6.5 Addition of Sinusoidsof the SameFrequency Adding two sinusoidsof the same f'requencybut ditl'erentamplitudesand phasesresultsin another sinusoid(sin or cos) of same fiequency. The resulting amplitude and phaseare different from the amplitude,and phaseof the two original sinusoids,as illustratedwith the examplebelow. Example 6-2; Consider an electrical circuit with two elementsR and /- connectedin seriesas shownin Fig. 6. 15. i(t) 'R , T =6 sin2 t v t, =vR+vL P L= 8cos2tv =6sin2t A Figure6, l5: Addition of sinusoidsin an RL circuit' In Fig. 6.15, the cunent i(r):6r;n12t) amp flowing throughthe circuit producestwo voltages: yn :6sin(2t) V acrossthe resistor and yL : 8cos(2t) V acrossthe inductor. The total voltage voltagev(t) acrossthe current sourcecan be obtainedusing KVL as v (t):Yn 1 1 ;+ Y r(r)' Sinusoids in Engineering rEt v. + 8cos(2r) v(r): 6rin12r) (6.s) (sine or cosine) of frequency The total voltage given by equation (6.5) can be written as one sinusoid the resulting sinusoid' In terms 2radls.The objective is io find the amplitude and the phaseangle of of a sine function, : u sin(2t* 0): + Scos(2r) v(r): 6s1t12r) 6.6 identit Whjre&-sbjective is to find M and@.Usingthetrigonometric as written (6.6) be can equation side, right (D\n the cos(A)sin 6sin(2r)*8cos(2r) : (Mcosf)sin(2r)+ (Msin{)cos(2t)' ofsin(2r) andcos(2t)on bothsidesofequation(6'7)gives Equatingthecoefficients Mcos(S| : 6 sines: cosines: Msin(@) : 8' (6.7) (6.8) (6.e) to polar form as To determine the magnitude M and phase@,equations(6.8) and (6'9) are converted shownin Fig. 6.16. in an RL circuit' Figure 6.l6: Determinationof magnitudeand phaseof the resultingsinusoid Therefore, M: : o H:i::''' - Therefore,v(r) : 6sin(2r) a Scos(2r): l0sin(2r + 53'13") V' The amplitudeof the^voltage 0r2l sinusoidis lO V the angularfrequencyis Q:2 rad/s,the linearfrequen? tt "f-: Zn: 2n: i :O'927rad'and isT=n:3'l4lsec,thephaseangle=53'I3":(53'I3')(##) Hz,theperiod thetime shift can be calculatedas T: a a) r53 6.5 Addition of Sinusoidsof the SameFrequency o.927 L : 0'464 s. The plot of the voltage and current waveformsis shown in Fig. 6.17, ltcan be seenfrom Fig. 6. 17 rhar the volrage waveform is shifted to the left by 0.464 s (time shift). In other words, the voltage in the RL circuit leads the current by 53.3'. It will be shown later that it is oppositein an RC circuit, where the voltage waveform lags the cuffent. Figure 6. l7: Voltageand current relationshipfor an RL circuit. Note: The voltageu(t) can also be representedas one sinusoidusing the cosinef'unctionas * Qr). v(r): 6s;n12r) + 8cos(2t): tt cos(2r (6.10) The amplitude"M andthe phaseangle @1can be determinedusing a proceduresimilar to that outlined above. Using rhe trigonometric identity cos(A + B) : cos(A)cos (B) - sin (A) sin (B) on the right sideof equation(6.10)gives 6 s i n (2 r) * 8 c o s (2 r): (-Ms i n fl ) si n(2t) * (Mcos@ 1)cos(2t). (6.1l ) Equatingthe coetficients of sin(2 r) and cos(2r) on both sidesof equation(6. I I ) gives sines: Msin(@r) : -6 (6.t2) Sinusoidsin Engineering t54 c o s i n e s: M c o s(@ 1) 8, (6.r3) To determinethe magnitudeM andphase@1 , equations(6.12) and (6.13) are convertedto polar form as shownin Fig. 6.18. Figure 6. l8: Determinationof magnitudeand phasefor a cosinefunction. Therefore, t PI : J6, +8, :10 h : 'atan2(-6'8) : -36.87" v(r) : 6s1t12r)+ Scos(2t): lQcos(2r- 36.87')V' Therefore, canalsobe obtaineddirectlyfrom the sinefunctionusingthe trig identitysin0 : This expression cos(O- 90"). Therefore, l0sin(2t+ 53.13") l0cos((2r+ 53.I 3") - 90") l0cos(2r* 36.87'). In general, the results of this example can be expressedas follows: A c o s o t * Bs i n a tl 1/ez +& cos(orr*atan2(B,A)) A cos crrt* Bsin all \/ Az + 82 sin( arr * atan2(A,B)) . r-7------: Example 6-3: ConsidertheRC circuitshownin Fig. 6.19. -t I 6.5 Addition of Sinusoids of the Same + l0cos l20nr V '=h+'c 5 sin l20nr V = cos(I20 7u)mA t20n Figure6.l9: Additionof sinusoids in anRC circuit. In Fig. 6.19,thecurrentl(r) : sesl120rr) mA flowingthroughthecircuitproduces rwo volrages: vn : lOcos(l20at) acrosstheresistorantluc.:5sin(l20zrr) acrossthecapacitor. Thetotalvoltage voltagev(r) canbe obtainedusingKVL as v(r) v6(t) + v6.(r) l Oc o s (l 2Oxt) + _5si n(l 20zr). (6.r4) The total voltage given by equation (6. 14) can bc written as a single sinusoid of frequency l20z rad/s. The objective is to find the arnplitudeand the phaseangle ofthe sinusoid. The total voltage can be written as a cosine function as l0cos(I 20zr) + Ssin(I ZOttt):M cos(t}Ont+ tz). :(McosS2)cos(t2on) + (* M sing2)sin( I 20ar), (6.l5) wherethetrigonometric,*".,.{isemp|oyedontherighthandsideoftheequation.Equatinos$2rjntjonbothsidesof equation (6.l-5)gives cosrnes: M cos(Q2) IO sines: M sin(Q2) -5. (6.l6) (6.17) To determinethe rnagnitudeM andphaseangle @2,eqirations(6. l6) and (6.17) areconvertedto the polar fbrm as shown in Fig. 6,20. Therefbre, M : v/W+s, w : : I l.18 atan2(--5, l0) -26.57", : whichgivesu(r): 1l.lScos(120nt - 26'57")v' v x sin$2 = -1 Figure 6.20: Determinationof magnitudeand phaseof the resultingsinusoidin an RC circuit : the linear The amplitudeof the voltagesinusoid is I 1.8 V, the angularfrequencyis o) l}On radls, period is T : 16.7ms, the phaseangleis -26'57", and the time frequencyit f : #:6oHz,the - -shift is 1.23ms. figure The plot of the voltage and current waveforms is shown in Fig. 6.21' It can be sei:n from the voltage words, the other that ihe voltage waveform is shifted to the right by 1.23 ms (time shift). In in this RC circuit lags rhe current by 26.57". <-- Voltagc in V l.o o - t.0 fbr anRC circuit' 6.21:Voltageandcurrentrelationship F.lUure