Event Vice-Chair Position Description

Great Lakes Division
Relay For Life
Position Agreement – Event Vice-Chair
Position Description
Committee Position
Event Vice-Chair
Position Summary
The Event Vice-Chair’s primary responsibility is to fully support the Event Chair’s efforts to recruit a full
committee, to ensure that all committee members understand and fulfill their commitments, and to
develop and implement a 1-year plan to set and accomplish income and non-income goals. The ViceChair is also responsible for ensuring appropriate recognition is being given at all levels of the Relay
structure (e.g. Committee Members, Team Captains, Team Members, etc).
Time Commitment
2 years (September 1 – August 31 )
10 – 15 hours per month
General Committee Responsibilities
Meet with ACS Staff Partner to review and sign a Position Agreement.
Participate in appropriate position-specific training.
Participate in monthly committee meetings to share information and progress updates with fellow
committee members.
Participate in kick-off, team captain, and wrap-up meetings.
Share ideas and feedback with fellow committee members and ACS staff.
Learn and uphold all national, divisional, and local Relay For Life event standards.
Learn and uphold appropriate American Cancer Society policies and procedures.
Specific Committee Position Responsibilities
Work very closely with the Event Chair and your ACS Staff Partner to learn the details of the Relay For
Life event to prepare for your role as the Event Chair after your two-year term as Event Vice-Chair.
Support the Event Chair’s efforts to identify, recruit, and train volunteers to serve as members of the
Relay For Life Event Committee. This may include:
o Meeting individually with each Event Committee Member to ensure they understand the time
commitment and responsibilities of the position for which they have been recruited.
o Reviewing and co-signing “Position Agreements” with each Event Committee Member.
o Ensuring all Event Committee members participate in position-specific training offered at the
Division, Region, Area, or event level.
Work with the Event Chair to create and implement a 1-year plan to grow the income and non-income
components of your Relay event with the Event Chair, Event Committee Members, other key volunteers
(i.e. top performing team captains, survivors, sponsors, etc.), and your ACS staff partner.
Work with the Event Chair to coordinate regular Event Committee Meetings with Event Committee
Members and your ACS Staff Partner to build a plan, share progress, and exchange ideas. This may
o Working with your Event Vice-Chair and ACS Staff Partner to build Event Committee Meeting
agendas prior to each meeting.
o Ensuring all Event Committee Members are prepared for Event Committee Meetings.
o Facilitating Event Committee Meetings in the absence of the Event Chair.
Great Lakes Division
Relay For Life
Position Agreement – Event Vice-Chair
o Thanking / recognizing Event Committee Members at Event Committee Meetings.
Assist the Event Chair with regular communication to the entire Event Committee and your ACS Staff
Partner to share information, progress, and updates between meetings.
Assist the Event Chair with regular communication with each Event Committee Member on an individual
basis to learn about progress they have made, to help them solve problems, to ensure they are
following through on their commitments, and to thank them for the work they are doing.
Work closely with the Event Chair, Team D Chair, Logistics Chair, and your ACS Staff Partner to plan
and implement informative, fun, and motivating kick-off, team captain, and wrap-up meetings.
Work closely with the Event Chair, Team D Chair, Logistics Chair, Accounting Chair, and your ACS Staff
Partner to plan and implement informative, fun, motivating, and safe ‘bank night/day’ events.
Serve as a champion for your Relay event web site, and encourage committee members, team
captains, and participants to register online and/or use the web site as a fundraising tool.
Lead the effort to learn about, to strive for, and to apply for Division and National Relay awards (e.g.
PaceSetter, All-American, Terry Zahn, Heart of Relay, etc.).
Lead the effort to ‘work the track’ at the Relay event to identify and/or recruit potential committee
members, team captains, and sponsors for next year’s event.
Serve as a voice of the ACS Relay For Life in the community (i.e. be able to clearly articulate the
mission, be able to explain how ACS funds are used to help cancer patients and their families, and
uphold all ACS and Relay policies, standards, goals).
Serve as a champion for both the Relay For Life ‘Team Fundraising Club Program’ and ‘Individual
Fundraising Club Program’ designed to motivate and recognize top performing teams and individuals.
Work with the Event Chair to ensure that all Event Committee Members thank and recognize the
supporters and volunteers who helped them plan and implement their part of the Relay event.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Commitment to the mission of the American Cancer Society
Knowledge of the Relay For Life community
Respect and understanding of the roles of volunteers and staff in the volunteer / staff partnership
Excellent communication and leadership skills
Support & Materials Provided
Event Vice-Chair / Staff Partner
Position Agreement
Volunteer Profile Form (must be completed and submitted to Staff Partner)
National Relay For Life Standards
Relay For Life Timeline
Relay For Life Committee Structure
Relay For Life Committee Position Agreements
Relay For Life 1-Year Plan
Relay For Life Growth Planning Tool
Relay For Life Division and National Award information
American Cancer Society brochures and information
www.relayforlife.org / 800-ACS-2345 / www.cancer.org
Great Lakes Division
Relay For Life
Position Agreement – Event Vice-Chair
Position Agreement
Preferred Method of Communication (check all that apply):
home email
work email
home phone
work phone
call cell phone _______________________________
text cell phone _______________________________
Best Time to Contact (check all that apply):
weekday mornings
weekday afternoons
weekday evenings
weekend mornings
weekend afternoons
weekend evenings
other more specific time _______________________________
Communication Frequency (minimum expectation to be completed by Event Chair / Event Vice-Chair /
Staff Partner):
meetings / month
minimum expectation: _______________________________
calls / week
minimum expectation: _______________________________
Commitment (check to confirm commitment your commitment to serve on the committee):
I have reviewed this Position Agreement and agree to fulfill the responsibilities described above.
Signature of Committee Volunteer
Verification (this section to be completed by Event Chair or Event Vice-Chair or Staff Partner):
I have reviewed this Position Agreement with the Committee Volunteer and will follow up to ensure they
receive the appropriate training and tools required to fulfill their commitment.
Signature of Event Chair or Staff Partner