Michigan State University Solar Carport – FAQ

Michigan State University Solar Carport – FAQ
Michigan State University Board of Trustees approved plans to create five solar carport locations on
campus during their Sept. 11 meeting. The solar carports advance the Energy Transition Plan by
improving the environment, investing in sustainable energy research, containing rising energy costs and
development and positioning MSU as a leader of sustainable energy. The university will purchase all
power produced by the solar arrays at a fixed rate through a 25 year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Why solar PV?
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is efficient because it uses natural energy from the sun and does not rely
on fossil fuels. .
Minimal maintenance will be required because the solar PVs will be constructed on an angle
creating a safe run-off for weathering and debris, and there are no moving components.
The solar array will produce electrical power at the time of day that demand is typically the
highest enabling the power plant to operate more efficiently.
Why is solar PV a good solution for MSU?
The solar PV project is one component of a long-term strategic solution that will provide cost effective,
reliable power to MSU for the foreseeable future. Additional components to the long-term strategy are
being studied and will develop over the next few years.
What are the long-term effects?
Five percent of campus will be supported by its own renewable energy production.
Electricity produced will be purchased at a fixed price for the length of the 25 year contract.
The solar carports will be a catalyst for additional renewable projects on campus, in Michigan
and in the mid-west
Is solar PV reliable?
Solar PV will generate power during daylight hours. Cloud coverage may cause some l decrease in the
total production capability of the array. During these times MSU will meet the power demand by using
the power plant or the tie line to the local utility.
Is the Lansing area too cloudy for solar PV?
No. Modern solar PV arrays produce electricity even on cloudy, winter days, just not as much as on a
sunny, summer day.
How much power will the solar carports produce?
Estimated annual production is over 15,000 megawatt hours.
How much of MSU's power will come from solar?
Approximately five percent of the electricity used by campus, annually.
Is solar PV expensive?
The cost of solar power has come down considerably over the past several years while its generation
capability has increased. Because of the size capacity and the power that will be generated, the solar PV
project is cost efficient in comparison to the expected cost of generating or buying energy produced by
fossil fuels over the 25 year life of the contract.
How much will this cost tax-payers?
The solar PV project will actually reduce operating costs to the university over the period of the
contract. It will provide a stable cost of energy over the 25 year contract period.
What is the cost to MSU?
The total cost to MSU, including the investment to connect the solar PV arrays and the contract price for
electricity, will be less than what MSU would have spent on its other forms of power generation. .
• The installation of the solar carports is being funded by investors. Investors will be paid over
time by MSU purchasing the energy generated by the PV array. The cost of the electricity
produced is established through a PPA price to purchase electricity at a fixed rate over a 25 year
contract period.
• The cost to connect the solar PV arrays to the MSU electrical system is estimated to be less than
$2.5 million.
Will there be future maintenance costs?
The solar arrays require minimum maintenance. Maintenance will be covered by the PPA partner during
the length of the contract.
How will this project impact campus?
There will be slight disruptions during construction for the designated parking lots as a result of
temporary, pre-notified vehicle relocation.
Once complete, carports will provide protection to vehicles from the sun, snow and rain.
Will construction impact football tailgates?
No. The construction schedule avoids home football games for the 2015-16 season and will be
completed prior to the beginning of the 2016-17 season.
Will the carports interfere with parking?
No parking places will be eliminated. The structures are designed to have minimal effect on parking
space and will provide covered parking helping to reduce the impact of weather on the vehicles under
the array.
Where will the solar carports be located?
There are five proposed lot numbers:
Lot 83, located on Service road between Farm Lane and Harrison road.
Lot 89, located at the southwest corner of Mount Hope highway and Farm Lane.
Lot 91, located at the northwest corner of Hagadorn road and Service road.
Lot 92, located near the corner of northeast Bogue street and Service road.
Lot 100, located on the south side of Service road, between Hagadorn road and Bogue street.
What should students, faculty and staff be aware of?
People who use the affected parking lots will need to stay informed about the construction calendar. As
construction takes place, portions of each lot will need to be cleared of vehicles. . Infrastructure
Planning and Facilities (IPF) is coordinating this schedule with the Campus Police Department and the
contractors involved. Individuals may be asked to temporarily move their vehicles for construction.
How big will the solar carports be?
The solar carports will cover most of the parking spaces in each parking lot.
Tall vehicles: The lowest point of the PV array measures at 14 feet 6 inches. This minimum
height is consistent with Michigan and Federal standards; a height which should accommodate
most vehicles that would normally use the designated parking lots.
When will the first carports appear?
Work to build the supports may begin as early as December 2015.
• Once the support structures have been built and the solar panels are installed, the PV arrays will
be connected to the MSU electrical system.
• Part of the installation may produce power as early as spring 2016.
• Target completion is late 2016, so that the all the systems can be commissioned for full
operation before the end of 2016.
What is the local economic impact?
100 percent of the labor will be locally sourced.
• 90 percent of the installation and engineering is being sourced from a mid-Michigan company.
• 10 percent will be sourced from Indiana.
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Power
The FRIB requires a reliable 18-20 megawatt power source on a limited timeline.
A new switch-house (under construction) provides an interface point for connecting the FRIB,
T.B. Simon Power Plant, new substation, the PV arrays and the campus.
January 2016: the switch-house is scheduled to be complete and connect FRIB to the T.B. Simon
Power Plant and provide a connection point for the solar PV systems.
What are the environmental impacts?
The solar carports advance the Energy Transition Plan by increasing the amount of renewable
energy available to campus and reducing emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels to
produce power. The arrays also improve the environment by taking the next steps in furthering
sustainable energy research and development.
Clean fuel extends the life of existing plant equipment.
Will the solar arrays inflict danger to birds?
No, the solar carports impose no risk to birds or other animals.
• There are no moving parts that could hit a bird.
• The surface of the solar cells does not reflect light like a mirror, eliminating the element of
confusion to a bird.
• The surface of the array does not emit any more heat than roofs of parked cars.
Where can I find more information?
IPF Construction Detour map: http://ipf.msu.edu/construction/detours/detour-map.html