BFA Requirements (34 Credits) Graphic Design Prerequisites (12

Student Name:
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BFA Requirements (34 Credits)
Lower Division Courses (12 Credits)
Art 150 Introduction to Drawing
Class No. and Title
Art 251 Beginning Illustration 4
Art 170 Two-Dimensional Design
Select an additional two:
Art 171 Three-Dimensional Design Class No. and Title
Qtr. Taken
Art 172 Computer Fundamentals in Art & Design
Art 235 Ancient and Medieval Art
Art 236 Renaissance through Mid-19th-century
Art 237 Impressionism through Postmodernism 3
Art 250 Figure Drawing 3
Office and Office hours:
Advisor Email:
Art 260 Beginning Painting
Art 265 Beginning Ceramics4
Art 280 Beginning Sculpture4
Art 495 Studio Project2
Art 374 History of Graphic Design
Art 246 Beginning Jewelry/Metals
Art 414 Recent Art4
Art 241 Beginning Wood Design
Upper Division Courses (50-52 Credits)
Class No. and Title
Art 370 Beginning Layout & Design 4
Credits Qtr. Taken
Art 371 Intermediate Layout & Design
Art 372 Beginning Design & Production 4
Art 383 Intermediate Graphic Interface Design
Art 225 Beginning Photography 4
Art 451 Advanced Illustration
Art 274 Beginning Typography4
Art 470 Advertising Graphic Design
Art 283 Beginning Graphic Interface Design
Art 471 Corporate Graphic Design
Art 472 Intermediate Design & Production 4
Graphic Design Prerequisites (12 Credits)
Class No. and Title
Qtr. Taken
Qtr. Taken
Art 474 Advanced Typography4
Office Phone:
Art 483 Advanced Graphic Interface Design 4
Art 490 Internship10-12
A minimum of 60 credits of upper division (300 and above) courses are required by CWU for
For prerequisites to classes refer to your course
Additional Information
Portfolio Review: The portfolio review will happen at the end of fall quarter each year. Portfolios will be submitted as a link to a website where files may be
viewed. Portfolios will be composed of 10 to 12 pieces of work completed in the Graphic Design prerequisite courses. In addition to the portfolio, students will
submit a current academic requirements report and a course checklist indicating the quarter courses have been completed. Students will be notified of their
status via e-mail before winter quarter.
Adobe Creative Suite: Students should purchase an education version of the Adobe Creative Suite that contains at a minimum Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,
InDesign, Dreamweaver and Flash. Students interested in motion graphics may also want to purchase AfterEffects: photography students, Lightroom. Any Apple
computer capable of running current versions of above software will be suitable: laptops are preferred.
Art 490 Coop Education (Internship): The internship must be completed after admission to the core Graphic Design sequence, during summer only. Internships are formal agreements between employers and CWU and require students to register for 10 - 12 CWU credits. Internships are full-time (approx. 40 hours/
week) for 10-12 weeks and may or may not be paid. Students wishing to complete internships must complete the appropriate paperwork through their advisor
during the spring quarter prior to summer they will intern.
If you are a transfer student and have already completed equivalent courses at another college or university, indicate this on the blank spaces. Be sure to check
your current academic requirements report to determine whether the course you completed transferred as equivalent to a CWU Art course. If it did not, and
you are confident that the course was similar in content and scope, you will need to fill out a Permit to Substitute form available in the Art office. You will also
need to provide a copy of either a course syllabus or a catalog description for each course you are petitioning to substitute. Your advisor or the Department
Chair can review these requested transfer credits.