Computer Science and Engineering 2013, 3(2): 15-23 DOI: 10.5923/ Application of the Structural Analysis on a Three Axis Manipulator Robot Yasmine Derdour1,* , Hafid Haffaf1 , Kheireddine Bouazza2 1 Department of Computer, University of Oran, Faculty of Science, Oran, 31000, Algeria, Riir Department of Computer, University of Oran, Faculty of Science, Oran, 31000, Algeria, Litio 2 Abstract The main objective is to show the efficiency of the structural analysis in the field of the mon itoring and the fault detection by taking into account the constraints of the real world, and consequently, to know exact ly at wh ich level and at which mo ment it will be necessary to intervene. The problem of fault detection (FD) is to check for the presence of crash. When no fault is present in the system, it is in the safe mode, otherwise it is in the faulty mode. In the first case, the analytical residual redundancy relations (ARRs) vanish, in the second case, they are different fro m zero if some fault arises, and we have to decide among a nu mber of fau lty modes, wh ich mode is incriminated, this is the isolation process (FI) Th is paper presents a three axis manipulator robot on which we apply the structural analysis for fault diagnosis purpose. Structural analysis offers the opportunity to transform an analytical model into a structural model, so we can describe it using an incidence matrix which allows representing components of the system. Fro m the structural graph obtained, we apply the matching algorith m to extract analytical redundancy relations gathered in a signature failures table. Based on “detectability” and “localizab ility” properties, the aim of the method is to identify the main variables which are influential and dependent on the evolution of the system. Keywords Structural Analysis, Monitoring, Fau lt Detection and Isolation, Matching, Bipart ite Graph, Incidence Matrix, Table of Signature, Residue, Analytical Relations of Redundancies 1. Introduction At present, the competition between manufacturers became more and more rough to satisfy the requirements of their customers in order to offer the best quality of products and services which exists. This competition obliges increasingly to integrate the concept of monitoring at every level. In order to achieve this objective, manufacturers try today more than ever to increase the productivity of their companies; this by reducing the costs and production time and by improving manufacturing quality. The ceaseless modernizat ion of production tools makes industrial systems increasingly co mplex and sophisticated. In parallel, a greater request of reliability, availability, reconfigurability and safety became real challenges in the third millenniu m that industrial system ought to verify. The development of co mputing, financial accessibility and co mp u t in g p o wer o f co mp u t ers mad e p o s s ib le t h e develop ment of diagnosis methods such as the structural analysis. Ho wever, industrial systems are designed much more co mp lex and the failure of one co mponent can lead to dysfunction of the whole system. Th is can have major effects * Corresponding author: derdouryasmine@yahoo. fr (Yasmine Derdour) Published online at Copyright © 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved on the availability and performance of the system so leading industry efforts to failure. It can even cause damage tomachines or hu man especially when these systems appear in many processes with risk such as nuclear and chemical ones. The improvement of their safety is based on the Fault detection and isolation (FDI) procedures[1]. A fault in a system may affect the actuators, the sensors or the components. Different approaches for the design of FDI procedures have been developed, on the basis of the kind of knowledge used to describe the plant. The FDI methodology, when applied to detect the failures by using the structural analysis, is the use of the structural model. The later represents only relationships between components neglecting the values of variables and parameters[2][3]. The structural model of a system is an abstraction of its behavioural model in the sense that only the structure of the system is important. Among those properties, we can cite: controllability, observability, fault detectability or monitorability, sensor placement objectives,[4]. The FDI procedure is essentially based on generating Analytical Redundancy Relations (ARRs) in order to compare the actual behaviour with reference behaviour in monitoring process[5]. In the other hand, control of robot is topical issue in automat ic process, and the ability of monitoring sensitive components is a main object ive in design process. For this raison, the estimate of a process state quality and its dependability are h ighly conditioned by the number and 16 Yasmine Derdour et al.: Application of the Structural Analysis on a Three Axis M anipulator Robot distribution of measurements over it. The instru mentation architecture design of a system represents a very important step. The used analytical model can be given under structural or state space equation form [6]. A bipart ite graph is then generated from the mathematical model corresponding to the three axis robot in order to perform structural analysis, which in turn, boils down to matching characterizat ion. The innovative interest of this paper is to apply this structural method in robotics, a three axis manipulator robot is considered, on which all the steps of structural analysis are carried out: we apply the matching on a bipart ite graph, and thus, generate ARRs fro m this matching which are gathered on signature table. After giving the model of the robot (section 5), the basic concepts of structural analysis are recalled in section 6, and then in section 7 and 8, the application of the analytical redundancy relations generation steps. These redundancy relations are then satisfied in the normal mode, and not satisfied in the case of presence of failure[6]. 2. Monitoring Concepts To detect locate errors, the anomalies and dysfunctions, the surveillance includes all the tools allo wing to control the evolution of the behavior of production system with regard to its normal functioning. The surveillance is the base of an excellent safety of functioning of technological processes, it constitutes an interface between the operator and the physical installat ion. Its role is to provide information on the actual state (correct or incorrect) of mon itored devices, to validate the in formation fro m the sensors and to locate the failing co mponents. The FDI based methodology is divided in two stages: design phase to obtain ARRs fro m the structural (graphical) model, and the explo itation phase where these residuals are on line analy zed. Let us now introduce some basic concepts of SURVEILLA NCE (SUPERVISION)[7] Failure. (undesirable) : functional ano maly in a physical system. A failure is a consequence of a risk that materializes. Error or dysfunction : this is the part of the system that no longer meets the need required, and can eventually cause failure. Breakdown :inability of a device to perform its function. Safety of functioning : It is the technical and human reliability of a process. The design of a system sure must assess the risk of hardware failu re, software and human, and environmental conditions. Reliability: ability to adequately perform the task in normal conditions, during a given time interval. Availability: (at any time) the availability is defined as "the ability of an entity to be able to accomplish required function in given conditions, at a given time or during a given time interval, assuming the provision of external resources necessary maintenance is assured. Maintainability or possibility of restoring: according to the AFNOR standard is "in the given conditions of use, the ability of an entity to be maintained or restored, on a given time interval, in a state in which it can perform a required function, when maintenance is performed under given conditions, with prescribed procedures and resources." Security: the system's ability to avoid appear, in g iven conditions, catastrophic events or the insurance system to resist unauthorized or incorrect entrance and to be able to report them. 3. Conception of a Monitoring System The variables are of two kinds needed in the system: a) The entrances • Knowledge of the operation of the system to monitor • Monitoring System Specifications b) The outputs • Detection, localization, diagnosis of failures • Algorith ms variables that must be acquired to enable it to fulfill the specifications • Characterization of the system designed to assess its performance[7]. In the monitored system, the decision-making between the presence or absence of the errors is a problem of fau lt detection (FD). When no error has been made in the system, this last one is called " in normal mode ", otherwise it is called " in degraded mode". The problem of fau lts isolation is to determine the presence of degraded mode between modes and possible states of the system. 4. Principle of Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) For thirty years, the fault detection and isolation (FDI) continues to grow in importance as a research topic, especially within the co mmun ities of Automat ic Co mmand and Artificial intelligence[8][9]. The FDI is based on the following steps: The diagnosis bases on an explicit model of the normal behavior of the system. The faults isolation is based on the analysis of sets components (faults) involved in each detected incoherencies. • A defect is detected fro m the incoherence between the observed behavior and the behavior predicted by the model • The faults isolation is based on the analysis of sets components (faults) involved in each detected incoherence. Nu merous methods are on the basis of the works of detecting and locating defects, and there are constantly new methods proposed in the literature[10]. Most of these methods can be viewed as variations or imp rovements of previous ones. This section is intended as a not exhaustive review o f these methods, among which it is sometimes difficult to determine which it is better necessary to use[7]. Nevertheless, we can retain three operations: • Detection: decide if the system is faulty. Computer Science and Engineering 2013, 3(2): 15-23 • Localization: to determine which part of the system is affected. • Identification: determine the extent of the defect. The FDI methods differs not only in the way in wh ich knowledge about the process being monitored is used but also on[7] the nature the required knowledge. In general, the methods are divided into two major families fo llo wing: 4.1. Approaches Based on Models They are based on knowledge we get of the normal behavior of the system represented by a specific model, which can be quantitative or qualitative. The first model is based on fundamental physical princip les expressed in the form of mathemat ical equations, while the second is based on the system structure and the links between co mponents, expressed for examp le in the form of logical relat ions. The principle of these approaches consists in comparing the informat ion fro m the system in real time with those from the model to detect differences. 4.2. Approaches wi th Historical Data (or wi thout Models) They are based on knowledge obrained from past experiences (we shall also take into account superficial knowledge based on the history story of the process). In these approaches, an analysis is made on the records of the past experiences in order to extract the characteristics of the system to be monitored to ach ieve the observed symptoms lin ked to the corresponding defects. Techniques based model and techniques without model make both use of redundancy information relative to the system. This can be obtained fro m data of the system during previous functioning in normal mode, either fro m the knowledge wh ich we have on the system (analyt ical model). The redundancy can result thus either fro m entrances. We are interested in this article to structural analysis that is a method-based model. The structural analysis is a tool o f a collective reflect ion. It offers the possibility of translating an analytical model into structural model then it describes this model using an incidence matrix linking all the co mponents of this system. Fro m there, the structural graph can be obtained. We make then the matching to be able to loosen analytical redundancy relations which we shall classify in the signature failures table. And at the end, we can apply the FDI. Leav ing of this description, this method has for object to create the main influential and dependent variables and thus the essential variables in the evolution of the system. We shall discuss the approaches which are interested in the fault detection and isolation of the defects ( FDI) in a system, especially the methods which use a behavioral model. This model consists of a representation of system behavior in the form of mathematical relations ( analytical model). 17 5. Modelling of Dynamic Model of the Robot[11] The model is represented by the following equation: π€π€ = ππ (ππ) ππΜ + πΆπΆ(ππ, ππΜ )ππΜ + πΊπΊ (ππ) + πππ£π£ ππΜ + πππ π π π π π π π π π ( ππΜ ) (1) WhereππΜ is the n×1 accelerat ions vector, ππΜ is the n×1 velocities vector, q is the n×1 coordinates vector and π€π€ is the n×1 external torques vector. ππ (ππ) represents the n×n positive definite inertial matrix, πΆπΆ (ππ, ππΜ ) is the n×n Coriolis and centrifugal fo rces matrix and G(q) is the n×1 gravitational torques vector. fv is the n×n viscous frictions diagonal matrix, and fs is the Coulo mb frictions diagonal matrix, but these matrix will be ignored throughout our work. And therefore we obtain the following model:[11] π€π€ = ππ (ππ) ππΜ + πΆπΆ(ππ, ππΜ )ππΜ + πΊπΊ (ππ) (2) Without loss of generality, the inert ial matrix of the robot is given by: 0 ππ11 ππ12 0 οΏ½ ππ = οΏ½ππ21 ππ22 0 0 ππ33 With: βͺ ππ11 = ππ1 ππ21 + ππ2 (ππ 21 + ππ22 + 2 ππ2 ππ 1 ππ2) + ππ3 ( ππ 21 + ππ 22 + 2 ππ 1 ππ2 ππ2 ) + πΌπΌ1π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ2π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ3π§π§π§π§ βͺ ππ12 = +ππ21 = ππ2 ( ππ22 + ππ2 ππ1 ππ2 ) + ππ3 (ππ 22 + ππ1 ππ2 ππ 2+πΌπΌ2π§π§π§π§+πΌπΌ3 π§π§π§π§ βͺ ππ22 = ππ2 ππ22 + ππ3 ππ 22 + πΌπΌ2π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ3π§π§π§π§ βͺ ππ22 = ππ3 Where : πππΌπΌ : Mass of axis ππ π π ππ : Sinus ( ππππ ) ci : Cosinus ( ππππ ) πΌπΌππππππ : Inertia mo ment of joint ππ The mat rix of Corio lis and Centrifugal forces is: πΆπΆ11 πΆπΆ12 0 πΆπΆ = οΏ½ πΆπΆ21 0 0 οΏ½ 0 0 0 with πΆπΆ11 = −2 ππ 1 π π 2 ( ππ2 ππ2 + ππ3 ππ 2 )ππΜ 2 πΆπΆ12 = −ππ 1 π π 2 (ππ2 ππ2 + ππ3 ππ 2 )ππΜ 2 πΆπΆ21 = ππ 1 π π 2 (ππ2 ππ2 + ππ3 ππ 2 )ππΜ 1 And the gravitational vector is: ππΜ πΊπΊ = ( 0 0 − ππ3 ππ) ππ l1 a1 a2 l2 c2 c1 d2 Figure 1. The robot under study 18 Yasmine Derdour et al.: Application of the Structural Analysis on a Three Axis M anipulator Robot In order to min imize, the nu mber of parameters (without rank deficiency on observation matrix) and also to avoid the probable cumulat ive errors in identification of each parameter, we proceed to several grouping:[11] ππ1 = ππ1 ππ21 + ( ππ2 +ππ3 )ππ 21 + ππ2 ππ22 + ππ3 ππ 22 + πΌπΌ1π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ2π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ3π§π§π§π§ ππ2 = ππ2 ππ22 + ππ3 ππ 22 + πΌπΌ2π§π§π§π§ + πΌπΌ3π§π§π§π§ ππ3 = ππ 1 (ππ2 ππ2 + ππ3 ππ 2 ) ππ4 = ππ3 Then, we can write: ππ1 + 2ππ3 ππ2 ππ2 + ππ3 ππ2 0 ππ2 0 οΏ½ ππΜ + π€π€ = οΏ½ ππ2 + ππ3 ππ2 0 0 ππ4 0 −2ππ3 π π 2 ππΜ 2 −ππ3 π π 2 ππΜ 2 0 οΏ½ ππ3 π π 2 ππΜ 1 (3) 0 0οΏ½ ππΜ + οΏ½ 0 οΏ½ −ππ4 ππ 0 0 0 With the parameters presented in the table below: Table 1. Robot parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 19.1337 2.8522 4.1214 1.2568 • The Relati ons for Model of the Robot The components of the robot are described by the following relat ions: −πΆπΆ1 : ππΜ 1 = ππ π€π€1 + ππ π€π€2 + ππ π€π€3 + ππΜ 1 (ππ 8,2428 π π π π π π π₯π₯(3) π₯π₯(4) − ππ 4,1214π π ππππ π₯π₯3 π₯π₯ 2+ ππππ3ππ (4) −πΆπΆ2 : ππΜ 2 = ππ π€π€1 + ππ π€π€2 + ππ π€π€3 + ππΜ 2 (ππ 4,1214 π π π π π π π₯π₯ (3) π₯π₯ (4) + ππππ3 ππ) (5) (6) −πΆπΆ3 : ππΜ 3 = ππ π€π€1 + β π€π€2 + ππ( π€π€3 +ππ3 ππ) (7) −ππ1 : π¦π¦1 (π‘π‘) = ππ1 (π‘π‘) (8) −ππ2 : π¦π¦2 (π‘π‘) = ππ2 (π‘π‘) (9) −ππ3 : π¦π¦3 (π‘π‘) = ππ3 (π‘π‘) ππ ππ1 (π‘π‘) −ππ 1 : ππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) = (10) −ππ 2 : ππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) = −ππ 3 : ππΜ 2 (π‘π‘) = −ππ 4 : ππΜ 2 (π‘π‘) = ππππ ππππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) −ππ 6 : ππΜ 3 (π‘π‘) = (12) ππππ ππππ3 π‘π‘) (14) ππππ ππππΜ 2 (π‘π‘ ) −ππ 5 : ππΜ 3 (π‘π‘) = (11) ππππ ππππ2 (π‘π‘ ) ππππ ππππΜ 3 (π‘π‘) ππππ (13) (15) The analytical model of the robot is a set of: -Three constraints: πΆπΆ1 , πΆπΆ2 and πΆπΆ3 -Three measures: ππ1 , ππ2 and ππ3 -Six derivations : ππ 1 , ππ 2 , ππ 3 , ππ 4 , ππ 5 and ππ 6 This model connects nine unknown variables; it implies that we can generate three relations of analytical redundancy. It includes the follo wing co mponents: -The inputs π€π€1 , π€π€2 and π€π€3 of the three axis of robot. -The position, the speed and acceleration ( ππ1 , ππΜ1 and ππ1Μ ) for axis1, and so on for axis 2 and axis 3. - π¦π¦: output, - ππ, ππ, ππ, ππ , ππ, ππ, ππ, β, ππ: coefficients, - ππ : gravity. Industrial systems like those in Robotic much more complex designed and the failure o f one component can lead to the dysfunction of the whole system. This can have major effects on the availab ility and performance o f the system leading the industrialists’ efforts to failure. It can even cause damage to machines or human. The need for safety of functioning and monitoring became crucial to meet the performance objectives and above all safety of technological processes such as robots especially for critical systems such as nuclear, aeronautical systems... This is why there are several methods to overcome these problems and ensure proper monitoring. 6. Structural Analysis The structural analysis is a method of the pretreatment; this pretreatment is effective even for the most co mplex automated systems. This method is concerned with the properties of the system structure model, and it’s considered as a powerful tool which determinates these properties. Thanks to graph theory, these properties are obtained starting from the only knowledge of the existence of links (constraints) between variables, without need the parameters values[12]. The structural analysis, by the knowledge of the structural conditions of observability or o f co mmandability, allo ws the detection and localizat ion of the failures or the study of reconfigurability. The structural properties under study are[2]: • The identification of the mon itorable part of the system that is the subset of the system components of this system of whose faults can be detected and isolated. •The possibility to design the residuals which meet some specific fau lt diagnosis requirements, namely which are simp ly robust, (insensitive to disturbances and uncertainties), and structured (sensitive to certain faults and insensitive to others). • The existence of reconfiguration possibilities in order to estimate (respectively to control) some variable o f interest in case of sensor, actuator or system component failures[2]. Answers to these questions are provided by the analysis of the structural graph of the system. The main purpose of representing the system as a structural graph is to obtain the knowledge of the subsystem with inherent redundant informat ion that exists within the system. Th is part can be analy zed in detail, and redundant informat ion can then be used for fault detection and isolation (FDI) purpose. 6.1. Structural Model Representati on The structural model of a system as a bi-partite graph which represents the links between a set of variables and a set of constraints . It is an abstraction of the behavior model, because it merely describes which variab les are connected by which constraints, but it doesn’t say how these constraints look like. Hence, the structural model p resents the basic Computer Science and Engineering 2013, 3(2): 15-23 features and properties of a system that are independent of its parameters. The system’s structural model is[13] represented by the set of relations F= {f1 ,f2 ….fm } and the set of variables Z= K∪X = {z1 ,z2 ….zn }.X is the set of unknown variables and K=U ∪Y is the set of known variables where input/reference signals (U),and measured signals(Y) [13]. The set of constraints F is separated into Fk, wh ich we only apply to known variables, and Fx=F/Fk that is the set of those constraints that include at least one unknown variable. The types of variables in a diagnostic context are: the known variab les corresponding to measurements and controller input. The unknown variables, typically internal states and unknown inputs should not influence the residual, and the faults to be detected. Formally, the structural model of the system is defined as follows: R = {R1 , R2 ,..., Rm }a set of structural equations. K = {k1 , k 2 ,..., k c } the set of the known variab les. X = {x1 , x2 ,..., xn } the set of the unknown variables. Z = X ∪ K is the set of all the variab les. Z = n + c A constraint R impose a relation between variables and parameters, belonging to R j z1 , z 2 ,...z Z = 0 Z: ; j = 1, m. These relations can represent dynamic, static, linear or non-linear relat ions[13]. This model is then represented graphically by bipartite graph or in an equivalent way, by an incidence ( ) 19 matrix. 6.2. Bi-Partite Graph The structural model of the system (C, Z) is a bi-part ite graph (C, Z, β° ) where β° ⊂ C × Z is the set of edges defined by: οΏ½ci , zj οΏ½ ∈ β° if the variable zj appers in the constraint ci . Note that the bi-partite graph is an undirected graph, which can be interpreted as follows: all variables and parameters connected with a g iven constraint vertex has to satisfy the equation or rule this vertex presents. This graph allo ws representing the structure of the system rather general models including both differential and algebraic constraints. 6.3. Inci dence Matri x An incidence matrix is a matrix that shows the relat ionship between two classes of objects. If the first class is C and the second is ππ, the matrix has one row for each element of C and one column for each element of ππ[14].The entry in row c and column z is 1 if c and z are related (called incident in this context) and 0 if they are not. With C: Constraint, ππ : Derivation and ππ: Measure -The matching edges are indicated by gray boxes. - π₯π₯: is used to forbid the integral causality because the initial values of variables are unknown. -The arrows indicate the constraints not saturated by the matching which are πΆπΆ1 , πΆπΆ2 and πΆπΆ3. Table 2. Incidence matrix of the robot πΆπΆ1 πΆπΆ2 πΆπΆ3 ππ1 Γ1 1 Γ2 1 Γ3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ππ1 ππ2 x ππΜ 1 1 ππΜ 2 ππΜ 3 π¦π¦1 π¦π¦2 π¦π¦3 1 x x 1 1 x ππ5 ππ3 ππΜ 3 1 ππ4 ππ2 1 ππΜ 2 1 ππ3 ππ1 ππΜ 1 1 ππ2 ππ6 ππ3 x 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 Yasmine Derdour et al.: Application of the Structural Analysis on a Three Axis M anipulator Robot 6.4. The Matching Concept[13] The ultimate aim of representing the system in terms of structured graph is to obtain knowledge about the parts/subsystems with inherent redundant information that exists within the system. These parts can be analyzed in detail and the redundant informat ion can then be man ipulated for FDI purpose[13]. A matching is a causal assignment which associates unknown system variab les with the system constraints fro m wh ich they can be calculated. Unknown variables which cannot be matched cannot be calculated. Variables which can be matched in several ways can be determined in different (redundant) manners, which provide a means for fault detection and possibility for reconfiguration[2]. Definition[2]: Let (πΆπΆ, ππ, β° ) be a bi-partite graph, ππ ∈ β° , ππ = (πΌπΌ, π½π½) be an edge which lin ks the constraint πΌπΌ and the variable π½π½, and ππππ and πππ§π§ be two projections. ππππ : β° → πΆπΆ ππ βΌ ππππ (ππ) = πΌπΌ πππ§π§ : β° → ππ ππ βΌ ππππ (ππ) = π½π½ The projection of the edge on the constraint set is ππππ (ππ ) = πΌπΌ (the constraint node of the edge ππ ) and the projection of the edge on the variable set is ππππ (ππ) = π½π½ (the variable node of the edge ππ); A matching ππ is a subset of such that the restriction of ππππ and πππ§π§ to ππ are inject ive, ∀ ππ1 , ππ2 ∈ ππ: ππ1 ≠ ππ2 ⇒ ππππ ( ππ1 ) ≠ ππππ ( ππ2 ) βππππ ( ππ1 ) ≠ πππ§π§ ( ππ2 ) This means that a matching is a subset of edges such that any two edges have no common node (neither in πΆπΆnor in ππ). There are two types of matching maximal and co mplete. is only one in the co lu mn). It is obviously possible to define matchings, maximal matchings, and complete matchings by considering either the whole structure of the system or only subgraphs of its structural graph, i.e. subsets of the constraints and variables instead of the whole set. As know variables need not to be determined by some constraint, the matching is accomp lished in the following for the subgraph containing all unknown variab les rather than the whole structure graph. π€π€1 π€π€2 π€π€3 π¦π¦1 6.4.1. Maximal Matching A maximal matching is a matching ππ such that ∀ππ ∈ 2ππ π€π€π€π€π€π€β ππ ⊂ ππ, ππ is not a matching. Thus,a maximal matching is a matching such that no edge can be added without violating the no co mmon node property. Since the set of matchings ππ is only part ially ordered, it fo llo ws that there is in general more than one maximal matching[2]. 6.4.2. Co mp lete Matching[2] π¦π¦2 π¦π¦3 C1 d1 C2 d2 C3 d3 m1 d4 m2 d5 m3 ππ 1 ππΜ 1 ππΜ 1 ππ 2 ππΜ 2 ππ 2Μ ππ 3 ππΜ 3 A matching is called co mplete with respect to πΆπΆ if |ππ| = |πΆπΆ | holds. A matching is called complete with respect ππ 3Μ d6 to ππ if |ππ| = |ππ| holds. For a co mplete matching ππ on πΆπΆ(respectively on ππ),each constraint (respectively each variab le) belong to exactly one edge of the matching: ∀ ππ ∈ πΆπΆ: ∃π§π§ ∈ ππ π π π π π π β π‘π‘βππππ (ππ, π§π§) ∈ ππ Figure 2. The graph of the structural model of the robot ∀ π§π§ ∈ ππ: ∃ππ ∈ πΆπΆ π π π π π π β π‘π‘βππππ (ππ, π§π§) ∈ ππ However, the incidence matrices and the graphical A matching can be represented by selecting at most one”1” in each row and each column in the incidence matrix of the representations are usually given for the co mplete structure bi-partite graph. Each selected “1” represents an edge of the graph. -The structural graph corresponding to our matrix of matching. No other edge should contain the same variab le (thus the only one in the row) or the same constraint (thus it incidence is shown in the Fig 2. Every colu mn of the matrix Computer Science and Engineering 2013, 3(2): 15-23 corresponds to a circle-vertex and every row to a bar-vertex. This matching is maximal and co mplete with respect to the variables. For FDI considerations i.e to obtain a signature table that could give all the colu mns disjoint two by two, we tried to obtain the "best" matching. If we cannot obtain this property, the system is not structurally monitorable and we have to place some additional sensors [15]. The chosen matching is drawn by dark lines. 6.5. Relations after Matching πΆπΆ1 : 0 = ππ π€π€1 + ππ π€π€2 + ππ π€π€3 + ππΜ 1 (ππ 8,2428 π π π π π π π₯π₯ (3) π₯π₯ (4) − ππ 4,1214π π ππππ π₯π₯3 π₯π₯ 2+ ππππ3ππ− ππ1 (16) πΆπΆ1 (ππΜ 1 , ππΜ 1 ) → π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ = ππ 1 οΏ½ ππ1 (π¦π¦1 ) , πΆπΆ1 οΏ½ππ 1 οΏ½ππ1 (π¦π¦1 )οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ (17) πΆπΆ2 : 0 = ππ π€π€1 + ππ π€π€2 + ππ π€π€3 + ππΜ 2 (4,1214 π π π π π π π₯π₯(3) π₯π₯(4) + ππππ3 ππ) − ππΜ 2 (18) πΆπΆ2 (ππΜ 2 , ππΜ 2 ) → π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ βΉ ππ 3 οΏ½ ππ2 ( π¦π¦2 ), πΆπΆ2 οΏ½ ππ 3 οΏ½ππ2 (π¦π¦2 ) οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ (19) πΆπΆ3 : 0 = ππ π€π€1 + β π€π€2 + ππ ( π€π€3 +ππ3 ππ) − ππΜ 3 πΆπΆ3 (ππΜ 3 ) → π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ βΉ πΆπΆ3 οΏ½ππ 6 (ππ 5 οΏ½ππ3 (π¦π¦3 ) οΏ½οΏ½ ππ1 : ππ1 (π‘π‘) = π¦π¦1 (π‘π‘) βΆ ππ1 ( π¦π¦1 ) βΆ ππ1 ππ2 : ππ2 (π‘π‘) = π¦π¦2 (π‘π‘) βΆ ππ2 (π¦π¦2 ) βΆ ππ2 ππ3 : ππ3 (π‘π‘) = π¦π¦3 (π‘π‘ ) βΆ ππ3 (π¦π¦3 ) βΆ ππ3 ππ ππ (π‘π‘ ) ππ 1 : ππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) = 1 βΆ ππ 1 (ππ1 ) βΆ ππΜ 1 ππππ ππππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) ππ 2 : ππΜ 1 (π‘π‘) = ππ 3 : ππΜ 2 (π‘π‘) = ππ 4 : ππΜ 2 (π‘π‘) = ππππ ππππ2 (π‘π‘) ππ 5 : ππΜ 3 (π‘π‘) = ππ 6 : ππΜ 3 (π‘π‘) = ππππ ππππΜ 2 (π‘π‘) ππππ ππππ3 π‘π‘) ππππ ππππΜ 3 (π‘π‘ ) ππππ βΆ ππ 2 (ππΜ 1 ) βΆ ππΜ 1 (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) βΆ ππ 3 (ππ2 ) βΆ ππΜ 2 (27) βΆ ππ 5 (ππ3 ) βΆ ππΜ 3 (29) βΆ ππ 4 (ππΜ 2 ) βΆ ππΜ 2 βΆ ππ 6 ( ππΜ 3 ) βΆ ππΜ 3 21 values. • Structured: this insures that in the presence of a given fault, only a subset of the ARRs is not satisfied, th is allows to recognize (satisfied and not satisfied ARRs subset) the faulty mode. Applying the previous method in our case by characterizing the ARRS in the bipartite graph, three Analytical redundancy relations are obtained for this model. • The first ARR model results following constraints: C1 , d1 , d2 and m1. ππππππππ : 0 = d q (t ) πππ€π€ 1+πππ€π€ 2 +πππ€π€ 3+ 1 (ππ8.2428 π π π π π π π₯π₯ (3) π₯π₯ (4) − dt ππ4.1214 π π πππππ₯π₯3 π₯π₯ 2+ππππ3 ππ− dq1(t)dt (31) − d1 (m1 ( y 1 ), C1 (d1 (m1 (y 1 )))) βΆ Zéro. (32) • The second ARR model results following constraints: C2 , d3 , d4 and m2 . ARR2 : 0 = ππ ππ2 (π‘π‘) (4.1214π π π π π π π₯π₯(3) π₯π₯(4) + ππππ3 ππ) − πππ€π€1+πππ€π€ 2 +πππ€π€ 3+ ππππ d qΜ 2 (t ) (33) (34) − d3 (m2 (y 2 ) , C2 (d3 (m2 ( y 2 ))))βΆ Zéro. • The third ARR model results following constraints: C3 , d5 , d6 and m3 ππππΜ (π‘π‘) ARR3 : 0 = ππ π€π€1 + β π€π€2 + ππ( π€π€3 +ππ3 ππ) − 3 (35) ππππ (36) − C3 (d6 (d5 (m3 (y 3 ) ))) βΆ Zéro. dt 7.1. Defini tion of Residue (28) (30) The form, under which the equations are presented above, translate exactly the matching selected in the incidence matrix. 7. Analytical Redundancy Relations of Robot (ARRs)[2] Analytical redundancy relations are static or dynamic constraints which link the time evolution of the known variables when the system operates according to its normal operation model. An analytical relation of redundancy (ARR) is a relat ion resulting fro m the equations of the nominal model (without disturbances, failures), building the input output variables and the successive derivative of these variables until a given order. Moreover, in order to the fault diagnosis procedure works properly, ARR should have the follo wing properties:[2] • Robust, i.e. insensitive to unknown input and unknown parameters. Th is insures that they are satisfied when no fault is present. • Sensitive to faults: this insures that they are not satisfied when faults are present, so that there is no missed detection. At least in this case, one of the residual differs fro m vanishes A residue is a signal conceived as indicator of functional or behavioral anomalies. The princip le of a residue fo r the supervision is that it connects only what is known[2]. With regard to a given matching, Analytical Redundancy Relation is a relat ion not saturated by the matching and which is either a relation wh ich is connected only to known variables (sensors, actuators) or a relation which is connected to variables unknown but already saturated by the matching (Or both at the same time). When the occurrence of a defect is detected, the procedure of localization or insulation is used to determine the origin of this defect (the defective component). In order to establish the insulation, it is necessary to use a set (or a vector) of residues, which must react differently and predefined manner to various defects. For this, two methods are possible[16]: • The direct ional residues. • The structured residues. a) Directional residues The idea of this method[16] is to generate a residue as a vector of standard ideally zero in the case of the proper functioning of the system. In case of defect, this vector is directed in a direct ion which depends on the defect in the system. The faults insulation step is then to determine which of the different predefined directions which is the closest to the residue observed. So the objective of design of the generator of residue, in this approach, is to predefine the directions of the most distinct defects possible to obtain good 22 Yasmine Derdour et al.: Application of the Structural Analysis on a Three Axis M anipulator Robot insulation performance thereafter. b) Structured residues This approach is widely used in the field of the defects insulation because the principle o f the method[16] is very simp le and applies to a wide variety of systems (linear, not linear ..). The principle of this method consists in having a group of residues in which each residue is sensitive to a subset of defects monitored. 8. The Signature Failures Table In the signature failure table, every line corresponds to a residue and every column to a failure. The analysis of the signature table of the residuals enables us to check the structural detectability and localizability property[17],[12]. A failure is detectable if its signature comprises at least one ‘’1’’, two failures are localizable, or identifiab le if their signatures are different. The structural analysis gives only the structural proprieties. Fro m the signature failures table we can deduct the structural properties. The signatures surrounded by a circle are different fro m the others. Table 3. The signature failures - Concerning the isolability, only the violation of variables associated in (ππΜ 3 , ππΜ 3 ) are structurally isolable. - All other defects possess the same signature, a fact that makes them not structurally localizab le. - Concerning the Γ1 , Γ2 , Γ3 commands possess the same signature thus they are neither mon itorable nor detectable. - As for the measures y 1 , y 2 , y 3 they are impossible to monitor (not detectable and not isolable). - Since the positions q1 , q2 , q3 have the same structuralization then they are not monitorable and not isolable. We can’t detect failu re if it affect one of these variables; so some additional sensors have to be placed in the system to make it monitorab le. rules, look-up tables)· This methodology helps to highlight the monitorable parts of system by using informat ion included in the model itself, without extra or physical redundancy requirement and also allo ws building the strong structured residues for the FDI. When applied to the model robot, we have been able to see which of the state variables are mon itorable and which are not. The approach presented, when applied to the robot model, it provides a powerful tool for analy zing systems at any stage of the design process, providing the designer to correct in early stage, the system (robot) by adding sensors[18]. Analyzing disturbances and errors of estimates will be the subject of future work. It will be interesting to compare these results with the diagnosis approach on the basis of observer theory. In future work, the co mbinatorial problem related to which is the best matching for monitoring, will be investigated as well as how to make the reconfigurat ion by structural analysis. REFERENCES [1] H.Haffaf, B. Ould Bouamama, “Cycle Algorithm in Tripartite Graph for FDI.”.Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol 349 (Isuue 1), pages:112-125.M arch 2008. [2] M .Blanke, M .Kinnaert, J.Lunze et M . Staroswiecki “Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control”,2nd edition with contributions by Jochen Schroder,Berlin Heidelberg,may 2006. [3] D. Dustgor . “Aspects Algorithmics of the Structural Analysis for the M onitoring”, PhD of the University of the Sciences and the Technologies of Lille,2005. [4] M . Krysander,E.Frisk, E. Sensor placement for fault diagnosis, IEEE systems and humans, p 1398-1410, 1083-4427 vol.38 NO.6,2008. [5] Flaugergues, V.Cocquempot, M . Bayart,M.Pengov. “Structural Analysis for FDI, a M odified, Invertibility,based Canonical Decomposition”. 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