arXiv:0802.0650v1 [math.DG] 5 Feb 2008

A second-order identity for the Riemann tensor
Carlo Alberto Mantica and Luca Guido Molinari1
1 Dipartimento
di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano,
arXiv:0802.0650v1 [math.DG] 5 Feb 2008
and INFN, sezione di Milano, Via Celoria 16, I-20133 Milano, Italy
A covariant second-order differential identity for the Riemann tensor is derived from the Bianchi
identities, on a manifold with symmetric connection.
MSC class: 53A45, 53B20.
PACS numbers:
Given a symmetric connection Γcab = Γcba on a manifold, one has the notion of covariant
derivative ∇a and the Riemann curvature tensor
Rabc d = ∂a Γdbc − ∂b Γdac − Γkac Γdbk + Γdak Γkbc
The tensor is antisymmetric in a, b and satisfies the Bianchi identities[1, 2]:
R(abc) d = 0
∇(a Rbc)r s = 0
Here the symbol (· · · ) denotes summation over cyclic permutation of indices: K(abc)... =
Kabc... + Kbca... + Kcab... . However, if Kabc... = −Kbac... then K(abc)... = 3K[abc]..., where [abc]
means complete antisymmetrization. This is the case of Bianchi identities, which are usually
written in such form.
From the Bianchi identities various identities for the Riemann tensor and contracted
forms can be derived. The following first-order one is due to Oswald Veblen[4, 5]:
∇a Rbcd e − ∇b Radc e + ∇c Radb e − ∇d Rbca e = 0
Contraction of Veblen’s formula gives ∇[a Rbc] = 0. If the connection is inherited from a
metric, Walker’s second order identity holds (see Schouten’s book[1], page 153)
[∇a , ∇b ]Rcdef + [∇c , ∇d ]Rabef + [∇e , ∇f ]Rabcd = 0
and Lichnerowicz’s non linear wave equation[2, 3]
∇e ∇e Rabcd + Rab ef Ref cd − 2Re ac f Rebdf + 2Read f Re bcf = 0
holds for zero Ricci tensor, Rabc b = 0.
Here we derive, with the only restriction that the connection is symmetric, an identity
for the cyclic combination ∇(a ∇b Rcd)e f , that appears as the”next” Bianchi identity:
∇(a ∇b Rcd)e f = R(abc m Rd)me f − Race m Rbdm f + Racm f Rbde m
Proof: take a covariant derivative of the II Bianchi identity, and sum over ciclic permutations
of first four indices:
0 = ∇a ∇(b Rcd)e f + ∇b ∇(c Rda)e f + ∇c ∇(d Rab)e f + ∇d ∇(a Rbc)e f
= 2∇(a ∇b Rcd)e f + [∇b , ∇a ]Rcde f + [∇c , ∇b ]Rdae f
+[∇d , ∇c ]Rabe f + [∇a , ∇d ]Rbce f + [∇a , ∇c ]Rdbe f + [∇b , ∇d ]Race f
The action of a commutator on the curvature tensor gives quadratic terms
[∇a , ∇b ]Rcde f = −Rabc k Rkde f − Rabd k Rcke f − Rabe k Rcdk f + Rabk f Rcde k
that produce 24 quadratic terms in eq.(8). Eight of them cancel because of the antisymmetry
of R; the remaining ones, can be grouped as follows:
2∇(a ∇b Rcd)e f + 2Race s Rbds f + 2Racs f Rdbe s
−Rsce f (Radb s + Rbda s + Rabd s ) − Rsbe f (Rdca s + Racd s + Rdac s )
−Rase f (Rdcb s + Rbdc s + Rbcd s ) − Rdse f (Rcba s + Racb s + Rabc s )
the last four terms simplify by use of the first Bianchi identity,
= 2∇(a ∇b Rcd)e f + 2Race s Rbds f + 2Racs f Rdbe s − 2Rsce f Radb s + 2Rsbe f Rcda s
−2Rase f Rbcd s + 2Rsde f Rabc s
Four terms are seen to be a cyclic summation.
The contraction of the upper index f with any of the lower indices abcd does not yield
any useful new tensor identity. For a Christoffel connection, it is ∇a gbc = 0 and indices
can be lowered or raised freely under covariant derivation. The Riemann tensor gains the
symmetry Rabcd = Rcdab and the further condition Rabc b = 0 implies ∇k Rk abc = 0. The
contraction a = b in eq.(7) results in the non linear wave equation (6).
[1] J. A. Schouten, Ricci-calculus, Springer Verlag, 2nd Ed., 1954.
[2] L. P. Hughston and K. P. Tod, An introduction to General Relativity, London Math. Soc.
Student Texts 5, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
[3] C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation, W. H. Freeman and Company, San
Francisco, 1973.
[4] L. P. Eisenhart, Non-Riemannian Geometry, reprint Dover Ed. 2005.
[5] D. Lovelock and H. Rund, Tensors, differential forms and variational principles, reprint Dover
Ed. 1988.