Curriculum Coverage: Grade 10 - 12 Topics and Tasks MATRIC EXAMINATION PACK Page 1 In order for learners to progress from Grade to Grade, it is essential that all content and assessment tasks are completed in each grade to the required degree outlined in the CAPS policy documents. Curriculum coverage therefore needs to be monitored systematically by different levels in the education system. The Further Education and Training Band (FET) Grades 10 – 12 is a three year programme. Content and assessment tasks taught in Grade 10 forms the baseline for Grades 11 and Grade 11 content forms the basis for Grade 12. Content Gaps occur when curriculum coverage is not completed 100% as per CAPS requirement. This has a negative effect on learners who will then not cope with the incremental cognitive and skills demands of the subject as they progress from Grade to Grade. This in turn impacts on poor learner attainment in the final NSC examinations. Content and Assessment MUST be conducted as per the sequenced ATP and PoA. This is to ensure that all learners are fully equipped to write common external examinations in Grade 11 and 12 and to prepare learners for higher grades. In addition, the CAPS stipulates the assessment tasks linked to each aspect of content and the time allocated to conduct these tasks. These assessment tasks and duration of each task can be found outlined in Section 4 of the CAPS policy document. This is known as the “Programme of Assessment” (PoA). The content can be found outlined in Sections 2 and 3 of the CAPS policy statements. This is termed “The Annual Teaching Plan” (ATP) and should be followed rigorously by each subject teacher in the FET Band. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for each National Senior Certificate (NSC) subject, contains detailed, sequenced content to be covered for each grade in the FET Band. CURRICULUM COVERAGE GRADES 10 – 12 – CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) FOREWORD DIRECTORATE: CURRICULUM FET PROGRAMMES EDUCATION EASTERN CAPE Province of the DIRECTOR: CURRICULUM FET PROGRAMMES MRS. M.P.N. SIWISA .................................................................. Page 2 DATE: ................................................... Furthermore, it is hoped that the curriculum monitoring tool will regulate the monitoring of CAPS compliance by subject specialist at district level and provincial level. whose key duty is to monitor curriculum coverage in compliance with the CAPS policy statements in order to ensure that the CAPS policy documents are implemented correctly. • Education Development Officers (EDOs) • Principals of Schools • Heads Of Departments • Non-subject specialists It is envisaged that the documents will be used by: These documents are attached as Annexure A and Annexure B respectively. In order to ensure that content coverage takes place at the required pace and in the required sequence, The Directorate Curriculum FET Programmes has developed an executive summary of the ATP and Programme of Assessment and a curriculum coverage monitoring tool. Page 3 TERM 1 TOPICS AND TASKS GRADES 10 - 12 TERM 1 ANNEXURE A: 1. Presentation -Book keeping (Cash transaction): CRJ,CPJ,PCJ -Combining both Credit and Cash transaction Accounting equation, -Ledgers: DL,CL, Trial balance, -Bookkeeping (Credit transaction): -DJ,DAJ,CAJ,GJ, (100 marks) i.e. based on all Term one topics. Test 2. Term One (50 marks) SBA -GAAP Introduction, ACCOUNTING -Gen Ledger, Trial Balance, Accounting Equation GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Page 4 Final accounts, Financial statements, Accounting equation, Partnerships: Adjustments, General ledger, Fixed assets Bank reconciliations GRADE 11 TOPIC (100 marks) 2.Term One Test (50 marks) 1.Written Report SBA GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Audit reporting, Companies: Analysis and interpretation, Cash flow statement, Balance sheet, Final accounts, income statements, Companies: Financial statements, notes, GRADE 12 TOPIC 2. Test (200 marks min. converted to100 for recording) 1. Written report (50 marks) SBA GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Controlled test 75% § Crop production factors and an overview § PAT § Main cultivars available within each crop § Classification of crops according to agronomic characteristics of seed and plant; and § Farming systems; § Main production areas § Potential role in industry Task based 25% Crop production AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (AMP) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS • PAT Page 5 Soil, water and fertilizer management aspects •Important cultivars available within each selected crop, reasons for use. •Growth curve and critical period during growth; and •Classification of crops according to agronomic characteristics of seed and plant •Overview of economic importance of crop production; •Main production areas in the RSA and potential role in industry; Crop production Introduction to Crop production GRADE 11 TOPIC Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT §PAT §Development of business plan Entrepreneurship relevant for the production enterprises concerned and precision farming • Semi- intensive • Extensive • Intensive Farming/production systems • Farm evaluation • Physical and biological planning (camps, contours, soil, resource utilization, mechanization Farm Planning Aspects: GRADE 12 TOPIC Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Formal Assessment Term 1 Test 1 – 75% • OHS Act: Introduction to the OHS Act. • Familiarize the learners with relevant workshop practices and regulations applicable to the farm workshop so that they can conduct themselves appropriately in the workshop AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (AT) (The PAT marks must be used at the end of the year for the final PAT mark.) PAT (Design) 25% of PAT Research task – 25% Safety Research task – 25% Research Task (The Pat marks must be used at the end of the year for the final PAT mark.) PAT (Design) 25% of PAT Test 1 – 75% Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT PAT Design Portfolio Basic Agricultural Chemistry GRADE 11 TOPIC Safety Research Task PAT Design Portfolio Animal nutrition GRADE 12 TOPIC Page 6 Edward Gibbon The best and most important part of every man’s education is that which he gives himself. • Eye protection • Ear protection, • Protective clothing, Task based 25% Agro-Ecology AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (AS) Controlled test 75% GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS (The PAT marks must be used at the end of the year for the final PAT mark.) PAT Design – 25% Research task – 25% Test 1 – 75% Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Assignment Test 1: Micro environment 2: Market environment BUSINESS STUDIES 5: Business sectors 4: Interrelationship between environments 3: Macro environment GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Page 7 7: Avenues of acquiring a business 6: Benefits of a company versus other forms of ownership 5: Business sectors 4: Impact and challenges of contemporary socioeconomic issues on business operations 3: Adapting to challenges in business environments 2: Challenges in business environments 1: Influences on and control factors influencing business environments GRADE 11 TOPIC Test Assignment GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 5: Devise strategies to enable a business to respond to the challenges of the macro business environment 4: Creative thinking 3: Professionalism and ethics 2: Human Resources function 1: Impact of recent legislation on business - response to demands for redress and equity GRADE 12 TOPIC Assignment Test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT • Introduction to computers CONSUMER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (CAT) • • File Management • ICT in perspective • Adding Graphics • • Editing Forms & Templates • Page 8 Introduction to database Calculations Spread sheet skills Paragraph formatting • • Input and output Page Formatting • • Working with files Working with files • Practical Test • Written Test It is all about ICT’s • Written Test Practical Test GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT GRADE 11 TOPIC GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT • Hardware • Formatting of pages & paragraphs • Formatting of pages & paragraphs • Software • Start working with text GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Track changes • Systems Technologies: Hardware • Systems Technologies: Hardware Hardware recommendations Social Implications - integrated Solution Development: DB Revise and improve database knowledge Solution Development: WP Working with long documents Information Management Data, information, knowledge, conclusion/ decision Questionnaires Information Management and PAT Gathering data & Electronic forms • • • • • • • • • • • • • Calculations in queries and reports • Solution Development: DB • Decision making in functions • Solution Development: SS • Reports Social Implications – integrated • Hardware devices Functions for calculations • • Solution Development: SS • Solution Development: SS • Functions for calculations Social Implications – integrated • • Hardware devices • Systems Technologies: Hardware Solution Development: WP • • Systems Technologies: General Concepts • GRADE 12 TOPIC Practical Test Theory Test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT COMPLETION OF FIRST PHASE OF PAT 2. Graphics and Communication CONSUMER STUDIES Controlled test and 1. Safety CIVIL TECHNOLOGY Project Food and nutrition Practical Tasks Test The Consumer 8. Completion of first Phase of PAT 7. Applied Mechanics Power Materials: Glass 6. Equipment Page 9 Fibres and fabrics Design elements and principles The Consumer 8. Completion of first Phase of PAT 7. Applied Mechanics Power 6. Equipment Hand tools 5. Equipment 4. Metals 5. Equipment Materials : Blocks 3. 2. Graphics and Communication 1. Safety and PAT GRADE 11 TOPIC 4. Materials : 3. Graphics and Communication GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Practical tasks Project Test Controlled test and COMPLETION OF FIRST PHASE OF PAT GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Clothing Entrepreneurship Assessment Task (PAT) 6. Completion of first phase of Practical Floor Rib and Block Concrete Piling 5. Construction: Mechanics 4. Applied Power tools Hand tools 3. Equipment Communication Graphics/ Communication 2. Graphics/ 1. Safety and PAT Materials GRADE 12 TOPIC Practical tasks Project Test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Theory test (50) 1: Dance performance DANCE 3: Dance history and literacy 3: Dance history and literacy Page 10 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance GRADE 11 TOPIC 2: Dance Composition Practical test (50) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Practical test (50) Theory test (50) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance GRADE 12 TOPIC Practical test (50) Theory test (50) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT and safe practice 3: Design theory: • design literacy • history of design • design in a sociocultural / environmental and sustainable context and safe practice 3: Design theory: • design literacy • history of design • design in a socio-cultural / environmental and sustainable context Page 11 2: Design production, time management 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) 2: Theory test. (50) Design in a business context (research) 1: Design process and factors influencing the process 1: PAT 1 Process and Product (100) 1: Design process and factors influencing DESIGN GRADE 11 TOPIC the process GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS 2: Theory test. (50) 1: PAT 1 Process and Product (100) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT context environmental and sustainable • design in a socio-cultural/ • history of design • design literacy 3: Design theory: and safe practice 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) the process 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 12 TOPIC 2: Theory test. (50) 1: PAT 1 Process and Product (100) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ECONOMICS 1: Introduction to Dramatic arts DRAMATIC ARTS Assignment 3: Absurd Theatre / Epic Theatre / post- modern Theatre 2: Theme/ Audition / Technical Programme 1: 20th Century “isms” GRADE 12 TOPIC Page 12 & Business cycles: Economic structures 4: Basic economic problem, Public sector 4: Business cycles 2: Circular flow: Economic goods & services 3: Economic systems: Mixed Economy Test 3: Circular flow & Quantitative elements 2: Basic economic problem Test 4: International trade 3: Public sector 2: Business cycles 1: Circular flow 1: Population and labour force 2: Test (50) 1: PAT 1 (50) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 1: Economics: Basic concepts 3: Voice and Body 2: Play text 1: Realist Text 1: Realism and Stanislavski GRADE 11 TOPIC 4: Play text 1: Absurd / Epic/post modern Assignment 2: Test (50) 1: PAT 1 (50) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 4: Scene Study 3: Play text 1: South African Theatre 2: South African Theatre GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Test Assignment 2: Test (50) 1: PAT 1 (50) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS 5. Power Sources 4. Basic Principles of electricity instruments measuring 3. Tools and instruments measuring 2. Tools and and Safety 1. Occupational Health GRADE 10 TOPIC Simulations 1 and 2 completed and PAT Project under construction 2. PAT: test and 1. Controlled GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Page 13 4. Single-phase transformers. 3. Single-phase AC generation 2. Tools and measuring instruments 1. OHS Act GRADE 11 TOPIC 2. PAT: Simulations 1 and 2 completed and PAT Project under construction 1. Controlled test and GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 5. Three Phase Motors & Starters 4. Transformers 3. Three Phase 2. Three Phase AC Generation and Safety 1. Occupational Health GRADE 12 TOPIC Simulations 1 and 2 completed and PAT Project under construction 2. PAT: and 1. Controlled test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING GRAPHICS & DESIGN (EGD) SUBJECTS 3. drawing sheet Setting up of a Free-hand drawing types of drawing relevant to all principles General drawing purpose of EGD Introduction to & 5. Scales Construction 4. Geometrical 3. 2. management administrative and 1. Course drawings 1. Classroom Task) Assessment 4. PAT (Practical 3. Ellipse drawing, Geometrical construction 2. freehand and Controlled test: f GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC 6. drawing Page 14 Two point Perspective 5. Isometric drawing AND 4. Isometric drawing 3. Mechanical drawing 2. Mechanical drawing drawing principles Revision of the general management AND administrative and 1. Classroom GRADE 11 TOPIC Assessment Task) 2. PAT (Practical drawings and Controlled test: Mechanical analytical exercise, Mechanical assembly, Isometric drawing, Two-point perspective 1. Course GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 4. Perspective drawing 3. Civil drawing AND PAT 2. Mechanical drawing 1. Mechanical drawing drawing principles general Revision of the management AND administrative and Classroom GRADE 12 TOPIC Task) Assessment 8. PAT (Practical 7. Two-point perspective 6. Civil site plan; 5. Civil floor plan with elevations; 4. Civil sectional elevation; 3. Mechanical analytical exercise; 2. Mechanical assembly; 1. Course drawings and Controlled test: GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT • Fieldwork And Practical Work Using Atlases Earth’s axis and revolution Oceans and winds Global Air circulation Africa’s weather and climate Droughts and desertification Aerial & orthophoto maps & GIS • • • • • • THE ATMOSPHERE GRADE 11 TOPIC Controlled Test 1 Data Handling GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Page 15 Alfred Mercier GRADE 12 TOPIC Fluvial Processes • Geographical Systems (GIS). Map Work: • • Tropical Cyclones. Information Mid-Latitude Cyclones Climate And Weather • • • CLIMATOLOGY What we learn with pleasure we never forget. Controlled Test 1 Data Handling CLIMATOLOGY GEOGRAPHY • Using Atlases GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Controlled Test 1 Data Handling GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 1. THE WORLD HISTORY A f r i c a (Songhai), China (Ming), India (Mogul) - - - Case study 1. America: Spanish conquest Case study 2. Africa: - - EXPANSION AND CONQUEST IN THE 15TH – 18TH CENTURIES 2. EUROPEAN Comparative overview in the following empires: • AROUND 1600 GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS 2. CAPITALISM IN THE USA 1900 TO 1940 2. Standardised test which includes a source based question and an essay. Page 16 1. COMMUNISM IN RUSSIA: 1900 to 1940 GRADE 11 TOPIC 1. Source-based and/or essay task GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 2. Standardised test 1 which includes a source based section and an essay. 1. Source-based and/or essay task. GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT (How did the Cold War period shape international relations after the Second World War?) (How was independence realized in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s) - (What forms of civil society protest emerged from the 1960s to 1970?) 3. CIVIL SOCIETY PROTESTS 1950S TO 1970S - 2. INDEPENDENT AFRICA - 1. THE COLD WAR GRADE 12 TOPIC 3. Standardised test which includes a source –based section and an essay. (Ideally both sections will be tested at the same time. 2. Research assignment (can also be done in the second term) 1. Source-based task (or essay: Learners must do one each. GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT LIFE ORIENTATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Project Kitchen and restaurant operations 4. Physical Education: Fitness 3. Democracy and human rights. 2. Career and career choices. 1. Development of self in society. • Scratch Solution Development • Algorithms Solution Development • Solution Development 2.Physical Education Task (20 marks) 1.Written Task: Assignment / Sourcebased task (80 marks) Page 17 4. Physical Education: Fitness 3. Democracy and human rights. 2. Career and career choices. 1. Development of self in society. • Social Implications • Communication Technologies Practical • Data and Information Management • Social Implications • System Technologies Theory test Sectors and careers Food and beverage service Commodities Nutrition and menu planning GRADE 11 TOPIC • Systems Technologies Commodities Nutrition and menu planning Practical Tasks Test Sectors and careers HOSPITALITY STUDIES Hygiene GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS 2.Physical Education Task (20 marks) 1.Written Task: Assignment / Source-based task (80 marks) Practical Test Theory test Practical Tasks Project Test GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 2.Physical Education Task (20 marks) 3. Career and career choices. 4. Physical Education: Fitness 2. Study skills 1. Source-based written task (80 marks) Practical Theory test Practical Tasks Project Test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 1. Development of self in society. • Solution Development: Scratch Solution • Solution Development: Algorithms • Social Implications • Information Management • Data • Systems Technologies Hygiene Commodities Food and beverage service Nutrition and menu planning GRADE 12 TOPIC MATHEMATICS LITERACY MATHEMATICS Orientation to Life Sciences LIFE SCIENCES 3. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 2. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 1. Contexts focusing on Numbers and Operations with numbers 5. Equations and Inequalities 4. Number Patterns 2. Control Test 1. Assignment / Investigation 2. Test (at least 50 marks) Page 18 3. Contexts focusing on Finance 2. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 1. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 4. Number Patterns 3. Equations and Inequalities 2. Euclidean Geometry 3. Exponents 2. Euclidean Geometry 2. Control Test 1. Assignment / Investigation 2. Test (at least 50 marks) 1. Investigation / Project (at least 50 marks) 1. Exponents and surds 1. Investigation / Project (at least 50 marks) 1. Algebraic expressions 3. Contexts focusing on Data Handling 2. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 3. Functions, functions: exponential and logarithmic, and Inverses 2. Euclidean Geometry 1. Patterns, Sequences and Series Genetics and inheritance - Human reproduction Cell Division: Mitosis Cells: basic units of life Energy transformations to sustain Life e.g. photosynthesis • Meiosis Assignment (given to be in Term 1 but recorded in Term 3) Test Practical task 3. Control Test 2. Investigation 1. Assignment 3. Test (at least 50 marks) 2. Investigation / Project (at least 50 marks) 1. Assignment / Test (at least 50 marks) • • GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DNA: The code of Life Plant and animal tissues Test Practical task GRADE 12 TOPIC Biodiversity of Animals • • GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - Diversity of reproductive strategies Test • Biodiversity & Classification of microorganisms GRADE 11 TOPIC Reproduction: Practical task • GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Biodiversity of Plants Chemistry of Life GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS PHYSICAL SCIENCES MUSIC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS Page 19 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 1: Music performance and improvisation 3. Terminology 2. Materials 1. Safety tools GRADE 11 TOPIC 2: Music literacy Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Controlled test and PAT : (phase 1 (Terminology/ Manufacturing task) , Plan and prepare for PAT final task: Phase 4 GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation 3. Terminology 2. Materials 1. Safety Tools GRADE 10 TOPIC Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Control Test, PAT : (phase 1 (Terminology/ Manufacturing task), Plan and prepare for PAT final task GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation 3. Terminology 2. Materials 1. Safety Tools GRADE 12 TOPIC Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Control Test, PAT : Control Test PAT : (phase 1 (Terminology/ Manufacturing task), Plan and prepare for PAT final task GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT TOURISM The beginning of Rel. of the world. Statistical spread of Rel. • • Influence and adaptation Approaches aimed at inter-religious dialogue • • Field trip assignment Field trip assignment History and present dynamics. • Map work and tour planning Domestic, regional and international tourism 2. Research into and across religions Unique features Internal differentiations • • Conceptual distinctions • 1.Variety of religions: GRADE 12 TOPIC Page 20 Leonardo da Vinci Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets. Project OR Project OR Test 2.Test (100 marks) 1.Open-book extended reading (100 marks) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Domestic, regional and international tourism Tourism sectors 2. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon Main development of Rel. • 1.Variety of religions: GRADE 11 TOPIC Test 2.Test (100 marks) 1.Open-book extended reading (100 marks) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Tourism sectors 2. Research into and across religions. Clusters of Religions 1.Variety of religions: RELIGION STUDIES • GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Project Test 2. Test (100 marks) 1.Source-based task (100 marks) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Idrama: Isakhiwo sedrama; umbongo Ukufundela ukuqonda: Iindlela zokufunda iitekisi ezibhaliweyo Page 21 Oomabizwafane Inkqubo yokubhala Isincoko esibalisayo Inkqubo yokubhala Umbongo Oomabizwahluke Ileta yobuhlobo; Ileta yoburhulumente Iimpawu zetekisi neendidi zoncwadi Theory test (50) PAT 1: Conceptualising and making (100) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Ukwakhiwa kwezibizo kwezinye izigaba zentetho. Amagama emboleko Izibizo: Iindidi zezakhi; Izimaphambili ingcambu nezimamva-intsingiselo eveliswa zizimaphambili, amagama angcambu-nye yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA HL 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda; (ubude betekisi 150 amagama) okuxhobisayo: Ingxoxo mpikiswano GRADE 12 TOPIC 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-10 Theory test (50) PAT 1: Conceptualising and making (100) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Ukubhala nokunikezela 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas GRADE 11 TOPIC ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy Theory test (50) PAT 1: Conceptualising and making (100) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YOKU- 1 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas VISUAL ARTS 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Isincoko esixoxayo Inkqubo yokubhala Igama elinye endaweni yebinza,izaci, amaqhalo Izakhiwo zezivakalisi- p25 Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Isincoko esibalisayo/esichazayo/esixoxayo Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda Page 22 Umhlathi Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala Inkqubo yokubhala Isimo sentlalo ngokunxulumene nomlinganiswa nomxholo Umbongo Intetho Ukubhala isishwankathelo Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa; Umbongo Isincoko esichazayo Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama- Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA Intetho elungiselelweyo isaqhutywa Intetho elungiselelweyo Incoko Inkqubo yokubhala Impixano. Umbongo. Ingxelo Ukufumana intsingiselo kwiitekisi ezibonwayo. Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda: okuphicothayo Ukubhala nokunikezela Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 4: Uvavanyo 1 Izichazi; Iziphawulu, izibaluli, izimnini,esoquko, esokukumbi,esobalo Izimelabizo: Esoqobo,Esoqobo sokugxininisa, esokukhomba,esoquko, esochazo, esokumbi, esokunye Ukusetyenziswa kwezibizo: Intloko, injongosenzi, isini, isininzi, isinciphiso, isandiso yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Iindidi zoncwadi neempawu zetekisi: (Uncwadi lwemveli noncwadi lwanamhla) Umbongo: Iindidi zemibongo Iindlela zokufunda iitekisi ezibhaliweyo. (Ukuskena nokuskima/ukukrwaqula – Jonga kwiphepha 24 -27) Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda Okuxhobisayo (150 amagama) Ingxoxo mpikiswano (P22) Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Isincoko esicangcayo/esivelela amacala omabini/esixoxayo Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda Page 23 Umhlathi Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Umbongo 4 Inoveli/Intsomi: Isimo sentlalo Imihlathi: Ingxoxo yababini Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Imihlathi: Intetho (P21) Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala. Imihlathi: Ingxelo; rivyu (P40-41) Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 4: Uvavanyo 1 Isichazi; isibaluli; isimnini nezinye (P105) Izichazi; iziphawuli Izimelabizo ziyagqityezelwa Oomabizwafane Oomabizwahluke, Isimelabizo soqobo, sokugxininisa,sokwalatha Ukusetyenziswa kwezibizo; intloko; injongosenzi, Izafobe isini,isininzi, isinciphiso, isandiso (Umz: ezakhiwe kwizenzi njl.) Isincoko esichazayo/esixoxayo/ esinocamngco (P36-37) Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala. Ukwakhiwa kwezibizo kwezinye izigaba zentetho (P104) Amagama angcambu-nye (Izimaphambili, ingcambu, isimamva) Izichasi Izibizo: izakhi - Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Isincoko esibalisayo/ (Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala) P37-38 Ileta yobuhlobo neyoburhulumente Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA HL Ukubhala isishwankathelo Inoveli/Intsomi: Impixano Umbongo 3 Izibhengezo,iikhathuni, imifanekiso; Ukufumana intsingiselo kwiitekisi ezibonwayo; Umbongo 2: Uhlalutyo Inoveli/Intsomi: Abalinganiswa nendlela ababunjwe ngayo. Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA Intetho engalungiselelwanga (P19) Intetho elungiselelweyo (SOPA) Igama elinye endaweni yenkcazelo,izaci, amaqhalo. Okuphicothayo Izakhiwo zezivakalisi- (P25+104) Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama- Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda Inoveli/Intsomi: Isakhiwo (P29) (Umbongo 1) Umbongo: Izixhobo zohlalutyo Ukufunda nokubukela ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OMAKUFUNDISWE: IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YOKU- 1 Intetho elungiselelweyo Iimpawu nemigaqo elandelwayo . Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda okuphicothayo Umbongo- Imbongi yesizwe US.E.K. Mqhayi) Ingxelo Novel –imo isigqebelo/ isiphelo esisisothuso Umbongo –Unkosi Nelson Rholihlahla Mandea- (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Novel –imvelaphi nesimo sentlalo, ukucacisa nokuhlalutya imiyalezo nemixholo Umbongo-Profesa A.C Jordan (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Novel- impixano ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa, (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama njl/njl) Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YOKU- 1 ISIXHOBO OUKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Page 24 Isivi neleta ekhaphayo, ileta eya kumhleli Iimpawu zemihlathi nefomathi yokubhala, inkqubo yokubhala imihlathi Inqaku lephepha ndaba nenqaku lemagazini, irivyu Iimpawu zemihlathi nefomathi yokubhala, inkqubo yokubhala imihlathi izichasi • Izenzi oomabizwafane oomabizwahluke • • izifanekisozwi • Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama Izikhuzo Izichazi • • Izakhi zezivakalisi Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama • Izakhi zezivakalisi Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama Izimelabizo • Zezincoko, inkqubo yokubhala, Isincoko esibalisayo Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA HL Izakhi zezivakalisi Iindidi neempawu Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGALE-12 Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Isincoko Umhlathi Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala IKOTA YOKU- 1 Page 25 Itekisi yoncwadi 3 Isicatshulwa Itekisi yoncwadi 4 Itekisi eveza uluvo/indlela yokucinga Itekisi yoncwadi 2 Itekisi yoncwadi 1 Ukunika izimvo zakho Ukuphulaphulela uluvo Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukuphulaphulela ukufumana ulwazi Itekisi enengcombolo yolwazi Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha imo evumayo nelandulayo • igama elinye endaweni yebinzana • Isincoko esibalisayo Ukubhala ileta/ingxoxo yababini Ukugcwalisa ifomu Intetho -ngqo nengxelo-ntetho Ulwimi olurheshayo/olubonisa imvakalelo Izihlomelo nezichazi Isigama Ileta yobuhlobo Ukubhala umhlathi Ingxelo/intetho yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ubhala umhlathi Ukubhala nokunikezela Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Umsebenzi 5: Uvavanyo 1 Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama izihlomelo • Izakhi zezivakalisi ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Intetho elungiselelweyo/engalungiselelwanga Umsebenzi 4: Iorali Isincoko esixoxayo, esivelela amacala amabini Inkqubo yokubhala Isincoko esinocamngco/esivelela amacala amabini IBANGA LE-10 –Novel [Ukuhlaziywa kweNovel kwizinto ezisileleyo] (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) UVukani madoda kusile ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Ukuphulapulela ukuqonda Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA Intetho engalungiselelwanga Isicatshulwa esiphulaphulwayo Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 1 Page 26 Umhlathi omde Ipowusta/iflaya Isincoko Itekisi ebonwayo Ukubalisa ibali Bhala irivyu Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala Ukufunda ngokunzulu Phulaphula ingoma Ukubhala nokunikezela Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 4: Uvavanyo 1 Uhlaziyo lwezenzi yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ukufunda ngokunzulu Isicatshulwa esiphulaphulwayo ngenjongo yokufumana ulwazi Page 27 Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala Umhlathi omde Isincoko Udliwano-ndlebe/ingxoxo yababini/ileta eya kumhleli Ukuthelekisa nokuchasanisa Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Ukuzoba nokuzalisa itheyibhile Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukuphulaphula itekisi Ukubhala isishwankathelo ngokweengongoma Isincoko esibalisayo Isishwankathelo esivela kwitekisi enengcombolo Ukuphulaphulela ukushwankathelo Ukubhala umhlathi Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 4: Uvavanyo 1 Isigama Izandi zohlalutyo Intetho -ngqo nengxelo-ntetho Umsebenzi wesichazi-magama Izibizo Izithentantonye Izihlomelo nezichazi Isigama Intloko-isenzi-injongosenzi Isakhiwo sesivakalisi Ileta yobuhlobo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ingxelo/intetho Ubhala umhlathi onengcombolo Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda ngokukhwaza Itekisi yoncwadi 3 okungalungiselelwanga-isicatshulwa Itekisi yoncwadi 4 soncwadi IItekisi yoncwadi 2 Ukufunda ngokukhwaza okungalungiselelwanga Itekisi yoncwadi 1 Inyaniso noluvo Itekisi enengcombolo yolwazi Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Isicatshulwa esiphulaphulwayo Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 1 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Ukufunda ngokukhwaza itekisi yoncwadi okanye itekisi efumaneke kwi-intanethi Ingxoxo esesikweni yomsebenzi wamaqela Umhlathi omde Isincoko Page 28 Umsebenzi 3:Ukubhala Ileta yaseburhulumenteni Ukubhala i-imeyile Umsebenzi 2:Ukubhala Itekisi yoncwadi:6 Ukufunda ngokunzulu ngeetekisi ezisebenzisa iindlela ezininzi ezahlukeneyo zoqhagamshelwano Itekisi yoncwadi 5 Isicatshula, isishwankathelo, izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 4: Uvavanyo 1 Isigama esimalunga netekisi efundiweyo. Esibalisayi/esichazayo/esiqiqisayo okanye Izihlanganisi esocamngco/esiveza amacala omabini izalathiso Itekisi ebonwayo Isakhiwo semihlathi kubhalo lwesincoko Izivumelanisi Amaxesha ezenzi Uhlaziyo: intetho ngqo nengxelo ntetho Izihlonipho Izakhiwo ezisesikweni yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ukubhala isincoko: Ukubhala imbali engesehlo esingawe osibhle ngokwakho Ukubhala ingxelo yolwazi Ukubhala uluhlu lwemibuzo Amanqaku esishwankathelo nesishwankathelo Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi yoncwadi 4 Udliwano-ndlebe Ukuphononga ifilim/idotyhumentari Ukufunda ngokunzulu imbali engobom bakho Itekisi yoncwadi 3 Itekisi yoncwadi 2 Itekisi yoncwadi 1 Isicatshulwa esiphulaphulwayo Ukuphulaphulela ukwenza uphando Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ingxoxo yamaqela Uhlaziyo lwesishwankathelo Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-12 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Isicatshulwa esiphulaphulwayo Umsebenzi 1:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 1 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Focus on: process writing. conventions. Literature study Literature study Features and conventions ESSAY Page 29 TRANSACTIONAL TEXT LISTENING COMPREHENSION TASK 2 WRITING TASK 3 WRITING Focus on process writing. Language structures and conventions: Transactional text: Format and features of chosen text TASK 1 LISTENING ASSESSMENT Summary writing Focus on: process writing. Literature study Language structures and conventions 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Language structures and conventions. Literature study Reading for comprehension: Transactional texts: Language structures and Reading for comprehension: Prepared/unprepared speech: Discussion/conversation: features and conventions Listening for comprehension 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Reading for comprehension: Transactional text: Language structures and conventions: Format and features of chosen text Debate: features and convention. WRITING AND PRESENTING Key features of texts and parts of a book ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Listening for comprehension GRADE 10 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 Literature study Summary writing Literature study Features and conventions Prepared/unprepared speech: Features and conventions TASK 2 WRITING ESSAY TASK 1 ORAL: LISTENING FOR COMPREHENSION ASSESSMENT Interpretation of visual texts Prepared/unprepared speech: Literature study Reading for comprehension: Focus on: process writing. conventions. Literature study Listening for comprehension 1X essay: Reflective/descriptive/argumentative. Reading for comprehension: Page 30 TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 3 WRITING Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions: Speech/dialogue/interview. Language structures and conventions: Format and features of chosen text Transactional text: e.g. speech/dialogue/interview. Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions. Transactional texts: Report/review etc. Focus on process writing. Language structures and Format and features of chosen text Focus on process writing. Language structures and conventions Transactional text: Debate: features and convention. WRITING AND PRESENTING Key features of texts and parts of a book ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Listening for comprehension GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 WRITING AND PRESENTING Literature study Summary writing Literature study Features and conventions Prepared/unprepared speech: Features and conventions TASK 2 WRITING ESSAY TASK 1 ORAL: LISTENING FOR COMPREHENSION ASSESSMENT Interpretation of visual texts Literature study Reading for comprehension: Literature study Strategies for comprehension Prepared/unprepared speech: Listening for comprehension Discussion/conversation/report/review Literature study. Page 31 e.g. speech/dialogue/ TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 3 WRITING Essay: reflective/narrative/argumentative Language structures and conventions: Format and features of chosen text Transactional text: interview. Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions. Transactional texts: Report/review etc. Focus on process writing. Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. 1X essay: Reflective/descriptive/ argumentative. Format and features of chosen text Key features of texts and parts of a book including literary Transactional text: genres. Language structures and conventions: ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Listening for comprehension GRADE 12 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 Intensive reading. Literary text 2: Literary text 1: TASK 2 WRITING ESSAY TASK 1 ORAL: LISTENING FOR COMPREHENSION ASSESSMENT Intensive reading. Newspaper/magazine Listen to song/words of song. Discuss. Story Intensive reading. telling: extended reading project • Visual text Evaluate the message Literary text 4: Reading comprehension of a character- Literary text 3: driven conversation • Giving opinion. on literary text Listen for opinion • Informative text. Intensive reading. Write a friendly letter Use simple present tense. Technical terms related to reading text Vocabulary: • Statements, sentence structure LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Write a letter or a dialogue. • Vocabulary: related to reading text Emotive language, generalising, stereotyping. Forming adv. Comparison of adj. Vocabulary: Page 32 TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 3 WRITING Write a review of a song/music video. Process writing: Focus on LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 Vocabulary: related to music/media Verb revision integrated with reading and writing Write a narrative essay based on a personal encounter. Direct and indirect speech: • Fill in a form for a competition. Text structure and features Write an imaginative par/essay in response to the Expressing emotions: issues explored in the literary essay e.g. a poem, diary • Adv and adj (revision). Remedial grammar. or letter. • Writing and informative paragraph. WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Listening for information: GRADE 10 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER Summary from informative text. Intensive reading. Intensive reading. Literary text 2: ESSAY ORAL: LISTENING FOR COMPREHENSION Page 33 TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 3 WRITING LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 Stock phrases and rhymes. Focus on: process writing: . Compare and contrast Direct and indirect speech Nouns. Remedial grammar. Sound devices. TASK 2 WRITING Use Expressing emotions: adv and adj (revision) Statements, sentence structure determiners. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Draw up/fill in a table of contrasting features. Write a narrative essay Write point form summary. Write an imaginative paragraph Writing and informative paragraph. . WRITING AND PRESENTING Intensive reading. Literary text 4: TASK 1 ASSESSMENT Listen to different texts and discuss Prepared reading aloud- passage from set work. Literary text 3: Listen for summary: Unprepared reading aloud of paragraph Literary text 1: Intensive reading. Informative written text. ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Listening for information: GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER Literary text 4 Intensive reading. ESSAY ORAL: LISTENING FOR COMPREHENSION Page 34 TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 3 WRITING Formal letter. Literary text 6 TASK 2 WRITING Writing an email/web page Change the visual text Intensive reading of multimodal text Literary text 5 TASK 1 ASSESSMENT Reading aloud of a literary text Visual text Write a narrative essay: different genres Writing a literary par on aspect of set work Write information report summarising results of research Intensive reading Literary text 3: Write a list of appropriate questions Letter to the press Summary notes final summary WRITING AND PRESENTING Literary text 2: Formal group work discussion of issues related to set work Intensive reading: Listening comprehension Listen for research Revision Features of literary text Literary text 1 Intensive reading. Group discussion: ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 12 LISTENING AND SPEAKING FIRST QUARTER LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 4 TEST 1 Meta-language related to multimodal and visual texts Meta-language Paragraph structure in discursive writing Revision: verb tenses Revision: passive voice/indirect speech Formal structures LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Page 35 TERM 2 TOPICS AND TASKS GRADES 10 - 12 TERM 2 ANNEXURE A: (100 marks) Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. -Salaries and Wages Financial Accounting: Formal Assessment Energy AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (AT) Practical Task 1 – 25% Mid-year examination – 75% Term 2 Controlled test 75% Energy Page 36 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% PAT: PAT: Soil Air EXAM: EXAM Task based 25% Assignment: Assignment: aspects Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Agricultural Resources SBA: SBA: Crop management (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - General ledger Crop management aspects: Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. -Trial balance, - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (AS) AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (AMP) ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Processes Construction Marketing Agricultural management GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) Practical task 1 – 25% Mid-year examination – 75% Formal Assessment Term 2 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% PAT: EXAM: Assignment: Crop management aspects: SBA: VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC BUSINESS STUDIES ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: 4.Forms of ownership 3.Entrepreneurship qualities 2.Social responsibility 1.Contemporary socioeconomic issues - General ledger -Trial balance, Mid-year exam Presentation (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Page 37 4.Business sectors 6.Presentation of Business information within business functions 6.Quality of performance 5.Management and leadership and their environments management 5.Professionalism and ethics 3.Team performance Environmental issues 2.Human Rights, Inclusivity and 1.Concept of corporate social responsibility. VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Assessment and conflict Mid-year exam Presentation *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 4.Starting a business venture based on an action plan 3.Transform a business plan into an action plan 2.Stress, crisis and change management 1.Creative thinking and problem solving Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Mid-year exam Presentation 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT CONSUMER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (CAT) ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS • A strategy for solving problems • Calculations • Introducing networks • Introduction to spread sheets • Extended Hardware concepts • Tables • Extending software concepts • Further formatting of pages & paragraphs - General ledger -Trial balance, • Memory, Storage, Processing Practical Exam Page 38 • Basic concepts of web design • Designing a database table experience • Queries Local Area Networks & browsing • Decisions & graphs • FormsStyle Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Practical Test (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Written Exam Practical Test *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Theory • Web pages and tables • Solution Development: HTML • Social Implications – integrated • Computer crimes Examination: Paper 2 • HTML • Social Implications – integrated Practical Paper 1 Examination: 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT • Solution Development • Internet • Network Technologies: Networks VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC CIVIL TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: Screed 7. Mortar and Concrete 6. Construction: Concrete 5. Construction: Concrete 4. Construction: Mechanics 3. Applied mechanics 2. Applied 1. Equipment - General ledger -Trial balance, Mid-Year Examination Completion of second phase of PAT consolidation (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Page 39 1. Applied Mechanics 2. Construction: Re-enforcement 3. Construction: Plaster 4. Brickwork Construction: 5. Cavity walls Construction: 6. Lintels Water –proofing 7. Construction: Formwork 8. Shoring Construction: 9. Woodworking Completion of Second Phase of PAT Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Mid-Year Examination Completion of second phase of PAT consolidation *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT VAT, 1. Construction: Reinforcing 2. Construction: Formwork 3. Construction: Dry wall 4. Construction Construction: Brickwork 5. Construction: Woodworking 6. Construction: Woodworking 7. Construction: Roof Covering Water -Proofing Consolidation , Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Mid-Year Examination Completion of second phase of PAT consolidation 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DANCE CONSUMER STUDIES ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS (100 marks) Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. -Salaries and Wages Financial Accounting: 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) Page 40 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) PAT 1 PAT 1: Practical examination PAT 1: Practical examination 1: Dance performance Practical Tasks Practical Tasks PAT 1 Mid-year exam Mid-year exam The Consumer 1: Dance performance Test Test Food and nutrition (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - General ledger Food and nutrition Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. -Trial balance, - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance Food and nutrition VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) PAT 2 PAT 1: Practical examination Practical Tasks Mid-year exam Test 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DESIGN ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: • design in a socio-cultural / environmental and sustainable • design in a sociocultural / context Page 41 • history of design • history of design context environmental and sustainable • design literacy • design literacy environmental and sustainable • design in a socio-cultural/ 3: Design theory: 3: Design theory: context • history of design • design literacy 3: Design theory: and safe practice and safe practice and safe practice 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) 2: Design production, time management 2: Theory Examination (100) the process 1: Design process and factors influencing VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) Design in a business context (research) 2: Theory Examination (100) the process the process 1: PAT 2 Process and Product (100) 1: Design process and factors influencing (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - General ledger 1: Design process and factors influencing Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. -Trial balance, 1: PAT 2 Process and Product (100) (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC 2: Theory Examination (100) 1: PAT 2 Process and Product (100) 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ECONOMICS DRAMATIC ARTS ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: Midyear 2.Production possibility curve 3.Public sector Project • Performance Examination (100) • Written Examination (100) 4: Mid-year examination 1. Dynamics of markets 8: Text Interpretation (Individual Performance) 7: Non-verbal communication (individual or group performance) 6: Play text 2: Greek Theatre 5: Origins of Theatre and Greek Theatre - General ledger -Trial balance, 3: PAT 1 (50) (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC 4: Mid-year examination 3: PAT 1 (50) *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Page 42 4.Economic growth and development 3.Dynamics of markets: Price elasticity 2.Dynamics of markets Effects of cost & revenue on price and quantities 1.Dynamics of markets Relationships between markets 6: Physical Theatre Performance Mid-year Project • Performance Examination (150) 5: Play text 2: South African Theatre • Written Examination (150) 4: South African Theatre Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Market failure 4.Dynamics of markets: Imperfect markets 3.Dynamics of markets: 2.Dynamics of markets Perfect markets 1.International trade policies (post-1994) 6: South African Contemporary Theatre 2: Continued: Theme/ Audition / Technical Programme 5: Play text 2: South African Text (1960 – 1994) VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Mid-year Project • Performance 150 Examination • Written 150 4: Mid-year Examination 3: PAT 1 (50) 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: MID-YEAR EXAMINATION CONSOLIDATION 3. RLC 2. Single-phase motors. 1. Protective devices Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC 2. CONSOLIDATION , MID-YEAR EXAMINATION 1. PAT simulations 3 and 4 completed, PAT circuit construction completed, PAT enclosure under construction *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT VAT, 2. Logic 1. RLC Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC CONSOLIDATION , MID-YEAR EXAMINATION PAT simulations 3 and 4 completed, PAT circuit construction completed, PAT enclosure under construction 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Page 43 Peter Brougham Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. 2. Electric Circuits 1. Electronic Components - General ledger -Trial balance, PAT simulations 3 and 4 completed, PAT circuit construction completed, PAT enclosure under construction (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC ENGINEERING GRAPHICS & DESIGN (EGD) ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS 2. Mechanical drawing 1. Isometric drawing - General ledger -Trial balance, Mid-year examination: Paper 1 and Paper 2 Assessment Task) 3. PAT (Practical 2. 1st mechanical Drawing, 2nd mechanical drawing, Isometric drawing Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: 1. Course drawings: (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Page 44 2. Solid geometry 1. Civil drawing Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Assessment Task) 3. PAT (Practical 2. Mid-year examination: Paper 1 and Paper 2 1. Course drawings: Civil floor plan with elevations; Civil sectional elevation; Solid geometry *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT VAT, 3. Interpenetration 2. Solid geometry 1. Isometric drawing Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Assessment Task) 2. PAT (Practical Isometric drawing; Solid geometry; Interpenetration and development; Mechanical assembly and Mid-year examination: Paper 1 and Paper 2 1. Course drawings: 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT GEOGRAPHY ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: Map work skills Using atlases : Volcanoes Earthquakes Folding and faulting Plate Tectonics : The Structure of the Earth. Mid-Year Examination GIS and Fieldwork Page 45 Topographical skills and techniques Mass movements Slopes Massive Igneous rocks Inclined / tilted rock strata Horizontally layered rocks Mid-Year Examination Mapwork Test 1 GEOMORPHOLOGY (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - General ledger GEOMORPHOLOGY Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. -Trial balance, Mapwork Test 1 (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Mapwork techniques Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Urban settlements Rural settlements: SETTLEMENT GEOGRAPHY VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC June/Midyear Exam Mapwork Task 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT HISTORY ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: 1. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION TRANSFORMATION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AFTER 1750 - General ledger -Trial balance, Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Page 46 1. Heritage 1. CAPITALISM IN THE USA investigation (Oral History is • Background and focus also considered 2. IDEAS OF RACE IN THE heritage) LATE 19TH AND 20TH with research CENTURIES. component to teach research skills. • Case study: Australia and the indigenous Australians. 2. Mid- Year Examination • Case study: Nazi Germany and the holocaust: (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC 2. Mid- Year examination 1. Research or Oral History task *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 1. Essay task (or sourcebased task; learners must do one of each) 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT • (How did South Africa emerge as a democracy from the crises of the 1990s, and how did South Africans come to terms with the past? 3. THE COMING OF DEMOCRACY IN SOUTH AFRICA 2. Mid-year examination • (What forms of civil society protest emerged (2 papers of 2½ hours) from the 1950s to 1970s) (2 topics from each paper to be covered by June; four 2. CIVIL RESISTANCE IN questions set in each SOUTH AFRICA 1970s paper: 2 essays and 2 TO 1980S source-based questions; • (What was the nature learners answer 2 of the civil society questions, 1 essay and 1 resistance after the source- based question 1960s) on each paper) 1. CIVIL SOVIETY PROTESTS 1950S TO 1970S VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HOSPITALITY STUDIES ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS • Solution Development: Scratch Solution • Engineering • Solution Development: • Social Implications • Systems Technologies Commodities Food and beverage service - General ledger -Trial balance, Social Implication Solution development: programming • • Page 47 Systems Technologies • Exams P1/ P2 Communication Technologies • Theory Test Practical Test Theory test PAT 1: Practical examination PAT 1: Practical examination Mid-year exam Practical Tasks Food and beverage service Mid-year exam Test *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Practical Tasks Food commodities Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Test (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Test 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT • PAT • Solution Development • Social Implications • E- Communication • Communication Technologies • Systems technologies • Data and Information Management P2 - theory P1 – practical Exams PAT 1: Practical examination Practical Tasks Food and beverage service Mid-year exam Commodities VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC LIFE SCIENCES LIFE ORIENTATION ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS (100 marks) Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. -Salaries and Wages Financial Accounting: Test Midyear Exam • • Plant organs; Support and Transport systems in Plants Support systems in Animals Support and transport systems in Plants Practical task Plant and Animal Tissues • 3. Physical Education: Games Gaseous exchange Ventilation of the lungs - - Page 48 Cellular Respiration - Energy Transformations to Sustain Life: Animal nutrition (Mammals) Energy transformations to sustain Life cont. e.g. photosynthesis 3. Physical Education: Games • • • Midyear Exam Test Practical task 2. PET 2. PET 2.Social and Environmental Responsibility 2.Social and Environmental Responsibility 1.Mid-year Examinations 1.Mid-year Examinations 1.Study skills 1.Study skills (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT - General ledger Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. -Trial balance, - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Central Nervous system Responding to environment: Plants Homeostasis; Human Endocrine system; - Responding to environment: Humans Genetics and inheritance; 2.Social and Environmental Responsibility 1. Democracy and human rights. VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC • • • - Midyear Exam Test Practical task 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT MATHEMATICS LITERACY MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: 3. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 1. Contexts focusing on 1. Assignment / Numbers and Operations Investigation with numbers 2. Control Test 2. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 6. Measurement 2. Control Test 2. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) Page 49 3. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Assignment / Investigation 2. Control Test (at least 50 marks) 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 1. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 5. Statistics 5. Euclidean Geometry 3. Finance, Growth and Decay 2. Trigonometry 4. Probability 2. Control Test (at least 50 marks) 1. Measurement Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC 4. Trigonometry 3. Statistics 2. Finance & Growth 1. Analytical Geometry - General ledger -Trial balance, 1. Control Test(at least 50 marks) (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC 3. Contexts focusing on Data Handling 2. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 3. Functions, functions: exponential and logarithmic, and Inverses 2. Euclidean Geometry 1. Patterns, Sequences and Series VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC 2. Trial exams 1. Control Test 2. Preliminary exams (300 marks) 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT MUSIC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. Financial Accounting: 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation 2. Forces 1. Joining methods - General ledger -Trial balance, Paper 2: Aural 30 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 Written Examination Practical Examination 150 Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Mid-year examination PAT: Phase 2 (Joining task) , PAT final task: Phase 4 under construction: (100 marks) -Salaries and Wages - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC Page 50 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation 2. Forces 1. Joining Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Paper 2: Aural 30 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 Written Examination Practical Examination 150 Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Mid-year examination PAT : Phase 2 PAT final task: Phase 4 under construction *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 2. Forces 1. Joining methods 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Paper 2: Aural 30 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 Written Examination Practical Examination 150 Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS Mid-year examination PAT : Phase 2 (Joining task), PAT final task: Phase 4 under construction, 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT TOURISM RELIGION STUDIES ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS (100 marks) Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. -Salaries and Wages Financial Accounting: Domestic, regional and international tourism Hand in PAT phase 1 PAT term 2: Mid-year examination Tourism attractions Page 51 Domestic, regional and international tourism Test Narrative and myth • Map work and tour planning Theories • 3. Research into and across religions. 2. Mid-year examinations (300 marks) 2. Research into and across religions. 1. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC 3. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon 1.Source-based task (100 marks) 1. Variety of religions: interaction of. - General ledger -Trial balance, - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC Hand in PAT phase 1 PAT term 2: Mid-year examination Test Religious teachings Foreign exchange Tourist attractions 3. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon • 1.Source-based task (100 1.Topical issues in society marks) 2. Common features of 2. Mid-year examinations religion as a generic and (100 marks) unique phenomenon *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT phase 1 Hand in PAT PAT term 2: Mid-year examination Test 2. Mid-year examinations 1.Open-book extended reading (100 marks) 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT VISUAL ARTS ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS (100 marks) Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 2 topics. -Salaries and Wages Financial Accounting: 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. Theory Examination (100) 1: Conceptualising PAT 1: Conceptualising through the development and making (100) and realisation of creative ideas - General ledger -Trial balance, - Year-end adjustments, 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT -VAT GRADE 10 TOPIC VAT, Recons, Internal controls, Close corporation, Fixed assets, Ethics, GRADE 12 TOPIC 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy Page 52 2. Half yearly examination (300 marks) i.e. all term1 and 2 topics. 1.Project (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 1: Conceptualising through PAT 1: Conceptualising and the development and making (100) realisation of creative ideas Theory Examination (100) Theory Examination (100)) PAT 1: Conceptualising and making (100) *June examination (300 marks) i.e. all Term 1 and 2 topics. (50 marks) 1. Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas Clubs: Ledger, statement of receipt and payment Partnerships: Analysis and interpretation, GRADE 11 TOPIC Inkqubo yokubhala Umbongo Inqaku lemagazini Inkqubo yokubhala Izakhiwo zezivakalisi Umbongo Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Iphepha 2: Uncwadi Imibuzo emifutshane Isincoko soncwadi Izixando zezenzi – ukuncipha nokwanda kwenjongosenzi Izixando zezenzi:isenzela, isenziwa, isenzeka Izixando zezenzi; isenzisa, isenzana Izenzi namaxesha azo Intlobo zezenzi Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi (Kungabhalwa ngekaCanzibe/ngoMeyi/ ngeyeSilimels/ngoJuni) Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Umsebenzi 7:Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni Page 53 Isimo sentlalo ngokunxulumene nomlinganiswa nomxholo Inqaku lephepha-ndaba. Inkqubo yokubhala Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Umbongo Inoveli: ukulandelelana kweziganeko I-obhitshuwari, i-ajenda nemizuzu yentlanganiso Isincoko esixoxayo Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa. Ukufumana intsingiselo kwiitekisi ezibonwayo. Izibhengezo, ikhathuni, imifanekiso. Isincoko esichazayo Ukubhala isishwankathelo Umsebenzi 6:Uncwadi UKUHLOLA INgxoxo yephaneli Ingxoxo Intetho elungiselelweyo Inkqubo yokubhala Izakhiwo zezivakalisi Inoveli: isakhiwo nesakhiwana Udliwano-ndlebe Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Udliwano-ndlebe ISIXHOSA HL Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGA LE-10 Ukufunda nokubukela ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO: Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YESI-2 UKUHLOLA Incoko yabasbini engekho sesikweni Ingxoxo yephaneli Intetho elungiselelweyo Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. Udliwano-ndlebe Iphepha 2: Uncwadi Isincoko soncwadi Page 54 Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Imibuzo emifutshane (Kungabhalwa ngekaCanzibe/ngoMeyi/ ngeyeSilimels/ ngoJuni) Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Umsebenzi 7:Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Isincoko esivelela amacala amabini Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Inqaku lemagazini Inqaku lephepha-ndaba. Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Isincoko esinocamngco /Isincoko esivelela amacala amabini ngokulinganayo/esixoxayo Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Imihlathi: Udliwano-ndlebe Ukubhala nokunikezela Umsebenzi 6:Uncwadi DRAMA: Isimo sentlalo ngokunxulumene nomlinganiswa nomxholo Umbongo 8 Izakhiwo zezivakalisi Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. IDRAMA: Impixano. Umbongo 7 Ikhathuni Imifanekiso: Ukufumana intsingiselo kwiitekisi ezibonwayo. Izibhengezo, IDRAMA: Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa. Umbongo 6 Ukubhala isishwankathelo IDRAMA: isakhiwo nesakhiwana Umbongo 5 Izakhiwo zezivakalisi Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 ISIXHOSA HL Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YESI-2 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OMAKUFUNDISWE Izixando zezenzi – ukuncipha nokwanda kwenjongosenzi Izixando zezenzi:isenzela, isenziwa, isenzeka Izenzi namaxesha azo: Izixando zezenzi; isenzisa, isenzana Izenzi namaxesha azo Intlobo zezenzi Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Incoko Ingxoxo mpikiswano UNkosana Happy boy Mgxaji; Afrika likhaya- Udliwano-ndlebe Page 55 DRAMA- isimo sentlalo,izalathiso zaseqongeni, umongo nemfundiso Unxunguphalo (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Umlambo Drama- Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa, indima yombalisi/ unobalisa, Idompasi, aphi n’amadoda (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Drama[iimpawu eziphambili zedrama]- isakhiwo sedrama, ukulandelelana kweziganeko,Isigqebelo/ isiphelo esothusayo Izalathandawo Izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo Imihlathi : ileta • Isincoko esicamngcayo izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo Imihlathi (usebenzisa izihlanganisi) amagatya izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama • Izakhi zezivakalisi Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama amagatya Izakhi zezivakalisi Isincoko esichazayo, Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi)Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama • Izakhi zezivakalisi Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi ISIXHOSA HL Intetho, , udliwano ndlebe Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGA LE-12 (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YESI-2 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO amagatya izifanokuthi, izafobe, izaci namaqhalo Ukukhulisa ukuqaphela ngeliso elibukhali ukusetyenziswa kolwimi. Imihlathi(usebenzisa izihlanganisi) • Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama • Izakhi zezivakalisi Uvavanyo olubhaliweyo OKANYE (Kungabhalwa ngekaCanzibe/ngoMeyi/ ngeyeSilimels/ngoJuni) Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Iphepha 2: Uncwadi Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 8:Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni ingxoxo yababini, ingxelo Page 56 Wiliam Butler Yeats Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. Intetho elungiselelweyo/engalungiselelwanga Imibuzo emifutshane Isincoko soncwadi Umsebenzi 7:Iorali Impixano , unxulumano phakathi kwengxoxo yababini. DRAMA- (intsingiselo engundoqo/ yentsusa/ efihlakeleyo, umongo nemfundiso, izafobe, uchongo magama) Intlakohlaza Umsebenzi 6:Uncwadi UKUHLOLA Intetho elungiselelweyo Intetho elungiselelweyo esesikweni Umsebenzi 5:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 2 Itekisi ebonwayo Ukubalisa ibali Imibuzo emifutshane Page 57 Umsebenzi 6:Uncwadi Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi eveza izimvo/ indlela yokucinga/iingqikelelo Ukufundela ulwazi olunzulu Itekisi ehlekisayo Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi yoncwadi 6 Itekisi yoncwadi 5 Phulaphula ingoma Ingxoxo yephaneli/udliwano-ndlebe Ukubalisa,ukuphulaphula nokuhleka iintetho ezihlekisayo Intetho ephandiweyo esesikweni ngomba wentsomi/amabali amaqhawe okanye iintsomi ezingembali Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukucacisa ngetekisi ebonwayo ngokwamaqela Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni Umsebenzi 7: Ipowusta/iflaya Bhala irivyu Isibhengezo Ukubalisa isiganeko esingawe Ukubhala umhlathi omfutshane Ukubhala ingcaciso kwincwadi yolwimi Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ingcaciso evela kwincwadi yolwimi Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-10 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Uhlaziyo lwezenzi Izafobe Isigama Izivakalisi zeemeko ezithile eziqukwe ekubhaleni Ukusetyenziswa kwezivumelanisi ngokusemxholweni Izihlanganisi ezilandelelanisa kakuhle intetho zibonisa unobangela yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Intetho ephandiweyo elungiselelweyo Umsebenzi 5:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 2 Ingxoxo –mpikiswano (imigaqo) Ukulinganisa eklasini indlela ehamba ngayo intlanganiso Intetho ephandiweyo esesikweni Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukucacisa ngetekisi ebonwayo ngokwamaqela Imibuzo emifutshane Page 58 Umsebenzi 6:Uncwadi Itekisi eveza izimvo/ indlela yokucinga/ iingqikelelo Ukufunda ngenjongo yokufumana ulwazi olunzulu Ukuthatha amanqaku entlanganiso Itekisi enengcombolo Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni Umsebenzi 7: Isibhengezo Ukubhala imizuzu Ukubhala iajenda Imihlathi engoncwadi Ukubhala izikhombisi Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi yoncwadi 6 Itekisi yoncwadi 5 Izalathiso Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Izafobe Ukwakhiwa kwemihlathi Izivumelanisi ngokusemxholweni Iziphawuli Izifanekisozwi yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Intetho elungiselelweyo Umsebenzi 6: Iorali Ukufunda okulungiseleweyo Umsebenzi 5:Iorali UKUHLOLA Ukufunda ngokunzulu Udliwano-ndlebe Ingxoxo engekho sesikweni yeklasi Intetho esesikweni ephandiweyo Umdlalo wodliwani-ndlebe Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YOKU- 2 Page 59 Imibuzo emifutshane Umsebenzi 7:Uncwadi Itekisi yoncwadi 10 Ukufunda irivyu/ifilim/idotyhumentari Iimviwo zaphakathi enyakeni Umsebenzi 7: Uhlaziyo Ukubhala irivyu yefilim Ileta ecengayo/umhlathi ucebisa ngefilim Uhlaziyo lwesishwankathelo Ukubhala ileta ecacisao/ekhaphayo nesivi Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukuphonononga isiqendu esithathwe kwifilim Itekisi yoncwadi 8 Itekisi yolwazi Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi yoncwadi 7 Isibhengezo IBANGA LE-12 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Uhlaziyo Iziphawuli nezihlomelo Ukuhlaziya:ukubhala okuchukumisayo Izilabalabi Uhlaziyo Isixando sokwenziwa yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Language structures and conventions: Literature study Interpretation of visual texts, Literature study Interpretation of visual texts Literature study Informal discussion/conversation: LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS ORAL: PREPARED /UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 6 LITERATURE TASK 5 Page 60 PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context Midyear EXAMINATIONS TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS Literature study Literature study Features and conventions ASSESSMENT Reading for comprehension: Reading for comprehension. Panel discussion: Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions. Focus on: process writing. Literature study Features and conventions . 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Summary writing Prepared/unprepared speech: Format and features of chosen text Focus on process writing. Transactional text: WRITING AND PRESENTING Reading for comprehension: ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Dialogue/interview/speech: GRADE 10 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS ORAL: PREPARED /UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 6 LITERATURE TASK 5 ASSESSMENT Read for critical awareness. Debate procedures. Listen to attitude and position Multimodal adverts Intensive reading. Informative text, e.g. newspaper Literary text 6. Intensive reading Literary text 5. Intensive reading. Role play meeting procedures Formal researched speech Page 61 Visual text on a place of public interest. Bus or other travel timetable. Intensive reading. Directions ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Explain a visual text: GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context Midyear EXAMINATIONS TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS Create an advert Write the agenda and minutes. Focus on process writing Short par on set work. Focus on process writing Write directions WRITING AND PRESENTING Transactional text Reading for comprehension LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS ORAL: PREPARED /UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 6 LITERATURE Literature study Language structures and conventions Literature study Page 62 PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context Midyear EXAMINATIONS TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS Language structures and conventions Transactional text Language structures and conventions Essay: 1 X different genres Language structures and conventions Transactional text WRITING AND PRESENTING Interpretation of visual text Literature study Summary writing Literature study TASK 5 ASSESSMENT Prepared/unprepared speech Informal discussions/conversation Debate/forum/group/panel Format/features Reading for comprehension ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Dialogue/interview GRADE 12 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER Literary text 5 . Literary text 6. Intensive reading. Humorous: cartoon, comic strips – , Literary text 7 Read for critical awareness. Formal researched speech Tell, listen and respond to jokes Panel discussion/interview TASK 6 LITERATURE LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS TASK 5 SPEAKING ORAL: PREPARED SPEECH ASSESSMENT Intensive reading. Explanation from a textbook Reason: cause and effect. vocabulary related to reading text Focus on process writing Page 63 PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS PAPER 1 – Language in context Figurative language and rhetorical devices. Vocabulary meta language Remedial grammar. Conditional sentences integrated with writing. Concord in context, remedial grammar, vocabulary related to reading text Conjunctions, logical connectors, prepositions (revision) LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Create an advert Personal recount: Focus on process writing Short par on set work Write explanation of how a common object is operated. WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Explain a visual text GRADE 10 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER Text which gives viewpoint/attitude/assumptions Multimodal adverts Listen to attitude and position TASK 6 LITERATURE LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS TASK 5 SPEAKING ORAL: PREPARED SPEECH ASSESSMENT Read for critical awareness. e.g. newspaper . Intensive reading. Informative text, Intensive reading Literary text 6. Literary text 5 . Debate procedures. Role play meeting procedures Formal researched speech Visual text Intensive reading. Directions Page 64 PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS PAPER 1 – Language in context Focus on process writing Create an advert Write the agenda and minutes Focus on process writing Short par on set work. Focus on process writing Write directions to and Focus on process writing WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Explain a visual text: GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER Figurative language and rhetorical devices Meta-language Paragraph structures: Concord in context, remedial grammar Prepositions, adjectives, comparisons. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 6 LITERATURE LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS ORAL: PREPARED SPEECH Literary text 10 Literary text 9 View a scene from a film Literary text 8 Intensive reading of information text TASK 5 SPEAKING ASSESSMENT Informal class and group discussion Formal researched speech Job interview role play Page 65 PAPER 3 - Writing PAPER 2 – Literature TASK 7 MIDYEAR EXAMS PAPER 1 – Language in context Adjective and adverbs Revision: emotive writing Write a persuasive letter or par Summary revision Revision: letter formats An advert for a job Literary text 7 Write a covering and a CV Intensive reading. WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Listen to a job interview GRADE 12 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SECOND QUARTER Use previous examination papers to revise Adjective and adverbs Revision: emotive writing Revision: modal verbs Remedial grammar Passive voice LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Page 66 TERM 3 TOPICS AND TASKS GRADES 10 - 12 TERM 3 ANNEXURE A: -Financial statementsaspects and Animal management adjustments, ACCOUNTING AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (AMP) Animal management aspects Weathering of rocks, Tools and Equipment AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (AMP) AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (AS) AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (AT) -Notes to financial statements, -Analysis and interpretation of financial -statements, -Balance sheet and Notes, -General ledger, income statements, -Closing transfers, GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Page 67 Practical Task 2 – 25% Practical Task 2 – 25% Formal Assessment for Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% PAT: TEST: Assignment: Test 2 – 75% Tools and Equipment Soil organic matter, living organic matter animal SBA: (300 marks) *June Exam PAT: (50 marks) TEST: Irrigation and Water Supply Animal health Product harvesting -1.Budgeting, -Break even, Unit cost, -Profit and loss statement 1.Presentation Assignment: GRADE 12 TOPIC -Cost accounting: Product harvesting -Production cost statement, Notes SBA: GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Test 2 – 75% Formal Assessment Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% PAT: TEST: Introduction production: Assignment: to Animal production -Cash budget, (100 marks) i.e all term 3 topics. SBA: -Debtors collection, -Creditors payments, -Budgeting: Projected income statement, -Cost Animalaccounting: production -Calculations, General Introduction to animal ledger, production: GRADE 11 TOPIC 2.Term test PAT: TEST: (50 marks) Assignment: 1.Case study SBA: GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Practical task 2 – 25% Preparatory examination – 75% Formal Assessment Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% PAT: EXAM: Assignment: SBA: 2.Case study (100 marks min. converted to 50 for recording.) PAT: EXAM: 1.Test (200 marks min. SBA: converted to 100 for Assignment: recording.) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Tools and Equipment 1.Creative thinking and problem solving AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (AT) BUSINESS STUDIES 5.Business Plan 4.Presentation of Business information 3.Contracts Business location 2.Business opportunity Weathering of rocks, GRADE 10 TOPIC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (AS) SUBJECTS Test 2 Project Page 68 8.Production function 7.The alignment of foreign marketing and the production function 6.Foreign marketing 5.Imports and exports 4.Use of technology for marketing 3.Marketing activities, marketing in the formal and informal sectors 2.Citizenship roles and responsibilities 1.Assessment of 1.Entrepreneurial qualities in business Test 2 Project Practical Task 2 – 25% Practical Task 2 – 25% Formal Assessment for Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Test 2 – 75% Tools and Equipment Soil organic matter, living organic matter GRADE 11 TOPIC Test 2 – 75% Formal Assessment Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT and data response 4.Presentation of information and their impact on the business operation 3.Forms of ownership 2.Investment:Insurance 1.Investment: Securities Irrigation and Water Supply Animal health GRADE 12 TOPIC Trial exam Test 2 Practical task 2 – 25% Preparatory examination – 75% Formal Assessment Term 3 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT CONSUMER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (CAT) SUBJECTS Creating & editing presentations Network basics The Internet and www Columns, comments, protection & hyperlinks Electronic communication Finding Information Safe Internet use Effective presentation • • • • • • • • GRADE 10 TOPIC Processing data • Page 69 More web design techniques Referencing Mail merge • • • Other facilities Online lifestyle • • Computer management • Reports Software • Practical Test • Finding information • GRADE 11 TOPIC Written Test GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Written Test Practical Test GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Social Implications – • Revision & Consolidation HTML Revision & Consolidation Impact of technology Revision for Exam Information Management • • • • • • and PAT Solution Development: SS • Integrated Revision & Consolidation WP Solution Development: • • Internet Technologies: • Communications Graphs Solution Development: SS Integrated Social Implications – Computer Management System Software and Software Systems Technologies: • • • • • GRADE 12 TOPIC Theory Examination: Paper 2 Practical Examination: Paper 1 GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DANCE CONSUMER STUDIES CIVIL TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS 1: Dance performance 3: Dance history and literacy 3: Dance history and literacy Page 70 2: Dance Composition Practical Test 50 Research 50 Practical Test 50 Research 50 PAT 2: Practical examination PAT 2: Practical examination Test on theory of practical tasks Practical tasks 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance The Consumer Housing and interior 7. Consolidation and completion of the PAT Storm -water 6. Civil Services: 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance The Consumer Housing and interior 8. Plumbing/ Pipes Brickwork Wood 7. Joining: 6. Electrical System Sewerage 5. Civil Services: Sewerage 4. Civil Services: Hot water Supply 3. Civil services: Supply Cold water 2. Civil Services: Finishing 1. Construction: GRADE 12 TOPIC Storm –Water Open book test / test CONSOLIDATION AND COMPLETION OF THE PAT 1. Controlled test and GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 5. Civil Services: Hot water Systems Water Supply 4. Civil Services: Finishing: Painting 3. Construction Plastering Tiling Finishing: 2. Construction Woodworking 1. Construction: GRADE 11 TOPIC Practical tasks Test (theory of practical work) Fibres and fabrics Clothing Open book test / test 2. CONSOLIDATION AND COMPLETION OF THE PAT 1. Controlled test and GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Entrepreneurship 8. Civil Services: Sewerage Storm – water 7. Civil services: 6. Civil services: Water supply 5. Construction: Woodworking 4. Construction: Excavations 3. Construction: Water proofing Formwork 2. Construction: Brickwork 1. Construction: Foundations GRADE 10 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) PAT 2: Practical examination Test / Open book test Trial examination Trial examinations and Completion of the PAT GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DRAMATIC ARTS DESIGN SUBJECTS GRADE 11 TOPIC PAT 3 (50) 8: Text Interpretation (Individual Performance) 11: South African theatre Workshop Theatre 10: Play text 3: Medieval Theatre/ Comedia dell’arte / Indian Theatre 9: Medieval Theatre/ Comedia dell’arte /Indian Theatre context Test (50) Page 71 6: Director/Designer in Theatre or Film 8: Play text 2: Stylised Play text 7: Stylised Theatre: Asian-/ Pan African-/ Contemporary American- / Expressionist theatre • design in a socio-cultural / environmental and sustainable context • history of design • design in a socio-cultural / • history of design • design literacy environmental and sustainable • design literacy 3: Design theory: and safe practice 3: Design theory: Test (50) PAT 3 (50) 2: Continued: Theme/ Audition / Technical Programme GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 2: Theory Examination (100) 1: PAT 2 Process and Product (100) • Performance 150 Examination • Written 150 4: Trial Examination 7: Play text 3: South African 3: Text (Post – 1994) context environmental and sustainable • design in a socio-cultural/ • history of design • design literacy 3: Design theory: and safe practice 2: Design production, time management 2: Design production, time management and safe practice 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) Design in a business context 2: Theory Test (50) (research) 2: Theory Test (50) the process 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 12 TOPIC Design in a business context (research) 1: PAT 2 Process and Product (100) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT the process 1: PAT 2 Process and Product 1: Design process and (100) factors influencing GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT the process 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 10 TOPIC ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY ECONOMICS SUBJECTS 3. Logic 2. PAT completed 2. Principles of magnetism Semi-conductor devices 3. Amplifiers 2. Power supplies 1. 2. PAT completed and ready for moderation 1. Controlled test and Amplifiers. Page 72 Joseph Addison What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul. and ready for moderation 1. Controlled test and day: Environmental sustainability 6.Economic issues of the day: Tourism 5.Economic issues of the day: Inflation 4.Economic issues of the Concepts: economic & social performance indicators 3. Basic Economic 2.Growth & development: 3.Money & banking 4.Economic growth and development: South Africa’s role and economic importance in Africa Test 2 1.Growth & development GRADE 12 TOPIC Industrial Development 2.Economic issues of the Test 2 Case Study GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Day: Poverty 1.Economic development GRADE 11 TOPIC Case Study GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 1. Protective Devices 4.Population & labour force 3.History of money & banking 2.South African economic growth and development historical context 1.Economic growth, development and globalisation GRADE 10 TOPIC ready for moderation 2. PAT completed and 1. Trial examination and Trial exam Test 2 Case Study GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT GEOGRAPHY Map reading GIS HIV and AIDS Population movements Population growth Population Structure Population Indicators Distribution density POPULATION 4. Perspective drawing 3. Civil drawing Controlled Test 2 Assessment Task) 2. PAT (Practical 1. Course drawings and Controlled test: Solid geometry, Descriptive geometry, Civil floor plan, Civil sectional elevation, One-point perspective 1. Solid geometry ENGINEERING GRAPHICS & DESIGN (EGD) 2. Descriptive geometry GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Page 73 Using atlases GIS Role of development Aid Development issues and challenges Trade and development Frameworks for development Concept of development DEVELOPMENT GEOGRAPHY 4. Loci (cam) 3. Loci (helix) 2. Developments 1. Interpenetration GRADE 11 TOPIC Controlled Test 2 Assessment Task) 6. PAT (Practical 5. Mechanical Assembly 4. Loci (cam); 3. Loci (helix); 2. Development of a transition piece; 1. Course drawings and Controlled test: Interpenetration and development; GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Loci (helix) Using atlases Geographical Systems (GIS) Information Map work techniques Geographical skills and techniques : Map use and skills Informal Sector Secondary and tertiary sectors Structure Economic Geography of South Africa 5. Loci (helix) AND Loci (cam 4. Loci (mechanisms) 3. 2. PAT 1. Developments GRADE 12 TOPIC Trial Exam. Controlled Test 2 Research / Essay writing Assessment Task) 6. PAT (Practical assembly) 5. Mechanical 4. Loci (cam); 3. Loci (helix); transition piece; 2. Development of a Preparation for the NSC examination: Interpenetration and development; 1. Course drawings and GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HOSPITALITY STUDIES HISTORY SUBJECTS Communication Technologies Systems Technologies Internet Technologies Social Implications Solution Development • • • • Practical test Theory Test Safety and security PAT 2: Practical examination • Hygiene Page 74 • Solution Development • Social Implications • Data and Information Management Commodities Practical tasks Case Study: Middle East. From` Gold coast to Ghana` • Commodities The rise of Afrikaner nationalism. • Open-book test Different types of African nationalism: • Nutrition and menu planning Case Study: South Africa. • Nutrition and menu planning What is nationalism? • 1. NATIONALISM SOUTH AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA GRADE 11 TOPIC Test 2. Standardised test 1. Source-based and/or essay task GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Food and beverage service AFTER 1750 2. COLONIAL EXPANSION SOUTHERN AFRICA AFTER 1750 1. TRANSFORMATIONS IN GRADE 10 TOPIC Standardised test 2. Source-based or essay task Practical Test Theory test PAT 2: Practical examination Practical tasks Open-book test / test Test 2. 1. GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT (How was the world changed since the 1960? • • PAT • Solution development • Social Implications • Systems Technology Sectors and careers Kitchen and restaurant operations THE END OF THE COLD WAR AND A NEW WORLD ORDER 1989 TO THE PRESENT: (How did South Africa emerge as a democracy from the crises of the 1990s, and how did South Africans come to terms with the past? 2. • 1. THE COMING OF DEMOCRACY IN SOUTH AFRICA. GRADE 12 TOPIC Standardised test, which includes a source-based section and an essay (ideally, both sections will be tested at the same time) P2 Theory P1 Practical Exams PAT 2: Practical examination Trial examination Test (2 papers) • September examination • GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT MATHEMATICS LIFE SCIENCES 1. Development of self in society. LIFE ORIENTATION • 6. Measurement 5. Euclidean Geometry 4. Trigonometry 3. Statistics 2. Finance & Growth 2. Control Test (at least 50 marks) 1. Control Test(at least 50 marks) Project/Assignment • Biosphere to Ecosystems 1. Analytical Geometry Test • Practical task 2.PET 1.Project GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Transport systems in mammals Physical Education: Recreation & Relaxation 2. Career and career choices. GRADE 10 TOPIC SUBJECTS Page 75 5. Statistics 4. Probability 3. Finance, Growth and Decay 2. Trigonometry 1. Measurement Human Impact on the Environment Population Ecology Excretion in Humans Gaseous Exchange Physical Education: Recreation & Relaxation 2. Career and career choices. 1. Development of self in society. GRADE 11 TOPIC Evolution by Natural selection: 2. Career and career choices. 1. Development of self in society. GRADE 12 TOPIC • - 2. Control Test (at least 50 marks) Darwin’s theory of evolution Formation/ emergence of new species, etc. - - 3. Functions, functions: exponential and logarithmic, and Inverses 2. Euclidean Geometry 1. Patterns, Sequences and Series Revision of Human Impact on the Environment. Artificial selection - Recording of Assignment marks And Trial Exam Test Practical task GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT 2. Preliminary exams (300 marks) 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) • • • Origin of ideas about orProject/Assignment • igins Test Practical task 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) • • • 2.PET 1.Project GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT MUSIC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY MATHEMATICS LITERACY SUBJECTS 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS 2. Final task completed: Moderation commences Page 76 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation control 3. Turbines control 2. Systems and 1. Maintenance 3. Contexts focusing on Data Handling 2. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) GRADE 12 TOPIC 3: General music Knowledge and analysis Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 1: Music performance and 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 improvisation CAPS 2: Music literacy (Maintenance/ Experimentation/ Simulation task) PAT phase 4: Final task completed Moderation commences 2. PAT Phase 3 2. Systems and 2. Systems and Control 1. Control Test, 1. Maintenance 1. Maintenance 1. Controlled test and PAT (Phase 3 (Maintenance/ Experimentation/ Simulation task) PAT phase 4: 3. Contexts focusing on Finance 2. Control Test 1. Assignment / Investigation GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 3. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 1. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations GRADE 11 TOPIC 2. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 2. Control Test 1. Assignment / Investigation GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 2. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 1. Contexts focusing on Numbers and Operations with numbers GRADE 10 TOPIC Paper 2: Aural 30 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 Written Examination Practical Examination 150 Trial Select 1 or 2 PAT’s from 5 PAT’s page 54 -55 CAPS of moderation and Preparatory examination 3. Commencement task completed 2. PAT phase 4: Final (Maintenance/ Experimentation/ Simulation task) 1. PAT (Phase 3 2. Trial exams 1. Control Test GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT TOURISM RELIGION STUDIES SUBJECTS Origins Roles of social forms • • phase 2 Hand in PAT PAT term 3: Test Sustainable and responsible tourism Marketing Open book test / test 2.Test (100 marks) 1.Project (100 marks) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Tourism attractions 4.Topical issues in society Aspects of understanding • 1. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon GRADE 10 TOPIC Concepts Rituals and their role Religion and politics Religion and the natural environment • • Page 77 Communication and customer care Marketing Map work and tour planning Tourism attractions Domestic, regional and international tourism Religion and the state • 3.Topical issues in society • • 1. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon GRADE 11 TOPIC phase 2 Hand in PAT PAT term 3: Test Open book test / test 2.Test (100 marks) 1.Project (100 marks) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Communication and customer care Culture and heritage Sustainable and responsible tourism Marketing Domestic, regional and international tourism 3. Topical issues in society 2. Research into and across religions. 1. Common features of religion as a generic and unique phenomenon GRADE 12 TOPIC phase 2 Hand in PAT PAT term 3: Trial examination Test / Open book test 3. Trial Examinations (300 Marks) 2.Project (100 marks) 1.Test (100 marks) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT VISUAL ARTS SUBJECTS 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas GRADE 11 TOPIC Theory Examination (100) PAT 3: Conceptualising and making (100) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas GRADE 12 TOPIC Page 78 G. K. Chesterson Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. PAT 3: Conceptualising and making (100) 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas Theory Examination (100) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT GRADE 10 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100)) Trial: GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Page 79 Isincoko soncwadi Imibuzo emifutshane Intetho elungiselelweyo/engalungiselelwanga Inkqubo yokubhala Uncwadi Umsebenzi 9:Uncwadi Imihlathi Esibalisayo/esichazayo/esoxoxayo Uncwadi Ukufundela ukuqonda Isincoko Inkqubo yokubhala Uncwadi Ukubhala isishwankathelo Imihlathi Ukufundela ukuqonda Esibalisayo/esichazayo/esoxoxayo Uncwadi Umsebenzi 8:Iorali UKUHLOLA Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda Intetho elungiselelweyo Intetho engalungiselelwanga Isincoko Izihlomelo Izichazi, Iimo, Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Ingcaciso / unobangela nefuthe: Ukulandelelana kweziganeko,Ukuthelekisa / ukuchasanisa, Umhlathi okhethekileyo Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Amagatya nezivakalisi Izifanekisozwi; Izikhuzo Ushunqulo lwamagama Ufinyezo lwamagama, Imigaqo nemiqathango yopelo lwamagama, Iindlela zokupela amagama, Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi ISIXHOSA HL Ukufundela ukuqonda Inkqubo yokubhala Uncwadi Ukubalisa ibali Imihlathi Ukufundela ukuqonda Imigaqo elandelwayo yentlanganiso Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGA LE-10 Ukufunda nokubukela ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYI Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA YESI-3 Page 80 Isincoko soncwadi Imibuzo emifutshane Intetho elungiselelweyo/engalungiselelwanga Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Inqaku lemagazini Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Isincoko esicamngcayo Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Irivyu Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Isincoko socamngco/ esivelela amacala amabini ngokulinganayo/ esixoxayo Ukulandelwa kwenkqubo yokubhala Umsebenzi 9:Uncwadi Amabali amafutshane Uhlaziyo: Uncwadi Ukubhala isishwankathelo Uhlaziyo: Umbongo Ukubhala isishwankathelo Izaziso Izakhiwo zezivakalisi. Isicatshulwa: Ukuphuhliswa kwesigama nokusetyenziswa koLwimi. Uncwadi (iNoveli/ oLwemveli) • Umsebenzi 8:Iorali UKUHLOLA Ukuphulaphulela ukuqonda okucamngcayo Intetho elungiselelweyo Intetho engalungiselelwanga/ elungiselelweyo Ukubalisa ibali/ imibongo yomthonyama Umbongo I-Ajenda nemizuzu yentlanganiso Uhlaziyo: • Ileta yesikhalazo; Intengiso Ukubhala nokunikezela Ukuchotshelwa kwentlanganiso ISIXHOSA HL Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha YESI-3 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OMAKUFUNDISIWE Izihlomelo Izichazi, Iimo, Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Ingcaciso / unobangela nefuthe: Ukulandelelana kweziganeko,Ukuthelekisa / ukuchasanisa, Umhlathi okhethekileyo Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Amagatya nezivakalisi Izifanekisozwi; Izikhuzo Ushunqulo lwamagama Ufinyezo lwamagama, Imigaqo nemiqathango yopelo lwamagama, Iindlela zokupela amagama, Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi UHLAZIYO Uvavanyo olubhaliweyo OKANYE (Kungabhalwa ngeyethupha/ngoAgasti/ngeyoMsintsi/ngoSeptemba) Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Iphepha 2: Uncwadi Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Ukuthetha okungalungiswanga- ukwazisa isithethi/ukwenza amazwi ombulelo UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO Umsebenzi 10:Iimviwo zamalungiselelo UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Umsebenzi 9:Iorali Page 81 UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO Ukuphononongo lwee-orali UKUHLOLA UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO Ukwazisa isithethi UHLAZIYO UHLAZIYO Incoko engekho sesikweni Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIXHOSA HL Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-12 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA Yesi-3 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Itekisi yoncwadi 8 Intshayelelo malunga nemigaqo esesikweni yengxoxo-mpikiswano Umsebenzi 9: Ukubhala Umhlathi omfutshane Ukufunda okulungiseleweyo/intetho engalungiselelwanga/ukuthetha okungekho sesikweni okwenziwa ngamaqela Page 82 Uncwadi: Imibuzo emifutshane Okanye Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Isishwankathelo Isicatshulwa Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 10: Itekisi yoncwadi 12 Itekisi yoncwadi 11 Itekisi yoncwadi 10 Ukuphulaphula idrama yerediyo/intetho eshicilelweyo/ukulinganisa/ukufunda umdlalo Imigaqo yentlanganiso Ukufunda ngokunzulu malunga nomxholo othile Intetho esesikweni/elungiselelweyo/ephandiweyo Itekisi yoncwadi 9 Ukufundela ukushwankathela Ukufunda okulungiselelweyo Ukubhala isimemo sentlanganiso, iajenda nemizuzu yentlanganiso Ulwimi olusetyenziswa xa kukho intlanganiso Iintsiza-senzi nezincedisi Iimilo zezenzi (izilabalabi) Imvakalozwi/ithoni/lizwi/isiphumo Iimpazamo zegrama Isimemo Ukubhala uluvo ze uluxhase Izifinyezo, iisimboli zokuphawula itekisi Isakhiwo somhlathi Uhlaziyo lwezihlanganisi yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ukubhala i-imeyile Ukubhala ingxoxo: umhlathi/ imihlathi Ileta yasebuRhulumenteni Ukubhala ingxoxo Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-10 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Umsebenzi 8:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 3 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Page 83 Uncwadi: Imibuzo emifutshane Okanye Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Isishwankathelo Isicatshulwa Uhlaziyo lwezihlanganisi yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Ukubhala ileta eya kumhleli uphawula malunga netekisi oyifundileyo Ukubhala nayiphina itekisi emfutshane Ukubhala isaziso esibhaliweyo okanye esenziwa ngomlomo Intsingiselo ecingelwayo Ingqikelelo Intsingiselo ecacileyo kunye nefihlakeleyo Umfanekiso, umqondiso, intsingiselo yegama njengoko linjalo kunye nentsingiselo ezekekisayo/isafobe Izifinyezo Isakhiwo/ubume malunga nokubhala Ukubhala isincoko esibalisayo/esiqiqisayo Amaxesha ezenzi okanye esicamngcayo/esivelela amacala omabini Exhasayo nechasayo Ukubhala ingxoxo Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Umsebenzi 10: Ukufunda ngokunzulu lweeleta eziya kumhleli ngenjongo yokufumana ulwazi olunzulu. Ukufunda ngokukhwaza okulungiselelweyo kweleta eya kumhleli Umsebenzi 9: Ukubhala Itekisi yoncwadi 9 Intlanganisela yeetekisi ezimfutshane zamajelo osasazo Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukuphulaphula itekisi yokwandisa/yokuzikhulisa ulwazi ngenjongo yokuzonwabisa Intetho esesikweni/elungiselelweyo/ephandiweyo Itekisi yoncwadi 7 Ukuxoxa ngomba ozalana netekisi yoncwadi efundiweyo okanye itekisi ebonwayo Itekisi yoncwadi 8 Ukufunda ngenjongo yokushwankathelo Ingxoxo yephaneli/udliwano-ndleba Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Ukufunda okulungiseleweyo/ Umhlathi omfutshane intetho engalungiselelwanga/ ukuthetha okungekho sesikweni okwenziwa ngamaqela Umsebenzi 8:Iorali UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 3 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Page 84 Iimviwo zamalungiselelo Umhlathi omfutshane Itekisi yoncwadi 18 Itekisi yoncwadi 17 Itekisi yoncwadi 16 Itekisi yoncwadi 15 Itekisi yoncwadi 14 Ngenjongo yokufumana ulwazi olunzulu lolwimi Ukufunda ngokunzulu Itekisi yoncwadi 13 Itekisi yoncwadi 12 Umsebenzi 10: Ukuphulaphula iitekisi ukuncoma okanye ukuzonwabisa Ingxoxo ngemiba enxulumene nofundo loncwadi Ukuphulaphula irediyo/ usasazo lweendaba zikamabonakude Ukwabelana ngamava eendlela zokufunda okongezelelweyo Ukwenza ipowusta/iqweqwe lesidi Ukubhalwa kwesincoko Ukubhalwa kwesincoko Ukubhala umhlathi omfutshane Exhasayo nechasayo Ingxoxo yababini/idrama Itekisi yoncwadi 11 Ukubhala ingxoxo Ukufunda ngokunzulu Ukufunda incwadi yedrama/ingxoxo yababini ngokukhwaza Ukubhala nokunikezela Ukufunda nokubukela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IBANGA LE-12 Umsebenzi 9: Ukubhala UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 3 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Isimbo esimalunga nomsebenzi obhaliweyo Isimbo esesesikweni sokubhala Ukusetyenziswa kwezimelabizo namagama Ukulungiswa kweempazamo zegrama Ukunikezela kweprojekthi Uhlaziyo lwezihlanganisi yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Summary writing Literature Reading for comprehension: Prepared/unprepared speech: Features and conventions Listening for comprehension LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS AND LITERARY ESSAY TASK 9 TEST 2 PREPARED/UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 8 ASSESSMENT Use written text Features and conventions Literature study Reading for comprehension Prepared/unprepared speech: Literature study Vocabulary development Features and conventions Focus on process writing. Page 85 Language structures and conventions Format and features of chosen text Transactional texts: on process writing. Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions: Transactional text: Language structures and conventions. Focus on: process writing. 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Format and features of chosen text Reading for comprehension. Literature study Storytelling:/ and or praise poems Transactional text: Language structures and conventions: Reading for comprehension: strategies using written texts: WRITING AND PRESENTING Meetings and meeting procedures: ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 10 LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER Literature study Features and conventions Literature study Summary writing PREPARED/UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 8 ASSESSMENT Listening for comprehension LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS AND LITERARY ESSAY TASK 9 TEST 2 Reading for comprehension strategies Literature study Features and conventions Literature study Summary writing Prepared/unprepared speech: Literature study Language structures and conventions: Format and features of chosen text Page 86 Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. 1X essay: Reflective/descriptive/argumentative. Format and features of chosen text Transactional text: e.g. speech/dialogue/interview. Focus on process writing. Language structures and conventions: Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions Transactional text: e.g. speech/dialogue/interview. Focus on process writing. Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. Reading for comprehension: strategies using written 1X essay: Reflective/descriptive/argumentative. texts: Prepared/unprepared speech: Storytelling:/ and or praise poems Literature study Reading for comprehension: strategies using written Transactional text: e.g. friendly/formal letters etc. texts: WRITING AND PRESENTING Meetings and meeting procedures: ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 11 LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER PREPARED/UNPREPARED SPEECH TASK 8 ASSESSMENT Trial examinations Oral moderation Oral moderation Introducing the speaker/vote of thanks LITERATURE: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS AND LITERARY ESSAY TASK 9 TEST 2 Trial examinations Literature study Page 87 Trial examinations Language structures and conventions: Transactional text: Language structures and conventions: Literature study Reading for comprehension: strategies using written texts: Transactional text: Language structures and conventions: Transactional text: Language structures and conventions: Transactional text: WRITING AND PRESENTING Summary writing Literature study Reading for comprehension: strategies using written texts: Literature study Reading for comprehension: strategies using written texts: Informal discussions/conversations ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 12 LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER Introduction to issues. Literary 9: Introduction to a formal debate procedure ALOUD/INFORMAL SHORTER TRANSACTIONAL TEXT READING PREPARED SPEAKING Explore themes Intensive reading. Literary text 12: TASK 9 WRITING speech/role Literary text 10: Intensive reading. Literary text 11: Evaluate message Compare register Intensive reading on a specific topic. TASK 8: SPEAKING/READING ASSESSMENT Meeting procedures Radio drama/recorded reading Listen to: play/play Literary text 8: Speaking and listening: Formal prepared / researched speech. Simple argument for or against. Listen and list view points Intensive reading Read for summary: Prepared reading aloud of a text ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 10 LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER Page 88 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 10 TEST 2 Write a notice of a meeting, agenda and minute. Write opinion and justify. Register, style and voice. Write and email, invitation. Write an argument par with supporting details. Business letter. Write an argument. WRITING AND PRESENTING Meta-language for meeting procedures Tone, voice, effect, modal verbs. Abbreviations Paragraph structure: Revise logical connectors and conjunctions LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Literary text 7: Discuss an issue related to the literary text TASK 9 WRITING SHORTER TRANSACTIONAL TEXT TASK 8: SPEAKING/READING PREPARED READING ALOUD/INFORMAL SPEAKING ASSESSMENT LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 10 TEST 2 Write a letter to the press . Focus on process writing. Page 89 Intensive reading for critical language awareness Literary text 10: Focus on process writing. Enrichment text Prepared reading aloud Write a shorter text in response to a photograph Literary text 9: Listen to enrichment text for pleasure/ appreciation Focus on process writing. Write a notice or announcement. Intensive reading mass media shorter texts: Writing descriptive narrative/reflective/discursive. Focus on process writing Write an argument for Focus on process writing WRITING AND PRESENTING Formal prepared / researched speech. Literary 8: Read for summary: Panel discussion /interview ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 11 LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER Denotation and connotation. Image, symbol, literal and figurative meaning. Format related to writing. Verb tenses. Revise logical connectors and conjunctions. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS SHORTER TRANSACTIONAL TEXT ALOUD/ PREPARED READING INFORMAL SPEAKING LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: COMPREHENSION, SUMMARY, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS TASK 10 TEST 2 Design a poster/CD cover Write an essay Shorter transactional Writing: Write an argument par with supporting details. Write an argument WRITING AND PRESENTING Page 90 for critical language TASK 9 WRITING Literary text 18 Intensive reading. Literary text 17: Evaluate message Literary text 16: Intensive reading. Literary text 15: Intensive reading awareness Intensive reading Literary 13: Intensive reading. Literary text 12 TASK 8: SPEAKING/READING ASSESSMENT Listening to texts for appreciation and pleasure Discussion of issues related to set work Listen to a radio/TV Share extended reading experience Literary text 11 Intensive reading: a dialogue/drama ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Read a drama/dialogue GRADE 12 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING THIRD QUARTER Style elements related to written work Tone, voice, effect, modal verbs. Sequencing Use of pronouns Meta -language of debate procedure Paragraph structure: Revise logical connectors and conjunctions, LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Page 91 TERM 4 GRADES 10 - 12 TOPICS AND TASKS TERM 4 ANNEXURE A: Soil and water management Plant studies, classification, importance and economic value of plants Irrigation and Water Supply AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (AS) AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (AT) Budgeting, Manufacturing: Cost accounting, GRADE 10 TOPIC AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (AMP) ACCOUNTING SUBJECTS Final product – 25% (Final product – 25%) Design – 25% PAT – 25% Final examination – 50% Formal Assessment Term 4 Controlled test 75% Task based 25% (Construction process – 50%) Page 92 Irrigation and Water Supply Plant reproduction, asexual reproduction Construction process – 50% (Design 25%) PAT – 25% Final examination – 50% Term 4 Formal Assessment for Controlled test 75% Task based 25% EXAM: NB Rangeland management as Assignment: a component must be included EXAM: with any ruminant selection as an enterprise Assignment: SBA: (300 marks) Final Examination GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Rangeland management: VAT GRADE 11 TOPIC SBA: Final examination (300 marks) i.e. all term 1,2,3,4 topics. GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Revision Revision Revision of all concepts in Grade 12 and PAT completion Revision, GRADE 12 TOPIC Total 200÷4=50 Examination Total 100÷4= 25 Final Product – 25 Construction process – 50 Design – 25 PAT Total 300÷12=25 Term 3 – 100 Term 2 – 100 Term 1 – 100 SBA FINAL Examination FINAL Examination final PAT Mark Final Examination (300 marks) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT CONSUMER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (CAT) BUSINESS STUDIES SUBJECTS • Practice Problem solving • Case studies Case studies • Presentation solutions & information • Impact on ICT Page 93 • Case studies • The dark side of computing • Working smarter • Presenting results Practical Exam • Working smarter • Using & processing info • Managing email 2.Introduction to the human Resources function 1.Team Stages, dynamics theories and conflict management GRADE 11 TOPIC Written Exam End of year exam GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT • Charts 2.Relationship and team performance 1.Self-management GRADE 10 TOPIC Written Exam Practical Exam End of year exam GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT • Solution Development: SS & DB • Solution Development: SS & DB • Operational knowledge • Case Studies • Solution Development: • Revision & Consolidation • Operational knowledge • Case Studies Revision GRADE 12 TOPIC Examination: Paper 2 (Theory) Examination: Paper 1 (Practical) Final examination GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DANCE CONSUMER STUDIES CIVIL TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS No formal assessment 1: Dance performance 1: Dance performance 3: Dance history and literacy 3: Dance history and literacy Page 94 2: Dance Composition 2: Dance Composition Practical Examination (100) Entrepreneurship Theory Examination (100) And Assessment Entrepreneurship Housing and interior Wood Final examinations Pipes Plumbing The Consumer 5. Glues 6. Joining: 4. Nails and 5. Joining: 3. Joining: Joining: wood 4. Joining: Anchors and Screws Brickwork 2. Joining: 3. Quantities System Quantities Electrical Electrical 1. Civil services: GRADE 11 TOPIC System All topics Final examination GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 2. Civil Cervices: Sewerage 1. Civil Services: GRADE 10 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) No formal assessment Final examination All topics GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 3: Dance history and literacy 2: Dance Composition 1: Dance performance Topics in term 4 are incorporated in term 3 Quantities Consolidation GRADE 12 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) Theory Examination (100) No formal assessment End-of-year Examinations GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT DRAMATIC ARTS DESIGN SUBJECTS • design literacy • history of design • design in a socio-cultural / • design literacy • history of design • design in a sociocultural / 14: Revision Page 95 12 : Revision 11: Preparation of Practical work • Performance Examination (100) 13: Group Performance • Performance Examination (150) • Written Examination (150) • Written Examination (100) Examination 8: Revision and consolidation of years 10 : Poor Theatre 12: Staging conventions or film conventions environmental and sustainable • design in a sociocultural/ • history of design • design literacy 3: Design theory: and safe practice 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) the process 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 12 TOPIC context context 2: Theory Examination (100) 1: Practical Examination Process and Product (100) GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT context Examination 3: Design theory: 3: Design theory: environmental and sustainable and safe practice and safe practice environmental and sustainable 2: Design production, time management 2: Design production, time management Design in a business context (research) 2: Theory Examination (100) Design in a business context (research) 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 11 TOPIC the process 1: Practical Examination Process and Product (100) GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT the process 1: Design process and factors influencing GRADE 10 TOPIC • Performance 150 Examination • Written 150 Final Examination 2: Theory Examination (100) 1: Practical Examination Process and Product (100) GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING GRAPHICS & DESIGN (EGD) ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY ECONOMICS SUBJECTS Consolidation previous terms: completed during All topics not Final examination All topics All topics and PAT moderation completed Communication Systems Electrical drawing Final examination End of year exam GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Logic 3.SA’s reconstruction/ Economic redress 2.Labour relations 1.Unemployment GRADE 10 TOPIC Page 96 Consolidation All topics not completed during previous terms: Electrical Drawing Communication Systems Logic 3. Economic issues of day: quantitative elements and other issues 2.Economic Redress: Environmental deterioration 1.Globalisation GRADE 11 TOPIC Final examination All topics PAT moderation completed Final examination All topics and End of year exam GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Consolidation completed during previous terms: All topics not Consolidation Term 3 Consolidation Term 2 Consolidation Term 1 Consolidation Term 1 Revision GRADE 12 TOPIC Final examination All topics Final examination All topics and PAT moderation completed End of year exam GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Internet Technologies Solution Development • • Sectors and career No formal assessment Safety HOSPITALITY STUDIES P2 Theory Page 97 • Solution Development • Social Implications • Data and Information Management Final Exams P1 Practical • Internet Technologies PAT Sectors and careers Kitchen and restaurant operations APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA: 1940 TO 1960S End-of-year examination THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR AND UNION Energy management in South Africa Non-conventional energy sources Conventional energy Soil and soil erosion Using resources RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY GRADE 11 TOPIC HISTORY End Of The Year Examinations Research/Essay Task GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Geographical skills and techniques Using atlases Floods Water in the world Oceans, Rivers, Lakes and Dams in South Africa WATER RESOURCES GRADE 10 TOPIC GIS GEOGRAPHY SUBJECTS Practical Test Theory test No formal assessment End-of-year examination End of the year examination Research / Essay Task GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT • PAT • Solution development • Social Implications • Internet Technologies • Data and Information Management Topics in term 4 are incorporated in term 3 REVISION, FINAL MODERATION, VERIFICATION. Revision GRADE 12 TOPIC P2 Theory P1 Practical Final Exams No formal assessment Final External Examination. End of the year examination GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Page 98 3. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 3. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 2. End-of-year exam 1. Assignment / Investigation 1. Revision Human impact on the Environment: Current Crises for Human Survival: Problems to be Solved within the Next Generation 2. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) MATHEMATICS LITERACY 2. End-of-year exam 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) Practical Exam Project/Assignment • • Test • Practical Exam Project/Assignment Test 2. End-of-year exam 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) 2. Final examinations (Paper 1 : 150 marks, Paper 2 : 150 marks) 1. Control Test (at least 50 marks) • • • 2. Democracy and human rights. 2.PET Traditional & non-traditional games 2.PET GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT 1. Development of self in society. 1.End of year exam GRADE 11 TOPIC 1.End of year exam GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT 2. Contexts focusing on Patterns, Relationships and Representations 1. Contexts focusing on Numbers and Operations with numbers MATHEMATICS Revision History of Life on Earth Biodiversity and classification; 3.Physical Education: Traditional & nontraditional games 2. Democracy and human rights. 1. Career and career choices. GRADE 10 TOPIC 1. Probability LIFE SCIENCES LIFE ORIENTATION SUBJECTS 3. Contexts focusing on Data Handling 2. Contexts focusing on Finance 1. Contexts focusing on Measurement (Conversions and Time) 3. Functions, functions: exponential and logarithmic, and Inverses 2. Euclidean Geometry 1. Patterns, Sequences and Series Revision on all work done including Human Impact on the Environment. 2. Career and career choices. 1.Study skills GRADE 12 TOPIC 1. End-of –year exam 1. Final exams Same tasks as in Term 3. - GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT VISUAL ARTS TOURISM RELIGION STUDIES PHYSICAL SCIENCES Paper 2: Aural 30 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas Communication and customer care Culture and heritage 2. Topical issues in society: Religion and economics Page 99 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. Retrospective Exhibition (100) Theory Examination (100) 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative ideas Tourism sectors Communication and customer care 2. Research into and across religions. 1.Topical issues in society 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and improvisation PUMPS GRADE 11 TOPIC Practical Examination (100) No formal assessment 1.Topical issues in End-of-year exam (300 marks) society: Africa & the world 3: General music Knowledge and analysis 2: Music literacy 1: Music performance and Practical Examination 150 improvisation Written Examination MUSIC End-of-Year Examinations GRADE 10 ASSESSMENT Heat Engines GRADE 10 TOPIC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS Consolidation GRADE 12 TOPIC Final examination GRADE 12 ASSESSMENT Paper 2: Aural 30 3: Visual Culture studies: emphasis on visual literacy Retrospective Exhibition (100) Theory Examination (100) 2: Making of Creative artworks, management of process and presentation. Following safe practice. Retrospective Exhibition (100) Final: No formal assessment Practical Examination (100) Topics in term 4 are incorporated in term 3 All 4 topics: Consolidation External Examination of work (300 marks) 3: General music Knowledge and analysis Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 1: Conceptualising through the development and realisation of creative Theory Examination (100) ideas Practical Examination (100) No formal assessment End-of-year exam (300 marks) Paper 2: Aural 30 Practical Examination 150 1: Music performance and Final: improvisation Written Examination Practical Examination 150 Paper 1: Theory: general music Knowledge 120 2: Music literacy Written Examination Final examination GRADE 11 ASSESSMENT Izincoko Imihlathi Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Uncwadi Iimviwo zokuphela konyaka: Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi Iphepha 2:Uncwadi Iorali: Intetho elngiselelweyo- Ukwazisa isithethi/ukwenza amazwi ombulelo Page 100 Iphepha 4: Iorali Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Umsebenzi -11 (ugxininiso kwinkqubo yokubhala) Ukubhala nokunikezela isishwankathelo Isicatshulwa Amalungiselelo oviwo Inkqubo yokubhala Uncwadi Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokusemxholweni Imihlathi Ukubhala isishwankathelo Esibalisayo/esichazayo/esoxoxayo Uncwadi Umsebenzi -10 UKUHLOLA Ingxoxo yeqela Ingxoxo yephaneli Isincoko Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Amalungiselelo oviwo Izibiyeli (); Uphawu loshiyelelo lwamagama okanye amabinzana kwisivakalisi (…) Iimpawu zocaphulo (“…”) Isimeli-nobumba (’) Iqhagamshela, Iikholoni (:) Amagatya nezivakalisi, Izaci namaqhalo, amagama emboleko, amagama amatsha nemvelaphi yamagama Izigaba zentetho, Ingcaciso / unobangela nefuthe, Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi ISIXHOSA HL Ukufundela ukuqonda Inkqubo yokubhala Uncwadi Ingxoxo yephaneli Imihlathi Ukufundela ukuqonda Ukwazisa isithethi/ukwenza ilizwi lombulelo Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGA LE-10 Ukufunda nokubukela ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha Ikota yesi-4 Ushwankathelo Udliwano-ndlebe nentatheli Izakhi nokusetyenziswa koLwimi • Iphepha 1: Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi Iphepha 2:Uncwadi Intetho elungiselelweyo – Ingxelo/irivyu Page 101 Iphepha 4: Iorali Iphepha 3: Ukubhala Iimviwo zokuphela konyaka Iorali: Imihlathi Umsebenzi -11 Uhlaziyo: uNcwadi Ushwankathelo • • • Isicatshulwa • Izincoko Amalungiselelo oViwo Ingxelo Isincoko esiqiqisayo Ileta yasekhaya Ukusetyenziswa koLwimi ngokusesikweni: Uhlaziyo: lweDrama Ukubhala isishwankathelo ISIXHOSA HL Ukubhala nokunikezela IBANGA LE-11 Umsebenzi -10 UKUHLOLA Irivyu Ingxoxo-mpikiswano Iinkqubo zeTV Ukwazisa isithethi Uhlaziyo: iNoveli/ uNcwadi lweMveli Ukufunda nokubukela Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha IKOTA Yesi-4 ISIXHOBO SOKULA NDELA OMAKUFUNDISWE Izigaba zentetho; Izaci namaqhalo, amagama emboleko, amagama amatsha nemvelaphi yamagama. Amagatya nezivakalisi; Igama elinye endaweni yebinzana Izibiyeli (); Uphawu loshiyelelo lwamagama okanye amabinzana kwisivakalisi (…) Iimpawu zocaphulo (“…”) Isimeli-nobumba (’) Iqhagamshela, Iikholoni (:) Amagatya nezivakalisi, Izaci namaqhalo, amagama emboleko, amagama amatsha nemvelaphi yamagama. Izigaba zentetho, Ingcaciso / unobangela nefuthe, Ukulandelelana kweziganeko, Izakhi nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Iimviwo zokuphela konyaka UKUHLOLA Itekisi yoncwadi Itekisi yoncwadi 17 Uhlaziyo: iiklasi ezingekho sesikweni kunye nengxoxo yeqela kulungiselelwa iimviwo Ukuphulaphula iitekisi ukuncoma okanye ukuzonwabisa Itekisi yoncwadi 18 Itekisi/iitekisi zoncwadi zokuzikhulisa Ukuphulaphulela ukuncoma Itekisi yoncwadi 14 Itekisi yoncwadi 13 Ukuphulaphula ukuziqhelisa ukuthatha amanqaku Ingxoxo Ukufunda ulungiselela umz ingxelo edlelelelayo Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-10 Ukuphulaphula nzulu kwetekisi erekhodiweyo IKOTA YOKU- Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha 4 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Page 102 Ukwenza ipowusta/iqweqwe lesidi Ukubhala isincoko/umhlathi omde/umhlathi omfutshane uzikhethele isihloko Amalungiselelo eee=mviwo Ileta ebonisa ukuncoma/yokubulela/ebonisa ulonwabo Ukubhala isishwankathelo Ukubhala amanqaku Ukubhala ileta eya kmhleli Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Isimbo esimalunga nomsebenzi obhaliweyo Umsebenzi wokusebenzisa izichazi-magama/uhlaziyo lwezaci/amaqhalo/indlela zokuthetha. Amabinzana okubulela nawokuhlonipha/abinisa intlonipho. Uhlaziyo lwezenziweyo Imo yentsusa nemo ecingelwayo Izenziwa yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Iimviwo zokuphela konyaka UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU4 Itekisi yoncwadi 14 Itekisi yoncwadi Uhlaziyo: Ingxoxo zeklasi ezingekho sesikweni kunye nengxoxo yamaqela kulungiselelwa iimviwo Itekisi yoncwadi 13 Ukuphulaphulela ukuzonwabisa iitekisi eziviwayo Ingxoxo Ukuphulaphula ukuziqhelisa ukuthatha amanqaku Itekisi yoncwadi 12 Ukubhala isincoko/umhlathi omde/ umhlathi omfutshane uzikhethele isihloko Amalungiselelo eee=mviwo Ileta ebonisa ukuxabiseka/yokubulela/ ebonisa ulonwabo Ukubhala isishwankathelo Ukubhala itekisienemigaqo emayilandelwe Ukubhala itekisi ngokutsha Ukubhala nokunikezela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Page 103 Ukufunda ulungiselela ukufumana ulwazi olunzulu ngolwimi,umz intetho yezopolitiko, ingxelo edlelelelayo Ukuphulaphula ngokunzulu kwetekisi erekhodiweyo Ingxoxo/ingxoxo-mpikiswano Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-11 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Umsebenzi wokusebenzisa izichazi-magama/ uhlaziyo lwezaci/amaqhalo/indlela zokuthetha. Iindlela zokuthetha ngembeko namabinzana okubulela Ngokulandelelana ngamaxesha Izenzi Isixando sokwenziwa yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo Literature study Reading for comprehension. Features and conventions Panel discussion Summary writing Literature study Panel discussion Features and conventions Literature study Reading for comprehension. Features and conventions READING AND VIEWING Uhlaziyo Uhlaziyo Transactional texts: Report/review etc. Focus on process writing. Page 104 Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions. Ukubhala nokunikezela Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Format and features of chosen text. Language structures and conventions . Transactional text Focus on process writing. WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Introducing a speaker/vote of thanks: GRADE 10 Ukuhlaziywa kweetekisi ezisesikweni ezifundiweyo Ingxoxo engekho sesikweni yeklasi neyeqela Ukuhlaziywa kweetekisis ezisesikweni ezifundiweyo Ingxoxo engekho sesikweni yeklasi neyamaqela ISIFUNDO: ISIXHOSA FAL Ukufunda nokubukela IBANGA LE-12 Ukuphulaphula nokuthetha LISTENING AND SPEAKING FOURTH QUARTER Iimviwo zokuphela konyaka / zangaphandle UKUHLOLA IKOTA YOKU- 4 ISIXHOBO SOKULANDELA OKUFUNDISIWEYO Uhlaziyo Uhlaziyo yokusetyenziswa kolwimi Izakhi nemigaqo READING AND VIEWING Literature study Reading for comprehension. Features and conventions Panel discussion Summary writing Literature study Panel discussion Features and conventions Literature study Reading for comprehension. Features and conventions Format and features of chosen text. Language structures and conventions. Prepare for examination: writing and presenting: essays, transactional texts. Focus on: process writing WRITING AND PRESENTING Page 105 Format and features of chosen text Language structures and conventions. Transactional texts: Report/review etc. Focus on process writing. Focus on: process writing. Language structures and conventions. 1X essay: Narrative/descriptive/argumentative. Format and features of chosen text. Language structures and conventions Transactional text Focus on process writing. WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Introducing a speaker/vote of thanks: GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FORTH QUARTER PAPER 4 - Oral PAPER 3 – Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS TASK 11 ASSESSMENT Forum/group/panel discussion features and Preparer for exams conventions, applying conventions LISTENING AND SPEAKING READING AND VIEWING External examination External examination External examination External examination External examination External examination External examination External examination External examination Prepare for examination by using previous examination papers Prepare for examination by using previous examination papers WRITING AND PRESENTING Page 106 External examination External examination External examination Prepare for examination by using previous examination papers Oral moderation ASSESSMENT Prepare for examination by using previous examination papers ENGLISH HL/ AFRIKAANS HT Oral moderation GRADE 12 READING AND VIEWING Format and features of chosen text. Language structures and conventions. Prepare for examination: writing and presenting: essays, transactional texts. Focus on: process writing WRITING AND PRESENTING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FOURTH QUARTER PAPER 4 - Oral PAPER 3 – Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS TASK 11 ASSESSMENT Forum/group/panel discussion features Prepare for exams and conventions, applying conventions LISTENING AND SPEAKING Literary text 13: Listening: Literary texts (enrichment Revision: PAPER 4 - Oral PAPER 3 – Writing PAPER 2 – Literature PAPER 1 – Language in context END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS TASK 11 ASSESSMENT Literary texts (enrichment) Listening for appreciation Revision/ concluding lesson Literary text 14: Intensive reading. Reading for Critical Language Awareness Page 107 Examination preparation. Letter Summary writing Writing: Writing: WRITING AND PRESENTING ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Critical listening of recorded or read text GRADE 10 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FOURTH QUARTER Dictionary work. Polite forms and stock phrases Passive and active voice . Passive and active voice. Denotation and connotation. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS END OF THE YEAR EXAMS END OF THE YEAR EXAMS External examinations External examinations External examinations External examinations External examinations Page 108 External examinations External examinations External examinations Use previous question papers for revision Informal class and group discussion in preparation for examination. ASSESSMENT Use previous question papers for revision Informal class and group discussion in preparation for examination. ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT READING AND VIEWING GRADE 12 LISTENING AND SPEAKING FOURTH QUARTER END OF THE YEAR EXAMS END OF THE YEAR EXAMS Literary texts (enrichment) Revision: ASSESSMENT Literary text 14: Listening for appreciation Literary text 12: Listening: note taking practice of procedure. Literary text 13: Reading for Critical Language Awareness Literary text 11: ENGLISH FAL/ AFRIKAANS EAT Critical listening of recorded or read text GRADE 11 READING AND VIEWING LISTENING AND SPEAKING FOURTH QUARTER External examinations External examinations External examinations External examinations Use previous question papers for revision Use previous question papers for revision WRITING AND PRESENTING END OF THE YEAR EXAMS END OF THE YEAR EXAMS Examination preparation. Revision of any form for final exams. END OF THE YEAR EXAMS END OF THE YEAR EXAMS Polite forms and stock phrases of thanks. Passive and active voice. Passive and active voice. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS External examinations External examinations External examinations External examinations Use previous question papers for revision Use previous question papers for revision LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS Writing: a procedural text. Focus on Process writing Rewrite a text to remove prejudice WRITING AND PRESENTING YES (Please tick) 1.4 Provincial Subject Improvement REMEDIAL ACTION Page 109 Annexure B Curriculum Coverage Tool Page 1 of 4 NO (Please tick) 1. COMPLIANCE TO CAPS FOCUS AREAS CURRICULUM COVERAGE MONITORING TOOL – FET (GRADES 10 – 12) 1.1 Is the number of teaching hours compliant with CAPS policy documents? 1.2 Do teachers have CAPS policy documents? 1.3 Do teachers have the following documents and equipment: DATE OF VISIT GRADE NAME OF SUBJECT TEACHER/S NAME OF SCHOOL NAME OF SUBJECT NAME OF SUBJECT ADVISOR / EDO / SUBJECT PLANNER NAME OF DISTRICT COMMENTS Annexure B CURRICULUM COVERAGE: GRADES 10 -­‐ 12 ANNEXURE B 2.1 Are teachers following the Annual Teaching Plan / work schedule? (Use Assessment Instruction on Curriculum Coverage Annexure A to ascertain progress) 1.6 Individual Subject Improvement Plan? 1.7 SBA Assessment Instruction & Management Plan for the current year? 1.8 District SBA programme/schedule of cluster meetings? 1.9 Enough equipment for Practical subjects? 1.10 Does the teacher receive consumables for practical subjects as required? 1.11 CAPS compliant textbooks for the subject? 1.12 Do ALL learners have a CAPS compliant textbook for the subject? 1.13 Do learners have previously printed distributed LTSM e.g. Newspaper supplements (2011,12) Study Guides; Provincial notes on selected topics Plans? 1.5 District Subject Improvement Plans? YES (Please tick) REMEDIAL ACTION Page 110 Annexure B Curriculum Coverage Tool Page 2 of 4 NO (Please tick) 2. CONTENT (TEACHING & LEARNING) COMMENTS 3.1 Does the school have a Programme of Assessment in place? 3.2 Is the teacher adhering to the Programme of Assessment? 3.3 Has the PAT been completed as per policy / Assessment Instruction? 3.4 Is there clear evidence of moderation of assessment tasks? 3.5 Is there clear alignment of dates of completion of content and assessment tasks? 4 weeks or more - 2 weeks behind YES (Please tick) YES (Please tick) YES (Please tick) REMEDIAL ACTION Page 111 Annexure B Curriculum Coverage Tool Page 3 of 4 NO (Please tick) NO (Please tick) NO (Please tick) NO (Please tick) 3. ASSESSMENT …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… YES (Please tick) 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.4 What are the identified reasons? 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.3 Which areas of content have teachers not covered? List the areas 3 weeks behind ahead (Use Assessment Instruction on Curriculum Coverage Annexure A to ascertain progress) Up to date 1 week behind 2.2 How far are teachers with their Annual Teaching Plan / Work schedule? COMMENTS Term 1 YES (Please tick) Term 2 Term 3 Complete when applicable NO (Please tick) Term 4 Task Date completed Task Date completed Task Date completed Task Page 112 Annexure B Curriculum Coverage Tool Page 4 of 4 SUBJECT TEACHER …………………………………………... PRINCIPAL ………………………DATE ……………………………………… NAME OF SUBJECT ADVISOR / EDO / SUBJECT PLANNER …………………………………. SIGNATURE ……………………………… 3.7 Please list SBA assessment Tasks completed 3.6 Is there correlation between learner evidence of work and the teacher file? Date completed SCHOOL STAMP