Sara Rose Kimmich Neuroimaging Research Scientist I University of California San Diego e: sarakimmich @ I w: I p: +1.619.228.4540 Education 2015 2015 BS BA Cognitive Science specialized in Neuroscience, UC San Diego Political Science specialized in Public Law, UC San Diego Interests : Neuroimaging I Medical Ethics I Resting State I Neurofeedback I Neuroendocrinology I Consciousness Research Neuroimaging Researcher, Eyler Lab at UC San Diego Department of Psychiatry and VA San Diego Healthcare System Methods: Resting State fMRI, Neuropsychology Testing, Diagnostic Survey Development Research : Sex Differences in Disease Models, Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis Onset, Gender Identity Advisor : Dr. Eyler November 2012 - Present Behavioral Researcher, Center for Brain and Cognition, UC San Diego Methods: Resting State fMRI, Neuroendocrinology, Computer-based psychological testing Research: Body representation, Gender Identity, Unconscious processing, Synesthesia Advisors: Dr. V.S. Ramachandran and Nicholas Root January 2013 - Present Visiting Researcher, Gabrieli Neuroimaging Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Methods : R esting State fMRI , R eal-time Biofeedback fMRI Research : biofeedback therapy development, Schizophrenia Advisors : Dr. Sue Gabrieli and Dr. Okano June 2014 - September 2014 Lab Assistant, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, UC San Diego Methods : Aviation Human Factors, ChronoViz, Ethnography, Mobile eye-tracking Research : Boeing cockpit Alert Systems Engineering Advisor : Dr. Hutchins January 2011- November 2012 Neuroimaging Training and Workshops 5 Day Connectivity Course: Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity via MRI and fMRI MGH/HST Martinos Center for Biological Imaging, October 2013 3 day Brain Connectivity Methods Course - SPM12 and Conn: Connectivity Toolbox & Resting State Connectivity Workshop: for Interventions and Consciousness Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2014 Research Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships - NIH MARC Predoctoral Research Fellowship, 2013-15 ($44,000) - Frontiers In Innovation Research Grant: Enriching Human Life and Society 2015 ($2,980) - CAMP Undergraduate Summer Research Grant 2013 ($7,000) - Warren College Research Scholarship, UC San Diego, 2013 ($2,000) - Other Research Grants, 2012-15 (Total $2,820) page I 1 Sara Rose Kimmich Neuroimaging Research Scientist I University of California San Diego e: sarakimmich @ I w: I p: +1.619.228.4540 Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. Selected Abstract, “Biomarkers for Gender Identity: A Medical Jurisprudence Approach”, American Journal for Bioethics: Neuroscience, Volume 6 2015 2. Published Abstract, “Sex Differences in the Clinical Expression and Resting State Brain Co-Activity in Bipolar Disorder”, Brain Connectivity Journal, November 2014, 4(9): A1-A158. doi:10.1089/brain.2014.1501.abstracts. 3. “Let’s look at the Cockpit: Exploring Mobile Eye-Tracking for Observational Research on the Flight Deck” (ETRA 2012) Nadir Weibel, Adam Fouse, Colleen Emmenegger, Sara Kimmich, Edwin Hutchins, Distributed Cognition and Human Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of California San Diego Research Presentations 1. Poster Presentation , “Mental Sex: A Pilot Study on Resting State Connectivity and the Fluidity of Gender Identity”, Conference for the Study of Consciousness, Paris, France, July 7-10 2015. 2. Poster Presentation, “Smartphone Therapy: Ethical Considerations for Mental Health Applications,” M ontréal Neuroethics Conference for Young Researchers , Montreal, April 17 2015. 3. Oral Presentation, “Sex Differences in Developmental Trajectories of Resting State Networks,” AAAS Emerging Researchers National Conference, Washington DC, February 19-21 2014. 4. Poster Presentation , “Biomarkers for Gender Identity: A Medical Jurisprudence Approach,” International Neuroethics Society, Washington DC, November 13-14 2014. 5. Poster Presentation , “Using Functional Magnetic Neuroimaging Biofeedback to Treat Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Populations,” SACNAS National Conference, Los Angeles, October 15-19 2014 . 6. Oral Presentation, “Exploring Differences in Brain and Cognition in Bipolar Disorder,” AAAS Emerging Researchers National Conference, Washington DC, February 17-20 2014. 7. Poster Presentation, “Sex and Psychosis in Bipolar I Disorder,” Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 9-13 2013. 8. Poster Presentation, “Understanding Psychosis in Bipolar Disorder: Sex and the Default Mode Network,” SACNAS National Conference, San Antonio, October 2-6 2013. 9. Selected Speaker , “Sex Differences in the Clinical Expression and Resting State Connectivity in Bipolar I Disorder,” Central Nervous System Diseases World Summit, Boston, September 9-10 2013. 10. Poster Presentation , “Sex Differences in the Clinical Expression and Resting State Connectivity in Bipolar I Disorder,” Conference for the Study of Consciousness, San Diego, July 12-15 2013. Other Reports and Publications 2. “Panel Review: Neuroscience and Human Rights”, International Neuroethics Society Newsletter, November 2015. 4. “A Light in the Dark: Understanding Brain States and Consent in Coma”, International Neuroethics Society Newsletter, January 2014. Conference Awards 1. Poster Presentation Award ($250), Montréal Neuroethics Conference for Young Researchers , 2015 2.. Special Merit in Biological Sciences Recipient: Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation, 2014 Travel Grants - AAAS Emerging Researchers National Travel Award, ERN Conference, 2015 ($1,400) - Associated Student Travel Grant, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2014 ($750) - AAAS Emerging Researchers National Travel Award, ERN Conference, 2014 ($1,200) - SACNAS Conference Travel Scholarship, San Antonio 2013 ($1,500) - Other Research Travel Grants, 2013-14 (Total $3,179) Professional Committees page I 2 Sara Rose Kimmich Neuroimaging Research Scientist I University of California San Diego e: sarakimmich @ I w: I p: +1.619.228.4540 Student Committee Member - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness July 2013 - Present Editorial Experience Associate Editor, Impulse Journal: International Undergraduate Neuroscience Research Journal August 2013 - June 2015 Teaching Experience - Instructional Assistant Award, Cognitive Science Spring 2015 - Instructional Assistant Spring 2014,Cognitive Science 175: Altered States of Consciousness - Instructional Assistant Winter 2015, Ethnic Studies 162: Practical Tribal Law and Journalism - Instructional Assistant Spring 2015, Cognitive Science 107C: Cognitive Neuroscience Tribal Leadership - Scholar and Student Mentor, California Native American Research Center for Health 2011 - 2015 - Director of Tribal Government Affairs, UCSD - September 2012 - 2015 - Student Representative, California Native American Day Committee - August - June 2013 - President, Native American Student Alliance, UCSD - September 2013 - 2014 Diversity and Outreach Awards -. UCSD Leadership Recipient: California Alliance for Minority Participation in Science, 2013 - UC San Diego Diversity and Affirmative Action Award, UCSD Native American Student Alliance, 2013 Professional Memberships Neuroscience - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Medical Ethics - International Neuroethics Society (INS) - Neuroethics Women Leaders (NWL) STEM Diversity - American Indian Science and Engineering (AISES) - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS References Dr. Lisa Eyler (Research Advisor) Department of Psychiatry UC San Diego La Jolla, CA, USA Tel: 858-552-8585, Ext. 7666 Dr. V.S. Ramachandran (Research Advisor) Center for Brain and Cognition Mandler Hall, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA, USA Tel: (858) 534-6240 Dr. Sue Whitfield-Gabrieli (Summer Research Advisor) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA Tel: 617-324-2893 page I 3 Sara Rose Kimmich Neuroimaging Research Scientist I University of California San Diego e: sarakimmich @ I w: I p: +1.619.228.4540 Prof. Peter Galderisi (Research Advisor) Department of Political Science UC San Diego La Jolla, CA, USA Tel: 858-534-6622 Dr. Jaime Pineda (Research and Editorial Advisor) Department of Cognitive Science Impulse Neuroscience Journal UC San Diego La Jolla, CA, USA Tel: 858-534-9754 Geneva Lofton -Fitzsimmons (Character Reference) Student Program Coordinator CA-NARCH Indian Health Council, Inc 50100 Golsh Rd. Rincon Reservation, CA, USA Tel: 760-801-5590 page I 4