Mohd Fadhil Md Din - Curriculum Vitae

U N I V E R S I T I T E K N O L O G I M A L AY S I A , 8 1 3 1 0 U T M S K U D A I ,
P H O N E : + 6 0 7 5 5 7 6 1 6 0 e x t . 3 1 5 3 0 • FA X : + 6 0 7 5 5 6 6 1 5 7
HANDPHONE: 019-7347878
• E-MAIL:,
We b s i t e : h t t p : / / c i v i l . u t m . m y / m f a d h i l /
M O H D FA D H I L M D D I N ( P h D , P. E n g , I WA , M WA ,
Identity Card No: 770603045541 / A3516494
Nationality: Malaysian
Date of Birth: 3 June 1977
Place of Birth: Malacca, Malaysia
Marital Status: Married
Date Appointed: 20th. October, 2001 as UTM permanent academic staff
Current Position : Director of Sustainability Campus (UTM CS) (2015 – 2017)
Training Manager, IPASA, UTM (2009 – 2011)
Head of Environmental Laboratory (2007 - 2009)
IT Manager of IPASA (2012 – to date)
Senior Advisor of Heat Island Solution (M) Sdn Bhd (2013 – to date)
2002 - 2005 UTM and Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands (Collaboration
PhD (Environmental Biotechnology) and (Civil Engineering)
1999 - 2001 UTM and Technical University of Denmark
M.Eng (Environmental Engineering)
1995 - 1999 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor
B.Eng (Civil-Eng.)(Hons)
1991 - 1994 Sekolah Menengah Seri Tanjong, Melaka
Secondary School
1984 - 1990 Sekolah Kebangsaan Tangga Batu, Melaka
Primary School
See attachment
See attachment
6. SAM 5052 (PROFESSIONAL PROJECT) - Sewerage Project
 Academic management / administration (special emphasis on internationalization, research
and innovation, and working on the cooperative collaborations);
 Assisting the undergraduate and postgraduate studies in related field;
 Wide experience in advanced training, consultancy, research, academic publications;
 Good experience in networking among academics and industries, both local and international
 Skillful in project management, and negotiation;
 Good exposure in marketing, commercialization, project appraisal and human resource
management; and
 Excellent in public speaking and communication.
 Have an experience with networking and New Academia strategy to boost the potential
Research-Business Model within association of universiti’s alumni
 Management and administration. Involved in strategic planning particularly on
internationalization and world-class status; financial and administrative; academic and nonacademic matters. Research and publications committee member; join a center of excellence
on water and environmental management,
 Professional development programs for professionals and business leaders in the area of
environmental management and water resources under WET Program (Water Executive
 Lecturing in environmental science and engineering for undergraduate and postgraduate
courses, specializing in water and wastewater treatment, biotechnology and bioengineering,
fundamental chemical sciences, river rehabilitation, particularly issues related to developing
 Preparation and delivery of short course and training on water and wastewater engineering,
solid/industrial waste management and cleaner production,
 Wide experience in water and wastewater laboratories using the state-of-the-art experimental
methods and wastewater design and technologies,
 Computer modelling on water quality control, particularly ASIM, WEST and Qual2E,
 Initiator of various educational and infrastructural projects on environmental engineering,
 Manager and facilitator on various activities pertaining to human resource development,
 Writing and communication skills and public speaking, and
 Public relation and networking among professionals, businessmen, bureaucrats and public
(My areas of expertise have been chronologically developed through my formal training and professional
involvement, particularly through my research and consultancy services. About 40% of my time is devoted to
research and advisory services on wastewater modelling, 40% of bioprocess for wastewater treatment, and the rest on
other subject matters as shown below).
 Environmental Biotechnology in Tropical Condition:- Macroalgae Forestration in
Contaminated Marine Water for Energy Recovery
 Environmental Sustainability:- Design and Technical Option for Sanitation System in Urban
and Rural Area
 Environmental Technology and Sustainability:- Cooling Urban Heat Island (UHI) for
Controlling Local Warming and Climatic Changes
 Biotechnology in Tropical Condition:- Biodegradable Plastic from Palm Oil Mill Effluent,
Microalgae Grown Culture for Biodiesel Production
 Biological Wastewater Treatment:- Wastewater Characterization, Industrial Wastewater, PHA
Production & Modeling, Nutrient Removal, Nutrient Recovery
 Hazardous Waste Management:- Reclamation, Reuse & Recycle
 River rehabilitation and modeling:- Design, Control & Modeling
 Clean Technology:- Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention
 Environmental Policy and Philosophy - Policy Formulation, Standards, Environmentalism,
Water tariff and financing models, Water sustainability, Conservation
 Risk Assessment and Hazard Impacts - Drinking water, Inhalations, Safety and Health,
BLEVE and Quantitative Analysis
 Bioparticles, Biofilter Technology - Styrene rich wastewater, textile, domestic waste, bioseptic
design and applications.
Student: Beate Cristgen (completed)
Degree: M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering) Thaught course Newcastle University
Topic: The effects of depth and flowrate on waste stabilisation pond performance
Period: April-September 2004
Student: Rosie Dunlop (completed)
Degree: M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering) Thaught course Newcastle University
Topic: Production and field evaluation of low-technology ceramic potable water filters in the JB
region, Malaysia
Period: April-September 2004
Student: Adam Rolf (completed)
Degree: M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering) Thaught course Newcastle University
Topic: Critical flux in membrane bioreactors for palm oil mill effluent
Period: April-September 2004
Student: James Keating (completed)
Degree: M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering) Thought course Newcastle University
Topic: Granular sludge development in a sequencing batch reactor using palm oil mill effluent in
a tropical country
Period: April-September 2004
Student: Ms Rohani Razak (not complete)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) Research
Topic: PHA accumulation from POME
Status: Started, Nov 2003
Student: Ms. Salmiati Muhd Yunus (completed)
Degree: PhD (Engineering) Research
Student: Mr. Ting Ding Kiat, P. Eng (quit) – move to company
Degree: MAK (Environmental) Research
Role: Supervisor
Topic: Hybrid-Activated Sludge from POME
Student: Ms. Khairun Nadwah Ramali, M. Eng (complete)
Degree: MAS (Environmental Management) Taught Course
Role: Co-Supervisor
Topic: Environmental Management Plan for Water Quality Modelling
Student: Ms. Erissa Putri Viona (completed)
Degree: MAK (Environmental) Research
Role: Supervisor
Topic: Growing Lipid Rich Microalgae Using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) and Glucose For
Raw Biodiesel Material Production
Student: Ms. Thian Xio Yun (completed) – MA083041
Degree: MAK (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Lipid Production For Energy Recovery from POME Using Chlorella pyrenodoisa in
Hybrid- Photobioreactor
Student: Ms. Lavania a/p Baloo (quit)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Supervisor
Topic: Marine Macroalgae Tank Culture as Water Pollution Control and Greenhouse Gaseous
(GHG) Prevention from Shrimp Pond Waste
Student: Ms Rohani Razak (completed)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Taught
Topic: Malaysian Wastewater Coefficient Using Respirometric and Batch Analysis
Status: Started, Oct 2009
Student: Ms Farha Aziz (completed)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Taught
Topic: Green Wall Building and Impact to Climatic Change
Status: Started, Oct 2009
Student: Ms Hazlini Dzinun (completed) 860904405036 (MA093025)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Thermal Behaviour Of Materials For Vertical Surfaces In Johor Bahru City To Mitigate
Urban Heat Island (UHI)
Status: Started, Jan 2010
Student: Ms Maizatul Sario (quit – No Reason)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Mixed Mode
Topic: Empirical Model of Urban Heat Island (UHI) in Johor Bahru
Status: Started, Jan 2010
Student: Ms. Nur Nabilah Abdullah, M. Eng (quit - work as JKR officer)
Degree: MAK (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Wastewater Inventory and GIS Application for Melana catchment
Student: Ms Ikmazatul Hamzah (completed)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Mixed Mode
Topic: Study on Coating Colors And EPS Geofoam Application for Roofing and Wall Structure
Status: Started, Jan 2010
Student: Ms Lailifiza Ishak (quit – No reason)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Mixed Mode
Topic: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mobile Incinerator For MSW Management in Malaysia Case
Status: Started, Jan 2010
Student: Ms Norhady M. Amin (completed)
Degree: MEng (Environmental Engineering) by Mixed Mode
Topic: Noise Prediction and Modelling at Nusajaya Case Study
Status: Started, Jan 2010
Student: Ms. Noor Fairuzah Mohd Asnawi (850116035004) - Completed
Degree: Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Biological Nutrient Removal by using Hybrid Sequencing Batch Reactor of POME
Student: Ms Fadzlin Md Sairan (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Decision Support System (DSS) for Carbon Footprint from WWTP
Status: Started, July 2010
Student: Mr Saberi Mawi (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Mini Oudoor Bioreticulation System for Aquaculture and Bioremediation
Role : Main supervisor
Status: Started, July 2010
Student: Ms. Eeydzah Aminuddin (on-going) 870513015072 (PA103107)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Application of Recycled Expanded Polystrene Insulfoam (RePI) in Construction
Role: Main supervisor
Status: Started, Jan 2011
Student: Mrs Maizatul Asnie Mohd Aris (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Micropollutant Recovery from Wastewater
Role: Co-supervisor
Status: Started, July 2011
Student: Ms. Rafidah Shahperi (on-going) 840521045282 (PA103164)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) for the removal of recalcitrant micro-pollutants in
wastewater treatment system
Role : Main supervisor
Status: Started, July 2011
Student: Mr. Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) by Research
Topic: UHI study in Iskandar Malaysia
Role: Main supervisor
Status: Started, July 2011
Student: Ms. Euniza Anak Jusli (quit – offer as Structural student)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Microalgae Optimization
Student: Mr. Hesam Kamyab (H12029775) (on-going) NRIC/Passport : 200812M10070
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research- Matric No : PA113029
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Fatty Acid Factors for Raw Biodiesel Production
Status : Started, September 2011
Student: Ms. Low Wen Pei (870819565050) - PA113010
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Cappucino River: Natural Bioremediation System for Treating River Water Pollution
Status : Started, July 2011
Student: Teh Zee Chuang (860610235721) (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Agar-agar extraction from seaweed cultures for metal recovery
Status: Started, September 2011
Student: Lee Yee Yong (870916525800) – PA11309 (on-going)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Impact of Thermal Behavior and Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Towards Human Safety
and Health
Status : Started, July 2011
Student: Nurul Ashikin Asari (840711085592)
Degree: MSc (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Construction Wetland and Bioparticle Application in Domestic Wastewater
Student: Mohd Aznor Lamat (790602055033)
Degree: MSc (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Carbon Footprint from Industrial Estates
Student: SHAHABALDIN REZANIA (I13871780) – PA113070
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Bioethanol raw material from water hyacinth as the alternative energy-fuel and
bioremediation process
Status: Started, November 2011
Student: ASMA CHINIGAR ZADEH (R6962467) – PA113063
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Microalgae from Hybrid Reactor for PHA and Biodiesel
Status: Started, July 2011
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: A study to improve drinking water supply for remote area via low-cost technology of gravit
y feed system
Status: Started, July 2011
Student: NOR 'ATIYYAH BINTI MOHAMED (871005115266) (P121311602)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Biomass Briquette from Water Hyacinth as Alternative Energy
Status: Started, September 2012
Student: SITI FATIMAH BINTI KAMARUDDIN (881201566186) (M121314796)
Degree: Master (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Extracted Agar-agar Seaweed for Precious Metal Recovery
Status: Started, September, 2012
Student: EZUWANA AHMAD (830520015226) (PA123014)
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research
Role: Main Supervisor
Topic: Environmental Management System in Sustainability Environment
Status: Started, September, 2012
Student: SIVATHASS BANNIR SELVAM (861231435621 ) (PD113020).
Degree: PhD (Environmental) Research.
Role: Co-Supervisor.
Topic: Anaerobic and Seaweed Treatment for Leachate. Status: Started, September, 2012
Student: RAHMAH ZALANI (ML12002).
Degree: Master (Environmental Engineering) Mixed Mode Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Topic: Thermal Flux Behavior of Coated Painting Material and Aerated Concrete Developnt
Status: Started, March, 2013
Degree: Master (Environmental Engineering) Research.
Role: Co-Supervisor.
Topic: Application of Existing SBR to Produce PHA from POME.
Status: Started, March, 2013
Student: NURAFIFFAH BTE MOHD NOOR (911010115678)(M131410388).
Degree: Master (Environmental Engineering) Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Topic: Application of Macrophyte and Microalgae for Agricultural Livestock.
Status: Started, June, 2013
Student: NURAZMIRA ZAINUDDIN (861205385050)(P131410182).
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering) Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Topic: Enhancement of Bioethanol Production from Water Hyacinth By Combining White Rod
Status: Started, June, 2013
Student: NOR SYAHIDAH ZULKAPLI (910124-06-5360) (MA133005).
Degree: Master of Engineering (Environment) Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Status: Started, June, 2013
Student: DIANAH BINTI MAZLAN (880816045024) (PA133061).
Degree: PhD (Environmental Engineering)
Research. Role: Supervisor.
Topic: Nanocrystalize Concrete for Thermal Combating Impact.
Status: Started, February, 2015
Student: FATIN ASYIKIN BINTI ALIAS (911029015714 ) (MKA143019).
Degree: Master of Engineering (Environment)
Research. Role: Co-Supervisor.
Topic: CFC Inventory Phase Out. Status: Started, February, 2015
Student: OOI THEAM YIEW (900605025475) (MKA143018).
Degree: Master of Engineering (Environment) Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Status: Started, February, 2015
Student: FATIMAH HAFIFAH BINTI MOHD HANAFI (911203115332) (MKA143020).
Degree: Master of Engineering (Environment) Research.
Role: Supervisor.
Status: Started, February, 2015
Oct 2007 to Jul 2009 Head of Environmental Laboratory, FKA
April 2007 to date
Manager (Training and Public Awareness) Fellow - Institute of
Environmental and Water Resource (IPASA)
January 2007 to date
Manager of Research and Development for Industrial Training
September 2008
Kumpulan Kerja Stationary Source Emissions for Malaysian Standard,
SIRIM Berhad.
September 2008
Committee of Research University Task Force
November 2008
Program Leader of Waste Management Task Force - Institute of
Environmental and Water Resource (IPASA)
January 2009 to date
Task Force for Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor 2008, Faculty of Civil
Jan - Dec 2010
Committee of Teaching Laboratory, 2009, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Jan - March 2010
Committee of 1st IWA Malaysia Young Water Professional
International Conference
April 2009
Committee of TechnoFund Research Grant for "Riverbank Filteration
System for Treating Polluted Water"
March 2009
Committee of TechnoFund Research Grant for "Wasteload Early
Detection and Warning System for River Rehabilitation and
September 2009
Committee on National Colloquiums on Water Demand Management,
19 - 21 Oct 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Organized by MyWP.
January 2010 to date
Committee on Academic Performance Audit (APA) for Postgraduate
January 2010
Committee on Postgraduate Seminar on Water Sustainability 2010.
Organized by UNESCO-IHE
June 2010
Facilitator for Summer Course 2010: Managing Water Environment in
Tropical Countries
June 2010
Supervisor for Summer Course 2010: Sustainable Production Practising Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
June 2010
Facilitator for Research Methodology 2010
June 2010
Marketing Committee for Postgraduate Course
July - Jun 2012
Task Force Program Service Learning, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Jan 2011 - date
Task Farce Program "Key Focus Area (KFA)" Asset and Facilities Eutrophication Treatment of UTM Lake - Project Leader
June 2011
Facilitator for Research Methodology 2010 - Statistical in Experiment
July 2011
Jan 2011 - date
Task Force Training and Research MyWA
Kumpulan Kerja Stationary Source Emissions for Malaysian Standard,
SIRIM Berhad.
Jun 2012- date
Task Force MQA of Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM
April 2013
Committee of Curriculum Advisor, Diploma of Environmental Engineering
(DAS), Politeknik KPT
Sept 2013
Committee of Academic Quality Award of Faculty of Civil Engineering
Technical Committee of 7th International Symposium of Environmental
Leaders 2014.
July 2014
1. Mohd Fadhil Md Din dan Azmi Aris (1999) "Pra Olahan Sisa Pewarna Reaktif
Menggunakan Teknik Foto." Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Tesis Sarjana Muda.
2. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Azmi Aris dan Razman Mohd Salim (2001) "Olahan Sisa
Pewarna Reaktif dan Industri Tekstil Menggunakan Kaedah Pemangkinan Saput
Tipis TiO2 dan Sistem O3 Bermangkin." Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Tesis
3. Siti Kamariah Md Sa'at, Muzaffar Zainal Abideen dan Mohd Fadhil Md Din (2005).
Potensi Guna Semula Effluent Kilang Kelapa Sawit (EKKS) Menerusi Pendekatan
Sistem Berkelompok dengan Menggunakan Feast-Famine Regime" Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia. Tesis Sarjana Muda
4. Ain Nihla Kamarudzaman, Muzaffar Zainal Abideen dan Mohd Fadhil Md Din
(2005). Penghasilan Poli--Hidroksibutiret (PHB) daripada Effluent Kilang Kelapa
Sawit (EKKS) Menggunakan Sistem Mikroaerofilik-aerobik dan Kultur Campuran.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Tesis Sarjana Muda.
5. Aida Wee Sze Chia, Zaini Ujang dan Mohd Fadhil Md Din (2005). Poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Using
Mixed Cultures under Dynamically Transient Fed-Batch System. Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia. Tesis Sarjana Muda
6. Chiang Sheau Huey, Zaini Ujang and Mohd Fadhil Bin Md Din (2006). Poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Production from Cafeteria Waste under Anoxic and Aerobic
Conditions in Sequencing Batch Reactor. Tesis Sarjana Muda
7. Khoo Chia Ping, Zaini Ujang and Mohd Fadhil Bin Md Din (2006).
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) Production from Grey Water Using Aerobic Intermittent Feeding. Tesis Sarjana Muda
8. Mohd Fadhil Md Din (2007). Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production from Palm Oil
Mill Effluent and Mixed Microbial Culture. Tesis PhD
9. Rohaizah Muhammad (2007). Kesan Pembangunan Terhadap Kualiti Aras Hingar di
UTM, SKudai Johor. Tesis Sarjana Muda
10. Mohd Zulkarnain Mustafa Kamal (2007). Kajian Kandungan Logam Berat dalam
Sedimen di Tasik Berdekatan Arked Kolej 16. Tesis Sarjana Muda
11. Juliza Mohd Fuad Ngo (2007). Penilaian Kualiti Air Sungai UTM. Tesis Sarjana
12. Siti Norina Yatim (2007). Penilaian Kualiti Air Sungai di UTM - Kandungan Logam
Berat dan Parameter Biologi. Tesis Sarjana Muda.
13. Yusairi Ahmad (2007). Kajian Penerimaan Bahan Pencemar Terhadap Ternakan
Udang. Tesis Sarjana Muda
14. Sazali Samsudin (2007). Kajian Kualiti Kolam Udang di Gelang Patah (Kajian
Terhadap Sedimen). Tesis Sarjana Muda
15. Ahmad Fairuz Hazli (2007). Kajian Kualiti Air Kolam Udang dan Kesannya
Terhadap Sungai Persekitaran. Tesis Sarjana Muda.
16. Abu Bakar Amerudin (2007). Penggunaan Biopartikel di Kilang Petrokimia. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
17. Moey Chiew Erh Jacqueline (2007). Molecular and Cultivation Approaches for
Microbial Analysis of Palm Activated Sludge from PHA - Producing Reactor. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
18. Siti Haryani Chek Rani (2007). Analysis of Respirometric in Palm Oil Mill Effluent.
Tesis Sarjana Muda.
19. Siti Rafidah Mhd Nasir (2007). Solid Waste Management in UTM Using Mobile
Incinerator. Tesis Sarjana Muda.
20. Nurul Ashikin Asari (2008). Evaluation of Treatment Train as Water Treatment
System. Tesis Sarjana Muda
21. Murtini Muda (2008). Analysis of Gravel Pack System for Water Quality
Improvement at Sg. Bala, Johor. Tesis Sarjana Muda
22. Nurfarhain Mohamed Rusli (2008). Bioparticle Development in Treating StyreneRich Wastewater. Tesis Sarjana Muda
23. Nur Iryani Mohd Noor (2008). Re-evaluation of IST and IT Performance in Taman
Ungku Tun Aminah, Skudai Johor. Tesis Sarjana Muda
24. Siti Fariza Aidel (2008). Respirometric Analysis of Domestic Waste. Tesis Sarjana
25. Sabariah Abdul Rahman (2008). Water Quality Analysis for Reverse Osmosis and
Reboiling Processes. Tesis Sarjana Muda
26. Shaikhah Sabri (2008). Determination of River Quality Using Streeter-Phelps
Equation and Mass Balance. Tesis Sarjana Muda
27. Hazwani Hamzah (2008). Water Quality Analysis for Reusing Mineral Bottle. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
28. Mohd Sani Esa (2008). River Management Program for Batu Pahat's River. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
29. Ili Kamila Mohamed Adnan (2009). Characterization of Industrial Wastewater Using
COD Fractionation. Tesis Sarjana Muda
30. Nor Syaziana Mohd Radzi (2009). Biofilter Application in Treating Lechate
Effluent. Tesis Sarjana Muda
31. Rafidah Shahperi (2009). An Appraisal of the Potential Noise Impact from the
Expansion of Batu Berendam Airport. Tesis Sarjana Muda
32. Siti Norliza Amat Ramlay (2009). Study on the Effectiveness of Leachate Treatment
at Panchang Bedena, Ampar Tenang and Sungai Sedu Landfill, Selangor. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
33. Siti Norliyana Mohd Nor (2009). Wastewater Treatment Inventory at Melana
Catchment Using Best Project Option (BPO). Tesis Sarjana Muda
34. Teo Kem Sheng (2009). Biodegradation in septic tank (bioctec) application in
treating domestic waste. Tesis Sarjana Muda
35. Mohd Ismadi Nasri Mhamat Nasudin (2009). Risk Assessment In Airborne:
Qualitative Analysis for Industrial Processes. Tesis Sarjana Muda
36. Abdul Hadi Abdullah (2010). Application of Bioparticle and Constructed Wetlands
in Treatind Domestic Wastewater. Tesis Sarjana Muda
37. Ahmad Zaiyyad Idrus (2010). Biofilter Application for Leachate Treatment. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
38. Asmahani Abu (2010). Mobile Incinerator for Medical Waste. Tesis Sarjana Muda
39. Faridahanim Ahmad (2010). Rainwater Harvesting in Industrial Area. Tesis Sarjana
40. Mohd Azry Hazwan Zainol (2010). Extraction of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)
from Anaerobic Pond under Aerobic Feast - Famine Regime. Tesis Sarjana Muda
41. Nor Alyani Ali (2010). Rainwater Harvesting for Non-Potable Uses in UTM
42. Nor Hidayah Haspar (2010). Potential of Using Natural Product And Environmental
Energy In Wastewater Treatment Plant. Tesis Sarjana Muda.
43. Nurhafizah Zakaria (2010). Urban Wastewater Design Towards Effectiveness
Management. Tesis Sarjana Muda
44. Siti Norasyikin Abd Aziz (2010). A Cultivation of Chlorella Vulgaris Under
Heterotrophic Condition For Growth And Lipid Production In Various Wastes. Tesis
Sarjana Muda
45. Ahmad Izzuddin A. Ghani (2010). Application of Bioparticle and Constructed
Wetland in Treating Wet Market Wastewater. Tesis Sarjana Muda
46. Muslimah Abdul@Abdul Rahman (2010). Kajian Penilaian Terhadap Kesedaran
Pelan Pematuhan Pengurusan Alam Sekitar untuk Aktiviti Pembinaan di Nusajaya,
Johor. Tesis Sarjana Muda
47. Nurhaniza Mohd Ajis (2010). Urban Heat Island (UHI) Impact at Jalan Tunku Abdul
Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. Tesis Sarjana Muda
48. Zaharah Zainuddin (2010). Assessment on Awareness Study of Environmental
Management Compliance Plan (EMCP) for Land Activity at SILC, Nusajaya Johor.
Tesis Sarjana Muda
49. Rafidah Shahperi (2010). Prediction on Water Quality of Point Source Pollution for
Lunchoo River. Tesis Sarjana
50. Norhady M. Amin (2011). Noise Prediction towards Construction Site at Nusajaya
Case Study. Tesis Sarjana
51. Abdul Hadi Mohamad (2011). Microalgae Cultivation from Photobioreactor for
Nutrient Removal. Tesis Sarjana Muda
52. Aslizam Hassan Basri (2011). Microalgae Cultivation Using Various Sources
Organic Substrates High Lipid Content. Tesis Sarjana Muda
53. Norfazilah Mohamad (2011). Comparison of Synthetic Natural Organic Matter
(NOM) and Endocrine Disrupting Chemical (EDC) Element Performance using
Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane. Tesis Sarjana Muda
54. Nur Hazira Nawi (2011). Investigation of Gracilaria Edulis with Different Carbon
Dioxide Concentration Using Shrimp and Brackish Water. Tesis Sarjana Muda
55. Tuan Nor Hazwani Tuan Soh (2011). Solar Radiation and Surface Temperature, its
Relation to the Urban Heat Island (UHI). Tesis Sarjana Muda
56. Khairil Fizri Mohd Razali (2011). Water Quality Assessment For Recreational
Purposes At Inland UTM-KL Lake. Tesis Sarjana Muda
57. Noor Amirah Abdul Aziz (2011). Optimization of Lipid Content in Microalgae
Biomass using Diluted Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) By Varying Nutrient Ratio.
Tesis Sarjana Muda
58. Sophia Anak Jimy (2011). The Effect of Air Pollutants on Urban Heat Island (UHI)
Phenomena by Infrared Thermography and Solar Radiation. Tesis Sarjana Muda
59. Wan Muhammad Adib Wan Abdullah (2011). Application of Constructed Wetland in
Treating Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Tesis Sarjana Muda
60. Mohd Farhan Baharuddin (2011). Kajian Terhadap Pencemaran Hasil Daripada
Aktiviti Pelupusan Sisa Buangan di Tapak Pelupusan Sisa Selamat. Tesis Sarjana
61. Mohd Nasir Saad (2011). Penilaian Kesan Hakisan Tanah Dan Langkah-Langkah
Kawalan Bagi Pembangunan Tanah Di Kuala Lumpur. Tesis Sarjana Muda
62. Nor Zulkiflee Salzi (2011). Mengkaji kesan pembuangan air sisa dari loji rawatan
air Sungai Klau, Raub, Pahang. Tesis Sarjana Muda
63. Syamsul Fazli Mustar (2011). Kesan Banjir Kilat Di Melaka Akibat Faktor
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13. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zaini Ujang, Mark van Loosdrecht, Salmiati Muhd Yunus,
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14. S. Muhd Yunus, Z. Ujang, M. R. Salim, M. F. Md Din and M. A. Ahmad (2007).
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18. Chelliapan, S., Yuzir, A., Md Din, M.F. and Sallis, P.J. (2010) Anaerobic PreTreatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater using Packed Bed Reactor. International
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19. Rosnani Alkaramiah, Siti Baizura Mahat, Ali Yuzir, Mohd Fadhil Md Din,
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20. Hazlini Dzinun, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zainura Zainun Noor, Dilshah Remaz,
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21. Rosnani Alkarimiah, Siti Baizura Mahat, Ali Yuzir, Mohd. Fadhil Md. Din* and
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22. Md. Din, M.F., Shahperi, R. Chelliapan, S. (2012). Assessment on the permittance
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23. Erisa Viony Putri, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zubair Ahmed, Haryati and
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24. Siti Haryani Che Rani, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohd Badrudin Moh Yusof,
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25. Rafidah Shahperi, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zulhilmi Ismail, Shreeshivadasan
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Lunchoo River. Environment and Natural Resources Research. 1(1). ISSN 19270488 E-ISSN 1927-0496. 130 – 138
26. Rafiu O. Yusuf, Zainura Z. Noor, Ahmad H. Abba, Mohd Ariffin Abu Hassan and
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27. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Hazlini Dzinun, M. Ponraj, Shreshivadasan Chelliapan,
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effect on exterior wall surface of building material at urban city area. International
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28. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Rafidah Shahperi, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan.
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30. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Hazlini Dzinun, Ponraj Mohanadoss, Shreeshivadasan
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of heat impact behavior of wall building materials at urban city area. Journal of
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31. Md Din, M.F, Huey, S.C.., Salmiati, Ahmad, M. A., Ponraj, M , Shivddasan.S and
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32. Rafiu O.Yusuf a, Zainura Z. Noor a,n, Ahmad H. Abba a, Mohd Ariffin Abu Hassan
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33. Mohd. Fadhil. Md. Din, Ujang Zaini, Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Yunus, S.
Ponraj Mohanadoss, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan and Vasudeo Zambare
(2012). Development of Bio-PORecR System for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)
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34. Rafiu O. Yusof, Zainura Zainun Noor, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Ahmad H. Abba
(2012). Use of Sewage Sludge Ash (SSA) in the production of cement and concrete
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35. Mohd. Fadhil. Md. Din , Ponraj Mohanadoss, Fadzlin Mohd. Sairan, Zaini Ujang ,
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Centralized or Decentralized - Best Project Option (BPO) for Melana River Basin,
Malaysia. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology (ISSN: 2225-7217). VOL. 2,
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36. Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Siti Baizura Mahat, Mohd Fadhil Md. Din, A. Yuzir,
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37. Ahmad Halilu Abba, Zainura Zainon Noor, Rafiu O. Yusufa, Mohd Fadhil M.D.
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38. Parveen Fatemeh Rupani and Mohd Fadhil Md Din (2013). Sustainable
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39. Md Din, M.F., M. Ponraj, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, Z. Ujang, S. Chelliapan, V.
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40. Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanandas Ponraj, Kenzo
Iwao (2013). Thermal performance of developed coating material as cool pavement
material for tropical climate. Journal of Materials In Civil Engineering. Accepted
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41. Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Ali Yuzir, Mohd. Fadhil Md. Din, Aznah Nor Anuar,
Ponraj Mohanadoss, Paul J. Sallis. (2013) Impact of hydraulic retention time on the
performance and archaea populations of an anaerobic reactor treating synthetic
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42. Hesam Kamyab, Chew Tin Lee, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Shaza
Eva Mohamad, Mohsen Sohrabi (2013). Effects of nitrogen source on enhancing
growth conditions of green algae to produce higher lipid. Desalination and Water
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43. Wen-Pei Low, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Mohamad Ali
Fulazzaky, Kenzo Iwao, Ahmad Rahman Songip, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan
(2013). Application of Low Cost Fabricated Column Model for the Adsorption
Analysis of Pollutants from River Water Using Coconut Coir. Desalination and
0.9). DOI 10.1080/19443994.2013.853626. (Accepted: 20 September 2013)
44. How to City: A Practical Evident. Author: Prof. Kenzo Iwao, Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadhil
Md Din and Mohanandoss Ponraj. New Delhi Publisher, New Delhi, India. ISBN:
45. UHI Impact Assessment & Combating Heat-A Case Study in Malaysia (2013).
Author: Kenzo Iwao, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanandoss Ponraj. Lambert
Academic Publishing, Germany. ISSN: 978-3-659-46816-2. Pages 182
46. Lipid Production from POME: Using Microalgae Grown in Hybrid-Photobioreactor
(2013). Author: Thian Xiao Yun, Hesam Kamyab and Mohd Fadhil Md Din.
Lamber Academic Publishing, Germany. ISSN: 978-3-659-42092-2. Published
on 2013-08-28, Pages 124
47. Hesam Kamyab, Mohammad Soltani, Mohandoss Ponraj, Mohd Fadhil MD DIN,
Erisa Viony Putri (2013). A review on microalgae as potential lipid container with
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Vol. 1 (2). ISSN: 2309-1185. 76 – 80
48. Shahabaldin Rezania, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Fadzlin Md
Sairan, Siti Fatimah Kamaruddin (2013). Nutrient Uptake and Wastewater
Purification by Water Hyacinth and its Effect on Plant Growth in a Batch
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estimate greenhouse gas emissions from domestic wastewater treatment plant. Water
Practice & Technology Vol 8 No 3-4 pp425–432 © IWA Publishing
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50. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Yee Yong Lee, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Dilshan Remaz Ossen,
Kenzo Iwao, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2014). Thermal comfort of various
building layouts with a proposed Discomfort Index range for tropical climate.
Biology. 41.
51. Hesam Kamyaba, Mohd Fadhil Md Din* , Chew Tin Lee ,Mohanadoss Ponraj,
Mohammad Soltani, Shaza Eva Mohamad, Anahita Maslahaiti Roudi (2014). Micromacro Algal Mixture as a Promising Agent for Treating POME Discharge and Its
Potential Use as Animal Feed Stock Enhancer. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences &
Engineering). 58: 85–8
52. Hesam Kamyab; Chew Tin Lee; Mohd Fadhil Md Din; Shaza Eva Mohamad;
Ponraj Mohanadoss; Ameer Badr Khudhair; Anahita Maslahaiti Roudi
(2014). Biodiesel Production from Microalgae-Chlorella Sorokoniana. Australian
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 8(3). Pages: x-x.
53. Md Din, M.F., M. Ponraj, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, Z. Ujang, S. Chelliapan, V.
Zambare (2014). Utilization of palm oil mill effluent for polyhydroxyalkanoate
production and nutrient removal using statistical design. International Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology. 11(3). 671 – 684. ISSN: 1735 1472. DOI:
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54. Noor Hasyimah Rosman, Aznah Nor Anuar , , Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Mohd
Fadhil Md Din, Zaini Ujang (2014). Characteristics and performance of aerobic
granular sludge sequencing batch reactor treating rubber wastewater at different
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55. Hesam Kamyab, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Chew Tin Lee, Ali Keyvanfar, Arezou
Shafaghat, Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Thian Xiao Yun (2014).
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effluent (POME) using hybrid photo bioreactor (HPBR). Desalination and Water
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56. Veeramuthu Ashokkumar, Elango Agila, Zainal Salam, Mohanadoss Ponraj,Mohd
Fadhil Md Din, Farid Nasir Ani (2014). A study on large scale cultivation of
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57. Shahabaldin Rezania, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Md Sairan,
Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2014). Effectiveness of Eichhornia crassipes in
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58. Shahabaldin Rezania, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Ahmad Rahman
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applications of water hyacinth with main focus on sustainable energy and
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59. Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor, Mohd Fadhil MD, Ponraj, M., Kenzo Iwao,
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60. Nickholas, A., Mohd Fadhil MD, Ponraj, M., Karlvin, J., Shazwin, M.T., Kenzo I.,
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61. Mohd Fadhil Md Din; Yee Yong Lee; Mohanadoss Ponraj; Dilshan Remaz Ossen;
Kenzo Iwao; Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2014). Thermal comfort of various building
layouts with a proposed discomfort index range for tropical climate.Journal of Thermal
Biology. 41(1):6-15.
62. Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor; Mohd Fadhil Md Din; Mohanadoss Ponraj; Kenzo
Iwao (2014). Thermal performance of developed coating material as cool pavement
material for tropical regions. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 26(4):755-760.
63. Noor Hasyimah Rosman; Aznah Nor Anuar; Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan;Mohd Fadhil
Md Din; Zaini Ujang (2014). Characteristics and performance of aerobic granular
sludge treating rubber wastewater at different hydraulic retention time. Bioresource
Technology. 161: 155-161. (IF = 4.75)
64. Ravinder Kumar, Lakhveer Singh, Zularisam A. Wahid and Mohd Fadhil Md.
Din (2015). Exoelectrogens in microbial fuel cells toward bioelectricity generation: a
review. International Journal of Energy Research. Published online: 3 FEB 2015.
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65. Eeydzah Aminudin, Mohd Fadhil Md. Din, Mohd Warid Hussin, Kenzo Iwao,
Ponraj Mohanadoss & Yo Ichikawa (2015). PROPERTIES OF INDUSTRIAL
IN AERATED CONCRETE. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering. 27 Special
Issue (1):145-159
66. Lakhveer Singh, Kumar Ravinder, Ab Wahid Zularisam, Mohd Fadhil Md Din,
Abdul Shukor Abd Razak (2015). Bioelectricity Generation and Treatment of Sugar
Mill Effluent Using a Microbial Fuel Cell. Journal of APCBEE Procedia. 1 – 6.
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67. Hesam Kamyab, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Chew Tin Lee, Ali Keyvanfar, Arezou
Shafaghat, Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid, Mohanadoss Ponraj & Thian Xiao Yun (2015).
Lipid production by microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivated in palm oil mill
effluent (POME) using hybrid photo bioreactor (HPBR). Desalination and Water
Treatment. 55. 3737-3749 (IF = 1.173)
68. Hesam Kamyab, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Ali Keyvanfar, Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid,
Amirreza Talaiekhozani, Arezou Shafaghat, Chew Tin Lee, Lim Jeng Shiun, Hasrul
Haidar Ismail (2015). Efficiency of Microalgae Chlamydomonas on the Removal of
Pollutants from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Energy Procedia. 75. 2400 – 2408
70. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Azmi Aris, Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar dan Razman Mohd
Salim (2001) "Influence of Varying Reacting Conditions in the Degradation of Azo
Dye Using Immobilised TiO2 Photocatalysis." IWA Conference, Kuala Lumpur. 29 31 Oct.
71. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Azmi Aris, Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar dan Razman Mohd
Salim (2000). "Fotodegradasi Heterogeneous Orange-G Dengan Kehadiran Pelbagai
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72. Salmiati Muhd Yunus, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohd Razman Salim, Yusof Ahmad,
Ahmad Mahir Makhtar (2001) "Analisis Kimia Ke atas Jermang Keluli Tempatan
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74. Salmiati Muhd Yunus, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohd Razman Salim, Yusof Ahmad,
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75. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Azmi Aris, Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar dan Razman Mohd
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76. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Azmi Aris, Razman Mohd Salim and Johan Sohaili (2002).
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77. Mohd Razman Salim, Salmiati Muhd Yunus, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Kusumo
Wardani (2003). "Application of Zeolite in Improving Treatment Performance
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78. Muzaffar Zainal Abideen, Azmi Aris and Mohd Fadhil Md Din "Comparison
between Several Advanced Oxidation Processes Techniques in Azo Dye
Degradation". Published at IWA Conference 2003, Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
79. Yunus, S.M., Salim, M.R., and Md Din, M.F. (2003). Study of Sewage Treatment
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on Environmental Biotechnology 2003. 9-10 December. Mutiara Hotel, Kuala
Lumpur: WEMS, 63-71.
80. Sairan, F.M., Ujang, Z., Salim, M.R. and Md Din, M.F. (2003). Architecture of
Decision Support System for WASDA: The Module for Sequencing Batch Reactor.
IWA Conference on Environmental Biotechnology 2003. 9-10 December. Mutiara
Hotel, Kuala Lumpur: WEMS, 47-55.
81. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., M.C.M. van Loosdrecht (2004). Specific Determination in
PHB Production Using Selected Fed-Batch Cultivation: Potential of Mixed Cultures
under Various Temperatures at high Oil Concentration. Asian Water Conference on
Water and Wastewater 2004. 1 - 2 April. The Mines, Seri Kembangan, Kuala
82. Md Din, M.F., Zaini Ujang, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, Razak, R., Wee, A. and Md
Sairan, F. (2004). Effects on significant COD/N ratio to poly- -hydroxybutyrates
(PHBs) production as a common of biodegradable plastic material using fed-batch
mixed cultures: a novel strategy from renewable resources. SEPKA 2004. Organized
by Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM Skudai. 1-2 September 2004. 110 - 123
83. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M, Razak, R., Yunus, S.M., Wee, A.
and Sairan, M.F. (2004).
Oxygen modification in inducing poly- hydroxybutyrates (PHBs) production from readily waste using favourable fed-batch
mixed cultures. Submitted and presented for COSTAM 2004. Hotel Golden Palace,
Seri Kembangan, Kuala Lumpur. 5 – 7 October 2004.
84. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, A., Zainal Abideen, M.
(2005). Reclamation of Renewable Resources in Palm Oil Industry as an Integrity
Strategy for PHA Production and Nutrient Removal. Submitted and presented for
International Science Congress 2005 (ISC 2005). PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, 3 - 6
August 2005.
85. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, S.K., Ahmad, A, Zainal
Abideen, M.. (2005). PHA Production and Nutrient Removal from POME as
Alternative Strategy in Waste Minimization and Reclaimation. Submitted and
presented for Malaysian Science and Technology Congress 2005 (MSTC 2005).
Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur, 18 - 20 April 2005
86. Md Din, M.F., Kamarudzaman, A.N., Ujang, Z., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Hussein,
A, Ahmad, A., Zainal Abideen, M.
Dynamic Optimization on
Microaerophilic Condition for Organic Reduction and Biodegradable Plastic
Production Using Single Fed-Batch Mixed Cultures. Submitted and presented for
International Conference on Governing for Sustainability in the Asia Pacific.
Mariott Hotel, Putrajaya, 12 - 14 April 2005
87. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, A. and Sairan, M.F.
Optimization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Limitation for Better
Biodegradable Plastic Production and Organic Removal Using Single Fed-Batch
Mixed Cultures and Renewable Resources. Presented for 1st IWA-Aspire (Asia
Pacific Regional Group). Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore. 10 - 15 July 2005
88. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, A., Mat Sa'ad, S.K.,
Zainal Abideen, M. "PHA Production from POME as an Alternative Strategy in
Waste Recovery". Submitted to Brunei International Conference on Engineering &
Technology (BICET 2005), The Centrepoint Hotel, Brunei. 15 - 18 August 2005.
89. Sairan, F.M., Ujang, Z. and Md Din, M.F. (2005). WASDA as a Decision Support
System for Membrane Process: The Case of MBR and RO. Presented for 1 st IWAAspire (Asia Pacific Regional Group). Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore. 10 - 15 July
90. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, A. (2006).
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Storage of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) under
Various Aerobic Dynamic Feeding Conditions in Bio-PORec. Presented in Beijing,
China. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, 2006. Beijing International
Convention Centre. 10 - 14 September
91. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M (2006). Conversion of Palm Oil
Waste to Biopolymer Material Using Bio-PORec® System.
Presented at
ASIAWATER 2006. March 22, 23
92. Yunus, S.M., Ujang, Z., Salim, M.R., Md Din, M.F. (2006). Recovery Technology
for Renewable Organic-Based Products from Palm Oil Mill Effluents (POME).
Presented at ASIAWATER 2006. March 22, 23.
93. Md Din, M.F., Ujang, Z., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Ahmad, A. and Yunus, S.M.
(2006). Storage of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in Fed-Batch Mixed Cultures
using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Presented at JSPS-VCC, The Pulai Desaru
Beach, Kota Tinggi, Johor. 11 - 13 July
94. Salim, M.R., Ujang, Z., Yunus, S.M. Md Din, M.F., and Ahmad, A. (2006).
Biodegradable Polymer Production from POME using Activated Enriched Sludge
by Coupled Aerobic and Anaerobic System. Presented at JSPS-VCC, The Pulai
Desaru Beach, Kota Tinggi, Johor. 11 - 13 July
95. S. Muhd Yunus, Z. Ujang, M. R. Salim, M. F. Md Din and M. A. Ahmad (2007).
Intracellular Biopolymer Productions Using Mixed Microbial Cultures from
Fermented POME. Presented for IWA 2007: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
96. Md Din, M.F., Zainoon Nor, Z., Mohd Yusof, M.B. (2007). Solid Waste
Management in UTM Using Mobile Incinerator. Presented for SEPKA 2007
97. Md Din, M.F. and Che Rani, S.H. (2007). Respirometric Analysis in Palm Oil Mill
Effluent. Presented for SEPKA 2007.
98. Sairan, F.M., Md Din, M.F., Yusof, Z., Ujang, Z. and Shukor, M.F. (2008).
Evaluation of Septic Tank Performance for 30 Years Operation. ASIAWATER 2008.
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, KLCC, 1 - 2 April.
99. Sha Aidil, M.S., Ibrahim, Z., Md Din, M.F., Abdul Majid, Z. and Ismail, N. (2008).
The Impact of Biofilter (PI 2006 2119) and Locally Developed Filtering Media to
Treat Petrochemical Wastewater. ASIAWATER 2008. Kuala Lumpur Convention
Centre, KLCC, 1 - 2 April.
100. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Tarmizi Ismail, Abu Bakar Fadzil, Murtini Muda (2008).
Analysis of Gravel Pack System (GraPS) for Water Quality Improvement at Sg.
Bala. PSIS 2008, Politeknik. 28 - 29 July 2008.
101. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Tarmizi Ismail, Abu Bakar Fadzil, Nurul Ashikin Asari
(2008). Evaluation of Treatment of Network as Water Quality Improvement System.
PSIS 2008, Politeknik. 28 - 29 July 2008.
102. Md. Din, M. F., Sairan, F. M., Yusop, Z., Starkl, M. and Ujang, Z. (2008). Expert
Options for Sanitation and Treatment System in Rural Areas: A Case Study of
Kampung Sepakat Baru, Johor, Malaysia. Proceedings of the International
Conference 2008 - Sustainable Environmental Technology And Sanitation For
Tropical Region, 18-19 November 2008, Surabaya, Indonesia.
103. Sairan, F. M., Md. Din, M. F., Ujang, Z. and Gisen, J. I. (2008). Development of
Decision Support System (DSS) for Nitrogen Removal Activated Sludge System
(NURAS - Nitrogen Removal). Proceedings of the International Conference 2008 Sustainable Environmental Technology And Sanitation For Tropical Region, 18-19
November 2008, Surabaya, Indonesia.
104. Md. Din, M. F., Sairan, F. M., Abdullah, N. N. And Yusop, Z. (2008). Expert
Opinion in Assessing Wastewater Treatment Towards River Quality and
Rehabilitations for Melana Catchment. Proceedings of the International Conference
and Expo on Environmental Management and Technologies 2008 (ICEEMAT'08),
10 - 12 December 2008, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
105. Ismail, N., Md Din, M.F., Ismail, Z. (2008). Application of BioCTec
Performance in Reusing Black Water. Proceedings of the International Conference
and Expo on Environmental Management and Technologies 2008 (ICEEMAT'08),
10 - 12 December 2008, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
106. Mohd Asnawi, N., and Md Din, M.F. (2008). Treatment of Palm Oil Mill
Effluent (POME) by Using Hybrid Sequencing Batch Reactor (H-SBR).
Proceedings of the International Conference and Expo on Environmental
Management and Technologies 2008 (ICEEMAT'08), 10 - 12 December 2008, Putra
World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
107. Ahmad Tarmidi, Z., Md Din, M.F., Ibrahim, Z. and Ismail, Z. (2008). The
Design of Bioparticles for Treating Petrochemical Effluent. Poster Presentation.
International Conference and Expo on Environmental Management and
Technologies 2008 (ICEEMAT'08), 10 - 12 December 2008, Putra World Trade
Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
Sairan, F., Yusop, Z., Mohd. Kamil, N.A.F., Idrus, D., Md. Som, H., Md. Din,
M.F. (2009). Assessment of the Resident Perception on the Sewerage Systems in
Taman Ungku Tun Aminah. Presentation at Water Malaysia 2009 - Int. Conference
on Industry Best Practices, 19 - 21 Mei 2009, PWTC KL.
109. M.F. Md. Din, F.M. Sairan and S.N. Mohd Nor (2009). Centralized or
Decentralized - Best Project Option (BPO) at Melana River Basin. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Centralized versus Decentralized Sewerage Scheme in Malaysia, 8
Jun 2009, Hotel Berjaya Langkawi.
110. M.F. Md Din, F. M., Sairan, Z. Yusof and Z. Ujang (2009). Evaluation on the
Impact of Existing Sewage Treatment Plants Performance in Urban Area towards
River Water Quality. 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition. 18 – 22 October
2009. Taipei, Taiwan
111. M.F. Md Din, F. M., Sairan, Z. Yusof and Z. Ujang (2009). Evaluation on the
Impact of Existing Sewage Treatment Plants Performance in Urban Area towards
River Water Quality. 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition. 18 – 22 October
2009. Taipei, Taiwan
112. X.Y. Thian, M.F. Md Din, A.N. Anuar, H. Jamalludin (2010). A Local
Cultivation of Microalgae in Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Condition. PostGraduate Seminar on Water Sustainability, Rumah Alumni, UTM. 20 Jan 2010
113. Viony Putri Erisa, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zubair Ahmed (2010). Growing Lipid
Rich Microalgae using POME in Open Ponding System for Raw Biodiesel Material
Production. Post-Graduate Seminar on Water Sustainability, Rumah Alumni, UTM.
20 Jan 2010
114. Thian, X.Y., Md Din, M.F., Nor Anuar, A, and Jamaluddin, H. (2010). Review
on Algae Cultivation for Energy and Biodiesel Production. ISBN: 983-9805-86-4.
The 1st IWA Young Water Professionals Conference, Best Western Premeier Hotel, 1
- 4 March 2010
115. Md Din, M.F., Sairan, F.M., Yusop, Z., Ujang, Z. and Starkl, M. (2010).
Development of Technical Options for a Sustainable Sanitation System in Small
Village. ISBN: 983-9805-86-4. The 1st IWA Young Water Professionals Conference,
Best Western Premeier Hotel, 1 - 4 March 2010.
116. Mohd Asnawi, N.F., Md Din, M.F., Yusuf, N. (2010). A small scale study of
hybrid-sequencing batch reactor (H-SBR) in enhancement of organic removal from
palm oil mill effluent (POME). ISBN: 983-9805-86-4. The 1st IWA Young Water
Professionals Conference, Best Western Premeier Hotel, 1 - 4 March 2010.
117. Viony Putri Erisa, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zubair Ahmed and Haryati
Jamaluddin (2010). Microalgae cultivation using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for
high lipid production. ITS-UTM International Conference 2010 on Sustainable
Urban Environment. Rectorat Building, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia. 8 - 10 December
118. Erisa Viony Putri, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zubair Ahmed, Haryati and
Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2011). Investigation of Microalgae for High Lipid
Content using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as Carbon Source. International
Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering. ISBN 978-98108-9079-7. IPCBEE vol. 12. ISSN: 2010-4618, page 85 - 89
119. Eedzah Aminuddin, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zurina Mohamad, Zainura Zainun
Noor, and Kenzo Iwao (2011). A Review on Recycled Expanded Polystyrene Waste
as Potential Thermal Reduction in Building Materials. International Proceedings of
Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering. ISBN 978-981-08-9079-7.
IPCBEE vol. 12. ISSN: 2010-4618, page 119 - 123
120. Erisa Viony Putri, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zubair Ahmed, Haryati and
Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2011). Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Utilization Rate
of Chlorella sorokiniana from Settled Raw Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for
Lipid Production. The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2011. 2 – 6
October 2011. Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo
121. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Erisa Viony Putri, Zubair Ahmed, Shreeshivadasan
Chelliapan (2011) Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Utilization Rate of Chlorella
sorokiniana from Settled Raw Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for Lipid Production.
The 4th IWA-Aspire Conference & Exhibition: Towards Sustainable Water Supply
and recycling Systems. 2 – 6 October 2011. Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo
122. Lavania Baloo, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Shamila Azman, Akira Kikuchi, Haryati
Jamaluddin (2011) Performance of Gracilaria edulis Growth in Brackish Shrimp
Pond Water Using Tank Culture System. The 4th IWA-Aspire Conference &
Exhibition: Towards Sustainable Water Supply and recycling Systems. 2 – 6
October 2011. Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo Japan.
(2012). A
MATERIALS: A SURVEY. International Conference on Environment 2012 (ICENV
2012). 11 - 12 December 2012. 676 – 682
124. F.M. Sairan, M.F. Md Din, A. Nor-Anuar (2013). A new inventory system to
estimate greenhouse gas emissions from domestic wastewater treatment plant. The
5th IWA-Aspire Conference and Exhibition (IWA-ASPIRE 2013). 8 – 12 September
2013, Daejon Convention Centre, Korea
F.M. Sairan, Z. Ujang, M.F. Md Din (2013). Planning, Design and Management
of Wastewater Treatment Plant System Using an Innovative Decision Support
Tool. The 5th IWA-Aspire Conference and Exhibition (IWA-ASPIRE 2013). 8 – 12
September 2013, Daejon Convention Centre, Korea
126. Khamidun, Mohd Hairul and Fulazzaky, Mohamad Ali and Din, M. F.
M. and Yusoff, A. R. M. (2013) Resistance of mass transfer, kinetic and isotherm
study of ammonium removal by using a hybrid plug-flow column reactor
(HPFCR). In: 2013 2nd International Conference on Frontier of Energy and
Environment Engineering (ICFEEE 2013), 28 – 29 November 2013, XiaMen,
China. (Unpublished)
127. Hesam Kamyab, Chew Tin Lee, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Mohanadoss Ponraj,
Shaza Eva Mohamad, Mohsen Sohrabi (2013). Possibility of using combined micro
and macro-algal treatment for final discharge pond to harvest and obtain animal
f'eedstock. International Conference on Separation Technology (ICoST 2013). 19 –
21 September 2013, Persada Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
128. Hesam Kamyab, Shaza Eva mohamad, Fadhil Md Din, Mohamad Soltani,
Ameer Bad Khudhair, Anita Maslahati Roudi. Enhanced Bioreactor and Ponding
Configuration for the Development of Synthesized Microalgae of by-Products and
Alternative Energy Raw Materials. The 8th SEATUC Symposium Conference
2014, March 2014: Persada Johor Convention Centre
129. Hesam Kamyab, Shaza Eva Mohamad, Fadhil Md Din, Mohamad Soltani, Anita
Maslahati Roudi (2014). Lipid Production in Algae– Review of Harvesting
Methods. The 8th SEATUC Symposium Conference 2014, March 2014: Persada
Johor Convention Centre
130. Hesam Kamyab, Anita Maslahati Roudi, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Chew Tin Lee,
Mohammad Soltani, Shaza Eva Mohamad, Mohanadoss Ponraj. Lipid production
using Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivated in palm oil mill effluent (POME). The
International Science Postgraduate Conference 2014 (ISPC2014). March, 2014,
131. Hesam Kamyab, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Chew Tin Lee, Mohammad Soltani,
Shaza Eva Mohamad, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Anita Maslahati Roudi (2014). Good
environmental practices via algae for phytoremediation of POME in order to
produce by-product. The National Seminar on Civil Engineering Research- SEPKA
2014. April, 2014, UTM
132. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Hesam Kamyab, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Lakhveer
Thakur, Amimul Ahsan, Veeramuthu Ashokkumar, and Mohanadoss Ponraj (2014)
Micro-Macro Algal Mixture as a Promising Agent for Treating POME Discharge
and its Potential Use as Animal Feedstock Enhancer. Malaysia-Japan Joint
Symposium on Biomass, Bioenergy and Water Environment for Development of
Sustainable Society. MJIIT, UTM Kuala Lumpur. 30 – 31 October 2014
133. Hesam Kamyab*, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Chew Tin Lee, Shaza Eva Mohamad,
Haryati Jamaludin, Veeramuthu Ashokkumar, Mohanadoss Ponraj (2014) Biodiesel
Production from Microalgae-Chlorella Sorokoniana.Malaysia-Japan Joint
Symposium on Biomass, Bioenergy and Water Environment for Development of
Sustainable Society. MJIIT, UTM Kuala Lumpur. 30 – 31 October 2014
134. Hesam Kamyab, *, Chew Tin Lee, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Shaza Eva Mohamad,
and Haryati Jamaludin (2014). Lipid recovery from POME to serve as a biofuel
substrate. The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and
Technology. Jun 2014. USA, Texas
135. Shahabaldin Rezania, Mohanadoss Ponraj, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Ahmad
Rahman Songip, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2014). The True Potential Of Aquatic
Plant (Eichhornia Crassipes, Pistia Stratiotes) In Production Of Bio-ethanol.
International Young Water Professional (IYWP) Conference 2014. 7-11 Dec 2014,
Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei, Chinese Taiwan
136. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Hesam Kamyab, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan (2014). The
True Potential Of Aquatic Plant (Eichhornia Crassipes, Pistia Stratiotes) In
Production Of Bio-ethanol. International Young Water Professional (IYWP)
Conference 2014. 7-11 Dec 2014, Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei,
Chinese Taiwan
1. Kesan Pembangunan Terhadap Kualiti Aras Hingar di UTM, Skudai Johor (2009). Main
Author: Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Rohaizah Mohammad
2. Risk Assessment Using Pool Fire and Health Analysis at Bioenergy Plant (2009) - 409.
Main Author: Juliza Mohd Fuad Ngo, Mohd Fadhil Md Din
3. Kajian Terhadap Paras Bunyi dan Sosio-Ekonomi Bagi Pembinaan Projek Perluasan
Lapangan Terbang di Batu Berendam, Melaka (2009). Main Author: Cici Natrah Ismail,
Mohd Badruddin Mohd Yusof, Mohd Fadhil Md Din
4. Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Mixed Microbial
Culture - 403 (2009). Main Author: Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Zaini Ujang, M.C.M. van
5. Respirometric Analysis in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) - 408 (2009). Main Author: Siti
Haryani Chek Rani, Mohd Fadhil Md Din
6. Penilaian Terhadap Sistem Rawatan Air Berangkaian Untuk Meningkat Kualiti Air Sungai
Bala, Johor (2009). Main Author: Nurul Ashikin Asari, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Tarmizi
Ismail, Abu Bakar Fadzil
7. Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies : Chapter 3; ISBN: 978-98352-0590-3
8. Waste Management for Sustainable Society: Chapter 6, 8
1. Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Sponsor:
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI). Vot: 74262. 2004 - 2006 (RM 142,000).
Project Leader: Mohd Fadhil Md Din
2. Biodegradable Plastic from Palm Oil Mill Effluent. 2001 - 2004. Euro 100,000.
Sponsor: The Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research under
WOTRO Program. Head: Prof. Ir. Zaini Ujang (Malaysia) and M.C.M van Loosdrecht
(Netherlands). Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din Vot: 69333
3. A Study of Air Pollution in Pasir Gudang Area. Grant without funding. Vot 75227. Key
Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
4. Development of laboratory scale Cyclic Activated Sludge Bioreactor (CASBio) to
enhance sludge granulation and PHA recovery. Approved E-Science Fund 2006. Role:
Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
5. Production of Biofuel Energy from Palm Oil Waste Using Fabricated Chamber of
Proton Exchange Fuel Reactor (PEFR). Approved Project RM 201,000. Project
Leader: Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Vot: 79239
6. Development of Anaerobic Stage Reactor Prototype Reduce Organic Pollutants in
Recalcitrant Wastewater. Vot: 79293. Project Leader: Dr. Shreeshivadasan. RM 214,750
(Granted). Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
7. Nitrogen Transformation in Constructed Wetland under Tropical Climates. Fundamental
Research Grant Scheme. Project Leader: Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Approved Project
Fund RM 84,500. Vot: 78201
8. Styrene-rich Industrial Wastewater Treatment Using Biofilter. Preparation for
TechnoFund Grant 2006. Project Leader: P.M. Dr. Zaharah Ibrahim (Approved). RM
392,000 Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
9. Development of Zero Discharge Systems for High-Level Treatment and Recycling of
Resources from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). TechnoFund Grant. Role: Key
Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Vot TF0206B033 [RM 3.5 millions]. September
2007 - Mac 2010
10. Application of biofilm technology for the treatment of styrene-rich wastewater. EScience. Vot: 79118. 2007 - 2009. Approved RM 194,000
11. Biosecurity System of Fish Culture using Biofilter Treatment. Submitted to E-Science
Fund. Pending for Approval. Project Leader: Mohd Fadhil Md Din.
12. A Study on pH Improvement in Water Networks. Submitted to SAJH for short-term
grant. Amount: RM 55,000. Project Leader: Dr. Azmi Aris. Role: Environmental
13. Water Demand Management, Industrial Area. Contract Research Grant. Amount: RM
47,000. June 2009 – Dec 2009. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johan Sohaili. Key
Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
14. Application of Bioparticle in Constructing Biofilter and Bioseptic Design (INATEX
2008). RM 82,000. FRGS 2008. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Approved
15. Biofuel Production from Algae Grown Wastewater. Proposed for Cradle Fund. Project
Leader: Dr. Haryati. Completed Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
16. Study on the Potential Rainwater Utilization in Supplementing Water Demand
Management in Industrial Area, NAHRIM. Amount: RM 119,000. January – December
2010. Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Yusof. January - December 2010. Key
Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din Completed
17. Identification of Suitable Strain and Growth Condition of Microalgae for Production of
Lipid Rich Biomass Using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Proposed for Foreign
Academic Visitors Research and Development (R&D) Fund. VOT 77520. RM 30,000.
Project Leader: Dr. Zubair Ahmed, Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
18. Energy Recovery from POME Treatment Using Micro-Algae Grown in Hybrid
Bioreactor. VOT 79387. E-Science Fund, RM 156,000. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd
Fadhil Md Din
19. Analytical Hierarchy Process: Multi-Criteria Method for Sustainable Municipal Solid
Waste Disposal Option in Tropics Climates. FRGS 2009, RM 50,000. Project Leader:
Dr. Zainura Zainun Noor. Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
20. Basic Study of an Intelligent On-Line Water Quality Forecasting System for Sg Johor".
FRGS 2009, RM 50,000 (Vot: 78643). Project Leader: Dr. Shahrum Shah b. Abdullah.
Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
21. Development of EPS-Geofoam for Green Building Requirement in Fighting Heat Island
Impact from Urban Area. Proposed for E-Science Fund, RM 252,000. Project Leader:
Dr. Zainura Zainon Noor, Key Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
22. Derivation of Lipid Content from Local Macroalgae Cultivated in Diluted POME.
FRGS 2010. RM 56,000. Vot 4F030. Project Leader: Myzairah Hamzah, Key
Researcher: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
23. Thermal Behaviour from Urban Heat Island (UHI) Phenomena for Energy Saving and
Heat Flux Mechanisms in Vertical Surfaces. FRGS 2010. RM 71,000. Vot 4F014.
Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
24. Shrimp Pond Effluent Bioremediation Using Macroalgae Tank Culture And Bio-Sand
Filtration (BSF) To Promote Zero Discharge Effluent System. Geran Universiti
Penyelidikan (GUP). RM 149,000. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
25. Constructed Cool Pavement Technology. Contract Research. 4B039. RM 37,600.
Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Starting date: October 2011 – Sept 2012
26. Mosquito Trap and Control Diseases. Contract Research. 4B043. RM 26,000. Project
Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. October 2011 – Sept 2012
27. Development of Albedo Design of Urban City Surface for Urban Heat Island Control.
4B060. RM 18433.00. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. September 2012 – 31
August 2013
POLLUTION TREATMENT. PY/2012/00456. RM 30,000. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd
Fadhil Md Din. 21 May 2012 – 21 April 2013
29. Exploration of Cool-Pavement Materials by Using Wasted Ceramic Tiles Towards
Combating Urban Heat Island Phenomenon. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din.
RM 80,000. Vote: 4L029. September 2012 – August 2014
30. Application of Combined Zeolite from Fly Ash and Crushed Sea Shell in River
Pollution Controls. ERGS 2012. RM 100,000. Vot: 4L029. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd
Badrudding Mohd Yusof. July 2012 – June 2014. Role: Key Researcher
31. Cement-free Application from Agro-Industry Waste Material. Collaboration with Asset
Constructor Ltd (Japan). RM 18,900. Vot: 4B041. September 2012 – August
2013. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din
32. “Market Survey and Validation” for Cool Island Technology in Malaysia. Collaboration
with Asset Constructor Ltd (Japan) and Tajimi General Business Constructor of Tono
(Japan). RM 6,500. Vot: 4B050. Jan 2013 – December 2013. Project Leader: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din
33. THE
Vot/ 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2015. Vot: 4F390. Team Member
34. Fundamental study of immobilized-cell reactor technology for enhanced sustainable
bio- energy and treatment efficiency of palm oil mill effluent. RM 111,300. Vot:
FRGS/2/2013/SG05/UMP/02/2. Project Leader: PM Dr. Zularisam Ab Wahid (UMP).
Role: Member. Sept 2013 – August 2015.
47,822. Vot: Q.J130000.2522.07H30. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadhil
Md Din. Duration: 1/04/2014 – 31/05/2015
RM 105,000. Vot: 4F472. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din.
Duration: 1/07/2014 – 30/06/2016
37. Algae as energy securing, supplement reserve and formulating carbon sequestration for
waste management from POME. RM 100,000. Vot: Q.J130000.2409.02G41. Projec
Leader: Prof. Dr. Mohd Razman Salim. Role: Member. Duration: 1/7/2014 – 30/6/2016
38. Assessment of heavy metal biosorption from leachate using natural seaweed. RM
57,000. Vot: 4F451. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan.
Role: Member. Duration: 1/7/2014 – 31/12/2015
39. Kinetics of Sewage Effluent Organic Matter on The Removal of Pharmaceutical
Compounds During Wastewater Ozonation. RM 103,200. Vot: 4F474. Project Leader:
Dr. Yong Ee Ling. Role: Member. Duration: 1/7/2014 – 30/6/2017
40. Estimating the pattern of municipal solid waste generation area in a GIS environment
towards low carbon society formation in Iskandar Region, Malaysia. RM 25,000. Vot:
Q.J130000.2622.10J19. Project Leader: Dr. Shazwin Mat Taib. Role: Member.
Duration: 1/4/2014 – 30/6/2016
Q.J130000.2522.09H06. Project Leader: Dr Muhammad Hidayat Jamal. Role:
Member. Duration; 1/7/2014 – 30/6/2015
1. Malay
2. English
1. Coordinator, Research Symposium: Green Technology towards
Environment. 4 March 2014, M46 and IPASA, UTM, Skudai Johor
2. Speaker, FMM Seminar on Complying with Clean Air Regulations 2014.
MS2564:2014, Performance Criteria and Test Procedures for Continous Emission
Monitoring System (CEMS). 12 August 2014, Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit
Kiara Kuala Lumpur
3. Member, Task Force for the Preparation of Paper for FKA - Towards a Research Faculty
4. Member, Coordinating Course and Training Module Development on Master Program.
2008 - present
5. Minggu Haluan Siswa Sesi 2008/09. Kolej 10, UTM Skudai Johor. 28 Jun - 5 Julai 2008
6. Konvensyen Felo 2007. Institusi Pembangunan Felo dan Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar.
Golden Straits Villa Beach Resort, Port Dickson, 4 - 6 January 2008
7. Penasihat Program Bakti Siswa Titian Anak Teknologi (TINTEC'08). Pengerang, Kota
Tinggi, Johor. 12 Mei - 22 Mei 2008.
8. Kursus Pengurusan Aset Universiti. Dewan Inderapura, Pulai Spring Resort, Pulai
Johor. 26 - 27 Februari 2008
9. Pengarah Program Kursus Pembentukan JKM 2007. Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong
Pahang. 27 - 30 November 2007.
10. Pegawai Pengiring Program Eksplorasi Hijau Bumi Tuhan 2007. Hutan Lipur
Jerangkang, Gambang Pahang. 23 - 25 November 2007.
11. Seeds Contents at the Ritsumeikan Technological Seeds Fair. Seri Pacific Hotel,
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 15 & 16 November 2007
12. Kursus Penasihatan Akademik Fakulti. Renaissance Melaka Hotel, Melaka. 31 Oktober
- 2 November 2007.
13. Seminar Percambahan Islam Hadhari: Prinsip Kedua "Kerajaan Adil dan Beramanah".
Dewan Senat, UTM. 4 August 2007.
14. Seminar for Multistakeholders on Promotion of Environmentally Sound Technologies
and Cleaner Production (ASEAN +3). Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Putrajaya. 25 July 2007.
15. Kursus Pemantapan JKM Kolej 10. Tanjung Piai, Serkat, Pontian Johor. 13 - 15 July
16. Secretary for National Seminar in Civil Engineering Research 2007 (SEPKA 2007).
17. Kursus Konsep Asas Penggunaan Sistem E-Pembelajaran 2007. Makmal Komputer 1,
CTL, UTM. 20 - 21 Jun 2007. Organized by CICT, UTM.
18. Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum 2007. 20 - 22th April 2007. Melaka Water City Resort,
Bukit Katil, Ayer Keroh, Melaka. Organized by Department of Environmental
19. Malam Puisi 2007 Sempena Sambutan Hari Air Sedunia. 13th April 2007. Terengganu
Trade Centre, Kuala Terengganu. Organized by Department of Irrigation and Drainage,
20. Pengarah Program Malam Penghargaaan - Malam Siswa Cemerlang Kolej 10. 16 March
2007. Organized by Kolej 10. Dewan Jamuan, UTM
21. Secretary for National Seminar in Civil Engineering Research 2006 (SEPKA 2006).
22. Pengarah Program Kursus Pembentukan JKM Kolej 10, Endau Beach Resort. 30
November - 4 Disember 2006.
23. Ketua Kontijen Sukam XIV - Kolej 10, 28 July - 27 August 2006.
24. Group Leader for Hang Lekir, organized by Kelab Keluarga, Fakulti Kejuruteraan
Awam. 6 - 24 July 2006.
25. Muzakkarah 2006, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, ElAzzhar Camp, Banting, Selangor. 17 - 19 Jun 2006
26. Panel Penilaian Pertandingan Rekacipta Kolej 10. Organized by Kelab Rekacipta, Kolej
10. April 2006.
27. Kursus Pembentukan JKM Kolej 10, Excel Training Resorts, Ulu Beranang, Lenggeng,
Negeri Sembilan. 4 - 6 Mei 2006.
28. Pendakian Menawan Puncak Gunung Ledang, JKM Kolej 10, Sagil, Tangkak Johor, 28
- 29 Jun 2005
29. Kursus Pembentukan JKM Kolej 10, Dusun Eco Resort, Perkampungan Latihan dan
Rekreasi, Kuala Lumpur. 27 - 29 November 2005.
30. Kursus Pembentukan JKM Kolej 10, Pusat Membina Semangat, Sekakap, Mersing,
Johor. 24 - 26 Oktober 2004
31. Pegawai Pengiring, SAHABAT IPTA'02 (UUM), Sintok Kedah (8/8/2002 - 11/8/2002).
32. Exploration to Ledang Mountain, JEJAK CEMERLANG LEDANG, Sagil, Tangkak,
Johore Malaysia (27/9/2002 - 29/9/2002).
33. President of Motivation Course (a motivational course for secondary school students:
PMR and SPM candidates) at Mersing (2001/2002).
34. Assistant coordinators for Computer Workshop (2001). Modelling of waste in
computerization system.
35. Secretariat of IWA Conference at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur (2001).
36. Security Committee for Block C KSDS (1999/00).
37. Chairman for motivating (a motivational course for secondary school students)
38. Director for visiting Welfare and Charity Organisation at Larkin, Johore (1998)
39. Committee of Protocol Unit, PEKA Festival (15/6/98 - 20/6/98)
40. Committee of Academic Mission, Cultural and Practical Delegation Program (MISI
AWAM'98) (20/7/98 - 26/7/98)
41. JKM KSDS Assistant Director 1 (Activity and Programmes) (1998)
42. Committee of Public Survey for Civil Engineering (SOS'98)
43. SCOFG's Committee for Geotechnical Courses (1996-1998)
44. Assistant Director for JKM KSDS (1997-1998)
45. JKM Management Course 1998 (6/11/97 - 9/11/97)
46. Assistant Director for Block G17 - Kolej Rahman Putra (1995)
Pending Drafting
Agar-agar extraction from seaweed for the precious metal recovery (2011). Project Leader: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Dr. Iwao Kenzo, Dr. Haryati Jamaluddin, Dr. Shreeshivadasan,
Zee Chuang, Nor 'Atiyyah. Pending for Novelty Search. Re-submitted to ICC for correction in
August 2012
The Fabrication on Coconut Coir in Easy Care Pipe System (ECPS). Project Leader: Dr. Mohd
Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Dr. Iwao Kenzo, Low Wen Pei, Fatihah, Walker Sdn. Bhd. Pending for
PI number
Water Hyacinth as Wastewater Bio-remediation and Potential Low Cost Material for Alternative
Fuel Energy. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Kenzo Iwao, Shahabaldin
Rezania, P.M. Dr Rahman Songip. PASS Patent Novelty Search. waiting for IP filling
Development of Albedo Design of Urban City Surface for Urban Heat Island Control. Project
Leader: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Kenzo Iwao, Naoki Ubukata (Asset Construction).
waiting for filling
Development of Practical Mosquito Trap to Control Mosquito Borne Diseases. Project Leader: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Kenzo Iwao, TAKEDA Co., Sairudin bin Ahmad Baharudin. PCT
Application applied for "(1) Mosquito Attracting Apparatus" and "(2) Mosquito Extermination
Method". The application process is handled by patent agent Patrick Mirandah which whom
liaising with Japanese patent agent.
Design of Mosquito Trap (M-Trap) using Electrical Shock Devices. Project Leader: Dr. Mohd
Fadhil Md Din. Team: Prof. Kenzo Iwao, Sairudin bin Ahmad Baharudin, TAKEDA Co. Pending of
Royalty Decision
Pending Approved
Improved Pavement Having Heat Reflective Property (UI 2013701631). Main Principal: Ir.
Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Prof. Iwao Kenzo, P.M. Dr Zainura Zainon Nor, P.M. Dr
Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor, Lee Yee Yong. Patent Filling:
8. Aerated Concrete Composition from Agro-Industrial Waste for Thermal Reduction
in Buildings (UI 2013701197). Main Principal: Ir Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Prof. Dr. Warid
Hussin, Eeyzah Aminuddin, Sophia Anak Jimmy, Prof. Kenzo Iwao. Patent Filling: 8/07/2013
9. Human Thermal Comfort Evaluating Mannequin (PI 2013700205). Main Principal: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Prof. Dr. Kenzo Iwao, Lee Yee Yong, Nickholas Anting Anak Guntor
10. An Anaerobic Stage Reactor for Wastewater Treatment (PI 2013100136). Main Principal:
P.M. Dr Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Dr. Mohamad Ali Mohamed Yuzir, Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md
Din, Siti Baizura Mahat, Rafidah Shahperi
11. BioCure for Wastewater Treatment (Invention Disclosure) (File Pending). Main
Principal: P.M. Dr. Zaharah Ibrahim. Associates: Dr. Zaiton Majid, Dr. Adibah Yahya, Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din
12. Bioplastic Production from Waste (Patent Filing: PI 2007 1650). Main Principal: Dato'
Prof. Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang. Associates: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Salmiati, Mohd Azlan
13. BioCTec Application in Septic Tank (Patent Filing - PI 2009 3017). Main Principal: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Associates: P.M. Dr. Zaharah Ibrahim, Dr. Zaiton Majid, Dr. Adibah
Yahya, Siti Haryani Chek Rani, Teo Kem Sheng.
14. Hybrid Bioreactor for Biological Nutrient Removal (PI 2009 1132). Main Principal: Dr.
Mohd Fadhil Md Din. Associates: Thian Xio Yun, Haryani Chek Rani, Noor Fairuzah
Mohd Asnani.
15. Bioparticle for Waste Treatment (PI 2009 4424). Main Principal: Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md
Din. Associates: P.M. Dr Zaharah Ibrahim, Dr. Zaiton Majid, Siti Haryani Chek Rani, Siti
Nadhirah Ismail, Teo Kem Sheng.
16. Mosquito Attracting Traps (PCT/JP2011/067067). Main Principal: Prof. Kenzo Iwao
(NIT, Japan), Dr Mohd Fadhil Md Din (UTM) and Takeda Co. Ltd (Japan).
17. Mosquito Exterminating Apparatus (PCT/JP2011/067068). Main Principal: Prof. Kenzo
Iwao (NIT, Japan), Dr Mohd Fadhil Md Din (UTM) and Takeda Co. Ltd (Japan).
Approved Copyright
18. Public Health and Environmental Issues: Video Clips (Copyright) - 144730
19. Recycling and Reduction of Waste: Video Clips (Copyright) - 144731
20. Wastewater Treatment Process in Palm Oil Mill Factory: Video Clips (Copyright) 144732
21. Wastewater Treatment Process in Sewage Treatment Plant: Video Clips (Copyright) 144733
22. Water Treatment Process in Sungai Sayong Water Treatment Plant: Video Clips
(Copyright) - 144734
23. Water Treatment Processes in "Pusat Penyelidikan Ternakan Air Payau, Gelang Patah":
Video clips (Copyright) - 144735
24. Water Disinfection Video Clips (Case Studies: Sungai Layang and Semanggar Water
Treatment Plants) (Copyright) - 144736
25. Chemical Mixing Processes in Water Treatment Video Clip (Case Study: Mersing Water
Treatment Plant) (Copyright) - 144738
26. Investigation of BioCTec Performance in Reusing Blackwater for Agricultural (Patent
27. Application of Bioparticle in Constructing Biofilter and Bioseptic Design (Patent Pending)
28. Module - Sludge T reatment (Copyright) - 183664
29. Module - Reticulation of Sewerage System (Copyright) – 183679
30. Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants Version
1.0 – 20/6/2013
31. Experimental Study on Cool-Curtain Technology for Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect
32. Experimental Study on Cool-Wall for Reducing the Effects of Urban Heat Island
33. Experimental Study of Cool-Roof Technology for Combating Urban Heat Island
34. Application of Different Types of Paint on Asphalt Pavement and Roof (26/3/2015)
35. Cool Pavement Technology from Wasted Tiles Material (26/3/2015)
Reading and Writing
Travelling and Climbing
Most outdoors activities
1. General Inductive Course (10/11/00 - 20/11/00)
2. Inductive Course (21/11/00 - 25/11/00)
3. Learning and Teaching Evaluation Course (29/8/00 - 30/8/00)
4. Basic Educational with Computerised Course (Multimedia Task) (2/4/01 - 3/4/01)
5. International Water Conference, PWTC KL (28/10/01)
6. Pre-Conference Workshop on Water Treatment Processes Workshop, PWTC KL (28/10/01)
7. Pre-Conference Workshop on Membrane Technology for Cleaner Production, PWTC KL
8. Water & Wastewater Management for Developing Countries, PWTC KL (29/10/01 31/10/01)
9. Pre-Conference Workshop on River Water Quality Modelling, PWTC Kuala Lumpur. 26
October 2001
10. National Civil Engineering Conference 2001 Super Star Gemini Star Cruise (5/2/02 8/2/02)
11. Motivational Course for Academic Staff, UNITI College (9/4/02 - 11/4/02)
12. SLAB Course
13. IELTS Preparing Course (15/4/02 - 23/4/02)
14. Article Writing Course for Conference and Journal. Jabatan Kejuruteraan Hidraulik dan
Hidraulogi (18/4/02)
15. Kursus Kecemerlangan Diri dan Organisasi (4/8-7/8/2002). Organized by Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Port Dickson.
16. Kursus Bina Negara (14/8-18/8/2002), Alor Gajah, Melaka
17. National Conference - Study on Pollution Prevention and Water Quality Improvement of
Sg. Tebrau and Sg. Segget, Johor. Mutiara Hotel, Johor Bahru. 29 - 30 October 2002.
18. IWA Conference on Environmental Biotechnology, Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
(Conference). 9 - 10/12/2003
19. Workshop on Sustainable Sanitation for Wastewater Treatment& Reuse, Mutiara Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur. (Workshop). 11 - 12 December 2003
20. Workshop on New Technologies for Cost-Effective Landfill Management. 26th June 2004.
Hyatt Regency, Johor Bahru
21. Workshop on the Recent Developments In Application of Environmental Biotechnology
and Bioprocess. 5 - 6th January 2005. BATC, UTM Kuala Lumpur. Presenter
22. Workshop on National Research Agenda & Strategy on Lake Management in Malaysia. 27
January 2005. Flamingo Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
23. Conference Exhibition on A Biennial National Conference and Exhibition on Water and
Wastewater Management. 12 - 13 April 2005. PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
24. Workshop on River Rehabilitation: Principles, Technologies and Applications. 19 - 20
April 2005. UTM City Campus, Kuala Lumpur.
25. Workshop on Emerging Markets for Bioplastics. 23 April 2005. Putrajaya Shangri-La,
Putrajaya Kuala Lumpur.
26. Workshop on Sustainable Energy Usage in Malaysia Urban Homes. 17 September 2005.
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Johor Bahru
27. Participant in IPTA R&D Expo 2005, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 30 September - 2 October
2005. Project entitled "Bioplastic Production from Palm Oil Effluents"
28. Kursus Asas Kemahiran Kaunseling Penasihat Akademik. 24 November 2005. Pulai
Spring Resort, Kangkar Pulai.
29. Workshop on Publication in Journal: Article Writing and Review. 7 December 2005.
Dewan Inderaputera, Pulai Spring Resort, Skudai Johor.
30. Malaysia Technology Expo 2005, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 24 - 26 February 2006. Project
entitled "BioPorec® Technology from Palm Oil Mill Effluent"
31. Workshop on Advanced Design for Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, BATC, City
Campus, Kuala Lumpur. 28 - 29 March 2006. Presenter
32. The Fourth Seminar on Water and Wastewater Management and Technologies. JSPS-VCC
Core University Program. The Pulai Desaru Beach Resort, Kota Tinggi, Johor. 11 - 13 July
33. The First National Workshop on Environmental Health Risk Assessment: Procedures and
Applications for Water/Wastewater Industry. BATC, City Campus, K.L. 26 - 27 July 2006
34. National Seminar in Civil Engineering Research (SEPKA 2006). Rumah Alumni, UTM
Skudai. 19 - 20 December 2006
35. Kursus Induksi Felo 2007. Organized by Kolej Datin Seri Hendon, UTM. Pejabat Hal
Ehwal Pelajar. Dewan Senat, UTM. 27 January 2007
36. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA). 4 February 2007
37. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA). 24 February 2007
38. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) SPACE. 8 - 9 May 2007.
39. Workshop on Design Procedures and Technologies for Industrial Waste Biological
Treatment. BATC, UTM City Campus. 20 - 21 November 2007.
40. Workshop on Penasihatan Akademik Fakulti. Rennaissance Hotel, Melaka. 31 Oct - 2
November 2007. Ref: UTM/HRD/07 (3174).
41. Seminar Kebangsaan Penyelidikan Kejuruteraan Awam (SEPKA 2007). GoodHope Hotel,
Skudai Johor. 11 - 12 December 2007. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of
DOE (AS(PN)91/110/622/184)
42. Kursus Pengurusan Aset Universiti. Dewan Inderapura, Pulai Spring Resort, Johor. 26 - 27
February 2008
43. An International Conference on Water and Wastewater. ASIAWATER 2008. Kuala Lumpur
Convention Centre, 1 - 2 April 2008. 10 CPD of BEM (MWA/BEM/01/08)
44. Conference on PSIS Enviro 2008. Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Sabak Bernam, Selangor.
28 - 29 July 2008
45. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester II, Session 2007/08. Dewan Kuliah 9 N24. 19 - 20 January 2008. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of DOE
46. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester II, Session 2007/08. Hotel Mahkota,
Melaka. 20 - 21 May 2008. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 12 CPD of DOE
47. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester I, Session 2008/09. Dewan Kuliah 2 L50, UTM. 9 - 10 August 2008. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of DOE
48. Exhibition of 10th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition 2008 (13 - 20th August 2008),
Pusat Konvokesyen ke-41, Padang Kawad UTM, Skudai Johor. Project entitled
"Application of BioTec in Black Water Treatment"
49. Half-day Course on Abstract Writing. Bilik Seminar 1, SPS, UTM Skudai. Ref:
UTM/HRD/09 (76). 4 December 2008
50. Exhibition of Malaysia Technology Expo 2009. PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 19 - 21 February
2009. Project entitled "Application of Bioparticle in Constructing BioCTec"
51. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester II, Session 2008/09. Dewan Kuliah 8,
N24, UTM Skudai. 21 - 22 February 2009. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of
DOE (AS(PN)91/110/622/184)
52. Postgraduate Seminar on Water Sustainability. Rumah Alumni, UTM Skudai. 20 January
53. Conference on the 1st IWA Young Water Professional (IWAYWP 2010). 1 - 4 March 2010.
Best Western Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur
54. Biennial International Water Conference & Exhibition (Water Malaysia 2011). 5 - 7 April
2011. PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
55. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester II, Session 2010/11. Swiss-Garden Hotel,
Kuantan. 21 - 22 May 2011. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of DOE
56. Seminar Rumpai Laut Kebangsaan 2011. Hotel Promenade, Tawau, Sabah. 28 - 29 April
2011. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia, Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani
57. Program Knowledge Sharing Sessions. 7 June 2011. Organized by Bahagian Transformasi
Pengurusan Risiko & Audit dan Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan. Dewan Senat, UTM.
58. Workshop on Journal Publication. Bilik Seminar Kayangan, Pulai Spring Resort. 29 - 30
March 2011
59. Jawatankuasa UTM Innovation Festival 2011. Padang Kawad, UTM. 23 - 28 March 2011.
60. Water Malaysia 2011: A MWA Biennal International Water Conference & Exhibition.
PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 5 - 7 April 2011
61. Workshop on Applied Water Quality with WASP 7. 12 July till 14 July 2011. Hotel
Langkawi Seaview, Kuah, Langkawi, Kedah
62. Kursus Pembangunan Portfolio. 5 December till 6 December 2012. Centre of Teaching and
Language, UTM
63. Knowledge Sharing Session Course. 7 June till 8 June 2011. Dewan Senat, UTM
64. Kursus Pembangunan Blog Bagi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. 5 April 2011. Computer
Laboratory, CICT, UTM.
65. Bengkel Saringan Komersialisasi Produk UTM – Cool Island Product. March 2012. Pulai
Spring, Resort, Skudai Johor
66. Kursus Engineering Management Practice. BEM Mandatory Course. Centre of Teaching
and Language, UTM Hall. 12 – 13 April 2012
67. Seminar on MS ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System. Organized by SIRIM.
Hotel Puteri Pacific, Johor Bahru Johor. 12 April 2012
68. Petugas Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara “Jom Masuk U” 2012 – Zon 11, Kuala Lumpur.
31 March till 1 April 2012. Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur
69. Bengkel Pelan Global UTM 2012 – 2020 Key Focus Area (KFA). Kolej Tun Razak Hall,
UTM, Skudai. 29 March 2012
70. 5DOI & Business Terms Workshop. Pulai Springs Resort, Skudai Johor. 2 – 4 April 2012
71. MWA – UTM Rountable Conference – Water Has No Value. Dewan Senat, UTM Kuala
72. Seminar Kejuruteraan Awam (SEMKA) Semester I, Session 2010/11. N24, Dewan Kuliah
CICT. 4 - 5 February 2011. 12 CPD of BEM (BEM/REG/12) and 9 CPD of DOE
73. Seminar Towards Affordable & Sustainable Housing Development in Melaka. REHDA
Melaka Branch. 21 August 2013.CPD of CIDB (CIDBML/C/2013/0043).
74. FMM Seminar on Complying with Clean Air Regulations 2014. MS2564:2014,
Performance Criteria and Test Procedures for Continous Emission Monitoring System
(CEMS). 12 August 2014, Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara Kuala Lumpur
75. Symposium on Green Technology towards Sustainable Environment. 4 March 2014, M46
and IPASA, UTM, Skudai Johor
76. Malaysia-Japan Joint Symposium on Biomass, Bioenergy and Water Environment for
Development of Sustainable Society. MJIIT, UTM Kuala Lumpur. 30 – 31 October 2014
1. Gotong Royong Batu Pahat, Parit Yaani, Sri Medan. (10 February 2007)
2. Penasihat Program Anak Angkat Kampung Teminin, Kota Tinggi, Johor (Julai 2007)
3. Penasihat Program Anak Angkat Kampung Felda Adela, Pengerang, Kota Tinggi Johor (Mei
4. Supervisory in Summer Course 2009. Sustainable Production: Improving Eco-Efficiency.
CTL Hall, UTM, Skudai. 1 - 19th June 2009.
1. Anugerah Penyelidikan Kategori Kumpulan 2004
2. Anugerah Kecemerlangan dan Penghargaan UTM 2004 - Anugerah Penyelidikan (Kategori
Berkumpulan). 30 November 2005.
3. Silver medal in Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2006), PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 24 - 26
February. Project entitled "Biodegradable Plastic Production using BioPorec® Technology"
4. Anugerah Kertas Kerja Dalam Jurnal Kebangsaan (Hadiah Penghargaan) UTM 2005 Anugerah Kecemerlangan dan Penghargaan UTM 2005.
5. Silver medal INATEX 2008, Tapak Pesta Konvokesyen. 16 - 20 August 2008. Project entitled
"BioCTec Application in Domestic Wastewater".
6. Bronze medal in Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE) 2009. April 2009. Project Entitled
"Bioparticle Application in On-Site Treatment of Septic Tank"
7. Anugerah Kualiti Fakulti 2006/07, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam. Anugerah Penerbitan, FKA
8. Bronze medal in INATEX 2011. November 2011. Project Entitled "Kenaf Fibre as Alternative
Concrete Structure for Thermal Combat"
9. Anaerobic Multi-Stage Reactor for the Recalcitrant Removals - Dr. Shreeshivadasan
Chelliapan (Razak School, Water), Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din (FKA, WATER), Rafidah
Shahperi and Masnieatul (PhD student) - Silver Medal of Malaysian Tehnology Expo (MTE),
PWTC. 15 – 17 February 2012
10. Anugerah Kualiti Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam 2011, Faculty of Civil Engineering. Anugerah
Kepujian Fakulti
11. Anugerah Kualiti Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam 2011, Faculty of Civil Engineering. Sumbangan
Dalam Jawatankuasa UTMOST
12. Product of “Mosquito-Trap (M-Trap) for Controlling Diseases”, joint-venture with TAKEDA Co.
Ltd, Japan and NIT, Japan won a GOLD medal (with special complementary of jury) during the
MTE 2013 exhibition
13. Product of “Cool Island Pavement”, joint-venture with TGCA, Japan and IRDA won a SILVER
medal during the MTE 2013 exhibition
14. Product of “Aerated Concrete from Palm Oil Bottom Ashes and Fly-ash”, joint-venture with Asset
Const Inc, Japan and NIT, Japan won a BRONZE medal during the MTE 2013 exhibition
15. Cool-Island Pavement Towards Combating Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in the City. Dr. Mohd
Fadhil Md Din, Prof. Kenzo Iwao, P.M. Dr. Shreeshivadasan a/l Chelliapan (FKA, WATER),
Nickholas Anting anak Guntor, Lee Yee Yong, Norazuin Abu, Zarith Elda Abd Kadir. Bronze
16. Development of Practical Mosquito Trap to Control Mosquito-Borne Disease. Dr. Mohd Fadhil
Md Din (FKA, WATER), Prof. Kenzo Iwao, TAKEDA Co., Sairuddin Ahmad Baharuddin,
Hesam Kamyab, Muhammad Zuhdi Sulong@Abdul Razak. Bronze Medal
17. Aerated Concrete from Agro-Industrial Waste for Building Thermal Reduction. Dr. Mohd Fadhil
Md Din, Dr. Zainura Zainon Noor (FKA, WATER), Prof. Kenzo Iwao, Prof. Dr. Warid Hussin
(CSC), Eeyzah Aminuddin, Sophia Anak Jimy, Hazlini Dzinun. Bronze Medal
18. “M-Trap” for Practical Mosquito Trap to Control Mosquito-Borne Disease . Seoul
International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2013. November 29th – December 2nd, 2013. GOLD Medal
19. Cool-Island Pavement. Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2013. November 29th –
December 2nd, 2013. Bronze Medal
20. Cool-Island Aerated Concrete. Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2013. November
29th – December 2nd, 2013. GOLD Medal
21. Anugerah Kualiti Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam 2013: Anugerah Harta Intelek. 13 August 2014.
Dewan Banquet, UTM
22. Anugerah
1. Professional Member, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), since 2006. Registration
No. S19516. The application for Professional Engineer (PE) already accepted by 1st April
2012 with the additional information of working experience and industrial training. A full set
of Corporate Member registration was accepted in May/June 2012.
2. Corporate Member, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) in 2012. Corporate Member is
approved 9 November 2012, as Environmental Member. Registration No. S19516
3. Graduate Member (Board of Engineers, Malaysia) (BEM), 2005. Registration No. 46338A.
4. Member, International Water Association (IWA), 2009. Special Committee in Activated
Sludge, Water and Wastewater System, Environmental Sustainability and Solid Management.
Registration No.100346
5. Consultant and Subject Specialist, Department of Environment Malaysia, 2012 – 2017.
Registration No.: CS 0265. Registered area: Water Quality, Wastewater, Air Quality and
Odour, Solid Waste Management and Quantitative Risk Assessment
6. Ordinary Member, Malaysian Water Association, 2005. Registration No.: 0841. Appointed
as Committee of MyWA Training Programme
7. Member, Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM). Registration No.: PO161.
Registered area: Civil Engineering
8. Member, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology. Registration
No.: 8027724. Registered Area: Marine Environment and Pollution
1. Prof. Dr. Kenzo Iwao
Address: Nagoya Institute of Technology, Office 2, Building No. 22, NIT
Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8555, Japan
Phone: +81-90-5632-6529
2. Prof. Dr. Tesuo Soga
Address: Department of Environmental Technology and Urban Planning, Graduate
School of Engineering, NIT, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
Phone: +81-52-735-5532
3. Prof. Dr. Mohd Razman bin Salim.
Address: Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,81310,
Phone No: +607 55031506, Fax No: +607 5566157
4. Prof. Ir. Dr. M.C.M. van Loosdrecht
Professor in Environmental Biotechnology
Address: Delft University Of Technology, Kluyver Laboratory
for Biotechnology,
Department of Biochemical Engineering,
Julianalaan 67, NL-2628 BC Delft, The
Phone No: +015 2781618