Follett – Backup/Restore • Enter Password and hit enter. • Click

Follett – Backup/Restore
• Enter Password and hit enter.
• Click BROWSE, choose the location to save the back up. I
save my backups to my personal directory.
• I’ve created folders in my
P: drive labeled Follett 1,
Follett 2, etc. Since I’m
split between two schools
I’ve had to rename them
and add the day and name
of the school. For example
every Monday I back up
WB to the Monday folder
and the new back up will
replace the older back up.
Nancy Gridley
Library Media Specialist
• Choose the folder to back up to and click OK.
• Click BACKUP, and then hit yes.
• It takes a while for the backup to complete. Tends to get
hung up on 45% for a while, then once it gets past that it
moves quicker.
Nancy Gridley
Library Media Specialist
• When the back up is done, this screen will pop up.
• Click YES.
• Then click OK.
• Then you can exit out of Backup/Restore and shut down the
computer for the night.
Nancy Gridley
Library Media Specialist