J. Phys. Chem. SoMs THE Pergamon DRIFT Press 1960. Vol. 16. pp. 207-219. MOBILITY IN GERMANIUM OF Printed in Great Britain. ELECTRONS AT LOW AND HOLES TEMPERATURES E. G. S. PAIGE Royal Radar Establishment, (Rem&d St. Andrew’s Road, Malvem, Worm., England 18 January 1960; rewised 21 March 1960) Abstract-The drift mobility of electrons and hoIes has been measured in the temperature range from 20°K to 300°K in samples of germanium containing impurity concentrations from 7 x 101s cm-s to 4 x 101s cm-s. Conductivity measurements were also made. Below about lOOoK the observed minority carrier mobility is less than the mobility calculated from the effects of scattering by phonons and ionized and neutral impurity atoms. The discrepancy, which is greater than a factor of 2 in some circumstances, has been attributed to electron-hole scattering. It is proposed that the unexpectedly large effect of electron-hole scattering is due to a drag exerted on the minority carriers by the majority carriers when an electric field is applied. Qualitative observations on the drift mobility of electrons have been made below 20°K. There is no evidence that electrons remain localized about the same minimum in k space for the duration of a transit time (3 psec). An extreme example of conductivity modulation of the injected distribution of carriers has been observed to occur when impact ionization is taking place. 1. INTRODUCTION effect is complicated by the nature of the band structure of germanium. (51s)This serves to emphafirst measurement of the transit time of size the advantage of the drift experiment as a minority carriers injected into ge~~ium was perdirect method of dete~i~ng mobility. formed by HAYNESand SHOCKLEY in 1949.(l) A Another difference between the Hall effect and more sophisticated version of the experiment was the drift mobility experiment is that the majority presented in 1951.(s) In this, which is now called carrier mobility is determined from the Hall effect the conventional drift mobility experiment, the while the minority carrier mobility is determined drift mobilities of both holes in n-type and elecfrom the drift experiment. It is, of course, the trons in p-type material were measured at room majority carrier mobility which is relevant to the temperature. The first measurements of drift conductivity. mobility below room temperature were reported Normally the mobility of a particular type of by LAWRENCEf3). His observations were confined charge carrier is assumed to be independent of to the drift mobility of holes in the temperature whether that charge carrier is a minority or majorrange IOO-360”K, where he found that the temity carrier. However, a distinction does become perature dependence of the lattice mobility folscattering is conlowed a T-s*3 law. PRINCE(*) confirmed LAWRENCE’S necessary when carrier-carrier sidered. A majority carrier is scattered by lattice observations on holes and obtained data on the drift defects and by other majority carriers. As DEBYE mobility of electrons in the temperature range and cONWEK,L(7)have pointed out the scattering of, 150-370°K besides measuring the variation of mobility with resistivity at room temperature. say, an electron by other electrons does not affect the total momentum of the free electrons but only In general there was disagreement between both alters the distribution of momentum though this in the value and the temperature dependence of the turn can affect the mobility if the momentum remobility deduced from the IIall effect and from the laxation time is energy dependent. Scattering of a drift mobility experiment. Subsequent experimajority carrier by other majority carriers is therements have confirmed the drift mobility results fore a second-order effect. In contrast, scattering and have shown that the interpretation of the Hall THE 207 208 E. G. S. between charge carriers of opposite sign can produce a change in the total momentum of both types of carrier. As a result the mobility of minority carriers can be significantly affected by scattering by majority carriers, i.e. in the drift mobility experiment the effect of carrier-carrier scattering can be important. For convenience the following notation will be introduced. The mobility of minority electrons, of minority holes and of minority carriers in general will be denoted by F~, ph and pc respectively. The mobility of majority electrons, of majority holes and of majority carriers in general will be denoted by pg, f~# and pq respectively. In previous measurements of the drift mobility a distinction has not been made between pc and pa for a particular type of carrier. This has been permissible because the drift mobility experiments have been carried out in such temperature ranges and on such material that the effect of carriercarrier scattering was small. An exception is the work of PRINCE@) on heavily doped germanium at room temperature. He has taken the scattering by majority carriers into account by assuming that their effect is identical to scattering by ionized impurity atoms. Another experiment in which the effects of electron-hole scattering was important was the measurement of the conductivity of germanium at high temperature by MORIN and MAITAW. They incorporated the effect of electronhole scattering into their analysis by assuming that the ionized impurity scattering formula applied, with the modification that the mass of the scattered particle is replaced by the reduced mass of the electron and hole. PRINCE and MORIN and MAITA were able to get reasonably good agreement between theory and experiment. However, in both experiments electron-hole scattering played a minor role in reducing the mobility since the effects of nhonon scattering were large. In the experimeit to be-described we have deliberately set out to make detailed measurements of pc in a temperature and concentration range where it is reasonable to expect, if the behaviour of electron-hole scattering is similar to ionized impurity scattering, that electron-hole scattering will be comparable in magnitude with ionized impurity and phonon scattering. The measurements have been made in the temperature range 20”-300°K on e+ and p-type germanium containing impurity PAIGE concentrations varying from 7 x 1012cm-sto 5 x 101s cm-3. Conductivity measurements have been made simultaneously on some samples. An examination of the observations reveals that electron-hole scattering has an appreciable effect on pLcand dominates the mobility in the more impure specimens. The results show that electron-hole scattering lowers the mobility more than the amount predicted by the ionized impurity scattering formula as used by PRINCE or as modified by MORIN and MAITA. As explained in Section 4 this is principally due to the neglect of the drag which can be exerted on the minority carriers by the majority carriers. The detailed analysis of the experimental results is not attempted in this paper, but has been carried out by MCLEAN and PAIGE@) and will be presented in a subsequent paper. These authors have derived expressions for both IQ and pV incorporating carrier-carrier scattering. The treatment, based on the Boltzmann transport equation, is applicable _. only in certain ranges of temperature and free carrier concentration but the experimental observations presented in this paper fall within these ranges. In Section 5 some qualitative observations of pe below 20°K are discussed. The attempt is described-and reasons for its failure given-to observe the transport of electrons which have remained in the same energy minimum in momenturn space during the transit time. Finally an extreme conductivity modulation effect which can occur at very low temperatures is described. 2. EXPERUvXENTAL TECHNIQUE!3 The method of measuring the minority carrier mobility is based on the techniques developed by HAYNESand SEIOCKLEU@). There are some small but important differences to facilitate measurements at low temperatures. These are (i) the use of alloy junctions to the specimen, for all contacts (ii) the use of an I/zjunction for the collector instead of the conventional pn junction, (iii) the pulsing of the sweep field, the emitter current and the collector bias, and (iv) the illumination of the specimen light in the absorption edge. with DRIFT MOBILITY OF ELECTRONS The reasons for these modifications are as follows. The use of alloyed junctions enabled contacts to be made to the specimen which were reproducible and mechanically reliable. The replacement of the conventional pn junction collector by an Zh junction was made at the suggestion of Dr. A. F. GIBSON of this laboratory. Its advantages were that it maintained its efficiency and had a 20 MC/S bandwidth over the complete temperature range. The use of a low resistance collector necessitated pulsing of the collector bias to minimize the power dissipation. Illumination of the specimen by light in the absorption edge quenches trapping effects by saturation of the traps.c3J It was necessary to illuminate all samples at low temperatures to prevent trapping affecting the mobility. 2.1 Specimen fabrication and mounting Filaments of germanium were cut perpendicular to the growth axis of ingots specially selected for long lifetime and uniformity of resistivity. Germanium doped with arsenic or gallium was used ranging in resistivity from intrinsic to about 1 Q cm. Typical dimensions of the filaments were 13 x0.8 x 0.8 mm3. The specimens were ground and then etched in Ha02 at 60°C for at least 2 hr to remove surface damage caused by sawing and grinding(“) and hence to keep the surface recombination velocity low. A large area non-injecting contact was alloyed to one end of the filament. This contact was of gold with about 1 per cent of a suitable group 3 or 5 element (Sb or Ga) to form an Zh junction to the germanium. The voltage probes of 0.005 in. gold wires, suitably doped to form lh junctions, were alloyed to one side of the germanium filament. The emitter and collector were formed by alloying 0.002 in. doped gold wire to the opposite side of the filament. They were separated by 6 mm to 10 mm. The diameters of the emitter and collector junctions were about 0.1 mm and the voltage probes had a junction diameter of about 0.2 mm. The filament was soldered by one end to a block of oxygen free copper plated with rhodium. Since this was the only point of support for the filament, strain effects on the mobility(3J2) were avoided by placing the emitter and collector sufficiently far away from this end. Together with the non-injecting contact the connection to the copper block forms the contacts through which the sweep current was passed. Wires passing through insulating supports in the copper were soldered to the gold junction wires; this completed the formation of a complete unit. Before making a set of observations the complete unit was given a final etch in HrOa for several minutes. By this procedure etching around the junctions was carried out when the junctions were supported and it enabled the time between etching and placing the specimen in mcuo to be reduced to a minimum. 2.2 The low temperature and electrical apparatus The copper block supporting the specimen was mated to another copper block on which a platinum resistance thermometer was wound. This was suspended near the bottom of a vertical glass tube, the leads passing through metal-glass seals at the top of the tube. There were provisions for evacuating the tube to a pressure of 10-s mm AND HOLES IN Ge 209 of mercury and for admitting an exchange gas. The tube was surrounded by two Dewars both having side slits in their silvering through which a beam of light could be passed and focussed onto the specimen. A sweep pulse was applied to the filament, and a current-measuring resistor in series with it, from a generator which triggered the oscilloscope and two other pulse generators. These two generators produced the emitter pulse and the collector pulse. The procedure generally adopted was to adjust the collector bias and the sweep field so that the signal they produced across the collector load approximately cancelled. This enabled greater amplification of the collector arrival signal without overloading the amplifiers. The measurement of the sweep field was made before the minority carriers were injected into the specimen. It was important to have the collector bias applied during the field measurement and throughout the time the minority carriers were in transit since in some circumstances, because of the collector’s low resistance, the collector bias had an effect on the field in the specimen. A pulse repetition frequency of 50 set-l was used. Below 100°K the sweep field and collector bias pulses had a duration of 10 psec or less. The emitter pulse was of 0.2 psec duration and had a rise time of 0.1 psec. The bandwidth of the amplifier and oscilloscope was 20 Mc,ls. 2.3 Measurement procedure From the transit time, t, the separation between the emitter and the collector, 1, and the field in the specimen, E, the minority carrier mobility can be calculated. /~c = l/tE. (1) In practice the determination of neither the appropriate E nor t is a straightforward procedure. In addition, in near-intrinsic material a distinction has to be made between the drift velocity of the group of injected carriers and the drift velocity of the minority carriers.(ls) The difficulty of determining E is due to non-uniformity of the distribution of impurities in the crystal. HAYNES and SHOCKLEY(~)have presented an approximate method of correcting for this by potential probing along the specimen and carrying out an appropriate averaging procedure. Strictly it is necessary to determine the correction at several temperatures. For a high resistivity sample the irregularities in the impurity distribution are smoothed out to some extent by the intrinsic carriers, at low temperature the irregularities would be apparent. On the other hand the nature of the scattering mechanism of low resistivity samples changes appreciably on cooling; impurity scattering becomes more important. The result of this is that the field becomes more uniform at low temperature. It was found possible to make potential measurements only at room temperature and, although in all cases the correction necessary was at most only a few per cent, to apply this correction at low temperature is a potential source of error. The transit time is affected by trapping(s) of the inecjted carriers. The onset of trapping is marked by a 210 E. I G. S. -~- PAIGE I t4;t-J; (CM-3 + 8.8 x lo” 42xld4 cl l~12rtd5 513. 5.14. 5.15. x 4.2 x lo” 5.16. l 1. - --I -: i - FIG. 1. The variation of the minority carrier mobility of electrons with temperature. The full curve shows a p CC Ti’ss. The broken curves are to clarify the trends of the experimental points. characteristic skewing of the collector signal. When this occurred the specimen was illuminated; the level of illumination was so adjusted that a higher intensity produced no observable change in the transit time of the minority carriers. The transit time is affected also by conductivity mod~lation.(1*,15~ To overcome this difficulty several observations of the transit time were made at a particular field and temperature for different emitter currents. From plots of the emitter current against the square root of the transit time, the transit time in the absence of conductivity modulation was obtained by linear extrapolation to zero emitter current. It is shown in the appendix that a linear relation should exist between emitter current and y’t. Corrections for the presence of intrinsic minority carriers, using equation A2 of the appendix, are only important at or just below room temperature in the higher resistivity samples. 2.4 Experimental error The error in determining the effective separation between probes was taken as half the diameter of a single probe. This led to a typical error of 2 per cent in estimating the separation between voltage probes and 1 per cent in estimating the separation between the emitter and collector. The voltage appearing between the voltage probes was measured within an error of 2 per cent and the transit time within an error of + per cent. Thus, neglecting systematic errors due to inhomogeneity of the crystal, the experimental error in obtaining the mobility was about 6 per cent. The error in measuring the temperature was less than 1 per cent. The mobility temperature curves were reproducible within these limits. The estimated experimental error in the measurement of the conductivity was 5 per cent and it is also subject to systematic errors due to inhomogeneity of the crystal. 3. THB VERNON OF ~O~U~~ MINOBITY CABBIBB MOBILITY TEMPERATURE AND WITH The restrictions in temperature range over which measurements of pCwere made were imposed by (i) lifetime, (ii) field dependence of mobility and (iii) conductivity modulation. A specimen having a lifetime of about 100 psec at room temperature had typical lifetimes of 2 psec at 77’K and $ to DRIFT MOBILITY OF ELECTRONS AND HOLES IN Ge 211 ” I N, N, (Ctv?) l 74 I: lOi ,520 + 7.7 x IO” 5.19. 0 I.41r10’4 x 6.1 x IO” s 18 S 23. 6- FIG. 2. The variation of the minority carrier mobility of holes with temperature. The full curve shows a p a T-2.33. The broken curves are to clarify the trends of the experimental points. 1 psec at 25°K. low temperatures As a result of the low lifetimes at sweep fields of between 5 V cm-1 and 10 V cm-1 were used. It was found that in such sweep fields, at some temperature below 30°K depending on the impurity concentration, the mobility and conductivity became field dependent. In general tag decreased with field and t~h increased with field, though the field dependence of both mobilities was weak. The field dependence arises from a change in the ionized impurity concentration produced by impact ionization and an increase in the mean energy of the free carriers.(ls) Observations presented in this section are independent of field except the few made below 30°K on the lower resistivity samples. 3.1 The mobility of minority electrons Fig. 1 shows the observed values of pe in the temperature range 20°K to 300°K in four p-type crystals. The room temperature, extrinsic, free carrier concentrations of the crystals are incorporated in Fig. 1. The observations on the lowest resistivity sample were restricted by its low lifetime; observations below 100°K were difficult and became impossible below 80°K. Trapping effects were observed but, in general, were not sufficient to prohibit measurements. An idea of how small the effect of trapping on the mobility was can be gained from observations on S.14, where the difference between mobilities with and without saturation of the traps was less than 5 per cent. Of the crystals on which observations were made the highest resistivity crystal, S.13, was unique in displaying a large amount of trapping in a limited temperature range-between 100°K and 200°K. In this range it was not possible to determine the mobility because even with the specimen illuminated trapping effects were apparent. 3.2 The mobility of minority holes The mobility of minority holes has been measured in four crystals and the variation with temperature is shown in Fig. 2. As in the case of p-type crystals, measurements are limited on low resistivity samples by low lifetime. The high purity crystal, S.20, which was supplied by Mr. I. G. CRESSELL of Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., was unique in that precision measurements E. 212 Fs. 3. The temperature. G. S. PAIGE variation of the conductivity of n-type germanium with The broken curves are to clarify the trends of the experimental points. ----r-----~-7 _I_ x\ \ \ XI \ kS 16. \ \ ‘% \ \ FIG. 4. The temperature. variation of the conductivity of p-type germanium with The broken curves are to clarify the trends of the experimental points. DRIFT MOBILITY OF ELECTRONS of mobility were impossible above 60°K because of distortion of the arrival signal due to ~onductivi~ modulation and end contact effects. Trapping of minority carriers in n-type material was more apparent than in p-type samples but by suitable illumination it was always possible to saturate the traps. 3.3 The conductivity of n- and p-type crystals Measurements of the conductivity were made on the same crystals as were used for the drift mobility measurement. Detailed measurements were performed on some specimens, on others the conductivity was measured only at 77°K and 90°K. The results obtained from the detailed measurements of conductivity as a function of temperature are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The results were obtained with the samples in the dark. Illumination to the level necessary to eliminate trapping effects caused changes in conductivity of up to 4 per cent. 4. DISCUSSION OF THE VARIATION OF MINORITY AND MAJORITY CARRIER MOBILITY WITH TENETS The general trend of the results of the measurements of pC presented in Figs. 1 and 2 is as we might expect. Between room temperature and 100°K there is a rapid rise in mobility due to the decrease in phonon scattering. For temperatures below 100°K the rate of change of mobility with temperature is reduced. It becomes strongly dependent upon the resistivity of the crystal due in part at least to the increasing influence of impurity scattering as the crystal is cooled. Taking the lattice mobilities at 300°K obtained by PRINCE(*) as 3900 cm2 V-r see-1 and 1900 ems V-1 see-1 for electrons and holes respectively and a lattice mobility temperature law of Tl+ss for electrons and T-3.33 for holes(r7) we obtained a mobility temperature dependence shown by the solid curves in Figs. 1 and 2. This temperature variation is followed closely by the high purity samples between 300°K and 150°K with the exception of S.19 (Fig. 2). It is in the temperature range below 150°K that we can expect electronhole scattering to be significant, hence we shall discuss this range in some detail. A relaxation time will be calculated including scattering by neutral and ionized impurity atoms and by phonons 0 AND HOLES IN Ge 213 (defect sca~er~g). This will be used to compute pC and the conductivity. The comparison with the observed conductivity will show if an adequate description of the defect scattering mechanisms has been given, then, if the description is satisfactory, comparison between the calculated and observed minority carrier mobility will reveal the importance of electron-hole scattering. It will become apparent that differences of a factor of two or more exist between the calculated and observed pC, accordingly it is not necessary to estimate the defect scattering to better than, say, 10 per cent or 20 per cent in order to display this difference. Therefore the attitude adopted in this paper is that a simple treatment of defect scattering will suffice, leaving a more thorough discussion of defect scattering to be given in a subsequent publication,(l*) where, in fact, much of the simple treatment will be justified empirically. 4.1 Defect scattering In view of the above remarks we shall make the assumption in calculating the mobility that the mass and relaxation times are isotropic, i.e. we replace the populated constant energy surfaces with spherical constant energy surfaces. We take the conductivity mass of the multivalley model, 0.12 ms, for the mass in the present case.(ra) We shall concentrate on obtaining a relaxation time for electrons primarily because they follow the theoretical temperature dependence for acoustical phonon scattering of p cc T-1-s more closely than do holes. The relaxation time for phonon scattering, rp, is assumed to be given by l/rP = p,T1J%, (2). where ZIis the velocity of the electron and pe is a parameter measuring the strength of phonon scattering of electrons which is determined from the known lattice mobility at 300’K. In this simplified expression for phonon scattering we have assumed that the departure from the X-r.5 law is not due to a change in the velocity dependence of the relaxation time and that T-l*ss law extends throughout the temperature range. In the classical approximation, which is valid over the concentration and temperature ranges of the experimental results presented in Section 3, CONWELL and WEISSKOPF(‘S) give the reciprocal of the scattering as l/q relaxation = ziV*v-sln[l+(Fr], time for ionized impurity (3) where R is Boltzmann’s constant, m is the effective mass of the electron, E is the dielectric constant of the material and I?* is the concentration of ionized impurity atoms 214 E. G. S. (calculated in Section 4.2). d* is a distance beyond which the interaction between the free carrier and the impurity atom is cut off. We shall take this distance to be the Debye screening length, a*= Ji <kT he2 1 where n is the free carrier concentration, for consistency with calculations in subsequent papers.(sslO) In the temperature and concentration ranges of interest this choice of d* produces a very small change in 71 compared with taking d* as the mean separation between impurity atoms. For neutral impurity scattering ERGIxSOY(~~) has given the following expression, 20% l/TN = -R(N-IV”), m (4) where R is the radius of the orbit of the bound carrier which has been estimated by KoHN@~). The mobility was calculated by summing the reciprocal relaxation times and averaging the resultant 7 over the carrier distribution in the appropriate manner. (2’ ) 4.2 Conductivity In order to calculate the conductivity from the mobility it is necessary to calculate the free carrier concentration as a function of temperature. The free carrier concentration is also required to estimate the concentration of ionized impurity atoms. Hence the concentration of both electrons in n-type and holes in p-type are required in estimating the I of majority and minority electrons. Between 20°K and lSO”K, we take the free carrier concentration to be given by n = ;[il+g?], where N is the concentration a = 2g-1 exp( - q/kT) (5) of impurity atoms and xz (2m-m~,kT/r2)3~2. Here l1 is the ionization energy of the impurity atoms, g is the degeneracy of their ground state, i runs over the band edge points in k-space, and rnn is the density of states effective mass at each band edge point. By writing n in this form we have assumed that the degeneracy of the ground state of the impurity atom is not lifted to a significant extent. Although the determination of the free carrier concentration as a function of temperature t’rom the Hall effe&) is not sufficiently accurate to c!ecide to what extent the degeneracy is decreased the observations are well represented by equation (5) using the appropriate values for the parameters. For the conduction band we have rn~, = 0~22rn0,(~~) the summation extending over 4 equivalent minima in K space, and g = 2 x 4. For the valence band there are two band edge points coincident at k = 0 having nz~& = 0.04Smo and nt~~ = 0.36rn0;(~~) the value of g = 2 x 2. PAIGE The n-type crystals were doped with As, the p-type with Ga, which have values of EI of 0.0127 eV and 0*0108 eV(sO) respectively. The use of equation (5) is only valid provided compensation is negligible. We assume this condition is fulfilled at present, leaving a discussion of the possibility of compensation till the next section. Since compensation is assumed negligible n = N*. Fig. 5 shows the conductivity of an n-type crystal as a function of temperature calculated for N = 6.1 x 1014 cm-s. The observed conductivity of an n-type crystal for which ND-NA = 6.1 x x 1014 cm-s is shown for comparison; NA and ND are the concentrations of acceptors and donors. The discrepancy of less than 15 per cent, with the exception of one point, can be regarded as reasonable agreement in view of the simplifying assumptions we have made. 4.3 Minority carrier mobility In Fig. 6, curve 1, we present the calculated minority carrier mobility of electrons in a crystal containing 1.1 x 1015 cm-s impurity atoms. The measured pe for a specimen containing NA - ND = l-1 x 1015 cm-3 is shown also. The calculated pe is greater than the observed pe by a factor of 2 or more, yet, from the comparison of calculated and observed conductivities we could expect to be able to describe defect scattering to within 15 per cent. We have, therefore, a clear indication that some other scattering mechanism is important for minority carriers only. Such a mechanism is electron-hole scattering. Previous attempts to include the effect of electron-hole scattering in computing the mobility in germanium have been outlined in Section 1. By assuming that the majority carriers scatter as though they were ionized impurity atoms@) electron-hole scattering can be incorporated by replacing N* by 2N* in equation (3). The mobility calculated by this method is shown in Fig. 6 by curve 2. We note that this calculated pe is always greater than the observed rue,by as much as a factor of 2 between 30°K and 40°K. Adoption of MORIN and MAITA’S@) approach leads to replacing N* by [(m/mr)1/2+ l]N* in equation (3), where m7 is the reduced mass of the electron and hole. (Taking the effective mass of the hole as O-3 mo this is equivalent to replacing N* by 2.2 N*.) The mobility calculated by this method is less than 10 per cent DRIFT MOBILITY I I OF ELECTRONS I I I I HOLES IN I I I5;0 100 TEMPERATURE(OK) 50 AND 215 Ge L 50 TEtlliRAT”R$ 9 FIG. 6 FIG. 5 FIG. 5. A comparison between the calculated conductivity (full curve) for an n-type crystal containing 6.1 x 1014 cm-s arsenic atoms and the observed conductivity of S.23 (ND-NA = 6.1 X 10’4cm-3). FIG. 6. Curve 1. The calculated mobility of electrons in a crystal containing 1 .l x 101s cmm3 gallium atoms. Curve 2. The calculated mobility of electrons in a crystal containing 2 x (1 *l X 1015) cm-3 gallium atoms. The crosses are the observed minority carrier mobility of electrons in the gallium doped crystal S.15 (Nn-Nn = 1.12 x 1Ol5 cmm3). The vertical lines indicate the experimental error. smaller than the mobility shown in curve 2; therefore the discrepancy remains. The same conclusion is reached for specimens of different free carrier concentration, the discrepancy increasing with carrier concentration. A similar set of calculations of pn and the conductivity of p-type material have been carried out using equations (3), (4) and (5) but replacing (2) by (6) The same general conclusions were reached for holes as for electrons, that the majority scattering is well described by equations (3), (4) and (5) but that, even when electron-hole scattering is incorporated by the method of PRINCE or MORIN and MAITA, the minority carrier mobility is over estimated. Four possible reasons for the discrepancy are (i) trapping of minority carriers, (ii) fluctuations in the impurity content, (iii) compensation and (iv) an inadequate theory for electron-hole scattering. The first of these can be neglected completely because the specimens were illuminated to remove trapping effects as judged by the pulse shape and the variation of transit time with emitter current.? The effects of fluctuations in the impurity concentration has been discussed in Section 2.3. Both the fluctuations and their effects should become less. important at lower resistivities-a trend opposite t Frequent trapping for a time short compared with the pulse width would not distort the pulse. This possibility is not considered seriously because the traps would have to have (a) a concentration greater than about lOI cm-3 if illumination and emitter current did not reveal the process, (b) a trapping time which remained short throughout the temperature range (c) the same concentration in crystals of the same resistivity and (d) the same characteristics in n- and P-type crystals. 216 E. G. S. to that of the discrepancy-and again the reproducibility of the results for different specimens of the same resistivity indicate together with normal Hall voltages that such fluctuations are unimportant. Compensation can be ruled out for the following reasons. Firstly, the degree of compensation in the crystals used is expected to be small because the crystals were grown from high purity intrinsic germanium and were specially selected for long lifetime, Secondly, a large amount of compensation would affect py just as much as pe yet reasonable agreement is obtained between the calculated and experimental values of the conductivity neglecting compensation. Thirdly, even if N* was increased to incorporate compensation, the required temperature dependence would not be obtained, i.e. if N* was increased it would only be possible to obtain a fit to the experimental data over a limited temperature range. In considering whether the present attempt to include electron-hole scattering is adequate we must recall that it is based on the assumption that the scattering of an electron by a hole, say, is basically the same as scattering of an electron by an ionized impurity atom. We must consider, therefore, whether there are assumptions made in deriving the relaxation time for ionized impurity scattering which are not applicable to a collision between two mobile charges having similar masses. Such assumptions are (i) that no energy exchange occurs between the colliding particles and (ii) that the centre of mass co-ordinate system for the collision is not moving with respect to the laboratory co-ordinate system. The removal of these assumptions greatly complicates the deduction of a relaxation time for an electron-hole collision. Even more important is the following consideration. When an electron is scattered by other particles it is scattered so that its mean velocity becomes the mean velocity of the scattering particles. In other words the electron is : tattered so that its velocity is completely randomized iu a reference frame moving with the mean velocity of the scattering particles. When the :catterer is an ionized impurity atom the velocity c.f the scattered particle is randomized about zero velocity; when the scatterer is a hole in an applied electric field the velocity is randomized about the drift velocity of the hole. This is a drag effect, and we may say the majority carriers exert a drag on the minority carriers. Since the electron and hole are PAIGE accelerated by a given field in opposite directions, the drag is such as to reduce the mobility. Here then is a mechanism not previously considered which could substantial1.y reduce the mobility of minority carriers and so provide the possibility of accounting for the experimental results. In the following paper MCLEA.N and PAIGE have obtained theoretical expressions for the mobility including carrier-carrier scattering in addition to the usual defect scattering. The theory applies to a restricted temperature range and free carrier concentration range though it covers the concentration and temperature ranges over which measurements have been presented in this paper. A detailed comparison between the theory and the experimental observations given in Section 3 will be presented in a subsequent paper. It is found that by using the theory of mobility of MCLEAN and PAIGE, which naturally incorporates the drag effect, good agreement can be obtained with experimental observations for both electrons and holes. In this paper we have (i) established that electron-hole scattering is important, (ii) demonstrated that electron-hole scattering cannot be represented as the scattering of a free carrier by an ionized impurity atom and (iii) suggested the principal difference between scattering by a free carrier and by an ionized impurity atom, namely, the drag effect. 5. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MINORITY MOBILITY BELOW 20°K CARRIER The observations were confined to minority electrons in 3 Q cm p-type germanium. The main reason for extending the observations below 20°K was to attempt to observe the transport of electrons which had been localized within the same valleys in momentum space throughout the duration of the transit time.* At the time this particular experiment was performed (1956-7) an upper limit to rij, the relaxation time for intervalley transitions, was estimated to exceed the transit time (8 psec) below 10°K by a considerable margin. Hence it appeared reasonable to expect to observe the transport of carriers localized within a valley. The experiment was performed using specially having emitter-collector constructed samples separations of 2 or 3 mm and having two collectors * This experiment is similar in concept to that proposed by GoLD@~). DRIFT MOBILITY OF ELECTRONS instead of the usual one. The two collectors were placed relative to the emitter so as to intercept electrons propagated in different valleys. (Because of the anisotropy of conductivity within a valley the carriers are not necessarily accelerated parallel to the field. The diffusion length, of order 10-3 cm, is too short to ensure diffusion of carriers across the sample.) The field was increased until impact ionization occurred, a condition readily observable as a signal at the collector. At about 7”K, one, and in some instances more, electron arrival signals were observed at each collector. However, by using several samples of different crystallographic orien~tion it became clear that the delay times of the signals were a feature of the geometry of the sample-the separation between emitter and collector and the angle between emitter and collector and the field and not the crystallographic orientation. This eliminates the possibility that electrons had been observed which had not undergone intervalley transitions. The reason for seeing different signals at the two collectors was that contrary to conditions at higher temperatures the influence of the collector field on the path followed by the minority carriers was important. This resulted from the use of a small e~tter~collector separation and large collector bias, both necessary to observe a signal at very low temperature. The observation of more than two arrivalsignals usually overlapping each other is believed due to the complicated situation which arises due to the electric field varying both in magnitude and direction. As a result of impact ionization the free carrier concentration can vary by orders of magnitude with position and so, due to electron-hole scattering, the minority carrier mobility can become a function of position. It is possible for minority carriers to become “trapped” in a region of low mobility in a convergent field (near the collector) and carriers, flowing a less obvious route in a lower field, arrive before them. The recent observations by WEINREICH et uZ.(~~)have demonstrated that in n-type germanium 7u is much less than the value calculated above because at low temperatures transitions involving the donor states become important. Their results indicate that a concentration of compensating donors in P-type material of 1 x 10’s cm-s would be sufficient to lower Q below the transit time, since the frequency of transitions between the donor level and the conduction band will be far greater than between the donor level and the valence band. In the crystals AND HOLES IN Ge used the concentration of compensatig donors would be greater than 1 x 1012 cm-s and we can conclude that rii was too low for the experiment to be successful. Two other possible reasons for its failure are (i) that vi, was reduced because the average energy of the electrons was raised by the field and (ii) that the anisotropy of the relaxation timecz6) for ionized impurity scattering decreased the anisotropy of the conductivity within a valley to such an extent that a difference would not be observed between electrons in different valleys. An interesting conductivity modulation effect was observed between 4°K and 15°K. Normally when the amplitude of the injection current is increased the amplitude of the collector signal rises i 1 0 ul 7.; i: j; A TIME--- B TIME- FIG. 7. (a) The usual effect of conductivity modulation on the signal observed at the collector. (b) The effect of increasing the emitter current on the collector signal which is observed when impact ionization of impurity atoms is taking place. but the signal becomes skewed. At very low temperatures increasing the emitter current did not alter the amplitude of the collector signal significantly but increased its duration in time. The two contrasting situations are depicted in Fig. 7. We may interpret this effect as follows. Within the germanium filament there is a uniform density of holes, $0, maintained by impact ionization resulting from the presence of a sweep field. When the emitter is switched on the local field rises slightly causing (i) an increase in impact ionization po --+p~-+-p~(~, t) and (ii) injection of minority carriers n(r, t) and so raising the hole density to po+p, (r, t) + n(r, 1). When the emitter is switched off the holes produced by impact ionization in the emitter field will be recaptured in the majority carrier lifetime which is of order 10-s sec.(sQ The E. 218 G. minority carrier on the other hand will recombine relatively slowly ( 7 N 10-s set). Thus the minority carriers exist for most of their life in a hole density of po+n(r, t). The possibility exists that n > ~0, and extreme conductivity modulation results. The centre of the pulse remains stationary while carriers are steadily removed from the leading edge as n +pe. In other words the injected carriers, instead of being propagated as a group of electrons, act as a stationary reservoir. It was found that passing a large sweep current resulted in a normal pulse shape with the usual conductivity modulation effects. This is because in the large sweep current the density of impact ionized holes has been increased and as a result 71 < po and the extreme conductivity effect is absent. It is interesting to note that this effect of conductivity modulation provides a method of integrating signals of appropriate length and amplitude range. 6. CONTUSION We have presented experimental observations of the mobility of minority carriers in a temperature range from 300°K to 4°K. Hitherto the minority carrier mobility has not been measured below 100°K. In the new range explored the effects of electron-hole scattering were large. In some specimens this scattering mechanism appeared to dominate the mobility. We have mentioned that electron-hole scattering had a considerably greater effect on the mobility than the effect predicted from a simple ionized impurity scattering formula. The discrepancy has been attributed to the drag effect of the majority carriers on the minority carriers. It is conceivable that in a solid with free carriers having favourable masses the drag effect could be considerably larger. In principle the minority carriers could be influenced so greatly by the drag of majority carriers that they drift “backwards”, i.e. they could have a negative mobility. There are two important points connected with this investigation. Firstly, for the first time observations have been made on a transport property of a semiconductor in which carrier-carrier interaction is dominant. Secondly, there is a drag effect exerted by the majority carrier on the minority carrier which from the point of view of analysis has the advantage over other drag phenomena such S. PAlGE as phonon drag that the drift velocity of the particles exerting the drag is a readily determined quantity. At lattice temperatures down to nearly 4°K the transit of minority carriers has been observed. However it appeared that even for such low temperatures a large number of interchanges of electrons between different valleys in momentum space took place during the transit time. It is worthwhile at this juncture to consider the relation of this work to the operation of devices at low temperatures. The performance of the drift mobility experiment in the liquid helium range demonstrates that transistor action is possible at very low temperatures provided sufficient free carriers are generated by impact ionization. While pC is smaller than might be anticipated due to electron-hole scattering the diffusion constant is not influenced in the same way by drag. The extreme conductivity modulation effect which was observed in the impact ionization range could impose limitations on the input signal to a transistor or its frequency response. ~ternatively it could be utilized to make an integrating device. Acknowledgements-The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Miss S. BOULTONin the preparation of the specimens and to thank Dr. A. F. GIBSON for his helpful suggestions and encouragement during the course of the work. The author is indebted to Dr. T. P. MCLEAN for his comments on the manuscript. APPENDIX In this appendix the method of determining the minority carrier drift velocity as distinct from the velocity of propagation of the pulse of injected carriers which is observed will be outlined. Consider holes injected into n-type material. If the velocity of propagation of the pulse of injected holes is V(= E/t) then it is related to ph by where no and $0 are the thermal equilibrium densities of electrons and holes, Ap is the density of injected carriers and E is the electric field outside the injected region. This equation which is a simple extension of that given by HER~ING~~*)negIects the effects of diffusion and recombination. At very low temperatures the hfetime becomes comparable with the transit time. Under such conditions, therefore, equation (A.l) is not strictly obeyed. The equation has two limiting forms which are relevant, DRIFT MOBILITY (i) when there is no conductivity OF ELECTRONS modulation, A$ = 0, :)I-: (A4 v = /&[I+ &(l+ and (ii) when the material is far from intrinsic, $0 = 0, v = &[1+$(1+ :)I-’ (-4.3) Equation (A.3) displays the effect of conductivity modulation on the velocity of propagation of the pulse of boles. In the low temperature .region conductivity modulation had a large effect whilst the material was far from intrinsic. Rearrangement of equation (A.3) putting Ie = A p where I, is the emitter current gives for a crystal at a given temperature. A plot of I< against tl/s should be linear and intercept the ~‘12 axis at a value of t corresponding to zero conductivity modulation. In practice plots of I6 against tlfz were usually linear. For a 3 Sz cm crystal at room temperature, when recombination effects are small, the value of A was estimated as 7 x lo-17 A cm-s. Thus for an emitter current of 1 mA, the minority carrier density was 1~4 x lOI3 crnv3 compared with the majority carrier density of 1 X lOI5 cmeS. REFERENCES 1. HAYNESJ. R. and SHOCKLEYW., Phys. Rev. 75,691 (1949). 2. HAYNES J. R. and SHOCKLEYW., Phys. Rev. 81, 835 (1951). AND HOLES IN Ge 219 3. LAwRANCS R., Phys. Rm. 89, 1295 (1953). PRINCE M. B., Phys. Rev. 92, 681 (1953). WILLARDSONR. K., HARMAN T. C. and BEERA. C., f Phys. Rev. 96, 1.512 (1954). BEERA. C. and WILL.ARDSONR. K., Phys. Rev. 110, 1286 (1958). 7. DEBYE P. P. and CON~ELL E. M., Phys. Rev. 93,693 (1954). 8. MORIN F. _l. and MAITA J. P., Phys. Rev. 96, 28 (1954). 9. MCLEAN T. P. and E)AIGEE. G. S., following paper. 10. MCLEAN T. P. and PAIGEE. G. S., to be published. 11 BAKERD. and YEMIXI-I., &it. J. Appl. Phys. 8, 302 * (19f7). 12 SMITH C. S., P&ys. Rev. 94,42 (1954). 13* PRINCE M. B., Pltys. Rev. 91, 271 (1953). 14: HERRINGC., Bell Syst. Tech. J., 28. 401 (1949). SHOCKLEYw., Hole; and Electronsin Senai~ondukors. 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