Date : Time/Duration : 0900a.m. - 1000a.m. (60 minutes). Class : 4 Kreatif. No. of Students : 30/30. Level of Proficiency : Mixed proficiency. Theme : World of Self. Topic : Glorious Food. Language Focus : Writing. Background Knowledge : Educational Emphasis : Moral Values : Students will be prepared for English paper. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the Year 4, students should be able to:- 1.1 Construct five sentences using ten words given based on the picture. 1.3 Fill ten blanks with the correct answer information given in the advertisement. 2.6 Choose a food for their birthday celebration and give a clear reason based on choice they make. Specifications : 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat final blends. 1.3.1 Listened to key words in stories and text heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures. 2.6.1 Give non-verbal response to the story heard or read. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Construct five sentences using ten words given based on the picture. Fill ten blanks with the correct answer information given in the advertisement. Choose a food for their birthday celebration and give a clear reason based on choice they make. Vocabulary List: Stall, sells, fried mee, opens, five o’clock, people, food, delicious, wife, mix vegetables salad, discount, fillet, cheese, layer, cream, accompanied, price, offer, celebration. Stage Set Skills/Content Writing. Induction (5 minutes) Teacher/student activities AVA/ Rationale - Teacher greets the pupils and - To stimulate notifies the class to be quiet. interest among the - Teacher asks the pupils what are pupils to start the the occupations of their parents. lesson. - Teacher calls upon several pupils - To activate for the responses and answers. students’ schemata. - Teacher shows them varieties Stage 1 Writing. (10 minutes) pictures of occupations. AVA - Teacher informs the pupils about - Pictures of a the topic that they are going to dentist, a doctor and learn. a teacher. - Teacher shows a PowerPoint - To enhance slideshows containing verities of pupils’ occupation pictures for further understanding of the explanation. topic. - Teacher then asks the pupils - To measure the which occupation does their understanding of the parents work as. pupils’ on the topic. - Teachers responses to pupils’ answers. AVA - PowerPoint slideshow Stage 2 (15 minutes) Writing. - Teacher then explains further - To check on about each occupation to the pupils’ abilities to pupils. classify each of the - Teacher then holds up flash occupation. cards on the occupation pictures and asks for the pupils’ to respond. Stage 3 Writing (20 minutes) - Teacher will call on several AVA willing pupils to give their - Flash cards on answers. occupation. - Teacher distributes worksheets - To test on pupils’ on classifying the occupations to capabilities to their right details to the whole understand the class. questions. - Teacher pastes the similar - To test pupils’ worksheet on the board to be seen comprehension by by the pupils. answering - Teacher discusses the first questions. question together with the pupils. - Teacher gives time for students AVA to complete the worksheet. - Worksheet on occupation. Closure Writing. - Teacher recaps the lesson by - To check pupils’ posing questions related to the understanding on topic and asks them to paste the the topic learnt. worksheet in the work book. Worksheet 1