A new algorithm to design compact two-hidden

Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Contributed article
A new algorithm to design compact two-hidden-layer arti®cial neural
Md. Monirul Islam, K. Murase*
Department of Human and Arti®cial Intelligence Systems, Fukui University, 3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui 910-8507, Japan
Received 25 August 2000; revised 19 March 2001; accepted 19 March 2001
This paper describes the cascade neural network design algorithm (CNNDA), a new algorithm for designing compact, two-hidden-layer
arti®cial neural networks (ANNs). This algorithm determines an ANN's architecture with connection weights automatically. The design
strategy used in the CNNDA was intended to optimize both the generalization ability and the training time of ANNs. In order to improve the
generalization ability, the CNDDA uses a combination of constructive and pruning algorithms and bounded fan-ins of the hidden nodes. A
new training approach, by which the input weights of a hidden node are temporarily frozen when its output does not change much after a few
successive training cycles, was used in the CNNDA for reducing the computational cost and the training time. The CNNDA was tested on
several benchmarks including the cancer, diabetes and character-recognition problems in ANNs. The experimental results show that the
CNNDA can produce compact ANNs with good generalization ability and short training time in comparison with other algorithms. q 2001
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Constructive algorithm; Pruning algorithm; Weight freezing; Generalization ability; Training time
1. Introduction
The automated design of arti®cial neural networks
(ANNs) is an important issue for any learning task. There
have been many attempts to design ANNs automatically,
such as various evolutionary and nonevolutionary algorithms (see Schaffer, Whitely & Eshelman, 1992, for a
review of evolutionary algorithms and Haykin, 1994, for a
review of nonevolutionary algorithms). The important parameters of any design algorithms are the consideration of
generalization ability and of training time of ANNs.
However, both parameters are controversial in many application areas; improving the one at the expense of the other
becomes a crucial decision (Jim, Giles & Horne, 1996).
The main dif®culty of evolutionary algorithms is that they
are quite demanding in both time and user-de®ned parameters (Kwok &Yeung, 1997a). In contrast, nonevolutionary algorithms require much smaller amounts of time and
user-de®ned parameters. The constructive algorithm is one
such nonevolutionary algorithm and it has many advantages
over other nonevolutionary algorithms (Kwok & Yeung,
1997a,b; Lehtokangas, 1999; Phatak & Koren, 1994). In
short, it starts with a minimal network (i.e. a network with
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 181-776-27-8774; fax: 181-776-27-8751.
E-mail address: murase@synapse.fuis.fukui-u.ac.jp (K. Murase).
minimal numbers of layers, hidden nodes, and connections)
and adds new layers, nodes, and connections as necessary
during training.
The most well-known constructive algorithms are the
dynamic node creation (DNC) (Ash, 1989) and the cascade
correlation (CC) algorithms (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990).
The DNC algorithm constructs single-hidden-layer ANNs
with a suf®cient number of nodes in the hidden layer, though
such networks suffer dif®culty in learning some complex
problems (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990). In contrast, the CC
algorithm constructs multiple-hidden-layer ANNs with one
node in each layer and is suitable for some complex
problems (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990; Setiono & Hui,
1995). However, the CC algorithm has many practical
problems, such as dif®cult implementation in VLSI and
long propagation delay (Baluja & Fahlman, 1994; Lehtokangas, 1999; Phatak & Koren, 1994). In addition, the
generalization ability of a network may be degraded when
the number of hidden nodes N is large, because an N-th
hidden node may have some spurious connections (Kwok
& Yeung, 1997a).
This paper describes a new ef®cient algorithm, the
cascade neural network design algorithm (CNNDA), for
designing compact two-hidden-layer ANNs. It begins
network design in a constructive fashion by adding nodes
one after another. However, once the network converges, it
0893-6080/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0893-608 0(01)00075-2
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
starts pruning the network by deleting nodes and/or connections. In order to reduce hidden nodes fan-in and number of
hidden layers in ANNs, the CNNDA allows each hidden
layer of ANNs to contain several nodes that are automatically determined by its training process. A new training
approach, that temporarily freezes the input weights of a
hidden node when its output does not change much after a
few successive training cycles, is used in the CNNDA to
reduce training time.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 brie¯y
describes different training approaches used for designing
ANNs. Section 3 describes the CNNDA in detail and
describes the motivations and ideas behind various design
choices. Section 4 presents the experimental results of using
the CNNDA. Section 5 discusses various features of the
CNNDA. Finally, Section 6 gives a conclusion of this work.
2. Training methods for automated design of ANNs
One important issue with any design algorithm is the
method to use to train ANNs. While ANNs with ®xed architectures are trained only once, ANNs must be trained every
time their architectures are changed by design algorithms.
Hence, the computational ef®ciency of the training becomes
an important issue for any design algorithm. A large variety
of strategies exist whereby ANNs can be designed and
trained (see, for example, Haykin, 1994 and Hertz, Krogh
& Palmer, 1991, for nonevolutionary algorithms, Schaffer et
al., 1992 and Whitley, Starkweather & Bogart, 1990, for
evolutionary algorithms). In order to describe the training
process of the CNNDA, we brie¯y summarize two major
training approaches that are generally used by constructive
algorithms. One approach is to train all the nodes of an
ANN, and other is to train only the newly added hidden
node, keeping the previously added node's weights
The former training approach is very simple and straightforward; it optimizes all the weights (i.e. the whole network)
after each hidden node addition. Some constructive algorithms (Bartlett, 1994; Hirose, Yamashita & Hijiya, 1991;
Setiono & Hui, 1995), which are variants of the DNC algorithm (Ash, 1989), use this approach. The main disadvantage of this approach is that the solution space to be searched
becomes too large, resulting in a slower convergence rate
(Schmitz & Aldrich, 1999). It also suffers from the so-called
moving-target problem (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990), where
each hidden node `sees' a constantly moving environment.
In addition, the training of the whole network becomes
computationally expensive as the network size becomes
larger and larger. In fact, small ANNs have been designed
using this approach in previous studies (Ash, 1989; Bartlett,
1994; Hirose et al., 1991; Setiono & Hui, 1995).
In the latter training approach, few weights are optimized
at a time, so that the solution space to be searched is reduced
and the computational burden is minimized. One such
approach is training only the newly added hidden node
and having training proceed in a layer-by-layer manner.
First, only the input weights of the newly added hidden
node are trained. After that, these weights are kept ®xed,
which is known as weight-freezing, and only the weights
connecting the hidden node to the output nodes are trained.
Algorithms in this training approach (Lehtokangas, 1999;
Phatak & Koren, 1994) are mostly variants of the CC algorithm (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990). Although the convergence rate of this training approach is fast, as indicated by
Ash (1989), weight freezing during training of the newly
added hidden node does not ®nd the optimal solution. An
empirical study on the CC algorithm by Yang and Honavar
(1998) indicates that the impact of weight freezing on the
convergence rate, on the percentage of correctness in the
test set, and the network architecture produced is different
for different problem domains. Another study found that the
weight freezing of single-hidden-layer networks requires
large numbers of hidden nodes (Kwok & Yeung, 1993).
It, therefore, stands to reason that the bene®t of such
weight freezing is not conclusive; at the same time,
however, optimization of the whole network is computationally expensive and the convergence rate is slow. Therefore, a training approach that automatically determines
when and which node's input weights are to be frozen is
desirable. This training approach is, thus, a combination of
the two extremes: of optimizing all of the network weights
and of optimizing the weights of only the newly added node.
This is the training approach taken by the algorithm
proposed in this paper.
3. Cascade neural networks design algorithm (CNNDA)
In order to avoid the disadvantages of training either
whole network or only one node at a time, the CNNDA
adopts a training approach that temporarily freezes the
input weights of a hidden node when its output does not
change much in the next few training cycles. However,
the frozen weights may `unfreeze' in the pruning process
of the CNNDA. That is why the term `temporarily freeze',
rather than `freeze' is used in this study. It is shown by
example that when construction algorithms with backpropagation (BP) are used for network design, some hidden nodes
maintain an almost constant output after some training
cycles, while others change continuously.
In this study, the CNNDA is used to design two-hiddenlayered feedforward ANNs with sigmoid transfer functions.
However, it could be used to design ANNs with any number
of hidden layers, provided the maximum number of hidden
layers is prespeci®ed. Also, the nodes in hidden and output
layers could use any type of transfer functions. The feedforward ANNs considered by the CNNDA are generalized
multilayer perceptrons (Fig. 1). In such architecture, the
®rst hidden (H1) layer receives only network inputs (I),
while the second hidden (H2) layer receives I plus the
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Fig. 1. A two-hidden-layer multilayer perceptron (MLP) network.
outputs (X) of the H1 layer. The output layer receives
signals from the H1 and H2 layers.
The major steps of the CNNDA can be described as
follows. Fig. 2 is a ¯ow chart of these steps.
Step 1 Create an initial ANN architecture. The initial
architecture has three layers, i.e. an input, an output,
and a hidden layer. The number of nodes in the input
and output layers is the same the number of inputs and
outputs of the problem. Initially, the hidden layer contains
only one node. Randomly initialize connection weights
between input layer to hidden layer and hidden layer to
output layer within a certain range.
Step 2 Train the network using the BP. Stop the training
process if the training error E does not signi®cantly
reduce in the next few iterations. The assumption is that
the network has inappropriate architecture. The training
error E is calculated according to the following equation
(Prechelt, 1994):
E ˆ 100
omax 2 omin X
…Yi …s† 2 Zi …s††2
sˆ1 iˆ1
where omax and omin are the maximum and minimum
values of the target outputs in the problem representation,
N is the number of output nodes, S is the total number of
examples in the training set, Ys(s) and Zs(s) are, respectively, the actual and desired outputs of node i for training
data s. The advantage of the above error equation is that it
is less dependent on the size of the training set and the
number of output nodes.
Step 3 If the value of E is acceptable, go to step 12.
Otherwise, continue.
Step 4 Compute the number of hidden layers in the
network. If this number is two (i.e. the user-de®ned maximum-hidden-layer number), go to step 6. Otherwise,
Step 5 Create a new hidden layer, i.e. a second hidden (H2)
layer, with only one node. Initialize connection weights
of that node in the same way as described in step 1. Go to
step 2.
Step 6 Compute the contribution C and the number of fanin connections f of each node in the H2 layer. The Ci(n) of
the i-th node at any iteration n is Ei =E: Here Ei is the error of
the network excluding node i and computed according to
Eq. (1).
Step 7 Compare the values of Ci …n† and fi …n† with their
previous values Ci …n 2 t1 † and fi …n 2 t1 †; respectively. If
Ci …n† # Ci …n 2 t1 † and fi …n† 2 fi …n 2 t1 † ˆ M, continue.
Otherwise, go to step 9. Here t 1 and M are user-de®ned
positive integer numbers.
Step 8 Freeze the fan-in capacity of the i-th node. That
means the i-th node will not receive any new input signals
in the future when new nodes are added in the H1 layer.
Notice that generally the i-th node and all other nodes in the
H2 layer receive signals from all nodes in the H1 layer.
Mark the i-th node with F.
Step 9 Compare the output X(n) of each node in the H1
layer and F marked nodes in the H2 layer with their previous
values X(n 2 t 2). Here t 2 is the user-de®ned positive integer number. If X…n† . X…n 2 t2 †, continue. Otherwise, go
to step 11.
Step 10 Temporarily freeze input connection weights,
keeping weight values ®xed for some time, for any nodes
in the H1 layer and F marked nodes in the H2 layer whose
X…n† . X…n 2 t2 †.
Step 11 Add one node in the H1 or H2 layer. If adding a
node in the H1 layer produces a larger size ANN (in terms of
connections) than does adding a node in the H2 layer, then
add one node in the H1 layer. Otherwise, add one node in the
H2 layer. In the CNNDA, the addition of a node in any layer
is done by splitting an existing node in that layer using the
method by Odri, Petrovacki and Krstonosic (1993). Go to
step 2.
Step 12 According to contribution C, delete the least
contributory node from the network and unfreeze the
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the CNNDA.
input connections (if any connections are frozen) of
one hidden node. Train the pruned network by the
BP. If the network converges again, delete one
node and unfreeze the input connections of one
node. Continue this process until the network no
longer converges.
Step 13 Decide the number of connections to be
deleted by generating a random number between 1
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Fig. 3. A two-hidden-layer multilayer perceptron (MLP) network with frozen input connection weights of some hidden nodes. I and X represent the input to the
network and the output of a hidden node, respectively. w represents the connection weight.
and the user-de®ned maximum number. Calculate the
approximate importance of each connection in the
network by the nonconvergent method (Finnoff,
Hergent & Zimmermann, 1993). According to calculated importance, delete a certain number of connections and unfreeze the same number of connections (if
any connections are frozen) from the network. Train
the pruned network by the BP. Continue this process
until the network no longer converges. The last
network before converge ends is the ®nal network.
This design procedure seems rather complex compared
to the simple constructive algorithms (e.g. Ash, 1989;
Bartlett, 1994; Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990) that have
only one component, i.e. node addition. However, the
essence of the CNNDA is the use of ®ve components:
freezing fan-in capacity, temporary weight freezing, node
addition by node splitting, selective nodes and/or connections deletion.
3.1. Freezing the fan-in capacity of a hidden node
The use of freezing a hidden node's fan-in capacity in the
CNNDA re¯ects this algorithm's emphasis on the generalization ability of the network. It also re¯ects the CNNDA's
emphasis on computational ef®ciency and training time.
Freezing the fan-in capacity of a node in the H2 layer is
necessary, since it would otherwise be impossible to freeze
the input connection weights of that node due to the type of
ANN architecture (Fig. 1) and the training concept used in
the CNNDA. Restricted fan-in is known to improve the
generalization ability (Lee, Bartlett & Williamson, 1996),
and weight freezing is known to reduce the training time and
computational cost of ANNs (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990;
Kwok & Yeung, 1997a,b).
In order to freeze the fan-in capacity of the i-th node in
the H2 layer, the CNNDA compares the i-th node's contri-
bution Ci …n† and the number of fan-in connections fi …n† at
iteration n with their previous values Ci …n 2 t1 † and fi …n 2
t1 †; respectively. As mentioned previously, the contribution
of the i-th node is the ratio of network errors, i.e. Ei =E, where
Ei is the error of the network excluding node i and is
computed according to Eq. (1). Here, it is worth mentioning
that the computation of Ei does not require any extra computational cost because Ei is part of E. Thus, one could extract
the value of Ei from E during its computation and save it for
future use. In the CNNDA, if Ci …n† # Ci …n 2 t1 † and fi …n† 2
fi …n 2 t1 † ˆ M; the assumption is that increasing fan-in and
further training does not improve the i-th node's contribution. Therefore, the CNNDA freezes the fan-in capacity of
the i-th node and marks it with F.
3.2. Temporary weight freezing (TWF)
This section describes the temporary weight freezing
technique used in the CNNDA. As mentioned previously,
the training approach of the CNNDA temporarily freezes
the input weights of a hidden node when its output does not
change much over the next few training cycles. However,
the CNNDA may unfreeze the frozen weights in the pruning
process of a network. The pruning of nodes and/or connections from a trained network increases bias (i.e. error) and
reduces variance (i.e. number of adjustable weights) of the
pruned network. In contrast, the unfreeze of frozen weights
increases variance of the pruned network. Thus, unfreezing
balances between bias and variance of the pruned network.
It is known that balancing between bias and variance
improves the approximation capability of the network
(Geman & Bienenstock, 1992) and increasing variance
improves the convergence rate (Kwok & Yeung, 1997a).
The temporary weight freezing is applied to any nodes in
the H1 layer and only F marked nodes in the H2 layer. In the
case of F marked nodes, the temporary weight freezing is
not straightforward like nodes in the H1 layer. This is
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
because the output of any F marked node depends not only
the original network input I but also on the output X of the
H1 layer (Fig. 1). However, the output of any node in the H1
layer depends only on I (Fig. 1). In fact, a problem arises
when the output Xj of the j-th node in the H1 layer is not
constant due to its unfrozen input weights. However, the
CNNDA intends to freeze the input connection weights of
any F marked node i (Fig. 3).
In order to ensure a constant amount of signal for node i
from node j, the CNNDA implements the following steps
for any node i. (a) Save Xj …n† and wij(n) when input weights
of a node i are going to be frozen at iteration n. Here wij is
the connection weight between nodes i and j. (b) According
to the following equation, change the value of wij …n† when
the value of Xj …n† changes in future training cycles.
Xj …n†wij …n†
wij …n 1 1† ˆ
Xj …n 1 1†
The implementation of Eq. (2) ensures that the i-th node will
always receive a constant amount of signal from the j-th
node in spite of its variable output. However, the CNNDA
stops the implementation of Eq. (2) whenever the input
weights of the j-th node are frozen.
3.3. Node addition
In this section, the node addition process of the CNNDA
has been described. In the CNNDA, each new node to be
added into any hidden layer of an ANN is implemented by
splitting an existing node (possibly with unfrozen connections) of that layer. The process of a node splitting is known
as `cell division' (Odri et al., 1993). Two nodes created by
splitting an existing node have the same number of connections as the existing node. The weights of the new nodes are
calculated according to Odri et al. (1993) and are given
w1ij ˆ …1 1 b†wij
w2ij ˆ 2bwij
where w represent the weight vector of the existing node, w 1
and w 2 are the weight vectors of the new nodes. b is the
mutation parameter whose value may be either a ®xed or
random value. The advantage of this addition process is that
it does not require random initialization for the weight
vector of the new added node. Thus, the new ANN can
strongly maintain the behavioral link with its predecessor
(Yao & Liu, 1997).
3.4. Connection deletion
As mentioned previously, the CNNDA deletes few
connections (according to a user-de®ned number) selectively, rather than randomly. The choice of connections to
be deleted is determined by their importance in the network.
In this study, the importance of each connection is deter-
mined by the nonconvergent method (Finnoff et al., 1993).
In this method, the importance of a connection is de®ned by
a signi®cance test for its weight's deviation from zero in the
weight update process. Consider the weight update Dwij ˆ
2h‰dEs =dw
of linear error function
P ij Š;Pby the local gradient
E E ˆ Ssˆ1 Niˆ1 uYi …s† 2 Zi …s†u with respect to sample s
and weight wij. The signi®cance of the deviation of wij from
zero is de®ned by the test variable as follows (Finnoff et al.,
test…wij † ˆ s
P s
…z 2 z ij †2
where zsij ˆ wij 1 Dwsij ; z ij represent the average over the set
zsij ; s ˆ 1; ¼; S: A small value of test…wij † indicates the less
importance of the connection with weight wij : The advantage of this method is that it does not require any extra
parameter for determining the importance of a connection.
4. Experimental studies
We have selected the most well known benchmarks to
test the CNNDA described in the previous section. These
benchmarks are the cancer, diabetes and character-recognition problems. The data sets representing all these problems
were real-world data and were obtained from the UCI
machine learning benchmark repository.
In order to assess the effects of weight freezing on
network performance, two sets of experiments were carried
out. In the ®rst set of experiments, the CNNDA with weight
freezing, described in Section 3, was applied. The CNNDA
without weight freezing was applied in the second set of
In all experiments, one bias unit with a ®xed input 1 was
used for hidden and output layers. The learning rate was set
between [0.1, 1.0] and the weights were initialized to
random values between [21.0, 1.0]. To ensure fairness
across all the experiments, each experiment was carried
out 30 times. The results presented in the following sections
are the average of these 30 runs.
4.1. The breast cancer problem
This problem has been the subject of several studies on
network design (e.g. Setiono & Hui, 1995; Yao & Liu,
1997). The data set representing this problem contained
699 examples. Each example consisted of nine-element
real valued vectors. This was a two-class problem. The
purpose of this problem was to diagnose a breast tumor as
either benign or malignant.
4.2. The diabetes problem
Due to a relatively small data set and high noise level, the
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Table 1
Performance of the CNNDA in terms of network architectures and generalization ability
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
Number of hidden nodes
Number of connections
Classi®cation error
Table 2
Performance of the CNNDA in terms of the number of epochs, computational cost, and training time. Note that computational cost is represented by the number
of weight updates
Number of epochs
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
Without weight freezing
With weight freezing
diabetes problem is one of the most challenging problems in
machine learning (Yao & Liu, 1997). This was a two-class
problem in which individuals were diagnosed as either positive or negative for diabetes based on patients' personal
data. There were 768 examples in the data set, each of
which consisted of eight-element real valued vectors.
4.3. The character-recognition problem
Since all the above-mentioned problems were small classi®cation problems, we chose character recognition as a
large problem for assessing the performance of the
CNNDA for a large problem. The data set representing
Computational cost
115.67 £ 10
111.85 £ 10 5
125.50 £ 10 5
89.67 £ 10 5
82.97 £ 10 5
98.86 £ 10 5
61.5 £ 10 5
43.2 £ 10 5
93.5 £ 10 5
48.11 £ 10 5
33.44 £ 10 5
78.5 £ 10 5
25.31 £ 10 8
18.31 £ 10 8
36.31 £ 10 8
22.11 £ 10 8
16.62 £ 10 8
28.31 £ 10 8
Training time (s)
this problem contained 20,000 examples. This was a 26class problem. The purpose of this problem was to classify
digitized patterns. The inputs were 16-element real valued
vectors. Elements of the input vector were numerical attributes computed from a pixel array containing the characters.
4.4. Experiment setup
In this study, all data sets representing the problems are
divided into two sets. One is the training set and the other is
the test set. Note that no validation set is used in this study.
The numbers of examples in the training set and test set are
based on numbers in other works, in order to make
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Table 3
Connection weights and biases (represented by B) of the best network (shown in Fig. 4) produced by the CNNDA for the diabetes problem
² Diabetes data set: the ®rst 384 examples are used for the
training set and the last 192 for the test set.
² Character data set: 1000 randomly selected examples
are used for the training set, and 4000 randomly selected
examples are used for the test set.
4.5. Experimental results
Fig. 4. The network design process of the CNNDA for the diabetes
problem: (a) network at step 1; (b) network at step 12; (c) ®nal network.
comparison with those works possible. The sizes of the
training and test data sets used in this study are given as
² Breast cancer data set: the ®rst 349 examples are used
for the training set and the last 175 for the test set.
Tables 1±3 show the experimental results of the CNNDA
for the cancer, diabetes and character-recognition problems.
The classi®cation error in Table 1 refers to the percentage of
wrong classi®cations in the test set. The computational cost
refers to the total number of weight updates by BP for the
whole training period. The training time is the amount of
CPU time required for training. It was measured in seconds,
on an IBM PC 300GL (Pentium II, 200 MHz) running Red
Hat Linux Version 6.0.
It is seen that the CNNDA requires a small number of
training cycles to produce compact ANNs with small classi®cation errors. For example, the CNNDA with weight
freezing produces an ANN with three hidden nodes that
achieves a classi®cation error of 18.75% for the diabetes
problem. Fig. 4 shows the design process of this network
and Table 3 its weights. It is interesting to see that the
deletion process not only helps the CNNDA produce a
compact network, but also changes the position of a hidden
node from second hidden layer to ®rst hidden layer. That is,
because the second layer is also connected to the input layer
in this network structure, if the connection from the ®rst
layer is deleted, then the second layer is equal to the
®rst layer, but nodes of the ®rst layer do not move to
the second layer. This demonstrates that, if necessary, the
deletion process could change a two-hidden-layer network
into one with a single-hidden-layer.
In order to show how a hidden node's output changes in
the whole training period, Figs. 5 and 6 show the hidden
node's output for the cancer and diabetes problems. It is
seen that some hidden nodes maintain almost constant
output after some training epochs, while others change
continuously. This phenomenon illustrates that one could
freeze the input weights of a hidden node when its output
does not change much over the next few training epochs,
thereby reducing the computational cost. Figs. 7 and 8 show
the effects of such weight freezing on the network error for
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Fig. 5. The hidden nodes output of a network (9±2±2±2) for the cancer problem: (a) without weight freezing; (b) with weight freezing.
Fig. 6. The hidden nodes output of a network (8±1±2±2) for the diabetes problem: (a) without weight freezing; (b) with weight freezing.
Fig. 7. The error of a network (9±2±2±2) for the cancer problem: (a) without weight freezing; (b) with weight freezing.
the cancer and diabetes problems, respectively. It is
observed that weight freezing makes for faster convergence (Figs. 7 and 8) and lower computational cost than
without it (Table 2). Thus, weight freezing reduces the
training time in designing ANNs (Table 2). Table 4
shows the effect of unfreezing on convergence rate in
CNNDA. It is seen that unfreezing has a more
pronounced effect on a large classi®cation problem
than on those of a small classi®cation problem. Because
a large classi®cation problem (e.g. character recognition) requires many hidden nodes (Table 1) it may
require many deletion processes.
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Fig. 8. The error of a network (8±1±2±2) for the diabetes problem: (a) without weight freezing; (b) with weight freezing.
Table 4
Effect of weight unfreezing in CNNDA
Number of epochs by CNNDA
Without weight unfreezing With weight unfreezing
Mean 467.8
Diabetes Mean 277
Character Mean 6538.1
Max 6912
4.6. Comparison
In this section, we compare the results of the CNNDA
(with weight freezing) with the results of other works. Yao
and Liu (1997) have reported a new evolutionary system
called EPNet in designing ANNs for the cancer problem.
The training algorithm used in EPNet is BP with an adaptive
learning rate. In order to improve generalization ability,
EPNet uses a validation set (consisting of 175 samples)
for calculating a network error, although a training set
(consisting of 349 samples) is used for training. Employing
the constructive approach with a quasi-Newton method for
training, Setiono and Hui (1995) proposed a new algorithm
(FNNCA) in designing ANNs for the cancer problem. The
number of training samples used in the FNNCA is 524.
Prechelt (1994) also reported results of manually designed
ANNs (denoted as MDANN) for the cancer problem. Like
EPNet, MDANN uses a validation set (consisting of 175
samples) along with a training set (consisting of 349
samples) for improving generalization ability.
To make comparison possible with CC like algorithm, we
applied the modi®ed cascade correlation algorithm
(MCCA), proposed by Phatak and Koren (1994), to the
cancer and character-recognition problems. We chose the
MCCA because the network architecture produced by
MCCA was very similar to that of CNNDA. Like
CNNDA, MCCA allows each hidden layer to contain
several nodes. However, the number of nodes in each
hidden layer of the MCCA was user-de®ned. The MCCA
produced strictly layered network architectures, i.e. each
layer received signals only from its previous layer. For
making fair comparison, the training algorithm used in
this study was a BP, although Phatak and Koren (1994)
used a quick-prop training algorithm. The number of training and test samples used in MCCA was similar to that of
Table 5 compares the results among the CNNDA,
MCCA, FNNCA, MDANN and EPNet for the cancer
problem. The best classi®cation accuracy of produced
ANNs by MCCA and FNNCA were 0.0115 and 0.0145,
respectively. Prechelt (1994) tried different ANNs manually
for the problem and found a best classi®cation error of
0.0115 by a six-hidden-node ANN. In terms of average
results, EPNet found two-hidden-node ANNs with a classi®cation error 0.01376, while the CNNDA achieved a classi®cation error of 0.0115 for a network having 3.5 hidden
nodes on average. Here it is important to note that the
CNNDA achieves a lower classi®cation error without
using a validation set and also using a small number of
training samples. The smaller number of hidden nodes
required by EPNet could be attributed to the type of ANN
architecture used by EPNet; however, the number of
connections of the network produced by CNNDA is very
competitive with that of EPNet. Speci®cally, given the same
number of hidden nodes, the network architecture used in
EPNet had more connections than that of CNNDA. In terms
of training epochs, the best performance of MCAA was 403
epochs, while CNNDA required 451.6 epochs on average.
EPNet required 109,000 epochs for a single run.
Table 6 compares the average classi®cation error of
CNNDA with EPNet (Yao & Liu, 1997) and other works
(Michie, Spiegelhalter & Taylor, 1994) on the diabetes
problem. It was found that the CNNDA outperformed
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
Table 5
Comparison among CNNDA (with weight freezing), MCCA (Phatak & Koren, 1994), FNNCA (Setiono & Hui, 1995), MDANN (Prechelt, 1994), and EPNet
(Yao & Liu, 1997) in terms of network size, classi®cation accuracy, and number of epochs for the cancer problem
Number of hidden nodes
Number of connections
Classi®cation error
Number of epochs
Best results
by MCCA in
®ve runs
Best results
in 50 runs
Best results
Average results
over 30 runs
by EPNet
Average results
over 30 runs
`± ' means not available.
Table 6
Comparison among CNNDA (with weight freezing), EPNet (Yao & Liu, 1997), and others (Michie et al., 1994) in terms of average classi®cation error for the
diabetes problem
Classi®cation error 0.199
Logdisc a DIPOL92 a
Discrim a SMART a
ITrule a
BP a
Cal5 a
Quadisc a
Reported in Yao and Liu (1997).
Table 7
Comparison among CNNDA, modular network (Anand et al., 1995) and nonmodular network (Anand et al., 1995) in terms of network size, classi®cation
accuracy, and number of epochs for the character-recognition problem
Number of hidden nodes
Classi®cation error
Number of epochs
results by
®ve runs
Average results
over ®ve runs by
modular network
Average results over
®ve runs by
nonmodular network
over 30
runs by
EPNet and all the other works. To achieve this rate of classi®cation error, CNNDA and EPNet use the same number of
training samples. However, EPNet uses a validation set
consisting of 192 samples for improving classi®cation accuracy. Because data from medical domains are often very
costly to obtain, it would be very dif®cult to use a validation
set for improving classi®cation accuracy. We believe that
the classi®cation performance of the CNNDA would be
much better if we were to use a validation set. On the
other hand, the results represented in Michie et al. (1994)
were the average results of the best 11 experiments out of
23. In terms of network size, the average number of connections and hidden nodes of produced ANNs by the CNNDA
were 4.2 and 33.0, respectively, while they were 3.4 and
52.3 for EPNet. The convergence rate of the CNNDA for
producing ANNs is much faster, requiring only 235 epochs,
compared to that of EPNet, which requires 109,000 epochs
for a single run.
Anand, Mehrotra, Mohan and Ranka (1995) reported results
for the character-recognition problem using ®xed network
architecture. They used two types of ®xed architecture with
15 hidden nodes. One is modular architecture and the other is
nonmodular architecture. The standard BP is used for training
of nonmodular architecture, while modi®ed BP, which is faster
than standard BP by one order of magnitude (Anand et al.,
1995), is used for modular architecture. The classi®cation
error and number of epochs by the modular network were
0.25 and 5520, respectively, while nonmodular network
required 7674 epochs to achieve a classi®cation error of
0.26. In terms of best result, MCCA achieved a classi®cation
error of 0.2687 for a network having 36 hidden nodes by using
7013 training epochs. The CNNDA achieves an average classi®cation error of 0.23 using a network with 19.8 hidden nodes.
It requires 5913.5 epochs on average for a single run. Here, it is
worth mentioning that the performance of Anand et al. was an
average of ®ve runs, while it was an average of 30 runs for the
CNNDA. We think that the results of CNNDA would be much
better if we took an average of ®ve runs and we would use
modi®ed BP. Table 7 summarizes the above results.
5. Discussion
Although there have been many attempts to create the automatic determination of single-hidden-layer network architecture, few have been attempted for multiple-hidden-layer
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
networks (see, for example, a review paper by Kwok and
Yeung, 1997a, for nonevolutionary algorithms and Whitley
et al., 1990, for a study on evolutionary algorithms). It is
known that multiple-hidden-layer ANNs are suitable for
complex problems (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990; Setiono &
Hui, 1995) and are superior to single-hidden-layer networks
(Tamura & Tateishi, 1997). In this study, we have proposed
an ef®cient algorithm (CNNDA) for designing compact
two-hidden-layer networks. The salient features of the
CNNDA are use of a constructive pruning strategy, node
addition by node splitting, freezing a hidden node's fan-in,
and temporary weight freezing. In this section, we discuss
each of these features with respect to classi®cation accuracy, training time or both.
It is known that constructive algorithms in some cases might
produce larger sized networks than necessary (Hirose et al.,
1991), and that pruning algorithms are computationally expensive (Lehtokangas, 1999). Network size and computational
expense affect classi®cation accuracy and training time,
respectively. Thus, the synergy between constructive and
pruning algorithms is suitable for producing compact
networks at a reasonable computational expense. The use of
pruning algorithms in conjunction with constructive algorithms not only reduces the network size (in terms of hidden
nodes and/or connections), but also changes the position of a
node from one hidden layer to another (Fig. 4). In this case, the
reduction of size improves the classi®cation accuracy by about
7.69%. Most importantly, the connection pruning might
change two-hidden-layer networks into single-hidden-layer
networks. In other words, the connection pruning could
convert complex networks into simple networks. The node
pruning in the CNNDA allows users to add multiple nodes
rather than one node in the node addition process. In such a
case, the convergence will be fast.
The constructive pruning strategy used in the CNNDA is
similar to the one proposed by Hirose et al. (1991) for
designing single-hidden-layer networks. However, the
approaches used in the CNNDA for network construction
and pruning are different from those used in Hirose et al.
(1991) and other works (e.g. Ash, 1989; Fahlman & Lebiere,
1990). Unlike other studies on network design (e.g. Ash,
1989; Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990; Hirose et al., 1991), the
CNNDA adds a node through splitting an existing hidden
node. The addition of a node by splitting an existing node
has many advantages over random addition (Odri et al.,
1993; Yao & Liu, 1997). In addition, adding a node by
splitting an existing node could be seen as the deletion of
one node and the addition of two nodes. It has been shown
that in terms of network performance, adding multiple
hidden nodes is better than adding the same number of
nodes one by one (Lehtokangas, 1999).
In the pruning process, the CNNDA deletes nodes and/or
connections selectively rather than randomly. The advantage of selective deletion is that it can preserve those
nodes and/or connections that are important for network
performance. This view is supported by Giles and Omlin
(1994). They propose a simple pruning method, in which a
state neuron with small incoming weights is considered less
important, for improving classi®cation accuracy of recurrent neural networks. They found that selective pruning is
better than random pruning and weight decay.
Freezing of a hidden node's fan-in and allowing many
nodes in each hidden layer make the CNNDA suitable for
producing ANNs with bounded fan-in of the hidden nodes.
It is known that a network with bounded fan-in is ef®ciently
learnable and is suitable for hardware implementation of
ANNs (Lee et al., 1996; Phatak & Koren, 1994). In order
to reduce the fan-in of the hidden node, Phatak and Koren
(1994) modi®ed the CC algorithm by allowing more than
one node in each hidden layer. The fan-in of the hidden node
is, thus, controlled by the number of nodes allowed in each
hidden layer. The maximum number of nodes allowed in
each hidden layer is determined by the user-de®ned parameter (Phatak & Koren, 1994). As pointed out by Kwok and
Yeung (1997a), this number is very crucial for network
performance. Restricting this number to a small value limits
the ability of the hidden nodes to form complicated feature
detectors (Kwok & Yeung, 1997a). In contrast, the training
process of the CNNDA automatically determines the
number of nodes in the hidden layer. As mentioned in
Section 3.1, the freezing fan-in helps the CNNDA freeze
input weights of nodes in the second hidden layer. It is
known that weight freezing reduces the computational
expense and training time (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990;
Kwok & Yeung, 1997a,b; Lehtokangas, 1999; Phatak &
Koren, 1994). In this sense, freezing fan-in reduces computational expense and training time.
Training time, which is composed of the convergence rate
(epoch) and the computational expense, is a limiting factor
in the practical application of ANNs to many problems
(Battiti, 1992). Our experimental results show that when
BP is used as a training algorithm in designing ANNs,
some nodes of ANNs maintain almost a constant output
after a training period (Figs. 5 and 6). In other words, the
input connection weights of those nodes are automatically
®xed. This implies that one could freeze those nodes for
reducing the computational expense, which is directly
proportional to the number of weights updated by BP
(Battiti, 1992). In order to reduce the computational
expense, the CNNDA, thus, freezes the input weights of a
hidden node when its output does not change much in the
next few training cycles. However, the frozen weights may
unfreeze in the pruning process of the CNNDA.
The weight freezing in the CNNDA not only reduces the
computational cost (Table 2) but also improves the convergence rate (Figs. 7 and 8). One reason of convergence
improvement due to weight freezing is that it can overcome
the `moving target problem' where nodes in the hidden
layers of the network `see' a constantly shifting picture as
both the upper and lower hidden layers' nodes evolve (Fahlman & Lebiere, 1990; Schmitz & Aldrich, 1999). That is,
consider two computational sub-tasks, X and Y, that must be
Md.M. Islam, K. Murase / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 1265±1278
performed by the hidden nodes in a network. If task X
generates a larger or more coherent error signal than task
Y, there is a tendency for all the nodes to concentrate on X
and ignore Y. Once problem X is solved, the nodes then see
task Y as the remaining source of error. However, if they all
begin to move toward Y at once, problem X reappears. It is
known that this problem arises in the earlier part of the
training process and makes it impossible for such nodes to
move decisively toward a good solution (Fahlman &
Lebiere, 1990). The combined effect of computational
cost and convergence rate reduces the training time
(Table 2).
It is also seen that temporary weight freezing in CNNDA
improves the classi®cation accuracy of the test set (Table 1).
There may be two reasons for such improvement: one is the
reduction of training time; and the other is the balancing
between bias (i.e. error) and variance (i.e. number of adjustable weights) in the training process. It is known that long
training time makes a network specialization on the training
set which in turn reduces the classi®cation accuracy of the
test set. Thus, the reduction of training time may improve
the classi®cation accuracy of the test set. The temporary
weight freezing in the CNNDA not only reduces the training
time but also balances between bias and variance in the
training process of the network. For example, when the
training is progressed, the bias of the network is decreased,
however, the variance is the same or increased as nodes are
added. Thus, the weight freezing in the training process
balances between bias and variance. It is known that balancing between bias and variance improves the approximation
capability of the network (Geman & Bienenstock, 1992).
A closely related idea of using weight freezing in network
training was ®rst studied by Fahlman and Lebiere (1990).
They found that while weight freezing improves the convergence rate, its effect on classi®cation accuracy is not known.
In their freezing technique, two cost functions are required,
one for network training and another for weight freezing.
Thus, stochastic gradient methods could not be applied in
their training method, although they are suitable for large
problems (Bourlard & Morgan, 1994; Lehtokangas, 1999).
Their freezing technique also requires that a pool of eight
nodes be trained, from which the best node is added to the
network and its weights are frozen (Fahlman & Lebiere,
1990). However, the training of eight nodes for the freezing
of one node's weights is computationally expensive, especially for large ANNs. In the CNNDA, the temporary weight
freezing does not require any cost function or the training of
a pool of nodes.
Our simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the CNNDA for producing compact ANNs with high
classi®cation accuracy and a short training cycle. In its
current implementation, the CNNDA has been applied to
design two-hidden-layer ANNs. It would be interesting to
apply the CNNDA to the design of more complex networks
in which the number of hidden layers is more than two and
unknown. In such cases, an important improvement to the
CNNDA would be to make the determination of the number
of hidden layers adaptive like the CC algorithm. It would be
interesting to see whether or not the temporary weight freezing technique used in the CNNDA is applicable to other
training algorithms such as the quasi-Newton method
(Setiono & Hui, 1995).
6. Conclusions
We have proposed an ef®cient algorithm (CNNDA)
for designing compact two-hidden-layer feedforward
ANNs. The novelty of the CNNDA is that it can determine the number of nodes in each hidden layer automatically and, if necessary, it can reduce a two-hiddenlayer network to a single-layer network. By analyzing a
hidden node's output, a new temporary weight freezing
technique has been introduced in the CNNDA. The
experimental results for the cancer, diabetes and character-recognition problems show that temporary weight
freezing not only reduces the training time, but also the
classi®cation error. However, further investigation is
necessary to draw any conclusion about the effect of
weight freezing on classi®cation error. It is found that
ANNs produced by the CNNDA are smaller in size and
have a lower rate of classi®cation error than other
evolutionary and nonevolutionary algorithms. The
CNNDA requires much smaller number of training
epochs than do evolutionary algorithms in designing
The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers
for their constructive comments which helped to
improve the clarity of this paper greatly. They also
wish to thank Drs X. Yao, N. Kubota and T. Asai for
their helpful discussions. This work was supported by
the Arti®cial Intelligence Research Promotion Foundation, Nagoya, Japan.
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