(Online version) - Swansea University

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(Online version)
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To find this workbook online go to http://goo.gl/XLONkd
EndNote is an application which will help you to:
 Store and organise the references you find during your research
 Format your work in Word - it automatically insert citations into a Word document and
create fully-formatted reference lists
This workbook will guide you through all the main features of the online version of EndNote.
There is also a desktop software version available on campus which has a few more
features. The workbook should take about 50 minutes to complete. By the end you will be
able to:
Create your own EndNote online account
Enter references manually
Edit references
Use EndNote to search the Web of Science database and import references from it
Sort your references and organize them into groups
Share groups of references with colleagues
Insert citations and create reference lists in Word
Edit and delete citations and references
Change your citation style
Create a simple bibliography
Import references from the library catalogue and other databases
Transfer references between EndNote online and the desktop version of EndNote
1 Registering for EndNote online.
Registration is free and available to all staff and students at Swansea.
Go to http://wok.mimas.ac.uk and click on the orange button to go into Web of
Once you are in the database click the EndNote link at the top of the screen
then click Register.
On the next screen enter your e-mail address and click Continue.
Fill in the user registration form then click I Agree to accept the terms and
conditions of use.
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2 Entering references manually
2a Entering a book
 Click the Collect tab then click New Reference
 Use the drop down menu to change the Reference Type to book.
Enter the following reference using the text in boxes:
Author: Marshall, Peter
When you start to type, a larger box will open which allows you to use
formatting such as bold, underline, etc. It is not usually necessary to do
this as EndNote will format your references when needed but it can be
useful if you want to do something different from a standard style, such
as stressing a particular word in the title.
Title: How to study and learn: your practical guide to effective study skills
Year: 1995
Do not put a full stop at the end of the title – EndNote will add
punctuation when needed.
Series title: How To Books
Place published: Plymouth
Publisher: How To Books
Edition: 2nd
Call number: LB2395 MAR
Keywords: study skills
You always need to enter basic information (such as author, title and
publication date) which you would need to cite in your bibliography. There are
also optional fields (such as keywords, call number, notes, etc) which you can
use if you find them helpful.
EndNote will automatically save your reference as you go along but you need to click
the Save button to finish.
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2b Entering a journal article
 Click the Collect tab then click New Reference
 Use the drop down menu to change the reference type to Journal Article.
 Enter the following reference:
Author: Nicoll, L.H.
Bird, D.C.
Type each author on a separate line - use the return/enter key to move to a new
Title: Bibliography database managers - a comparative review
Year: 1996
Journal: Computers in Nursing
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 45-56
Abstract: Bibliography database managers are used to manage information
resources: specifically, to maintain a database of references and create
bibliographies and reference lists for written works. This comparative review
provides an overview of five programs.
It is common to use the Abstract field for a summary, often provided by a
database, and to use the Research notes field for your own comments however, this is up to you.
Call Number: R1.C56
Keywords: bibliography database manager
comparative review
Type each keyword/phrase on a separate line.
Click the My References tab to see your full list of references.
3 Editing references
It is easy to go back to an EndNote entry and add more information or correct
Click the blue title link for the book by Peter Marshall.
Click the link saying Show Empty Fields if the empty fields are not shown
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Add a note saying “This was a useful book.” in the Research notes field then
Save the reference.
To edit fields which already contain text – simply click on the text and the
editing box will open.
4 Importing references from Web of Science
Click the Web of Knowledge link in the red bar at the top of the EndNote screen.
Click the Web of Science tab.
In the Topic search box type swine flu then click Search.
You should get a large number of results.
Mark the first ten results by clicking in the tick box next to each title.
click the Save to my.endnote.com button. Click the Return button.
You will see an option to change the record content. The default is just to send
basic details but you can choose to include the abstract or full record.
You should see a message saying that the results are being sent to EndNote..
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Click the Return button.
Move to the next page of results by clicking the forward arrow.
Select another ten results and click the Save to my.endnote.com button to add
them to your library. Click the Return button.
Click the EndNote link at the top of the Web of Knowledge screen to take you
back to EndNote.
You should now have 22 references in your EndNote library. If they are not
displaying initially you may need to refresh the screen – use the F5 key or the
refresh symbol on your web browser. This is
in Internet Explorer.
5 Sorting references
Click the My References tab to see all your references if they are not already
You can use the Sort by: menu at the top to sort your references. Try
changing the order to Year – newest to oldest to sort your references in
order of publication date. Click First Author – A to Z to return to a list sorted
alphabetically by author.
Clicking the Author, Year and Title column headings is a shortcut for sorting
the references.
6 Organising references in groups
You can collect related references in groups. You could have a group for a specific
topic, or for each chapter of a dissertation. Putting a reference in a group does not
remove it from your list of All My References, so a reference can be in more than
one group.
Click the Organize tab.
Click the New Group button. A window will open asking you to enter a name for
your group. Type swine flu and click OK. (You may get a message saying the
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site is using a scripted window – click on the message to allow the process to
continue). You should get an empty group like the one below.
You can now put some references into your new group.
Click the My References tab.
Check boxes to select some of the references on swine flu.
Just above your list of references you will see an Add to group box. Select the
swine flu group using the down arrow here.
At the left of the screen you will see a My References box listing the groups you
have in your library. You should see one for swine flu with a number of references
next to it.
Click the blue swine flu link to see the references in this group.
7 Sharing groups
You can share specific groups with other EndNote users. This may be useful if you
are working on a collaborative assignment.
Click the Organize tab.
On the Manage My Groups page, click the box in the Share column to tick it,
then click the Manage Sharing button for the appropriate group. On the next
screen click the link that says Start sharing this group.
A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the email addresses of
anyone you wish to share the group with. You can also decide to give each
person Read & Write or Read Only access.
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A small icon appears next to any groups which you are sharing.
8 Using EndNote with Word
8a Insert a citation with Cite While You Write
EndNote’s Cite While You Write feature allows you to use the references stored in
your EndNote online library to create citations, footnotes and bibliographies in a
Microsoft Word document.
Note: if you are using your own PC rather than a university one, you will need to
download EndNote plugins for Word – see page 15.
Open Word and create a new document. Go to the EndNote X5 tab and click
Preferences. Click the Application tab and change this to EndNote Web. (It may
have the Endnote Web tab already showing in which case you don’t need to do
anything). If you do not have an EndNote tab at all, close Word and double click the
EndNote web icon in Novell applications to install it.
A dialog box will ask you for your e-mail address and EndNote password – enter
these. You should see a toolbar like the one below.
Problem solving tip
From time to time people have a problem where they have to login over and over
again. This problem seems to be caused by 2 cookies "myendnoteweb.com" and
"isiknowledge.com". Try deleting these then login via Web of Knowledge and try to
use Cite while you write in Word.
On Open Access PCs right click the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties. If
this doesn't work you may need to ask IT support to delete your profile (this doesn't
delete your files).
Type the following:
This book was useful during my studies
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Click Find Citations. Type marshall in the search box and click Find. Highlight
the reference “How to study and learn” and click Insert. EndNote Web will insert
a citation (author and year) into your text and add the full reference at the end of
your document.
I also found the following useful
Click Find Citations and insert the reference “Bibliography database managers”
by Nicoll & Bird. (Note that you may need to type spaces and punctuation in your
text after the citations are inserted.)
8b Adding page numbers to a citation
Sometimes you may want to add a page number(s) to a citation, if you are quoting
directly or making a specific reference to something in the text.
Click the Nicoll and Bird citation to highlight it, then click the Edit Citation(s)
button in the toolbar. The EndNote Edit and Manage Citations box appears.
In the Suffix: box, type , p.47
(that’s a comma followed by a space then p then a full stop then 47. You would
need to vary the spacing and punctuation depending on the citation style you are
Click OK. Your citation will now display the appropriate page reference.
Note: use the Suffix: box to enter page numbers, not the Pages: box.
8c Hiding part of a citation
If an author’s name is already mentioned in your text, it is normally omitted from the
Add the words As Marshall suggests to your document, then insert a citation
to How to study and learn by Peter Marshall.
Your text should now read: As Marshall suggests (Marshall, 1995)
Click the citation (Marshall, 1995) then click the Edit Citation(s) button on
the toolbar.
Click in the Exclude author box to tick it, then click OK.
Your text should now read: As Marshall suggests (1995)
Note: it is only this occurrence of the citation which has been changed. If you insert a
citation to Marshall elsewhere in your document, the full citation will still appear. You
can Exclude year as well using the same method.
You can also exclude the Author and/or Year when you first Insert a citation.
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8d Removing a citation
 Click the citation to Nicoll and Bird then click the Edit citation(s) button on
the toolbar.
 From the Edit Reference menu at the end of the selected citation, choose
Remove Citation then click OK.
Note: this removes the citation from your text but does not delete the reference from
your EndNote library. If it is the only citation to this reference in your text, it will also
remove it from the list of references at the end.
Always use Edit citation(s) to remove citations from your text. Just deleting them in
Word will have unpredictable effects.
9 Changing the style of citation
Next we will change the style of the references. In the Style: box select the
Numbered style. You may need to choose Select another style to find it.
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The text citations will change and your reference list will change from an alphabetical
list to a numbered list.
Adding more Styles
Initially only a few styles display in EndNote. If you want to try out different styles you
can add them. Go back to EndNote and click the Format tab.
Click the Select Favorites link. You will see the box below. Choose the styles you
are interested in by clicking on them then click Copy to favorites. If you want to
select more than one hold down the ctrl key while you click. They will then be added
to the list of styles you see when you use EndNote online. There are some Swansea
approved styles Swansea APA (an author date type style), Swansea Vancouver
(numbered) and Swansea MHRA (footnotes). These are available in EndNote online.
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10 Creating a simple bibliography
If you just need a list of your references (in alphabetical order) you can create one in
EndNote without opening a Word document.
Click the Format tab. You will see the screen below (The Bibliography option on
this tab is selected by default).
Next to References: select the group swine flu. You can select any group or all
your references.
Next to Bibliographic style: select Author-Date.
Next to File format: select RTF – this format can be opened in any word
processor and gives a nicer format than plain text.
Click the Save button. You will see a message asking if you want to save or open
the file. Choose Open and you should see a formatted list of the items in your
swine flu group.
11 Importing references into EndNote (online)
Some databases can be searched from within EndNote and the references found
can be saved to an EndNote group. For some other databases the method is
different: you search the database separately, save the references to a file on your
computer and then import these references into EndNote. This section gives you an
example of each method. (Our EndNote online information in Blackboard will tell you
which method to use for all the databases at Swansea.)
11a Searching a database from within EndNote
 The Swansea library catalogue can be searched from within EndNote. Click
the Collect tab then click Online Search.
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Select Swansea U in the drop down menu. This gives a link to Swansea
University’s catalogue.
(If you do not see this option, click the Select Favorites link, find Swansea U
on the All list, click to highlight it then click the Copy to Favorites button. It
should then appear in the drop down menu.)
Click the Connect button.
You will now see some search boxes where you can type your search terms.
It is possible to change the search options next to In: so that you search for
an author, a date or a keyword but for this exercise we will do a simple search
leaving the option set to Any Field. Type essay writing in the first search box
and click the Search button.
You will see a screen telling you how many references you have found in the
library catalogue. The books you found will be listed.
Select some of the references and in the box which says Add to group
choose [Unfiled]. This will add the references to your EndNote database and
also add them to a group called Unfiled. (Alternatively, you could add them
directly to an existing group, or create a new group for them.)
11b Searching and exporting directly from a database
Most literature databases now give a way of exporting into packages like EndNote.
You will find information for the different databases used at Swansea in our
Blackboard module. Here you will practice using Scopus, a database which covers
most academic subjects.
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Connect to Scopus http://www.scopus.com/
Search for badgers and tuberculosis
Mark 6 records by clicking in the check box next to the article title.
Click the Export symbol above the results
Choose RIS format as your export format and abstract format as the
output format. This will export the abstract to EndNote as well as the
citation details. If you change the output format you will see a display
below it showing what information will be exported.
Click the Export button. You will see a window asking whether you want to
open or save the file. Click open.
You will see a window asking you to choose your destination. Choose
EndNote Web. You will then see a message saying “6 references exported to
EndNote web” . You may have to refresh your EndNote screen to see them
If you have a lot of references in EndNote you may want to change the sort
option to enable you to see the new references at the top of the list.
You have now completed the EndNote Web workbook.
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12 Additional information
12 a Transfering references between EndNote online and EndNote desktop
If you also use the desktop version of EndNote, you can easily transfer references
between that and the online version.
Start the desktop version of EndNote, then open the Tools menu and select
EndNote Web... (log in if asked to do so.)
The Transfer References box which appears allows you to copy references in either
12 b EndNote Online Plugins
If you are using your own PC or laptop rather than a university one, the Cite While
You Write feature is not automatically installed. You will need to install EndNote
plugins to allow you to work with Word. Click the Options tab then click Download
Installers to install the appropriate software for your machine. Installation
instructions can be found on the download screen.
12 c Removing EndNote codes to alter your bibliography
EndNote will handle the formatting of your bibliography but there may be times when
you want to manually edit something. You will have to do this when you have
completely finished using EndNote. First make a back up copy of your document.
Next highlight your bibliography then Click the EndNote Web tab in Word. Select
Convert Citations and Bibliography then Convert to Plain text.
The EndNote codes have now been taken out of your document so you can type in it
as normal. Removing the codes means that any changes you make to a reference in
your EndNote library will not be reflected in your document as you have removed the
link between the two.
13 Further help with EndNote
More information can be found in Blackboard Library support modules,
quick link: http://goo.gl/XLONkd
You can also contact your Library subject team for advice:
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