Lancashire North CCG
32. NHS South Cheshire CCG
33. NHS South Sefton CCG
34. NHS Southport & Formby CCG
35. NHS St Helens CCG
36. NHS Vale Royal CCG
37. NHS Warrington CCG
38. NHS West Cheshire CCG
39. NHS West Lancashire CCG
40. NHS Fylde & Wyre CCG
41. NHS Liverpool CCG
42. NHS Wirral CCG
“Delivering Research to make patients, and the NHS, better”
What does the NIHR Local Clinical Research Network do?
Each Local Clinical Research Network provides support for delivery of research in
partnership with its partners and other stakeholders across the NHS, to benefit
patients across all therapy areas or clinical “themes” and will cover both commercial
and non-commercial research. The network will support the delivery of research in all
areas of clinical need covering all of the therapeutic areas listed in figure 2.
Metabolic and
Public health
Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine
and pain management
services and
health and
Ear, nose and
diseases and
Critical care
Injuries and
Dementias and
Mental health
Primary care
Oral and dental
Figure 2: Clinical Specialties of the NIHR Clinical Research Networks
Where is the CRN NWC based?
The CRN NWC is hosted by the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
Hospitals NHS Trust, the networks central hub office is based near Liverpool city
centre, within walking distance of the main Trust site (iC1 Liverpool Science Park).
The network also has a spoke office base in Preston (Preston Business Centre),
operating a hub and spoke model providing geographical coverage of the network
and enabling a focal point for local leadership, face-to-face contact and network
support across the entire North West Coast region.
Introducing the network’s core team:
Senior Management Team:
Main contact number: 0151-331-5122
Jacqueline A
Chief Operating Officer
Tel: 0151-331-5130
Pat Gillis
Research Delivery Manager
Moira Winters
Research Delivery Manager
Vicky Wilkinson
Research Delivery Manager
Dr Chris Smith
Industry Operations Manager
Maria Boswell
Workforce Development Lead
Tel: 0151 – 331 – 5122
Tel: 0151 – 331 – 5122
Tel: 0151 – 331 – 5122
Admin support:
Tel: 0151 – 331 – 5122
Admin support:
Tel: 0151 – 331 – 5235
Research Delivery Support Team1:
Jaime Halvorsen
Jill Simpson
Julie Mugarza
Karen Lomax
Rachel Bolton
Assistant Research Delivery
Manager (Business Intelligence
Assistant Research Delivery
Assistant Research Delivery
Lead Research Management &
Governance Manager
Continuous Improvement Lead
1 The Research Delivery Teams of the CRN are led by the Research Delivery Managers of the network.
The ‘Research Taskforce’ comprises of highly experienced Clinical Research Nurses and non-clinical
delivery support staff. This team is led by the Research Delivery Matrons who are the 1 point of contact
for enquiries related to NIHR research study support.
Research Taskforce:
Sarah Dyas & Lesley Hutt
Diane Van Eker
Christine Kelly
Lesley Miller
Margaret Brunton
Gillian Welch
Susan Cotterell
Elisabeth Turner
Andrea Young
Kate Maitland
Patricia Jenkins
Anna Lowe
Elaine Duncan
Hayley Hamlett
Deepsi Khatiwada
Kate Dodd
Lesley Rice
Julie Butler
Jill Barlow
Caroline Footer
Lisa Cheng
Cath Lunt
Magdelena Leach
Margaret Johnson
Research Delivery Matrons
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Clinical Research Nurse
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Officer – Non Clinical
Study Support Administrator
Research Administrative Support Team2:
Chris Taylor
Andrew Duggan
Jonathan Aitchison
Mark Walsh & Julie Ditchfield
TBC – Postholder appointed to commence early 2015
Carol Stanton
Michelle Vey
Ailsa Hayter
Matthew Johns
Karen Tripp
Nicola Dooley
Dan Hollins
Kay Scott
Tim Rawcliffe
Andrew Martyniak
Theresa Connelly & Laura Cooper
Finance Manager
Communications Manager
Information Manager
Information Officers
Industry Manager
Industry Facilitator
Industry Facilitator
Industry Officer
Contracts & Costing Officer
Research Management & Governance
Research Management & Governance
Research Management & Governance
Research Management & Governance
Patient & Public Involvement Officer
Learning & Development Administrator
Specialty Research Leads Administrators
Patient & Public Involvement Manager
2 The CRN NWC administrative staff cover a spectrum of responsibilities from network financial
management, contracts & costings support, communications, life sciences delivery support &
management, research management & governance, patient & public Involvement, learning &
development administration, specialty leads administration and information management/business
intelligence. The complexity of network delivery requires the team to work closely with partners across
NHS Trusts as well as many other research stakeholders across the region.
Clinical Leadership of the CRN NWC
Effective delivery of NIHR Clinical Research across the North West Coast is
dependant on the collaborative and excellent clinical research leadership across the
region‟s higher education establishments and NHS organisations across both
secondary and primary care sites.
In addition the CRN NWC also has a Clinical Director for the network who is
supported by a number of clinical leads (Figure 3) that take responsibility for working
together to support delivery of the network across the region.
Figure 3: Diagram representing clinical leadership of the CRN NWC
In addition each of the specialties across the network have an appointed local
„specialty research group‟ (SRG) lead (Appendix 1) who will also work closely with
the network to engage clinical colleagues and champion NIHR research delivery
across the region. As part of a national network of NIHR CRN leaders, individual
LCRN leaders in the CRN NWC will drive the clinical research agenda, which is one
of national importance. The leadership roles in each LCRN are both high profile and
demanding and leaders act as ambassadors for the NIHR.
As well as a passion for bringing clinical research opportunities to patients, LCRN
leaders have an in-depth understanding of how local NHS organisations function,
and have been appointed for their ability to forge and maintain productive
partnerships across organisational boundaries.
We would like to take this opportunity to proudly introduce our local clinical leaders to
all stakeholders. Over the coming year we will be developing our leadership model
further enhancing engagement with Trusts Clinical Directors of Research along with
Medical Directors and other leaders of our stakeholder organisations.
Collectively the network welcomes all approaches to our research partners to support
the collective ambition of the North West Coast to facilitate international reputation
for innovation and achievement in the field of clinical research delivery.
Enquiries regarding involvement in any aspect of network clinical research leadership
should be made to the CRN via 0151-331-5130.
Network Governance CRN NWC:
The CRN NWC has a five-year contract to deliver the network with Department of
Health (DH). The network is performance managed by DH through its agents the
NIHR Coordinating Centre (NIHR CRN CC) led by the Chief Executive - Dr Jonathan
Each local Clinical Research Network is hosted by a single NHS organisation.
Through the Host Trust – Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS
Trust the CRN NWC is subject to a robust governance framework to support effective
delivery (figure 4).
The Accountable Officer for the Network is the Trust‟s Chief Executive - Mr Aidan
Kehoe and the Nominated Executive Director is the Trust‟s Medical Director - Dr
Peter Williams. They both provide executive level support for the network‟s Clinical
Director & Chief Operating Officer along with an executive team within the Host Trust
to ensure the network is supported to deliver its objectives (Figure 5).
Figure 4: CRN NWC Governance Structures April 2014
Figure 5: Host Trust Executive CRN NWC
(Left to Right: Aidan Kehoe, CEO RLBUHT; Dr Peter Williams, Medical Director RLBUHT, Mr John Graham Deputy
CEO & Executive Director of Finance RLBUHT, Ros Edwards, Director of Human Resources & Organisational
Development, Tony Chambers CEO Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & Chair, CRN NWC
Partnership Group and Professor Tom Walley, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool)
The CRN NWC is also governed by a „Partnership Group‟ (PG), the PG is a formal
forum of LCRN partners, constituted by the Host organisation. Its role is to provide
active oversight and constructive mutual challenge on LCRN plans, activities,
performance and reports in order to support the LCRN to achieve its objectives and
raise the ambition for clinical research of the LCRN partners.
The CRN NWC is one of the largest of the 15 national networks spread over a large
geographical region with 43 partner organisations. The network organisations have
agreed to establish a PG that is representative of the region and ensures it conducts
its business in an equitable and transparent manner. The PG is chaired by Tony
Chambers, CEO Countess of Chester Hospital following successful nomination to
this role by his CEO colleagues. Vice Chair of the PG is Professor Heather Tierney
Moore, CEO Lancashire Care NHS Trust. Enquiries about membership of the PG
can be made to the network through
Network core service to stakeholders
The CRN NWC aims to ensure that patients and healthcare professionals from all
parts of England, and from all areas of healthcare, are able to participate in and
benefit from clinical research. This will be achieved by working in true partnership
with all stakeholders across the NWC region. This launch event showcases the
expertise and progress in delivering NIHR research across all partners across the
CRN NWC. One key role of the CRN with its partners is to improve the quality, speed
and co-ordination of clinical research by removing the barriers to research in the
NHS. This will be delivered by a number of service offerings covering the following
key areas:
 Expert Clinical Research Leadership with effective operational management
 Focus on all stages of research delivery the CRN NWC will carry out its
appropriate role at all stages of the research delivery pathway in line with
„Attributing the costs of social care Research & Development‟ (AcoRD)
guidance issued by the Department of Health as follows:
Development of research ideas
Study development & planning
Study set up and start up
Study recruitment and follow up
Study closure
 Research Management & Governance
 Life Sciences Industry Support
 Delivering on the Government Research Priority of Dementia
 Patient, Carer and Public Involvement and Engagement
 Continuous Improvement
 Workforce Development to ensure a fit for purpose CRN workforce across
 Effective financial management of NHS support resources across CRN NWC
 Improved business intelligence through delivery of a regional „Local Portfolio
Management System of choice‟ (LMPS SoC)
 Effective communications across the region supported by the appointment of
a network communications manager within the Host Trust
Appendix 1 – SRG Contact List CRN NWC
Appendix 2:
Diagrams: CRN NWC Strategic engagement in network delivery & local
network’s team structure
Appendix 3: NIHR CRN High Level Objectives 2014/15
Appendix 4: Core Team Organogram CRN NWC