5 2011 2013 Compulsory None


Course code

Course group


Volume in

ECTS credits

Course valid from

Course valid to Reg. No.

ETN 4006


Course type (compulsory of optional)


Course level (study cycle)

Semester the course is delivered

2011 2013




Study form (face-to-face or distant) Face-to-face

Course title in Lithuanian


Course title in English


Short course annotation in Lithuanian (up to 500 characters)

Dalykas skirtas analizuoti paveld ą ir jo apsaug ą į vairi ų istorini ų laikotarpi ų tarpkult ū riniuose, etniniuose, politiniuose, ideologiniuose, sociokult ū riniuose kontekstuose. Dalyko tikslai: palyginti Lietuvos paveldosaugos raid ą Vakar ų Europos paveldosaugos proces ų kontekste, apibr ė žti svarbiausias disciplinos s ą vokas parodant istorin ę j ų kait ą , išanalizuoti etninio paveldo reikšm ę tautiniam tapatumui, paaiškinti politinio, ideologinio, sociokult ū rinio konteksto vaidmen į paveldui, nustatyti modernizacijos pasekmes paveldui, suklasifikuoti paveldo objektus, į vertinti paveldo pritaikymo galimybes šiandienos visuomenei,

Lietuvos etnini ų mažum ų paveld ą

interpretuoti kaip Lietuvos kult ū rinio paveldo dal į .

Short course annotation in English (up to 500 characters)

The subject is dedicated to the analysis of ethnic heritage and its conservation in intercultural, ethnic, political, ideological, and socio-cultural contexts of different historic periods. The subject’s objectives are to compare evolution of Lithuanian historic conservation in the context of conservation processes in Western

Europe; to define key concepts of the discipline and discuss their historical evolution; to analyse the significance of ethnic heritage to national identity; to explain the role of political, ideological, and sociocultural context in heritage; to establish consequences of modernization to heritage; to classify objects of heritage; to assess

possibilities of heritage application to today’s society; to interpret

heritage of Lithuanian ethnic minorities as part of Lithuanian cultural heritage.

Prerequisites for entering the course


Links between study programme outcomes and course outcomes

Study programme outcomes

Course outcomes

Analyse links between traditional and contemporary cultural phenomena and processes define key concepts of the discipline and discuss their historical evolution explain the role of political, ideological, and socio-cultural context in heritage classify objects of heritage establish consequences of modernization to heritage compare evolution of Lithuanian historic conservation in the context of conservation processes in Western Europe

Assess the role of ethnic heritage in today’s society assess possibilities of heritage application to today’s society

Participate in the processes of formation of civic society and its world view analyse the significance of ethnic heritage to national identity interpret heritage of Lithuanian ethnic minorities as part of Lithuanian cultural heritage

Assessment criteria for learning outcomes of the study subject

Definition of key concepts of the discipline and discussion of their historical evolution

Explanation of the role of political, ideological, and socio-cultural context in heritage

Classification of objects of heritage

Establishment of consequences of modernization to heritage

Comparison of evolution of Lithuanian historic conservation in the context of conservation processes in Western Europe

Assessment of possibilities of heritage application to today’s society

Analysis of the significance of ethnic heritage to national identity

Interpretation of heritage of Lithuanian ethnic minorities as part of Lithuanian cultural heritage

Content (topics)

Evolution of heritage conservation in Western Europe and Lithuania. Analysis of concepts. Heritage conservation in the political, ideological, and socio-cultural context. Cultural values and their protection in

Independent Lithuania (1918–1940). Institutional, administrative, and legal levels in Lithuanian heritage conservation. Ethnic heritage and national identity. Lithuanian cultural heritage and Soviet ideology.

Actions against ideologically unacceptable heritage. Cultural heritage policies in modern day Lithuania.

Clashes between private and public interest. Consequences of modernization to heritage. Establishing and classifying heritage. Protection of movable and immovable cultural values, material and non-material heritage. Problems of Lithuanian heritage overseas. Heritage of Lithuanian ethnic minorities.

Interpretations of heritage, rendition of “disputed past”. Heritage conservation and possibilities of contemporary application. Heritage and tourism.

Study (teaching and learning) methods

Methods of teaching : narration, explanation, illustrations, questions and answers, brainstorming, visual material and films followed by commentary.

Study methods : discussions, studies and analysis of literature, oral or written presentation of individual or team work.

Methods of learning achievement assessment

Testing, monitoring of discussions and oral presentations, delivery of a paper or a project

Distribution of workload for students (contact and independent work hours)

Lectures – 45 hrs

Individual work – 90 hrs (written work – (mandatory reading of 160 p.) – 50 hrs; studies of literature and preparation for the examination (200 p.) – 40 hrs)

Structure of cumulative score and value of its constituent parts

Test (colloquium) – 30% of the final grade, homework paper – 20% of the final grade, examination – 50% of the final grade.

Recommended reference materials

Main literature


Č epaitien ė , R. (2010). Paveldosauga globaliajame pasaulyje . Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla. (3 copies, VMU).


Lietuvos dvarai: kult ū ros paveldo tyrin ė jimai . (2009). Sudarytojos A. Andriulyt ė , R. Butvilait ė .

Vilnius : Vilniaus dail ė s akademijos leidykla. (5 copies, VMU).


Dijokien ė , D. (2009). Urbanistinis istorini ų

priemies č i ų

paveldas . Vilnius: Technika. (3 copies,



Kult ū ros paveldas ir turizmas . (2009). Galimyb ė s, poveikis, partneryst ė ir valdymas. Sudarytoja M.

Lehtimäki. Vilnius (laisvai prieinama internete



Europos pavelda : planavimas ir valdymas . (2008). Redaktoriai Gregory Ashworth ir Peter


Howard. Vilnius: Versus aureus. (1 copy, VMU)


Č epaitien ė , R. (2005). Laikas ir akmenys. Kult ū ros paveldo sampratos moderniojoje Lietuvoje .

Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla. (3 copies, VMU)


Glemža, J. R. (2002). Nekilnojamojo kult ū ros paveldo apsauga ir tvarkymas: paveldosaugos ir paveldotvarkos pagrindai . Vilnius: Vilniaus dail ė s akademijos leidykla. (3 copies, VMU)

Additional literature


Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (Editor), John Carman (Editor). (2009). Heritage Studies: Methods and

Approaches. Routledge. (1 copy, VMU).


Michael A. Di Giovine. (2008). The Heritage-scape: UNESCO, World Heritage, and Tourism .

Lexington books. (1 copy, VMU).


Freeman Tilden (Author), R. Bruce Craig (Introduction), Russell E. Dickenson (Foreword).

(2008). Interpreting Our Heritage . The University of North Carolina Press. (1 copy, VMU).


Gregory Ashworth, Brian Graham, John Tunbridge. (2007) Pluralising Pasts: Heritage, Identity and Place in Multicultural Societies . London: Pluto Press. (1 copy, VMU).


Kult ū ros paveldas ir visuomen ė

XXI a., nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai aspektai

. (2006). Vilnius:

Vilniaus dail ė s akademijos leidykla. (1 copy, VMU).


Žyd ų

kult ū ros paveldas Lietuvoje

. (2005). Sudarytojas Alfredas Jomantas. Vilnius: Savastis. (1 copy, VMU).

Course programme designed by

Dr. Asta Venskien ė , doc. Dr. Ar ū nas Vaicekauskas, Department of Cultural Studies and Ethnology
