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Paper ID #14716
Instructional Demos, In-Class Projects, and Hands-On Homework: Active
Learning for Electrical Engineering using the Analog Discovery
Dr. Gregory J. Mazzaro, The Citadel
Dr. Mazzaro earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Boston University in 2004,
a Master of Science from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2006, and a Ph.D. from
North Carolina State University in 2009. From 2009 to 2013, he worked as an Electronics Engineer for
the United States Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Maryland. Dr. Mazzaro’s research focuses
on studying the unintended behaviors of RF electronics illuminated by electromagnetic waves and on
developing nonlinear radar for the remote detection and characterization of those electronics. Dr. Mazzaro
joined The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in
the Fall of 2013. He is currently an instructor for Electric Circuit Analysis, Electronics Laboratory,
Electromagnetic Fields, Antennas & Propagation, and Interference Control in Electronics.
Dr. Ronald J. Hayne, The Citadel
Ronald J. Hayne is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
The Citadel. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from the United States Military Academy, his
M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Virginia. Dr. Hayne’s professional areas of interest include digital systems design
and hardware description languages. He is a retired Army Colonel with experience in academics and
Defense laboratories.
Society for Engineering Education, 2016
Instructional Demos, In-Class Projects, and Hands-On
Homework: Active Learning for Electrical Engineering
using the Analog Discovery
Electrical engineering (EE) students are typically introduced to their major without much handson exposure. To engage students with active learning in their early EE courses, a design tool
was selected whose operation requires minimal electrical knowledge and whose cost is not
prohibitive: the Analog Discovery by Digilent. This tool enables each student to learn,
construct, and measure electronic circuits beyond the traditional classroom and laboratory
environments. To integrate use of this portable instrument across the EE curriculum, the authors
of this work have crafted several projects to supplement traditional courses.
Starting freshman year, each student purchases an Analog Discovery unit and the instructor
supplies components and breadboards. During in-class exercises, students build and measure
simple analog and digital circuits, providing hands-on reinforcement of theoretical concepts. In
the sophomore year, each student also purchases a multimeter and is issued an electronic parts
kit. During the Circuit Analysis course, each homework is supplemented with a hands-on
exercise. The student first performs a written analysis, then constructs the circuit and takes
measurements with the Analog Discovery instrument to confirm their theoretical results.
Integration of such an instrument into undergraduate courses helps to align the electrical
engineering curriculum with outcomes specified by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology. Students’ scores on in-class projects and homework indicate proficiency with
breadboarding, waveform generation, and instrumentation, well before they take their first
formal electrical laboratory course. Also, end-of-course feedback from students indicates that
they appreciate hands-on learning and see a direct link between classroom theory and practical
Electrical engineering (EE) students are typically introduced to their major without much handson exposure. In the freshman year a Fundamentals of Engineering course introduces students to
the engineering profession, and in the sophomore year sequences in Digital Logic and Circuit
Analysis focus the students’ attention on theory that is essential to electrical design. Delivered in
a traditional classroom environment, however, these early courses often prioritize mass
dissemination of information over the individual student-centered education required to cultivate
practical engineers. To emphasize active learning in these formative semesters, an electronic
design tool and carefully-crafted exercises have been integrated into the early EE curriculum.
To engage students in hands-on exercises in their early EE courses, a design tool was selected
whose operation requires minimal electrical knowledge and whose cost is not prohibitive to
undergraduates: the Analog Discovery manufactured by Digilent. The unit, shown in Figure 1,
is a portable electronic instrument, powered by a single USB port from a personal computer.1 Its
analog/digital input/output lines and freeware graphical user interface, WaveFormsTM, provide
the student with a variety of low-frequency electronic generation and measurement capabilities.2
The analog and digital tools, whose software control panel is shown in Figure 2, include a
waveform generator, oscilloscope, and logic analyzer. The Analog Discovery enables each
student to learn, construct, and measure electronic circuits beyond the traditional classroom and
laboratory environments. Instructional demonstrations, in-class projects, and hands-on
homework have been developed to integrate use of this portable instrument across the EE
curriculum to foster active learning.
Figure 1: The Analog Discovery instrument, manufactured by Digilent.
Figure 2: WaveForms software: top-level analog and digital control panel.
Freshman Fundamentals of Engineering
The freshman Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering course is an introduction to the
engineering profession, intended to capture and hold the students’ interest in electrical
engineering. The course includes basic problem solving and the use of computers as engineering
tools. Electrical engineers are also introduced to fundamental electrical theory including Ohm’s
Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL), and Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL). Hands-on
exercises provide reinforcement of the theoretical concepts.
During in-class exercises, students build simple series and parallel circuits using resistors and
light emitting diodes (LEDs). These tasks require use of physical components and a prototyping
platform called a breadboard. Once the circuit is constructed, basic measurements are made
using the tools provided by the Analog Discovery and the WaveForms software. The voltage
measurements from the circuit are then used with Ohm’s Law to calculate currents and compare
them to theoretical values. Further analysis may be done using KVL and KCL to give the
students corroboration of the circuit theory.
Introduction to the Analog Discovery hardware and the WaveForms software is done via webbased tutorials provided with the tools. Digilent has an extensive library of learning materials
available on their site, Learn.DigilentInc.3 These tutorials are also available as YouTube videos
in collections of playlists by DigilentInc.4 By using these web-based resources, students can
learn at their own pace, with the instructor providing clarification and assistance as necessary.
Once the students are familiar with the basic circuit components and measurement tools, they
apply this new knowledge via in-class laboratory exercises. During the LED Lab, the students
first construct the circuit shown in Figure 3. The WaveForms Voltage tool, shown in Figure 4,
serves as the 5-V power supply for the circuit. Direct current (DC) voltages are measured in the
circuit using the Voltmeter tool, shown in Figure 5. In this example, Channel 1 measures the
voltage across the diode, VD , and Channel 2 measures the voltage across the resistor, VR .
+ VD -
+ VR -
Figure 3: Schematic of a single-LED circuit, breadboarded by freshman EE students.
Figure 4: WaveForms Voltage tool, used to apply the 5-V source in Figure 3.
Figure 5: WaveForms Voltage tool, used to measure VD and VR in Figure 3.
Another analog circuit laboratory included in the freshman course uses a more complex resistive
circuit to demonstrate Kirchhoff’s Laws. The circuit, visible in Figure 6, lays the foundations for
the Circuit Analysis I course that the students take during their sophomore year. The Analog
Discovery instrument and WaveForms software are used to provide hands-on validation of KVL
and KCL.
+ V1 -
3.3 KΩ
+ V4 -
10 KΩ
1 KΩ
+ V2 -
+ V3 I4
2.2 KΩ
Figure 6: Circuit breadboarded and measured as part of the freshman KVL & KCL Lab.
Though called the “Analog” Discovery, the Digilent hardware also incorporates significant
digital capabilities. As seen in Figure 7, the device pin-out includes 16 digital input/output (I/O)
signals. These signals can be used to interface with a broad range of digital circuits.
Figure 7: Pin-out for the Analog Discovery instrument: multiple analog and digital signals.
The final Analog Discovery application for the freshman course is an introduction to digital
circuits, which concludes with a Digital Counter Lab. In this lab, an integrated circuit (IC), the
74HC161 synchronous 4-bit binary counter, is interfaced using the digital I/O connections shown
in Figure 8. The counter circuit can then be controlled and observed using the WaveForms
digital tools, including Static I/O shown in Figure 9. This lab gives students a first glimpse at
topics they will study during the sophomore year in their Digital Logic and Circuits course.
Digital I/O
DIO 10
IC Pin
IC Pin
Digital I/O
Figure 8: Analog Discovery digital I/O connections for Digital Counter Lab.
Figure 9: Static I/O for the freshman Digital Counter Lab.
Sophomore Circuit Analysis
In the sophomore-year sequence Electric Circuit Analysis I and II, EE students analyze electric
circuits using not only KCL and KVL but mathematics such as matrices, calculus, and complex
numbers. In Circuit Analysis I, direct-current circuits are emphasized. In Circuit Analysis II,
alternating-current circuits are emphasized.
The first-semester Circuit Analysis I is not paired with a laboratory course. The absence of
hands-on exercises for the students during the first half of the Circuit Analysis sequence poses a
challenge for students. Many students -- especially those enrolled in the course who do not
major in electrical engineering -- view electrical theory as too abstract when it lacks a
project/laboratory component. Without breadboarding in the first semester, the sophomores do
not construct their own circuits until the second semester in Electrical Laboratory, the laboratory
section paired with the Circuit Analysis II lecture. To address this deficiency, the Analog
Discovery was incorporated into both of the Circuit Analysis lecture courses and the Electrical
Laboratory course.
Six short breadboarding assignments were developed for Circuits I and distributed across the
weekly homework assignments. Students enrolled in the course were instructed to purchase or
borrow the Analog Discovery instrument, its associated Analog Parts Kit, and a digital
multimeter. A snippet of the Circuits I course syllabus for Fall 2015, relevant to the students’
responsibility to acquire the Analog Discovery, is shown in Figure 10.
Electrical Engineering majors enrolled in the course were asked to purchase their own
equipment, under the assumption that these students would use the Analog Discovery not only in
the Circuits sequence but in junior- and senior-level courses. Mechanical Engineering majors
were allowed to borrow the Analog Discovery from the Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department stock. Those who borrowed equipment received a reduced set of parts from the
Analog Parts Kit: only those parts necessary to complete the assigned homeworks.
Required equipment:
“Analog Discovery” (Academic price) -- $159.00
“Autorange Digital Multimeter (MS8217)” -- $32.99
analog parts kit (includes breadboard) -- free (bundled with AD instrument)
Electrical Engineering majors must purchase an Analog Discovery and a multimeter from Digilent:,842&Cat=17
Mechanical Engineering majors may borrow an AD and a multimeter from the ECE Department.
All students may borrow the analog parts kit from the ECE Department.
All borrowed equipment must be returned after the student completes ELEC 201 and 202/204.
Figure 10. Snippet taken from the Circuit Analysis I course syllabus for Fall 2015.
Each homework assignment for Circuits I now consists of a traditional written portion (hand
analysis), a simulation portion (using OrCAD PSpiceTM), and a project portion (to be constructed
using the Analog Discovery and its associated parts kit and measured using the multimeter). A
typical homework consists of five written problems, one simulation, and one build-andmeasurement. The simulation and measurement are both performed on one of the original five
circuits solved by written analysis, so that the students (a) need not solve another completely new
circuit, and (b) may confirm their written analysis by two alternate means. An abbreviated
version of a homework assigned early in the Fall 2015 semester is shown in Figure 11.
In this manner, the students construct simple circuits on their own time, with their own
prototyping kit. The students demonstrate a successful build and measurement by bringing their
completed breadboard to the instructor during regularly weekly office hours. The instructor
makes available an extra Analog Discovery instrument and multimeter at his office such that
each student need only bring his completed breadboard with him for the demonstration.
During Fall 2014, students were allowed to demonstrate each circuit as a team of two; thus, they
received a team grade for that portion of their homework. During Fall 2015, students were
required to demonstrate each circuit as an individual.
To prepare the students to use each piece of the Analog Discovery kit, the instructor performs
demonstrations using the kit during the lecture class. Figures 12 and 13 contain pictures of one
such demonstration. Figure 12 shows the students’ view of the demonstration: there are two
projection screens -- one containing the traditional analysis performed on a circuit during the
lecture, and the other showing the same circuit constructed using the Analog Discovery. Figure
13 shows the instructors’ view of the completed circuit: the Analog Discovery instrument, the
breadboard from the Analog Parts Kit, and the multimeter whose image is projected for the
students to see.
Show all work for maximum credit.
1. In Circuit #1, determine the power absorbed by the dependent voltage source.
2. In Circuit #2, determine the voltage v .
7. Simulate Circuit #2 in PSpice.
Submit a printout of your schematic, showing all node voltages.
(Submit this printout attached to the Written portion of the assignment.)
Explain why your simulation confirms your answer to Problem #2.
8. Build Circuit #2 using your Analog Discovery design kit.
Demonstrate to your instructor that you are able to measure the voltage v
using your multimeter.
(You only need to bring your breadboarded circuit to your instructor’s office.)
Circuit #1
Circuit #2
Figure 11. Snippets of a homework assigned in Circuit Analysis I during Fall 2015.
For more sophisticated circuits, the instructor provides the class with a completed build that the
students need only replicate. Figure 14 is a lecture slide, presented during a Circuit Analysis I
lecture, which contains a high-quality overhead picture of the layout of a circuit containing an
operational amplifier. Full demonstrations (as in Figures 12 and 13) and/or layouts (such as in
Figure 14) are provided to students approximately once per week.
lecture presentation
Figure 12. In-class demonstration of the Analog Discovery kit: student view.
Figure 13. In-class demonstration of the Analog Discovery kit: instructor view.
During Fall 2015, as part of the Circuit Analysis I course grade, the project demonstrations made
up 10% of each student’s overall score. (Written-analysis homework problems were worth 15%,
PSpice simulations were worth 10%, and the remaining 65% of the course grade was assigned
using traditional written evaluations: in-class midterm exams and a final exam.)
Example: Op Amp, Breadboarded
+5 V
–5 V
10 kW
2 34
2 kW
–5 V
Figure 14. Lecture slide presented as part of Circuit Analysis I during Fall 2015.
Integration Throughout the Curriculum
The Analog Discovery has also been integrated into numerous other courses throughout the EE
curriculum. Where there is the need for a function generator, an oscilloscope, or a logic
analyzer, the Analog Discovery and associated WaveForms software can provide the necessary
functionality. The portability of the hardware and the user-friendly computer interface of the
software make it easy to create instructional demonstrations to support classroom lectures.
For example, during the sophomore Digital Logic and Circuits course, the digital I/O capabilities
of the Analog Discovery are used to control and observe a synchronous sequential circuit. A
classroom design example replicates the tail light flashing sequences for a 1965 Ford T-bird.
The design is written in VHDL and implemented on a Xilinx FPGA using a Digilent BASYS
Board, as shown in Figure 15. 5 The Static I/O tool, shown in Figure 16, provides the turn signal
and hazard-light inputs on the top row and the tail-light outputs on the bottom row. The
WaveForms software can be projected (in the same manner as in Figures 12 and 13) for the class
to observe as an interactive demonstration.
Figure 15: Interfacing of Analog Discovery digital I/O with BASYS FPGA board.
Figure 16: Example of digital I/O interfacing: T-Bird Tail Lights.
The Analog Discovery is also integrated into the Electrical Laboratory course taken concurrently
with Electric Circuit Analysis II, and the Electronics Laboratory taken concurrently with
Electronics I. In both laboratory courses, Analog Discovery kits are now required to be used as
part of each Pre-Lab assignment. A snippet of one such assignment is given in Figure 17.
Before the students arrive to perform each lab, they not only analyze/simulate at least one circuit:
they construct the first circuit that they will measure in the lab using the breadboard and parts
contained in the Analog Parts Kit. (Each pre-lab is carefully written so that only parts available
in the Kit are required.)
During prior semesters (i.e. before integrating the Analog Discovery), the students were provided
with a small bag of electronic components at each session; thus, no breadboarding was required
outside of the lab. Requiring the students to breadboard ahead-of-time frees up considerable
time during the scheduled lab session for troubleshooting. The new procedure has cut down
substantially the time required to complete each lab.
Complete the following 9 steps before arriving to perform Lab #1.
In PSpice, build and simulate (using “Bias Point”) the two-branch
voltage-divider circuit shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Voltage divider circuit.
Ensure that you have the 5 resistors needed to build the circuit in Figure 1.
Using your MS8217 as a DC ohmmeter, measure each resistor, record its true value, and compute
percent error from nominal. Ensure that no percent error is greater than 10% before proceeding.
Construct the circuit of Figure 1.
Add jumpers to your breadboard for the independent voltage source.
Use 1 red wire for “+” and 1 black wire for “–”.
Figure 17. Abbreviated view of one procedure for Electrical Laboratory during Spring 2015.
More examples of Analog Discovery integration may be found in the Digital Systems
Engineering course, which covers applications of microcontrollers in embedded systems. In this
course, the WaveForms digital tools are used as an I/O interface to generate input patterns and
view outputs as individual bits or seven-segment displays. The logic analyzer is used to observe
timing parameters, for example during the generation of pulse-width modulation signals for DC
motor control. As usage of the Analog Discovery becomes more widespread, new applications
are constantly being found.
Integration of an instrument such as the Analog Discovery into undergraduate courses helps to
align the EE curriculum with outcomes for students specified by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET). Three of these outcomes are listed below, along with a
brief description of how the Analog Discovery is relevant to them:
“an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering” -- To engineer
an electric circuit in theory, students uses the science of Kirchhoff’s Laws and
mathematical techniques such as calculus. To engineer a circuit in practice, students may
use the Analog Discovery to build and verify actual performance.
“an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data” -Traditionally, students have only been able to conduct experiments using instruments
available on-site at their electronics laboratory, usually at a scheduled time. Using the
portable Analog Discovery, students may now conduct experiments (though not yet
entirely) on their own time and in their choice of learning environment.
“an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice” -- Much modern electrical engineering is performed by comparing
simulated and measured results, such as simulating a circuit in PSpice and measuring the
same circuit using the Analog Discovery. Much modern electrical engineering is also
performed via software/hardware interfacing, such as joining the Analog Discovery with
an FPGA.
The vast majority of the freshman Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering students were able to
use the Analog Discovery and instructor-supplied parts to (a) build a resistor-LED circuit,
(b) measure a DC voltage, (c) calculate a DC current, (d) build an IC counter circuit, (e) control
digital inputs, and (f) observe digital outputs. Scores improved on each successive exercise and
the overall average on these in-class projects was a respectable 92%.
In the sophomore Electric Circuit Analysis I course, using the Analog Discovery and associated
Analog Parts Kit, the vast majority of students were able to (a) measure a resistance, (b) build a
resistive circuit, (c) measure a DC voltage, (d) measure a DC current, (e) build a circuit
containing multiple voltage sources, (f) build an operational amplifier circuit, (g) generate a
sinusoidal voltage, (h) observe a sinusoidal voltage, (i) build a resistor-capacitor circuit, (j)
generate a square-wave voltage, (k) observe an exponentially-decaying voltage, (l) build a
resistor-inductor-capacitor circuit, and (m) observe an underdamped circuit response. Every
project was completed by at least 85% of the students. The average completion rate across all
students and all projects was 92%.
From the point-of-view of the students who use the Analog Discovery, end-of-course feedback
indicates that they appreciate hands-on learning and see a direct link between classroom theory
and practical implementation. Provided below are opinions written by undergraduates, quoted
from their end-of-term Student Evaluation of Instruction forms:
-- reported by freshmen after completing Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering…
“I enjoyed the many different labs that we did. I was able to see what different aspects
electrical engineering is involved with.”
“The course did a good job holding my attention. Everything was interesting and hands
“I enjoyed the hands on learning style of the labs and lessons.”
-- reported by sophomores after completing Electric Circuit Analysis I…
“I liked that we now build physical circuits in the class.”
“I enjoyed the demo assignments in the course. Hands on homework with the breadboard
and p-spice was very helpful.”
“I love the Diligent-Waveforms projects as well as the PSpice simulations. This really
helped me understand key concepts.”
In this paper, integration of Digilent’s Analog Discovery and its associated Analog Parts Kit has
been demonstrated across much of the early electrical engineering curriculum, inside of courses
that most EE majors take at any undergraduate institution. Thus, the utility of the instrument is
not limited to a particular EE program or a particular concentration therein. Students’ scores on
in-class projects and homework indicate proficiency with breadboarding, waveform generation,
and instrumentation, well before they take their first formal electrical laboratory course. While
the Analog Discovery is not the only portable electronics prototyping option available to
engineering educators, it is one that (a) does help to achieve ABET’s stated objectives for
undergraduates, and (b) has thus far received a positive response from students.
Analog Discovery Technical Reference Manual, Digilent Inc., 2013.
Waveforms SDK manual, Digilent Inc., 2015.
Beginner Analog Discovery, Module 1,, 2016.
Getting Started with the Analog Discovery,, 2016.
Digilent Basys Board Reference Manual, Digilent Inc., 2007.