Using Skye light sensors with Licor dataloggers Skye light sensors are compatible with Licor dataloggers just as Licor light sensors are compatible with Skye DataHog loggers and SpectroSense2 meters. Please see the table below for details of Skye sensor part numbers and output type. LIGHT SENSOR OUTPUT V DATALOGGER INPUT TYPE OUTPUT TYPE A 1 CHANNEL CURRENT Approx. output 0-20 mA PAR Special SKP 210 PAR Quantum SKP 215 PAR Quantum SKP 217 PAR Energy SKE 510 PAR Energy SKE 512 Lux SKL 310 Lux SKL 312 Pyranometer SKS 1110 Special wavelengths SKP 218 OUTPUT TYPE B 1 CHANNEL VOLTAGE Approx. output 0-20 mV PAR Special SKP 210 PAR Quantum SKP 215 PAR Quantum SKP 217 PAR Energy SKE 510 PAR Energy SKE 512 Lux SKL 310 Lux SKL 312 Pyranometer SKS 1110 Special wavelengths SKP 218 OUTPUT TYPE C 1 CHANNEL VOLTAGE Output 0-1V PAR Special SKL 2610 PAR Quantum SKL 2620 PAR Quantum SKP 212 * PAR Energy SKE 515 * PAR Energy SKL 2641 Lux SKL 2630 Lux SKL 315 * Pyranometer SKL 2650 UVA SKU 420 UVA SKU 425 * UVA SKU 426 * UVB SKU 430 UVB SKU 435 OUTPUT TYPE D 2 CHANNEL CURRENT Approx. output 0-20 mA Red / Far-red SKR 110 2 channel SKR 1800 OUTPUT TYPE E 4 CHANNEL CURRENT Approx. output 0-20 mA 4 channel SKR 1850 OUTPUT TYPE F 4 CHANNEL VOLTAGE Output 0-1V 4 channel SKR 1850A NOTE 1 : Both sensor outputs Type A and B above can obtained from the same sensor by using a different combination of wire connections. NOTE 2 : Sensors marked with * usually have a 0-10V output as standard, please request a 0-1V output for use with Licor loggers LICOR LI-1000 DATALOGGER This is a 10-channel logger with 8 analogue and 2 digital inputs. Only the analogue inputs are compatible with Skye light sensors. BNC Connections Two of the current input logger channels are located on 2 BNC connectors. These inputs are suitable for Skye 1-channel current output sensors (Type A in the table). SKYE INSTRUMENTS LTD 21, Ddole Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF, UK Tel: +44(0)1597 824811 Fax: +44(0)1597 824812 Email: Web: Updated 08/10/07 Using Skye light sensors with Licor dataloggers (continuned) 2-channel current output sensors (Type D) can also be used but the cable end must be spilt in two so that one of the sensor channels is connected to each BNC input. Skye can fit the BNC connectors to sensors at time of ordering, on request. Terminal Block Connections 6 further logger channels on the 1000-05 terminal block connections can be configured for voltage or current inputs. These inputs are suitable for all the Skye light sensors listed in the Table above, types A F. The terminal bock also provides power supply to sensors (required for amplified 0-1V output sensors Types C and F). No connectors are needed, wire ended cables are connected via screw terminals. LICOR LI-1400 DATALOGGER This is a 10-channel logger with 9 analogue and 1 digital inputs. Only the analogue inputs are compatible with Skye light sensors. BNC Connections Three of the current input logger channels are located on 3 BNC connectors. These inputs are suitable for Skye 1-channel current output sensors (Type A in the table). 2-channel current output sensors (Type D) can also be used but the cable end must be spilt in two so that each of the sensor channels is connected to a different BNC input. Skye can fit the BNC connectors to sensors at time of ordering, on request. Terminal Block Connections 2 further logger channels on the 1400-301 terminal block connections can be configured for current inputs. These are suitable for Skye 1 and 2-channel current output sensors (Types A and D). To connect the Skye 4-channel current output sensors (Type E) a mixture of BNC and terminal block inputs must be used, e.g. 2 sensor channels with BNC connectors and 2 sensor channels with current terminal block connections. 4 further logger channels on the 1400-301 terminal block connections can be configured for voltage inputs. These are suitable for Skye 1 and 4-channel voltage output sensors (Types B, C and F). The terminal bock also provides power supply to sensors (required for amplified 0-1V output sensors Types C and F). No connectors are needed, wire ended cables are connected via screw terminals. Updated 08/10/07