Explore the benefits of a new generation of fast reacting

we are
e x p e r t s in
e mul s i f i e rs and
stabilizers for bakery,
confectionery, dairy, ice cream,
margarine and fine foods - and we
happy to share our expertise. our
company values can be defined
in just three
words :
loyalty, responsibility and
we aim to be the preferred partner
and supplier of quality
products, application service and knowhow to regional and m u l t i - n a t i o n a l food companies. to Palsgaard
l o y a l t y means that we act as a reliable and honourable business
partner for our customers. we treat information confidentially and know
how to keep a business secret. to Palsgaard r e s p o n s i b i l i t y
means caring about the environment and being aware of our corporate
social responsibility; we have a goal to be CO 2 neutral by 2020 and
are members of SEDEX and RSPO. to Palsgaard c o m m i t m e n t
means we are dedicated to getting the best results for our customers’
products - to the benefit of their customers. we care about our
employees and have a declared aim that Palsgaard must be
a pleasant place to work. Palsgaard we know that our
most important resource is the k n o w - h o w and d e d i c a t i o n
found in our employees.
we are committed to
getting the best results with our products in our pilot plants
and in your facilities.
at Palsgaard we
don’t sell standard solutions - we start with your needs.
Palsgaard - Heart Working
heart work is
the best way to achieve success - let us help you
get it. our products are produced according to the
strictest quality criteria. we are experts
in emulsifiers and stabilizers
and we are happy to share our
expertise with you. let our
pilot plants help you shorten
the step between idea
your new product.
heart work is the best
way to succeed
- let us help
you do
Explore the benefits of a new generation of fast reacting cake emulsifiers
Palsgaard Technical Paper, April 2012
By Knud Erik Mogensen,
M.Sc. Food Science, Business Unit Manager
Bakery & Confectionery.
Palsgaard A/S.
New ways to lower costs
Palsgaard is continuously seeking
to improve performance and reduce costs of its solutions. Lower
dosages and lower unit prices all
contribute to lower cost-in-use, but
increased capacity, less ingredient
and product waste all contribute
to lower costs and the latter can
sometimes far outweigh pure ingredient factors. Palsgaard® SA
6610 is a good example of a product which has an effect on all these
aspects which makes it an ideal
choice for cake producers.
Low dosage: With a dry matter content of more than 92 %,
Palsgaard® SA 6610 has a higher
emulsifier content than gels. In
addition to the emulsifier part an
activating medium is absolutely
critical and necessary in order for
Palsgaard® SA 6610 to act instantly in cake batters. This activating
medium will have clear benefits in
the cake batter and it will improve
finished cake quality. The results
are high quality cakes using low
dosages leading to attractive costin-use calculations.
Cake factories today are challenged by their
customers to deliver high quality cakes produced
rationally and consistently at low cost. Our activated
cake emulsifier Palsgaard® SA 6610 can meet
those challenges - the result being convenient,
efficient and safe production of high quality cakes
at low cost.
New processes - convenience
Direct addition: Food companies
are increasingly automatizing their
production lines for the purpose
of improving productivity, quality
and outputs. Often implementation
of quality programmes such
as HACCP leads to increased
automation. Palsgaard® SA 6610
can be handled automatically
as a powdered ingredient and it
can be added directly to a cake
prepatory steps or product loss.
This is in contrast to handling of
gels, shortenings and other cake
emulsifiers in paste form.
Easier product development: As
Palsgaard® SA 6610 only consists
of one active emulsifier and one
food ingredient, it is now easier
Palsgaard Technical Paper, April 2012
Explore the benefits of a new generation of fast reacting cake emulsifiers
to make recipe adjustments when
developing new products or making adjustments to existing ones.
As you no longer have to consider
multiple ingredients and effects,
which is often contradictory or undesired, it makes for more safe
and less costly product development work.
No allergens: Palsgaard® SA
6610 has no allergens according to
Directive 2000/13/EC. It contains
neither milk, soya nor wheat proteins and therefore you need not
consider possible allergens due to
these raw materials. It is based on
100% vegetable raw materials and
is both Kosher and Halal certified.
New processes - efficiency
Faster premixing: The premixing
step in industrial cake production is
often time consuming and involves
a number of separate steps. If premixing happens to be a bottleneck
in your processing, changing to
Palsgaard® SA 6610 could mean
significantly increased outputs. We
advice a very simple and efficient
one stage procedure, where all ingredients except oil are added at
the beginning of the mixing and
just before finishing mixing, oil is
added. This procedure guarantees
the best functionality when using
Palsgaard® SA 6610. The procedure is simple and effective.
No product loss and precision:
Automation means a minimum of
manual handling and maximum
security for correct dosages. The
emulsifier will show constant performance over time and will improve overall cake quality for the
benefit of company brand. Using
Palsgaard® SA 6610 will mean less
errors, less rework and no waste of
Optimum performance: Full
benefit of Palsgaard® SA 6610 is
achieved by making sure, that the
emulsifier is properly distributed in
the cake batter. Figure 1 below illustrates potential cake volume as
a function of work input. It shows
a typical S-curve behaviour. At
low energy input Palsgaard® SA
6610 is physically distributed and
solubilised in the batter and as energy input is gradually increased
by further mixing, the emulsifier
is building an ideal emulsion and
dispersion for further processing
in the aerator. Palsgaard can offer
alternative powdered cake emulsifiers suitable for different premix
equipment. This guarantees full
performance of the selected cake
High quality cakes
When using Palsgaard® SA 6610 it
is possible to produce juicier cakes
by substituting unhealthy hardened fats and trans fats for more
healthy vegetable oils. Palsgaard®
SA 6610 can carry high amounts of
liquid oil making it a very flexible ingredient in relation to use in different product types such as sponge
cakes, Swiss rolls, cup cakes, muffins and other cakes with a high fat
content. The benefits of using oils
in cakes instead of more saturated
fats are much better juiciness and
improved softness during storage.
How to make a
fast reacting cake emulsifier?
Palsgaard has worked with cake
emulsifiers for nearly 100 years
and therefore we have a broad and
practical experience in selecting
the right type of emulsifier for the
right purpose. Palsgaard has continuously been awarded new patents in the extruded cake emulsifier area and these patents make it
possible to create new cake emulsifiers at reduced costs. Palsgaard
produces many different types of
polyglycerolesters and we have
succeeded in developing specific
types and active carriers for optimum performance in relation to
aeration, stability and softness
over time. Creating a cake emulsifier with only one active emulsifier
type has only been possible due
to our long experience in this specialized field.
What is an
activated cake emulsifier?
Activated cake emulsifier is a term
used to describe the instant properties of Palsgaard® SA 6610 when
adding the product to the cake batter. The activation is achieved by
placing the emulsifier on the surface of very small starch granules
by means of an extrusion process.
The emulsifier on the surface of
Figure 1 illustrates potential cake
volume as a function of work input. It
low energy input Palsgaard® SA 6610
is physically distributed and solubilised
in the batter and as the energy input
Minimum mixing
Potential cake volume
shows a typical S-curve behaviour. At
is gradually increased by further mixing, the emulsifier is building an ideal
emulsion and dispersion for further
processing in the aerator.
Premixing time/-intensity
Palsgaard Technical Paper, April 2012
Explore the benefits of a new generation of fast reacting cake emulsifiers
the starch granule has to be in a
stable alpha crystal form as this
special crystal form is essential for
proper aeration of a cake batter. In
Figure 2 a microphoto of a powder
particle of Palsgaard® SA 6610 is
shown. You can identify the individual small starch particles in the
powder particle and each of these
starch particles is covered by a
monomolecular layer of polyglycerolester.
This creation of a huge surface
area is achieved by means of our
special extrusion process. The result is very significant – one single carton of 15 kilos will have a
surface area equal to 4 to 5 football fields. This fact is the background for the high efficiency of
Palsgaard® SA 6610.
The alpha crystal form in Palsgaard® SA 6610 is stable for min.
18 months - contrary to many gels
which may recrystallize quickly
during storage creating white
spots. White spots in gels are not
whipping active and will spread
through the gel over time destroying whippability. This disadvantage will be avoided when using
Palsgaard® SA 6610.
Figure 2: Microphoto of a
Palsgaard® SA 6610 powder
particle. The total surface
area of a 15 kilo carton of
Palsgaard® SA 6610 equals
4 - 5 football fields.
The benefit of a pilot plant
A significant part of our know-how
within industrial baking is based on
trials performed on our industrial
scale pilot plant and our practical
Our industrial scale pilot plant
helps us make realistic trials which
can be easily upscaled. Palsgaard
offers theoretical and practical
support which takes its starting
point in your specific set up and
working conditions. In this way
the likelihood of success is higher,
when working closely together on
specific projects.
Get your recipe adjusted
As a dedicated supplier of ingredients to the cake industry, we offer
extensive technical support covering all aspects in formulating new
products and optimizing recipes
and processes. As our Palsgaard®
SA 6610 differs in important ways
from traditional cake emulsifiers,
recipe adjustments are necessary
when changing emulsifier type.
2 basic changes are needed and
Palsgaard can help you safely
through the process:
Reduction in dosage of
Palsgaard® SA 6610 of approx. 25 %, compared to gels.
Changes related to the difference in the composition between gel and Palsgaard® SA
6610 primarily the starch/flour
level and the water content.
Get your own
cost-in-use calculations
Should you be interested in getting
your own cost-in-use calculations
resulting from a possible change to
Palsgaard® SA 6610, we shall be
happy to assist you. Please contact Business Development Manager at kem@palsgaard.dk or Tel.
+45 7682 7682
Palsgaard Technical Paper, April 2012
Explore the benefits of a new generation of fast reacting cake emulsifiers