PhyzSpringboard: A Slippery Affair Felix 1-4: Series Slides Develop equations for the characteristics of each slide in terms of the elevation E and run length R of slide 1.Then compare the expressions for the individual inclines (I1, I2, etc.) and total incline of each slide to the original incline I0 by means of a product (ex: 2I0) or quotient (ex: I0/3).Repeat comparisons for power. 1.Yer Basic Slide V0 = ε I0 = ε/R V0 E P0 = ε2/R R 2.Double-Length (R1 = R2 = R) VTOT = ε ITOT = ε/2R = I0/2 PTOT = ε2/2R = P0/2 V1 E V2 R1 V1 = ε/2 R2 V2 = ε/2 I1 = ε/2R = I0/2 I2 = ε/2R = I0/2 P1 = ε2/4R = P0/4 P2 = ε2/4R = P0/4 The Book of Phyz © Dean Baird. All rights reserved. REQ = 2R 1/21/08 db 3.Thrice-as-Nice (R1 = R2 = R3 = R) (this time, you draw in the V’s and I’s) ε R1 R2 R3 VTOT = ε V1 = ε/3 V2 = ε/3 V3 = ε/3 ITOT = ε/3R = I0/3 I1 = ε/3R = I0/3 I2 = ε/3R = I0/3 I3 = ε/3R = I0/3 PTOT = P1 = ε2/9R = P0/9 P2 = ε2/9R = P0/9 P3 = ε2/9R = P0/9 REQ = 3R ε2/3R = P0/3 4. Unequal Runs (R2 = 3R1; R1 = R) (this time, you draw in the V’s and I’s) ε R1 R2 V1 = ε/4 V2 = 3ε/4 I1 = ε/4R = I0/4 I2 = ε/4R = I0/4 ITOT = ε/4R = I0/4 P2 = 3ε2/16R = PTOT = ε2/4R = P0/4 P1 = ε2/16R = P0/16 VTOT = ε 3P0/16 REQ = 4R The Book of Phyz © Dean Baird. All rights reserved. 1/21/08 db